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jrs 07-09-02 02:31 PM

Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice
Although the plot is being kept under wraps, here's more info....

In addition to the two heroes, there are three great parts for women.

Superman's Metropolis and Batman's Gotham City will be featured in the project. They are the bright and dark side, which essentially is two sides of the same coin. Thats the principle of the movie, which reflects what life is all about.

The film will be character-driven. They are not gonna go with typical actors but going to go with great actors who will do an action-oriented part,

There will be a conflict between the heroes. Superman stands for what is powerful, clear, bright, noble and just; Batman is dark, obsessive and vengeful. Because they are so different, they will inevitably end up clashing. It will be a battle of the titans.

Although the two crime-fighters will team up against evildoers, each will experience his own inner conflict. They both go through some kind of a crisis. Superman has an unwavering belief in what is right and wrong and it's just not that simple anymore in today's world, while Batman is on a path of self-destruction. He reacts to an act of incredible violence in a way that almost puts him over the edge."

Sounds exciting ' eh? :yup:

firegod 07-09-02 02:34 PM

Wanna bet?

Mary Loquacious 07-09-02 02:37 PM

That does sound interesting. I'll have to keep an eye out for more info...

There's a great Batman/Superman crossover in the WB animated series called "World's Finest" (based on the comic, I believe) which is very well-done.

And, of course, Superman's pivotal role in The Dark Knight Returns is just kicka*s, as is their interaction in Kingdom Come. Batman and Superman were made to play off each other--they're the two sides of the coin, you know?

Gracie 07-09-02 02:49 PM

I think it's obvious who's gonna win. Superman!

Yoda 07-09-02 02:53 PM

:yup: Batman can't win. That'd be ridiculous. I smell a draw of sorts, though.

mecurdius 07-09-02 06:04 PM

superman has never beat batman. in the movie batman and superman's fight would never be resolved, they would come to their senses and join forces to beat joker or someone.

Ladies Man 07-09-02 07:15 PM

Re: Batman Vs. Superman
Originally posted by jrs1013

There will be a conflict between the heroes. Superman stands for what is powerful, clear, bright, noble and just; Batman is dark, obsessive and vengeful. Because they are so different, they will inevitably end up clashing. It will be a battle of the titans.

Sorry, I just can't take the fact that two superheros from totally different places within dimensions and they happen to be in the same place!

Please, someone bring ME up to speed.

Yoda 07-09-02 07:59 PM

So, the existence of Superman is perfectly viable, but the fact that he lives in the same "dimension" as Batman is not? It's a fictional world, buddy. Suspend just a LITTLE disbelief...what matters most is that the film is internally consistent.

mecurdius 07-10-02 02:58 AM

Batman = Dark or night or the Dark Knight
Superman = light or day

two completely different things, so how do they make the movie? THE GOLDEN HOUR! w00t!

jrs 07-11-02 10:59 PM

Batman vs. Superman Hype is launched......

fostersliteice 07-21-02 06:59 AM

who cares about Batman vs. Superman

Spiderman rules

Radical Ed 07-24-02 01:16 AM

I think that this will be an awesome movie!!
Even though im more of a batman fan, im willing to see this movie. IT sounds great and probably attract alot of attention. And more then likely people will be argueing of who is better superman or batman? But who cares a movie is great just to sit back and enjoy. There will be alot of action so this sounds like a cool movie.

For any Batman fans out there, on The WB a show called the Birds of Prey will be airing this fall. It will be about New Gothom and 3 girls. One is Barbra Gordon who is now confined to a wheelchair. She is now know as The Oracle. There is also someone named the Huntress. The third is Batman and Catwomen's DAUGHTER named Helena . (I might have gotten Huntress and Helena mixed up) For more info on this new show go to WWW.THEWB.COM

jrs 07-24-02 01:27 AM

That's Gotham , Barbara and Catwoman

Yoda 07-24-02 09:32 AM

Now THIS is interesting...

Holden Pike 07-24-02 09:50 AM

I just wish somebody truly good, like say David Fincher, would adapt The Dark Knight Returns and get it over with already. This particular Batman vs. Superman nonsense as outlined above just ain't gonna cut it.

And yes, of course it'll end up like all of the various "versus" comic books from the '70s. The few where the Marvel & D.C. universes melded, such as Superman vs. Spiderman or Batman vs. The Hulk, were always terribly disappointing and always cop-outs. They "fight" each other for all of five panels on one page, then naturally they realize they're both heroes and they team-up to fight the bad guys. Big frippin' whoop. As a kid I always wanted my money back after reading these stupid things.

Yoda 07-24-02 12:49 PM

What I want is something realistic: they don't technically fight, but rather, they start getting in each other's way...they have disagreements. Superman is clean-cut...always wants to haul 'em off to jail. Batman is a bit more realistic, but also a little outta control: he'd rather beat the snot out of them, and even, in some cases, kill them, taking the law into his own hands.

