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randomreviews 03-20-21 01:26 PM

Zack Snyder's Justice League: Far superior to the earlier version
Zack Snyder Justice League

Admittedly I set a really low bar for this movie. The Whedon debacle version was absolute trash. I know Joss Whedon deserves the blame for it being utterly unwatchable, but I still figured the original was **** and that he just stuck his dick in it and ****ed it up even more. Also, the DCEU has a track record of making terrible team-up movies. Suicide Squad is one of the biggest disasters I have sat through, Batman V Superman, was a laughable mess (Martha… enough said), mainly because they tried to do much and failed, and Birds of Prey was tough to sit through. The solo movies are actually damn good though Aquaman was a surprisingly good movie (thank you, James Wan), the Wonder Women films are slightly overrated but still good, and the last half of Man of Steel was excellent (the most realistic take on Superman fighting Zod). The DCEU doesn't have **** on the more consistent and better Marvel Movie Collection (really just wanted to fit a shameless plug-in here) but it does have its moments. So enough useless bull**** let's get down to the good and the bad of this movie.

The Good

The fight scenes: I will never knock Zack’s ability to create a fight scene. This dude just knows what the **** he is doing when it comes to punching people in the face. The Wonder Women intro was great. The music choice was a little weird with the chanting music but once the theme song kicked in it was good. The Amazon fight scene is good. He is a much better version of Michael Bay (super original of me to rip on Bay) when it comes to explosions and fighting. The final battle here is excellent as well. This one didn’t feel like such a CGI **** fest like the other version did. It's a damn good scene. Surprise surprise Superman and Wonder Woman are the two badasses here. IF your dick didn’t get rock hard or your vagina didn’t get soaking wet when Superman said not impressed to Steppenwolf and then he layeth a smackdown on him that would have made The Rock proud, then you are broken as a person. If this was a theater experience everyone and their mother would have lost their mind.

The Flash: I will be the first to admit that at times I wanted to punch him in his stupid over-talkative ****ing mouth. I’d much rather the Grant Gustin’s version to this one but nothing I can do about it. However, Ezra does offer some life into this movie. While everyone else is all doom and ****ing gloom here, he is the life of the movie. He is funny, emotional and brings life to everyone else. Bruce Wayne is way more human and emotional once the Flash gets involved. You could see the relief on Bruce’s face once the Flash agrees to join the team and puts up no fight.

Superman Returns: His return scene was the only good thing in the Whedon **** fest, and it remains the best scene in this movie. Superman ****s everyone up here and it's perfect. Plus it is just so much better without that stupid CGI mouth that Whedon put on him in his version. This scene alone is a 10 out of 10.

Superman: Henry Cavil is Superman. Period. End of story. He is perfection in this role. He looks the part and everything. Major props to Snyder for when he returns in the black Superman suit and hears his two dads giving him advice. **** got me pumped up son. He inspires a sense of hope that sets him apart from others who have played the same role. It's either him or Chris Reeve to be the perfect man to play this part.

—Cyborg's dad dying was a good scene. Fisher did a good job hitting the emotional moment.
—Batdad to the rescue. He really loves to take in people with no dads and take them under his wings. I’d even guess he would kill a dad just to take the kid under his guidance. Cyborg’s dad couldn’t have been dead more than 3 seconds before PapaBat took over.
—The relationship between Batman and Alfred is much better in this version I can't recall if it's Whedon’s version or Batman Vs Superman or both, but there was no chemistry between these two. Here they are much more joking and just a better relationship in general.

The bad

So much slow motion: Man does Zack ****ing love slow-motion effects, his obsession with this effect is something that is very evident in every other one of his movies. Just like all those movies though he goes way too overboard with it. It’s very apparent during the Wonder Women opening scene, just how much he loves it. The Same goes for when Aquaman saves the dude from the storm and then reemerges into the ocean. He really drags that slow-motion **** for a long time. The dude just wanted everyone to bask in the power of stripper Momoa. No ****ing reason that the whole football scene needed to be slowed down either but here we are watching a 10-minute football scene that should have taken about a minute. There were numerous other times when I said alright enough ****ing slow motion. Look when used correctly slow motion is a very effective technique too use and there are times here where it works so well. Do it too much though and the viewer will want to throw something at your TV (maybe I just have anger issues). Dear Zack moderation is key, not everything needs to be slowed down.

