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StormSiren 07-02-05 05:51 PM

My Introduction
My name is Amberlynn, I'm 22 years old from Florida. I'm married with one child on the way. I work from home, basically I designed a few games and I run those. My husband will soon be joining the Coast Guard. I'm obviously here because of my love for movies. Which used to be my main hobby. Nowadays its game programming, design, etc. Though I still make sure I have time to catch all the new films.

I use the name StormSiren on a few forums and random places that allow for it. It basically represents my two favorite things. Storms and the Sirens from Greek Mythology. Just to make sure people realize my name doesn't represent the sound coming from the Tornado warning system, its actually deeper than that.

I'm a writer, though don't hold my punctuation or anything against me on the forums as unless I'm working, I'm rather relaxed with my typing. I'm rather shy, though extremely opinionated, so if I have something to say, I usually say it. Let's see.... there is really nothing else important about me.

A few of my hobbies:
Games, Movies, Music, Photography, Art, Writing, Web Design, etc etc. I'm rather crafty/artsy. Little things I like to do would be making icons/signatures, writing in my livejournal, rambling in forums, playing movie quotes games, spending quality time with my hubby.. etc.

A few favorite movies of mine:
Tombstone, Harry Potter, Fast and the Furious, Gone in 60 Seconds, S.W.A.T, Assault on Precinct 13, Shrek, Braveheart, Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves, Indiana Jones, The Birds, Psycho, The Out-of-Towners (old version and new), The Shining (old version and new), Rose Red, Full Metal Jacket, Sixth Sense, The Ring, Rain Man, Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, etc etc.

I could go on all day... There are alot of classics I like such as Singing in the Rain, though I'm seriously not big on classics at all. I really despise Westerns except for the one I listed. Hmm though I absolutely love Japanese/Foreign Films (I adore anime as well). Subtitles all the way. Cannot stand dubbing one bit. Some Japanese movies that I like are Battle Royale, Suicide Club, Sky High, Ju-On, Ringu, and of course the list goes on. I highly recommend Sky High if you are into those kind of films, and its available at blockbuster right now. I also love Adam Sandler, Mike Myers, Stephen King, and Alfred Hitchcock films.

But eh, I suppose thats enough rambling for now. So nice to meet you all, I love these forums already from what I have seen. I just happened upon them by chance as I was looking for movie forums specifically.

susan 07-02-05 06:29 PM

nice to meet you and welcome...i like your avatar

jrs 07-02-05 06:41 PM

Hello AmberLynn, nice to meet you. I'm very glad to see ya' join MoFo. Nice interests in movies....especially with Suicide Club. Excellent flim I must say! :cool: Stick around, you'll have great time. :yup:

PimpDaShizzle V2.0 07-02-05 06:44 PM

What up hommie'? Hopefully you'll post some of your photography in the "art" thread. It's also good to see a writer. Who's your favorite author? Favorite genre in writing? Anywho, keep it real and keep posting.

Oh yeah, hopefully we MoFo's will be able to lead you away from movies like Fast and Furious and Assault on Precint 13. :D ;)

undercoverlover 07-02-05 06:58 PM

why hey there, welcome

Nice to see a thorough introduction. Hope you have lots of fun here and post lots :)

Tacitus 07-02-05 07:40 PM

Evening! :D

Nice to see you and hope you stick around...

Darth Stujitzu 07-02-05 08:59 PM

Come join our merry band. Good intro, I'm relatively new here too, but I've quickly become addicted, its always good to meet people who share a love of movies rather than a mere passing intrest.
Will keep an eye out for your stuff, don't be shy!! ;D

r3port3r66 07-02-05 09:11 PM

Yes, welcome. I can't wait to hear more from you!

adidasss 07-02-05 10:00 PM far the best avatar i've have talent...i'm jelaous!!

StormSiren 07-02-05 10:23 PM

To everyone who welcomed me, thank you! I'm surprised to see such a warm welcome, never had one of those on a forum before and unfortunately I'm a pretty avid forum hopper (slightly addicted to them for some odd reason).

Originally Posted by susan
nice to meet you and welcome...i like your avatar
Thank you :) I love using lightning in my avatars/signatures. So that one is my favorite.

Originally Posted by adidasss far the best avatar i've have talent...i'm jelaous!!
*laugh* Don't say that, I only spent like 10 minutes making it. Just so you know, the eye is of Yuna from FFX. Actually that particular picture might be from FFX-2 but either way. Thank you :)

Originally Posted by jrs
Nice interests in movies....especially with Suicide Club.
Woot! Its awesome to see that someone other than my hubby and me actually like that movie! (or even heard of it for that matter ^_^).

Originally Posted by PimpDaShizzle V2.0
What up hommie'? Hopefully you'll post some of your photography in the "art" thread. It's also good to see a writer. Who's your favorite author? Favorite genre in writing? Anywho, keep it real and keep posting.

Oh yeah, hopefully we MoFo's will be able to lead you away from movies like Fast and Furious and Assault on Precint 13.
Actually I think I will post some art, I just got a new scanner and haven't hooked it up yet but this would give me a good reason to do so.

I actually have two obvious favorite authors. Elizabeth Mayne and Stephen King. I love so many books though so I can't possibly name all of my favorites.