Clashing over that sort of thing would be believable and intriguing, because, frankly, they'd both have a point.

sadesdrk 07-24-02 12:49 PM

Originally posted by Holden Pike
They "fight" each other for all of five panels on one page, then naturally they realize they're both heroes and they team-up to fight the bad guys. Big frippin' whoop. As a kid I always wanted my money back after reading these stupid things.
Yeah! What would really be sweet, is if they would just hate each other's guts and knock the piss outta each other! My bet would be on Superman, he has all those superhuman powers, but I would most likely be rooting for Batman; that Batmobile!GRRRRRROOOOOWL, how's about a back seat tour, BatHottie?!

:laugh: Weird mood this morning: Just a disclaimer.

Mary Loquacious 07-24-02 03:01 PM

Originally posted by Holden Pike
I just wish somebody truly good, like say David Fincher, would adapt The Dark Knight Returns and get it over with already.
Amen. But until that day comes, we've got Aronofsky working on Year One.

Batman is a bit more realistic, but also a little outta control: he'd rather beat the snot out of them, and even, in some cases, kill them, taking the law into his own hands.
I agree with you, Chris, but Batman hasn't killed anyone since the early '40s, the days when he packed a gun. But beatin' the snot out of 'em, definitely. :yup:

jrs 07-25-02 12:29 AM

Straight from Warner Bros. itself, http://www.<a href="</a> been told that neither Jude Law nor Colin Farrell have been cast in Batman vs. Superman. Auditions continue to take place and more actors will be seen next week. While Farrell and Law are in the running, they have not been signed. They are being considered and nothing more.

Gracie 07-25-02 08:08 PM

When I think of a superhero, I think of his/her theme song...

Spiderman, Spiderman, does whatever a spider can! Is he tough? Listen bud, he's got radioactive blood! Spiderman, Spiderman! Friendly neighborhood Spiderman! Whenever there's a hang-up, he thinks that it's a bang-up Spidermaaaaaaaaaaaaan!
Although I love Superheros, I also love...REN & STIMPY!!

Hello everybody. This is song about whales. NO! This is song about being happy. Happy-Happy Joy-Joy, Happy-Happy Joy-Joy,. Happy-Happy Joy-Joy,. Happy-Happy Joy-Joy,. Happy-Happy Joy-Joy,. Happy-Happy Joy-Joy. NOT HAPPY ENOUGH! Let's try one mor time.... Happy-Happy Joy-Joy,. Happy-Happy Joy-Joy,. Happy-Happy Joy-Joy,. Happy-Happy Joy-Joy,. Happy-Happy Joy-Joy,
(Sorry about all the songs...)

Synth 07-27-02 11:35 AM

i don't ever understand how anyone can think it's fair to put someone like spidey or batman against superman or the does that equal out?

jrs 08-08-02 12:05 AM

A source at the Warner Bros. Studios in Burbank has confirmed to the Superman Homepage that Jude Law is still in the running to be cast as Superman in the up-coming "Batman vs Superman" movie, but that the part has not yet been cast. It was indicated however that Colin Farrel had indeed won the part of Batman, and that the top choice to play Superman was actually Josh Hartnett

mecurdius 08-08-02 06:33 AM

Superman home page confimered Josh Hartnet will be superman, and i will kill myself if he is.

Now that Aronofsky's Batman: Year One was canceled there is now an earlier realese date for the brad pitt sci fi movie that his hair is all crazy for!

Mary Loquacious 08-08-02 12:35 PM

Originally posted by mecurdius
Now that Aronofsky's Batman: Year One was canceled there is now an earlier realese date for the brad pitt sci fi movie that his hair is all crazy for!
Mec, where did you read that Year One's been cancelled? All the stuff I've read indicates that it's still on but will be moved back on account of The Fountain and the Batman/Superman flick...

This doesn't make me happy, although I'm very curious about The Fountain, but if Year One's been scuttled for good then I'll really be pissed. :frustrated:

mecurdius 08-08-02 08:34 PM

I heard it was on some random website, may not be true then.....

I think year one could be a lot better than batman vs superman.

Mary Loquacious 08-13-02 09:24 PM

The bad news: Batman vs. Superman has apparently been pushed back so that Wolfgang Peterson can make Troy.

The good news: Maybe (it's a slim chance, but I'll keep my hopes up) we'll see Year One get made a little sooner than we expected...

Monkeypunch 08-13-02 11:54 PM

Okay, question: In Batman Year One, Who should play Batman? I have my own ideas, but I wanna hear what you think...
(This is not asking who WILL play batman since I have no freakin' clue, but who you'd LIKE to see...)

Personally, I'd like to see David Boreanaz play Batman, because after watching a whole pile of Angel episodes, I think he could do it.

jrs 08-14-02 12:39 AM

Michael keaton is my choice for Batman always

Aiursrage2k 12-10-04 05:05 PM

Batman can fight superman, remember supermans arch enemy is Lex Luthor...
He has the resources to acquire kyrptonite.

Blister 12-11-04 12:50 PM

Why post in a thread which has been dead for 2 years about a movie that will never happen anytime soon.

Richard Hell 12-11-04 09:49 PM

Originally Posted by The Blister Exists
Why post in a thread which has been dead for 2 years about a movie that will never happen anytime soon.

