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bigvalbowski 05-03-01 12:22 PM

I'm not bashing the guy. He's one of the biggest superstars on the planet and has got charisma to spare. Apart from MI2, I love each of his performances especially Eyes Wide Shut where he was incredible. I just think there's too much evidence suggesting he's on the other side of the river and it's time for him to take that big step out of the closest. For one thing, it would be great for the gay community to have such a famous role model.

Here's the evidence: Tom Cruise has two kids with Nicole Kidman, both were adopted. Have you seen the Simpsons episode where Troy McClure marries Selma Bouvier? It's pretty much how I see Tom Cruise except he's not sleeping with the fishes.

Also, and here's the rub. Everytime a magazine questions Cruise's sexuality, he quickly responds with a lawsuit. It's obviously an issue. Kevin Spacey received the same treatment by the press but he just laughed it off.

Cruise has something to hide and I think it would be better for him and all of us if he admitted to the truth.

Hey, it didn't harm Ellen DeGeneres career. Actually scratch that.

Pigsnie 05-03-01 01:08 PM

I think Tom knows which side of his bread is buttered -- if he comes out, his career will be ruined. Gone will be the adulation of millions of teenyboppers and he will be reduced to an average Rupert Everett career. :p (A good actor, certainly, but hardly a blazing box-office comet.) As for Spacey, he was never a teenybopper magnet, so his box-office is not an issue.

Yoda 05-03-01 01:11 PM

Let's face it: a homosexual actor will likely receive highly loyal, dedicated appreciation (and ticket sales) from other homosexuals, but a straight actor will be more likely to receive admiration and appreciation from just about anyone.

So yes, it would hurt Cruise's career if such a secret were revealed, but I don't think he's a homosexual. He might be, but I doubt it.

OG- 05-03-01 04:15 PM

I don't think hes gay.

Steve 05-03-01 04:43 PM

Hey, you never know. If he is, I know many a female (including my mom) that will go into mourning. If he isn't, then watch out Hollywood! Tom Cruise as a bachelor-jesus!

Steve 05-03-01 04:57 PM

I forgot to add: Respect the **** indeed

Kevin B 05-05-01 01:10 PM

My whole question is this: who cares whether Tom is gay, straight, or bisexual. This whole subject is ridiculous ... to suggest that adopting children is "evidence" of Tom Cruise being gay is completely ridiculous. The relationship between Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman, and whatever factors have caused their split, is between the two of them only. I can understand why anyone who is gay would face a dilemma regarding whether to publicly declare his or her sexuality: because society is STILL to judgemental about homosexuals. I have seen people at work who decide that they want to "come out" as gay/lesbian. The end result is that they are treated fine by their managers and co-workers - to their face. But, behind their backs, they are ridiculed, joked about, and, in some cases, just loathed. GROW UP AMERICA: if being gay wasn't still a "stigma" fueled by an intolerant society, then there would be no reason to not be out in the open about sexual orientation. But, the truth is that the fact that sexuality is an issue at all is evidence that certain very vocal members of society feel that homosexuals are perverts and sick. I, for one, am tired of loud mouthed bigots condemning anyone for reasons such as sexuality, skin color, intelligence, weight, marital status, or religion. I guess my point is this: THIS DISCUSSION OF TOM CRUISE'S SEXUALITY IS JUST ANOTHER EXAMPLE OF THE FACT THAT THE USA STILL DISCRIMINATES AGAINST CERTAIN PEOPLE. If we weren't discriminatory, then SEXUAL ORIENTATION WOULDN'T EVEN BE AN ISSUE. :furious:

Wart 05-05-01 01:48 PM

Are you offended that this thread exists, Kevin?

If you are, why does it make it better for gay people that the issue of sexual orientation isn't being discussed. It is obviously so important to some people that they will deprive them of opportunities at work (office, film . . . )their children--when it comes to child custody at divorce, and they will even beat them up & murder them.

Discrimmination exists, in all its ugly forms. We're not doing anybody any favors by not discussing it. Their rights are being recognized . . . slowly . . . but it's happening. Education is the key . . . not silence.

This thread is llegitimate. Its about the effect of homosexuality or the rumour of homosexuality on the acting community.

Yoda 05-05-01 02:17 PM

Exactly. There is nothing wrong with this thread. I'm religious -- guess what? Some people label me a wacko for that. I've been called a religious nut -- why? Because I told someone I try to go to Church every Sunday.

