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TheUsualSuspect 09-15-07 09:11 PM

Why I Hate Fox...
Brilliant but Cancelled.

That's what comes to my mind when I think of television shows that were on FOX that are currently cancelled, due to whatever reason. The FOX network never knows how to handle the brilliance it is given and treats the good shows like crap and the crap shows like royality.

Married With Children....probably the one reason why FOX is still here today. One of it's fist shows it ran for 10 Seasons, then was cancelled in it's 11th. So what does FOX do to this show that was adored by it's viewers and made FOX survive it's first run? Cancel it...and NOT tell it's cast or crew.

Titus...not many people may know this show, but it did last 3 seasons and it was never FOX's lowest rated show. Probably one of the funniest and edgiest sitcom I've seen on television. The cast was perfect together and when other sitcoms played it safe, Titus went for it. It was cancelled because Christopher Titus and the then head honcho at FOX didn't see eye to eye, she cancelled the show because she didn't like him. Here was a show that was jsut finding it's legs, then it gets canned.

Family Guy...the one show that proves just how stupid FOX really is. Hilarious animated show, that many felt ripped off the Simpsons. It was another show that pushed the limits of what one could show on TV. FOX cancelled this little show, but after millions os sales on DVD, they brought it back. It's not as funny as it once was, but this is the reason FOX cancells their shows, they never give it enough time to find it's audience. Family Guy found it's audience on dvd, which is why it's back on TV.

Firefly...This show was never...NEVER given a chance. With diferent time slots and on different days, it never got the chance it needed to find the audience that was out there. Here is a show that was created by someone who had TWO hit television shows under his belt. Fox doesn't know a cult show when it sees one. If something is a hit from it's first airing it's never given a chance. Firefly was brilliant, funny, emotional and one of the best sci/fi shows to be on the tube...maybe that's why FOX cancelled it.

The Tick...This is a show that you knew wouldn't last, it was odd, didn't target a specific audience and had no big TV names in it. That didn't mean that it wasn't a great show. The Tick did have a cult audience, for all of those 9 episodes that were aired. It's now on DVD, so I advice everyone to check it out.

Undeclared...Like Freaks & Geeks. It had the same team behind it, which meant it was doomed to fail. It had rave reviews and a cult following, but that meant that FOX had to cancell it. Is this network scared of good shows?

Arrested Development... The smartest, funniest and most loved show that has even been cancelled. Although it did not have a huge audience, it did have a devoted fan base, the people who watched the show loved it and it paid off with later episodes, that made earlier ones even funnier. Critically acclaimed and the highest rated thing on IMDB right now. It's a shame that FOX didn't keep this show, it was ahead of it's time and if it had stayed on could have been the funniest show to ever be put on TV.

I could go on and on for reasons why I hate fox but these are just the few I thought I would mention.

/end rant.

adidasss 09-16-07 07:51 AM

Re: Why I Hate Fox...
I thought AD was pretty dull. :\

ivolution643 09-16-07 12:20 PM

Re: Why I Hate Fox...
The new seasons of Family Guy are indeed not as good as it once was. Married with Children is a show though that was funny for one or two seasons, not for ten.

jrs 09-16-07 02:34 PM

Re: Why I Hate Fox...
Originally Posted by TheUsualSuspect (Post 384177)

Firefly...This show was never...NEVER given a chance. With diferent time slots and on different days, it never got the chance it needed to find the audience that was out there. Here is a show that was created by someone who had TWO hit television shows under his belt. Fox doesn't know a cult show when it sees one. If something is a hit from it's first airing it's never given a chance. Firefly was brilliant, funny, emotional and one of the best sci/fi shows to be on the tube...maybe that's why FOX cancelled it
Jos Whedon and the cast will be returning for more Fiefly on Television. When is TBA But expect it to be back. :)

TheUsualSuspect 09-16-07 06:58 PM

Re: Why I Hate Fox...
After a cancelled show and a box office flop, please enlighten me as to how this show is coming back to television.

Yoda 09-16-07 07:26 PM

Re: Why I Hate Fox...
Yeah, I'm not buying that, either. I've been on the lookout for any sign of life off and on for awhile now. I imagine he's just referring to yet another interview with Joss Whedon where he mentions that he'd still like to, if anyone ever bought the rights from FOX.

That said, I don't think it was a "box office flop." Factoring in overseas tickets, it made its budget back, and obviously did very well on home video.