Youll do it some time in your stay here. Any who Batman would kill Super-man

Piledriver 12-12-04 10:48 AM

Originally Posted by The Blister Exists
Why post in a thread which has been dead for 2 years about a movie that will never happen anytime soon.
I gotta agree with the Blister on this one. This movie isn't going to happen. I think Alien vs. Predator ruined any chance it may of had of getting started. Although, the graphic novel "Kindom Come" would make a GREAT movie, and with the right talent, could become the best "comic to movie" ever. ;)

Tazz 12-12-04 11:03 AM

Originally Posted by Frank Castle
Any who Batman would kill Super-man
It's Superman and no Batman wouldn't kill "Super-man"...

Richard Hell 12-13-04 08:04 PM

Originally Posted by Zzat
It's Superman and no Batman wouldn't kill "Super-man"...
Yes he would, Kryptonite and just whip his super @22

Krackalackin 01-24-05 08:57 PM

Originally Posted by sadesdrk
Yeah! What would really be sweet, is if they would just hate each other's guts and knock the piss outta each other! My bet would be on Superman, he has all those superhuman powers, but I would most likely be rooting for Batman; that Batmobile!GRRRRRROOOOOWL, how's about a back seat tour, BatHottie?!

:laugh: Weird mood this morning: Just a disclaimer.
Can't be done. You can't hurt Superman. No human can. Batman's just an intelligent, athletic, rich wacko. He couldn't hope to even hurt Superman. Superman could kill Batman in an instant. There's no debate you can have. That's just the bottom line. That's their characters. I'd like to see Silver Surfer vs. Superman. That would be a battle of the Titans! And yes, Silver Surfer can definitely hurt Superman. (Hot damn!)

Tazz 01-24-05 10:54 PM

Originally Posted by Frank Castle
Yes he would, Kryptonite and just whip his super @22
Yea, anyone can kill Superman with Kryptonite [Even i can]. Well, we can say Batman are at a distance and Superman uses his breathe power or heat vision and send Batman flying. I'm sure Superman is smart enough to form a strategy...

Lance McCool 01-24-05 11:04 PM

Originally Posted by Frank Castle
Yes he would, Kryptonite and just whip his super @22
It looks cooler like this: @$$

Terminator734 01-25-05 01:03 AM

i just want to see Batman: Returns and then Superman: Returns before i see them 2 together!

Escape 01-25-05 01:59 PM

Originally Posted by Terminator734
i just want to see Batman: Returns and then Superman: Returns before i see them 2 together!
Well, if you mean use the same actors who will play in the new updated versions for both films with the "vs" film, that would be alright too.

teeter_g 07-20-13 07:23 PM

Batman/Superman movie
Holy cow it has been confirmed! To be released in 2015!


It is either going to be epic-ly awesome or unbelieveably stupid. I am hopeful for epic awesomeness!:D:cool:

gandalf26 07-20-13 07:29 PM

Re: Batman/Superman movie

To think the awesome Batman movies will be tainted with that pile of steaming **** Man of Steel.

teeter_g 07-20-13 07:35 PM

Re: Batman/Superman movie

The Rodent 07-20-13 08:36 PM

Re: Batman/Superman movie

Masterman 07-20-13 08:40 PM

Re: Batman/Superman movie
As much as loved both movies, I don't see how they fit together.

The Rodent 07-20-13 08:45 PM

Re: Batman/Superman movie
Only seems fitting to post my Fan Art again...

Dtwizzy2k8 07-20-13 09:10 PM

Re: Batman/Superman movie
This is a cheap studio move to make easy money, the film itself will probably be stupid. It's sad how much Hollywood relies on sequels, team-ups, reboots, and gimmicks these days.

The Gunslinger45 07-20-13 09:32 PM

I will see how this plays out, until then, I have this movie.

LateRegistration 07-20-13 11:36 PM

Woah. I was expecting a new Superman film around that time, since the Dark Knight films released three years apart from each other, but I wasn't really expecting any more Batman in film until a Justice League film was released. That doesn't mean I'm not excited, though, because I'm very! I'm glad Zack Snyder's back, he does a good superhero film (Man Of Steel & Watchmen are both excellent IMO.) A standalone Batman movie is almost inevitable after this, maybe he'll even be attached to that as well if people like it enough.

This probably confirms the suspicion that the Justice League movie is coming in 2017, or at least very, very soon; They probably want us to get used to a new Batman as soon as possible. I just hope they focus more on telling a good Batman story rather than getting audiences up to speed on who Batman is, because it seems like studios aren't afraid to tell the same story all over again way too soon, like with Amazing Spiderman, and The Incredible Hulk (both great movies, but still.) We already have a perfect Batman origin movie, and that's all we need for a good, long time. A Flash movie is rumored to be a strong possibility soon as well, and if that's true, will leave a few big ones without a big introduction in film, like Wonder Woman, but they'll probably just be introduced in the JL movie itself, like Hawkeye in The Avengers.

I wonder who the new Batman will be?

teeter_g 07-20-13 11:46 PM

Re: Batman/Superman movie

I saw a 'rebooted batman origin' in this article. I really hope that they don't do that. I like the Dark Knight version of it.
That said, I am SOOOO very excited for this movie! I have been looking forward to Justice League because I want them to do something better with Green Lantern (he was always my favorite). That said, bring it on!!! I can't wait!

LP Quagmire 07-22-13 07:18 AM

Originally Posted by gandalf26 (Post 927087)

To think the awesome Batman movies will be tainted with that pile of steaming **** Man of Steel.

