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iluv2viddyfilms 01-08-08 01:14 AM

Vote 2008. Presidential Race
I didn't participate in the Iowa Caucuses. The man I wanted didn't run apparently here and will be focused on the New Hampshire primaries.

Just curious who do you want to see win the 2008 Presidential vote, come November.

I think they're all pretty much bores and douches. At least the front runners.

Now let me just say a couple of things...

I don't buy into the ******** that if you don't vote, you don't have a right to talk. I understand that there's a lot of confusion. Not everyone knows where to go to vote, not everyone has the time, and not everyone knows who to vote for so they chose not to vote.

I think that's a good idea. If I don't follow the issues, then it's better for me not to vote. I'd much rather have a country of 100,000 brilliant people who've done their research and thought about the issues to vote than 100,000,000 mindless drones in our country voting based on what moronic celebrity, i.e. Oprah or Chuck Norris is backing them. BS.

If you're too busy to follow the issues, don't understand politics, and such then I have more respect for you as a person if you don't vote. I don't buy into the whole stupidity of not voting = a bad citizen.

That said...

I don't much care for...

Obama... he seems very impersonal. I dislike his way of speaking and the way he presents himself. THere's something about him I don't trust and I don't think he has the forcefulness or even grace to be president. I know those two terms contradict each other but a president needs both, at the appropriate time. I also think he's banking on the youth vote, who wants to see a black president or something different, new, and fresh after GW.

Hillary Clinton... I don't think we need another Clinton or another Bush in office.

John Edwards... I looked at some of his old lawsuits against doctors and hospitals. Silly malpractice suits. Sure some may have justification but we wonder why health care and health costs are such a big issue. People like Edwards contribute to this. I also dislike how he's beated the drum of his wife's cancer throughout the campaign.

As for the republicans, I haven't followed them as closely.

I do know I would not want Mike Huckabee at all. He seems to be a religious fanatic to me. He's very conservative and almost reactionary. I think he's a great speaker and a very intelligent person, but he's misguided. I don't want someone like him who would not put an end to the Iraq war and would use religion as a basis of his decisions in the office.

That said the person I support has no chance of becoming president... Mike Gravel.

I've listened to him talk... not in person of course, but over the internet and he seems to be sincere and very liberal. A true liberal that uses common sense and tries to think of the good of Americans, but also remembers that we do have a place to keep in an ever "flatening world." YEt he stills respects some isolationist views and knows we have to stick out for our own as well. He's for an immediate withdrawl of troops from Iraq. Full gay marriage rights, health care vouchers (I'm already uneasy about universal health care) and the elimination of the income tax. That I'm not quite sure about.

But based on the person and their stances, he's the one that I seem to fit and mold best with. He's down to earth, has common sense, and doens't seem to play politcal games because he speaks his mind and isn't wishy washy like a Obama or Clinton.

7thson 01-08-08 01:40 AM

Re: Vote 2008. Presidential Race
Originally Posted by iluv2viddyfilms (Post 403944)
Not everyone knows where to go to vote, not everyone has the time, and not everyone knows who to vote for so they chose not to vote.

I agree with a lot of what you have to say, except this: Not everyone knows where to go to vote........???? If you do not think your right to vote is a privilege given to you by sacrifice and if you are too fi'ng lazy to find out where to do so or too busy to care then you do not deserve the right to vote. Go to a country where tyrants and dictators run the show. I do not care if you vote or not, but if you want to and you do not because you are too ****kkkkkking stupid to find out where to do it then you need to go somewhere else. Good lord. Sorry if this sounds a bit rough, but get real, would you rather not even have the option?

iluv2viddyfilms 01-08-08 02:16 AM

Re: Vote 2008. Presidential Race
Originally Posted by 7thson (Post 403949)
I agree with a lot of what you have to say, except this: Not everyone knows where to go to vote........???? If you do not think your right to vote is a privilege given to you by sacrifice and if you are too fi'ng lazy to find out where to do so or too busy to care then you do not deserve the right to vote. Go to a country where tyrants and dictators run the show. I do not care if you vote or not, but if you want to and you do not because you are too ****kkkkkking stupid to find out where to do it then you need to go somewhere else. Good lord. Sorry if this sounds a bit rough, but get real, would you rather not even have the option?
Think about all the young people out there. Lord knows are schools don't always tell them this information. Also people have other things going on in their life. I know that if it wasn't for my government class in high school I would have had no idea how to register to vote and anything about the process back in 2000. Many aren't even aware of the absentee ballot.