Originally Posted by adidasss (Post 384216)
I thought AD was pretty dull. :\
They can't all have subtitles, man. How much did you see?

Pyro Tramp 09-16-07 09:34 PM

Re: Why I Hate Fox...
Personally, i hope Firefly remains as it is, if anything another movie. Would hate to see such a small amount of near perfection flogged.

adidasss 09-17-07 09:35 AM

Re: Why I Hate Fox...
Originally Posted by Yoda (Post 384261)
They can't all have subtitles, man. How much did you see?
Lol, but they do all have subtitles, I'm from Croatia remember...;)

Anyway, I've seen a couple of episodes, there wasn't enough there to keep me interested. It was like a TV version of The royal Tannenbaums, and I didn't particularly like that film either. :\

Monkeypunch 09-17-07 10:12 AM

Re: Why I Hate Fox...
Originally Posted by TheUsualSuspect (Post 384177)
Married With Children....probably the one reason why FOX is still here today. One of it's fist shows it ran for 10 Seasons, then was cancelled in it's 11th. So what does FOX do to this show that was adored by it's viewers and made FOX survive it's first run? Cancel it...and NOT tell it's cast or crew.
Ummm, but the last few years of Married With Children were utter sh*te. :eek: If anything, that series went on far too long, it was FAR from brilliant by then, and the actors had painfully outgrown their roles.

thmilin 09-18-07 06:29 PM

Re: Why I Hate Fox...
dudes, yeah, this firefly tease isn't right. based on posts from whedon and cast members and nathan fillion - IT IS NOT COMING BACK!!!

Monkeypunch 09-19-07 09:49 AM

Re: Why I Hate Fox...
Originally Posted by thmilin (Post 384481)
dudes, yeah, this firefly tease isn't right. based on posts from whedon and cast members and nathan fillion - IT IS NOT COMING BACK!!!
yeah, it isn't going to come back on TV. Joss Whedon is planning a Firefly comic book series, much like the current Buffy season 8 and Angel season 6 books, though! Joss seems to have found a new home writing comics.

overtoe 09-19-07 03:51 PM

Re: Why I Hate Fox...
Didn't the cancel Futurama too? That show has some of the best story lines of all time. Hence the lack of interest by the public.

TheUsualSuspect 09-22-07 12:04 AM

Re: Why I Hate Fox...
They did cancel Futurama, one of the few animated shows that stayed constantly funny.

thebest 09-29-07 11:58 AM

Re: Why I Hate Fox...
Please be certain about things like more firefly, I can't stand being jerked around anymore!

If I ran Fox Jubal Early would have had his own spin-off by now.
Arrested Development would be re-titled :Arrested Development:The Magical Misadventures of the Bluth Family with comedy stylings by the artist formerly known as Will Arnett.

Lockheed Martin 11-16-07 05:13 PM

Re: Why I Hate Fox...
To be honest, I despise Fox more for failing to cancel The Simpsons than snuffing out promising shows. It's a dying series that needs to be allowed to go gently into that good night, not wrung-out for every last dollar.

Naisy 11-17-07 11:03 PM

Re: Why I Hate Fox...
Originally Posted by TheUsualSuspect (Post 384177)
Married With Children....probably the one reason why FOX is still here today. One of it's fist shows it ran for 10 Seasons, then was cancelled in it's 11th. So what does FOX do to this show that was adored by it's viewers and made FOX survive it's first run? Cancel it...and NOT tell it's cast or crew.
adored by its viewers? All shows are adored by its viewers thats generally why they are viewing it... but a show after 10 seasons generally does start to die in quality and in viewers.

Titus...not many people may know this show, but it did last 3 seasons and it was never FOX's lowest rated show. Probably one of the funniest and edgiest sitcom I've seen on television. The cast was perfect together and when other sitcoms played it safe, Titus went for it. It was cancelled because Christopher Titus and the then head honcho at FOX didn't see eye to eye, she cancelled the show because she didn't like him. Here was a show that was jsut finding it's legs, then it gets canned.
If not many people know the show after 3 seasons I would cancel the show as well!