Considering the heartless mess Snyder's MOS turned out to be, this is hardly cause for celebration. At least they'll be ruining a new BATMAN, not the one from Nolan's epic trilogy.

gandalf26 07-22-13 07:20 AM

Re: Batman/Superman movie
Is Bale really going to turn down a $40 million + payday for this? What do you guys reckon?

LP Quagmire 07-22-13 07:22 AM

Originally Posted by gandalf26 (Post 927671)
Is Bale really going to turn down a $40 million + payday for this? What do you guys reckon?


gandalf26 07-22-13 07:24 AM

Originally Posted by LP Quagmire (Post 927672)
Acting careers are fickle, one day you are in Jail and rehab then few years later you are superstar like Downey Jnr and vice versa. Can you really turn down a mega payday or 2 to play Batman again?

LP Quagmire 07-22-13 07:34 AM

Originally Posted by gandalf26 (Post 927674)
Acting careers are fickle, one day you are in Jail and rehab then few years later you are superstar like Downey Jnr and vice versa. Can you really turn down a mega payday or 2 to play Batman again?

Bale has said his BATMAN ended with Nolan's THE DARK KNIGHT RISES. The only way Bale is coming back is if Nolan suddenly decides to direct the team-up movie, which I don't see happening. There's an integrity to Nolan's BATMAN trilogy that is very unique and adult when compared to other comic book franchises. BATMAN was given the perfect send-off in THE DARK KNIGHT RISES, and I don't see Nolan or Bale wanting to mess that up for an easy pay day.

gandalf26 07-22-13 07:36 AM

Originally Posted by LP Quagmire (Post 927676)
Bale has said his BATMAN ended with Nolan's THE DARK KNIGHT RISES. The only way Bale is coming back is if Nolan suddenly decides to direct the team-up movie, which I don't see happening. There's an integrity to Nolan's BATMAN trilogy that is very unique and adult when compared to other comic book franchises. BATMAN was given the perfect send-off in THE DARK KNIGHT RISES, and I don't see Nolan or Bale wanting to mess that up for an easy pay day.
I hope I'm wrong, I'm just saying tough to turn down financial security for life.

Nothing has been said about who is playing Batman yet as far as I'm aware, wouldn't surprise me if they are talking to Bale about it.

LP Quagmire 07-22-13 07:41 AM

Originally Posted by gandalf26 (Post 927677)
I hope I'm wrong, I'm just saying tough to turn down financial security for life.

If Bale isn't financially set for life now, he never will be.

n3wt 07-22-13 10:41 AM

Re: Batman/Superman movie
This is epic news! Just hope it will be as awesome as I want it to be!

McConnaughay 07-22-13 11:10 AM

Re: Batman/Superman movie
Honestly, while I can certainly understand why a lot of people had problems with the Man of Steel movie, I actually enjoyed it. I wouldn't go as far as to say it's up-there with The Dark Knight trilogy, but it wasn't a bad film by any means. I'd say it is on-par with Thor, Captain America, Iron Man 2-3, while still below Spider-Man and Bats.

LP Quagmire 07-22-13 11:19 AM

Originally Posted by McConnaughay (Post 927722)
Honestly, while I can certainly understand why a lot of people had problems with the Man of Steel movie, I actually enjoyed it. I wouldn't go as far as to say it's up-there with The Dark Knight trilogy, but it wasn't a bad film by any means. I'd say it is on-par with Thor, Captain America, Iron Man 2-3, while still below Spider-Man and Bats.

The difference is that Nolan's BATMAN trilogy was made with adults in mind, while the other flicks you mention cater to a more teenage audience. I would hate to see Bale's BATMAN "dumbed-down" for a BATMAN-MOS movie, and I suspect Bale wouldn't go for that, so a new BATMAN will be in order for any team-up.

The Rodent 07-22-13 12:12 PM

Re: Batman/Superman movie
Who's to say Joseph Gordon-Levitt won't be wearing the Batcape?

LateRegistration 07-22-13 01:57 PM

Originally Posted by The Rodent (Post 927741)
Who's to say Joseph Gordon-Levitt won't be wearing the Batcape?
I couldn't see them doing it if they're trying to separate this film with the DK trilogy. Personally, I'd like to keep everything from that series closed shut.

But, if they were to say "hey, this is not the same character from The Dark Knight Rises, this is Joseph Gordon-Levitt as Bruce Wayne," I'd be on board.

Personally, I'd love to see Gosling as Batman.

LP Quagmire 07-22-13 02:09 PM

Originally Posted by LateRegistration (Post 927774)
I couldn't see them doing it if they're trying to separate this film with the DK trilogy. Personally, I'd like to keep everything from that series closed shut.

But, if they were to say "hey, this is not the same character from The Dark Knight Rises, this is Joseph Gordon-Levitt as Bruce Wayne," I'd be on board.

Personally, I'd love to see Gosling as Batman.

I think Gosling would be a good fit for BATMAN. I'm out of step, though -- I don't see what's to be gained from team-ups and would rather see a new BATMAN movie than a BATMAN-MOS "spectacular."

