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The Rodent 07-14-16 08:21 PM

Quizzes - Updates And Stuff

Well, as you all know by now, the Quiz Sub-forum is up (has been for a while now) and there's more and more being added each week/month.

Thought I'd get a thread going where all updates etc can take place, and any ideas and input from you guys, ideas on what quizzes you'd like to see etc can go as well.

I'll also put up a list of the quizzes as individual links, and update it as needed, so people can click straight to them from this thread.

Rules for writing a MoFo Quiz
If you wish to write a quiz for MoFo, post in this thread asking/stating which movie or subject (subject must be movie related of course) you would wish to write for.

The main gist of the rules is this...
1. Must be a movie/subject that is not already covered. This means if you wanted to write, for instance, a Ghostbusters Quiz, then you're out of luck as we already have one :)
2. Your quiz must be multiple choice.
3. There must be 4 possible answers for each question. 3 of them are wrong, 1 of them is the correct answer.
4. Upon completion of your quiz, it is to be sent to me, The Rodent, via a Private Message... and, don't forget to give me the answers to your quiz so I can set them in the Control Panel. The easiest way to do this, is to write the correct answer in bold text.
5. Remember, once your quiz goes Live (opened to the rest of MoFo) you might spot a few changes in terms of wording, spelling or sentence layout. There may also, but not definitely, be a change or two in some of the answers you've put in the multiple choices. Under orders of Yoda, I have to proof read and edit any quizzes as needed. (Still though, any editing to questions that takes place, the questions themselves won't actually be changed, only reworded, and your Username will be added to the quiz so everyone knows who created it)
6. Be meticulous with your quiz in terms of spelling and wording, make it challenging, but not too challenging. And most importantly, make it fun :)
7. The Magic Number for quizzes seems to be 10-12 questions. We do have some with 20+ questions, but people tend to gloss over them. Making your quiz 10-12, or a maximum of 15 questions, you will find more people will have a go at it :D

The Rodent 07-14-16 08:21 PM

Re: Quizzes - Updates And Stuff
TheDOMINATOR's 12 Angry Men Quiz

Rodent's Alien Quiz
Rodent's Aliens Quiz
Rodent's Alien 3 Quiz
Rodent's Alien Resurrection Quiz
bigvalbowki's Almost Famous Quiz
Yoda's Anchorman Quiz
Rodent's Arachnophobia Quiz
Doolallyfrank's Avengers Age Of Ultron Quiz
Rodent's Avengers: Infinity War Quiz

Rodent's Back To The Future Quiz
Rodent's Back To The Future Part 2 Quiz
Rodent's Back To The Future Part 3 Quiz
KasperKristensen's BASEketball Quiz
Rodent's Batman V Superman Quiz
Holden Pike's Best Picture Oscar-Winning Quotes
Dolallyfrank's Black Panther Quiz

Sci-Fi-Slob's Blade Runner Quiz
Rodent's Blade Runner 2049 Quiz
KasperKristensen's Boondock Saints Quiz
KasperKristensen's Boondock Saints 2 Quiz
Rodent's Breakfast Club Quiz


dteam6's Captain America: The Winter Soldier Quiz
Doolallyfrank's Captain America: Civil War Quiz
Holden Pike's Coen Brothers Quiz

Chypmunk's Despicable Me Quiz
Rodent's Die Hard Quiz
Rodent's Die Hard 2 Quiz
Rodent's Die Hard With A Vengeance Quiz
Doolallyfrank's Doctor Strange Quiz
LordSlaytan's Donnie Darko Quiz
Rodent's Dredd Quiz

Rodent's Expendables Quiz
Rodent's Expendables 2 Quiz
Rodent's Expendables 3 Quiz

KasperKristensen's Fight Club Book-To-Movie Quiz
Yoda's Fight Club Quiz
Holden Pike's Film Noir Quiz
KasperKristensen's Forgetting Sarah Marshall Quiz

