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Lucas 09-27-13 06:52 PM

The Official Boardwalk Empire Season 4 Thread.
Hey guys, I thought I would make a thread devoted to this amazing HBO drama. Now that Breaking Bad is about to end, It's safe to say that this is probably the best show on TV right now along with Game of Thrones. To those that haven't seen it yet, it's a dark drama set during the Prohibition. It's a very interesting,incredibly well-written TV show that's always extremely satisfying,compelling, and unpredictable.It's similar to The Sopranos and Mad Men.

Gabrielle947 09-28-13 02:52 AM

Re: The Official Boardwalk Empire Season 4 Thread.
Everyone is obsessed with Breaking Bad that no one cares about any other shows anymore. :D

Personally,I love Boardwalk Empire. :up: Haven't watched 4th season yet but I will as soon as I finish BB and Dexter,I want to tie the loose ends. :D

Lucas 09-30-13 07:52 PM

Re: The Official Boardwalk Empire Season 4 Thread.
Nobody watched last night's episode? It's getting very,very interesting.Definitely the best episode so far this season.

the samoan lawyer 01-06-14 07:42 AM

Ive only started Boardwalk Empire, just finished the 6th episode of the 1st series and i think its brilliant. It has me completely hooked. Its far too early to compare it to The Sopranos but as far as first series go, its not that far off.

Brother Blue 01-06-14 11:59 AM

Re: The Official Boardwalk Empire Season 4 Thread.
Love the show. After the low of season 3, which while good felt a little lacklustre after the heights of season 2, season 4 definitely ended on a high.

I can only hope for more Rothstein in season 5:

Daniel M 01-06-14 12:29 PM

Re: The Official Boardwalk Empire Season 4 Thread.
Only seen two episodes of the latest season, so it's good to hear that you guys loved it, makes me want to catch up.

I'd probably rank the first three something like

the samoan lawyer 01-06-14 12:35 PM

Sounds like ive a lot to expect from season 2. Good stuff. :)

Lucas 01-06-14 07:14 PM

Re: The Official Boardwalk Empire Season 4 Thread.
wow,thank god some of you guys are watching Boardwalk as well. Such an excellent show. I adore it and frankly I can't wait for the 5th season later this year. I really hope it isn't the last, as the show's ratings aren't the best. I won't go into spoilers as some of you are still catching up, but season 4 is brilliant. The season finale was an easy
from me.One of the best TV episodes of the year alongside Breaking Bad's Ozymandias and Game of Throne's Rains of Castamere.

the samoan lawyer 01-07-14 06:00 AM

Just watched episode 8 'Hold me in Paradise', possibly my favourite so far, i'd been looking forward to the moment when Nucky asks Jimmy to return.

Lucas 01-09-14 08:32 PM

Re: The Official Boardwalk Empire Season 4 Thread.
Boardwalk Empire is going to be officially cancelled after it's 5th and final season. This is very sad news, we are never going to see major historical events that occur in the latter half of the 20's.I am bummed out over this.

Mmmm Donuts 01-09-14 11:06 PM

Originally Posted by Lucas (Post 1014638)
Boardwalk Empire is going to be officially cancelled after it's 5th and final season. This is very sad news, we are never going to see major historical events that occur in the latter half of the 20's.I am bummed out over this.
WHy the Hell would they cancel this? I've only heard great things about it to this point! I guess I'd have to look at the number of views, but still.

That said, would it still be worth it to start this series fresh?

Lucas 01-09-14 11:44 PM

Originally Posted by Mmmm Donuts (Post 1014723)
WHy the Hell would they cancel this? I've only heard great things about it to this point! I guess I'd have to look at the number of views, but still.

That said, would it still be worth it to start this series fresh?
Oh yes, the show is brilliant. It does take a lot of time to get into,it's not a show like Breaking Bad where it instantly hooks you. But once it does it's engrossing,adult television. Gorgeous sets,visuals, acting,writing,etc. It's incredible. I think the show should be at least 6-7 seasons, but at least it got to 5 i suppose. I am very sad to see it go. :(

the samoan lawyer 01-10-14 05:02 AM

That really is gutting news. Im only finishing first season tonight and im completely hooked. How awesome is Michael Shannon?!

the samoan lawyer 01-27-14 05:41 AM

Note to self; do NOT cross Manny Horvitz!