The Rodent 07-22-13 06:59 PM

Re: Batman/Superman movie
I think a new Batman would work... as long as it is Gordon-Levitt carrying on from TDKR or maybe someone who could "act dark"... Maybe Michael Fassbender?

n3wt 07-23-13 07:18 AM

Re: Batman/Superman movie
Michael Fassbender would be a great choice IMO he is a great actor and I thought he was awesome as Magneto in First Class.

Im excited for this DC crossover movie, DC definatly needs to start with the crossover films and Justice League movie as Marvel a way out in front :yup:

Im still waiting to see Man of Steel :facepalm:

Leomentheus 07-23-13 11:01 AM

NOTE: Snyder has stated that they will be borrowing elements from The Dark Knight Returns for the movie, so I based my treatment heavily on that storyline.

Before I begin, I must mention that Bruce is 40-years-old in The Dark Knight Rises, which takes place in 2016. I was told that Man of Steel takes place in 2013 (unsure of Superman's age), but I believe they could easily retcon that date and move the film to 2023 (read on to find out why that is necessary.) Alright, so here it is: My treatment for MoS 2, merged with Nolan's universe. Let me know what you think.

After Superman's battle with Zod, Metropolis is not only in ruins, but starting to show signs of a slow but sure nuclear winter. Analysts predict the terraforming machine caused this, and concerns are rising as the entire U.S. is slowly enveloped by the apocalypse. Looters run amok, crime is rampant, and the U.S. is struggling to hold it's image in the international scene. Lex Luthor blames this on Superman, brainwashing Americans into hating Supes, creating riots whenever he is spotted. The government tells him to lie low because of this. Meanwhile, retired, 50-year-old Bruce Wayne watches the chaos unfold in front of him.

He is forced to don the cape once again, as Robin/Nightwing/Skinny Batman (Joseph-Gorden Levitt), has formed the Teen Titans, located in Somewherefarawayland (Titans movie!). Bruce begins to restore order to Gotham. However, this awakens the Joker from a catatonic state in Arkham, as he was ever since he entered. After convincing officials he is now sane, he is released, and begins an anonymous killing spree. Batman finally meets the Joker, and after being stabbed repeatedly, is forced to break his neck. Bruce does this so he does not kill the man, but the Joker snaps his own neck, framing Batman for murder. This puts all the deaths under Batman's name, making the general public also hate and fear him (Incredibles-esque, eh?). The U.S. tasks Superman to kill the Bat. This will Rocket Supes' popularity and make him a "hero". Seeing as Supes is the governments ally, restoring the glory to him is a win for them. However, Supes is conflicted because he vowed never to kill again, but at the same time, cannot let this madman continue his rampage. Oliver Queen (Green Arrow, Stephen Amell IRL), who is a friend of Bats, warns him of the U.S.'s plans.

Bruce already has a personal distaste of Superman. In his eyes, this alien destroyed Metropolis and committed murder. He's no good. So, when Supes tries to reason with Bats in Gotham, Bruce brings along an exosuit he had been developing for years, along with other gadgets and a strange pill, to give him equal footing when he attacks Superman (THIS IS THE CLIMAX OF THE MOVIE.) Although Supes is also weak from flying through the terraforming machine in MoS 1, he still manages to overtake Batman, but just before Arrow appears and shoots him with a kryptonite-tipped arrow. However, Batman immediately dies from a heart attack, due to the exertion from his suit. Superman uses this distraction to escape. Meanwhile, a very old Lucious Fox detonates a bomb that destroys Wayne Manor and the Batcave, which was planned by him and Bruce. It then becomes public knowledge that Bruce Wanye was Batman, however all of Wayne Enterprises cash has been withdrawn and its stocks sold.

Bruce's body is claimed by a "distant relative" (Oliver Queen), and a funeral takes place, in which Clark Kent shows up. You hear a faint heartbeat, showing Clark puzzled. He then looks over to Oliver, smiles, and nods. Oliver nods back. Later that knight (haha pun), Oliver is shown digging Bruce's coffin out of the ground, and helping Bruce to his feet. He had swallowed the pill he brought to the fight, which put him into a "death state". He and Oliver walk through the tunnels beyond the Batcave, where Superman is seen standing. Cut to a scene of Luthor making a deal (Superman has joined Batman and turned evil! we must stop him) with the President and the General from the first movie, and BAM, you're set for a Justice League movie.

LP Quagmire 07-25-13 03:15 PM

Is this the new BATMAN?

Nausicaä 07-25-13 03:25 PM

Re: Batman/Superman movie
He's got the look for me but I have no idea what he is like in the acting department.

LP Quagmire 07-25-13 03:28 PM

Originally Posted by Nausicaä (Post 929298)
He's got the look for me but I have no idea what he is like in the acting department.

If it's another slugfest like MAN OF STEEL it won't matter.

teeter_g 07-25-13 03:33 PM

Re: Batman/Superman movie
From what I have read about this movie it is the sequel to MOS. It is NOT a team-up movie, they DON'T like each other. Granted that could all change and lead right into the Justice League movie that is coming in 2017. Who knows....