And no it doesn't sound rough, it sounds ignorant and naive. Not everyone is educated on these things like you or I and has the iniative. But I do think you agree with me that people who aren't willing to do their homework, should not vote. However I'm not going to call them bad people because they don't find that information out. Each person has their own stresses and responsibilities.

allthatglitters 01-08-08 02:19 AM

Re: Vote 2008. Presidential Race
Originally Posted by iluv2viddyfilms (Post 403944)
I don't buy into the ******** that if you don't vote, you don't have a right to talk. I understand that there's a lot of confusion. Not everyone knows where to go to vote, not everyone has the time, and not everyone knows who to vote for so they chose not to vote.

I think that's a good idea. If I don't follow the issues, then it's better for me not to vote. I'd much rather have a country of 100,000 brilliant people who've done their research and thought about the issues to vote than 100,000,000 mindless drones in our country voting based on what moronic celebrity, i.e. Oprah or Chuck Norris is backing them. BS.

If you're too busy to follow the issues, don't understand politics, and such then I have more respect for you as a person if you don't vote. I don't buy into the whole stupidity of not voting = a bad citizen.
If I had the energy or the philosophic chutzpah, I would totally want to get into an interesting discussion about elitism, responsible citizenry, the health of democracy, republicanism, and populism--but I am wiped.

Obama won't hold the youth vote--he won't lose it, but he won't hold it. Youth don't vote. If the recent caucus in Iowa is any indication (and the last congressional election) voting is up, but not among the youth.

Edwards is running on class warfare, and he's unelectable. The economy will be a big issue, but I don't think when put under scrutiny, that populism resonates as well with voters as it does with the left.

HRC is not in a good spot right now. The chatter of her crashing and burning has a lot of truth to it. She's been the front runner for the Democrats since, what, 2005? She's losing her inevitability though. She loses points when she attacks her opponent on experience, and whines everytime she thinks she's being treated unfairly (Reality Check: She was the front runner. She's raised the most money in this race <<I am pretty certain>>> She's not the underdog). I think she was sincerely crying today. Okay. I mean, she can't fake much. Remember the accent? Remember that cackle?
She's going to lose in New Hampshire tomorrow--no she isn't going to come behind Richardson, but she is going to lose by not winning. Obama pulled away a lot of Hillary voters after his large victory in Iowa.

The Republican race is much, much more interesting.

A Huckabee nomination would effectively dissolve the Reagan Coalition. In my more depressed moments I think it would ruin the GOP; in my more optimistic moments I think that a Huckabee nomination would only just prevent a Goldwater conservative from winning anything for a very long time.

A McCain nomination has a similar, though not as bad, adverse affect. McCain is the most experienced candidate in both fields, and pretty electable. However, as President he would be the leader of the Republican party and he's broken line with so many top Republicans and so much of the GOP base that I do not think that in a time of policy crisis that he could effectively unite his party together.

Take note though: The problems most conservatives have with Huckabee are ideological: he's basically a socially conservative populist--brilliant politician though, and that's the scary thing. While the problems most conservatives have with McCain have to do with poor policy choices--for example, campaign finance reform makes my blood boil.

Thompson suffered from too much media hype. He is a principled conservative, but he didn't fit people's expectations. In a fluid, wide open field he was perceived as being slow and it's sometimes as if he doesn't even want to be President.

Romney needs to win tomorrrow. I don't think he will. He had a hard time defending himself last Saturday, but according to focus groups did much better on Sunday. He didn't even come close to touching Huckabee in Iowa, and he needs New Hampshire to gain momentum (the Big Mo'.) However, remember this: 61% of Iowan republicans go to church on Sunday, compared to 30% nationwide. Iowan Republicans are traditionally more evengelical, and the evangelical turn out last Thursday was phenomenal--I forget the number, but it was something crazy.

