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Krackalackin 08-22-06 09:34 PM

The Effects of Global Economics and Immigration On The United States
Well, My first one was a flop but I have better one.

As some of you know, I'm a Die-Hard Nationalist. The funny thing is this word is actually becoming out-of-fashion to use because Economical dealings and Immigration have blurred the line of what makes a nation a nation and not for the better I argue.

Before I go on my reader, I must warn some of you (like I have before) that some points in my argument you will be offended so I must first apologize before I get started and explain that my arguments are not shallow but they are logical, practical and undoubtebly frank, I might add. So before your heart starts to pound and your blood pressure rises, I ask those of you to think about what I'm saying because emotion is a disease and an enemy when discussing topics like these and has no real place. Decisions based on emotion are almost never founded to be worth a hole in the ground, much less not contribute to destroying a part of the institutions of society and society itself. Fear not however, because no one is left out in this argument and everybody ultimately has fair treatment like they should.

The First Argument I'm going to illustrate is my argument on Immigration and its cultural effects. I'm starting on this argument because I simply haven't totally made up my mind on Global Economics, much of it having to do with my lack of knowledge in certain areas of it (Some recoverable, others not so easy to find and study). :laugh:

Because of the dire facts which I've had to live with, I decided the other day that I'm not going to spend my adult life on Long Island as I previously hoped because the swelling of foreign people has grown so bad, I can't find a a decent town anymore where I can be alone with other natives. As a matter of fact, seventy percent of the people I see walking down the street that goes through my town are hispanic (Note: Very few hispanics live in my town). To Understand, You have to understand this:

Since the beginning of Civilization (Post- Prehistory) there were without a doubt several components of society that were synonymous with it as a country (every country). This was without question, without a doubt and the way things were. Countries almost always (unless under an Empire ofcourse but it's still the same) had a distinguishable culture, religion and race.

Culture ecorporates many things from the way the citizens decided to build and design their structures (Yes, backward, nomadic nations are not to my believe nations) to what kind of apparel they wore. More specifically, Countries were very uniform. Everyone was a nationalist (whether their country was really woth a damn or not) and everyone practiced its cultural customs and traditions. If some of the more extreme ones were broken, it would mean severe punishment, even death. In other words, the administrations at the time (even though they felt even more disconnected from the public at large than even now) went through great lengths to preserve the heritage of their nation.
As you're probably guessing, there were sacrifices to do this. A person who did not believe in his/her nations Gods, was labled a heritic and many times would be brutally executed. It doesn't seem very fair but it was brutally expedicious and frankly, it worked. The Overall of Society was preserved and many lasted for a great many years. Although, this meant unending War with other nations, its was every society's Keystone and was to be fought for and preserved at all costs, even annihilation.
Luckily, things have changed since then and things aren't as brutal and cold as in those days but Unfortunately now, The very things that made a country a country are increasingly at risk mostly due to the effect of democratic thinking (sometimes made by a couple political softies and sometimes by people who don't care if they can potentially help to ruin their country if there is something in it for them) and economic gain.

