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Revenge of Mr M 07-26-05 06:02 PM

The evilness of Hilary Clinton blah blah blah
The evilness of Hilary Clinton relates to nothing particularly interesting to actual politcos but rather to her backing of Jack Thompson, rabid (pardon my bias) lawyer who as you might well know has been attacking attacking attacking every corner of the video games industry he can for many years now, because of course, games are evil and they make children commit school shootings. His latest target being Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas particularly over the secret (as in only accessible through game cracking cheats) sex scenes that are included in the game for mysterious reasons (at least the developers responsible for the game are blaming everyone but themselves for the inclusion). So now the US government is launching an investigation of Rockstar games to see if they intentionally tried to lie to the ESRB to get around an AO rating. Personally, I think that Rockstar are responsible for creating their own mess and a cleanup is due, but Jack Thompson is a nutter, pardon again. There was a website where this guy was trying to write him for a rational discussion and he kept writing back saying he wouldn't listen to gamers and that gamers are the problem. :rolleyes:

He has also recently taken to attacking the sims 2 as a pedophiles dream because if they remove the blur over private parts (again through some not normally done game hacking), they can see kids naked. Except, when the blur is removed, there is (as far as I'm told) nothing there, sort of the way it is for Ken and Barbie dolls. So now we have a situation. The oppurtunity that politicians and clergy, etc. were waiting for. Now they can attack games all they want and no one can stop them because apparently gamers won't be listened to asthey are the problem. Sigh.

I'll remember this forever as it's the letter where I agreed with Bush. The world must be ending. A lot of peoples problems with video games apparently stem from the accessibility children have to the violent ones. The ratings are there for a reason. As Bush said, parents just have to be better parents.

7thson 07-26-05 07:18 PM

It is all the same: Books, TV, Movies, Music, now video games. Just throw a rating on the games and be done with it. Rockstar does need a bit of in store cleanup however, but seriously why are people getting upset. The game was okay before the sex scenes were discovered? Well Johnny it is okay if you steal cars and blow cops heads off, but sex hell no!!

Sabbath666 08-17-05 04:36 PM

I don't see why such a big deal is made on the most tame sex ever

Wonder Boy 09-11-05 02:21 AM

Games are going to be the new scapegoat to why kids are doing bad things. First comic books, then rock and roll now this, and in another thirty years there will be something new and horrible out there waiting to disorient our kids. Trust me.

7thson 09-11-05 02:33 AM

Those dang Pokemon cards corrupted my kids.

nebbit 09-11-05 05:35 AM

Originally Posted by 7thson
It is all the same: Books, TV, Movies, Music, now video games. Just throw a rating on the games and be done with it.

Loner 09-11-05 03:07 PM

Is this the same Jack Thompson that went after 2 Live Crew?

Yep, it's the same guy.

Jack Thompson

From Wikipedia.

A0C8C 09-14-05 12:46 AM

The BBC conducted a research study that said games didn't have an effect on making kids violent. But, of course the british can never be right.... I can't believe he references the "hot coffee mod" when talking about games influencing violence. Watching sex doesn't lead to violent behavior and crime. The violence and crime don't even cause it.

7thson 09-14-05 01:37 AM

Yeah But Hillary is hot.

nebbit 09-14-05 05:33 AM

Originally Posted by 7thson
Yeah But Hillary is hot.

samq79 09-14-05 11:42 AM

If her support of someone who advocates protecting children from violence and sexually suggestive material is the only reason you think she's evil, then that's a pretty weak argument. If you have other evidence as to her evil nature, I'd love to hear it. Seriously, though, her position, whether you agree with it or not, is a good one to take, politically speaking. She will get a lot of support from parents who want to protect their kids.

