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Tyler1 05-27-12 05:56 AM

Howard Hawks
Did a search on the forum but got no results. Seriously we have Billy Wilder, Alfred Hitchcock, Akira Kurosawa and Stanley Kubrick but no Howard Hawks?!?! :facepalm:

Howard Hawks ranked:
  1. Scarface
  2. Red River
  3. The Big Sleep
  4. Rio Bravo
I must watch Bringing Up Baby and His Girl Friday. Though rom-coms arent my kind of thing... Any other recommendations?

mark f 05-27-12 02:39 PM

Re: Howard Hawks
To Have and Have Not, Sergeant York, Ball of Fire.

will.15 05-27-12 02:45 PM

Re: Howard Hawks
When you add it up, doesn't seem like a whole lot of movies, does it?

mark f 05-27-12 02:56 PM

Re: Howard Hawks
Well, I should have added Land of the Pharaohs, The Big Sky, Gentleman Prefer Blondes, and the original The Thing. Lots of people really like Only Angels Have Wings and Twentieth Century. I really like Come and Get It which he codirected with William Wyler. If you count films where he wasn't actually credited as director, I've seen 34 (14 on the big screen), but you have to start somewhere.

yellowjacket1 05-27-12 10:28 PM

With all due respect, Howard Hawks films are GREATER than Billy Wilder, Alfred Hitchcock, Akira Kurosawa and Stanley Kubrick films combined and I'm serious.

mark f 05-27-12 10:33 PM

Re: Howard Hawks
Let's hear a serious explanation then. :cool:

Daniel M 04-30-15 08:10 PM

I've been on a bit of a spree, and I'd rank his films so far as something like:

  1. Rio Bravo

  2. Only Angels Have Wings

  3. His Girl Friday

  4. Ceiling Zero

  5. Hatari!

  6. Red River

  7. Scarface

  8. The Big Sleep

  9. Bringing Up Baby

  10. Gentlemen Prefer Blondes

  11. The Thing From Another World

False Writer 04-30-15 08:28 PM

Re: Howard Hawks
I've been meaning to start watching some Howard Hawks films. So far, the only one I've seen is El Dorado, and that was only cause I was able to catch it on the Western channel. I've been wanting to watch the original Scarface for a while now.

Daniel M 04-30-15 08:49 PM

Re: Howard Hawks
Well El Dorado is supposed to be a remake of Rio Bravo, and that's my favourite film of his, so I would recommend watching that. Scarface is also great, I don't love it as much as his others film, but in terms of film making its fantastic. What's great about Hawks is that his films span all sorts of genres yet they're all distinctly Hawksian, more people need to watch his stuff.

mark f 04-30-15 09:01 PM

Re: Howard Hawks
Donald's rankings are all messed up. They look like bluedeed's. Seriously. :)

Daniel M 04-30-15 09:05 PM

Re: Howard Hawks
1 to 4, and then 5 to 10 are pretty interchangeable to be fair. They're all great. How come you don't seem to like Only Angels Have Wings Mark? That and Ceiling Zero which I had to buy a French release DVD for surprised me the most, two of the most tense and touching films I've watched, and all his action sequences (flying) are superb.

Edit: I'm probably underrating Gentlemen Prefer Blondes which I enjoyed a lot but it didn't seem to have the level of mastery of his other films, I also haven't seen The Big Sleep and The Thing in ages. But as I say, it's hard to divide a lot of them. most of them are about
for me.

BlueLion 04-30-15 10:12 PM

Re: Howard Hawks
This is how I'd rank what I've seen so far:

1. Rio Bravo
2. The Big Sleep
3. His Girl Friday

The Big Sleep maybe I should revisit and His Girl Friday was pretty annoying, Cary Grant is fantastic in it though as usual.

Daniel M 04-30-15 10:18 PM

Re: Howard Hawks
At least you got the #1 right! But yeah I can see how His Girl Friday could be annoying, it doesn't give you much time to breath, the dialogue is everywhere, like everyone's firing off a a machine gun, but I loved it. Cary Grant I think is the best part too, I love him already but in every role he seems to impress me more, especially in his younger days, his comic timing is great. I think you'd like Only Angels Have Wings and Red River, I can't imagine anyone disliking them.