Austruck's Gene Wilder Quiz
Rodent's Ghostbusters Quiz
Rodent's Ghostbusters 2 Quiz
Rodent's Grosse Pointe Blank Quiz
Chypmunk's Groundhog Day Quiz
Rodent's Guardians Of The Galaxy Quiz
Dolallyfrank's Guardians Of The Galaxy 2 Quiz

Yoda's Harry Potter And The Sorcerer's Stone Quiz
Deathly's Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets Quiz
Deathly's Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban Quiz
Deathly's Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire Quiz
Deathly's Harry Potter And The Order Of The Phoenix Quiz
Deathly's Harry Potter And The Half-Blood Prince Quiz
Deathly's Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows Part 1 Quiz
Deathly's Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows Part 2 Quiz
Rodent's Hateful Eight Quiz
Rodent's Hot Fuzz Quiz


Rodent's Invasion Of The Body Snatchers (1978) Quiz
Yoda's Iron Man Quiz
OdumC's Iron Man 2 Quiz
OdumC's Iron Man 3 Quiz

Rodent's Jack Nicholson Quiz
Rodent's Jaws Super Quiz
Rodent's Jurassic Park Quiz
Rodent's The Lost World Jurassic Park Quiz
Rodent's Jurassic Park 3 Quiz
Rodent's Jurassic World Quiz

SamsoniteDelilah's Katharine Hepburn Quiz
Rodent's Kingpin Quiz
KasperKristensen's Kiss Kiss Bang Bang Quiz

Ange1e4e5's Last Of The Mohicans Quiz
Rodent's Lethal Weapon Quiz
Rodent's Lethal Weapon 2 Quiz
Rodent's Lethal Weapon 3 Quiz
Rodent's Lethal Weapon 4 Quiz
Yoda's LOTR: Fellowship Of The Ring Quiz
Rodent's LOTR: Two Towers Quiz
Rodent's LOTR: Return Of The King Quiz

Yoda's M. Night Shyamalan Quiz
Rodent's Man Of Steel Quiz
Arthur Dent's Manhattan Quiz
Rodent's The Martian Quiz
Holden Pike's Martin Scorsese Quiz
Yoda's Matrix Quiz
LordSlaytan's Monty Python And The Holy Grail Quiz

Rodent's No Country For Old Men Quiz
Holden Pike's North By Northwest Quiz


Hey Fredrick's One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest Quiz
Gideon's Oscars Quiz

Gideon's Famous Movie Parents Quiz
Chypmunk's POTC: Curse Of The Black Pearl Quiz
Chypmunk's POTC: Dead Man's Chest Quiz
Chypmunk's POTC: At World's End Quiz
Chypmunk's POTC: On Stranger Tides Quiz
Rodent's Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes Quiz
Rodent's Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes Quiz
Rodent's Predator Quiz
Rodent's Predator 2 Quiz
Rodent's Predators Quiz
sadesdrk's Princess Bride Quiz
Chypmunk's Pulp Fiction Quiz


Rodent's Rear Window Quiz
Gideon's Remake Quiz
Chypmunk's Reservoir Dogs Quiz
Chypmunk's Rififi Quiz
Holden Pike's Robert De Niro Quiz
Rodent's RoboCop (1987) Quiz

Sci-Fi Slob's Sci-Fi Quiz
Rodent's Scream Quiz
Rodent's Scream 2 Quiz
Rodent's Scream 3 Quiz
Rodent's Scream 4 Quiz
Rodent's Se7en Quiz
Rodent's Shaun Of The Dead Quiz
Rodent's The Shining Quiz
Rodent's Simpsons Movie Quiz
Chypmunk's Sin City Quiz
Rodent's Speed (1994) Quiz
Yoda's Spider-Man Quiz
Rodent's Spider-Man 2 Quiz
Rodent's Star Wars Episode I Quiz
Rodent's Star Wars Episode II Quiz
Rodent's Star Wars Episode III Quiz
Rodent's Star Wars Episode IV Quiz
Rodent's Star Wars Episode V Quiz
Rodent's Star Wars Episode VI Quiz
Rodent's Star Wars Episode VII Quiz
Rodent's Star Wars Episode VIII Quiz
Holden Pike's Steve Martin Quiz
Rodent's Steven Spielberg Quiz
Rodent's Suicide Squad Quiz