Getting to the point, this debate is about The United States (My homeland) and what it really is. It seems fairly stupid to pose such a question but in case you are having trouble in understanding my debate, ask yourself this: "TODAY, and I don't mean yesterday, what is the typical american and what does he/she look like?" Now there are extenuating circumstances such as the Blacks. Blacks came here as slaves in the early days of this country (often times betrayed by their own people I have to admit however) which should never have happened so Blacks are a part of the united States and can't by entitlement be classified as a sub-standard citizen.
Many people will argue that this country is a country of immigrants. There's no doubt about that but in actuality that has little to do with the subject and is really just plain rhetoric. In truth, this country was a European colony (people from Roman dissent [Caucasian People]) , inheriting everything of the European way of life. At first, only Western Europe, then eventually after a lot of hostility, the Eastern Europeans. Even so, this country was still 100% christian in spite of the fact that many people left their homelands to practice their religion the way they wanted to. Make no mistake about it, it was still unthinkable and blasphemous to practice a religion in this country that wasn't christian. After our Independence from our old friend Britain, we began the pursuit to build what is excellent. Unfortunately, we had to roll over the Indians to do it. To illustrate how unified a country we were at the time, President Jackson (After the anti-relocate Cherokee Indians repeatedly asked for the US government to recognize their esatblishment) sent them a letter that read, " You can't stay here. Things are happening beyond your or my control. You cannot co-exist within a growing civilized country." It's not word for word but the first two sentences are.
Moving right along, eventually, when America became more established, we began to develop a distinguished American Culture apart from the Europeans. This was the way it was and continued up until the mid '60's. (It's always the sixties) Before then, we were all truly brethren. It is a shame that blacks will never foreseaably be considered true Americans but the problem today is far worse. The Unity countries had, for so long cherished, is under attack by liberal thinkers (more about this later). Some People believe that it has always been true that all people are welcome here and they will assimilate into our culture and learn our language. It hasn't. And the people haven't done what optimists thought they would either. Somehow people thought that people of other religion and race would somehow change, meaning drop their own cultural practices and be on the same wavelength of thought (to one degree or another) as everyone else and everyone would get along. Just as I expected, it hasn't happened that way (for the most part). They did exactly what I predicted which is the quite natural thing to do that every person follows: they gravitated towards what is familiar and stuck with each other. The blacks hang out with blacks, Hispanics hang out with hispanics, asians with asians, etc, etc. You know this is true because if you live on the coast, you've seen the neighborhoods. My Dad's Parents grew up in Flushing which was a German neighborhood. Now, there's no point in going there because everything's in Korean. They had to pass a law so they didn't knock down the old beautiful houses of the neighborhood and put up these ugly tall low-income apartments that were ruining it. (They just don't care)

A lot of people also think that is was good Segregation was abolished. Says who it ever was? :laugh:
Segregation was abolished a horses ass. Only social segregation has. There will always be segregation. The point of segregation anyway wasn't to label blacks as subhuman, it was to protect everyone's culture. It was for all races. Interracial couples were not seen as acceptable then by anyone. (Usually it's the less prestigeous race hitting on the better one anyway. I have seen many more black guys dating white girls than vica versa.) The Problem with this (voluntary social segregation) is there's not a damn thing wrong with that yet people think there is when whites hang out with whites. It's the way things are and the way things have always been since the beginning of history. That doesn't mean different countries didn't have friendships. On the Contrary, they did. The Greeks developed a long-standing relationship with the Egyptians for one good example.

So the next question you would have for me without a doubt (if you've understood this much and haven't fallen astray) is "Knowing our country's culture, what would make that any better than the trend we have now?"

