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Zeiken 07-07-04 01:53 AM

I thought it would make an interesting thread to have a place for everyone to share the dreams you've recently had, and perhaps have some of us analyze them. If not, well, whatever. I'll go first.

Ever since i was six i've been having a re-occurring dream, perhaps one per month, it never fails.

As it starts out, i wake up 'into the dream', and find myself in a hedgemaze. The walls are pretty tall, and above them all i can see in a swirly, cloudy silver sky. The whole setting is pretty Laberynth-esque. As the dream continues, i start to explore the maze, but somewhere along the way, it shifts from an exploration to a desperate search for an exit. Just as i find one, im cut off by a tank, a large tank, and the instant i see it i get the distinct impression that it means to harm me. I begin to run, and run and run, but this tank just dozes over the walls and never falls more than 50 feet behind. I look back once more, and see the tank fire its cannon, and just as i look forward, i reach a courtyard of sorts, no exits, no entrances. Somehow everything gets quiet, and the sound of the tank fades away. In the center of the courtyard i see a tree, on each branch a beautiful rose, and oddly enough, hovering above the tree is an arrow, (not the directional kind, the kind you shoot with a bow). i reach for one of the flowers when it ends. And it doesnt just end, i get the distinct impression that im killed by something, or someone.

Sorry it was kind of long, but feels good to share it. Anyone else want to share? Or want to comment on my expanding insanity?

Equilibrium 07-07-04 02:01 AM


Every once in a while ill have a dream where i am in some way hurting chucky..u know from child's play. As a child I used to be scared of that movie and the doll, and id have haunting dreams. My my my, how the tables have turned right chucky?

Equilibrium 07-07-04 02:01 AM

and oh congratualtions on 400 posts

Zeiken 07-07-04 10:41 AM

Wow- just woke up. Had another wacky dream!

It starts out im in a small room with 10 or 11 of my old friends from High School. We're testing out some sort of new program, or something. We all agree. It is explained to us that in this new place we will be going, it is possibble to enhance any particular aspect of the human expierence, (i remember those words specifically), through a lot of practice in this place. And some people with enough meditation and practice can completley change into nothing but engergy. I didnt get that far, but as i was walking around in this strange place, (which looked a lot like the main street of my home town) i did a little stronger, and i can remember punching through a Guinness truck. I leave the place, and find myself in a pool. Turns out the pool is the exit for this strange place. And thats all i remember.

Maybe its all that cocaine i snort before bed....

angelwingsdevil 07-07-04 04:58 PM

I often have dreams where I need to hide or escape some danger. I am never quite sure what it is and the dreams are never quite the same but they leave me with a feeling of deja vu. Normally I am in a house I never seen before and have to hide. I usually find myself in the basement, which has unusual crawl spaces and tunnels, but the thing (whatever it is) is always nearby. I freaks me out just thinking about it.

Caitlyn 07-07-04 09:47 PM

I’ve had two different re-occurring dreams since I was a little girl… one is about a huge two story house that reminds me of a few I have seen from the late 1700 or early 1800’s … the house is always either painted white with flowers beds in the front or it’s just raw lumber with dirt piled up like it was just built… In some of the dreams there are people moving around but in others, I never see anyone… Most of the time I am always in front of the house, but a few times I have been inside and the ceilings were extremely high… at least 14 feet… and the rooms are filled with dark furniture and the walls covered with dark paneled wood and wall paper… but I never see anyone or hear anyone inside… The other dream is always about a man wearing a brown jacket riding a horse through the woods at night… and someone shoots at him… but I always wake up before I know if they hit him or not…

Anyone have any ideas?

jrs 07-07-04 10:00 PM

What does it mean to dream in black and white?

susan 07-07-04 10:39 PM

i used to dream about a large house too..but i would be inside and i would run from room to room, but had no idea why

i did have a dream that i got my hair cut once when it was long..i woke up to look in the mirror to see if it was real or not

Zeiken 07-07-04 11:37 PM

Originally Posted by jrs
What does it mean to dream in black and white?
its widely speculated that people cant dream in color- we can only subconciously associate certain things with color, but we dont actually see them. It is also believed that the subconcious would put color in a dream as a means to force the concious to remember that dream more vividly.

Zeiken 07-07-04 11:52 PM

Originally Posted by Caitlyn
one is about a huge two story house that reminds me of a few I have seen from the late 1700 or early 1800’s … the house is always either painted white with flowers beds in the front or it’s just raw lumber with dirt piled up like it was just built… In some of the dreams there are people moving around but in others, I never see anyone…

Most of the time I am always in front of the house,
Dreaming about being outside of a building looking at it, but not knowing what lays inside, often times represents that you are in the process of uncovering something within yourself or someone else, but you have yet to get pass the surface.

Originally Posted by Caitlyn

but a few times I have been inside and the ceilings were extremely high… at least 14 feet… and the rooms are filled with dark furniture and the walls covered with dark paneled wood and wall paper… but I never see anyone or hear anyone inside…
Dark and dreary, or damp interiors appear in dreams often when the dreamer is revovering from an illness. Thats all i have on dark interiors, so if you havnt been sick, im not sure.

