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Sexy Celebrity 05-17-16 03:08 PM

It's a Trans, Trans, Trans, Trans World
It's a Trans, Trans, Trans, Trans World

foster 05-17-16 03:10 PM

Re: It's a Trans, Trans, Trans, Trans World
A trans person goes into a mans bathroom. They're not wanted. Ejected.
A trans person is forced into a womans bathroom. They're not wanted. Ejected.

A trans person is denied basic human services.
This is why the government exists!! To pass the sort of law that prevents such extreme discrimination from taking place, where a trans person is not even allowed to use restrooms in public.

TONGO 05-17-16 03:14 PM

Re: It's a Trans, Trans, Trans, Trans World
Make trans bathrooms. Otherwise I dont care if some guy in a dress is in the same bathroom while Im taking a dump. :shrug:

Aphex 05-17-16 03:19 PM

Originally Posted by TONGO (Post 1516166)
Make trans bathrooms. Otherwise I dont care if some gay guy in a dress is in the same bathroom while Im taking a dump. :shrug:
Trans people aren't always gay. Maybe a person who was born male identifies as female but still likes women. It happens.

Cobpyth 05-17-16 03:21 PM

Re: It's a Trans, Trans, Trans, Trans World
There are plenty of bars here in Belgium which only have one bathroom (for all genders). I don't get why this topic is even issue.

And even if it was an issue and if you would make laws about it, it would be extremely hard to enforce those laws (or does every restaurant or bar suddenly needs to pay a guard to control their toilets?).

TONGO 05-17-16 03:21 PM

Originally Posted by Aphex (Post 1516169)
Trans people aren't always gay. Maybe a person who was born male identifies as female but still likes women. It happens.
Ill edit it to "some guy". Sorry.

Aphex 05-17-16 03:25 PM

Originally Posted by TONGO (Post 1516171)
Ill edit it to "some guy". Sorry.
It's okay, I wasn't offended or anything. And certainly am not looking to start an argument. I was just pointing that out because there are people who don't know that. :p

christine 05-17-16 03:27 PM

Originally Posted by Cobpyth (Post 1516170)
There are plenty of bars here in Belgium which only have one bathroom (for all genders). I don't get why this topic is even issue.

And even if it was an issue and if you would make laws about it, it would be extremely hard to enforce those laws (or does every restaurant or bar suddenly needs to pay a guard to control their toilets?).
I don't get what all the fuss is about either. There's lots of places in France and Spain too that have toilets that aren't gender specific, doessn't bother me. I'd rather have the ones without urinals though. I don't want to see fellers having a piss thanks

Aphex 05-17-16 03:28 PM

Re: It's a Trans, Trans, Trans, Trans World
Is that what this is all about, Sexy? You don't want to be associated with transgender people?

Swan 05-17-16 03:32 PM

Originally Posted by christine (Post 1516174)
I don't get what all the fuss is about either. There's lots of places in France and Spain too that have toilets that aren't gender specific, doessn't bother me. I'd rather have the ones without urinals though. I don't want to see fellers having a piss thanks
Don't be taking the piss about us fellers having a piss!

Aphex 05-17-16 03:33 PM

Originally Posted by Sexy Celebrity (Post 1516176)
I honestly think gays shouldn't have to be. I'm not saying we all have to be against transgender people, but because of the term "LGBT", we're lumped into this mess going on right now. We're taking the blame for it, too. Even though I personally -- and I'm not alone here -- think their issues and our issues are different. We're our own thing and they're their own thing. Many gay people feel I'm not right, though -- that our thing is just like their thing. But I actually don't think it is.
I agree with you that gay issues and transgender issues are not the same thing.

Captain Steel 05-17-16 03:43 PM

Re: It's a Trans, Trans, Trans, Trans World
I don't have a concise opinion on the bathroom issue yet, but some of the arguments I've heard seem like they're way out of left field.

One is that male pedophiles will start dressing as females or claiming a gender-identity issue to infiltrate "ladies" restrooms to molest little girls (thus, some are saying they don't want their daughters alone in a bathroom with these creeps.)
So... does that mean with things as already they are, men's rooms are occupied by male pedophiles who prefer younger males laying in wait for little boys (and thus parents shouldn't want their sons alone in a bathroom with these creeps?)

With these being some of the main arguments, it seems the bigger issue is: at what age do you let a child go to the bathroom unaccompanied by an adult guardian?

seanc 05-17-16 04:12 PM

Everytime I think all the segments of our society have run out of things to be offended by they up the ante.

foster 05-17-16 04:45 PM

Originally Posted by Sexy Celebrity (Post 1516173)
So there you have it. Because of LGBT, gays are now lumped into this whole transgender issue thing. Even though I personally have nothing to do with being transgender.
I'm lumped into this whole bathroom issue and I'm not even trans, I'm a drag queen.
It's not LGBTD. I don't identify as a woman and I don't belong in the women's bathroom.

But I sure as hell look like a woman when I want to, and an employee of the establishment working as a bathroom attendant kicked me out of the mens room. They forced me into the womens but I understand why since I get a lot of guys hitting on me, it doesn't seem appropriate to have me in there with our dicks out at the urinal.

Captain Steel 05-17-16 05:02 PM

Originally Posted by foster (Post 1516197)
I'm lumped into this whole bathroom issue and I'm not even trans, I'm a drag queen.
It's not LGBTD. I don't identify as a woman and I don't belong in the women's bathroom.

But I sure as hell look like a woman when I want to, and an employee of the establishment working as a bathroom attendant kicked me out of the mens room. They forced me into the womens but I understand why since I get a lot of guys hitting on me, it doesn't seem appropriate to have me in there with our dicks out at the urinal.
This is just a theory, and I have nothing to back it up, but it's always seemed that homosexuality itself may be a type of gender diffusion or identity confusion, at least on some level.