There are a lot of reasons for this, (Let me add right here that there is a lot I'm not mentioning specifically but understand I know of all the things they would lead to but, argue them anyway if you think you have a point) for example, very few minorities I've ever met have any affection for this country whatsoever besides their own damn pay-check. I was in the army which is about seventy five percent white, twenty percent black and five percent everything else. No, this does not reflect our population especially hispanics by a long-shot. The truth of the matter is very few if any minorities (including black unfortunately) have convinced me they are pro-american in any way at all. I'm not just talking about American products. That's definitely one part of being a true American but not in ideology, traditions, or support for worthwhile institutions. I don't have any stats here unfortunately because they don't exist but time and time again, I've been shown that foreigners don't care for American Cars (I've seen a good portion of Mexicans though, fairly). This of course is a big argument in itself but it has no place here. It's one thing when Americans buy foreign cars which a lot of times is out of pure ignorence or a misled preconception that they're getting a better deal "economically" [This I'll actually get into more in my second argument] but when Foreigners who are new here don't even buy the wheels of the land, it's obvious where their head and their heart is.
The truth of it is I haven't been convinced that these "immigrants" don't think of this country as anything but a piece of land with money to cheat and get-off on. The more poorer the dissent (South America, Mexico), the worse they seem to behave. Therefore, Besides the South, I believe this countries own virtues are looked at as wrong and 'old' and we are now [excluding economically, for the present time at least] in almost every way a third world country.
This diversity bring us (from my collected argument above) a diversity that I can't see to be doing anything but tearing down what our forefather's intended and dis-unifying the country. If you have every piece of the world in your country, how could you fundamentally take any action against one? Example: Poll- 95% of muslims in England say they have no loyalty to britain and 50% said they'd fight for BinLaden. That's a real poll and I knew from the beginning it was a bad idea to take in the Muslims (especially since they tried to conquer Europe in the early middle ages) and as it turned out as you know from recent news, I was right. Not a damn thing changed even though they were under a different flag. This multi-racial, cultural idea only breeds the destruction of the recognition of a nationality. You see, if every country had every race of people in it nicely smoothed out, national pride would most certainly not exist. Every culture would be the same. The only thing that would matter is economic superiority which is the problem the US is facing today. This isn't however how the whole world is, surprisingly. Most of the world is still pretty clean cut. It's only the big Economic powers that are having this problem. China is smart because they understand this and don't want people not from asian dissent to live there at all. They're not the biggest economic power on the globe yet but I fear they will be in twenty years and we may for the first time have someone that can push us around. If our country through this is taught to accept and accomodate all races, who the hell will want to fight a costly war with the Chinese, Again?
Anyway, there's really no point in each culture battling it out on which one is the greatest because it's pointless. History points out which are anyway because what each does is the only way you can accurately measure that. I do however think every culture should return to strict geographic isolation or segregation. I believe this is better in the interests and hearts of each national community. It would be much easier to work with than a Utopian Mess.
I believe it would be best for each race with all its different national cultures to do what the Americans did with European culture (that's been done as far back as the Ancient Persians) which is to evolve to absorb all of them (as a modern world excluding of course religion) instead of trying to rediculously have a utopian culture which hasn't ultimately worked and has brought confusion, frustration, oppression, repression, hate, artificial borders and 'traditional turmoil' (obviously there's more). This would mean Africa would be for the blacks and naturally where they would pride themselves with their own unique culture, learning more about all of them and absorbing. The asians would obviously have Eastern Asia where all their race could hopefully do the same but I think it would work the best if all races were also segregated by a religious province if there is a real clash of some anyway internally (India). This would also promote a safety net for people looking to move for economic gain. This idea isn't perfect but I do believe that social stability is inherently more important than Economic Gain as well as each being the nemesis of the other. This inevitably leads me to my second debate which is other BIG social problem the world has and it's even more threatening than the first. :frustrated:

Krackalackin 08-23-06 05:53 PM

Now Global Economics
Before I begin my second argument, I'm going to give a little introduction about myself and how it is I know about the things I'm going to discuss.
I have always had a fascination with politics since I was seven years old. Naturally, as I got older, my understanding of politics grew as well as my knowledge. This has unfortunately contributed to my new understanding that Government can (and is) no longer a more powerful entity than Economics. In other words, the government no longer dictates the future of the enconomy but the economy dictates the future of the government. It has always been true the every country's power practically is a reflection of its economy. But now, I believe the Global Economy will start and continue to have a more direct effect on our lives than the government itself. I began to learn more about the economy by taking some classes in college (1 was needed, the other voluntarily[and man do they say a lot of horse-**** I might add ) as well as read the book, "The World is Flat" which basically a documentation starting in the 80's of how the world has been globalized and as a bonus discussed a lot of its problems and predicts the future of global economics. To be honest with you, the book was more shocking than the classes and a lot of what he said (I'll add his name later. My book is out of my posession at the moment) added up step by step.

As you all know, there's practically no such thing as a national product anymore except for the fact the profits are taxed for your own country's benefit (which a lot of people overlook unfortunately) The change over from the Gold Standard to the 'GDP value' one in the early 70's by Nixon crossed the USA over the first necessary hurdle from a Domestic Economy to a Global Economy. What this basically meant was a consumer was no longer a national consumer by any stretch (Domestically: when the value of gold went up, the value of the dollar went up so the standard of living rose making things ever cheaper) but relied on the fluctuation of the value of the dollar to determine what's the cheapest at the same value to buy. There are really basically two things that effects the value of the dollar. The present strength of the economy and how many things a consumer bought from his own country.

