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Yoda 05-23-02 05:32 PM

The MoFo Desktop Thread
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You heard me. :) Here's what I've got for now (I'm gonna switch back to my old desktop eventually...but I thought it best to honor the Jedi Master for awhile. :D)

thmilin 06-01-02 01:44 AM

weird, ain't nobody responded to ya, eh? uptight mofo's up in here! share your desktop skins, baby!

i tried to attach mine but apparently my file is too big. hmph!

L .B . Jeffries 06-01-02 03:14 AM

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Here's Mine MoFo's

The Silver Bullet 06-01-02 03:45 AM

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Here's the [very, very clean] Desktop of my editing computer. I notice you use Videowave III, L.B? How do you find it? I use Studio 7 at the moment, but I'm getting Vegas Video 3.0.

Moving on:

The Silver Bullet 06-01-02 04:00 AM

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And here's my Internet computer's Desktop. One day my editing computer will be my Internet computer too and then all shall be right with the world...

Moving on:

L .B . Jeffries 06-01-02 04:06 AM

Originally posted by The Silver Bullet
Here's the [very, very clean] Desktop of my editing computer. I notice you use Videowave III, L.B? How do you find it? I use Studio 7 at the moment, but I'm getting Vegas Video 3.0.

Moving on:
It Ain't nothin special, it does the trick thou for now.
Once I get windows 2000 I'll get better soft ware for editing but for now it will do.

spudracer 06-01-02 11:41 AM

I'm still trying to find a somewhat large image of Mr Potatohead. I haven't found one. :mad:

spudracer 06-01-02 01:22 PM

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Had to find a good wallpaper before I could upload my desktop.

firegod 06-01-02 11:19 PM

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Let's see if this works.

Yoda 06-01-02 11:21 PM

It works. Did you know your IE shortcut is labeled "Exploder" instead of "Explorer"? Or was that on purpose?

firegod 06-01-02 11:27 PM

That was on purpose. :)

spudracer 06-02-02 09:14 AM


spudracer 06-02-02 01:38 PM

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Here's my computer again:

sadesdrk 06-02-02 01:42 PM

Gawd. Mine looks so crazy-messy compaired to all of yours. I like my wallpaper though...I don't know how to post it. I'm a computertard. :)

spudracer 06-02-02 01:42 PM

You have to have a program that can take a screen shot.

Yoda 06-02-02 01:43 PM

Nah-uh. :nope: I'm pretty sure you can hit "Print Screen" and then paste the shot into MS Paint, or something of the sort.

sadesdrk 06-02-02 01:46 PM

:eek: ??

Yoda 06-02-02 01:47 PM

I'll walk you through it later. :D

sadesdrk 06-02-02 01:52 PM

Thanks. :)

thmilin 06-02-02 02:18 PM

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oi vey, I thought you just wanted the background image we used FOR our desktop! i shee, i shee ...

well, now i've made mine - tada!

spudracer 06-02-02 06:11 PM

Originally posted by Yoda
Nah-uh. :nope: I'm pretty sure you can hit "Print Screen" and then paste the shot into MS Paint, or something of the sort.
Had no idea you could do that, but now I know.

sadesdrk 06-03-02 01:18 PM

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Here we go, with Master Yoda's help. ;D

Austruck 06-03-02 03:25 PM

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Oh, how exciting. Now everyone knows I don't have Windows XP yet.

XetoxIc 06-03-02 03:31 PM

How do I attach a attachment?

All I see is a insert img?

Yoda 06-03-02 03:36 PM

At the bottom of the Post Reply page you'll see a button that says "Browse..." -- click on it, select the image from your hard drive, and submit the post as you would normally.

L .B . Jeffries 06-03-02 04:06 PM

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I change the wallpaper all the time like most here's my current one :)

XetoxIc 06-03-02 05:32 PM

Originally posted by Yoda
At the bottom of the Post Reply page you'll see a button that says "Browse..." -- click on it, select the image from your hard drive, and submit the post as you would normally.
Kewl, I cant beleive I did not see that :D but o well u learn something new everyday!

Austruck 06-03-02 05:40 PM

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Okay, here's the one I like and use now. And now I'm waiting to see Xetoxlc's desktop!

XetoxIc 06-03-02 05:47 PM

I will send it as soon as I get home from work, all I have here is the basic blue screen :)

But that a kick ass pic!

spudracer 06-03-02 06:08 PM

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Here's another wallpaper I like.

