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jrs 10-09-09 09:12 PM

Ghostbusters: Afterlife
Ghostbusters 3

jrs 10-09-09 09:12 PM

Reitman “100% Attached” To Direct Ghostbusters 3

Bloody Disgusting is reporting that they have “confirmed, 100%, without a shadow of a doubt” that Ivan Reitman is attached to direct Ghostbusters 3. Now before all you “ghost heads” get excited about Reitman returning, there’s something else you should know, “he hasn’t decided whether or not he really wants to direct [it], yet.”

Reitman attached, but not committing to direct is not that surprising. Over the past 10 years, Reitman has only directed 2 films (Evolution & My Super Ex-Girlfriend), but since he’s one of the five members in the “infamous” Ghostbusters rights holders agreement (Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Harold Ramis, Ivan Reitman & Columbia Pictures (Sony) all have to sign off on anything Ghostbusters before it can happen), attaching himself to the project without deciding to direct could be more to prevent any delays in development due to the studio wanting a director attached to the project.

In other news, Bloody Disgusting has also found out that “…the sequel takes place when the paranormal researchers “reopen” their ghost removal service after it has been closed for quite a few years.” This is pretty interesting considering that Aykroyd has been quoted as saying that the recently released Ghostbusters: The Video Game would be considered canon in the series. Looks like “the rookie” and the whole “franchise opportunity” didn’t pan out as well as one would have thought.

That aside, over the past week(s) Harold Ramis, Dan Aykroyd and Ernie Hudson have all been talking about Ghostbusters 3, so let’s round-up what they’ve had to say.

Dan Aykroyd (appearing on KGO AM 810 in San Francisco)

He’s hoping to start something this fall, but the script has not been finalized. Expecting at least two-thirds of the cast returning, but has said that himself, Harold Ramis and Bill Murray will “for sure” be in it.
Harold Ramis (interview with Movie Web)

(On Egon’s life in the new film)

“I had two initial first instincts. One was that Egon had become a shaved head Buddhist monk. That is not going to happen. The thing that I pitched for my character is that he’s been living in Geneva, and he works for the Institute of Imaginary Science. The work we are doing doesn’t require any conceptual, intellectual, special, or mathematical models for what we are doing. Even we don’t know what we are doing. It’s that theoretical.”
(On who would be the new Ghostbuster recruits)

“Every young actor will be mentioned. No one is signed or has been approached.”
(On what the intentions are for the third film)

“I think we are just going to try and make a good movie. The intention of a sequel is not to give an audience more of what they didn’t get enough of the first time. It’s to give the audience something that is new. We want them to feel that they are having a new experience of some kind. That becomes a tightrope. Yeah, we definitely are introducing new Ghostbusters. That much is for sure. And there will be inter-dimensional creatures visiting New York. And we will deal with it. That’s all I am allowed to say at this point.”
Ernie Hudson (interview with IESB)

(On his thoughts regarding the third film)

“We’re all up for it. It just has to be something we can be proud of and stand by. I’d love for it to happen. I think it would be very, very cool. But, it really needs to be something that makes sense. I don’t want to just do a cameo. If we’re going to do it, I want to be involved.”
(On his involvement/reality of the third film happening)

“…I’m hoping the movie happens, but I have not heard from Ivan Reitman or the studio, or anybody who signs checks. Until that happens, it’s still just speculation.”
Source: Screenrant

Sarah820w 10-10-09 11:59 PM

Re: Ghostbusters 3
funny forgot all about this movie, i hope they can get the same cast or most of them...

n3wt 10-11-09 10:05 AM

Re: Ghostbusters 3
This is awesome news indeed Im going to keep my eye on this one, thanks Jrs :):up:

jrs 10-17-09 07:10 AM

More News & Rumors For ‘Ghostbusters 3′

With Halloween soon approaching, it seems as though this week we are overrun with new information regarding what the status is of Ghostbusters 3. While some of it may be new information, one has to sift through a majority of regurgitated old information as well as general speculation to find it. This week is no different as we bring you news (and rumors) on the status of our favorite paranormal exterminators from Dan Aykroyd, Bill Murray and Ivan Reitman.

We’ve got Reitman telling us that it’s “more positive than negative”, Murray saying that there’s no script and, for the first time, Aykroyd being less than optimistic by stating it’s all talk until they get green lit and are giving a production number.

There’s also this rumor that there’s no funding for Ghostbusters 3, but we’ll that we’ll get to later.

With all of this information, the easiest way to absorb it all would be split it up into their own respective categories.