The most ironic thing about the two is that today, the richer a country gets collectively, the quicker it loses it. In a Global Economy, there's no such thing as a real standard of living. Today money is more like a certificate barter system than money actually being worth something. On the consumer end, (there are three functioning roles of an individual in the economy) money is only worth what you can buy with it. This in turn is calculated by the Global Currency Market (taking into account the Fed). How this relates to my paragraphs theses is how it eliminates the domestic market with no exceptions. If people decided they wanted to strengthen their economy, and buy all their country's products, it really wouldn't strengthen the economy at all. All it would do is increase the amount of capital in the country, raising the value of the currency causing the people to buy more foreign products anyway because they're now comparitively cheaper. This is only one problem.
From the Producer's standpoint, there's only one real fundamental way to get ahead now collectively. Since I just explained why it doesn't pay to make your country richer, the only way a company can get into a better position (this is ofcourse leaving out other less important things. Don't worry about those) is to make its products have a permanent place in the market with steady buyers. This doesn't necessariy mean you're making a fortune but it ensures a company's survival. The most common way a product has done this (please note: the type of product depends on how it can achieve consumer dependence) is through the cheap labor market since most products of anything are not radically new, therefore have built-in competitors. If a company can design, manufacture and sell a product of equal quality the cheapest (granted it's on a global scale and the price includes distribution), it will always naturally sell to a large portion of the consumers in the market, if not the majority. Unfortunately, in spite of what economists say, this won't last for anyone because the countries which the labor markets are in will eventually learn to manufacture their own. This also makes companies nationally independant which is what we're seeing today and is one of the causes that's making the global economy more important and influential than the individual country to the citizen.
The Employee gets ahead too because the person's now at least guaranteed his/her job if the company doesn't grow. There's another problem that hasn't really been adressed yet but it's easier to argue on the side of the producer. It's not too important to my theses so I won't take long on it.
A problem today this caused however is the inability of second-rate companies to pay for their employees retirement. Since the governing verdict on selling products consumer-wise is price, second-rate companies will have to sacrifice more profit to absorb expenses in order to stay on the field. With competition and Employee welfare at eachother's throat, Companies often can't economically afford it.

This is the very essence of the big problem with Global economics. This is what discredits the idea that Global economics makes everything more affordable. In truth, all it really does is makes everyone globally dependant and everything more intricate. Affordability is only one of three aspects of an individual in an economy. If a country fails to have or maintain any form of industry, its citizens still wont live much better than before. Perhaps they will now be able to afford essentials easy enough but they'll undoubtedly have much less than countries of big business. This is still true in most countries because Global Economics has failed to work on a real global level to the extant they claimed it would years ago.

Communication is so instant today and can be obtained in so many places in the world, the only real way in the long-run for a country to stay an economic power is by having a hell of a lot of people. As nature dictates, you can count on a small amount of people to be anything. A small amount will be inventive, a small amount will be retarded, a small amount will be fast learners, gays, etc. which is what modern domestic economies were built around. So if you do the math, if a country has more people than yours, the same level of talent will be cheaper and will inevitably edge your country out. Ofcourse this is a broad view because a country would more likely try to corner one industry with its resources than try and build up every industry which wouldn't work without the money to pony-up. But the favor would change. It's inevitable. This is why China builds everything and is gaining strength the fastest, Globally.This is also why there is no doubt that China is destined to become the most powerful nation in the world and in case you're not aware, China's not exactly democratic.
That's another point entirely but it illustrates perfectly when I've concluded that Economics Drives Politics. Some of you might say it's been that way for hundreds of years. True, but it's much more important to politics now now than ever before because economics has become so complicated. Years ago, your country's wealth was largely based on how much plunder you took in, ha ha ha.

