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Movie-man 12-16-04 10:21 PM

Does anyone know when they are going to release the rest of the “Friends” season DVD packages? I have all up to season 9.

Sinny McGuffins 12-17-04 11:32 AM

Isn't the whole series already available?

Movie-man 12-17-04 12:02 PM

Originally Posted by Parky
Isn't the whole series already available?
I thought that there was just two more seasons, 9 and 10 then the final, I have tried to go to the site but can’t find any information on it. I guess I need to do some more research to find out when.

Movie-man 12-17-04 12:28 PM

Alright found the information I was looking for, I have 1-8 and season 9 doesn’t come out until March of 2005, then shortly after the release of season 9, season 10th will be available, I found that season 10 might come out before season 9 on some sites, some time in December 22end, got that info from some other site.

The Taxi Driver 12-17-04 11:32 PM

i never liked friends and i dont see what the big deal is

Movie-man 12-17-04 11:40 PM

Originally Posted by The Taxi Driver
i never liked friends and i dont see what the big deal is
Now that is a logical question, “What is the big deal anyway”? It could be that there are people who enjoy “Friends” and some of them just might want to know when the season DVD sets are released.

SpoOkY 12-18-04 02:51 AM

Friends was an ok show, not really my sense of humour, although Joey was pretty funny. :D yeah I don't know nothing about the DVD release unless you live in Australia which would be a weird coincidence. I think there are about 4 Aussie users on this site who post often.

Blister 12-18-04 06:49 AM

I've seen friends to many times that it's not funny anymore.

Sinny McGuffins 12-18-04 04:33 PM

Originally Posted by Movie-man
Alright found the information I was looking for, I have 1-8 and season 9 doesn’t come out until March of 2005, then shortly after the release of season 9, season 10th will be available, I found that season 10 might come out before season 9 on some sites, some time in December 22end, got that info from some other site.
Where do you live? 'Cause where I live, season 10 came out ages ago.

Blister 12-18-04 04:37 PM

Friends comes out in Europe before America, so my guess is that he lives in the US.

Movie-man 12-18-04 05:00 PM

Originally Posted by Parky
Where do you live? 'Cause where I live, season 10 came out ages ago.
Isn’t that something? Thanks for the info and hope you enjoyed your DVD’s. I hate it when they make you wait after it has been released in another country it just doesn’t make any sense to me at all.

jrs 12-18-04 05:01 PM

Friends was my favorite sitcom on television. I miss it. Although, I think it finished at the right time without getting played any other show should do.

Movie-man 12-18-04 05:24 PM

Originally Posted by jrs
Friends was my favorite sitcom on television. I miss it. Although, I think it finished at the right time without getting played any other show should do.
I wasn’t all that happy when “Friends” went off the air, however like you said at least it ended before it got to far out of control. “Friends” was the only show that really made me laugh really hard and I truly felt that the show kept the humor going at all times.

I have bought almost every season that is available over here in the USA and I will be glad when it all comes out and I can own the complete seasons. I have a nine year old daughter who loves the show and we sit and watch the shows on DVD now instead of on the regular TV.

I know this is going to sound funny, but I still have not brought myself to watching the finial yet, I just don’t want to let them go just yet, so after my daughter and I watch all of the seasons together we are going to watch the finial and that will be the end of it for us. Even though we still have the whole collection they will always be close to us for years to come.

I do wish that the new show “Joey” does well but I haven’t seen it yet. I just hope it does as well, needless to say, shows like his don’t always last that long.

The Taxi Driver 12-21-04 10:14 PM

Originally Posted by Movie-man
Now that is a logical question, “What is the big deal anyway”? It could be that there are people who enjoy “Friends” and some of them just might want to know when the season DVD sets are released.
yea i basicly made that post because i wanted to make it to 1000 posts that day and i didnt know what thread to post in. so i just picked this one and made a stupid post

Sedai 12-22-04 01:03 PM

I felt that friends and Seinfeld, which were apparently considered two of the best sit-coms ever, were just terrible programs, with lame premises, terrible actors, and poor writing. One only needs to look at the careers of each and every actor associated with these programs to see the lack of real talent here. Of course these shows aren't here to showcase the juggernaut like acting skills of their participants. These people are just tools for a larger scheme.

Sitcoms are strictly vehicles for prime time marketing, nothing more. Twentry or Forty-two miutes of filler banal filler material that exists only to help sell you toothpaste and automobiles. Useing pleasing images and humor to ease people into susceptible moods in order to try and sell something to them has been going on for centuries, and the television is the perfect vehicle for it. Distraction, misinformation, misdirection. After watching Kramer barrel in and fall over and Jason Alexander (the worst actor in the business, hands down) prattle on about some meaningless experience in a cab, people are not thinking about their bank accounts and trying to budget their money, or worse for the marketers, any sort of fear inducing tragedy.

Anyone who has ever read anything about marketing understands that the best way to sell something to anyone, is to make them feel relaxed and at ease, and then create a false sense of need for whatever product they are trying to push. The former is imperitive for the latter to occur. A person who is thinking about the war or about their stack of bills is not going to feel comfortable about deciding whether or not they want to plop down a down payment on a new Volkswagen. I find it interesting to watch one hour of news, and follow it up by watching one hour of sit-coms, and noticing the (very) different trends in what is being marketed during each hour.

While the news is on, you get commercials for:

Financial Corporations (Merril Lynch etc)
Other programming on the station
More medicine.