Lucas 01-28-14 07:15 PM

Originally Posted by the samoan lawyer (Post 1023992)
Note to self; do NOT cross Manny Horvitz!
I reckon you just finished the 2nd season? The turn of events in the last few episodes was jaw-dropping to say the least.

the samoan lawyer 01-29-14 05:20 AM

Originally Posted by Lucas (Post 1024950)
I reckon you just finished the 2nd season? The turn of events in the last few episodes was jaw-dropping to say the least.
Yeah, jaw dropping wasnt even an exaggeration, that last episode in the 2nd had me absolutely devastated! It was brilliant!
Same can be said for the start of season 3 as well. Such an amazing series, i honestly have no idea whats happening next. Looking forward to seeing more of Capone and Farrow now.:)

Lucas 01-29-14 03:14 PM

Originally Posted by the samoan lawyer (Post 1025155)
Yeah, jaw dropping wasnt even an exaggeration, that last episode in the 2nd had me absolutely devastated! It was brilliant!
Same can be said for the start of season 3 as well. Such an amazing series, i honestly have no idea whats happening next. Looking forward to seeing more of Capone and Farrow now.:)
To the Lost my friend. Glad you're enjoying the show, season 3 and season 4 are both brilliant so If you enjoyed the first two seasons you will love these even more.

Watch_Tower 02-01-14 01:01 PM

Boardwalk Empire Through Season 4 (SPOILERS)
Boardwalk Empire is just such an up and down show, the cool factor is almost always there and the cinematography is second to none but the story can often drag, especially mid way through a season. Season 2 and 3 were prime examples of this but Season 4 did pick things up with less "filler".

This show is often saved by cool characters, Narcisse seemed so damn cool in his introductory episode but the writing on him just fell apart, Chalky went from being hard arse gangster who I could root for, mainly due to his familial commitments to a liar and a cheat. Nucky lives and dies on Buscemi's performance which can be far too one dimensional at times...then there was Harrow.

Man, Richard Harrow was simply one of the best characters on TV the last few years and to kill him off may have been a bit obvious but I was hoping for some last minute saviour. We didn't get it and the best character in the show is gone. Will I keep watching it? I just don't know, it doesn't quite have the Lost or Game of Thrones Factor in keeping me hooked. Heck, even The Walking Dead has kept me going for longer.

I can totally understand what the show runners are doing, they want to create a world in the gutter but does everyone have to be so narcissistic? Does everyone have to be so evil? Does every man have to be a love rat and does every woman have to be a whore? It all gets a bit too much and without the saving grace of Mr Harrow, Season 4 may be the end for me.

What do you guys think about all this?

Lucas 02-01-14 01:47 PM

Re: The Official Boardwalk Empire Season 4 Thread.
Respect your opinion Watch_Tower but I respectfully disagree. This show is about criminals and murderers, of course most of the characters are going to be evil and extremely flawed.I don't see a problem with the show's nihilistic content. Narcisse wasn't supposed to be a cool villain, he's a hypocrite who insists he wants to help his fellow race but he sells heroin and is just a gangster like the rest.Even if you're an educated gangster, you're still a gangster.

If you aren't liking the show don't watch it. It's still a head above everything else on TV, especially The Walking Dead which i enjoy but it is undoubtedly very flawed and inconsistent.

Watch_Tower 02-02-14 08:01 AM

Re: The Official Boardwalk Empire Season 4 Thread.
Yeah, I'm not a huge fan of watching season 5, might give it a go when its released. I get what you're saying but it's not just the characters, the pacing isn't always great but I agree, when BWE hits it's highs, it is undoubtedly one of the best things on TV. But those highs have become too few (season finales and penultimate eps are normally great).

I think The Walking Dead can be flawed but it delivers on what it is, a schlocky horror show with shock value violence and the last season was far more consistent and the last few episodes were epic to say the least.

GOT imo is still the best show on TV, Dr Who when done right can be better as can Sherlock.

I don't want to sound like I hate this, it's actually a show I enjoy watching but I just think it never truly builds on it's potential.

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