To end my statement, I'll say this-

In theory, the best we can hope for in the future is every major industry in the world will be moved to a region that has been decided the cheapest most desireble place. Moreover, there would no longer be competition or price wars (because all the companies will buy eachother out until it's one big company) and everything will be made well and as affordable as possible. As we see today that the domestic market has been out-dated, domestic industry (for the most part)will eventually be gone too because of other countries "trade advantage". This is the theory that would centralize industries as I mentioned and is also what's killing a lot of our industries (the automobile, oil-drilling, textiles, manufacturing, etc) This probably means there will one day be one Global language and without a doubt a global currency. People may live where-ever their industry is, probably meaning, the total elimination of religion and adult family relationships. I don't know what people will do about race and culture. Our planet was never cruel enough to successfully see through the purification of Race Itself and it makes you wonder what the hell would be a global culture? Will they make a new culture for everyone to follow? It's possible and to my thinking, fundamentally probable. This world could basically become the direct opposite of an empire. Brain over Braun. It would be the world of the Mind that Alexander the Great first tried to impose (and claimed to want). I don't know about you guys but that's a pretty scary theory to think about. The World probably won't be structured like that as history tends to point to. But for all we know, there might be another global Middle Ages when people get tired of this crap and go back to the old-school social norms (that every generation was taught and apart of up till the baby boomers) that are quickly vanishing. I can't see into the future but I dont think we'll get a chance to build a world from scratch where everything is precise enough to be black and white. Even if the world financed Space Travel, most would not leave in any case and those that will have no place to go. You can't build a microcosm of the world complete with an economy and government on Mars, folks. It just can't happen. That's all. I'm finished. Anybody have a thought about any of this?

Krackalackin 08-30-06 12:25 AM

My mistake
I guess everyone's retarded here because I still can't believe no one apparently has any form of opinion about these what so ever.
I personally feel insulted because it took so damn long to type them. All of you can go ta' hell.

Piddzilla 08-30-06 07:16 AM

I actually hadn't seen the second post until now. You definitely put a lot of effort into this, I can see that, and that is of course always admirable. I did read your first post when you posted it and the reason to why I didn't say anything about it was that I didn't want to get drawn into another lengthy discussion about the matter. What I have to say about so called die-hard nationalism can be put in a few sentences and here you have written this thesis-like post.... It wouldn't be much of a discussion so I chose to simply write nothing.

Maybe you should try and concentrate that text into something much shorter which effectively expresses how you feel in a more comprehensive way for the reader and more people would reply.

Golgot 08-30-06 07:44 AM

Originally Posted by Piddzilla
Maybe you should try and concentrate that text into something much shorter which effectively expresses how you feel in a more comprehensive way for the reader and more people would reply.

Piddzilla 08-30-06 08:41 AM

Originally Posted by Golgot
He he...

Yoda 08-30-06 11:51 AM

Originally Posted by Krackalackin
I guess everyone's retarded here because I still can't believe no one apparently has any form of opinion about these what so ever.
I personally feel insulted because it took so damn long to type them. All of you can go ta' hell.
Yes, we're retarded because we don't want to analyze and reply to a thesis-length post on immigration and global economics. Spare us the kneejerk tantrum.

Pidzilla's right; if a post's too long, it can begin to feel like homework. Also, I don't think anyone wants to get into an argument, friendly or otherwise, with someone who might simply drown them in words that they ultimately won't have time to read comprehensively.

Speaking for myself, I have many very strongly-held beliefs about the things you're saying, but for the reasons above (and the fact that I'm a bit shorter on time these days), am loathe to express them.

Krackalackin 09-15-06 12:23 AM

I'll tell ya this much Yoda, I don't like it. I don't like it at all. The world's going to hell in a handbasket and My generation gets to see it. The collapse of America, The destruction of national culture, the extinction of dignity in title,The dominance of individuality. Wait, apparently most of these are gone already.

nebbit 09-16-06 04:51 AM

I read your fist post :yup: only a little of your second :sleep: you have put a big effort in ,but a bit of editing would have made it easier to read :yup: myself I am not sure what you mean buy american culture! it seems to me takeing over the Indians, crushing there culture is not a good way to build a country or culture ( the same thing happened here in Australia to the aboriginies)
Try not to be angry with people because they didn't take time to read your very very long posts :nope:
Some of your arguments or comments seem racist :yup: my Parents and brother were imigrants to Australia, my Town has over 40 languages spoken here, as I grew up, our house was full always with non english speaking people from many countries, my parents were like that they never judged people, it was a great experience for me I loved it :love:

VeronicaJ 09-16-06 05:25 AM

Originally Posted by nebbit
I read your fist post :yup: only a little of your second :sleep: you have put a big effort in ,but a bit of editing would have made it easier to read :yup: myself I am not sure what you mean buy american culture! it seems to me takeing over the Indians, crushing there culture is not a good way to build a country or culture
Good point, there is in fact no such thing as an American Culture, because what America now is, is a collection of Europeans from acroos the world. So when you Krackalackin, say you dont like immigrants, you should dislike yourself. America is a land filled with people around the world, and the better part of their ancestors have made the real American Culture go away.

