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adidasss 12-02-06 06:28 PM

i'm a smoker, have been for about 10 years now ( i'm 24 so do the math )...i know it's supposed to be a disgusting habbit, i realized that much when i briefly quit and i fully grasped the stench of cigarette smoke, but when i smoke i don't smell anything so i don't really care...

as far as the health concerns, despite all the warning i have to say i don't take them seriously enough ( obviously, otherwise i would have quit by now ). to me "smoking causes cancer and heart problems" says, it MAY cause them if you're already viable ( that's the word right? ), family history and all, which means you could also be a non smoker and get cancer or die of a heart's all chance...

so i was wondering, what's your position on smoking and smokers?

Yoda 12-02-06 10:50 PM

I've hung out with friends in bars who smoked more or less non-stop, and it's never bothered me that much. As long as there isn't any smoke flying right in my face, I'm fine with it. Actually, if the smoke is drifting away from me, and therefore just vaguely near me, I rather enjoy the smell.

I dated a heavy smoker at one point, too, and I couldn't even really tell, though I suspect it'd be different if we were both older. I presume it'd be more noticable (and less pleasant) after a decade or two.

Sleezy 12-02-06 11:15 PM

I don't smoke, never have, and never will. I don't particularly care to be around those who do, especially in bars and restaurants. It just becomes so overwhelming that it eventually impairs my ability to enjoy myself.

For me, though, I think it has a lot to do with positive and negative association. None of my friends smoke, my parents quit smoking several years before they had me, and my brother - a veteran firefighter - told me that he'd beat the snot out of me if he ever saw me smoking, having seen the kinds of things that fires started from dropped or non-stubbed cigarettes can do.

I dated someone who actually started smoking while we were together, and I hated that she did that. A year or two later, after having broken up with the previous woman, I met someone at work with whom I 'got along with' pretty well. Though we never dated, we probably would have. She smoked quite a bit, but it never bothered me, and I think it's because she was already a smoker when I met her, and because she was a really great person.

7thson 12-02-06 11:32 PM

We ALL have our vices, and while smoking is not one of mine I understand the need. Food, alcohol, smoking, sex, gambling, etc..., addictions are a part of life, even: exercise, yoga, education, etc...
My Father indirectly died from smoking, but I do not blame anyone or anything for it. life is life, who am I to tell someone not to smoke? All good all good.:)

shirble 12-02-06 11:49 PM

It's silly and clearly kills you.

I offer nicorettes as christmas gifts for my smoker friends.

Naisy 12-03-06 07:01 AM

Dont smoke, not interested in smoking and never will take up smoking. I can handle being around it in moderation (eg a pub, club, bar, etc) but not right in my face. If one of my mates is lighting up they know the rule, if they blow smoke in my face, im allowed to throw my fist into their's ;) asides from that it doesnt really bother me.

People know the risks and dangers of smoking, and they can do what they want.

The Taxi Driver 12-03-06 09:44 AM

Yea cigs are disgusting to me, I don't like the smell or the taste I would rather light up a doobie

adidasss 12-03-06 10:27 AM

yeah, but ,at least when you're in Croatia, you smoke them european style right? doesn't bother you then ?

Ash_Lee 12-03-06 02:20 PM

I don't smoke, but I love the smell of tobacco burning in a pipe. The only thing that pissed me off was when my dad used to smoke in the car when I was a little kid, but refused to let me open my window.

He did have his window open by the way, but all that did was blow it back in my face. It was really unpleasant, and yet he wouldn't let me open a window if I was feeling car sick :rolleyes:

I resent those kind of selfish attitudes.

Sorry, I should clarify. I don't mind smoking, one day I may even do it myself, I just can't stand it when some smokers are so inconsiderate of others. Pubs and clubs are fine, cars or public transport with children = nuh uh.

diamondgeeza 12-03-06 03:00 PM

I smoke although i am trying to give up at the mo, Its a hard thing to do though, especially when i am on my own at work (I'm a lorry driver) and then nearly all the people i see in the depot in the morning all smoke, most of the storemen i deliver too smoke and when i come home i'm surrounded by it, I live above a pub, So when i do attempt to quit everyone else seems to want to make it harder for me to do so, they start smoking more and keep offering them to me and there is only so many times you can say no before you end up giving in! I'll manage it one day though!

shirble 12-03-06 03:30 PM

It still doesn't bother me nearly as much as it does some people. I'd still happily date someone who smoked, and so on. And I'm not too worried about it giving cancer to others because it seems very likely that you're getting it anyway. Honestly, what bothers me most about the image is how bloody unclassy it looks. I know it's meant to make you look inherently cool, but I must have missed that one somehow.

Of course it doesn't help that my mother had the great idea recently to start smoking cigarellos AND chew nicorettes. True class.