Mostly what this points to is a Republican race that could last longer than normal.

Oh, and...Giuliani who? Now, I know he's focusing on big wins on Super Tuesday, but losing to Ron Paul tomorrow would be bad voodoo (Giuliani's at +8 something and Paul is at +7.)

But we'll see. The field is wide open, four viable candidates with serious scenarios for winning the nomination, and so the nomination is up for grabs.

mark f 01-08-08 02:23 AM

Re: Vote 2008. Presidential Race
Your sample ballot and general election information are always mailed to the home with the address you registered at, but if you have moved or are a student who has changed locations, it can be difficult. However, if you bothered to register in the first place, you're probably aware of this; if you never did, you can't vote, so I guess it doesn't matter.

As far as Iowa and New Hampshire go, I don't recall them ever being that flippin' important, but if someone wants to produce some historic info, I'll change my tune.

allthatglitters 01-08-08 02:32 AM

Re: Vote 2008. Presidential Race
Originally Posted by mark f (Post 403968)
As far as Iowa and New Hampshire go, I don't recall them ever being that flippin' important, but if someone wants to produce some historic info, I'll change my tune.
It has to do with momentum and perception. If something is perceived as being important enough, it can be. Punditry bemoans the "front runner" effect of Iowa and New Hampshire as much as it creates it. They do matter, not as much as they think they matter, but as much as they are perceived to matter.

Historically, no, the winners in New Hampshire and Iowa haven't been that significant (didn't Robertson win Iowa in 88 or 92?), but they do change the dynamics of the race.

Iowa made Huckabee a legitimate threat. Romney losing by 9 points to Huckabee does matter in as much as it hurts Romney a lot, changing the dynamics of the race.

Hillary taking third does matter. How she responded, how voters in NH quickly switched to Obama--it all affects the race (not necessarily causes effects.)

ImNotGibson 01-08-08 03:36 AM

Re: Vote 2008. Presidential Race
Excellent thread. I was gonna start one with this exact same topic yesterday.

I had a lot of fun watching the debates on Saturday, especially the Republican one (the Dem. one was pretty much Edwards and Obama being all buddy-buddy and teaming up on Hillary). I gotta learn a lot more about the candidates and now have very definitive opinions of each of them.

I can't believe how much of a douche bag Thompson was being (I think this was the first Rep. debate I saw with him in it) and ALT is absolutely right about him seeming at times as if he doesn't even want to be president. He spent more time taking potshots than making comments of substance.

I kind of felt bad for Ron Paul (does he remind anyone else of Kucinich?). Everybody else on that stage united together to make him look like a complete fool. Which sucks when the whole country is watching and expecting to learn more about the candidates and where they stand on the issues. That being said I don't agree with Ron Paul on much other than we need to pull out of Iraq.

McCain, I like. He's always been one of the better Republicans in my opinion, but he wasn't on his A-game Saturday night. He seemed pretty comfortable sitting there and letting everybody do their thing. He probably should've kept his head in the game because Romney caught him off-guard and tore him up. Neither of them looked good during that little tussle.

I didn't know much about Mitt so it was interesting watching him. He, like Thompson, was content with being an a-hole for the duration of the debate. Jumping on McCain's back when it came to immigration policies, talking down to Ron Paul, trash talking the Democrats, and hogging the mike. And when he wasn't praising Bush he was scaring me half to death with his thoughts on the military. One thing I gotta give him props for is he's got the hottest wife of the bunch.

Huckabee did a really good job, he was very articulate, very civil (compared to the others), and he probably came out looking the best that night. I was so happy to see him put his foot down and at least attempt to shut up Romney when he started going on about his position(s) on the surge. I looked up where he stands on the issues and even though I don't agree with a lot of what he thinks, I'd much rather see him in office than all the others, except McCain.