Next to that ive grown up in a very criminal neighboorhoud and and multiculti neighboorhood. Though i live in a fairly big house, one block away drugaddicts and childmolesters used to live, Dutch and nonDutch.
Im also a firm believer that people all over the world have the right to decide where they want to live. Next to the fact the western world is basically a better place to live, WE are the ones that have messed up those countries. Let them take here what we destroyed there.
But, i do believe those people should 'adapt' to the country theyre going to live in. When people come to Holland, they have to take courses to learn the dutch language and get at least some culture, it would be bad to say it works but its a good ideal.

Yeah youre a bit too much on this.

Krackalackin 09-16-06 11:42 PM

What are you guys brain dead?
You're gonna bring up the indians? The Indians did not have a culture. They weren't advanced enough. They still did everything out of necessity. The ancient Greeks were more advanced then them (way way way more) and that was thousands of years before. We didn't initally kill them off anyway. They couldn't adapt and refused to. Don't try to educate me on the pathetic indians. The only thing they had admirable was their strong family ties and their inability to destroy nature. As for the other guys comment, I'm sorry this country is in a wash of drugs and you had to grow up in an environment like that but I don't consider drug addicts to be citizens of any country. They're just drug addicts. I don't think they give a damn nor have an inkling of what it means to be a good countryman. And like it or not, this was a european colony with Christian values. And I argue it should be fought for and preserved for our children.

nebbit 09-17-06 04:58 AM

Originally Posted by Krackalackin
You're gonna bring up the indians? The Indians did not have a culture. They weren't advanced enough. They still did everything out of necessity.
WHAT :eek: because a race is not advanced dosn't mean they don't have a culture, the Australian Aboriginies were not advanced when the Pommies came here and invaded, they had and have a strong culture, it may have not been the same as the English but it most certainly was a culture, it was theirs! :yup:

The Indians couldn't adapt and refused to.
It is hard to adapt when it means giving your land and all that you stand for :yup:

Don't try to educate me on the pathetic indians.
That sort of statement is Pathetic :mad:

The only thing they had admirable was their strong family ties and their inability to destroy nature.
That sounds really good to me :yup:

I don't consider drug addicts to be citizens of any country. They're just drug addicts. I don't think they give a damn nor have an inkling of what it means to be a good countryman.
You don't seem to have any compassion for anyone and that I find Sad :(

like it or not, this was a european colony with Christian values. And I argue it should be fought for and preserved for our children.
You don't have to be Christian to have good values. :nope:

VeronicaJ 09-17-06 01:36 PM

Originally Posted by Krackalackin
You're gonna bring up the indians? The Indians did not have a culture. They weren't advanced enough. They still did everything out of necessity.
:eek: Your are FORCING me to xcall you a STUPID american, you are about everything some people around here think you to be. Have you EVER picked up a dictonairy and checked the world culture. So we are not doing things out of necessity? What do you call the Azteks then, stupid murderers with a weird religion. d*mn..

Originally Posted by Krackalackin
The ancient Greeks were more advanced then them (way way way more) and that was thousands of years before. We didn't initally kill them off anyway. They couldn't adapt and refused to.
SHOULD WE ADAPT TO THEM? That is so stupid. When youre in Europe will you adapt to their standards? are you even adapted to the American rules?

Originally Posted by Krackalackin
Don't try to educate me on the pathetic indians.
education may be the one thing you need.

