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Lennon 06-14-08 06:07 PM

The Avengers

This new Avengers movie I think is going to be great! The marketing is done by Marvel is genius! If you are wondering how they are marketing it, it is the fact that they are having different people from the solo movie of an Avengers hero do a cameo and speak little about the movie. Every comic book geek is pumped! If you could of heard people at the midnight showing of The Incredible Hulk when Robert Downey Jr. came in, everyone was dead silent. After that two minute and about 3 lines, everyone went nuts clapping. Same goes for Sam Jackson as Nick Fury in Iron Man after the credits.

The general idea of the Avengers is "They are Earth's mightiest heroes, formed to fight the foes no single hero could withstand. The Avengers are the most prestigious and powerful super-hero team in the world, an ever-shifting assemblage of super-beings, adventurers and crime fighters devoted to protecting the planet from menaces beyond the scope of conventional authorities." (

Most of the Avengers (from past and current)

The members are as follow: Thor, Iron Man, Hulk, Ant-man, and Wasp. Started by S.H.I.E.L.D

Thor, is named Thor Odison and is based off the mythical character Thor. He was born in Asgard which Thor now owns. He has many superpowers including super-human strength, near invincibility, he never ages (well almost) and immune to all disease. He posses the Odinforce, which gives him the ability to tap into the cosmic powers, which enhances all of his abilities. His hammer named Mjolnir it gives him powers over storms. It is made out of uru metal and it is virtually unbreakable. Thor can command this as if it was a real person, it can come to him no matter how far away it is and break through a lot of barriers. The actor who will play him in Thor (due in 2010) is unconfirmed.

Iron Man's real name is Tony Stark, CEO of Stark Industries (it builds weapons.) He once thought his weapons were doing good for the US army and even receives a technical achievement award. That is until Stark "humble presents....the Jericho." The Jericho is a new missile, and quite possibly his best work. After the successful demonstration he is about to go back to his plane and get back home. On the way, a terrorist group named The Ten Rings , blow up the car in front of him and kill the three soldiers that stood right by Stark. Stark then passes out and wakes up in a cave. He then meets Yinsen, who he befriends in captivity. There he finds an arc reactor keeping pieces in his body out of his heart and keeping him alive (courtesy of Yinsen.) The terrorist leader then makes Stark build a bomb for him to use. Stark doesn't build it, in fact he builds a suit which he uses to fight his way out. In the escape Yinsin dies, that is when Stark realizes that when he gets out he shall build a better suit and track down all of his bombs that got in the wrong hands. He is then dubbed by the press as IRON MAN (2008 movie origin). His suit contains the powers of missile launchers that can target individual people, super-human strength, pulse beams, lasers, repulse rays, tasers, and flamethrowers. He will be played by Robert Downey Jr. in The Avengers and also has a cameo in The Incredible Hulk. His house is now the Avengers base of operations.

The Incredible Hulk's real name is Bruce Banner, a former scientist studying gamma radiation. He loves his co-worker who is named Betty Ross (played by Liv Tyler in the 2008 film and Jennifer Connelly in 2003.) In the 2008 movie, The Incredible Hulk Bruce Banner is turned into the big green guy after he gets cocky and thinks of experimenting with gamma radiation on himself. Needless to say it goes horribly wrong and he hurts a lot of his sexy coworker. When he goes to see her in the hospital, Betty's dad, General "Thunderbolt" (after his temper) Ross, where he tells Bruce (now regular Bruce) that he wants to take some his DNA and make it into a weapon. Bruce then runs away to Brazil to hide, obsessed with finding a cure. He turns into the green guy when his heart rate goes very high, especially when he angry. His powers are super strength and near invincibility as well as a genius brain. It is unconfirmed who will play him in The Avengers but he was played by Edward Norton in the 2008 movie and Eric Bana in 2003.

Ant-man's (or Yellow Jacket's) real name is Dr. Henry "Hank" Pym, a doctor. His wife was killed by revolutionaries in Bratislavia. Later he injected himself with a newly created serum into himself. It makes him shrink to the size of an ant and he gets trapped inside of an anthill. He then becomes normal size again and made a helmet for him to communicate with ants. He can control ants, make himself shrink or grow, make things around him shrink or grow, and has a genius brain. It is unconfirmed who will play him in his solo film (due out in 2010.)

Wasp's real name is Janet Van Dyne. She was created after her father was killed by an alien monster. Her father's co-worker Dr. Henry "Hank" Pym gave her the serum that created him into Ant-man. She then becomes the Wasp, fighting villains with Ant-man. Her powers are the same as Ant-man's with the added powers of flight and bio-electric blasts.

The director of the Avengers hasn't been confirmed as of yet but the writer has. It is Zak Penn, which is kind of a disappointment. He has written Elektra, X-men: The Last Stand, and Inspector Gadget (1999.) On the good front of his writing he wrote, X2, Behind Enemy Lines, and Incident Loch Ness. I still think he should be replaced by the people who wrote Iron Man (Mark Fergus, Hawk Ostby, Art Marcum, and Matt Holloway.)

jrs 06-14-08 09:32 PM

Re: The Avengers
The Avengers also consists of none other Captain America. Summer of 2011, Marvel will release The First Avenger: Captain America (working title). He is a major character in the team.

Captain America's shield, in case nobody knew, appeared in Jon Favreau's Iron Man. You can read all about it here .

SizzlingPopcorn 06-15-08 12:34 AM

Re: The Avengers
I saw today that Favreau has been given the job for Iron Man 2. I hope it does even better, preparing us for the 2 Avengers movies!