And as far as Giuliani goes... goodness. God help us all if he becomes president.

iluv2viddyfilms 01-08-08 04:29 AM

Re: Vote 2008. Presidential Race
Originally Posted by mark f (Post 403968)

As far as Iowa and New Hampshire go, I don't recall them ever being that flippin' important, but if someone wants to produce some historic info, I'll change my tune.
Didn't both states smash Howard Dean four years ago ?

mark f 01-08-08 05:26 AM

Re: Vote 2008. Presidential Race
Like I said, Howard Who? I thought his performances in a debate or two fried his hash.

Memnon 01-08-08 03:28 PM

Re: Vote 2008. Presidential Race
I realize I might be very wrong here, but it seems to me, more and more, that people in this country are becoming lemmings, that they are just going to follow what the others around them are doing, and not think for themselves. Its just far too evident to me in the massive swing in the polls on the Democratic side. All those people didn't suddenly realize "hey, Obama is the guy for me". They didn't know who they wanted to vote for, but the media made such a huge deal out of his win in Iowa, that those people just sort of shrugged their shoulders and said "hey, why not Obama, he won there... I don't really know if I completely agree with him, but he must be the one to vote for!"

I'm being simplistic with all that, but I really do think a lot of what happens at this point is as much a case of what others appear to be doing/what the media says, as people actually thinking for themselves and deciding who they would personally like to see president.

Here's how I personally see some of the candidates, keeping in mind that I'm a bit more democratic leaning, but not in everything;

Edwards - just a bit too "slick" feeling for the general public, while he has some good ideas, he mainly feels like someone who wants to be president not because of the good he could do for the country, but for what the office could do for him (loosely paraphrasing a famous line by a past pres.)

Obama - While I would like to see someone like him win, someone who really does seem to want to make a difference, make things in DC different, he is not the right person. He honestly doesn't have the right kind of experience in my mind to not get overwhelmed by the lunacy in Washington right now. If he became president, I think he would end up being eaten up by the politics, become highly ineffective, and yet stick to his guns that things should change in specific ways "NOW", as his message went down in flames. The general population may say they want changes, but the government in Washington isn't quite as ready, and they will fight him every step of the way, and he would be out of there in 4 years. The one thing I have never really heard from him is just how he intends to make all these big changes he wants. He is big on words, but I don't see him being able to back those words up.

Clinton - In many ways, I see her as being just about as slick as Edwards, but for one big difference. While she does like, and want the limelight of being president, I think she also seriously wants to change the way things are done at the federal level. She wants to make changes, like Obama, but has been a part of the Washington culture long enough to know that things don't change that fast there, so she tempers her message. She knows how "the game" is played, and is willing to play that game to get the things done as president that she sees as important. The problem is, I can also see how I could be completely wrong about her, and find out that all she wants is the presidency, not because she wants to do anything to help the country, but just because. She may be just so slick, that I'm reading her totally wrong.

Huckabee - He certainly adds an interesting dimension to the race, but I'm always very concerned when a VERY religious person, of any creed, seeks the presidency. I am a huge proponent of the separation of church and state, and highly religious people in a secular position, especially the presidency, and especially if that person feels that their religion should be reflected in the laws and such at the federal level, is of major concern to me. I'm not sure just how much his religion would impact his decisions as president, but my first guess would be... quite a bit.

McCain - If I was more in tune with his politics across the board, I could actually see myself considering voting for him. He has the right experience, has some good ideas, and just has that presidential type of feel around him. One big thing against him though in my mind - his age. I don't have issues with older people in general, heck, my parents are 74 and 75, and I know a number of people over the age of 65, and while they are great people, with impressive life experiences, they are also, well... physically old, and prone to the issues of aging. I see what being president does to people physically, and I can't see how he could survive it really, especially a second term.

Romney - I honestly don't know as much about him as I'd like, to get a better feel for how he would be as a president. All I can say is that I don't think I'd be voting for him, as what I have heard sounds fairly conservative, and "republican", and that's not for me. If he ended up being the Republican nominee, I'd have to pay far more attention to his ideas before making a final decision though.

Thompson - Thompson just really doesn't belong as president. We have had actors become president before, but I have to say, I was never a fan of Reagan. Even though I was only in my teens while he was president, I can still remember never being happy with the way things were run by him. At least he had charisma to an extent, he was able to be effective in his own way by sheer force of will. I just don't see that in Thompson. Besides, I just don't see him as having the right kind of experience to handle the job of president either.