mark f 04-30-15 10:52 PM

For what it's worth:
Originally Posted by mark f (Post 600190)
Only Angels Have Wings is one of director Howard Hawks' key films, especially if you want to call him an auteur. Hawks was always concerned with how Macho Men dealt with nature and the fairer sex, and this flick pretty much reads as a manifesto on those subjects. The men are flyers in the Andes mountains and the two main babes are the wonderful Jean Arthur and Rita Hayworth. Most of the men seem to either be planning on dying or "mourning" the loss of all their friends and fellow pilots. Cary Grant is in charge of deciding whose turn it is to die, but things somehow fool you (and him) along the way. My main problems with the film are that the F/X are quite fake (although rather charming in their own way) and that the movie goes on WAY TOO long at two hours. I have seen this flick on the big screen before, so I'm not shortchanging it. To me, it's the least of all of Hawks' "masterpieces" (yeah, even weaker than Rio Bravo, ha!)

Citizen Rules 05-01-15 12:17 AM

Howard Hawks made a lot of fine films.

I've seen these:
1966 El Dorado
1964 Man's Favorite Sport?
1962 Hatari!
1959 Rio Bravo
1955 Land of the Pharaohs
1953 Gentlemen Prefer Blondes
1952 Monkey Business
1949 I Was a Male War Bride
1946 The Big Sleep
1944 To Have and Have Not
1943 Air Force
1941 Ball of Fire
1941 Sergeant York
1940 His Girl Friday
1939 Only Angels Have Wings
1938 Bringing Up Baby
1935 Barbary Coast
1932 Scarface

Man's Favorite Sport?(1964) is the funniest performance I've seen by Rock Hudson.

Land of the Pharaohs (1955) might not be the tighest story but man oh man the scenes with 1000s of extras building the pyramids are amazing.

I Was a Male War Bride (1949) and His Girl Friday (1940)Are two of the funniest films I've seen with Cary Grant.

To Have and Have Not (1944) We all know about this film right?

Ball of Fire
(1941) Barbara Stanwyck sizzles in this one, great song number in it too. And no it's not a musical.

Barbary Coast
(1935) This is my favorite Hawks film.

Captain Spaulding 05-01-15 01:21 AM

My Rankings/Ratings:

Rio Bravo

His Girl Friday

The Big Sleep

Red River

Bringing Up Baby

Monkey Business

Only Angels Have Wings

To Have and Have Not

Gentlemen Prefer Blondes

The Thing From Another World


Ball of Fire

Rio Lobo

bluedeed 05-01-15 01:30 AM

Originally Posted by Daniel M (Post 1300443)
1 to 4, and then 5 to 10 are pretty interchangeable to be fair. They're all great. How come you don't seem to like Only Angels Have Wings Mark? That and Ceiling Zero which I had to buy a French release DVD for surprised me the most, two of the most tense and touching films I've watched, and all his action sequences (flying) are superb.

Edit: I'm probably underrating Gentlemen Prefer Blondes which I enjoyed a lot but it didn't seem to have the level of mastery of his other films, I also haven't seen The Big Sleep and The Thing in ages. But as I say, it's hard to divide a lot of them. most of them are about
for me.
Mark finds Only Angels and Rio Bravo to be very overrated and I suspect for reasons similar to each other and to why I love both of them. I don't often agree with Tarantino (especially when it comes to Ford) but I agree with him when he called Rio Bravo the ultimate hang out movie.

I really need to revisit Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, I didn't care for it much, but a lot of people I know really love it and consider it a predecessor to Jacques Rivette's Celine and Julie Go Boating which is fantastic. Remember that The Thing is officially directed by Christian Nyby and the extend to which Hawks directed it is uncertain. While I find a lot of it to be very Hawksian (the utopian male society, for one), I don't think it fully qualifies as a Hawks picture. Nyby was an editor on many of Hawks' films so it wouldn't surprise me at all if The Thing was Nyby putting on his best Hawks impression.

bluedeed 05-01-15 01:34 AM

Originally Posted by Citizen Rules (Post 1300629)

Barbary Coast
(1935) This is my favorite Hawks film.
Interesting choice, I should go see it now

mark f 05-01-15 01:53 AM

Re: Howard Hawks
Come and Get It is a big win for Hawks.

foster 05-01-15 02:01 AM

Re: Howard Hawks
Meehhh howard hawks generally doesn't do it for me

I Was a Male War Bride - one of his better flicks
His Girl Friday was good too

I waited for a couple years to watch Ball of Fire and while it's not bad, it was a little too silly for me. I watched it on my birthday 4-5 days ago and was hoping for a little more quality time with barbara stanwyck

god i am a huge ****ing nerd :p

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