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Sedai 09-26-06 04:17 PM


Caught the pilot last night. I have a soft spot for superhero stuff, and this wasn't too bad... I like a couple of the storylines they are hinting at, and I like most of the characters...

Anyone else catch it?

TheUsualSuspect 09-27-06 02:28 PM

I did, I was bored by it, so I switched it to Smith.

B-card 11-09-06 12:50 PM

Hmm strange the pilot episode was kind of boring but when I watched the second one there was no stopping and I had to watch the other 5.It took me 4 hours,but it was worth it

Zeiken 11-09-06 03:45 PM

i agree the show got off to a rocky start, but it could be getting good. Its nice that all the episodes are available to watch at

Yoda 11-22-06 01:06 PM

Some theories, most of which I've already posted in the Shoutbox...

WARNING: "Heroes" spoilers below
  1. Claire is probably key to stopping the nuclear explosion because, with her ability to heal, she's the only one who can either disarm some some nuclear device, or approach the man who emits radiation, or somesuch. It'll be like (SPOILERS WITHIN SPOILERS; X-Men: The Last Stand...Wolverine being the only one who can approach Jean Gray near the end of the film.
  2. I presume that Hiro will learn to speak fluent English from the waitress he's gone back in time to befriend.
  3. I suspect they'll soon be a bit of an issue as to which side Nathan Petrelli is really on. He'll be torn between his campaign and his obligations to Linderman, and his loyalties and ties to his family and the other superheroes.
  4. My roommate thinks that Sylar was the subject of some sort of experiment by "Papa Suresh" that distorted him somehow. The scrawlings on the wall of his apartment indicate that he's become something he despises. I suspect his acts, then, will either be the result of some sort of perversion of his powers and/or mental state, or part of some kind of crusade for the common good, IE: he thinks he, and all the other heroes, are dangerous, and that humanity would be better off if they were dead.
  5. I think Claire's father is, it not a good guy, at worst a misguided bad guy. I think there might even be a falling out between him and Eden/the Haitian.
  6. Obviously, Linderman's identity will have to be of some significance, or they wouldn't have concealed it this long. I suppose it could be Mr. Bennet, but I'm having trouble remembering if there were any phone calls or developments which might contradict this.

Regarding the last three points...I can't help but wonder if there's any sort of primary antagonist. Maybe the explosion itself is the "bad guy," with numerous other characters serving as roadblocks, but always with some sort of pseudo-morality or rationale. Avoiding a stereotypical villain would help set this series further apart, I think. I'd love to see the heroes battle not with evil incarnate, but with people who stand in their way for a reason, albeit a misguided one, much like Senator Kelly in the first X-Men.

Random opinions: Hiro's a fabulous character, it took Peter waaayyyy too long to realize that a flipping photo (or description) of the missing painting would've done just fine, and Ali Larter's fractured personality storyline is entirely uninteresting. Micah, however, is quite interesting. Some have theorized that his power is to control machines, but I think, given his insistence that they return to help his mother despite realizing that she's dangerous, that he might simply be a "fixer" or "healer" of some kind...not of himself, like Claire, but for other people and things.

I think it's a long shot, as it seems like an odd power, logistically. I'd go so far as to bet it isn't true, and that he's probably just a technopath, but I thought I'd throw it out there anyway.

Also, while it's obvious that Hiro is appropriately named, I can't help but think that Ando is, too, as Andro is the Greek prefix for "male" or "man." Hiro is a hero, and Ando is just a man. A nice touch.

blibblobblib 11-28-06 07:58 PM

I am LOVING this show. Although, is it not trying to be Lost a little? What with that strange symbol appearing everywhere, and everyone having a connection...

B-card 12-02-06 02:43 PM

The last episode with the whole Retrospection was awsome that Sylar looked kind of geeky I was expecting someone more mature and tough but yes he has that psycho look.Can't wait to Tuesday

here is some additions to Yoda's spoilers
WARNING: "Heroes Theories" spoilers below
I am pretty sure that Theodore (the guy who can create a nuclear explosion from ep.1x07) is going to be manipulated by someone or just get mad and destroy NYC

jrs 12-02-06 06:17 PM

Originally Posted by B-card
Can't wait to Tuesday....
The 'last' episode (until next year) of Heroes was pretty sweet. Though one thing.....the show is on Wednesdays not Tuesdays.

BobbyB 12-02-06 06:30 PM

Well, here in Dallas the show is on Monday and there is still one new episode to come...why is it different here from other areas?

Anyway, here are some possibilities on the upcoming show...

WARNING: "Heroes" spoilers below
So one of the Heroes is supposed to die this week. I have narrowed it down to three people who I think it could be.

D.L. - Probably too obvious to be him, but I have to put him in there.

Radiation Man: Can't remember his name. Anyway, I think Sylar may kill radiation man and steal his power to blow up New York City.

Isaac: He's kind of become pointless. They may take him out with a heroine overdose.

jrs 12-02-06 08:24 PM

Originally Posted by BobbyB
Well, here in Dallas the show is on Monday and there is still one new episode to come...why is it different here from other areas?

Anyway, here are some possibilities on the upcoming show...

WARNING: "Heroes" spoilers below
So one of the Heroes is supposed to die this week. I have narrowed it down to three people who I think it could be.

D.L. - Probably too obvious to be him, but I have to put him in there.

Radiation Man: Can't remember his name. Anyway, I think Sylar may kill radiation man and steal his power to blow up New York City.

Isaac: He's kind of become pointless. They may take him out with a heroine overdose.

I am sorry...I was thinking of the marathon that airs on Sci-Fi on Thursday. I don't know why I said Wednesday.