Now, don't get me wrong, homosexuals do not want their genitals removed or to be sex-changed.

But with many couples (not all, but some) they often fall into typified gender-type roles. Why is this?

Some of the couples I know will joke about "who's the man," or who's the woman, or who's the husband, or wife, mother, father, etc. in the relationship. And some of them do begin to act more dominant, submissive, masculine or feminine.

Again, I'm stereotyping - I've also met couples where both parties acted equally masculine, or (with men) where both are equally flamboyant (or even try to "out-flamboy" the other). But commonly, at least in some small ways, in their private lives they tend to adopt more traditional gender-roles, thus imitating their heterosexual, dual-gendered counterparts.

This SEEMS to apply more to couples in long-term, monogamous relationships and becomes more established with time. It also seems to become more apparent if children enter into the relationship & a family is formed.

Is this just a symptom of culturalization or conditioning from the families they grew up in, which will soon die out once traditional family norms are eliminated?
Or is there something "natural" in the model of the male / female couple, that all couples will eventually adapt to and adopt (almost as a biologic compulsion) on some level?

Captain Steel 05-17-16 05:35 PM

Originally Posted by Sexy Celebrity (Post 1516220)
I think the thing you're speaking of is when gay men consider themselves "tops" (dominant) or "bottoms" (submissive).

And I, too, think that stuff is largely BS. Though, I do believe many people are comfortable with defining themselves as "top" or "bottom" or "versatile" (where you switch roles at times).
Mmm... yes and no.
Those terms can be applied to a lot of different areas (although the concept of dominant & submissive certainly relates).

I'm talking more about the roles that tend to develop in long term homosexual relationships & family units. They usually (again not always, but usually) end up mimicking heterosexuality or the "traditional" gender roles of hetero marriage on some level.

Is that trend purely a result of cultural conditioning or is there some natural "pull" for couples (no matter their genders) to fulfill the "mother & father" roles?

The Gunslinger45 05-17-16 05:48 PM

Re: It's a Trans, Trans, Trans, Trans World
If you are worried about people going into the bathroom to harm your child, just go in the bathroom with your kid. Be a parent and watch out for them. There are already laws on the books for child molestation and taking photos of underage children in various forms of undress. Carry a gun if the state you live in allows it. Why the hell is this a thing? This strange obsession with where people s**t and p*** is stupid on all fronts.

Captain Steel 05-17-16 05:56 PM

Originally Posted by The Gunslinger45 (Post 1516238)
If you are worried about people going into the bathroom to harm your child, just go in the bathroom with your kid. Be a parent and watch out for them. There are already laws on the books for child molestation and taking photos of underage children in various forms of undress. Carry a gun if the state you live in allows it. Why the hell is this a thing? This strange obsession with where people s**t and p*** is stupid on all fronts.
Exactly. So, if you're worried about your kids in the bathroom, the issue isn't who's in a public bathroom (there could always be anybody in there), the issue is why are you letting your kids go in there alone? And, the whole issue of child safety exists right now with the way things are already if little ones are allowed to go into bathrooms alone.

The other argument I hear is about "comfort." Women would be uncomfortable with a man posing as a woman JUST to go into a ladies room to ogle them (and I suppose the reverse would be true). This argument seems a little more realistic (though improbable) than the "male pedophiles hiding in ladies bathrooms waiting to molest little girls" scenario.

The Gunslinger45 05-17-16 06:04 PM

Originally Posted by Captain Steel (Post 1516243)
Exactly. So, if you're worried about your kids in the bathroom, the issue isn't who's in a public bathroom (there could always be anybody in there), the issue is why are you letting your kids go in there alone? And, the whole issue of child safety exists right now with the way things are already if little ones are allowed to go into bathrooms alone.

The other argument I hear is about "comfort." Women would be uncomfortable with a man posing as a woman JUST to go into a ladies room to ogle them (and I suppose the reverse would be true). This argument seems a little more realistic (though improbable) than the "male pedophiles hiding in ladies bathrooms waiting to molest little girls" scenario.
See a guy peeping? Carry mace or OC Spray. He peeps, he gets hit. Pervert will think twice before trying that again. He he tries something more like rape, SHOOT HIM! Problem solved, problem staying solved.

I hate that so many people feel this need to turn to the government to solve a "problem" that is not even an issue. Now the feds are going to get involved and and will f*** it up even more!

Captain Steel 05-17-16 06:15 PM

Originally Posted by The Gunslinger45 (Post 1516246)
See a guy peeping? Carry mace or OC Spray. He peeps, he gets hit. Pervert will think twice before trying that again. He he tries something more like rape, SHOOT HIM! Problem solved, problem staying solved.

I hate that so many people feel this need to turn to the government to solve a "problem" that is not even an issue. Now the feds are going to get involved and and will f*** it up even more!
I like the way you think, Gunslinger!

A personal story - many years ago when I worked in a restaurant I was in the men's room at the urinal. A guy came up to the urinal next to me. I zipped up and turned around only to see a 12 or 13 year-old girl standing right behind me, leaning up against the wall, looking extremely uncomfortable, in the spot a guy might stand if he was waiting for a urinal (it was a small bathroom). She was the other guy's daughter.

Turned out he was there with her for dinner and didn't want to leave her alone while he went to the bathroom. (I later said he could've taken her to the hostess' station or asked one of the waitresses to sit with her while he went.)

Now, my mom used to take me into the ladies room with her, but that was when I was a little tyke, which was common then... mothers with boy toddlers often took them into the Ladies' room. This guy's daughter was practically a teenager - and this was a MEN'S room - it was quite the uncomfortable shock to find her standing there behind me when I was peeing!

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