Ivan Reitman

Last weekend, our favorite producer was in Spain to attend the 42nd Sitges Film Festival and with Ivan Reitman comes Ghostbusters talk, especially after last week when Bloody Disgusting reported that they have (in some way) confirmed that he is “100% committed” to direct the Ghostbusters threequel. While he has yet to confirm or deny that report, he did have some have some tid-bits for us fans to speculate on.

“For the first time possibilities are more positive than negative. Before we needed some twist to be able to make it, now if there isn’t any other major change we will do it. It’s never easy to bring all these people to an agreement on something, but now there’s a script, a definitive one, complete and approved.”
Continuing to add fuel to Aykroyd’s statements last week that all of the original cast will be involved, Reitman comments on our beloved tenant whose hobbies include floating above her covers… Four feet above her covers!

“The project needs the presence of everyone, including Sigourney Weaver!”
While Sigourney Weaver had initially declined to be a part of this summer’s Ghostbusters: The Video Game, she attempted to jump in on the project later on, but since they were too far into production, they weren’t able to include her.

Those hoping to find out anything about the plot are out of luck as Reitman vows that he “will never tell you what’s like.”

In hopes to relieve fans that they’re looking to make a good movie instead of just a money grab, Reitman touches upon Ghostbusters 2 to explain his intentions with a third film.

“The second movie was some kind of exploitation of the first but was too heavily based on special effects, in that way losing grip on what were the driving forces of the first: characters and jokes. This is something I still regret and now I’d like to pay tribute to those wonderful characters with this new one.”
Bill Murray

This week, Mr. Vekeman was in England for the premiere of the upcoming Wes Anderson film, Fantastic Mr Fox and while walking the red carpet, someone must have said the magic word (please) as Murray opens up about the status (or lack their of ) of another Ghostbusters.

“I’ll believe it when I see it. I’ve seen a guy talk about the end of the world a couple of years back, but I haven’t seen that either. So, I’m not going to believe the Ghostbusters story until I see the script.”
That statement conflicts against other reports which say that all parties have approved of the script. Since Murray is part of the rights holders in Ghostbusters, he has to sign off on it. Although, the general consensus is that he’s referring to a green-lit script rather than the existence of one at all.

Still, script aside, Murray doesn’t sound like he’s all that ready to strap on the proton pack again. Not yet, at least.

“I don’t want to do it yet. There’s still no script. It’s just a bunch of talk. It’s just a wish list for someone. Until there’s a really good script I’ll stay at home and play snooker… There has to be a serious script before I leave the house.”
While one may believe that all we need is a green-lit script to get Murray on board, he continues to add that he’s going to need more than that before he signs on.

“If it’s really good [I'll do it]. It’s got to be really good. I’m not going to make one just to make another one. We made a second one, it was ok, but it wasn’t as good as the first one.”
Dan Aykroyd

The folks over at HoundsTV gave us the heads up that Mr. Raymond Stantz was in Canada this week to help promote his father’s book, A History of Ghosts: The True Story of Séances, Mediums, Ghosts, and Ghostbusters. During the Q&A, reporters were allowed to ask one question and the folks from HoundsTV made the decision any fan would and asked him of the status of his beloved franchise. This time, Aykroyd was not as enthusiastic of its status.

“It’s all talk until I have the following: b117b3×9. That’s a production number. When I see a production number… I know I’m in the picture business again.”
Still, Aykroyd does step in to give another contradiction to Murray’s statement.

“We have a script, but we don’t have a PN (production number) number.”
While it’s not much, it’s something and for fans that have been waiting over 10 years for Ghostbusters 3 to happen, something is good.

Rumor Patrol

With all this Ghostbusters 3 news floating around, you’ve got to expect at least a couple of rumors to come along with it and in this case we’ve got other sites reporting that that Aykroyd, at the same press event in Canada, had stated Ghostbusters 3 is being held up because funds from the studio have “dried up.”

After following up with the folks over at HoundTV, this is not the case at all. While they were only allowed to ask Aykroyd one question, they ran into him later and followed up with a question asking him “Does the Hollywood recession or the difficulties studios are having getting money and funding films have anything to do with why Ghostbusters 3 isn’t a go yet?” Aykroyds response to the question was that generally “It has hurt every film” and not Ghostbusters 3 in specific.

Ghostbusters is one of the most important franchises that Sony owns and if everything was in its place, Sony would have no problem writing a check. Especially with the success of Ghostbusters: The Video Game.

Source: Screenrant

fadijan 10-18-09 04:04 PM

Re: Ghostbusters 3
I hope its as good as the first movie
part 2 was a desaster and not worth to watch

actrogirl 10-18-09 09:59 PM

Re: Ghostbusters 3
It’s about time, I wonder why it takes Hollywood so long to make this type of sequel, they should know it’s a money maker for them.:)

42ndStreetFreak 10-18-09 10:03 PM

Re: Ghostbusters 3
I thought Aykroyd and co said that the video game was being classed as the 3rd film?

jrs 10-18-09 10:31 PM

no, it took place after Ghostbusters 2 and had its own seperate storyline but never was classified as the 3rd film.

