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jrs 04-11-05 11:52 PM

Which Movies Are You Going to See This Summer??????
Which Movies Are You Going to See This Summer?

Here's just a few on my list....

Holden Pike 04-12-05 02:30 AM

As usual, I don’t really give a good damn about much of any of the typical “summer” fare. I’m mildly curious to see what they did with Batman Begins, but not anxious about it. I hope they didn’t screw up The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, but again, I don’t care too too much. I’m sure Burton’s take on Charlie & the Chocolate Factory will be at least watchable for the visuals, but I ain’t expecting much. Unleashed could be fun for what it is, but it’s also something I’d just assume see on video months later. The rest of the stuff, including Star Wars, War of the Worlds, Fantastic Four, Cinderella Man, The Island and my god all the needless sequels and remakes and TV shows (The Longest Yard, The Honeymooners, Bewitched, The Dukes of Hazzard, The Bad News Bears, The Pink Panther, Aeon Flux, Deuce Bigelow 2, Herbie: Fully Loaded, House of Wax, The Amityville Horror, Dark Water) don’t interest me in the slightest.

Terry Gilliam's The Brothers Grimm, Paul Haggis' Crash, Don Roos' Happy Endings and Liev Schreiber's directorial debut Everything in Illuminated from the Jonathan Safran Foer novel are the handful of more independently-minded projects that should get summer releases that I will very much be looking forward to. But other than them, as usual all the good stuff comes out in the late fall and into the winter. Sadly.

LordSlaytan 04-12-05 02:51 AM

Terry Gilliam's The Brothers Grimm, Paul Haggis' Crash, Don Roos' Happy Endings and Liev Schreiber's directorial debut Everything in Illuminated...
Amen to that, bruddah.

Though I am looking forward to War of the Worlds and wish to see The Amityville Horror for nostalgias sake. Batman Begins and Episode 3 are a couple I kinda want to see, but more out of curiosity than anything bordering on real desire.

OG- 04-12-05 02:58 AM

The movie whose summer release I am most looking forward to, even though I've seen the film several times, simply because it deserves it like how hell (despite the reduction from NC17 to R); Haute Tension. It really is the best horror film in years and it actually has the absolute worst death in a horror movie I've ever seen, so to come back from that is saying something of the strength of the rest of the movie. I hope America eats it up. My gut tells me it'll be a hit and miss, just like the savvy Cabin Fever, but I hope it does well just so it can show our public what horror films can and should be.

I'm greatly looking forward to War of the Worlds. Always a fan of Spielberg, but more so my interest comes from the screenwriter. David Koepp is a favorite of mine simply because he consistently churns out scripts that make the 9 year old boy inside me smile with glee.

I'm looking forward to the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy just to see their realization of the whole thing, but I'm not getting my hopes up. Zathura will probably deliver on the fun beat, Serenity on the hip Sci-Fi beat and Unleashed better be ****ing hardcore. I know I will see practically every flick Hollywood lines up this summer just because I love going to the movies, and I am moderately excited about a handful of them, but those few mentioned are the ones I'd actually go out of my way to wait in line for.

SpoOkY 04-12-05 03:33 AM

Summer break?! sounds nice but down in Aus we're about to enter winter and there's not that much coming out for about 2 months. Except Star Wars. Anyway I'm still looking forward to War of Worlds, Batman Begins and Fantastic Four. All the others that I'll see are those ones that pop up and are suprisingly good to watch; e.g. Garden State and Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (I was thinking it would just be another Jim Carey comedy clone). I'll have to wait and see........a few months after all of you do :p

lor83b 04-12-05 07:07 AM

These are only the movies I am going to see in the theatre and not wait for them to be released on dvd:

