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yeshli2nuts 07-29-04 07:03 PM

A Movie Everyone Likes That You Think Is Crap?
well i was reading through the topic called "crap movies that you like" and i thought of the opposite. now when reading other peoples movies, try not to argue and stuff since that would be expected when saying a "great" movie is "crap". now of course i dont think these movies are crap (although some might be) but i just dont think they are that good and didnt live up to their hype:

Pulp Fiction - i just watched this for the first time the other day and i was expecting a movie that would just blow my mind after hearing what everyone says about it and seeing that its #16 on the IMDB top 250 list. boy was i let down. i found it really boring and the whole bruce willis story was unneeded

Donnie Darko - i LOVE psychological thrillers (memento is my #1 favorite movie and identity is #6 on my list) but this was just plain old confusing. a good psychological movie should sum everything up at the end but right when the credits started rolling in donnie darko, i was like "so thats it? what the hell hapened?" deffinatly an overrated movie

Requiem For A Dream - just plain boring

every Steven Spielberg movie except for HOOK, CATCH ME IF YOU CAN, and the INDIANA JONES TRILLOGY - yes, i honestly think Hook and Catch Me If You Can (the later is more expected) are Spielberg's best movies. all the others i find quite boring/bad.

remember, these are all IMO

Garrett 07-29-04 07:13 PM


Donnie Darko (I don't think it's crap, just not good)

AboveTheClouds 07-29-04 07:34 PM

Forrest Gump

Insanity Rulez 07-29-04 08:17 PM

Gladiator...I wanted nonstop fighting and I got a stinking love story or at least way to much of one.

Moulin Rouge...It's a musical...nuff said.After seeing that tub o crap,i never gave Chicago a moments notice.

AboveTheClouds 07-29-04 08:23 PM

Gladiator was mostly fighting..... But every movie should have SOMEWHAT of a sub-plot.

Maniac 07-29-04 08:30 PM

We've had this thread before.


Moulin Rouge
Terminator 3
Donnie Darko

Insanity Rulez 07-29-04 08:38 PM

Gladiator was mostly fighting..... But every movie should have SOMEWHAT of a sub-plot.
My expectation's are probrably unrealistic of Gladiator but,the first time I saw it I was really disappointed.I wanted to see a true life and death struggle to stay alive and for me that would have been enough.I probrably would have enjoyed it more if my girlfriend at the time was'nt such a .....well ya know ;)

AboveTheClouds 07-29-04 08:42 PM


KittyJunkie 07-29-04 11:08 PM

Insomnia, I'd expected a lot more out of it.

Garrett 07-29-04 11:41 PM

Gore Verbinski's remake of The Ring.

Escape 07-30-04 01:10 AM

Originally Posted by Garrett
Gore Verbinski's remake of The Ring.
Really, Why?

Caitlyn 07-30-04 02:13 AM

Moulin Rouge
Gone With the Wind

Sidewinder 07-30-04 02:32 AM

I really don't like A Clockwork Orange. Not because it was confrontational as some might say but because it did nothing for me. I never connected with the film and found the whole thing pretty stupid.

Stellar Legs 07-30-04 03:31 AM

Originally Posted by yeshli2nuts

every Steven Spielberg movie except for HOOK, CATCH ME IF YOU CAN, and the INDIANA JONES TRILLOGY - yes, i honestly think Hook and Catch Me If You Can (the later is more expected) are Spielberg's best movies. all the others i find quite boring/bad.

remember, these are all IMO
I would normally make lesser men out of Pulp bashers, but I agree whole-heartedly with the Speilberg part.

Speilberg is the biggest hack in the business, who puts out a movie every year or 2 to line his pockets. He stuffs them with over-used special effects to wow people, but who's fooled?

He ruined a film that had potential (Stanley Kubrick's partly finished A.I). He took a harsh, brutal story and gave it childish elements (the talking bear? Him seeing his mother again? That's not KUbrick!!!)

I personally believe his best work was Jaws, Jurassic Park, and Schindler's List. Everything else by him is shovelware.

Oh yeah, movies everyone loves but I hate:
Butterfly Effect, Fast and the Furious and it's many clones, Dodgeball, Van Helsing, Gothika, and most new stuff that the pot-heads who hang outside my apartment like.

And while we're dissing stuff, **** Pink Floyd. Meaning of Dark Side of the Moon? What ****ing meaning?! Name a Classic Rock band that had any kind of meaning!

Garrett 07-30-04 03:35 AM

Originally Posted by Stellar Legs
And while we're dissing stuff, **** Pink Floyd. Meaning of Dark Side of the Moon? What ****ing meaning?! Name a Classic Rock band that had any kind of meaning!
Pink Floyd.

As for biggest hack, my vote goes to Guy Ritchie.

Equilibrium 07-30-04 05:53 AM

Pulp just doesn't do it for me.

sisboombah 07-30-04 07:26 AM

casablanca - i think it would have been better if it wasn't 9am when i saw it and i wasnt sitting on the most uncomfortable lecture chairs in the world at the time because i watched a little bit of it the other day on tv and it looked better than the first time.
the other one i didnt like (for the same reason) was ...... for some reason i cant even remember the name. so annoying. had a really famous actor in it, went on to do a bit of directing. the film was like a guide on how hollywood films should be made....i dont know why i cant remember it....oh well...the characters names were henry and helen. the woman had a really annoying voice but i loved her. he worked at a newspaper factory. everyone has heard of this film. anyway, i just thought it went on forever.

led_zeppelin 07-30-04 10:22 AM

There isn't a damn thing wrong with Spielberg, jeepers.

ANYway, movies I think are crap that everybody else likes?. .

Donnie Darko
the Ring
Little Nicky
Once Upon a Time in Mexico

Berkie 07-30-04 01:53 PM

remake of the ring
white chicks

i jus didnt like them as much as other people did, there were some good scenes in both movies but the rest jus didnt do it for me

Ash_Lee 07-30-04 02:00 PM

The Adventures of Robin Hood I think that was the name (it had Clark Gable). It's the most irritating film I've ever seen because almost every other line is a hearty laugh from either Robin or his Merry Men. I preferred Prince of Thieves.

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