Piddzilla 12-03-06 03:55 PM

I've been a smoker but quit 5-6 years ago. That was one of the best decisions I've ever made. I hate addictions, I'm even annoyed by the fact that I need coffee every day. It's like once you're hooked on something most of the joy of doing it goes away. I quite because I felt like every cigarette felt like such a huge disappointment. It didn't match the my need for it. But when I quit it was really hard to do certain things in the beginning, especially go out for a coffee or a beer and I was depressed every time I had had a meal and realized I couldn't have my after dinner cigarette.

One or two years ago smoking was banned in all public places in Sweden, like cafés, bars, clubs, restaurants and so on, and I love it. Even when I was a smoker I avoided some places that I knew were smoky although it was a nice club or whatever. Now it's so much fresher - you can even wear the same sweater the next day without feeling like an ashtray.

I do enjoy a joint now and then though. ;)

gummo 12-03-06 03:56 PM

I smoke(13 years now). But I hate being around cigarette smoke indoors...figure that one out.

The Taxi Driver 12-03-06 05:00 PM

Originally Posted by adidasss
yeah, but ,at least when you're in Croatia, you smoke them european style right? doesn't bother you then ?
It actualy does kinda bother me but not enough to not do it at all but I would perfer a straight reefer joint however the tobacco is tolerable

Golgot 12-03-06 06:20 PM

Originally Posted by Piddzilla
One or two years ago smoking was banned in all public places in Sweden, like cafés, bars, clubs, restaurants and so on, and I love it.
Bah, they're going to do that in the UK too, some time next year (i think). Not really a fan of the idea - bit nanny state. Sounds like it'll help next time i try and give up tho ;)

Originally Posted by Adi
as far as the health concerns, despite all the warning i have to say i don't take them seriously enough ( obviously, otherwise i would have quit by now ). to me "smoking causes cancer and heart problems" says, it MAY cause them if you're already viable ( that's the word right? ), family history and all, which means you could also be a non smoker and get cancer or die of a heart's all chance...
Heh, well, IF that's the case, i hope i take after my Aussie grandad. He smoked like a chimney and lived til 80. My other grandad got taken out by the cigs at 50 tho.

(liable's the word you're thinking of btw - but with an infinitive after - like 'you're more liable to get cancer' etc ;))

I'm pretty sure cigs increase your overall chances of getting something nasty no matter what your susceptibility etc tho. And they can cause other probs besides cancer (as a doc friend of mine loves to point out).

I've been told there's a medical 'rule of thumb' that says if you quit by about 30 you're statistically much more likely to avoid the long-term effects. (But i don't know if they take ganj into account when calculating that ;))

adidasss 12-03-06 06:36 PM

Bah, they're going to do that in the UK too, some time next year (i think). Not really a fan of the idea - bit nanny state. Sounds like it'll help next time i try and give up tho ;)
thankfully, Croatia is still a backward country...and i can smoke freely nearly everywhere...yay for smokers! ( but seriously, can you imagine going out for a pint and not being able to light one up? *shudders* )

Heh, well, IF that's the case, i hope i take after my Aussie grandad. He smoked like a chimney and lived til 80. My other grandad got taken out by the cigs at 50. (liable's the word btw ;))
ah, damn, so close...thanks ;)
one of my grandads was a long time smoker, quit after about 40 years of smoking, and died at the age of other grandad died of heart failure at about 60, never smoked a cig in his life....*shrugs*

I've been told there's a medical 'rule of thumb' that says if you quit by about 30 you're statistically much more likely to avoid the long-term effects. (But i don't know if they take ganj into acoount when calculating that ;))
well, one minute they're saying weed is better for you than smoking cigarettes, the other they're saying it's just as bad...i've really stopped following....a joint every once in a while will hardly do any damage methinks...

Golgot 12-03-06 06:39 PM

Originally Posted by adidasss
...a joint every once in a while will hardly do any damage methinks...
Yeah, that's my logic on the subject too ;). (There definitely haven't been any definitive studies done on that stuff - other than mental effects from massive use etc).

Godsend 12-03-06 08:43 PM

Cigars actually.

For my pathetic attempts at the smoke rings.

Peach cigars rock.


PimpDaShizzle V2.0 02-03-07 03:28 PM

Smokings retarded. I am retarded too. I don't like it when I'm sober and people smell like an ashtray. I smoke cigarettes when I'm drunk.

Tacitus 02-04-07 07:55 AM

Originally Posted by Golgot
I've been told there's a medical 'rule of thumb' that says if you quit by about 30 you're statistically much more likely to avoid the long-term effects
I may as well keep going then...

Incidentally, I tried some nicotine-replacement chewing gum the other day.

I was physically sick within 10 minutes. :)

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