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bigvalbowski 11-19-01 01:32 PM

Would you sleep with Robert Redford for a million dollars?
With Spy Game being released this week, it's time to ask ourselves that inevitable question. So would you?

I've always found Redford hard to take as a sex symbol. He's got the whitest teeth on the planet, no doubt about that, but what else does he offer? His face is craggy and worn. This has been aggravated with age but his face was never smooth. Otherwise he's a pretty rugged, macho character but he's no Sean Connery.

As an actor, I liked him best in Sneakers. When he's a guy's guy, I like the man, but when he gets romantic, I don't think there's many worse. Indecent Proposal? Please. That Michelle Pfeiffer film. Ugh! I don't even like him much as the Sundance Kid. That "classic" would be unwatchable if it wasn't for Newman.

I prefer to have Redford behind the camera. I don't think there are many directors better than him, I really don't. Quiz Show was one of the best films of the 90s. And The Legend of Baggar Vance was in my top 5 of last year. Add The River Runs Through It and Ordinary People and you've got a healthy filmography. Just don't mention the Horse Whisperer.

So would I? Yes. Yes I would. But then again I'd sleep with Fat Bastard for a million smackers so my opinion is worthless.

sadesdrk 11-19-01 02:19 PM

a million dollars is A LOT of dough. Would I? You betcha.

spudracer 11-19-01 02:40 PM

Ok, I'm gonna feel stupid if this has been answered before, but val, are you a guy or a girl???

No I wouldn't sleep with Redford for a million. Just the thought of that is weirding me out. Eck!!

Yoda 11-19-01 03:31 PM

No, I absolutely would not. Principles above money...I'll make my money the old-fashoined way, if I have to. :) Come to think of it, there are very few people I'd sleep with for a million dollars. If I'm not married to one of them, well, good luck getting me to agree. I don't want something like that hanging over me. Then again, the thought of financial comfort for the rest of my life (if I handle the money well), and making life easier on my future kids, is quite appealing.

bigvalbowski 11-19-01 04:07 PM

I'm a g...

Wait a second let me check. Hmmm... I could have sworn it was there yesterday. Yes. Yes. There it is. He was playing hide and seek on me again.

I'm a guy.

But I'm completely unsure about my sexuality if it's any help to you spud. ;D

Holden Pike 11-19-01 04:12 PM

This is becoming a sexual preference thing rather than a moral delimma or what one thinks of Bob Redford these days. To modify it for those of us who prefer women as sexual partners, how about this: would you sleep with Jane Fonda for a million dollars?

I think Jane Fonda is a comparable quandry. Both Fonda and Redford were born in 1937 (making them Sixty-Four in 2001). Both were considered extremely attractive and sexy in their primes. When they co-starred in Barefoot in the Park back in '67, and even when they co-starred again in '79 for The Electric Horseman, they were both very much desireable movie stars. Each has aged similarly since then.

So, for those who like men sexually, would you do Redford for a million bucks. Those who like women sexually, would you do Jane for a million?

I'm answering as to Jane.

I've always had a thing for Jane Fonda (even during her Hanoi and leg-warmer phases), so of course I would jump at nearly any chance to roll around in the sack with her - yes, even still today. For me the million bucks would be gravy. To be perfectly honest, I think I'd probably pay HER for the opportunity. Maybe not a million bucks, but Jane if you're reading this and you're interested, give me a call and we'll see if we can agree on a financial figure.

As to the original question, whether I'd have sex with Robert Redford: I don't think a million is enough. I probably DO have a price for such an endeavor (big fan of his '70s work), but it'd have to be more than just one million. Plus, I'd want to know about details such as giving vs.receiving, which and how many acts, is there a minimum time limit, etc. Like Ms. Fonda, give me a call sometime, Bob, and we'll see about a price we can both live with.

I'm sure about my own sexuality and know I don't swing that way, but this is The Sundance Kid for cripe's sake. As for Butch Cassidy, Paul Newman can take me anytime and anywhere he wants. It's not my bag, but Newman is one of the greatest men to ever walk the planet. Accordingly, I'd do anything he asked. ANYthing. Paul, you don't even have to call first.


As for the underlying moral question of sleeping with anyone for a large sum of money, famous film star or not, I agree with John Huston's Noah Cross in Chinatown, that most people given the right circumstances are capable of anything. I wouldn't completely rule it out. There are definitely circumstances I can imagine where all that money could sufficiently wash away one night's activity.

*and Val, for my specific opinons on Redford's talents as actor and director, check out THIS thread from another board. My verbose reply can be found at the bottom of the first page. To sum up generally, I find Redford to be a better Movie Star than either an actor or director.

sadesdrk 11-19-01 07:00 PM

Originally posted by Holden Pike

I'm sure about my own sexuality and know I don't swing that way, but this is The Sundance Kid for cripe's sake. As for Butch Cassidy, Paul Newman can take me anytime and anywhere he wants. It's not my bag, but Newman is one of the greatest men to ever walk the planet. Accordingly, I'd do anything he asked. ANYthing. Paul, you don't even have to call first.

