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ashdoc 05-06-15 03:08 PM

Bollywood superstar Salman Khan is convicted for 5 years in jail

He is currently the biggest star in Bollywood .

Bollywood has billions of rupees ( Indian currency ) riding on him and may be hit hard financially by his conviction . He was a major money making machine as all his films used to be hits at the box office .

ashdoc 05-06-15 03:32 PM

Re: Bollywood superstar Salman Khan is convicted for 5 years in jail
The low level to which Bollywood stooped in it's support for salman proves how much he is important for them.

Mandwa Mona Rudao 05-06-15 03:42 PM

Re: Bollywood superstar Salman Khan is convicted for 5 years in jail
I was expecting much worse.

ashdoc 05-08-15 03:13 PM

Re: Bollywood superstar Salman Khan is convicted for 5 years in jail
Ashdoc's brain fart---Salman Khan's animal like appeal at the box office

Seeing the success of Dabanng 2 at the box office , I wondered about Salman's animal like appeal at the box office---

Lets make no bones about this---Salman is an animal . He beats the women in his life , kills sleeping people on the streets by driving vehicles on them and kills protected species like back bucks by unrestrainedly shooting them . He is also a drunkard to boot and picks up fights at the slightest provocation ; Sometimes he does bizzare things like pouring a cola over an actress' head ( Somy Ali ) or peeing on a respected director ( Subhash Ghai ) .

And he also is the current king of the box office . Third rate movies become hits because of him . So that begs the question---what is the secret of his success , especially since he has only mediocre acting abilities ??

.....And the truth begins to slowly emerge---he is king because he is an animal . It is in fact his animal like behavior which attracts the masses , makes him their darling .

Lets check out women first---the more he beats his girlfriends , the more he rises in popularity among them . It seems most women , and especially those of the lower class , have a inborn fantasy of being controlled brutally by him and being his slave . Mind you , this is pure fantasy and no woman would like such behavior in real life---but the realms of fantasy are different and Salman fulfills these wild fantasies of women who get a sexual high on seeing his rippling muscles and his brute strength .

The men---they dont envy his popularity among women but in fact dream of being like him . The fantasy of every lower class man is a slave like wife whom he can beat regularly and endless amounts of alcohol which he can ingest throughout the day . Salman fulfills these fantasies by actually doing these things in real life making the lower class man say to himself---'' Life should be lived like Salman Khan . '' His lack of acting talent makes him look crude---exactly the mirror image of the slum dwelling male who despises classy heroes .

The criminal elements of society and terrorists of course idolize him . Why ? Because he not only is violent like them but above all he commits crimes and gets away with them by never getting convicted at all---just what they dreamt of doing.....
Thats the reason why the criminal dons of Karachi who are being protected by terrorists are ever willing to finance a Salman Khan film .
For the same reason he is popular in Pakistan---they love nightmares as their own country is one and Salman too is a nightmare.......

And no wonder Sallu's best friend is Sanjay Dutt---the AK 56 toting ' almost called terrorist ' who went to jail under TADA . Birds of a feather flock together......

Thus Salman is the hero of Pakistanis , terrorists , gangsters , whores , pimps , drunkards , wife beaters , rapists , slumdwellers and hero worshipping weak submissive women---the majority population of India . The lower castes among hindus love him for teaching a lesson to upper caste men by beating them to pulp in every encounter ; the minorities love him even more for being a muslim who is successful in an upper caste hindu dominated India and lording it over other upper caste hindu heroes like Vivek Oberoi by giving the regular doses of humiliation .

----Thus a sizzling cocktail of factors makes for the popularity of this man---Salman.....

honeykid 05-08-15 04:09 PM

Re: Bollywood superstar Salman Khan is convicted for 5 years in jail
Is he out on appeal or does he still have to stay in custody while it's pending?

ashdoc 05-08-15 05:21 PM

Originally Posted by honeykid (Post 1305344)
Is he out on appeal or does he still have to stay in custody while it's pending?
out on appeal . now the case will be reheard in a higher court ( a process that will take years ) while salman makes more films and moolah for bollywood .

honeykid 05-08-15 07:43 PM

Re: Bollywood superstar Salman Khan is convicted for 5 years in jail
That's what I suspected, but the report I heard didn't make it clear/I didn't hear them say it. Thanks for clearing it up. :)

ashdoc 12-11-15 09:13 AM

Re: Bollywood superstar Salman Khan is convicted for 5 years in jail
salman Khan acquitted of all charges !!

90sAce 12-11-15 09:17 AM

Re: Bollywood superstar Salman Khan is convicted for 5 years in jail
If only we did that to our entitled celebrities here - the Justin Biebers, Lindsay Lohans, etc - we don't have the balls to make them serve actual time.

ashdoc 12-11-15 09:43 AM

Originally Posted by 90sAce (Post 1421894)
If only we did that to our entitled celebrities here - the Justin Biebers, Lindsay Lohans, etc - we don't have the balls to make them serve actual time.
Neither do indians . Salman has now been acquitted of all charges.

honeykid 12-11-15 11:27 AM

Re: Bollywood superstar Salman Khan is convicted for 5 years in jail

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