Length: I think we are all in agreement that 4 hours is way too long. Here are ways to cut some time down. The whole song the ladies sing when Aquaman goes back into the ocean is super unnecessary. I don’t need to see and hear a couple of creepy Icelandic people sing a stupid song for 5 minutes. It takes way too long for Aquaman to get back into the ocean after saving the dude from the storm. I don’t care how sexy Jason Mamoa is I don’t need a 5-minute strip show of him going back into the ocean in the slow mow. J.K. Simmons may look like the perfect Commissioner Gordon, but there was no need for him here. Bam shaved 5 minutes off this movie. Maybe all the slow motions parts dragged this movie down as well. Anyways you get my point to shave your **** down and make this movie 3 hours or at most 3 hours and 30 minutes.

Bad CGI: The Amazon fight scene looks bad once they crash the building. The background on it and when the head Amazon lady jumps on her horse is garbage. At times Steppenwolf looks like **** as well. The battle where Darkseid is introduced is CGI trash. The humans, Atlanteans, and Amazonians all look terrible as well when they are fighting, Darkseid doesn't look so great here either. Good fight but the bad CGI somewhat kills it. At no point does Cyborg look good in any of his scenes.

—Batman seems useless here. He always seems to be about 10 minutes late for everything. Like he got stuck in traffic or valet was taking too long to get his car. When all the heroes confront Superman, Batman comes running up after everyone gets their ass kicked about 5 minutes late. Victor’s dad dies and everyone is there, 5 minutes later Batman shows up asking what he missed. He has no powers, and it shows in the tunnel fight when he needs Optmius Prime Jr to even help.
—One mistake that will always haunt this movie is that Warner Bros rushed this thing. The one thing they should have done is followed the MCU’s blueprint and establish their charterers more. The Aquaman movie should have been released before this movie. All his dumb bull**** was already taken up in his solo film. There was no need for it in here. It should have been he was king of Atlantis and Steppenwolf kicks the **** out of him, and then he gets revenge or something. I was fine with them establishing the backstory of Cyborg and the Flash, but doing it with 3 characters is too much.
—**** Aquaman in the final battle scene. His whole power is controlling water, so I call bull**** on him flying around everything else he did.

Overall this was a good movie. The two big issues are the length and the fact that Snyder uses the slow-motion effect way too much. I know that it's his forte but bro calm your **** down with doing it so much. I’m glad they didn’t shove the Joker down my throat like I thought they were going to based on the trailer. Although his brief appearance here is far superior to the **** sand-which I was forced to eat while watching Suicide Squad. Snyder did a good job setting up his vision for this universe. I’d be down for movies like this, lets just not make them 4 hours long. 8.4/10
check it out for more reviews

Wooley 03-20-21 04:06 PM

Well, it couldn't have been much worse.

xSookieStackhouse 03-21-21 10:12 AM

Re: Zack Snyder's Justice League: Far superior to the earlier version
that y marvel makes better movies to be honest

Optimus 03-21-21 12:40 PM

Originally Posted by xSookieStackhouse (Post 2189002)
that y marvel makes better movies to be honest
I’d say Justice League is better than any of the Avengers movies now.

xSookieStackhouse 03-21-21 12:46 PM

Originally Posted by Optimus (Post 2189020)
I’d say Justice League is better than any of the Avengers movies now.
to me i dont think so cause all the marvel movies are better then DC. only good dc movie is suicide squad. i watch justice league and i didnt like it at all but i do respect ur opinion cause i dont like to fight to other people so hope u respect aswell

Optimus 03-21-21 02:31 PM

Originally Posted by xSookieStackhouse (Post 2189022)
to me i dont think so cause all the marvel movies are better then DC. only good dc movie is suicide squad. i watch justice league and i didnt like it at all but i do respect ur opinion cause i dont like to fight to other people so hope u respect aswell
Iron Man, Black Panther, and Captain America Winter Soldier are better movies than Justice League, but none of the other Marvel movies are, especially Avengers. Obviously, you have your own opinion which is fine. That’s just my opinion anyway.

gandalf26 03-26-21 11:23 AM

TLDR : It's better but still not all that great..

- I was reminded of Umbrella Academy, when anything really bad happens Flash can just go really fast and go back in time.