LateRegistration 07-25-13 04:22 PM

At least we'll get an awesome fight between the two. An unfair one, as always, but they still make it work, like in The Dark Knight Returns. :yup:

moviebuffUK 07-25-13 04:45 PM

Originally Posted by LateRegistration (Post 929360)
At least we'll get an awesome fight between the two. An unfair one, as always, but they still make it work, like in The Dark Knight Returns. :yup:
Yeah, remember Superman doesn't age so if they do cast Batman in the new movie it could be somebody older than anyone who's played him before. I vote for James Brolin, remember as soon as the actor is in the suit they can do what they like in terms of fight scenes, the actor is always more important than how he looks in the suit. Yes that's right, I'm looking at you Batman and Robin... FOR SHAME!

LateRegistration 07-25-13 05:00 PM

Originally Posted by moviebuffUK (Post 929372)
Yeah, remember Superman doesn't age so if they do cast Batman in the new movie it could be somebody older than anyone who's played him before. I vote for James Brolin, remember as soon as the actor is in the suit they can do what they like in terms of fight scenes, the actor is always more important than how he looks in the suit. Yes that's right, I'm looking at you Batman and Robin... FOR SHAME!
I hope the Batman nipples make a triumphant return from the Schumacher films. They just added so much to the suit.

teeter_g 07-27-13 11:32 AM

Originally Posted by LateRegistration (Post 929381)
I hope the Batman nipples make a triumphant return from the Schumacher films. They just added so much to the suit.


The Rodent 07-27-13 11:42 AM

Re: Batman/Superman movie
Don't forget the obligatory close ups of butt cheeks and codpieces...

LP Quagmire 07-27-13 09:14 PM

Originally Posted by The Rodent (Post 929991)
Don't forget the obligatory close ups of butt cheeks and codpieces...

A battle of butt cheeks and IMAX, no less!

McConnaughay 07-28-13 12:10 AM

Originally Posted by LP Quagmire (Post 927725)
The difference is that Nolan's BATMAN trilogy was made with adults in mind, while the other flicks you mention cater to a more teenage audience. I would hate to see Bale's BATMAN "dumbed-down" for a BATMAN-MOS movie, and I suspect Bale wouldn't go for that, so a new BATMAN will be in order for any team-up.
I disagree, I think The Dark Knight, albeit an absolute masterpiece, was positioned in a very similar frame to Man of Steel. In-terms of cinematography and style, the only difference is that The Dark Knight worked, whereas Man of Steel admittedly struggled. At the same time, I think The Dark Knight also, as you said, "catered" as much to a teenage audience. It's not as if it had heavy drugs, prostitutes, and rape, after all. I don't believe that this means that it has to be "dumbed-down" either.

McConnaughay 07-28-13 12:15 AM

Originally Posted by LP Quagmire (Post 927725)
The difference is that Nolan's BATMAN trilogy was made with adults in mind, while the other flicks you mention cater to a more teenage audience. I would hate to see Bale's BATMAN "dumbed-down" for a BATMAN-MOS movie, and I suspect Bale wouldn't go for that, so a new BATMAN will be in order for any team-up.
I disagree, I think The Dark Knight, albeit an absolute masterpiece, was positioned in a very similar frame to Man of Steel. In-terms of cinematography and style, the only difference is that The Dark Knight worked, whereas Man of Steel admittedly struggled. At the same time, I think The Dark Knight also, as you said, "catered" as much to a teenage audience. It's not as if it had heavy drugs, prostitutes, and rape, after all. I don't believe that this means that it has to be "dumbed-down" either.

LP Quagmire 07-28-13 12:18 AM

Originally Posted by McConnaughay (Post 930288)
I disagree, I think The Dark Knight, albeit an absolute masterpiece, was positioned in a very similar frame to Man of Steel. In-terms of cinematography and style, the only difference is that The Dark Knight worked, whereas Man of Steel admittedly struggled. At the same time, I think The Dark Knight also, as you said, "catered" as much to a teenage audience. It's not as if it had heavy drugs, prostitutes, and rape, after all. I don't believe that this means that it has to be "dumbed-down" either.

I disagree that THE DARK KNIGHT is an absolute masterpiece. BATMAN BEGINS? Yes. THE DARK KNIGHT? No.

McConnaughay 07-28-13 07:28 PM

Originally Posted by LP Quagmire (Post 930290)
I disagree that THE DARK KNIGHT is an absolute masterpiece. BATMAN BEGINS? Yes. THE DARK KNIGHT? No.
Honestly, I think Batman Begins is the worst of the trilogy by far, in-fact. Scarecrow was underdeveloped, Ra's Al Ghul wasn't anything spectacular, and while it might have been the strongest movie for the Batman character itself as well as for Christian Bale beneath the cape, I don't think that it had all of the credentials to match the other movies. There was a lot of times where I wasn't being entertained, and there was a lot of things that I think they could have done better. An above-average superhero flick, but beneath the Spider-Man movies, the first Iron Man, The Avengers and by-far beneath The Dark Knight and Rises, in my opinion.

LP Quagmire 07-29-13 01:51 AM

Originally Posted by McConnaughay (Post 930509)
Honestly, I think Batman Begins is the worst of the trilogy by far, in-fact. Scarecrow was underdeveloped, Ra's Al Ghul wasn't anything spectacular, and while it might have been the strongest movie for the Batman character itself as well as for Christian Bale beneath the cape, I don't think that it had all of the credentials to match the other movies. There was a lot of times where I wasn't being entertained, and there was a lot of things that I think they could have done better. An above-average superhero flick, but beneath the Spider-Man movies, the first Iron Man, The Avengers and by-far beneath The Dark Knight and Rises, in my opinion.