Boy Howdy! I'd do Paul Newman in a flat second! A million bucks isn't what it used to be, but I think it would be enough. Again, like Holden said, there'd have to be an agreement on the time limitations, so many things could prolong the deed past a million dollar price tag. Plus, if I were a male, and not a gay male, a million bucks is awfully low to...well you know...;) As for Jane Fonda...Pff. If I was going to get paid to be intimate with a woman, I can think of a few women...
- Jennifer Connely
- Gina Girshon
- Katie Holmes

spudracer 11-19-01 07:19 PM

Holden, you had me rolling when you called Robert, Bob. :D

val, just wondering. I mean to each his own, and I'm not going to get into some big debate on here so I'll just pretend like I never saw that post and will continue on.


Holden Pike 11-19-01 07:28 PM

I think with my million-plus bucks for sleeping with Redford, I have to pay Jennifer Connelly and Katie Holmes to do wonderfully dirty things to each other right in front of me for a few, wet, wild, glorious hours. I always wanted to do that, man. And I think if I had a million dollars I could hook that up, 'cause chicks dig a dude with money.

Sades, you can keep Gina Gershon and do scene studies from Bound, but Jennifer and Katie are coming with me. The coming part is guaranteed.

I'd still happily take care of Jane Fonda too. But I may need a few days to rest up.

I, uh, think I need to take a shower or two. ;)

spudracer 11-19-01 07:38 PM

Originally posted by Holden Pike
I And I think if I had a million dollars I could hook that up, 'cause chicks dig a dude with money.
...Not all girls...

Well the kind that would double up on a guy like me...

Good point...

Holden Pike 11-19-01 07:43 PM

"Well you don't need a million dollars to do nuthin', man. Take a look at my cousin: he's broke, don't do *****"

sadesdrk 11-19-01 07:46 PM

Originally posted by Holden Pike

Sades, you can keep Gina Gershon and do scene studies from Bound, but Jennifer and Katie are coming with me. The coming part is guaranteed.

No. I think not...but I'm not gonna argue for some girls..I'd rather have some meat. LOL!!!!! sorry, I need to check out of this thread...NOW...whew.;D

OG- 11-19-01 07:54 PM

Yes to both.

OG- 11-19-01 07:57 PM

Originally posted by Holden Pike

Sades, you can keep Gina Gershon and do scene studies from Bound, but Jennifer and Katie are coming with me. The coming part is guaranteed.

Yoda 11-19-01 08:01 PM

:rolleyes: Dang, you guys will say some pretty dirty crap when left to your own devices here, eh? :) Anyway, I still can't think of anyone I'd sleep with for a million dollars. Something like that would definitely hang over me: wouldn't any of you guys feel guilty? It's sex out of wedlock, and it's highly-paid prostitution, isn't it? That'd bother me too much. Now, if I needed the money to save my a** big time, or someone else's that I knew, that's another story.

OG- 11-19-01 08:04 PM

Well, I personally, don't have a big problem with sex out of wedlock, so I don't really find it a problem. Then again I haven't actually been asked the question, this is just hypothetical. But I honestly don't know what I wouldn't do for a million dollars.

sadesdrk 11-19-01 08:28 PM

Originally posted by OG-
But I honestly don't know what I wouldn't do for a million dollars.
:eek: :idea: ;D

OG- 11-19-01 08:30 PM

Everyone has a price.:)

Mines signifigantly low!:D Not saying a million smackers isn't much, but I'd do other stuff for less...

Yoda 11-19-01 08:38 PM

Well, if you're someone (you're meaning anyone reading this) who doesn't mine sex out of wedlock, that's one thing...however, unless it's someone you'd have sex with ANYWAY, it really is just plain old prostitution. No matter how quick and easy, or how much money is involved, it's the same deal. :)

Damn my strong morals...I feel so left out. :D

Concerning the "everyone as a price line," you may be right. Though it all depends. For example: I don't think anyone here would murder an innocent person for any amount of money. I don't think any of us would significantly harm a child for even a billion dollars (I'd push one, though. :D). As for me: I would have sex out of wedlock with someone if the amount of money was large enough that I could do some real good with it. If I can eliminate a lot of pain by having to sin, and deal with some guilt, I would. Though, in that situation, it's somewhat dependent on where that money would have gone if I had said no.

OG- 11-19-01 08:48 PM

Originally posted by TWTCommish
For example: I don't think anyone here would murder an innocent person for any amount of money. I don't think any of us would significantly harm a child for even a billion dollars (I'd push one, though. :D)
Everyone has a price...;) Don't know if I'd actually go through with it, but for the right amount of money I'd consider. Might be kinda neat to be a mercenary.:D

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