Guliani - Having lived within a few hours drive of NYC all my life, I have heard plenty about Rudy, and when I say plenty, I mean that I would be happy if I didn't hear another word. He is the only candidate that, if he became president, would make me expressly very, very concerned for the future of our country.

...and after all that.. I'll be damned if I'm gonna proofread.. if there are mistakes.. live with it... mwahahahaha!!

Sir Toose 01-08-08 03:43 PM

Re: Vote 2008. Presidential Race
Originally Posted by ImNotGibson (Post 403986)
I kind of felt bad for Ron Paul (does he remind anyone else of Kucinich?). Everybody else on that stage united together to make him look like a complete fool. Which sucks when the whole country is watching and expecting to learn more about the candidates and where they stand on the issues. That being said I don't agree with Ron Paul on much other than we need to pull out of Iraq.
His ideas, put into action, would certainly shake the establishment to the core. I would vote for him in an instant but I have no delusions that he's a viable candidate (for the aforementioned reason). I like his foreign policy, his stand on taxes and the IRS, his stance on border security and pretty much everything else the man says. IMNSHO Dr. Paul is the best candidate to set America right again.

allthatglitters 01-09-08 04:24 AM

Re: Vote 2008. Presidential Race
Originally Posted by ImNotGibson
I had a lot of fun watching the debates on Saturday, especially the Republican one (the Dem. one was pretty much Edwards and Obama being all buddy-buddy and teaming up on Hillary). I gotta learn a lot more about the candidates and now have very definitive opinions of each of them.
It was a good debate. The "what if Obama is the nominee" question was stupid though, and a total waste of time.

Originally Posted by ImNotGibson
I can't believe how much of a douche bag Thompson was being (I think this was the first Rep. debate I saw with him in it) and ALT is absolutely right about him seeming at times as if he doesn't even want to be president. He spent more time taking potshots than making comments of substance.

I kind of felt bad for Ron Paul (does he remind anyone else of Kucinich?). Everybody else on that stage united together to make him look like a complete fool. Which sucks when the whole country is watching and expecting to learn more about the candidates and where they stand on the issues. That being said I don't agree with Ron Paul on much other than we need to pull out of Iraq.

McCain, I like. He's always been one of the better Republicans in my opinion, but he wasn't on his A-game Saturday night. He seemed pretty comfortable sitting there and letting everybody do their thing. He probably should've kept his head in the game because Romney caught him off-guard and tore him up. Neither of them looked good during that little tussle.

I didn't know much about Mitt so it was interesting watching him. He, like Thompson, was content with being an a-hole for the duration of the debate. Jumping on McCain's back when it came to immigration policies, talking down to Ron Paul, trash talking the Democrats, and hogging the mike. And when he wasn't praising Bush he was scaring me half to death with his thoughts on the military. One thing I gotta give him props for is he's got the hottest wife of the bunch.

Huckabee did a really good job, he was very articulate, very civil (compared to the others), and he probably came out looking the best that night. I was so happy to see him put his foot down and at least attempt to shut up Romney when he started going on about his position(s) on the surge. I looked up where he stands on the issues and even though I don't agree with a lot of what he thinks, I'd much rather see him in office than all the others, except McCain.

And as far as Giuliani goes... goodness. God help us all if he becomes president.
Did we watch the same debate?

Thompson was "even-keeled" (to borrow from Thomas Sowell's column) in comparison to McCain, and I thought he did well last Saturday night. He had a few one-liners, but if you've been watching the debates, then you understand that they all exchange barbs (The best came from Giuliani to Thompson on how he did the job Thompson played on television). It's politics.

I felt a little sorry for Ron Paul too (though not so much today after the stuff coming from TNR), but when he starts going on about the monetary system...
And listen, the debates are supposed to allow candidates to differentiate themselves from one another--Paul represents the old, isolationist, paleo-con wing of the Right, and a major bloc of Republican voters, the National Security wing, want to see candidates with (in their view) steady "peace through strength" style foreign policy.

