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Ðèstîñy 08-07-09 02:48 PM

Hotseat! Grill a MoFo: Miss Vicky
What is your favorite song?

What is your favorite music genre?

Do you prefer board games, or computer games?

What is your favorite sport?

What is your favorite hobby, besides watching movies?

What is your favorite theater snack?

Theater, or home theater?

If you had to throw away all your movies but one, which one would you keep?

Do you avoid watching certain movies, simply because of an actor that is in them?

Name 5 actors you would love to meet, and why. What would you want to do to, or with them?

Name the movie you hate the most.

Name the oldest movie you've seen.

Name the newest movie you've seen.

What is your favorite movie genre?

Who is your favorite action star?

What is your favorite decade of movies?

What is your favorite movie for each genre . . .

Suspense Thriller?
Martial Arts?

Miss Vicky 08-07-09 08:14 PM

What is your favorite song?

That changes from one day to the next, but currently I'm addicted to a little known song called "D.W. Suite" by Fleetwood Mac guitarist Lindsey Buckingham. This tribute to Dennis Wilson is from Buckingham's 1984 solo album Go Insane. It's just an incredibly strange, interesting and beautiful song and is just so... him.

What is your favorite music genre?

Classic Rock. Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers is and always will be my favorite band ever. I’ve been listening to Petty since I was 8 years old and have seen him in concert 3 times. Other artists I really enjoy are Fleetwood Mac (I’ve seen them in concert 3 times and guitarist Lindsey Buckingham in concert 3 times), Bob Seger (I’ve seen him once in concert), Eric Clapton (just saw him with Steve Winwood in concert in June), Warren Zevon (never got to see him before he passed) and Creedence Clearwater Revival/John Fogerty (haven’t seen Fogerty yet but he’s on the list).

Do you prefer board games, or computer games?

I guess computer games, but I really don't have the patience or attention span for either. Mostly I play word games at

What is your favorite sport?

I don't really have any interest in sports, though I do love to bowl - if that counts. I have my own ball and shoes, though I'm really terrible at it. As for watching on television, the only "sport" I'll tune in to is equestrian show jumping, but mostly I just sit there and chant "refuse, refuse!" – especially if there’s a water jump involved. Is that wrong of me?

What is your favorite hobby, besides watching movies?

Fiction writing. Since 2000 I've been slowly piecing together and polishing a novel about a young man who suddenly finds himself on his own - finally free to explore his sexuality and yet forced by circumstances to use it as a means to survive.

I actually got a publishing offer for it a couple of years ago, but I declined it because I wasn’t comfortable with the terms of the contract.

What is your favorite theater snack?

Don’t know if they count as a snack, but the hot dogs are delicious! Also, the Cinnabon pretzels are quite yummy.

Theater, or home theater?
Theater. My tv is rather small and my house if full of distractions. Though unfortunately I most often view movies in bits and pieces on my 7” portable DVD player. I work 11-12 hours a day Monday – Thursday and I watch movies on my lunch breaks.

If you had to throw away all your movies but one, which one would you keep?

That sounds like the worst day of my life. I think I have to stick with Quills. Its combination of humor, sex and heartbreak would sustain me longer than any other, before I sink into the inevitable depression that an otherwise movie-less existence would bring.

Do you avoid watching certain movies, simply because of an actor that is in them?

Yes. Yes I do. Unless there is a very compelling reason for me to watch, I avoid movies starring Orlando Bloom, Mark Wahlberg, Adam Sandler, Will Ferrell and Jack Black, off the top of my head.

Name 5 actors you would love to meet, and why. What would you want to do to, or with them?

Joaquin Phoenix. If I’d been asked this question a couple of years ago, my answer as to why would be very family-unfriendly and... um… explicit. Now, I’d just want to try to talk some sense into him.

Bruce Campbell. The man’s just awesome and funny. I’d just like to spend a day with him.

Johnny Depp. What wouldn’t I want to do with him?

Victor Mature. If I could travel back in time to when he was alive, I’d just like to sit down and talk with him. From what I’ve read about him, he seems to have been a pretty cool guy with no illusions about what he was in Hollywood. I’d also love to hear any stories he had to tell about the movies he starred in and just that era of Hollywood in general.

Russell Crowe. I’d like to spend a day on the set with him, so that I could watch him at his craft and in person.

Name the movie you hate the most.

I don’t know that there is a most hated movie but one that comes to mind is The Ninth Gate. It was so incredibly boring and I had the whole thing figured out very quickly – which is rare for me since I tend to be a little slow on the uptake sometimes. Oh and there was something about the way Johnny Depp looked in that movie that reminded me of my father. Huge turnoff. HUGE.

Name the oldest movie you've seen.

The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari

Name the newest movie you've seen.

Julie & Julia

What is your favorite movie genre?

Children’s animation.

Who is your favorite action star?

I’m not a big fan of action, but I’d probably have to go with Bruce Willis, if only for nostalgic reasons. I grew up with the Die Hard series and we used to watch them every Christmas. How’s that for a family tradition?

What is your favorite decade of movies?