Family Guy...the one show that proves just how stupid FOX really is. Hilarious animated show, that many felt ripped off the Simpsons. It was another show that pushed the limits of what one could show on TV. FOX cancelled this little show, but after millions os sales on DVD, they brought it back. It's not as funny as it once was, but this is the reason FOX cancells their shows, they never give it enough time to find it's audience. Family Guy found it's audience on dvd, which is why it's back on TV.
Yeah they cancelled Family Guy but due to DVD sales and increasing popularity they brought it back.

Firefly...This show was never...NEVER given a chance. With diferent time slots and on different days, it never got the chance it needed to find the audience that was out there. Here is a show that was created by someone who had TWO hit television shows under his belt. Fox doesn't know a cult show when it sees one. [i]If something is a hit from it's first airing it's never given a chance.[i] Firefly was brilliant, funny, emotional and one of the best sci/fi shows to be on the tube...maybe that's why FOX cancelled it.
See this really just seems like you hate Fox because they cancelled a show that YOU liked but wasnt popular amonst the masses...
The Tick...This is a show that you knew wouldn't last, it was odd, didn't target a specific audience and had no big TV names in it. That didn't mean that it wasn't a great show. The Tick did have a cult audience, for all of those 9 episodes that were aired. It's now on DVD, so I advice everyone to check it out.
Seems your arguing here that a cult audience is worth keeping a show going as opposed to opening the time slots for a large audience.

Undeclared...Like Freaks & Geeks. It had the same team behind it, which meant it was doomed to fail. It had rave reviews and a cult following, but that meant that FOX had to cancell it. Is this network scared of good shows?

I could go on and on for reasons why I hate fox but these are just the few I thought I would mention.

Its purely a numbers/money/popularity game.... House, 24, Prison Break and The Simpsons are a few shows that not only have cult status but massive audiences. The shows that you've listed your saying you hate Fox for cancelling shows that you've admitted most didnt have ratings while it was on TV but obviously you liked. I know its against popular opinion but I dont mind Fox, they have many of my fav shows and although I wont agree with EVERY show thats cancelled or released as a whole I dont mind them.:)

/end post

TheUsualSuspect 11-18-07 12:21 AM

Re: Why I Hate Fox...
Originally Posted by Naisy (Post 393988)

Yeah they cancelled Family Guy but due to DVD sales and increasing popularity they brought it back.
Thank you for stating exactly what I did....

Originally Posted by Naisy (Post 393988)
See this really just seems like you hate Fox because they cancelled a show that YOU liked
Please explain to me what part of "Why I Hate Fox" don't you understand?

Originally Posted by Naisy (Post 393988)
Its purely a numbers/money/popularity game.... House, 24, Prison Break and The Simpsons are a few shows that not only have cult status but massive audiences. The shows that you've listed your saying you hate Fox for cancelling shows that you've admitted most didnt have ratings while it was on TV but obviously you liked. I know its against popular opinion but I dont mind Fox, they have many of my fav shows and although I wont agree with EVERY show thats cancelled or released as a whole I dont mind them.:)
This was the point of the entire thread. They are keeping shows that are uninspired, dull and have run their course. Prison Break and 24 are long gone in terms of quality. The Simpsons hasn't been funny for years and many fans agree. You are basically stating exactly what I have just said in my original post....but for some reason are arguing that for the other side.

mark f 11-18-07 02:51 AM

Re: Why I Hate Fox...
Holy F**K! If they canceled "The Simpsons", I'd hire a terrorist to rip up their ass!

Naisy 11-23-07 10:49 PM

Re: Why I Hate Fox...
Originally Posted by TheUsualSuspect (Post 394000)
Thank you for stating exactly what I did....
My point with that was the fact you stated it as a reason why you hate Fox, they brought back the show pretty much stating that they made a mistake.

Please explain to me what part of "Why I Hate Fox" don't you understand?
Being a forum I felt you may be inviting replies and/or alternative opinions, so yeah I did understand sir. I'd apologise but it would be patronising, sarcastic and could appear to talking down to you. :rolleyes: Explaination enough for you?

This was the point of the entire thread. They are keeping shows that are uninspired, dull and have run their course. Prison Break and 24 are long gone in terms of quality.
They are lacking quality in YOUR terms but if they are still getting ratings and making profits then there is obviously no point to cancel them.

MadMan_731 11-25-07 02:55 AM

Re: Why I Hate Fox...
I hate FOX for canceling some great shows before they should have. However FOX has also given us some great TV. So I still watch. Its really a mixed bag and the same goes for most TV networks.

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