Originally Posted by Caitlyn
The other dream is always about a man wearing a brown jacket riding a horse through the woods at night… and someone shoots at him… but I always wake up before I know if they hit him or not…
I cant give you much on that one, but i do know that having an unknown person in your dream represents someone you would like to know. And sometimes bullets, or being shot at, represents fear of being emotionally hurt. So, perhaps there is someone you want to get to know, beacue you fear for them, or because you dont want them to get hurt.

Hope all that helped, and to everyone- these are just the interpretations that i have studied, and no one can really tell you whats going on in your head, but maybe it will help.

Equilibrium 07-08-04 12:13 AM

Speaking of dreams I just had the weirdest ever. It involves me meeting this hot girl (almost as hot as my gf) in a very weird situation.So we started making out and i undressed her. And eventually this girl got undressed and i started to as well. Now, may it be known to all that I am very well endowed..very well. Well in this dream this girl looks at my package and says "Are you kidding me? Get out of my house"......i was like..what the hell.

Now someone interpret THAT.

Zeiken 07-08-04 12:19 AM

Originally Posted by Equilibrium
Speaking of dreams I just had the weirdest ever. It involves me meeting this hot girl (almost as hot as my gf) in a very weird situation.So we started making out and i undressed her. And eventually this girl got undressed and i started to as well. Now, may it be known to all that I am very well endowed..very well. Well in this dream this girl looks at my package and says "Are you kidding me? Get out of my house"......i was like..what the hell.

Now someone interpret THAT.
Lol- thats easy to interpret. Your feeling inadequete with some portion of your life. Perhaps its your job- your aspirations, your $$, or maybe its your compulsive lying regaurding a certain male organ. :D

its also possibble your feeling vulnerable, perhaps its a commitment issure your having with your girlfriend.

Equilibrium 07-08-04 12:21 AM

Originally Posted by Zeiken
Lol- thats easy to interpret. Your feeling inadequete with some portion of your life. Perhaps its your job- your aspirations, your $$, or maybe its your compulsive lying regaurding a certain male organ. :D

its also possibble your feeling vulnerable, perhaps its a commitment issure your having with your girlfriend.
Maybe that is it..the commitment u elaborate?

Zeiken 07-08-04 12:28 AM

Well, dreaming of being physically inadequate (from what the girl said in your dream, im guessing thats it.) has direct relation to a.) fear of actual inadequacy in that specific area. since you can supposedly rule that one out, we'll use interpretation b, which is fear of vulnerability. If it was your girlfriend in the dream, it would have probably meant you were worring about making her happy, or fearing loosing her. Since it is with another woman, not your girlfriend, im guessing your feeling vulnerable with the commitment with your girlfriend.

answer me these quesitons:
Have you dated many girls?
How serious are you with your current girlfriend?
Have you and your girlfriend sexually active?

(you cam PM me if you dont want to post it, we can work from there.)

I can give you a better answer with that information.

Equilibrium 07-08-04 12:32 AM

Originally Posted by Zeiken
Well, dreaming of being physically inadequate (from what the girl said in your dream, im guessing thats it.) has direct relation to a.) fear of actual inadequacy in that specific area. since you can supposedly rule that one out, we'll use interpretation b, which is fear of vulnerability. If it was your girlfriend in the dream, it would have probably meant you were worring about making her happy, or fearing loosing her. Since it is with another woman, not your girlfriend, im guessing your feeling vulnerable with the commitment with your girlfriend.

answer me these quesitons:
Have you dated many girls?
How serious are you with your current girlfriend?
Have you and your girlfriend sexually active?

(you cam PM me if you dont want to post it, we can work from there.)

I can give you a better answer with that information.
I'll PM you.

Zeiken 07-08-04 12:55 AM

So, this thread is going in a different direction. I would be more than happy to analyze any of your dreams, no matter what the subject matter. I've taken 3 classes on dream history and interpretation, and i have a wide variety of rescources at my disposal, so, if you want, post your dreams and i'll see what i can do. And im sure there are others who can input as well! :D

The Taxi Driver 07-08-04 12:10 PM

a couple of months ago i had the scariest dream i ever had. Me and my best friend won a contest to meet Biggie Smalls' mom. so we go to her house and she tells us about a dream she has where Biggie comes back to life and tries to kill her. than we stopped talking about that. later someone knocked on the back door and she was like "who could that be" and my friend was being a idiot and he was like "its biggie" in like a wierd voice. so i was like "dont joke about that stuff man" then the door swung open and it was biggie and he linged forward and stabbed my friend in the back. i turned to look but his mom disapeared. i ran out the door and for some reason i as in front of my house. it was night time and foggy. i sprinted down the street and i heard him say "i cant catch you im too fat" i was so happy then i turned around and he smiled and went to stab me but i woke up. i was so freaked out that night.

Equilibrium 07-08-04 02:54 PM

You were outrun by a selfproclaimed fat man...

The Taxi Driver 07-08-04 07:28 PM

no i think its like this. you know in dreams when someone is chasing you and you cant run fast. it was like that except i could run fast. but since i could run fast he could teleport. thats how he got behind me i think.

susan 07-08-04 08:11 PM

how to interpret your dream

here's one site that i found...i'm looking for others...

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