Probably the 1990’s. It seems to contain a higher number of favorite films than any other decade.

What is your favorite movie for each genre . . .

Bubba Ho-Tep (it’s more of a comedy, I know, but I’m not an horror fan, so…)


Suspense Thriller?

The Big Lebowski

The Boondock Saints



3:10 to Yuma

Martial Arts?
Brotherhood of the Wolf

Casualties Of War

Mrs. Darcy 08-08-09 12:31 AM

Re: Hotseat! Grill a MoFo: Miss Vicky
Any bad habits?

Tell me how you came to live in Vacaville.

Have you taken writing classes or do you just go for it?

Miss Vicky 08-08-09 01:20 AM

Originally Posted by Mrs. Darcy (Post 555396)
Any bad habits?
I'm lazy and am a bit of a slob.
I curse like a sailor.
I'm too honest with people at times and am not always tactful about it.
I exercise too little and eat too much.

Tell me how you came to live in Vacaville.
I've never lived anywhere else. I live quite the boring life, which is probably why I like movies so much.

Have you taken writing classes or do you just go for it?
I took creative writing classes in both junior high and high school, but I found that I really can't stand them. It's hard to be creative when you're having to fit your work into a certain set of standards. But mostly, I don't deal well with deadlines, hence why it's taken me nearly ten years (so far) to write one novel. So, in other words, I just kind of go for it.

downthesun 08-08-09 03:45 AM

Re: Hotseat! Grill a MoFo: Miss Vicky
Have you been looking for a publisher for your book since you turned down the first offer?

Which 3:10 to Yuma do you like, the new one or the original?

What kind of work do you do?

Did Orlando Bloom's appearances in LOTR and Pirates of the Carribean effect your views on the movies?

Favourite animated movie?

Favourite crime film?

Favourite documentary?

Favourite TV mini-series?

Miss Vicky 08-08-09 04:24 AM

Have you been looking for a publisher for your book since you turned down the first offer?

No, I have not. I've mainly been focusing on lengthening and improving the book. I'd still like to add another 10,000 words or so before I try to shop it around again.

Which 3:10 to Yuma do you like, the new one or the original?

The new one. I watched the original, but I just couldn't get into it. I especially did not like the way they ended it. I detest arbitrary happy endings. I felt the ending used in the new one worked much better. Plus Russell Crowe and Ben Foster were mesmerizing in it. The actors in the original film... not so much.

What kind of work do you do?

I work as a receptionist (and sort of unofficial bookkeeper) at a veterinary hospital. I've been at my current job for four years now, but have worked at two other facilities before that. It's really very frustrating work, but the office is close to home, I get medical and dental insurance, and discounts on care for my menagerie so it'll do for now.

Did Orlando Bloom's appearances in LOTR and Pirates of the Carribean effect your views on the movies?

I don't think it affected my view on Lord Of The Rings. I think I would have hated that trilogy just as much without him. As for Pirates, I can't say it really affected my views on the movies as such, but I certainly hate his character (same goes for Troy). I swear that boy is only capable of two facial expressions: confused and constipated.

Favourite animated movie?

Ratatouille. It is just the ultimate combination of things I love. Not only is it children's animation, it's Pixar animation. The animators at Pixar are IMO the masters of their craft. They put so much love and work into their films and Ratatouille is no exception. It is such a colorful movie - both literally, in the incredibly detailed and lush palette of the film, and in terms of its crazy characters.

And it is about a rat. I love rats. I've always loved rats. I currently have two pet rats and have had 18 others before them.

Favourite crime film?

The Departed. I initially saw this movie only because my mother wanted to see it and my father never goes to the theater. I really didn't expect to like it (and the fact that it stars not one but THREE actors that I do not like - Mark Wahlberg, Alec Baldwin, and Matt Damon - didn't help matters). But I was blown away by it.

Favourite documentary?

I've seen only a handful of documentaries, so there's not much range to choose from. But of those I've seen, I'm going to go with The Celluloid Closet.

Favourite TV mini-series?

That's a tough one. I don't watch many mini-series (or really much TV at all) but I think I'll go with I, Claudius - though it's really quite long, so I'm not sure it fits the definition of "mini" series.

tramp 08-08-09 05:48 PM

You hate the LOTR Trilogy? Can you tell me why?

And just a note: That's rather exciting about your novel. I hope you have success with it. And Russell Crowe rules. Let's both get on a set with him and watch him act. ;)

Miss Vicky 08-08-09 06:08 PM

Originally Posted by tramp (Post 555639)
You hate the LOTR Trilogy? Can you tell me why?

And just a note: That's rather exciting about your novel. I hope you have success with it. And Russell Crowe rules. Let's both get on a set with him and watch him act. ;)
First of all, I don't like fantasy in general. I have issues with suspension of disbelief (I generally dislike Science Fiction, Musicals and Horror for the same reason as well). But, besides being Fantasy, the LOTR movies are too slowly paced, too long, I can't connect with any of the characters and quite frankly some of them flat-out annoy me.

eMilee 08-08-09 06:10 PM

Re: Hotseat! Grill a MoFo: Miss Vicky
1. since you want to meet joaquin phoenix, what would you say too him? be blunt...

