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Yoda 08-08-21 09:48 AM

MoFo Fantasy Football 2021 - Sign-Ups
Catches me off-guard every year, since it overlaps so much with baseball, but yeah, it's that time again: FUBBLE SEASON.

I've renewed the league and set a (tentative) draft date and time of August 28th, Saturday, at 2:00 PM ET.

It's unclear if we'll have 12 or 14 or whatever this season, and some owners have suggested they prefer some configurations enough that they'd play in one but not the other, so please let me know if you want to play ASAP so we can figure things out as quickly as possible.

When replying, please confirm whether you're availability for the above time. If you don't confirm your potential availability for the draft time, you are not confirmed to participate. Not a single year has gone by where someone hasn't failed to do this. Let's make history this year!

What even is this?

The members on this site play in a fantasy football league. This will be its thirteenth (!) year, and it's a pretty great league. We play with 12-14 teams, and even though there's no money on the line we have a very high retention rate. This league is almost exclusively populated by competitive, engaged owners. It probably helps that I buy the winner this trophy each year:

Can I play?

Yes! Well, maybe. As I said, we have high retention, and some years we only have a slot or two open. This is a Movie Forums league, so heavy preference is given to people who are active on the forums, and this applies even to returning owners. We also give some preference to returning owners, since that kind of continuity is cool, but we lean a little more towards the first criteria. So if you're a regular you stand a decent chance of nabbing a spot. And even if you're kinda in-between, hey, it doesn't hurt to throw your helmet in the ring, provided you can pass concussion protocol after.

How do I sign up?

Just reply in this thread and say you'd like to play, and you'll be considered based on all the stuff I mentioned above. You may or may not get in, but there's no shame in asking! And asking and not getting in one year will be considered the next year as a possible tiebreaker, too.

Powdered Water
Captain Spaulding
Hey Fredrick
Holden Pike

rauldc14 08-08-21 10:13 AM

Re: MoFo Fantasy Football 2021 - Sign-Ups
Not sure if I lost my spot last year but I'll play this year if there's room

Yoda 08-08-21 10:17 AM

Re: MoFo Fantasy Football 2021 - Sign-Ups

Sedai 08-08-21 10:20 AM

Re: MoFo Fantasy Football 2021 - Sign-Ups

I am available for the above time. ;)

AHEM Raul AHEM! It's in red text and stuff!

rauldc14 08-08-21 10:26 AM

Re: MoFo Fantasy Football 2021 - Sign-Ups
I just didn't know if there was room. I was out last year. And I could make that time actually.

TONGO 08-08-21 10:36 AM

Sure ill play ;), and the date/time works for me.

Wyldesyde19 08-08-21 12:32 PM

I’m in and I am available for that time listed. Looking forward to this 🙂

Powdered Water 08-08-21 12:35 PM

Re: MoFo Fantasy Football 2021 - Sign-Ups
In and available. Wonder if I will ever win this damn thing!

Yoda 08-08-21 12:47 PM

Re: MoFo Fantasy Football 2021 - Sign-Ups
Take some of your baseball roid stash and give 'em to these guys.

Wyldesyde19 08-08-21 12:59 PM

Hoping for a better draft spot this year as picking 8th suuuuuuuucked.
Although I’m better prepared this time around, having kept in mind injuries from last year and such.

Captain Spaulding 08-08-21 01:33 PM

All these months later and still my first impulse upon waking every day is to check my phone for updates on Christian McCaffrey's health.

Date/time works for me.

Any changes to the league this year to accommodate for the extra week of the regular season?

Yoda 08-08-21 01:43 PM

Originally Posted by Captain Spaulding (Post 2228041)
Any changes to the league this year to accommodate for the extra week of the regular season?
Not sure, at minimum we'll have to see how many teams we have.

My first instinct was "oh no, this'll ruin our perfect system where everybody plays everybody else exactly once," but if they let us, I'm kinda inclined to just keep it exactly the same and not have the extra week of the regular season matter at all, since it's always so random anyway.

Either that or make the championship two weeks, though I don't know (and kinda doubt) Yahoo allows for that.

Captain Spaulding 08-08-21 01:46 PM

Originally Posted by Yoda (Post 2228048)
Either that or make the championship two weeks, though I don't know (and kinda doubt) Yahoo allows for that.
I'd definitely be in favor of a two-week championship if that's an option.

jiraffejustin 08-08-21 01:47 PM

Re: MoFo Fantasy Football 2021 - Sign-Ups
I'm in and don't foresee date/time being a problem.

Hey Fredrick 08-08-21 04:25 PM

I'm in if there's room. Date and time of the draft looks good for me

Fabulous 08-08-21 05:02 PM

Re: MoFo Fantasy Football 2021 - Sign-Ups
In and available if there are spots open.

Wyldesyde19 08-10-21 12:18 AM

Going for 14 teams again, I presume?

Yoda 08-10-21 10:19 AM

Re: MoFo Fantasy Football 2021 - Sign-Ups
There's a couple of drops, I think, so at the moment it's looking like 12.

Yoda 08-10-21 10:20 AM

Re: MoFo Fantasy Football 2021 - Sign-Ups
Gonna give people at least a few days to decide and then try to lock things up no later than early next week, so I can draw draft order and people can prep a little more effectively.

Wyldesyde19 08-10-21 02:08 PM

Where can I see last years draft? I want to take a look at it and laugh at some of my selections again

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