You know what, though? I don't care. You won't hear me complain, I'm going to deal with it. Quite frankly, people should be allowed to be racist and discriminatory if they want -- there's no law against being a jerk.

These quotas in the workplace are a lot more ridiculous than anything mentioned here. Let people hire based on skin color, or sexual orientation -- it'll hurt them in the long run.

Steve 05-05-01 02:41 PM

I have to agree with Kevin. Most Americans are still wishing for a homogenuous society, where whites are dominant, and minorities are shunned and looked down upon.
I personally don't care either way whether or not Tom Cruise is gay, because he's a terrific actor and a standup guy to boot. my Respect the C-ck comment was meant to lighten things up a bit.

This thread could be typical Hollywood gossip stuff, but I think that since the effect of homosexuality on an actor's career is being discussed and not how "wrong" or "sick" it is, the thread isn't prejudiced at all.

Kevin B 05-06-01 12:27 PM

I guess that I really wasn't clear in my posting. Wart, I agree totally that keeping silent isn't the remedy for ending discrimination. Education and promotion of accepting (not just "tolerating") the differences between us is extremely beneficial.

I am not offended that Tom Cruise's sexual orientation is a discussion thread here at all. As a gay man myself, I know what being discriminated against is all about. I have had jobs in which I was 100% "out" - I personally don't care. However, I definately could feel a "before we knew" and "after we know" difference of treatment. Being gay in Corporate America often means that we are not as respected as heterosexuals in Corporate America.

The state in which I live (Massachusetts) has passed legislation specifically prohibiting dicrimination on the basis of sexual orientation in all areas of employment, housing, etc. During Gay Pride Week in June, Boston City Hall displays the Rainbow Flag on it's flag post, under the US flag and the Mass. flag. On the federal level, there's no protection at all. The Civil Rights Act provides for protection against discriminatin on the basis of religion, ethnic background, gender, and age. The Hate Crimes bill does not protect gay, lesbian, or bisexual citizens either. Same-sex marriage is not legal, except in Vermont where the State Supreme Court declared that same-sex couples have the right to "legally recognized unions". This now enables couples in Vermont to enjoy ALL of the rights conferred upon heterosexual couples.

This topic goes way beyond whether Tom Cruise (and other celebrities likeJohn Travolta, Jodie Foster, Rosie O'Donnell, and Keanu Reeves to name a few)who have been rumored to be gay "should" or "shouldn't" be open. The real issue here is that sexuality is an issue at all - as a citizen of the United States, each and every person should enjoy the same freedoms and obligations that this democracy has to offer.

I am discriminated against on a daily basis. How? When I fill out a tax withholding statement for employment, I am forced to check "Single". I am not single, my relationship just isn't recognized. Then, because I have no children, I pay the highest percentage of taxes possible. Heterosexual couples with children are allowed tax deductions for their children. In other words, more of my income is taken from me to fund programs that benefit "normal heterosexual families with children". I contribute more of my money to help educate children. I contribute more money to fund public daycare and after-school programs. But, my relationship is not legally recognized. I don't put financial burdens upon public education system,but more of my income is used than people who have children to fund the system. Gays are targeted by people for violent crimes (think Matthew Shepherd)yet if the bashers are caught, they can be prosecuted for assault and battery only. Legally, my civil rights weren't violated. But if a person is targeted and beaten for almost any other reason (race,creed,color,religion,gender) they victim's civil rights have been violated, making the crime a Federal Offense. So far, the "best" that the Federal Government can come up with is "dont ask dont tell" - in other words, live your life acting as if you are someone you are not, and everything will be fine.