FILMFREAK087 06-17-08 07:10 AM

Re: The Avengers
I just wonder what villain(s) would be used against the avengers.

Lennon 06-26-08 11:32 PM

Re: The Avengers
Originally Posted by FILMFREAK087 (Post 440844)
I just wonder what villain(s) would be used against the avengers.
Good question! I actually gave you positive rep for it. (First time I've done that for you in ages :p)

I belive that since it is the first Avengers movie, it will be the villain that made Ant-man, Wasp, Hulk, Iron Man, and Thor team up, Loki.

Read up on him, as I am too tired to post his origin (sorry) ge really is a good villian and seems very powerful.

FILMFREAK087 06-27-08 11:37 AM

Re: The Avengers
Loki, isn't he like Thor's brother, the Norse God of mischief? Of course the villains from each movie may team up. I can see the Red Skull and The Mandarin involved.

Lennon 06-27-08 05:18 PM

Re: The Avengers
Originally Posted by FILMFREAK087 (Post 442864)
Loki, isn't he like Thor's brother, the Norse God of mischief? Of course the villains from each movie may team up. I can see the Red Skull and The Mandarin involved.
Loki is Thor's step brother

Lennon 06-27-08 05:20 PM

Re: The Avengers
Originally Posted by FILMFREAK087 (Post 442864)
I can see the Red Skull and The Mandarin involved.
Mandarin I think should be involved in Iron Man II, and Red Skull should be in The First Avenger: Captain America.

B-card 06-27-08 06:32 PM

Re: The Avengers
Interesting if they make a movie about the avengers they have to put quite a lot of characters(Iron Man,Hulk,Thor,Capitan America and many more) and it would be cool if,for example Robert Downy Jr. Plays Tony Stark again or Ed Norton is Hulk and other famous actors like Toby Mcguire(is Spiderman in the Avengers?)and the other people who took part in other Marvel movies.Of course it will cost a fortune to make such movie but I think it will be profitable,it's like making Ocean's Eleven with superheroes.I hope they put The Black Widow in it(crazy hot Russian Red hair mmm)

thebest 06-28-08 06:04 PM

Re: The Avengers
Spider-Man didn't become a part of the Avengers till well after their creation.

If they continue following "The Ultimates" storyline the villain could be Alien Nazis or THe Hulk himself, or both.

Yes I said Alien Nazis.

Yes I was serious.

The Spirit 07-11-08 04:30 AM

Re: The Avengers
Originally Posted by B-card (Post 442907)
Interesting if they make a movie about the avengers they have to put quite a lot of characters(Iron Man,Hulk,Thor,Capitan America and many more) and it would be cool if,for example Robert Downy Jr. Plays Tony Stark again or Ed Norton is Hulk and other famous actors like Toby Mcguire(is Spiderman in the Avengers?)and the other people who took part in other Marvel movies.Of course it will cost a fortune to make such movie but I think it will be profitable,it's like making Ocean's Eleven with superheroes.I hope they put The Black Widow in it(crazy hot Russian Red hair mmm)
They are.

Lennon 10-29-08 12:31 AM

Re: The Avengers
Robert Downey Jr. Signs onto Avengers, and Jon Favreau is Producing

Lennon 11-25-08 10:12 PM

Re: The Avengers
"That means if we don't get it right, it's really going to suck. It has to be the crowning blow of Marvel's best and brightest, because it's the hardest thing to get right. It's tough to spin all the plates for one of these characters."-Robert Downey Jr. on The Avengers, click for the rest of the interview.

Lennon 11-29-08 09:04 PM

Re: The Avengers
The writer told MTV Splashpage that no conversations are going on between the writers of the various movies.- Not good.

Vertical Gunn 11-29-08 10:25 PM

Re: The Avengers
Lennon, are they planning to make a Justice League film?

Lennon 11-29-08 10:42 PM

Re: The Avengers
Originally Posted by Vertical Gunn (Post 479072)
Lennon, are they planning to make a Justice League film?
Justice League Mortal is planned for a 2011 release date. It will be directed by George Miller (Mad Max) and the screenplay is written by Michele and Kieran Muloney. Adam Brody is rumoured to be the Flash (Barry Allen) , Common to be the Green Lantern (John Stewart) D.J. Cotrona as Superman (Clark Kent) , Megan Gale as Wonder Woman (Princess Diana) , Armie Hammer as Batman (Bruce Wayne) , Santiago Cabrera as Aquaman (Arthur Curry) , and Hugh Keays-Byrne as Martian Manhunter (J'onn J'onzz)

Again, the cast is JUST RUMOURED. No official word yet. I haven't heard much official news, the project seems at a stand still.

Vertical Gunn 11-29-08 10:50 PM

Re: The Avengers
Also Lennon, what was the deal with Megan Fox dresses up as Wonder Woman? I remember seeing the images on Yahoo! a few days ago. Any news on that, because I'm not sure what they were, if it was for a movie or for something else.

Vertical Gunn 11-29-08 10:55 PM

Re: The Avengers
Here are the Wonder Woman images.

Lennon 11-29-08 11:07 PM

Re: The Avengers
Originally Posted by Vertical Gunn (Post 479081)
Also Lennon, what was the deal with Megan Fox dresses up as Wonder Woman? I remember seeing the images on Yahoo! a few days ago. Any news on that, because I'm not sure what they were, if it was for a movie or for something else.
Because doesn't like the idea of Megan Gale being Wonder Woman and they made those fake images.

See more HERE

Vertical Gunn 11-29-08 11:24 PM

Re: The Avengers

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