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jrs 07-09-02 02:31 PM

Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice
Although the plot is being kept under wraps, here's more info....

In addition to the two heroes, there are three great parts for women.

Superman's Metropolis and Batman's Gotham City will be featured in the project. They are the bright and dark side, which essentially is two sides of the same coin. Thats the principle of the movie, which reflects what life is all about.

The film will be character-driven. They are not gonna go with typical actors but going to go with great actors who will do an action-oriented part,

There will be a conflict between the heroes. Superman stands for what is powerful, clear, bright, noble and just; Batman is dark, obsessive and vengeful. Because they are so different, they will inevitably end up clashing. It will be a battle of the titans.

Although the two crime-fighters will team up against evildoers, each will experience his own inner conflict. They both go through some kind of a crisis. Superman has an unwavering belief in what is right and wrong and it's just not that simple anymore in today's world, while Batman is on a path of self-destruction. He reacts to an act of incredible violence in a way that almost puts him over the edge."

Sounds exciting ' eh? :yup:

firegod 07-09-02 02:34 PM

Wanna bet?

Mary Loquacious 07-09-02 02:37 PM

That does sound interesting. I'll have to keep an eye out for more info...

There's a great Batman/Superman crossover in the WB animated series called "World's Finest" (based on the comic, I believe) which is very well-done.

And, of course, Superman's pivotal role in The Dark Knight Returns is just kicka*s, as is their interaction in Kingdom Come. Batman and Superman were made to play off each other--they're the two sides of the coin, you know?

Gracie 07-09-02 02:49 PM

I think it's obvious who's gonna win. Superman!

Yoda 07-09-02 02:53 PM

:yup: Batman can't win. That'd be ridiculous. I smell a draw of sorts, though.

mecurdius 07-09-02 06:04 PM

superman has never beat batman. in the movie batman and superman's fight would never be resolved, they would come to their senses and join forces to beat joker or someone.

Ladies Man 07-09-02 07:15 PM

Re: Batman Vs. Superman
Originally posted by jrs1013

There will be a conflict between the heroes. Superman stands for what is powerful, clear, bright, noble and just; Batman is dark, obsessive and vengeful. Because they are so different, they will inevitably end up clashing. It will be a battle of the titans.

Sorry, I just can't take the fact that two superheros from totally different places within dimensions and they happen to be in the same place!

Please, someone bring ME up to speed.

Yoda 07-09-02 07:59 PM

So, the existence of Superman is perfectly viable, but the fact that he lives in the same "dimension" as Batman is not? It's a fictional world, buddy. Suspend just a LITTLE disbelief...what matters most is that the film is internally consistent.

mecurdius 07-10-02 02:58 AM

Batman = Dark or night or the Dark Knight
Superman = light or day

two completely different things, so how do they make the movie? THE GOLDEN HOUR! w00t!

jrs 07-11-02 10:59 PM

Batman vs. Superman Hype is launched......

fostersliteice 07-21-02 06:59 AM

who cares about Batman vs. Superman

Spiderman rules

Radical Ed 07-24-02 01:16 AM

I think that this will be an awesome movie!!
Even though im more of a batman fan, im willing to see this movie. IT sounds great and probably attract alot of attention. And more then likely people will be argueing of who is better superman or batman? But who cares a movie is great just to sit back and enjoy. There will be alot of action so this sounds like a cool movie.

For any Batman fans out there, on The WB a show called the Birds of Prey will be airing this fall. It will be about New Gothom and 3 girls. One is Barbra Gordon who is now confined to a wheelchair. She is now know as The Oracle. There is also someone named the Huntress. The third is Batman and Catwomen's DAUGHTER named Helena . (I might have gotten Huntress and Helena mixed up) For more info on this new show go to WWW.THEWB.COM

jrs 07-24-02 01:27 AM

That's Gotham , Barbara and Catwoman

Yoda 07-24-02 09:32 AM

Now THIS is interesting...

Holden Pike 07-24-02 09:50 AM

I just wish somebody truly good, like say David Fincher, would adapt The Dark Knight Returns and get it over with already. This particular Batman vs. Superman nonsense as outlined above just ain't gonna cut it.

And yes, of course it'll end up like all of the various "versus" comic books from the '70s. The few where the Marvel & D.C. universes melded, such as Superman vs. Spiderman or Batman vs. The Hulk, were always terribly disappointing and always cop-outs. They "fight" each other for all of five panels on one page, then naturally they realize they're both heroes and they team-up to fight the bad guys. Big frippin' whoop. As a kid I always wanted my money back after reading these stupid things.

Yoda 07-24-02 12:49 PM

What I want is something realistic: they don't technically fight, but rather, they start getting in each other's way...they have disagreements. Superman is clean-cut...always wants to haul 'em off to jail. Batman is a bit more realistic, but also a little outta control: he'd rather beat the snot out of them, and even, in some cases, kill them, taking the law into his own hands.

Clashing over that sort of thing would be believable and intriguing, because, frankly, they'd both have a point.

sadesdrk 07-24-02 12:49 PM

Originally posted by Holden Pike
They "fight" each other for all of five panels on one page, then naturally they realize they're both heroes and they team-up to fight the bad guys. Big frippin' whoop. As a kid I always wanted my money back after reading these stupid things.
Yeah! What would really be sweet, is if they would just hate each other's guts and knock the piss outta each other! My bet would be on Superman, he has all those superhuman powers, but I would most likely be rooting for Batman; that Batmobile!GRRRRRROOOOOWL, how's about a back seat tour, BatHottie?!

:laugh: Weird mood this morning: Just a disclaimer.

Mary Loquacious 07-24-02 03:01 PM

Originally posted by Holden Pike
I just wish somebody truly good, like say David Fincher, would adapt The Dark Knight Returns and get it over with already.
Amen. But until that day comes, we've got Aronofsky working on Year One.

Batman is a bit more realistic, but also a little outta control: he'd rather beat the snot out of them, and even, in some cases, kill them, taking the law into his own hands.
I agree with you, Chris, but Batman hasn't killed anyone since the early '40s, the days when he packed a gun. But beatin' the snot out of 'em, definitely. :yup:

jrs 07-25-02 12:29 AM

Straight from Warner Bros. itself, http://www.<a href="</a> been told that neither Jude Law nor Colin Farrell have been cast in Batman vs. Superman. Auditions continue to take place and more actors will be seen next week. While Farrell and Law are in the running, they have not been signed. They are being considered and nothing more.

Gracie 07-25-02 08:08 PM

When I think of a superhero, I think of his/her theme song...

Spiderman, Spiderman, does whatever a spider can! Is he tough? Listen bud, he's got radioactive blood! Spiderman, Spiderman! Friendly neighborhood Spiderman! Whenever there's a hang-up, he thinks that it's a bang-up Spidermaaaaaaaaaaaaan!
Although I love Superheros, I also love...REN & STIMPY!!

Hello everybody. This is song about whales. NO! This is song about being happy. Happy-Happy Joy-Joy, Happy-Happy Joy-Joy,. Happy-Happy Joy-Joy,. Happy-Happy Joy-Joy,. Happy-Happy Joy-Joy,. Happy-Happy Joy-Joy. NOT HAPPY ENOUGH! Let's try one mor time.... Happy-Happy Joy-Joy,. Happy-Happy Joy-Joy,. Happy-Happy Joy-Joy,. Happy-Happy Joy-Joy,. Happy-Happy Joy-Joy,
(Sorry about all the songs...)

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