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Lance McCool 04-22-05 10:15 PM

A-Z Favorite Films
What are your letter by letter favs?

Here's my list: (Done completely off the top of my head, so I probably missed a few)

A: Aliens (1986 - James Cameron)
B: Big Lebowski (1997 - Joel Coen)
C: Cool Hand Luke (1967 - Stuart Rosenberg)
D: Dr. Strangelove or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (1964 - Stanley Kubrick)
E: Eraserhead (1977 - David Lynch)
F: Full Metal Jacket (1987 - Stanley Kubrick)
G: The Godfather Part II (1974 - Francis Ford Coppola)
H: The Hudsucker Proxy (1994 - Joel Coen)
I: Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989 - Steve Spielberg)
J: Jurassic Park (1993 - Steve Spielberg)
K: Kill Bill: Volume 1 (2003 - Quentin Tarantino)
L: Life is Beautiful (1997 - Roberto Benigni)
M: Millers Crossing (1990 - Joel Coen)
N: Noseferatu (1922 - FW Murnau)
O: One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest (1975 - Milos Forman)
P: Pulp Fiction (1994 - Quentin Tarantino)
Q: The Quiet Man (1952 - John Ford)
R: Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981 - Steve Spielberg)
S: Sin City (2005 - Robert Rodriguez)
T: Terminator 2: Judgement Day (1991 - James Cameron)
U: Unforgiven (1992 - Clint Eastwood)
V: Vertigo (1952 - Alfred Hitchcock
W: Wayne's World (1992 - Penelope Spheeris)
X: X2: X-Men 2 (2003 - Bryan Singer)
Y: Young Frankenstein (1974 - Mel Brooks)
Z: Zoolander (2001 - Ben Stiller)

Strummer521 04-22-05 10:23 PM

This is a good idea. But I hafta see a lot more movies before I can do it.

jrs 04-22-05 10:26 PM

This is cool ...I'll get back to ya on this.

lor83b 04-23-05 03:08 PM

Wow this is hard but here you go:

All the President's Men (1976 - Alan J. Pakula)
Benny & Joon (1993 - Jeremiah S. Chechik)
Clue (1985 - Jonathan Lynn)
Donnie Darko (2001 - Richard Kelly)
Emma (1996 - Douglas McGrath)
The Fifth Element (1997 - Luc Besson)
Glory (1989 - Edward Zwick)
The Hustler (1961 - Robert Rossen)
I, Robot (2004 - Alex Proyas)
Jack the Bear (1993 - Marshall Herskovitz)
Kill Bill: Vol. 1 (2003 - Quentin Tarantino)
Legends of the Fall (1994 - Edward Zwick)
Marnie (1964 - Alfred Hitchcock)
The Notebook (2004 - Nick Cassavetes)
Once Upon a Time in America (1984 - Sergio Leone)
The Power of One (1992 - John G. Avildsen)
The Quiet Earth (1985 - Geoff Murphy)
Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981 - Steven Spielberg)
The Shawshank Redemption (1994 - Frank Darabont)
Twister (1996 - Jan de Bont)
The Unbearable Lightness of Being (1988 - Philip Kaufman)
Victor/Victoria (1982 - Blake Edwards)
What's Eating Gilbert Grape (1993 - Lasse Hallström)
X2 (2003 - Bryan Singer)
Young Einstein (1988 - Yahoo Serious)
Z (1969 - Costa-Gavras)

Sedai 04-23-05 04:16 PM

Alien (1979, Scott)
Blade Runner (1982, Scott)
Chinatown (1974, Polanski)
Day the Earth Stood Still, The (1951, Wise)
Empire Strikes Back, The (1980, Kershner)
Fargo (1996, Coen)
Gattaca (1997, Niccol)
Halloween (Carpenter, 1978)
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989, Spielberg)
Jaws (1975, Spielberg)
Kiss Me Deadly (1955, Aldrich)
Lawrence of Arabia (1962, Lean)
Mulholland Drive (2001, Lynch)
North by Northwest (1959, Hitchcock)
Outlaw Josey Wales, The (1976, Eastwood)
Pulp Fiction (1994, Tarantino)
Quest for Fire (1982, Annaud)
Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981, Spielberg)
Star Wars (Lucas, 1977)
Taxi Driver (1976, Scorsese)
Usual Suspects, The (1996, Singer)
Vertigo (1958, Hitchcock)
War of the Worlds (1953, Haskins)
X2 (2003, Singer)
Young Frankenstein (1974, Brooks)
2001: A Space Odyssey (1969, Kubrick) ***

*** Don't have a title for Z, so I substituted a number in instead. :rolleyes:

projectMayhem 04-23-05 05:37 PM

Awesome thread, this one'll take some time.

