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Ezrangel 04-09-21 08:57 PM

Entertainment one vs "cerebral" one - what would you pick?
Inception vs Memento

Fight Club vs Zodiac

The Terminator vs Blade Runner

Goodfellas (more entertaining for sure) vs The Godfather

Star Wars vs 2001: A Space Odyssey

Interested to see what people think here

cricket 04-09-21 08:58 PM


Allaby 04-09-21 09:04 PM

Re: Enterteinment one vs "cerebral" one - what would you pick?

Fight Club

The Terminator

The Godfather

2001: A Space Odyssey

StuSmallz 04-09-21 09:35 PM


ynwtf 04-09-21 09:39 PM

Originally Posted by StuSmallz (Post 2194142)

Nono. That's huh vs ...2+2?


Citizen Rules 04-09-21 10:04 PM

Inception vs Memento...Neither

Fight Club vs Zodiac, I've not seen them but Fight Club I guess.

The Terminator vs Blade Runner. Blade Runner by a 1000%

Goodfellas vs The Godfather...Neither

Star Wars vs 2001: A Space Odyssey...2001

I wish your list was longer as I haven't seen all of these.

CringeFest 04-09-21 10:24 PM

I guess I'm in the middle, i tend to like cerebral overall better than entertaining though:

I liked goodfellas and godfather but i just thought godfather had a more intriguing story, it has more of a "descent into treachery and violence" type of feel to it.

I liked memento a lot more than inception, i need to watch that one again.

I liked zodiac better than fight club because i like serial killer movies.

i have not seen terminator or space odyssey in a long time so i can't compare...both good movies. Star wars is probably what i choose over space odyssey though, but i can't be sure.

Both blade runners are good...i was impressed by the new one.

ironpony 04-10-21 12:32 AM

Re: Enterteinment one vs "cerebral" one - what would you pick?
Inception/Memento, tough call, and it's a tie so far.
The Terminator
The Godfather
Star Wars

So I guess that makes me half and half on the entertainment vs. cerebral?

Wooley 04-10-21 12:38 AM

Well, I disagree with the OP so I don't know if I can chime in.
For example, Blade Runner is a better film than The Terminator simply because it is, not because either was more entertainment versus cerebral. And they're both great.
And in Godfather versus Goodfellas, which is supposed to be which?

Edit - I guess I chimed in anyway. :dizzy:

crumbsroom 04-10-21 12:57 AM

Entertaining and cerebral are not mutually exclusive. Everything would be better if we start trying to eliminate these distinctions.

ironpony 04-10-21 01:09 AM

Re: Enterteinment one vs "cerebral" one - what would you pick?
Well in the OP, it seems that all the movies on the left are more popular, so I guess he/she means more popular, vs less popular, but still cerebral?

Ezrangel 04-10-21 05:40 AM

Originally Posted by ironpony (Post 2194176)
Well in the OP, it seems that all the movies on the left are more popular, so I guess he/she means more popular, vs less popular, but still cerebral?
I think people would be more entertained in watching

- a man stealing into someone else dreams

- underground fight club

- Arnie playing a ruthless killer filled with action

- a more "fun" realistic take in the mob

- the first franchise film with iconic characters

Than the latter, even if they’re similar quality or from the same director

CringeFest 04-10-21 10:49 AM

i remember liking shutter island more than inception when the two movies came out..i guess when i was younger i just thought inception was more confusing, but i saw inception pretty recently and i thought it was fun/wierd/matrix-like

Corax 04-10-21 12:41 PM


Fight Club

Blade Runner


Star Wars

crumbsroom 04-10-21 12:50 PM

Re: Enterteinment one vs "cerebral" one - what would you pick?
I'm pretty sure the distinction here is more faster v slower paced movies. I don't inherently see anything more 'cerebral' in Terminator v Blade Runner, or Goodfellas v Godfather. They both present similar types of questions, and both explore them in similar depth. Just because Goodfellas has a swinging rock and roll soundtrack, and Terminator is full of violence and high octane action set pieces, doesn't make them one iota less smart.

Corax 04-10-21 01:03 PM

Originally Posted by crumbsroom (Post 2194243)
I'm pretty sure the distinction here is more faster v slower paced movies. I don't inherently see anything more 'cerebral' in Terminator v Blade Runner, or Goodfellas v Godfather. They both present similar types of questions, and both explore them in similar depth. Just because Goodfellas has a swinging rock and roll soundtrack, and Terminator is full of violence and high octane action set pieces, doesn't make them one iota less smart.
I am just reading this is a "this or that" thread.

2001 is definitely more cerebral than Star Wars. The rest? Hard to say.

crumbsroom 04-10-21 02:54 PM

Originally Posted by Corax (Post 2194252)

2001 is definitely more cerebral than Star Wars.

Sure. I just don't like creating this dividing line where the implication seems to become something like Star Wars is the opposite of cerebral (ie. dumb, empty). 2001 obviously has grander ambitions in what you are meant to do with the mysteries of its images and ideas and narrative structure, and Star Wars is deliberately riffing off of old timey quick buck entertainment in the pursuit of thrills and escapism. But there is something dismissive when we categorize something as 'entertainment', as if it is the natural enemy of anything with brains.

Frankly, that kind of talk has always seemed to me more for those who want to quarantine themselves with all the supposed smart stuff, as if it will rub off on them by osmosis.Or those who only want to engage with the entertaining stuff, because they don't want to be viewed as pretentious knobs. Even though some films have loftier more 'cerebral' ambitions, and some just want us to pass the time enjoyably, it's ultimately what we take from the film, and what it brings out in us, that matters when we want to talk about its worth. I've probably read almost as much intelligent discourse on Star Wars as I have empty, vague, deferential back patting about the brilliance of 2001. And I'd way rather read the former, no matter how simplistic a story Star Wars is telling, and how it could care less about bigger questions regarding our existence, and regardless of the fact that I actually prefer 2001 by a galactic mile.

So even when two films are so starkly contrasted as these two,I still kind of barf in my mouth when we head towards this kind of conversation. It sets up divisions between high and low art, and personally, I don't want those distinctions around anymore. They invariably lead to really glib takes on films from either side. It makes way too many discussions about this feel pre-destined before they even begin.

Citizen Rules 04-10-21 04:15 PM

Re: Enterteinment one vs "cerebral" one - what would you pick?
I personally like a good conversation about what makes one film entertaining and the other cerebral or thought provoking...and can the twain meet? I think so.

pahaK 04-10-21 04:33 PM

Re: Enterteinment one vs "cerebral" one - what would you pick?
My reply may not be what the OP wants, but anyways...

Inception vs Memento
I'm not a fan of either, but been meaning to rewatch Memento at some point. So, if I'd have to choose either one at the moment, I'd go with Memento.

Fight Club vs Zodiac
I liked Zodiac and hated Fight Club. So, despite the fact that Fight Club probably deserves a rewatch I'd definitely go with Zodiac.

The Terminator vs Blade Runner
I love both so it would be a day-to-day decision. I did have Blade Runner higher on my top-25, so for the sake of this "poll", I go with it.

Goodfellas vs The Godfather
I rewatched The Godfather quite recently and liked it a lot. I'd remember Goodfellas to be great as well, so I think it would its turn to get a rewatch. No idea which is better, at the moment.

Star Wars vs 2001: A Space Odyssey
I've mentioned this a few times, but I've never managed to watch 2001 in one go. I just can't get into it. Star Wars, on the other hand, is great.

WorkersPeasants 04-10-21 10:13 PM

I don't care for the distinction

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