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7thson 09-09-17 08:58 PM

Hurricane Irma
I did a basic search and other than a few things mentioned in the closed news thread I did not see anything. If there is an existing thread please just move this thread if needed. Thank you :).

So this past Friday my son and I went to get my daughter from southern Florida as she is/was expected to get a major hit from Irma in her town. She had prepared well enough, but a full tank of gas would not have allowed her to get here (Pensacola) and the fuel shortages were scary. she also has a 2 year old son and we did not want her on the road with millions of people by herself.

So my son and I got some gas cans and his Volt and we had enough gas and power for a round trip. It is normally a 7 to 8 hour trip down. We made great time getting there, the roads going south were pretty much clear. Unfortunately his vehicle overheated about 25 miles outside of Vero Beach and we tried everything we could to get it going but it looks like his water pump failed (or something worse).

We somehow managed to get a tow (we were told that we were very lucky we were on the southbound side because no way would we have had any luck going north.) it ook 3 hours for it to get there and my son got himself all bit up from fire ants that sneaked up on him as we were sitting on the side of the road.

Pretty much it was a miserable experience all around but we did get my daughter and grandson and just got home. The trip coming back was crazy and SLOOOOWWWW.

This is what our trip down felt like

Seriously though anyone that winds up in the path of this please stay safe.

Dani8 09-09-17 09:03 PM

Re: Hurricane Irma
Nightmare. Safe thoughts for you and your family.

Dani8 09-09-17 09:26 PM

Re: Hurricane Irma
Oh dear that's a bit ominous. Where did the ocean go? Bahamas

re93animator 09-09-17 11:49 PM

It hasn't really gotten extreme where I am yet (probably later tomorrow), but I kind of regret not boarding up some of my windows. My house is surrounded by trees.

If pieces of the house decide to migrate, I have a rusty old conquistador helmet... so there's that.

I've also got about a half quarter tank of gas in my car. I just gave up midweek.

khouji 09-10-17 01:22 AM

Re: Hurricane Irma
My prayers and thought for the people who were affected by the hurricane. God bless

Captain Steel 09-10-17 01:40 AM

Re: Hurricane Irma
I joined George Noory last night in a mass mental meditation moment to try to slow the hurricane down (lowering it from a level 5 to a 4) and drive it out to sea.

7thson 09-10-17 02:20 AM

Originally Posted by Captain Steel (Post 1774277)
I joined George Noory last night in a mass mental meditation moment to try to slow the hurricane down .


7thson 09-10-17 02:23 AM

Originally Posted by re93animator (Post 1774220)
I have an old rusty conquistador helmet... so there's that.

I've also got about a half quarter tank of gas in my car. I just gave up midweek.
Hell yeah!!!!

gbgoodies 09-10-17 02:56 AM

That sounds like a terrible trip, but it's great that you got your daughter and grandson to a safe place, and you'll all be together throughout the storm. Stay safe.

Hopefully all the MoFos in Irma's path will check in throughout the storm if possible, and after the storm passes, to let us know that you're all okay.

cat_sidhe 09-10-17 04:25 AM

Re: Hurricane Irma
It felt weird repping that. Hope you know it's an "omg keep safe!" kind of rep. :)

Chypmunk 09-10-17 05:06 AM

Re: Hurricane Irma
Sounds like you had fun (not) - 'grats on making it back home with everyone.

Stay safe Floridians Florideans Florida-people.

I. Rex 09-10-17 10:25 AM

Man what a nightmare. Dont understand these people who shrug and say its no big deal it'll be fine. What level of denial does it take to gamble with life and limb like that exactly? They were interviewing a man who lives on his boat in the keys the other night and he was saying he's just going to weather it out. He should be ok. Its a boat after all and boats float! I sure hope he has a first aid kit on that boat with his CHILDREN. And life insurance...

My step daughter lives in Bradenton and she got out of Dodge on Thursday even before they heard it was turning toward the west. Now it looks like the best call shes ever made...

FL3Buff_07 09-10-17 11:26 AM

As of 10am, All we're getting here in Tampa Bay is a little rain. We're just on the outer bands. But the Keys are getting hammered. They're just getting the eye, right now.

We'll get that at about 2AM ET tomorrow. I'll check in when I can, but we might be getting "rolling blackouts" courtesy of the Power company, and I intend to go to bed early tonight so I can be up around 2am when the eye hits, and monitoring things.

All in any affected area, Stay safe!

matt72582 09-10-17 11:40 AM

Re: Hurricane Irma
I just don't like mandatory anything... If someone wants to ride it out, that's their life. There are so many reasons people don't wanna leave their house.

matt72582 09-10-17 11:41 AM

Re: Hurricane Irma
If someone needs a place to stay, my door is open to anyone... I'm way up in Michigan, but I know how hard it is to ask for help, and some people might not have anyone, or they might be gone, or filled up, etc..

FL3Buff_07 09-10-17 12:55 PM

Originally Posted by matt72582 (Post 1774424)
I just don't like mandatory anything... If someone wants to ride it out, that's their life. There are so many reasons people don't wanna leave their house.
Well, they aren't going to force you out of your house. But what they will do is get names of "next of kin" and they advise you that they won't come to assist you if you should change your mind and want them to come rescue you. They won't do that when the winds go up to 45mph.

Yoda 09-10-17 12:59 PM

Re: Hurricane Irma
Stay safe, Floridian MoFos. And please do check-in afterwards if you have the time.

Derek Vinyard 09-10-17 01:28 PM

Re: Hurricane Irma
Stay safe guys!! Hope everything is fine for everybody.

Your Canadian pal,
Derek Vinyard

Dani8 09-10-17 03:53 PM

Re: Hurricane Irma
Imagine needing to wizz at that time

7thson 09-10-17 04:11 PM

Originally Posted by Dani8 (Post 1774512)
Imagine needing to wizz at that time


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