BUT the show is actually on Monday. (I should since I watch weekly) . I lived in Texas and now live in Arizona. Heroes is on Mondays not Tuesday. ;)

Pyro Tramp 12-02-06 09:25 PM

Is this one of those shows i should start watching anyone? I've given up with Dexter and waiting for a bigger hardrive before BSG

jrs 12-02-06 10:40 PM

Originally Posted by Pyro Tramp
Is this one of those shows i should start watching anyone? I've given up with Dexter and waiting for a bigger hardrive before BSG
Heroes is the best program on network television. A mix of The X-Files and Lost with a blend of superhero factor within. There will a Heroes marathon this coming Thursday on the Sci-Fi Channel and I suggest you DO NOT MISS IT!!!!

B-card 12-03-06 08:34 AM

Originally Posted by jrs
The 'last' episode (until next year) of Heroes was pretty sweet. Though one thing.....the show is on Wednesdays not Tuesdays.
Usually it comes out in the net in Tuesday I haven't checked when is the Release date for the next ep.

Pyro Tramp 12-03-06 05:56 PM

Originally Posted by jrs
Heroes is the best program on network television. A mix of The X-Files and Lost with a blend of superhero factor within. There will a Heroes marathon this coming Thursday on the Sci-Fi Channel and I suggest you DO NOT MISS IT!!!!
Would that be the UK channel?

jrs 12-03-06 08:26 PM

Originally Posted by Pyro Tramp
Would that be the UK channel?

It might be on in the UK . But it is on the Sci-Fi Channel this Thursday.

B-card 12-05-06 06:34 AM

Originally Posted by jrs
The 'last' episode (until next year) of Heroes was pretty sweet. Though one thing.....the show is on Wednesdays not Tuesdays.
I was right it came out just in time today Tuesday the show is on Monday night on NBC and on the net is on Tuesday

Sedai 12-05-06 11:18 AM

The episode this week was pretty good. Not great, but prety damn good.

Go Hiro.

BobbyB 12-05-06 01:59 PM

More questions and zero answers. NONE!

WARNING: "Heroes" spoilers below
- What was up with Peter's constant cough? He wasn't close enough to Hiro to zoom into the future, but he did anyway. Is he developing a new power other than absorbing others?

- The Haitian was going to let Claire go? They were going to fake her losing her memory? Why would the Haitian do that?

- Sylar had lost his ability to use his powers and then all of a sudden he got them back. Was it sheer will or what?

- How did Sylar block Eden's persuasion? He's never done something like that before.

- Why is it that when Peter flashed to New York that Claire ran up to him, said "I'm so sorry" and turned around and ran away again?

- How is it that Peter blew up New York?

- Why is it that everyone looked so upset or distressed about what was happening to Peter in the future except for Isaac, who looked like he really didn't give a flip, and Nathan, who just kept walking towards Peter and looking angry?

- How is it that D.L. was able to heal his second gun shot wound (It went right through him) but not his first?

- Why did D.L. faint?

- What's going to happen to the relationship between Claire and Zach?

- Why is it that Peter and Matt both had severe headaches throughout the show?

- What was with the dragon and Hiro that Isaac painted?

We got so many questions and zero answers. And now we have to wait until January 22nd to get some answers

Yoda 12-05-06 02:47 PM

Well, first off, it's a cliffhanger of sorts, so we're supposed to have questions. How many times did the series show us a painting that we couldn't make sense of until later? It's not a big deal. Finding out how we get to that point is the fun of it.

Anyway, some of the questions are not so much "how is this going to make sense?" but "which reason is it going to be?" For example:

WARNING: "Heroes" spoilers below
"The Haitian was going to let Claire go? They were going to fake her losing her memory? Why would the Haitian do that?"

We're not told why, of course, but it's not as if we can't easily come up with possibilities. He may have realized the cheerleader is needed to save the world. He may think Mr. Bennet's desire to protect her is counterproductive, and that she's safer knowing who she is and what she can do. Or maybe he simply has his own ambitions, and having Claire's trust and assistance is valuable to him.

I think some of the answers are obvious, though...

"How is it that D.L. was able to heal his second gun shot wound (It went right through him) but not his first?"

The first bullet was unexpected. The second he was prepared for. Obviously he isn't fluid all the time; he'd never get anything done if he was. He has to decide to pass through something, as evidenced by the fact that he almost always hesitates and "sets" himself before doing so.

"Why did D.L. faint?"

Probably because he was bleeding.

I concur with some of the questions about Sylar, however. I'm not sure how that happened, exactly.

Also, I love Hiro's constant sci-fi shoutouts, from "Great Scott!" to the Vulcan salute. Hiro's a geek who's getting to live out his fantasy. It explains his instant acceptance of his powers and the responsibilities they entail, and serves as a nod to all the fans who, naturally, wish they were living in a comic book the way he is.

Most of all, though, it sets him up in direct contrast to Sylar, who also longed to feel unique. They're two people with similar desires, but profoundly different outcomes. The way they use their powers is interesting, as well, as it reflects the manner in which they obtained them.

B-card 12-05-06 04:26 PM

WARNING: "Possible answers" spoilers below
What was up with Peter's constant cough? He wasn't close enough to Hiro to zoom into the future, but he did anyway. Is he developing a new power other than absorbing others?

-I think he is something like Phoenix and Jean Gray(X-man) or my second guess is that he is somehow connected to sylar

How did Sylar block Eden's persuasion? He's never done something like that before.

-You all remember that he killed that waitres in the restaurant-Charley and take here abbility(to learn fast and he was prepared after she has spoken to him the first time) I'm pretty sure that he will resist even the Haitian's power which pretty much makes him unstoppable

What was with the dragon and Hiro that Isaac painted?

-He probably lost control over his power and ended back in prehistoric ages,and that was a T-Rex not a Dragon;)

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