OG- 04-23-05 05:48 PM

Alien 3, The Assembly Cut 1992, David Fincher
Battle Royale 2000, Kinji Fukasaku
Contact 1997, Robert Zemeckis
Dark City 1998, Alex Proyas
Evil Dead, The 1981, Sam Raimi
Full Metal Jacket 1987, Stanley Kubrick
Ghost Dog: The Way of the Samurai 1999, Jim Jarmusch
Haute Tension 2003, Alexandre Aja
In The Mouth of Madness 1994, John Carpenter
Jurassic Park 1993, Steven Spielberg
Last Horror Movie, The 2003, Julian Richards
My Sassy Girl 2001, Jae-young Kwak
Nuovo cinema Paradiso, Il 1989, Giuseppe Tornatore
Oldboy 2003, Chan-Wook Park
Panic Room 2002, David Fincher
Quiz Show 1994, Robert Redford
Requiem For a Dream 2000, Darren Aronofsky
Starship Troopers 1998, Paul Verhoeven
Taegukgi: The Brotherhood of War 2004, Je-gyu Kang
Unbreakable 2000, M. Night Shyamalan
Vanilla Sky 2001, Cameron Crowe
Who Framed Roger Rabbit 1988, Robert Zemeckis
X2 2003, Bryan Singer

Couldn't think films I'd put as favorites for K, Y, or Z. :-\

Tacitus 04-23-05 07:46 PM

hmmm I'm scanning the titles on my shelf 'cos I don't have the inclination to think too hard...

A - Apocalypse Now
B - Brazil
C - Chinatown
D - Dead Man's Shoes
E - Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind
F - The French Connection
G - The Godfather pt II
H - House Of Games
I - Infernal Affairs
J - Jabberwocky
K - The King Of Comedy
L - Lawrence Of Arabia
M - Miller's Crossing
N - Notorious
O - Once Upon A Time In The West
P - Paths Of Glory
Q - The Quiet Man
R - Raging Bull
S - Sonatine
T - Time Bandits
U - Unforgiven
V - Vertigo
W - The Wicker Man
X - ermmm.....
Y - The Year of Living Dangerously
Z - Zatoichi

kenny 04-27-05 05:40 PM


A-Alexander (2004)
B-Behind enemy lines
C-Crimson tide
D-Donnie Brasco
E-Enemy of the states
F-Fight club
G-Groundhog day
I-Ice age
K-Kill Bill 1,2
L-Little nicky
M-Muppet Treasure island
N-Ninth gate
O-Once upon a time in Mexice
P-Pirates of the caribbean
R-The Rock
U-Usual suspects
V-Velvet Goldmine
W-Who am i (Jacie chan rocks)

The Taxi Driver 04-27-05 07:52 PM

Birds, the
China Town
Dawn of the dead (1979)
Exorcist, The
Full metal Jacket
Indiana Jones and the last crusade
Kill Bill vol. 2
Lawernce of Arabia
Monty Python and the Holy Grail
Night of the Living Dead(1968)
O - N/A
Pulp Fiction
Q - N/A
Raging Bull
Shining, The
Taxi Driver
V - N/A
White Heat
X2 x-men united
Y - N/A
Z - N/A

i missed a few but that was still hard

mjvcaiisme 05-09-05 10:28 PM

I have only some of them~~~
D-Dances with wolves
F-Forrest Gump
G-Godfather part II
N-Notting Hill
R-Rome holiday
S-Sleepless in Seattle & Scent of woman
T-The legend of 1900
W-When a man loves a woman
Y-You've got a mail

Lessa 05-10-05 01:31 AM

hmmm this is going to be hard but I'll try

A: Ace Ventera Pet detective
B: Bubba Hoetep
C: Clue
D: Dogma
E: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
F: Forrest Gump
G: Gangs of New York
H: History of the World Part 1
I: Identity
J: John Q
K: KingPin
L: Liar Liar
M: Mystery Men
N: The Nightmere Before Christmas
O: Office Space
P: The Producers
R: The Ring
S: South Park Bigger, Longer and Uncut
U: Unbreakable
W: What Women Want
Y: Young Farkinstine
Z: Zoolander'

Thats all I can think of.

Caitlyn 05-10-05 12:48 PM

Aliens (1986 - James Cameron)
Braveheart (1995 - Mel Gibson)
City Lights (1931 - Charlie Chaplin)
Duck Soup (1933 -Leo McCarey)
Edward Scissorhands (1990 - Tim Burton)
Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain, Le (2001 - Jean-Pierre Jeunet)
General, The (1927 - Clyde Bruckman & Buster Keaton)
Haunting, The (1963 - Robert Wise)
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989, Steven Spielberg)
Jungle Book , The (1994 - Stephen Sommers)
King Kong (1933 - Merian C. Cooper & Ernest B. Schoedsack)
Last of the Mohicans, The (1992 - Michael Mann)
Much Ado About Nothing (1993 - Kenneth Branagh)
Nosferatu, eine Symphonie des Grauens (1922 - F.W. Murnau)
Outlaw Josey Wales, The (1976, Clint Eastwood)
Princess Bride, The (1987 - Robert Reiner)
Quills (2000 - Phillip Kaufman)
Rabbit-Proof Fence (2002 - Phillip Noyce)
Skins (2002 - Chris Eyre)
To Kill A Mockingbird (1962 - Robert Mulligan)
Unforgiven (1992 - Clint Eastwood)
Vertigo (1958 - Alfred Hitchcock)
Westworld (1973 - Michael Crichton)
X2: X-Men 2 (2003 - Bryan Singer)
Young Frankenstein (1974 - Mel Brooks)
Zorro, the Gay Blade (1981 - Peter Medak)