Now Thompson may be advocating censorship and I don't really support that, but I understand protecting children from some of the more explicit things that are on the market today. You can choose to disagree with his point of view, but he is only doing what he believes is right for the youth of America.
seriously, though, if you have other reasons why you believe Hillary to be evil, I would love to see them. I love political debate

chicagofrog 09-14-05 12:38 PM

Originally Posted by 7thson
It is all the same: Books, TV, Movies, Music, now video games. The game was okay before the sex scenes were discovered? Well Johnny it is okay if you steal cars and blow cops heads off, but sex hell no!!
yep, the old story of hypocritical censorship and double morality, especially acute in the US. and especially as far as nudity is concerned. then some wonder why men over thirty (i saw that!)cannot see **** (or a miniskirt) without having saliva staining their shoes (among other things) - which may happen in Europe too, but when men are... boys, i.e. in the old world, till 15. after that we're done with nudity, and even are almost fed up with it.

theshape82 09-14-05 05:24 PM

so basically what you're saying is that the whole reason this lawyer and many parents out there are attacking movies, music, and violent video games is to protect there kids?
here's a attention to what your kids are doing and what you're buying them
i know that sounds like work
but it may just be a little bit easier then attacking games movies and music don't you think?

sunfrog 09-16-05 07:26 PM

GTASA sucks anyway. I played that game and it wasn't all that. I don't know why people love that game.

Video games are too violent and now there's sex. If you don't think they're too violent is because you've been desensitized over the years by playing violent video games and watching violent tv and listening to gangsta rap.

The fact that video games are aimed at kids, and yes you are a kid if you're a teenager, is the biggest problem because kids grow up desensitized, without a real understanding of consequences, and turn into weird adults.

Slapping a rating on it is close to worthless. Has everyone here played GTA? So did the rating stop you? If your mom didn't buy it for you you played it anyway. The fact that you played GTA proves that ratings are worthless. Leave it up to the parents is meaningless.

samq79 09-16-05 10:39 PM

Originally Posted by theshape82
pay attention to what your kids are doing and what you're buying them
i know that sounds like work
but it may just be a little bit easier then attacking games movies and music don't you think?
First of all, I never said I thought it was a good idea...I think that censorship of any form is a bad thing, but unfortunately, that idea of paying attention to your kids works in'll be a few more years before I have kids, but when I do, I will be sure to monitor what they watch, play, and listen to, but it's just not that simple...not everyone pays attention to their kids...that's just a fact of life. of course monitoring within the home is easier than the government getting involved, but when parents stopped paying attention, the government stepped in with ratings systems. It was the whole family values initiative started under Bush Sr. and then continued under Clinton by Tipper Gore. You can't blame either party solely for this whole censorship rests equally on both sides.

Just my 2 cents

theshape82 09-19-05 07:31 AM

First of all, I never said I thought it was a good idea...
i never said you said it was a good idea :confused:

Video games are too violent and now there's sex. If you don't think they're too violent is because you've been desensitized over the years by playing violent video games and watching violent tv and listening to gangsta rap
now aren't we being a little jumpy with the proverbial smoking gun aren't we
plain and simple facts are thus: you don't have to be a child to play video games, they can be played by adults too, and just because you don't think a game is too violent may have absolutely nothing to do with the fact that you've played games for years or watch violent tv or listen to gangsta rap

you could be a bach loving, teletubby watching, scooby doo game playing person and happen upon, say, grand theft auto and think it's great...i've seen it happen...and not just once

Loner 09-19-05 02:50 PM

7thson 09-19-05 08:32 PM

Originally Posted by sunfrog
Slapping a rating on it is close to worthless. Has everyone here played GTA? So did the rating stop you? If your mom didn't buy it for you you played it anyway. The fact that you played GTA proves that ratings are worthless. Leave it up to the parents is meaningless.
B.S. You do not live in everyone's house so do not pretend to know the lifestyles of others. I look a ratings to everything, from CD's to Movies and while I tend to take my kids to "R" rated movies on occasion, I definitely look to the reason of the rating. They would never be allowed to go to these shows without me.

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