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PigsnieLite 10-03-01 04:34 PM

HELLO, heres my last opportumity to waste bandwith, hahaha!! :laugh: Since TWT made it pretty clear that intermission squittels like are no longer welcome here, I haf decided to strike out into the Gweat Unknown & look for a new home where I can squittel as I please. Heehee, sounds kinda racy huh? :)

So Id like to say goodbye to my best buds Sun & Wortle & OG- & Toose & Thmilin & Steve & Spud & Toby & MiteyMoose & Freddie & Anne & Ollie & Laurie & Mad Zweeeeeee & all the other MoFos Ive met. Ive had a great time whit you all & I wish I had talked more to some of you like Anne & Freddie.

My Farewell Sonnet (as ripped off from someone, hahaha! :))

When wert thou born, MoFo dudes?
In pomp & prime of May!

By whom, you rascals were thou Begots?
By TWT, they say.

Tell me who was thy nurse?
Fresh youth in sugard joy!

What was thy meat & dail food?
The movies & Great Annoy!

What lulled thee to thy sleep?
Sweet speech of Pigsnie best.

And where is now thy dwellin place?
In MoFo hearts I rest.



OG- 10-03-01 04:54 PM


Your leaving?!?!!?!?! OMFG! WHY OH WHY?!?!!?:eek:

Sir Toose 10-03-01 05:02 PM

What are you talking about??? TWT asked you to leave???

OG- 10-03-01 05:14 PM

Well now I know what started all of this, and honestly I support TWT all the way. This is a movie site afterall, I remember when it didn't even have that Intermission forum. And while I'm totally bummed that Plite is leaving, I agree with TWT. This is a movie site, and that intermisison forum is getting kinda outta hand. Honestly I like reading those threads more than others, but still. It isn't called for nothing. I've suggested something to Chris, and we shall see where that goes, but oh well.

Sucks your going, I'll miss you Plite.:(

Sir Toose 10-03-01 05:43 PM

Originally posted by OG-
Well now I know what started all of this, and honestly I support TWT all the way. This is a movie site afterall, I remember when it didn't even have that Intermission forum. And while I'm totally bummed that Plite is leaving, I agree with TWT. This is a movie site, and that intermisison forum is getting kinda outta hand. Honestly I like reading those threads more than others, but still. It isn't called for nothing. I've suggested something to Chris, and we shall see where that goes, but oh well.

Sucks your going, I'll miss you Plite.:(
What started it?

Yoda 10-03-01 05:44 PM

Read through this thread:

Anne 10-03-01 05:50 PM

PLite, you can't leave! I've barely gotten a chance to know you! I don't pretend to know what's going on, but I'm sure differences can be worked out and no one needs to leave. This makes me really sad...:(

Sir Toose 10-03-01 06:19 PM

Originally posted by TWTCommish
Read through this thread:

Hmmm... I read through the thread. I think I failed the test at the end. I got addicted to the unique synergy of the people here, not the content of the site. I have not posted on the other topics nearly as much as I have in intermission... they weren't as interesting at the time. I totally understand where you are coming from though, TWT, it's your baby.

OG- 10-03-01 07:48 PM

Oh, loved the poem by the way!!;D

spudracer 10-03-01 08:32 PM

Well TWT is only asking everyone to cut the incessant talking about nothing down to a minimum. Not wantin anyone even PLite to leave, but if that's the only way you can cut your talking down then I bid you farewell. I shall miss thee.

thmilin 10-04-01 04:31 AM

i've been here since the beginning, dude, and i ain't gonna bail. i'm sure you've noticed i don't post nearly as much as i used to ... this was one of the reasons.

i totally support you in this, chris. there's a difference between being a tight *** and sticking to your vision. as others have said - this IS your vision. i didn't want to be mean to plite before but sometimes i really wanted to say that this show is not his and doesn't need to always be MADE his.

then again, yes, he amuses me, and all of us. he shouldn't have to leave unless he deliberately causes trouble - and i don't think it's quite deliberate, just insensitive/self-absorbed.

if, plite, you can't handle respecting that this is a movie forum and talking more about movies than how cute you are or the amusing random thoughts you have, then no, this is not the forum for you. you just happened to pick this one to make into your stage. but, if you can tone it down, talk more about movies than the usual plite topics, i think things will flourish more in the way of chris's original vision, plus, cut down on useless bandwidth.

a sidenote - other forums i'm in have an option to "close" the thread - after 50 posts the moderator shuts them down, just for the reasons you mentioned. if the topic is hot enough, the topic gets reborn in a new thread (part 2, etc) ... what you could do is reserve the Badger thread for more postings than any other thread on Misc Chat, or, shut down the thread after say, 75 or 100 posts, and there'd be a Badger 1, 2, 3, etc. That way, it'd save us all the hassle of having to load an 800 post thread and saving you bandwidth ...