Austruck 06-03-02 06:28 PM

Wow, that looks like Yoda's hair in the morning. :)

Okay, now I'm totally curious -- what the heck is "Chicken Invaders"?

XetoxIc 06-03-02 10:53 PM

Welp here is my pc i use from day to day.

damn first it said file two big and now in just took forever and did not put the file up,

o well I will try again later

spudracer 06-03-02 11:12 PM

Originally posted by Austruck
Okay, now I'm totally curious -- what the heck is "Chicken Invaders"?
Chicken Invaders is a game really similar to Space Invaders, only it's chickens instead.

Here's the link to download it

Austruck 06-04-02 12:00 AM

You da man! Thanks!

XetoxIc 06-04-02 12:04 AM

I was going to put up my server desktop but it has some nudity in it and I am not sure the policy here at this forum on nuity!

ANyway its a kewl desktop :D

Monkeypunch 06-11-02 01:37 AM

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Okay, this is my current desktop image. I drew it myself. The girl in the pic has no name as of yet, but I'm open to suggestions. The "SM" on her shirt stands for Space Monkey, (which was a name I was toying with for my own underground comix company that I would like to start if I wasn't so broke all the time), not Sado-Masochism or Sailor Moon.:D

Austruck 06-11-02 01:47 AM

Hey, anyone with Alfred E. Newman on their desktop can't be all bad!

(I have a Alfred "What--Me Worry?" statue on my bookshelf staring down at me while I work.)

The girl is an amazing drawing. (She reminds me of a cross between *both* of my daughters.) You have some talent!

Monkeypunch 06-11-02 01:53 AM

Originally posted by Austruck
Hey, anyone with Alfred E. Newman on their desktop can't be all bad!

Oh, I'm the devil, and it's evil that I love......:laugh:

mecurdius 06-21-02 07:14 PM

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heres my desktop (just trying to complete the three)

Logan 06-22-02 04:01 PM

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A copy of my desktop for June :)

It's a Ying Yang kinda thing ;)

spudracer 06-22-02 04:06 PM

I'm in the process of finding some new wallpaper for mine. :D

I can't leave well enough alone.

spudracer 06-22-02 05:16 PM

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Alright, here it is...running 1152 x 768 :D. Downloaded a few wallpapers, and I liked this one the most.

jungerpants 06-23-02 10:41 AM

Originally posted by spudracer
Alright, here it is...running 1152 x 768 :D. Downloaded a few wallpapers, and I liked this one the most.
Spud, you've got Chicken Invaders too?


spudracer 06-23-02 01:02 PM

Of course, even had it on all the computers in my lab at the school for the kids to play, but had to take it off. They loved it, very addictive game.

Monkeypunch 07-01-02 07:11 PM

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Changed mine, don't like to linger on my own work too long, I start noticing flaws....This is an image from Perfect Blue. Very sweet movie.

Yoda 07-01-02 10:54 PM

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The Lady asked me to post this for her...

The Silver Bullet 07-02-02 12:12 AM

Oh dear Lord...

Monkeypunch 07-02-02 12:14 AM

Sanrio penguins?!?! Cool!!!:D

sadesdrk 07-02-02 01:02 AM

I don't care if you don't like it, Matty. Sanrio sh*t kicks ass. They have the weirdest stuff known to man...I'll show you a favorite of mine, but be gentle with them. :love: Some little window comes up talking about some Japan mumbo jumbo, just close it.

these are little cats that get themselves inside food items! :rotfl: :laugh: :rotfl:

FiLm Fr3aK 07-11-02 02:42 PM

Here's mine if anybody still reads this thread...
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Some of y'alls wallpapers kick a$$....

mine is just an animated globe right now.... but I change it often.

jrs 08-12-02 07:15 PM

How does one set up their wallpaper as an url?

Yoda 08-12-02 07:24 PM

One does not. One just grabs a screenshot and attachs it to one's post. :)

jrs 08-12-02 07:28 PM

well how do i do whatever i need to do

Yoda 08-12-02 07:32 PM

Make sure your desktop is on the screen. Then hit the Print Screen button. Open an image editing program (like MS Paint), and go to the Edit menu. From there, choose Paste. Your image should appear in the program. Go to File and choose Save As. Save it as a JPG image somewhere on your hard drive. The rest is self-evident, I'm sure. :)

OG- 08-12-02 10:50 PM

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Mah sexy desktop :P

Austruck 08-12-02 11:05 PM

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Og, what the heck are those outrageously fascinating little stuffed things on your desktop? The newest rage in children's programming on PBS or what???