BATMAN BEGINS is as close to a perfect BATMAN movie as we'll get; there's not a wasted shot in it and all the performances are outstanding. THE DARK KNIGHT has Ledger's remarkable Joker, but the Two-Face b-story fails to come off, largely because the cgi used to create the character just isn't convincing, and Rachel stand-in Maggie Gyllenhaal brings little to her role as the love interest. Really, THE DARK KNIGHT feels like two movies stuck together, and once Ledger's Joker has been nullified we're left with about a half-hour still to go, and sadly that time is spent resolving the less-than-compelling Two-Face story. I've always thought THE DARK KNIGHT should have ended as a cliffhanger, just at the point where Joker is fleeing the hospital with the explosions igniting behind him...
THE DARK KNIGHT RISES is a great follow-up, though; even if Tom Hardy's Bane can't match Ledger's Joker in intensity, Anne Hathaway's Catwoman and Caine's Alfred more than compensate.

Out of four:


The Rodent 07-29-13 02:50 AM

Re: Batman/Superman movie
I actually think Nolan's series got better as it went on...

My own non-biased ratings:
BB 90%
TDK 95%
Rises 98%

In terms of favouritism... same order

Loved TDK, ledger was one of the most inspired, disturbing and raw performances I've ever seen... but when I saw the overall finish of Rises, I fell for it. If anything I prefer Bane over Joker too... Hardy rocked the role.

Monkeypunch 07-29-13 04:06 AM

Re: Batman/Superman movie
Dark Knight Rises was awful and unnecessarily depressing. Dark Knight was fantastic, and I liked but didn't love Batman Begins even though that one was probably the most faithful of the three films.

That said...

Karl Urban should play Batman. He was fantastic as Judge Dredd, and I think he'd make a fantastic Batman. Just my two cents. My other choice would be Jeffrey dean Morgan if we're looking for an older Batman. Dude has the intensity, look at him in Watchmen. He is the reason to see that movie.

Jon Hamm would be a kick ass Lex Luthor by the way...

The Rodent 07-29-13 04:19 AM

Re: Batman/Superman movie
Full on recasting for a Justice League film...
Nick Cage as Superman...
Mark Wahlberg as Batman...
Tom Cruise as Lex Luthor...
Jennifer Aniston as Lois Lane...
Milla Jovovich as Wonder Woman...
Schwarzenegger as The Flash...
George Clooney as Aquaman...
Casper Van Dien as Green Lantern...
Robert Pattinson as Joker...

That would be a film I would miss.

McConnaughay 07-29-13 07:00 AM

Originally Posted by LP Quagmire (Post 930712)

BATMAN BEGINS is as close to a perfect BATMAN movie as we'll get; there's not a wasted shot in it and all the performances are outstanding. THE DARK KNIGHT has Ledger's remarkable Joker, but the Two-Face b-story fails to come off, largely because the cgi used to create the character just isn't convincing, and Rachel stand-in Maggie Gyllenhaal brings little to her role as the love interest. Really, THE DARK KNIGHT feels like two movies stuck together, and once Ledger's Joker has been nullified we're left with about a half-hour still to go, and sadly that time is spent resolving the less-than-compelling Two-Face story. I've always thought THE DARK KNIGHT should have ended as a cliffhanger, just at the point where Joker is fleeing the hospital with the explosions igniting behind him...
We'll have to agree to disagree, I think it's more like Batman Begins is a 7.0/10.0, The Dark Knight is a 9.5, and Rises is about an 8.8.

Masterman 07-29-13 08:12 AM

Re: Batman/Superman movie
The weakest of the three is The Dark Knight Rises.

LP Quagmire 07-29-13 04:18 PM

Originally Posted by Monkeypunch (Post 930730)
Dark Knight Rises was awful and unnecessarily depressing. Dark Knight was fantastic, and I liked but didn't love Batman Begins.

Karl Urban should play Batman. He was fantastic as Judge Dredd, and I think he'd make a fantastic Batman. Just my two cents.

I couldn't disagree more with your first paragraph...but I'm definitely on board for Karl Urban as Batman!

teeter_g 07-29-13 09:04 PM

Originally Posted by The Rodent (Post 930733)
Full on recasting for a Justice League film...
Nick Cage as Superman...
Mark Wahlberg as Batman...
Tom Cruise as Lex Luthor...
Jennifer Aniston as Lois Lane...
Milla Jovovich as Wonder Woman...
Schwarzenegger as The Flash...
George Clooney as Aquaman...
Casper Van Dien as Green Lantern...
Robert Pattinson as Joker...

That would be a film I would miss.
Who you got for Riddler? LOL!

AlwayzOutgunned 07-30-13 12:00 PM

Originally Posted by Monkeypunch (Post 930730)
Dark Knight Rises was awful and unnecessarily depressing. Dark Knight was fantastic, and I liked but didn't love Batman Begins even though that one was probably the most faithful of the three films.
I don't know how true it is, because I am not a huge Batman fan, but I had heard the original idea for the third film was the trial of the Joker. Alas, Ledger passed and that idea was jettisoned. Regardless, I agree DKR was long, drawn out and the lesser movie of the three.