Yoda 10-04-01 10:37 AM

Well, actually, if it's just going to be broken up into multiple threads, I wouldn't really save bandwidth...because it only loads 20 posts at any one time...but yeah, I can close threads if need be, and I will definitely consider "splitting" threads in the future, or something of the sort. Thanks for the suggestions/support.

El Cootie 10-04-01 12:00 PM

In defense of PLite--since I am now seeing posts where you considered him insensitive and self-aborbed . . . I wonder why you never told him so . . . while he was still posting here. I felt that you were rather indulgent of him. I thought there was some genuine affection.

I am an old man (a true codger among you) :) but my guess about PLite (my experience coming from a score of children and grandchildren) is that he was unable to stay because he didn't think he could contribute to this site the way you wanted, TWT. He is after all a 15 year old and he is what he is. I don't think he felt that he could change the way he is. He is a gregarious sort and to watch the way he speaks and "acts" in this forum may have been beyond him.

My personal feeling towards PLIte-- I quite loved reading his posts (and I got the same impression from you; I am apparently mistaken). He had so much energy and joy in him. He would debate with you--not getting very far of course, since his interest seemed to have been confined to bodice rippers---and then he's off on another flight of fancy. I think he will grow into a remarkable young man.

I am aware that I only have 3 posts. (Does it affect my credibility as a poster? I hope not.)I am not moved to post very often. I just cannot keep up with you younguns. :) Please do not be angry with me. (Although you are perfectly within your rights.) I just wanted to be frank with you all. I think you have everything to offer the world and then some. You are a bright bunch of young people.

But I had to speak up with some of the less than charitable thoughts.

El Cootie
PS: To Sadesdrk--I thought that was the most ungracious departure I had ever seen on any forum.

Yoda 10-04-01 12:10 PM

Your comments are welcome, El Cootie. Be they positive or negative, they are welcome, so long as they are civil (which they were...very much so). I don't really require that PLite contribute...I mean, this isn't a charity. However, I basically made it clear to PLite that I was making an effort to keep the focus squarely on movies...which of course, is what this site is all about. :) We emailed about it a bit, and he made it clear that he did indeed have a lack of interest when it came to discussing movies with us, and so he's going to look for a place that focuses more on random banter. He admitted that he was here for the Interission Forum...which wasn't my intent. :( I don't mind someone who disagrees, but several forum members have expressed some level of frustration with the clutter and confusion that has ensued as a result.

And yes, I did enjoy reading them...but I didn't enjoy the fact that they were detracting from the real purpose of the site. I just want this to be a place where people can come to talk about movies and videos, and filmmaking in general, while having a few side discussions in the Intermission forum so as to have a place to talk about other things, and get to know each other well, but I think we all agree that the Intermission forum was taking over! :) And yeah, it is enjoyable...but it does kind of muddle the site, so to speak.

In short: I am very fond of PLite. He's a delight to speak with in most situations (no one is perfect), and very amusing overall...but his style and this site just didn't mesh all that well, I suppose. It's a shame, but I think it was inevitable. I do hope that he finds a new place to amuse people, though! :)

Pigsnie 10-04-01 01:37 PM

El Cootie, I don't know you (although You have a killer username) but you will be in my good books forever. Thank you for defending PLite; I could not have done it better & I even read your post with a tear hanging from my noble nosey. :) And like you, I too am surprised by the seeming venom towards my brother that is now surfacing on this thread --"immature, self-absorbed, disrespectful"-- if you Thmilin & TWT felt he was all this, why the f*** didn't you say so? To pretend a genuine affection for him (which you are doing even now)is completely shameful. Thank you, TWT, Thmilin.

El Cootie, I think PLite would be delighted to know you. He has ever had an affection for old codgers, LOL.
[Edited by Pigsnie on 10-04-2001]

sunfrog 10-04-01 01:43 PM

[purple]Dear El Cootie,[/purple]
That post was everything I feel at this moment but know I can't put into words as beautifully. Thank you.

I wish that could be my fare thee well speech, can I copy & paste? ;) Yep, I'm moving on too. I failed "the test". The Intermission section is the best part of MoFo and without it this board wouldn't be as successful as it is now and going to be in the future. PLite had a lot to do with that, he's really funny and charming. But you have a good crew now TW, I think the board has enough members now that it can withstand losing some and not be hurt. Once you update (hurry up!) this place will really take off. It's starting to already.

I'm leaving cuz I know myself and my personality. I could stay and write reviews and opinions on "serious" movie stuff but I know that after a while I would get bored. I don't think I can have fun if I... uh.. can't have fun. Lol. Like, I could write a bunch of intellectual, serious stuff about Being John Malkovich but if I can't add that I wish the dog would have gone into his head and then make a story about all the funny things that could have happened that would become boring after a while. That's just me. So I'm leaving for a while. I'll be back after the update. I know you've been working long and hard on it TW, and for me not to come back and see your pride and joy would just be wrong. So fare thee well everyone (including lurkers!), may the movie line always be at your back and your popcorn never be soggy.