Miss Vicky 08-08-09 06:31 PM

1) I'm concerned that he is likely abusing drugs and/or alcohol and that he may be on the same self-destructive path that took River's life.

2) I'd say that I hope he isn't truly serious about his rap career because there is clearly no future in it.

3) I'd tell him that his antics have ruined his reputation as a truly gifted actor and even if he really doesn't want to go back to that career, he shouldn't ruin what would otherwise become a stellar legacy.

SoulInside 08-19-09 05:30 AM

What is your favorite book?

Don`t you think Joaquin do some kind of joke?

What is the name of your novel? If you don`t wanna tell it, you can also tell the working title.

Fan-Trivia: How often do the three guys in The Big Lebowski play bowling in the whole movie?

n3wt 08-19-09 08:44 AM

Re: Hotseat! Grill a MoFo: Miss Vicky
If you could erase one film from your mind that you have seen what would it be?

If you could erase one film, sequel or trilogy from the face of the earth what would it be?

If you could create a 5 man team from any superhero, killer, horror creature or vilian who would they be and what would they do?

Miss Vicky 08-19-09 11:35 AM

Originally Posted by SoulInside (Post 559401)
What is your favorite book?
That's a tough one. I don't really do much reading as it's a rare occasion that I find something that gets and holds my interest. But some favorites have been The Screwed Up Life Of Charlie the Second and If Chins Could Kill: Confessions of a B Movie Actor.

Don`t you think Joaquin do some kind of joke?
I hope it's a joke, but he seemed to be on a bit of a downward spiral before this whole rap thing started.

What is the name of your novel? If you don`t wanna tell it, you can also tell the working title.
Erratic Circles

Fan-Trivia: How often do the three guys in The Big Lebowski play bowling in the whole movie?
Oh crap... I don't know. Five?

N3wt: I'm running out of time this morning. I'll answer your questions when I get home from work this evening.

n3wt 08-19-09 02:17 PM

Re: Hotseat! Grill a MoFo: Miss Vicky
Ok np :)

Miss Vicky 08-20-09 11:33 AM

Originally Posted by n3wt (Post 559431)
If you could erase one film from your mind that you have seen what would it be?
Blood Gnome

If you could erase one film, sequel or trilogy from the face of the earth what would it be?
I know it doesn't quite fit your parameters, but the Harry Potter series just needs to be gone.

If you could create a 5 man team from any superhero, killer, horror creature or vilian who would they be and what would they do?
After the day I had yesterday, I'm not in a "let's save the world" kind of mood, so:

John Doe - I like his creativity
Buddy Pine/Syndrome - he's got the money and the cool gadgets
Zodiac - gotta give some love to the local boy
Fenton Meiks - because he can get away with it

This dude:

Their mission: wipe out the people on my $hit list.

SoulInside 08-20-09 01:34 PM

Originally Posted by Miss Vicky (Post 559461)
Oh crap... I don't know. Five?

According to wiki and my memory: Zero. Not one single time. :D

TheGirlWhoHadAllTheLuck_ 11-30-09 03:25 PM

Re: Hotseat! Grill a MoFo: Miss Vicky
Where's your username from?

Miss Vicky 12-01-09 01:57 AM

Originally Posted by TheGirlWhoHadAllTheLuck_ (Post 586034)
Where's your username from?
It's an inside joke between myself and a former manager of mine.

I work as a receptionist at a veterinary office, so a big part of my job is answering the phone. Well, my normal speaking voice is... a little gruff. So, to counteract that, I try to smile and soften my voice when I answer the phone. Apparently, the resulting effect - so I've been told by my former manager, by friends and by clients of the office - is that I sound like a phone sex operator or late night DJ.

So my manager (who is a woman, btw), told me that if I wanted to make some extra cash, I should start my own 900 number and call myself Miss Vicky. Anytime she would call the office and I'd answer, she'd always ask how much it is per minute.

Anyway, when I joined my first messageboard, I couldn't come up with a username that was appropriate to the subject of that board and not already taken. So I used Miss Vicky and, for the sake of simplicity, I've used it as my name on every forum I've joined since then.

For the record, though, I hate the name Vicky. It's Victoria, please.

honeykid 12-01-09 03:58 AM

Re: Hotseat! Grill a MoFo: Miss Vicky
I can't believe I hadn't asked you any questions, MV. :eek:

Why do you like Victor Mature films and when did you start to watch them?

What's your highest bowling score?

Who's your favourite Angel in Charlie's Angels? (both tv and film)

What's your favourite non-animated tv programme?

When you see one shoe in the middle of the road, do you wonder how it got there?

If you could have any meal right now, what would it be?

Daytime or nighttime?

The Beatles or The Stones?

If you could be anyone for a day, who would you be and why?

If you could make a law, that had to be enforced, what would it be?

Favourite word?

If you could bring back on tv programme, which would it be?

mack 12-01-09 01:41 PM

Re: Hotseat! Grill a MoFo: Miss Vicky
I just wanna know if its really "Miss, Mrs. or Ms." do share. :D

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