McCain was not at his best (though it obviously didn't hurt him, more on the NH results below). His contentious temperment is well-known. I think he avoided the amnesty issue when Romney brought it up by lashing out at Romney.

Romney was the target, and he didn't do the best job defending himself. There's real animosity between him and McCain. He could have used the amnesty moment to make a clear picture of his position, but instead he responded to McCain. He even came off as a bit of a whiner. Still, he was put on the spot the most last Saturday.

Huckabee didn't do very well at all. He was evasive and not nearly as articulate as he usually is. I do not think he is the best pick, but he's the most natural politician in the Republican field.

Originally Posted by iluv2viddyfilms
Didn't both states smash Howard Dean four years ago ?
Dean smashed Dean.

Originally Posted by mark_f
Like I said, Howard Who? I thought his performances in a debate or two fried his hash.
Four years ago, right? I thought it was his performance at a few rallies...

Well, now he's chairman of the DNC, and he still says stupid stuff. Last Thursday after the Iowa results came in, he was being interviewed on CNN and he derided Mike Huckabee's win, said he was only the governor of some insignificant state (Arkansas). Of course, Bill Clinton came out of Arkansas. Not only that, but both governors were born in the some town, Hope.

Originally Posted by Memnon
I realize I might be very wrong here, but it seems to me, more and more, that people in this country are becoming lemmings, that they are just going to follow what the others around them are doing, and not think for themselves. Its just far too evident to me in the massive swing in the polls on the Democratic side. All those people didn't suddenly realize "hey, Obama is the guy for me". They didn't know who they wanted to vote for, but the media made such a huge deal out of his win in Iowa, that those people just sort of shrugged their shoulders and said "hey, why not Obama, he won there... I don't really know if I completely agree with him, but he must be the one to vote for!"

I'm being simplistic with all that, but I really do think a lot of what happens at this point is as much a case of what others appear to be doing/what the media says, as people actually thinking for themselves and deciding who they would personally like to see president.
I don't think people switched from Hillary to Obama because the media hype around his win in Iowa--I think that Hillary is losing her inevitability. She only won by 3% in NH, hardly a victory, and it was, as they say, touch and go there for a minute. This is a weird twist on populist thinking that discounts American voting minds to some extent. People base their voting decisions on some weird stuff, some of it they pick up from the media, but I think it's a little cynical (and even paranoid) to say the media is pulling all the strings here and telling people who to vote for. Yesterday, there was a lot of dancing around (on both sides) in the blogosphere and pundit class that Hillary could be finished. Obviously she's not dead yet (mostly dead, Miracle Max might say.)

Originally Posted by Memnon
Edwards - just a bit too "slick" feeling for the general public, while he has some good ideas, he mainly feels like someone who wants to be president not because of the good he could do for the country, but for what the office could do for him (loosely paraphrasing a famous line by a past pres.)
Edwards was a trial lawyer. Of course he's slick. This has always stuck with me. Listen, I don't agree with his policies, but this comes from Bob Shrum via Powerline:

Originally Posted by Powerline Blog (May 24, 2007)
It isn't exactly news that John Edwards is a phony, but I suppose it's news that John Kerry considers him one. According to Michael Crowley of the New Republic, Bob Shrum, Kerry's campaign manager, will report in a forthcoming book that Kerry had qualms about choosing Edwards as his presidential running mate in 2004, and became "even queasier" after Edwards said he was going to share a story with Kerry he had never told anyone else. The story was that after Edwards' son, Wade, had been killed, he climbed onto the slab at the funeral home and hugged his body and promised that he would do all he could to make life better for people.