Yoda 10-04-01 01:47 PM

Before you go on with those comments, PSenior, I would like to remind you that I don't think I've ever called him self-absorbed, disrespectful, or even mature. And if anyone has hinted to him that this was getting out of hand, it was me. Why do you think he's always taking shots at me for being anal retentive? Would you have had me say something blunt and rude? I do not appreciate some of these assumptions.

Venom? I sure hope that isn't directed at me, because if it is, then you have obviously not read what I've posted. Easily as shameful as the things you accuse me of. I understand that you're going to instinctively rush to defend your younger brother, so I'll assume you made some shotgun judgements there...but that doesn't mean those judgements are to be left un-corrected.

I'm going to summarize my thoughts, and this is the 100% God's honest truth. I swear it: I think PLite is very amusing, and very friendly. I also think he is out of place here...seeing as how he has told me straight-up that he's not interested in talking about movies with us. Now, if you somehow take offense at this, I'd like to know why, because it seems to me there's very little to be upset about concerning that.

Pigsnie 10-04-01 05:40 PM

No, Commish, you have never called PLite self-absorbed to his face but I can certainly read between the lines. Or am I Assuming again? (You are fond of that word.) And I'd like to see all the many posts where PLite has taken shots at you for your "anal" tendencies. If PLite is anything, he is immensely good-natured & would never hurt anyone unless truly provoked. As for this alleged "hinting" that PLite was getting out of hand, have you ever known hints to work with an everlasting little smiley face next to it? YES, you should have been rude to PLite -- if you had, he would have left this board that much sooner & not wasted your precious limited bandwidth. Thank you.

Yoda 10-04-01 05:59 PM

I see that you're not a very patient man when it comes to these sorts of things. That's a shame, because I'm more than willing to discuss this...but the way you're talking makes it very difficult for me not to become angry. I'll try my best to turn the other cheeck, though.

If you want me to find posts wherein PLite poked fun at me, I can do that. I'd rather not waste time on it, but I can. And yes, he is good-natured...and you know what? I don't care. There's a poll in this forum asking how anal-retentive I am, and some of the votes are unfavorable. Maybe you voted in it, maybe you didn't, but I don't really care about it. In short: I'm not losing sleep over it.

Alleged? Ask anyone here and they'll tell you that I've done everything but bluntly say to tone it down. It's gone beyond hinting, IMO. PLite is 15 years old. As goofy as he might be, he is still perfectly intelligent and capable of taking a hint. And no, even now I don't think it would have been proper to to say anything rude and blunt to him. If I had, I have little doubt you'd be upset over that as well. The smilie face is to soften the blow.

Before you go on any long about venom, I'd like to remind you of some of the things PLite said about me in some of our political discussions. They're a lot worse than what I've said of him. As much as you may love your brother, realize that he is not just some poor child who takes out abuse from everyone.

No, I am not particularly fond of that word, but it sure is appropriate in situations like this. You seem rather fond of sarcasm, and most of your posts seem to ooze with an overall mocking towards me. So be it, I'm not stepping down to that.

If you want to defend certain things, do so logically. PLite knew very well that I was trying to discourage him from such banter. You cannot tell me, with any real honesty, that he did not. However, among accusations and insinuations that I was being uptight, I tried to strike a balance...allowing him to go on with it, all the time implying heavily that he ought to tone it down. What happens as a result? I'm slammed from both sides. Not a nice position to be in.

Now, if you have some beef with me, come out and say it. I don't want to beat around the bush any longer. We have a few simple facts here: PLite, unless he wasn't paying any attention at all, must have known I wanted him to stop, or at least tone it down. In addition, there's no way on earth I've said worse of him than he has said worse of me. It's not even close. So, what's the problem? What have you got against me and this site? Have it out.

spudracer 10-04-01 06:39 PM

Pigsnie, I have one thing to say to you, and even though I don't know you it's pretty sad that you only come on here to post when it doesn't concern you.

PLite was not even talking about movies anymore, and that was a reason TWT got "anal". I don't know the conversation that was carried on, but if PLite can't simply talk movies more than just talking about anything than there wouldn't be a problem. I don't see what the big deal is. I mean Chris is a good person, and to put this site up for us to come and talk about movies very nice. A simple request was made to cut down on the conversations about nothing, if people can't follow a simple little rule like that then see ya, nice talkin to ya.

I have to admit anything PLite talked about outside of Intermission hardly ever made since, he's a good natured, funny guy, but he just wasn't a mofo lately. If I have to give a reason on this I would say maybe he was just aiming for the 1000, and just talking about anything and everything just so this would happen. That's just an opinion though, I don't even think it's true, but anyways.

As for Kielle, Aranor, Kyra you three are a little bit of a problem in this area as well. I'm not wanting to point fingers, but you three can contribute to other areas of the site, and you have. You are starting to be more chatty in the other areas and I tip my hat to you.

Well, for those that are leaving because TWT is wanting posters to cut down on just chatting then bye bye. I think its a fairly simple request, and I respect it.

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