- Which leads to the main criticism that it's always gonna be Superman or Flash and their sidekicks. They deal with it in this movie by having Superman dead then confused then "here I am to save the day" (man on the moon). Marvel do a good job of keeping most hero's even in terms of power, although they nerf characters when it suits them (Thor), and clumsily added in all powerful Captain Marvel late in the day, but those writers still had to get rid of her for all but the ending.

-Agree about the bad CGI, Steppeneolf is a bad cartoon.

-In terms of changes its much better, maybe a bit long or they should have made 2 films instead. I barely remember Justice League 2017 so can't really compare.

-It's not a classic that I'll ever revisit by any stretch, 6.5/10 maybe.

For people comparing Marvel/DC, Marvel have never been that great but what they have been great at is telling a coherent 12 year saga with some really solid films along the way. Infinity War, Iron Man and Avengers are all probably 9/10 and most of their films are solid 8s. DC haven't had anything like a 7/10 since TDK trilogy with the exception of Wonder Woman, and I haven't seen Aquaman but I know it did well.

ynwtf 03-26-21 12:00 PM

Originally Posted by gandalf26 (Post 2190352)
TLDR : It's better but still not all that great..

- I was reminded of Umbrella Academy, when anything really bad happens Flash can just go really fast and go back in time.

- Which leads to the main criticism that it's always gonna be Superman or Flash and their sidekicks. They deal with it in this movie by having Superman dead then confused then "here I am to save the day" (man on the moon). Marvel do a good job of keeping most hero's even in terms of power, although they nerf characters when it suits them (Thor), and clumsily added in all powerful Captain Marvel late in the day, but those writers still had to get rid of her for all but the ending.

-Agree about the bad CGI, Steppeneolf is a bad cartoon.

-In terms of changes its much better, maybe a bit long or they should have made 2 films instead. I barely remember Justice League 2017 so can't really compare.

-It's not a classic that I'll ever revisit by any stretch, 6.5/10 maybe.

For people comparing Marvel/DC, Marvel have never been that great but what they have been great at is telling a coherent 12 year saga with some really solid films along the way. Infinity War, Iron Man and Avengers are all probably 9/10 and most of their films are solid 8s. DC haven't had anything like a 7/10 since TDK trilogy with the exception of Wonder Woman, and I haven't seen Aquaman but I know it did well.
I think that's all pretty fair.
I'm, personally, not concerned that Superman is so much more powerful than other characters. I mean, he's Supes against Batman. As Batman joked, he's just a man with money as his power lol. But he did hand Supes his arse in BvS, so I think that given the right circumstances, Batman could prevail against some foe maybe better than Superman. Maybe. I also think that Cyborg is relatively new to his powers and, with time, could figure how to better leverage his role. While it may not be strength (Superman carries that torch), he can totally deal with tech and internet searches. lol. super google? Batman seems to be the brains in this team, funding and planning things to cater to each of their strengths.

I know, I know. I'm probably giving this the benefit of the doubt because I'm a fan. But this team feels more dynamic and diverse as to what their strengths are relative to Marvel groups. Off the top of my head, I felt like Ant Man probably had the most unique abilities. Vision maybe too, but his powers seemed to fluctuate a lot given what the plot needed in the moment. Star-Lord was pretty great in the ending of the first GotG but never really reached that level again, after. Or did he? I can't remember. Iron Man was great, IMO, but the nanotech in later movies really pushed my buttons for plot convenience. Hrm. Now that I'm trying to think on it all, I'm not sure that I like (as much) the idea of the Marvel characters being more equally level in what they bring to the group. That feels like it's edging blob warfare. Just bring more of the same and you're good.

lol I really don't know. I'm typing this is response. I've not really considered much of any of it more than I have as I type this.

Huh. On a quick reread, I edited 'strength' out for 'role.' That kind of hits the point for me. I see these characters filling a role rather than being powerful or whatever. They seem to have unique abilities (relative to what I rambled on, above, to Marvel groups), that compliment the group or that supplements other members' weaknesses. Like you said, Captain Marvel didn't really need anybody. She was way beyond the other characters and it was obvious. I still enjoyed the movie btw, but it was noticeably different to other characters' progressions. Superman stands out similarly, but *I'm not sure Iron Man would outsmart Captain Marvel as Batman did.

*I'm only making judgments based on what's given in the movies, and even of that for what I can remember in the 10 minutes or so it's taken to write all this up.

lilly75 04-04-21 02:30 AM

it is better and still the best movie..this the great movie

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