Rodent's TMNT (1990) Quiz
Rodent's Terminator Quiz
Rodent's Terminator 2 Quiz
Holden Pike's Terry Gilliam Quiz
Sexy Celebrity's Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 Quiz
Holden Pike's This Is Spinal Tap Quiz

Doolallyfrank's Thor: Ragnarok Quiz
Gideon's Title Role Quiz
Yoda's Tom Cruise Quiz
Rodent's Tremors Quiz
Rodent's True Lies Quiz



Holden Pike's Westerns Quiz
Rodent's The World's End Quiz


Rodent's Young Guns Quiz

Rodent's Young Guns 2 Quiz


The Rodent 07-14-16 09:36 PM

Re: Quizzes - Updates And Stuff

The Rodent 07-15-16 07:15 PM

Re: Quizzes - Updates And Stuff
New quiz added already. Ange1e4e5 has written us a Mohicans quiz :up:

The Rodent 08-16-16 03:28 PM

Re: Quizzes - Updates And Stuff
Two new quizzes added! Just click quizzes at the top right :D

NedStark09 08-16-16 08:25 PM

Re: Quizzes - Updates And Stuff
How do you make a quiz on here.

Yoda 08-16-16 09:10 PM

Re: Quizzes - Updates And Stuff
There's no way for members to do so automatically, on a whim: they usually just ask, I let them know what's entailed (and warn them that it won't necessarily be accepted), and if that's agreeable they send the questions and answers over.

Our standards for quizzes are pretty high, however, so it's something any prospective quiz author should expect to put a fair bit of time and thought into.

Yoda 10-04-16 11:44 AM

New one, from Gideon58:

The Famous Movie Parents Quiz

The Rodent 01-04-17 09:03 PM

Re: Quizzes - Updates And Stuff
Had an edit of the second post to make it easier to read.
There's some more quizzes coming soon... currently sitting on Suicide Squad to complete the DCEU set that are in there already.
I'm hoping also to write up a Spider-Man 2 (Raimi's) quiz to go with Yoda's current Spider-Man quiz.

Plus more...

The Rodent 01-04-17 09:07 PM

Originally Posted by Yoda (Post 1561993)
Our standards for quizzes are pretty high, however, so it's something any prospective quiz author should expect to put a fair bit of time and thought into.

Just quoting this for reference...

I wanted to ask if there's any fans of the MCU out there?

Yoda wrote an Iron Man quiz a while back, and I was thinking we could get you guys to help out in completing the set and writing quizzes for the other 950 MCU movies :D
I'm not a fan myself, and don't own the films, apart from GotG, so it'd be tough for me to write up on them.

The MCU ones would be pretty easy to do... just 10 questions for each would be needed so they tie in with Yoda's Iron Man quiz.
All that's asked, is to check and recheck your quiz to be sure the answers are right... and if unsure of content, just check out the current Iron Man quiz to see what sort of questions Yoda put in there.

Layout for writing a quiz is pretty simple... a question, four possible answers, one is right and the rest are wrong.

Once done, send your quiz to me via a Private Message and I can go over it, check stuff and do spell checks et al :D , and then add it into the quiz control panel so it can await approval by Yoda.

Any takers for the MCU? Help complete the set for MoFo?
Post in here which one you fancy writing up for so we don't end up with 2 or 3 people writing quizzes for the same movie :D

The Rodent 01-05-17 04:57 PM

Re: Quizzes - Updates And Stuff
Two new quizzes up now... Suicide Squad, and Spider-Man 2.