My genre is horror. I dabble in fantasy though that is usually just for storylines in my games as they are placed in a medieval/fantasy setting. I usually stick to horror though. I'm currently working on a movie script to create the Ultimate Horror Film of All Time.... well I have been working on it for three years... its hard to make the best horror movie ever.... doubt it will be, but can't blame me for trying with how bad the recent ones have been.

And there is nothing wrong with Fast and the Furious *grin* I spend alot of time racing, so I ended up loving that movie from the start. And I like Assault on Precinct 13 because of my 'normal' career field. Which was going to be FBI, though I decided to just go with security right now, going to work my way up later (didn't have time to devote to the career right now).

But anyway, thanks again for the welcomes!

adidasss 07-02-05 10:30 PM

security, writing, racing, designing........i'm depressed now.....

chicagofrog 07-02-05 11:34 PM

hei, but you're the one who's the sole official advertizing MoFo for that big sport trademark.............!

PimpDaShizzle V2.0 07-03-05 12:46 AM

Originally Posted by StormSiren
Actually I think I will post some art, I just got a new scanner and haven't hooked it up yet but this would give me a good reason to do so.
Yeah, fa' sho'.
I'm currently working on a movie script to create the Ultimate Horror Film of All Time.... well I have been working on it for three years... its hard to make the best horror movie ever.... doubt it will be, but can't blame me for trying with how bad the recent ones have been.
I imagine it having an opposite reality where there's one "normal" person and hoards of horror like people running for their lives. Rivers of blood, food made with guts, skinned cars dancing, and a giant knife that just wonders around and cuts everything in half.
And there is nothing wrong with Fast and the Furious *grin*
I hope you're willing to admit you're wrong. :D

SamsoniteDelilah 07-03-05 12:58 AM

Welcome StormSiren! :)

LordSlaytan 07-03-05 01:47 AM

Originally Posted by StormSiren
A few favorite movies of mine:
Tombstone, Harry Potter, Fast and the Furious, Gone in 60 Seconds, S.W.A.T, Assault on Precinct 13, Shrek, Braveheart, Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves, Indiana Jones, The Birds, Psycho, The Out-of-Towners (old version and new), The Shining (old version and new), Rose Red, Full Metal Jacket, Sixth Sense, The Ring, Rain Man, Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, etc etc.
You're going to fit in around here quite well, Amber. Welcome to the forum. We've been lucky lately with an influx of pretty decent members.

Regarding your favorites. Given what you've said, and the way you've said it, I expect this list of yours will be completely different one year from now. This forum is very good at opening people up to a whole slew of different styles. There may be dozens upon dozens of films that people will recommend that you've never heard of, and after seeing some of them, you will look at cinema in a whole new light. Maybe. I am speaking from personal experience and from what I've seen happen on this site time and time again.

Tombstone used to be one of my favorite westerns (I hated the genre too, for a long time), but now...I think it's a big pile of funky dung disguised with some great actors and cool narration. I look forward to seeing your cinematic pallet becoming more refined…no offence meant at all…trust me. It’s just exciting when a new fish comes along…an intelligent new fish…and getting to ‘watch’ them go gonzo over films like Men with Guns, Red River, McCabe & Mrs. Miller, Dancer in the Dark, and Rashômon.

Stick around, put up your feet, happy posting, and most of all...Welcome Home. :)

Originally Posted by StormSiren
I actually have two obvious favorite authors...and Stephen King.
He’s not even close to being a favorite of mine (too many average or boring books in his retinue), but I love, love, love The Dark Tower and The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon. Are you a Tower lover too?

Originally Posted by adidasss
security, writing, racing, designing........i'm depressed now.....
No kidding. And here I was all proud of myself for zipping up without hurting myself today. I even bought myself a package of Hostess Cupcake’s…you know, with the bonus third cake…to celebrate. Now I just feel like drowning myself in a tub of bourbon. Hey, it’s Saturday…that’s a good reason to drink! :)

Strummer521 07-03-05 01:55 AM

Welcome to MOFO! :) glad to have you around. you seem like a very interesting person and I look forward to hearing more from you.

Originally Posted by LordSlaytan
Regarding your favorites. Given what you've said, and the way you've said it, I expect this list of yours will be completely different one year from now. This forum is very good at opening people up to a whole slew of different styles. There may be dozens upon dozens of films that people will recommend that you've never heard of, and after seeing some of them, you will look at cinema in a whole new light. Maybe. I am speaking from personal experience and from what I've seen happen on this site time and time again.
Slay is right about that! It's beginning to happen to me after just a few months and I'm sure It will happen to you too. Wether you like it or not.

speaking of which, Slay, I just got Men With Guns in from and look forward to going gonzo over. Then I will finally be able to post something worthwhile in your John Sayles thread (I hope).

Eyes 07-03-05 02:01 AM

Greetings, i truly think you'll be quite at home here, you sound like a perfect mofo.

LordSlaytan 07-03-05 02:04 AM

Originally Posted by Strummer521
Then I will finally be able to post something worthwhile in your John Sayles thread (I hope).
Yay!!! My poor thread. Nobody knows who he is apparently...except the cool people.


There are so few of us.

Strummer521 07-03-05 02:33 AM


adidasss 07-03-05 07:49 AM

Originally Posted by chicagofrog
hei, but you're the one who's the sole official advertizing MoFo for that big sport trademark.............! i DO have a reason to live! huraaaaa.......

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