Writer of O
A Hole In One
Kingdom of Heaven
Ma Mere
Star Wars: Episode III- Revenge of the Sith
Cinderella Man
High Tension
Lords of Dogtown
Batman Begins
The Perfect Man
George A. Romero's Land of the Dead
War of the Worlds
Fantastic Four
Dark Water
Charlie & the Chocolate Factory
The Island
The Brothers Grimm
The Pink Panther
Everything is Illuminated
The Skeleton Key
The Cave
Red Eye
Zu Warriors
A Sound of Thunder
The Chumscrubber

undercoverlover 04-12-05 08:31 AM

I'm really looking forward to seeing Crash, i think that will be a very interesting film to watch

Ice Princess, something to pass the time away

The Wedding Date, fun for a girls day out film

A sound of thunder looks quite interesting, something to take my lil bro to see

LordSlaytan 04-12-05 11:56 AM

Originally Posted by OG-
Zathura will probably deliver on the fun beat, Serenity on the hip Sci-Fi beat and Unleashed better be ****ing hardcore.
Did Zathura copy Jumanji or the other way around? Either way...I'll miss it.

Unleashed tho'...I look forward to that as well. I like seeing Jet Li in films where they rely on his skill as an actor as much as his amazing ability to shove teeth down a throat with nothing more than a pinky toe. I doubt it will be a life changer, but it should be fun...and Hoskins as the evil guy...whee!

Holden Pike 04-12-05 12:02 PM

Originally Posted by LordSlaytan
Did Zathura copy Jumanji or the other way around? Either way...I'll miss it.
Zathura and Jumanji, as well as The Polar Express, are all based on brilliant books by Chris Van Allsburg. These books are almost entirely visual, stunning and inventive stuff. Of course standard movie "plots" are sloppily dropped into the mix by Hollywood, and the resulting movies bare almost no resemblance to the wonder and magic of the books. They only share the same titles.

I'm happy for Favreau that he's having success and getting his shot and all, but there's no way in Hell I'll be wasting any time with Zathura.

LordSlaytan 04-12-05 12:07 PM

I'm happy for Favreau that he's having success and getting his shot and all, but there's no way in Hell I'll be wasting any time with Zathura.
Thanks for the speedy reply. I suppose I could have found out myself...

I'm happy for Favreau too. He's a great guy...but I feel the same way.

Monkeypunch 04-13-05 02:44 AM

Serenity has been pushed to september, sadly. :(

But I'm a sucker for summer movies, even though I usually get burned by more than half of them.

I'm definitely seeing:

Hitchhikers Guide
Batman Begins
Fantastic Four
Star Wars Episode III
War of the Worlds
Charlie & the Chocolate Factory
Amityville Horror
Kung Fu Hustle

Linko 04-13-05 02:58 AM

Not all summer movies but...

Very High Interest:
Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith
Mr. and Mrs. Smith
Fantastic Four

Moderate Interest:
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Batman Begins
Romero's Land of the Dead
Amityville Horror
Legend of Zorro
House of Wax

Low Interest:
XXX: State of the Union - doubtful
War of the Worlds

No interest:
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

blibblobblib 04-13-05 09:18 AM

Like most of you dudettes i'll probably end up seeing most of the films that are coming out over the summer period, but the ones i will definatly be maing an effort to see are -

The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy

Charlie & the Chocolate Factory - Love the Burton.

Star Wars - This comes out after my dissertation is due in so i'm just gonna have an uber Star Wars marathon with a trip to the cinema to see this in between. Never been a huge Star Wars fan so i'm gonna see if this converts me. I doubt it.

Fantastic Four

Cinderella Man - I really liked the trailer for this, although it just looks like another Beautiful Mind with a slightly different story going over the same conflicts.

Bewitched - I'm just gonna see this for Ferrel i think. And Nicoles twitchy nose.

The Brothers Grimm

Crash - Trailer for this looks superb.

War of the Worlds Can't wait to see this, its one of my favourite books, i'm pretty certain i'll be dissapointed and even though i love the Spielberg, from what ive heard his butchered the story, i still want to see how this turns out. Plus....
Originally Posted by OG-
I'm greatly looking forward to War of the Worlds. Always a fan of Spielberg, but more so my interest comes from the screenwriter. David Koepp is a favorite of mine
:yup: Panic Room, Jurassic Park etc etc. Legend.