The Rodent 01-07-17 03:19 PM

Re: Quizzes - Updates And Stuff
Nobody having a go at the new ones then?
I thought Spider-Man 2 was a favourite on here...

I just had a go at some I'd written and got excited when I actually got them right.
I'd forgotten most of the answers :D

Miss Vicky 01-07-17 03:29 PM

Re: Quizzes - Updates And Stuff
I haven't seen either of those movies so no doubt I'd fail both.

The Rodent 01-11-17 07:08 PM

Re: Quizzes - Updates And Stuff
I've put together a quiz for Guardians Of The Galaxy... not up yet though but hoping it will inspire others to want to write for the rest of the MCU... ;)

The Rodent 01-12-17 09:50 PM

Re: Quizzes - Updates And Stuff
GotG is up now guys :)

Yoda 01-12-17 09:54 PM

Re: Quizzes - Updates And Stuff
I got 7 of 10. One of them I just randomly picked the wrong one somehow, even though I knew it. :laugh: So it should've been 8. Sort of?

Good quiz. :up: Nice mix of questions.

The Rodent 01-12-17 09:56 PM

Originally Posted by Yoda (Post 1626707)
I got 7 of 10. One of them I just randomly picked the wrong one somehow, even though I knew it. :laugh:

At least it's not as bad as when I did my own Alien quiz to check it was working and got one wrong 10 minutes after I'd written it :rotfl:

The Rodent 01-15-17 01:53 AM

Re: Quizzes - Updates And Stuff
Well damn.

I've just spotted we're short of a quiz on The Shining.
That's mine then.

If you jump in first, you get to write quizzes on all the best ones!

The Rodent 01-18-17 11:24 AM

Re: Quizzes - Updates And Stuff
The Shining is up and ready to go.
Kind of a toughie, 20 questions too :D


The Rodent 02-08-17 09:17 AM

Re: Quizzes - Updates And Stuff
Right, bumping the thread for the new guys who have been joining recently.

Quizzes are at the top right in MoFo's main header (on every page). Have a gander :D Most were written by myself, with contributions from a few other members.

Going to throw out a request and an invite as well... again... seeing as none of the other lazy sods on here took me up on the offer before :laugh:

Fancy contributing to MoFo?
As I've said in previous posts on here ^^ is there anyone out there who fancies putting a quiz or two together?

Looking for someone to help out with some Marvel Quizzes, namely the MCU movies.
We got quizzes for Guardians Of The Galaxy and the first Iron Man movie... but I'm not a huge Marvel fan and I don't own the DVDs... writing a quiz is pretty simple.

Just 10 questions for each movie would be needed so they tie in with Yoda's Iron Man quiz and the Guardians quiz I wrote.
All that's asked, is to check and recheck your quiz to be sure the answers are right... and if unsure of content, just check out the current Iron Man quiz to see what sort of questions Yoda put in there.

Make them fun but still a little challenging, not too nerdy not too easy, so they can be taken by people who are superfans and also by people who aren't superfans.

Layout for writing a quiz is pretty simple... each question has four possible answers, one is right and the rest are wrong.

Best thing to do also is to post in here in this thread which one of the Marvel movies you wish to write a quiz for so there's no overlap and we end up with 2 or 3 MoFos are writing for the same film. Kinda like a first-come-first-served basis.

Once done, send your quiz to me via a Private Message and I can go over it, check stuff and do spell checks et al , and then I can add it into the quiz control panel so it can await approval by Yoda.

Once your quiz goes live, it will be displayed in the Quiz Section, with your username on the credits so everyone knows who wrote it :up:
Cool, huh?

So, any takers for the MCU? There's still 12 quizzes to go to complete the current set.

Ant Man
The Avengers (Avengers Assemble)
Avengers: Age Of Ultron
Captain America: Civil War
Captain America: The First Avenger
Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Doctor Strange
The Incredible Hulk
Iron Man 2
Iron Man 3
Thor: The Dark World

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