FILMFREAK087 10-19-09 04:59 AM

Re: Ghostbusters 3
I didn't like Extreme Ghostbusters, unfortunately from what I hear the premise is similar; younger members take over the business. Honestly, I don't like the idea of bringing the franchise into the new millennium. Maybe if it were set in say '93 or '94, then maybe. Still, it wouldn't be ideal to me. I think current films mistake "fun," for dumb, like Transformers, it's a garbled mess of CG robots and immature sexual/fecal humor. Up to the mid nineties, movies, no matter the message or lack there of, had a sense of fun. The Ghostbusters movies are great example of this, likable characters, decent practical/tangible visual effects, and a script that plays well off of the characters.

ZeroDefinition 10-19-09 11:59 AM

Re: Ghostbusters 3
I can't believe they're making GB 3. Of course, I'm not a huge fan of the series, but hey, it's perhaps the only one which makes ghosts seem fun.

honeykid 10-20-09 12:11 AM

Originally Posted by 42ndStreetFreak (Post 575712)
I thought Aykroyd and co said that the video game was being classed as the 3rd film?
Originally Posted by jrs (Post 575713)
no, it took place after Ghostbusters 2 and had its own seperate storyline but never was classified as the 3rd film.
I think that was originally what they were thinking/how it felt to them but, while recording everything for the game, they started to really enjoy themselves and started to talk about getting together again for a third film (proper). By the time the game was done, there was already serious talk about doing the film and the main players were already back on board.

Sexy Celebrity 10-20-09 01:41 PM

Re: Ghostbusters 3

This movie has been in purgatory for 20 years... they bicker and banter about the same old *****... one day, everybody involved with the original films are gonna be dead and then there will still be bickering and bantering about getting Ghostbusters 3 made, only it'll be done via an ouija board.

dionysius 10-22-09 04:41 AM

Re: Ghostbusters 3
The main characters will not be the same as the previous 2.

jrs 10-22-09 06:17 AM

Originally Posted by dionysius (Post 576356)
The main characters will not be the same as the previous 2.
Ernie Hudson is back on board. He was at Wizard con in the Big apple and told MetalMachine that Ghost Busters 3 has set its release date.

"I saw Ivan Reitman... and he said it's gonna happen, and if anybody would know, he would... So, we'll probably start filming in fall, this is what I'm told, and it'll probably come out in May of 2011."
As for the others, well the only person who definitely isn't gonna be back is Sigourney Weaver. Aykroyd and Murray want to return, and Reitman is back and he's directing. You can read it all here.

Tindie 10-28-09 06:39 PM

Re: Ghostbusters 3
I am really looking forward to this, i can't wait to see it in 2012

FILMFREAK087 11-02-09 06:40 AM

Re: Ghostbusters 3
I honestly don't really see this happening for a few reasons; A. the only reason it's being discussed right now is because of the amount of attention and money the recent GB game acquired, once that fades, so will the interest in GB 3, B. I don't see the studios of today wanting to get behind the idea of Dan Aykroyd and the the rest of the cast being in a summer blockbuster aimed at the younger audience, who are relatively unfamiliar with them, C. If that happens then those actors will most likely defect on the film altogether, and send it straight back to production hell.

jrs 12-11-09 06:53 PM

Originally Posted by FILMFREAK087 (Post 579227)
I honestly don't really see this happening...
It's happening :p

Weaver Dishes Ghostbusters 3 Spoilers

Whoa! Out promoting Avatar, Sigourney Weaver is on the press circuit and, naturally, Ghostbuster 3 talk is going to turn up.

Channel 4 starts the fun with some possible spoilers about the third entry. You've been warned but here are some quote highlights!

"I'm afraid to say it [Ghostbuster 3] is happening, I hope people are excited about that," she said. "I don't know if I'm going to be in it, I have had a couple of calls asking 'would you read the script.'"

"I know that my little son Oscar – who was kidnapped from me – I think he has grown up to be a ghostbuster," she added. "I might be in it; I see nothing wrong with being in it, although I don't think I will have a big part. I think Bill Murray has a little more to do with it - he's a ghost."
Source: Shock Till You Drop

Cradle Of Fear 12-11-09 07:32 PM

I'm really psyched about this one
I think this may be too much WIN for me to handle

TheUsualSuspect 12-11-09 08:16 PM

Re: Ghostbusters 3
Bill Murray is a ghost? What?

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