Pyro Tramp 05-10-05 01:12 PM

A- Amores Perros
B- Blue Velvet
C- Carlito's Way
D- Delicatessen
E- Evil Dead 2
F- From Russia With Love
G- Godfather
H- Hard Boiled
I- Irreversible
J- Jackie Brown
K- Killer, The
L- Leon
M- Man Bites Dog
N- Ninja Scrolls
O- Oldboy
P- Predator
Q- Visitor Q
R- Rosemary's Baby
S- Switchblade Romance
T- True Romance
U- Unforgiven
V- Vertigo
W- Wu Jian Dao (Infernal Affaris)
X- X-Men 2
Y- Y Mama Tu Tambien
Z- Zebraman

PimpDaShizzle V2.0 05-10-05 04:10 PM

A- American Movie
B- Butcher Boy, The
C- Cook the Thief His Wife & Her Lover, The
D- Dr. Strangelove: Or How I Learned To Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb
E- Exorcist, The
F- Fly, The
G- GI Joe: The Movie
H- Heat
I- I Stand Alone
J- Jacob's Ladder
L- Last Temptation of Christ, The
M- Meshes of the Afternoon
N- North By Northwest
O- One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest
P- Predator
Q- Quay Brothers, Collection
R- Repulsion
S- Strange Case of Senor Computer, The
T- Thin Red Line
V- Vita e' Bela, La
W- Wild Strawberries

I've got to come back and finish this later. Dang.

Angel_of_Music 05-11-05 03:09 AM

hehe this looks like fun, but I have 2 for some, too hard to choose...

A- Angela's Ashes / Almost Famous
B- Black Hawk Down /
C- Chocolat / Camelot
D- Down With Love
E- Empire Records
F- Fight Club / From Hell
G- Girl Interupted / Gangs of New York
H- Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxay
I- The Indian Runner
J- The Jungle Book (Disney one)
K- Kingdom of Heaven
L- Lord of the Rings / Lock Stock & 2 Smoking Barrells
M- The Mask of Zorro / Merlin
N- The Ninth Gate
O- One Night at McCools / Original Sin
P- Pirates of the Carribean / Phantom of the Opera
Q- Quills
R- Requiem for a Dream
S- Snatch / Shakespeare in Love
U- Underworld
V- Velvet Goldmine / Virgin Suicides
W- Wayne's World
X- X-Men
Y- Young Einstein
Z- Dr Zhivago (does that count?)

chicagofrog 05-11-05 10:17 AM

After Hours
Blade Runner
Donnie Darko
Fight Club
Ghost World
Hell Cab
Last Picture Show
May/Magnolia/Myth Of Fingerprints/Matrix 1
Short Cuts
Taxi Driver
United States of Leland
Virgin Suicides
Wishing Stairs

for the moment, i'll have to think about C, E, I, J, K, N, O, Q, R, X, Y and Z.
Chinatown, Kill Bill for example are great movies, but i wouldn't count them as among my fave ones, X-Files, i prefer the TV show to the movie, so if a show counts here, add this to the letter X.

undercoverlover 05-11-05 03:04 PM

A - American Beauty / Airplane!
B - beetlejuice
C - Clueless
D - Don't tell mom the babysitter's dead
E - Ewoks: bttle for endor / Escape to witch mountain
F - Fight club / Face/Off
G - Godfather
H - Hook / Honey
I - Identity/ In Dreams
J - Jumanji

all for now

Sedai 05-11-05 03:40 PM

Cool lists, folks!!!

Linko 05-12-05 05:39 AM

Too hard to narrow it down exactly for each one but here goes...

A - Aliens (1986)
B - Back to the Future (1985)/Bad Boys 2 (2003)/Beverly Hills Cop (1984)
C - Clue (1985)/Count of Monte Cristo (2002)
D - Die Hard (1988)
E - Enemy Mine (1985)/Enemy of the State (1998)
F - Fugitive (1993)/First Blood (1982)
G - Ghostbusters (1984)/Groundhog Day (1993)
H - Hostage (2005)
I - I, Robot (2004)
J - Jason and the Argonauts (1963)/Jurassic Park (1993)
K - Krull (1983)
L - Lethal Weapon (1987)
M - Man in the Iron Mask (1998)
N - National Treasure (2004)
O - Ocean's Eleven (2001)
P - Predator (1987)
Q - none
R - Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves (1991)/Rush Hour 2 (2001)
S - Shawshank Redemption (1994)
T - Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991)
U - U.S. Marshals (1998)
V - Very Bad Things (1998)
W - Wayne's World (1992)
X - X2: X-Men United (2003)
Y - none
Z - none

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