Here's my latest (new computer, XP finally--I change the background almost weekly):

OG- 08-12-02 11:10 PM

Pictures from some sort of underground Japanese show or comic. Not quiet sure. The brown fellows name is "Domo Kun", or that is the name of his type of people. I think there was a tv show about him, he appears all over stuff, sort of like an inside joke on the internet. I love that crazy guy!:laugh: I think he's wonderful!Domo-Kun!

Yoda 08-12-02 11:15 PM

Originally posted by Austruck
Here's my latest (new computer, XP finally--I change the background almost weekly):
Nice wallpaper. Very Riven-ish. I must take this opportunity, however, to scoff at your resolution/poor eyesight.

Scoff! Scoff, scoff, scoff!

Austruck 08-12-02 11:20 PM

Sorry. I need the bigger fonts, but I'd rather have the better resolution. I'm old, remember? :)

You picked up the Riven thing for a reason. There's a Cyan logo in the lower right corner (did you notice it?). This is a screen shot from their upcoming ONLINE INTERACTIVE Myst game, nicknamed Mudpie by its followers, but which is now just being called Myst Online.

It will be interactive around the world the way Ultima Online is. You'll be able to build a place to live in a neighborhood, etc., and explore worlds and find linking books, etc. etc.

It's due out sometime in 2003. Sounds fascinating -- if you can get past all the junkies out there who will live and breathe this stuff and dress up like Atrus and start talking in D'ni language. (I think Conan O'Brien should have that talking dog follow those folks around.)

Anyway, I love Myst-like art and threw this one on for now. I'll change it next week, probably to something stupid like one of my wedding pictures. :)

Gracie 08-19-02 09:19 PM

thmillin, I noticed you play Boulder's Gate. How far through are you? I'm actually at Boulder's Gate, but the gaurd won't let me in, Even though I have the Inviatation needed to get in! That really sucks... :yup:...really sucks...

FiLm Fr3aK 08-21-02 01:17 AM

Just thought I would update...
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my latest here's my latest desktop...
well I had Orlando Bloom on there until my hubby saw...
so here
Heres :( my latest desktop:mad:

The Silver Bullet 08-21-02 01:25 AM

Hoorah for Trillian.

Austruck 08-21-02 10:32 AM

Hey, FF, I see you use StoryCraft. Do you like it? I have Writer's DreamKit and find it useful to a certain point and then I pitch it and go back to being on my own.

Just curious how you use it....


FiLm Fr3aK 08-21-02 11:23 AM

Originally posted by Austruck
Hey, FF, I see you use StoryCraft. Do you like it? I have Writer's DreamKit and find it useful to a certain point and then I pitch it and go back to being on my own.

Just curious how you use it....

nope you see I HAVE story craft....

seems I do better the old fashioned way (pencil/paper)

I get distracted to easy if I try to do anything on here.
I almost always end up either chatting or surfing. :( you knoe the old saying "Attention span of a gnat"

It seemes fairly user friendly though, as I have FOOLED around with it a few times... but....

rubyblood 08-21-02 02:57 PM

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I have webshots and i like it, i don't care who says it kills you computer. I have mine update every 15 min. Here's the one of my car (can you tell that i'm at work?).

Herod 08-21-02 03:24 PM

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Here's mine, I was having a lot of trouble posting it last night, so we'll see if it works now.

Austruck 08-21-02 05:43 PM

That famous painting of Kramer is also hanging big-as-life in the front of our local grocery store. I have no idea why the owner has it hanging there (huge thing, too), but it cracks me up every time I go in there. Even has the same frame.


P.S. to Film Fr3ak: Aha, yes, that makes sense. I've only use Writer's DreamKit for one outline so far, but once I got the outline printed out, I stopped using it and got busy writing. I know what you mean about the computer being a distraction, so I bought a cheapo laptop on eBay ($125) and use that elsewhere in the house so I don't get tempted by Internet access and megagames, etc. Not that I don't find OTHER distractions....