Originally Posted by Krackalackin
The only thing they had admirable was their strong family ties and their inability to destroy nature. As for the other guys comment, I'm sorry this country is in a wash of drugs and you had to grow up in an environment like that but I don't consider drug addicts to be citizens of any country. They're just drug addicts.
Do you ever drink thee of a a cup of coffee? Thats also drugs, just in smaller doses. Do you smoke?

Originally Posted by Krackalackin
I don't think they give a damn nor have an inkling of what it means to be a good countryman. And like it or not, this was a european colony with Christian values. And I argue it should be fought for and preserved for our children.
It also was a county with your 'phetatic' indians, so why did we blew that up?

I've got another question for you: why are you so in love with a country that has done (next to some great inventions) a lot crimes, a country with a history written in blood and selfcentered aintisocial stupid colonialism supremebeing smell. Your loving something you call yours, but it's stolen.

For all the other Americans, it doesn't go for you...

Piddzilla 09-17-06 03:24 PM

Originally Posted by Krackalackin
"You need people like me..."
I beg to differ.

John McClane 09-17-06 03:56 PM

Wow, my eyes hurt. And I didn't even read all of the first two posts. :rolleyes:

VeronicaJ 09-18-06 01:45 PM

Oyeah, got something to add.. Krackalackin, you sound like a fascist.

And, if there will be one big company one day, what is going to stop them from asking prices only the rich can afford, the whole thing about having several companies offering the same thing is just a way it keeping it affordable.

NewDawnFades 09-21-06 08:14 PM

Originally Posted by Krackalackin
You're gonna bring up the indians? The Indians did not have a culture. They weren't advanced enough. They still did everything out of necessity. The ancient Greeks were more advanced then them (way way way more) and that was thousands of years before. We didn't initally kill them off anyway. They couldn't adapt and refused to. Don't try to educate me on the pathetic indians. The only thing they had admirable was their strong family ties and their inability to destroy nature. As for the other guys comment, I'm sorry this country is in a wash of drugs and you had to grow up in an environment like that but I don't consider drug addicts to be citizens of any country. They're just drug addicts. I don't think they give a damn nor have an inkling of what it means to be a good countryman. And like it or not, this was a european colony with Christian values. And I argue it should be fought for and preserved for our children.
That is one of the most ignorant statements I've ever read. You judge culture by technological advancements? What..? The Native-Americans did have a culture, actually. Do some research and then come back.
Heres a link to give you a head start:

NewDawnFades 09-21-06 08:15 PM

Originally Posted by Krackalackin
I'll tell ya this much Yoda, I don't like it. I don't like it at all. The world's going to hell in a handbasket and My generation gets to see it. The collapse of America, The destruction of national culture, the extinction of dignity in title,The dominance of individuality. Wait, apparently most of these are gone already.
North America (modern North America, that is) doesn't really have a culture. It's just a mixture of various cultures around the world boiled into one.

NewDawnFades 09-21-06 08:28 PM

Originally Posted by VeronicaJ
:eek: Your are FORCING me to xcall you a STUPID american, you are about everything some people around here think you to be. Have you EVER picked up a dictonairy and checked the world culture. So we are not doing things out of necessity? What do you call the Azteks then, stupid murderers with a weird religion. d*mn..

SHOULD WE ADAPT TO THEM? That is so stupid. When youre in Europe will you adapt to their standards? are you even adapted to the American rules?

education may be the one thing you need.

Do you ever drink thee of a a cup of coffee? Thats also drugs, just in smaller doses. Do you smoke?

It also was a county with your 'phetatic' indians, so why did we blew that up?

I've got another question for you: why are you so in love with a country that has done (next to some great inventions) a lot crimes, a country with a history written in blood and selfcentered aintisocial stupid colonialism supremebeing smell. Your loving something you call yours, but it's stolen.

For all the other Americans, it doesn't go for you...
I couldn't agree more. America has a lot of blood on it's hands. There have been numerous happenings in history where America was to blame, but no one pointed the finger. But let's face it, there aren't too many countries (if any) that don't have blood on their hands.

nebbit 09-21-06 08:44 PM

Where are you Krackle girl? your post has created some debate and you are not here,:nope: it may not be what you expected, but we don't hate you for your views so come back and get involved :yup:

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