As far as Superman/Batman is concerned, I think if they keep Mr. Christian Bale, and his weird Batman voice away from the role, it could be a winner.

Masterman 07-30-13 06:09 PM

Re: Batman/Superman movie
The Dark Knight Rises was lazy, we were promised something spectacular and it didn't live up to it. Tom Hardy was wasted as Bane, and the ticking time bomb story was lazy. Don't get me wrong it was still pretty good, but not in the same league as the first 2.

The Rodent 08-05-13 08:24 AM

Re: Batman Vs. Superman
Bumping this thread...

Josh Brolin and Ryan Gosling are in the running to play Batman in the new film out in 2015.

Neither are a good choice imho... Gosling is too pretty, Brolin just doesn't fit the role.

Sleezy 08-05-13 03:50 PM

Richard Armitage and Joe Manganiello are also being considered, among others. They want to cast an older, grittier Batman who's already established, so that's why Brolin is a frontrunner. I agree, though, he's not right for it. They ought to take a hard look at Jon Hamm.

If they choose to cast a bit younger, then Joe Manganiello's as good as anyone. He's not much of an actor, but I think he would pair with Henry Cavill nicely. He's definitely got the "Batman" look, that's for sure.

Richard Armitage isn't bad either, but he seems a bit uninspiring now that he's playing a similar role in Thorin Oakenshield. Just seems a little too easy.

I have no idea why Gosling is being considered. I'm sure it has something to do with a "hot name" that would make the film bankable. I just don't see many fans being on board with Gosling in the role.

LP Quagmire 08-05-13 04:06 PM

Originally Posted by Tazz (Post 233008)
Yea, anyone can kill Superman with Kryptonite [Even i can]. Well, we can say Batman are at a distance and Superman uses his breathe power or heat vision and send Batman flying. I'm sure Superman is smart enough to form a strategy...
If this carries on in the tradition of MAN OF STEEL, Kal El will just throw BATMAN through a building...and another building...and another...

gandalf26 08-06-13 06:25 PM

Re: Batman Vs. Superman
How about "Karl Urban" for Batman.

"Inhabitants of Gotham. In case you have forgotten, this city operates under the same rules as the rest of the country, the Joker is not the law.......... (in Bale esque growl) I am the Law"

TONGO 08-06-13 07:29 PM

Best fight between Batman and Superman was in Frank Millers "Dark Knight Returns", and believe it or not, kryptonite wasnt involved! The 4 issue Dark Knight miniseries showcased everything that is gritty & cool about the Batman. The Joker was pretty cool in it too.


honeykid 08-08-13 08:00 PM

Mark Strong hints at Lex Luthor 'Superman vs Batman' role

Mark Strong has hinted that he will play Lex Luthor in Man of Steel's untitled sequel.

Following the release of Zack Snyder's film, it was strongly rumoured that Superman's iconic nemesis would feature in the sequel, with Strong named as one of several contenders for the role.

Asked by Digital Spy whether there was any truth to the rumours, Strong responded: "All I can say is... watch this space."

It was announced at Comic-Con last month that the Man of Steel sequel would feature Batman, and would draw heavily on Frank Miller's The Dark Knight Returns, in which a grizzled Bruce Wayne faces off against Superman.

Christian Bale will not return to play Wayne, and it has been reported that Josh Brolin, Ryan Gosling and Matthew Goode are among those being considered to take over the role.

Mmmm Donuts 08-10-13 04:07 PM

Re: Batman Vs. Superman
As long as they watch what the animated series did, they should be fine.

wtrankin 08-14-13 03:07 PM

I think Christian Bale needs to come back. If they throw enough money at him, which I think they will (RDJ profit sharing type money) I bet he'll do it. He owns the character now. Batman will need one heck of a suit to stand up to superman though.

ezetuw 08-14-13 03:42 PM

Originally Posted by wtrankin (Post 941998)
I think Christian Bale needs to come back. If they throw enough money at him, which I think they will (RDJ profit sharing type money) I bet he'll do it. He owns the character now. Batman will need one heck of a suit to stand up to superman though.
I actually disagree with that one. I'm not the biggest fan by any means, but Nolan's Batman films (didn't watch the third one) are by far the best straight superhero movies I've seen. And I'm definitely not a Superman fan, and I think taking a good, and for hardcore fans, really memorable superhero movie, and doing a crossover, would ruin the thing a little.

Better for the Nolan trilogy that they grab a new Batman guy.

Cyberia 08-14-13 04:58 PM

Re: Batman Vs. Superman
I always hated the Superman-Batman teams ups in DC Comics because the only way they could make Batman look good was by making Superman look bad.

I suppose kryptonite will figure big in the film.

Deadite 08-14-13 07:04 PM

Originally Posted by TONGO (Post 935909)
Best fight between Batman and Superman was in Frank Millers "Dark Knight Returns", and believe it or not, kryptonite wasnt involved! The 4 issue Dark Knight miniseries showcased everything that is gritty & cool about the Batman. The Joker was pretty cool in it too.


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