While during the comedy hour you get:

Family Vacation offers (Disney mostly)
Department Store commercials

Of course there is some bleed over, but the commercial strategy does make a shift when you leave the news realm and enter the comedy realm. The big ticket items start to appear while the station is trying to make people forget about their worries and their day at work. I guess they figure mostly older folks and seniors watch the news, because the medication commercials are BRUTAL during the news hour. I can't count how many times I am watching the news, a commercial for Medicant X comes on, and I quickly fire around the prime stations and there is a medical commercial on EVERY station. You will be hard pressed to find this occuring while Raymond and Jerry are goofing around in their apartments. These marketing people are absolutely on their game, and are professionals of the highest skill. The average concumer mind is NO MATCH for these people and their multi-tiered, multi-million dollar ad campaigns. These people ar brilliant, and the sit-com is the most reliable vehicle for the most return out of the public, save maybe the Super-bowl, but I don't know if even that mega-marketing machine can compete with the likes of a show that has any given viewer in front of it five days a week for years, locked into the plodding symbiotic rhythm of recycled slapstick and advertising. This is the real Matrix, the real electronic shackles of society.

Welcome to the desert of the real, and it's only $19.95, with mail in rebate of course.

And before I get a flame about how people can like firends and I why did I post all this nonsense in a thread where people just want to express their opinion. I am just expressing mine. Of course if I wanted to watch friends or any other series, DVD would be the choice, as the marketing is removed. Guess I just felt like spewing some info today. :D

Check out this article about the marketing rampage that was the Friends finale.

Buzz Marketing

Until next time, I leave you with a simple guide for assertaining whether or not a TV show is worth watching:

Watch a show if:

There is a girl who does karate in it.
Joss Whedon wrote it.
There are cool gadgets in it.
It has purple haired double agents in it.
The truth is out there, but the black oil isn't.
It has cowboys in it, and gunfights.

NEVER watch a show if:

Jason Alexander had anything to do with it.
There is a hospital in it (this does not include army hospitals in Korea, M.A.S.H was actually a well written sitcom, but it was black comedy, and gets special treatment).
A little kid is the star.
Alyssa Milano is in it.

Movie-man 12-22-04 01:13 PM

Yeah What He said?
[quote=Sedai]I felt that friends and Seinfeld, which were apparently considered two of the best sit-coms ever, were just terrible programs, with lame premises, terrible actors, and poor writing.

Right, what ever you say..............

Movie-man 12-22-04 01:24 PM

Originally Posted by Sedai
I felt that friends and Seinfeld, which were apparently considered two of the best sit-coms ever, were just terrible programs, with lame premises, terrible actors,
It seems to me if the show was that bad as you stated then I wonder why it was so popular. You know what, it doesn’t matter anyway because I loved the show and regardless of how it was used as a marketing tool as you so mildly put it in your reply I don’t think it is going to change the fact that the show was on the air for so many years.

Thank you for taking the time to submit your review, you really caught my attention with all the research. This is kind of sad though, because a person such as you with such a high level of knowledge would recognize that “Friends” was very successful and most people are not going to care one way or the other.

Sedai 12-22-04 01:58 PM

Originally Posted by Movie-man
It seems to me if the show was that bad as you stated then I wonder why it was so popular. You know what, it doesn’t matter anyway because I loved the show and regardless of how it was used as a marketing tool as you so mildly put it in your reply I don’t think it is going to change the fact that the show was on the air for so many years.

Thank you for taking the time to submit your review, you really caught my attention with all the research. This is kind of sad though, because a person such as you with such a high level of knowledge would recognize that “Friends” was very successful and most people are not going to care one way or the other.

All these points only serve to enforce what I was talking about, and that the people behind the marketing are in fact successful at what they are doing. Again, I was not coming down on you for liking the show, I like some bad shows, but watch them only on DVD, years after they air, avoiding the marketing! I had also stated that if you are watching shows on DVD, you are escaping 99% of the marketing (they still slip plugs into the show itself sometimes). This was just one of my diatribes where I throw out some info for people to be aware of just in case they weren't.

Now, as for the fact that a lot of people like the show, I will get down with one of the base scientific rules when considering any theory:

No credence should be put into any idea or theory solely based on the fact that a large number of people believe it to be true (or in this case, like it). This is common sense really.

There is no arguing the fact that I think the show is bad. At no point did I state this concept as fact. It is soley my opinion. I said the show is piss-poor, and you said it was great, and neither of us are wrong or right. :)

What is up for question is whether or not you mind that you are playing into the marketing game, which IS a fact, one which no network would try to hide if questioned. Every show, including the garbage I watch, like Alias and Angel, is a vehicle for advertising, and if the advertisers feel the show isn't carrying it's weight as such a vehicle, the show is cancelled. Friends was clearly a formula that worked for some time, but like every show ever created, lost it's potency as time wore on and the jokes got old.

I think one must question at some point, that if the time spent watching shows was spent on say, reinforcing and building family relationships and straightening out finances, would the person in question actually be happier in their lives and find that arbitrary laughs induced by meaningless drama/comedy in sitcoms was unnecessary. It works for me, but might not work for others. Again though, watching on DVD changes the paradigm completely, and it really is a different medium altogether and should be looked at as such.

I realize this thread was about the Friends DVDs and I just sort of went off on a tangent.

Just bored at work today because we are slow today. ;)

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