FiLm Fr3aK 08-21-02 07:14 PM

Originally posted by Austruck

P.S. to Film Fr3ak: Aha, yes, that makes sense. I've only use Writer's DreamKit for one outline so far, but once I got the outline printed out, I stopped using it and got busy writing. I know what you mean about the computer being a distraction, so I bought a cheapo laptop on eBay ($125) and use that elsewhere in the house so I don't get tempted by Internet access and megagames, etc. Not that I don't find OTHER distractions....
Well ONE of the computers on my home network doesnt have a nic so it cant get online since i am dsl. I thought I would be "smoove" and put it on there, then just transfer the files over to this one should I need to print or send to someone ( I dont really want to put it on my laptop, since I use it primarily for my genealogy reserach)....

I worked on it for a while one after noon, then went to save. It shut completely off without saving. :( I think the problem is that pc is win95 and me version is for 98 and up :( so i am gonna reformat and then put me on there... anyway .. .. back to the subject.... it was very user friendly.

Vyse 10-05-02 06:19 PM

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Here's mine, it's getting very cluttered at present. You can find a far more organized previous desktop under my name ;)

spudracer 10-15-02 03:56 PM

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Here's mine, again.

Sir Toose 10-15-02 04:24 PM

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Oh, ok...

LordSlaytan 10-15-02 06:09 PM

Originally posted by spudracer
Here's mine, again.
Very cool...:yup:

spudracer 10-15-02 09:27 PM

Originally posted by LordSlaytan
Very cool...:yup:
Thank you.

Yoda 10-15-02 10:08 PM

Originally posted by spudracer
Here's mine, again.
Wow, you're using Jackie's Winamp skin, too? Sweet.

spudracer 10-15-02 10:10 PM

I like that skin a lot, just looks cool.

Naisy 10-15-02 10:17 PM

Where did you get it? PLLLLLLLLLLZZZZZZZZZ

Naisy 10-21-02 10:26 PM

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Here is an update my own creation until I finish my Mofo desktop theme :yup:

Vyse 10-23-02 01:24 PM

Hmmm, haven't checked up here for a while, anyway, so here's my latest desktop :D

firegod 10-27-02 04:59 AM

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I'm changing it all the time. Here is how it currently looks.

firegod 10-28-02 01:06 PM

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And here's what it looks like now.

Yoda 06-17-03 10:18 AM

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Got me a new badass green guy for now...

Sir Toose 06-18-03 09:32 AM

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Cool hulk... I'm taking friday off to go see it :D

sphericthor 06-25-03 07:29 AM

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This may or may not be an old subject but here's my desktop

OG- 06-25-03 01:08 PM

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I love this picture, but I change my desktop alot.

OG- 06-25-03 01:36 PM

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just changed it.

Hondo333 11-15-03 01:05 AM

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Just made this wallpaper. :D

John McClane 05-18-04 11:48 AM

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Here's my current laptop desktop. I'll put my tower's desktop up later.

Sedai 05-18-04 03:59 PM

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Here is my desk at work....

John McClane 05-18-04 06:02 PM

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Here's my tower desktop. A before and after. I change my background a lot. Notice the game Die Hard on my desktop. Lol. This computer is supposed to be the family's but, it's mostly mmine. Hell, it is mine. :laugh:

Garrett 05-22-04 09:10 PM

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Here's mine (yes, I use windows 98... I'm afraid of change)

Pope-mobile to the rescue!

susan 05-22-04 09:32 PM

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well, here's mine..this is lake byrum..upstate new york in november 2003

Equilibrium 05-22-04 09:58 PM

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Well, heres my desktop......wooot

Garrett 07-18-04 01:59 AM

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Here's my current one:

John McClane 07-19-04 04:40 PM

Here's my current one:
Congrats. You made the change. ;)

Equilibrium 07-19-04 05:25 PM

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Here's the one I have on now..

Monkeypunch 07-19-04 05:35 PM

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Here is my new desktop on my new computer. I like it a lot.

Sedai 07-19-04 05:46 PM

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Desk as it sits today.....

Caitlyn 07-19-04 06:04 PM

Has to be Giger... :cool:

Sedai 07-19-04 07:07 PM

Tribute to Geiger yes :)

Equilibrium, I ran Singularity (your desk image) for like a year on my home that graphic!

John McClane 07-19-04 11:40 PM

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Here's my new one.

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