Ok, now that I have hopped off my soap box, I will reiterate my points:
1. Tom Cruise's sexual orientation has nothing no impact on anyone reading this post or discussion thread, unless the reader is Tom Cruise or Nicole Kidman.
2. The reasons behind the breakdown of the Kidman-Cruise marriage has no bearing on the lives of those reading this discussion thread.
3. In a perfect world, sexual orientation would not be used as a way to judge someone. But, the world is so far from perfect now, sexual orientation IS a judgement tool. Therefore, many gay and lesbian people choose to "not tell", which ultimately erodes a gay man or a lesbian's self-respect while almost validating that being gay or lesbian means being less than human.
4. Federal laws do not protect the civil rights of the gay and lesbian citizens of the USA. Technically, we have no civil rights.
5. People argue that gays and lesbians are seeking "special rights". The truth is that we seek EQUAL rights, the same rights, that are provided to all other citizens of this country.
6. If Tom Cruise is gay, he's one hell of an actor - take a look at any heterosexual love scene he's ever been in. It's the same as Eric McCormick of "Will and Grace" - he is heterosexual, but has acting talent enough to play the role of a homosexual.
7. Roughly 10 percent of the general population worldwide is gay/lesbian. It has been that way since ancient times (Socrates for example).
8. My sexual orientation is a part of me, not a definition of me. My eyes are green, but that is just a part of me. It tells you nothing about who I am as a person.
9. If you're a person who judges others, just remember this: Every time you point your finger at someone else, you have four fingers pointing back at yourself.
10. Some day, maybe, the world will be a safe place where discrimination doesn't exist. That day isn't here yet.

Yoda 05-06-01 01:54 PM

I agree with almost all of your points, except one: 10 percent of the World is not homosexual. That's one out of every 10 people you run into. I'm sorry, but I find this nearly impossible to believe -- I think it is a highly inflated number.

My approach towards all of this is keep it in your bedroom and I don't care -- so long as you don't make a spectable of yourself in that parade, which, for the record, would be shameful if heterosexuals were involved as well.

Being religious, I don't believe homosexuality is natural and intended by God, but I don't think you are a bad/evil person -- just a sinner, as am I, albeit in different ways.

So, basically, I take issue with two things:

1 - Homosexuals comprising 10 percent of the population.
2 - That people should have discriminatory laws forced on them. IE: if an employer wants to be an idiot and discriminate, he or she should be allowed to.

PigsnieLite 05-06-01 02:35 PM

I think 10% of the world is gay! Maybe even 11 !!!!!

OG- 05-06-01 04:52 PM

Originally posted by Kevin B
This board isn't made up of only people in the USA by the way. In fact I think the guy that started it is from London.

But even having said that I think it is a shame that everyone is so discriminatory these days. Everyone does it. One of the things I hate most about todays society is , and I think Steve will know what I'm talking about, that almost every kid in my High School, uses gay to describe anything they hate. They hear something they don't like, then its gay. They get a homework assignment they don't like then "Man thats gay!". I for one hate that. I hate it when that word is used out of context. I can't understand why such a large percent of youth these days has lost a fair amount of respect for many people, and their way of life.

And on the topic, I still don't think hes gay.

Kevin B 05-06-01 05:27 PM

In follow-up to some of the response to my email, I just have a few things to say. Firstly, I have a new flash: gays and lesbians can be religous and spiritual too. I am a spiritual and religious person. I don't feel unloved by God; God created me exactly as I am.

Regarding statistics, however, it is NOT TRUE that 10% of the world's population is homosexual.

THE CORRECT PERCENTAGE IS 11 - Yes, of every 100 people on earth, 11 are gay. Of every 100 people on earth, 70 are not Christians. Of every 100 people, 48 are men and 52 are women. 57 of every 100 are Asian, 21 are European, 14 are from the Western Hemisphere (north and south combined) and 8 are African. 30 of every 100 people on earth are white, 70 of every 100 have darker skin complexion. If we reduced the earth to a village of 100 people, 6 of them would own 59% of the entire wealth of the world - and all six would be from the USA. When we look at the world from this perspective, as opposed to looking at the world from a USA society view, it's obvious: humans need to accept the differences between each each other and rejoice in them. What a vast, wonderful world has been created! The barrier to enjoying the benefits of this diversity is that some groups refuse to accept that their version of morality may not be 100% reflective of others. That's why there's hatred and war and discrimination: because people fear what they do not understand and they do not understand what they fear.

Yoda 05-06-01 11:15 PM

Kevin: I saw your email, and I'm sorry, it is not accurate. It is a chain letter -- far from reliable. I've had several people correct me when I mentioned it to them! This is far from proof, or even evidence in my mind.

If you want a news flash (this may sound rude, but it's not mean that way), then think of this: The Bible specifically condemns homosexuality. Yes, you can believe in a God, but The Bible is [red]VERY[/red] clear in it's stance.

Technically a lot of it is open to interpreation, but I don't see how you could argue against it.

