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daiTHEflu 06-21-06 07:57 AM

So i came across a funny phobia.
I can't remember the name but the phobia was, Somewhere,somehow a duck! is watching you..

Anyway, so im curious as to what sort of phobia's people have.
I have a phobia of heights. I really REALLY just don't like them. IM dreading the day I'm going to get onto a plane.

So lets hear them.


Godsend 06-21-06 09:27 AM


I hate drains.

If I step on one, I generally pass out and have to be carried off in stretcher. Usually they put my foot in an incubator and kill all the gooey, fugly stuff on my foot.

Germs too.

I guess it ties in with the drain-o-phobia. No me gusta germs. For ex. I always have a number inside my head (in a percentage) that tells me how clean my hands and body are. If the number goes well below 70% I start to freak and MUST clean myself.

Things such as dirt and sweat don't bother me, but garbage and all those other deadly, germ warfare causing things do.

I also hate kooties.

Pyro Tramp 06-21-06 09:32 AM

I get nervous while being on bridges over water.

Blister 06-21-06 09:54 AM

Heights is the only thing for me......and i'm only generally very afraid if i feel unsafe, i'm fine on planes, but high elevators, ledges etc. and i'm crapping myself.

Caitlyn 06-21-06 10:48 AM

Crowd mentality....

A large group of idiots assembled in one spot make me nervous....

Alvin 06-21-06 10:51 AM

Originally Posted by daiTHEflu
Somewhere,somehow a duck! is watching you..

It's from the Farside.

I'm not a great fan of heights, planes and high buildings are fine, but ricketty wooden bridges over vast gullies are not so good. I really hate injections, but I'll get them if need be so that's not much of a phobia, more an intense dislike.

My biggest fear is probably attention, or more specifically that of people I don't know. I hate talking to new people, I can be loud and open around my friends but I always feel extremely uncomfortable around those I'm not familiar with.

The Taxi Driver 06-21-06 11:40 AM

definitly spiders nothing scares me more. Luckaly I live somewhere where there are no turantulas or other big spiders but even if I see spiders on tv I have to change the channel because of the fear I have of them

SpoOkY 06-21-06 12:27 PM

I was once afraid of many things; spiders, heights, water and the dark but at various times I've overcome them. Yet I have some weird fears I think were formed due to watching movies when I was too young to see them. I can't remember the actual films but some of you may be able to guess them...
  1. I'm afraid to close my eyes when I shampoo my hair, because I saw this movie once of a girl washing her hair and the killer waited till she put shampoo in and then stabbed her! At 8 years old this totally freaked me out :P
  2. I'm also afraid of going up stairs when all the lights downstairs are off, this is my weirdest fear. I imagine as I turn and start going up the stairs that somebody will run out of the darkness and attack me.
  3. I also have this crazy fear that when I'm in a car that somehow the door will open and I'll get sucked out! (sometimes I lock the car door for no reason :eek: )
Ok now that i've finally listed all my fears I feel heaps better...cause I've never really told anyone.......although I seem to be a bit neurotic & insecure going by my fears, with the whole fear of being attacked and fear of being sucked out of a car. But to be honest I don't worry or fear much at all I'm a fairly well ballanced person. The car and shower one are slowly wearing away and aren't debilitating or anything but I still can't take going up those stairs, it's weird cause i'm not scared of the dark at all.

My favourite phobia:
Arachibutyrophobia- Fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth

Blister 06-21-06 12:35 PM

Originally Posted by SpoOkY
[*]I'm also afraid of going up stairs when all the lights downstairs are off, this is my weirdest fear. I imagine as I turn and start going up the stairs that somebody will run out of the darkness and attack me.
I'm kinda like that aswell, except i'm of going up the stairs when the upstairs lights are off, i've had that fear when i first saw Halloween for the first time when i was 9.

Oh, and i'm also afraid of clown and dolls. (so i guess i lied when i said i was only afraid of heights :p )

Godsend 06-21-06 04:00 PM

I'm also afraid of going up stairs when all the lights downstairs are off, this is my weirdest fear. I imagine as I turn and start going up the stairs that somebody will run out of the darkness and attack me.
I used to be like that too. I used to run up the stairs to bed when I was the last one downstairs, which meant I had to turn off the lights. I used to think some monster (a giant squid!!!!!!!!) would reach out and grab me. So I used to get on all fours and just ****ing bolt up the stairs.