Originally Posted by OG-
make the 9 year old boy inside me smile with glee.

Call the police....

projectMayhem 04-14-05 04:05 PM

The one's I'm waiting to see have all been mentioned already but I'll go ahead and give my two cents anyways:

The Brothers Grimm - My most anticipated film of the year. Gilliam is my favorite director and I feel it is a damn shame I have never had the opportunity to see one of his films in the theater. Now there's a chance of two in one year! That is if Tideland doesn't have any holdups.

Star Wars Episode III - I mean, come one. What self respecting geek won't be seeing this come May? Despite what the general consensus is towards the new films I still enjoyed the hell out of them and fully expect this one to be just as much, if not more fun.

War of the Worlds - The idea of a Speilberg film with aliens as the enemy is interesting indeed. For the longest time it seemed that he made it a point to make them nice and friendly. Plus the trailers make it look like Independence Day with talent. Nice.

Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy - Should just be a good time. I love the books and it seems as though the filmmakers did also.

Batman Begins - Its strange but every time a Batman film has been in theaters since Batman Returns it has always been on or around my birthday. This one is exactly on my birthday, and it doesn't look like it'll suck neon a**. Hurrah!

Crash looks interesting, and the cast looks great (and yes I'm counting Brendan Fraser and Sandra Bullock in that).

Kingdom of Heaven - This looks MUCH better than Gladiator, even with Bloom as the lead. It also looks to have a much broader scope than that film.

George Romero's Land of the Dead - It's all in the name.

Zathura, 3001 (Mike Judge's otherwise untitled film), Haute Tension, A Sound of Thunder, Domino, and Lords of Dogtown all look interesting.

A classmate of mine is actually working on the special effects for Serenity which I found shocking. I'll probably wind up seeing it long before it reaches theaters.

Fantastic Four and Mr. and Mrs. Smith look utterly horrible, and yet I'll probably end up seeing them both.

Ezikiel 04-14-05 08:57 PM

Wow, I didn't realize how much ***** was being released this summer until jrs posted his "movies to see" list. The Brothers Grimm is probably the only film I'm anticipating, also have to mention Jim Jarmusch's new project, waiting to see that. But as for Star Wars Episode III, War of the Worlds, Batman Begins, Kingdom of Heaven, Fantastic Four, Lords of Dogtown, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Charlie & the Chocolate Factory, Unleashed, The Longest Yard, Cinderella Man, I just don't care to see. At all.

On a sidenote: Crash does look quite good, I probably will be seeing it.

jrs 04-14-05 09:29 PM

Originally Posted by Ezikiel
Crash does look quite good, I probably will be seeing it.
Yes it does. I am surprised I forgot that. :D

MovieMaker5087 04-14-05 09:43 PM

I thought that Zathura and Narnia both come out in November and December...

Jedi Rufio 04-16-05 02:39 AM

Star Wars Episode III, Batman Begins, Fantastic Four, and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory I'll for sure see.

Holden Pike 04-20-05 01:59 PM

Oh yes: and Gus Van Sant's Last Days should open this summer, and is screening in competition at Cannes this year. Even Gus' missteps are usually worth seeing.

And good golly Miss Molly, also screening at Cannes is Jim Jarmusch's latest, finally titled Broken Flowers. Jarmusch and Bill Murray...come on! A road movie and a comedy, Murray stars as a man who learns he may or may not have fathered a son years ago, so he hits the road with a neighbor (the great Jeffrey Wright) to visit past lovers and try and figure out the truth. Some of those lovers include Jessica Lange, Frances Conroy, Tilda Swinton and Sharon Stone. Julie Delpy is also in the cast. Tenatively scheduled for an August release, we'll see if that holds up.

Pyro Tramp 04-20-05 02:10 PM

Without doubt, the summer belongs to XXX: The Next Level/State of the Union. Shiiit man.

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