Yoda 05-06-01 11:34 PM

Some links to despite the 10% myth...
  • (under Part IV)

A quote from the last one:

There has never been confirmed evidence of the existence of a "homosexual gene". According to a study by the University of Minnesota Hospital and Clinics on 34,706 students in 1992, 25.9% of children are unsure of their sexual orientation at age 12, but this figure declines to 5% by age 17. The study also found that sexual orientation is a fluid condition: of the small percentage who have a homosexual orientation, 75% do not continue throughout their lifetime in homosexual relationships.
Another quote (from
Moreover, the most comprehensive studies of male homosexuals in the United States (such as the 1994 University of Chicago/National Opinion Research Center study) put the percentage between 2 percent and 4 percent for the general population. The 10 percent upper limit cited in the story presumably refers to the widely discredited studies of Alfred Kinsey, which were based on small and highly skewed non-random samples.
That's from -- they describe themselves this way:
The Statistical Assessment Service (STATS), a nonprofit nonpartisan organization, examines the way that scientific, quantitative, and social research is presented by the media, and works with journalists to help them convey this material more accurately and effectively.

A link concerning Christianity and homosexuality:


I hope this supports my point in the way I intend it to -- a highly criticized, highly flawed study is what gave people the number of 10% -- the actual number is estiminated at 2%, and even then, we cannot be sure if it's correct or not.

Kevin B 05-06-01 11:41 PM

Chris and others - I respect your positions. I respect the fact that some of you may belong to a religion that believes that homosexuality is a sin. You have the clear right to believe that.

I don't want to try to attempt to validate the percentages that I provided. They were derived from someone I do not know. But, regardless of my decision to not defend these statistics as 100% accurate, I don't think that it's fair for anyone to declare the stats as inaccurate unless they are in possession of sufficient counter-evidence

I guess I have said everything I need to say regarding this discussion thread, and I hope all know that my intention was never to offend anyone. Like they say "LIVE AND LET LIVE"....

Yoda 05-06-01 11:43 PM

Live and let live is fine with me -- but I think I've presented far more than sufficient evidence to debunk the 10% claim -- especially considering I only spent 15 minutes on it, while many, many more search result pages were ahead of me. I think it's a bit more fair than your earlier claim. Please keep in mind that your earlier posts were strongly worded backing this claim, as you can see if you re-read them.

Oh, and I am curious: what is your religion? If you'd rather not say I understand.

Kevin B 05-07-01 03:29 PM

I feel as though the entire general discussion has been changed around due to me. But, that's okay.

Chris, you didn't provide any evidence to "de-bunk" what are considered by most statisticians to be accurate data. Certainly the number of gay/lesbian people who reside on the planet is not the issue here. Again, each of us are free to believe in whatever we wish. There are a multitude of conflicting statistics about the prevalence of homosexuality ... how many there are and how frequently it occurs isn't really relevant.

I am also not really certain about the relevancy of my specific "labelled" regligion to this discussion. But, since you asked, I am Catholic. You don't need to remind me that homosexual activity is a sin according to the Catholic Church. I am very similar to most Catholics (heterosexual and homosexual) that I know: I have deep respect for the basic beliefs of the religion. They embody my beliefs. My departure from "official" Catholicism occurs only in those instances where the Church passes judgement about whether a human life is "moral", "immoral", "worthy of receiving Communion", etc. Let's face it: the vast majority (about 96%) of Catholic married heterosexual couples either practice or have practiced contraceptive measures that "violate" the Church's position on birth control. I don't have a specific percentage, but I know that the number of divorced Catholics is rising, although divorce is also a "sin". I guess I pay more attention to the messages of Jesus than I do the tribal customs listed in the Old Testament. Jesus isn't depicted as a condemning force. Rather, He is depicted as all-accepting ... there are no Biblical references about homosexuality that are attributed to any statements Jesus ever made. Again, as I said earlier, religion is man-made. Catholics go to Mass. Protestants go to Services. Jews go to Temple. All of them practice certain rituals for a while, and they return to their homes. Morality and religion aren't equivalent (think Jimmy Swaggart, Jim Baker). I believe that what the Universal God of all of us here on earth wants is very simple: He or she or it wants to see our species gain acceptance over the most obvious fact of life: that every person is different. That involves spirituality. I once heard an expression:
Religion is for people who don't want to go to hell.
Spirituality is for people who have already been there.

Rituals and kneeling and singing aren't the only ways that people use to worship the Creator. And, the Creator didn't make any mistakes ... s/he is perfect, remember?

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