As soon as I reached the top, I would "throw a grenade". Seriously. Just mimmick it and in my mind the monster (qiant squid!!!!!!!!!!!!) would die automatically.

The Taxi Driver 06-21-06 04:10 PM

I used to have alot of fears as a kid due to watchin scary movies.
*spoilers kinda*
for years I was afraid whenever flushing the toilet because the garbage can was directly under the flusher. So after I saw Carrie I was always afraid her hand would pop up and grab my arm while flushing the toilet like that happens with the grave at the end of the movie. I always had to move the garbage before flushing

Lockheed Martin 06-21-06 04:21 PM

Roots. Can't bear them, especially the little white worm-like affairs that certain plants have.

I just get these sudden paranoid flashes that they're going to get into me somehow and grow. Eugh. Ivy and mistletoe, those parasitic plants. I have to take a stick to them whenever I see them.

JBriscoe 06-21-06 05:08 PM

large bodies of water...If I knew I wouldn't be able to swim to the shore from where the boat (and I) are...I'd be fearful while on that boat

Pyro Tramp 06-21-06 06:23 PM

With you on number 2 Spooky!

Tacitus 06-22-06 07:59 AM

Originally Posted by Caitlyn
A large group of idiots assembled in one spot make me nervous....
Sounds like a Linfield home yup, that'd make me nervous too. :)

The former Mrs Tat is arachnophobic in a big way - mean in a gibbering wreck, phoning me at work because there's one in the livingroom kinda way. My attempts at persuading her to live in a hermetically sealed bubble fell on deaf ears, however...

I dunno if I've got any feelings strong enough to be called a phobia. I'm not too keen on ladders, rope bridges etc but fine with heights.

Can't stand untidiness though. hmmmmmm... ;)

Darth Stujitzu 06-22-06 03:23 PM

I have this phobia of really attractive brunettes, actually I think it's the other way around! D'oh!!!!! :bawling:

Still no Pocahonta's lovin' for the Darth!!!!

Mrs. Darcy 06-23-06 12:17 PM

Elevator claustrophobia. Those cables that hold the elevator aren't that thick. I mentally calculate the weight of persons in the elevator, and I have been known to block the door when I consider it full weight. Sorry, sorry, no more room... It doesn't make me popular, but at least I can breathe easily as I get to my floor.

I also have an irrational fear of hitting my nose against the windshield if I should have to slam on the car brakes. It's never happened to me, or anyone I know, so I can't tell you why I'm worried about it.

Alvin 06-23-06 03:33 PM

Originally Posted by Mrs. Darcy
Elevator claustrophobia. Those cables that hold the elevator aren't that thick. I mentally calculate the weight of persons in the elevator, and I have been known to block the door when I consider it full weight. Sorry, sorry, no more room... It doesn't make me popular, but at least I can breathe easily as I get to my floor.
They're pretty strong. I'm sure it's much more likely to break due to some terrorist attack that will send you plummeting to your doom. Like on Speed except without the survival bit. Hope this makes you feel better.

Sexy Celebrity 06-23-06 05:38 PM

Originally Posted by Mrs. Darcy
Elevator claustrophobia. Those cables that hold the elevator aren't that thick. I mentally calculate the weight of persons in the elevator, and I have been known to block the door when I consider it full weight. Sorry, sorry, no more room... It doesn't make me popular, but at least I can breathe easily as I get to my floor.
I got on a scary elevator the other day that SHOOK as I walked around it. The doors closed and then - the elevator wouldn't go down! And it kept beeping! Thank God I got out on the same floor when I pressed "Open Doors". I thought I was going to be stuck or something. Worse, a dead sexy celebrity!

I told a maintenance man and he shut off that elevator.

SamsoniteDelilah 06-23-06 05:55 PM

Originally Posted by SpoOkY
[*]I'm also afraid of going up stairs when all the lights downstairs are off, this is my weirdest fear. I imagine as I turn and start going up the stairs that somebody will run out of the darkness and attack me.
In situations like this, I always ran up the stairs!

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