According to Shrum,
Kerry was stunned, not moved, because, as he told me later, Edwards had recounted the exact story to him, almost in the exact same words, a year or two before — and with the same preface, that he'd never shared the memory with anyone else. Kerry said he found it chilling, and he decided he couldn't pick Edwards unless he met with him again.
Apparently, though, Edwards' chilling insincerity was not seared in Kerry's consciousness because, as we all know, Kerry went ahead and selected Edwards to be his running mate. Shrum says Kerry came to regret this decision, thinking that he should have followed his "gut" and gone with Richard Gephardt.
Originally Posted by Memnon
Obama - While I would like to see someone like him win, someone who really does seem to want to make a difference, make things in DC different, he is not the right person. He honestly doesn't have the right kind of experience in my mind to not get overwhelmed by the lunacy in Washington right now. If he became president, I think he would end up being eaten up by the politics, become highly ineffective, and yet stick to his guns that things should change in specific ways "NOW", as his message went down in flames. The general population may say they want changes, but the government in Washington isn't quite as ready, and they will fight him every step of the way, and he would be out of there in 4 years. The one thing I have never really heard from him is just how he intends to make all these big changes he wants. He is big on words, but I don't see him being able to back those words up.
I would agree with most of that. He's Jimmy Carter without the experience. He's all rhetoric, and doesn't have the inside knowledge to accomplish what he wants.

Originally Posted by Memnon
Clinton - In many ways, I see her as being just about as slick as Edwards, but for one big difference. While she does like, and want the limelight of being president, I think she also seriously wants to change the way things are done at the federal level. She wants to make changes, like Obama, but has been a part of the Washington culture long enough to know that things don't change that fast there, so she tempers her message. She knows how "the game" is played, and is willing to play that game to get the things done as president that she sees as important. The problem is, I can also see how I could be completely wrong about her, and find out that all she wants is the presidency, not because she wants to do anything to help the country, but just because. She may be just so slick, that I'm reading her totally wrong.
No, you're not wrong. But listen, she may know the game, but she didn't really play it until her Senate career. As First Lady she didn't hold top security clearance, she didn't sit in on meetings, and the health care reform that makes up such a big part of resume didn't go through.

Originally Posted by Memnon
Huckabee - He certainly adds an interesting dimension to the race, but I'm always very concerned when a VERY religious person, of any creed, seeks the presidency. I am a huge proponent of the separation of church and state, and highly religious people in a secular position, especially the presidency, and especially if that person feels that their religion should be reflected in the laws and such at the federal level, is of major concern to me. I'm not sure just how much his religion would impact his decisions as president, but my first guess would be... quite a bit.
I think that's a misinterpretation of what separation of church and state should mean. I think it's perfectly acceptable for somebody of deep faith to be president. I think that it is alright that they allow this deep faith to inform their views. Romney's "Religion" speech illustrated the balance needed perfectly I think.

I do not think it appropriate for a President to use his office to "Take this nation back for Christ" as Huckabee has said is his purpose in politics. I am also concerned that he attributes his rise in Iowa to "the same power that turned two loaves of bread and five fish into enough to feed five thousand."

Originally Posted by Memnon
McCain - If I was more in tune with his politics across the board, I could actually see myself considering voting for him. He has the right experience, has some good ideas, and just has that presidential type of feel around him. One big thing against him though in my mind - his age. I don't have issues with older people in general, heck, my parents are 74 and 75, and I know a number of people over the age of 65, and while they are great people, with impressive life experiences, they are also, well... physically old, and prone to the issues of aging. I see what being president does to people physically, and I can't see how he could survive it really, especially a second term.
Interesting. McCain still has a lot of fight in him, and he looks young. I think that in a possible McCain/Obama match-up, McCain wins because of his experience.

Originally Posted by Memnon
Thompson - Thompson just really doesn't belong as president. We have had actors become president before, but I have to say, I was never a fan of Reagan. Even though I was only in my teens while he was president, I can still remember never being happy with the way things were run by him. At least he had charisma to an extent, he was able to be effective in his own way by sheer force of will. I just don't see that in Thompson. Besides, I just don't see him as having the right kind of experience to handle the job of president either.
I have to disagree about Reagan, and about Thompson to a certain extent. I don't think he's the most experienced, but he isn't just a former actor. He was a lawyer in D.C during the Nixon administration, and he served six years as a Senator. Personally, I think he's less of an executive and more of an advisor.

Originally Posted by SirToose
His ideas, put into action, would certainly shake the establishment to the core. I would vote for him in an instant but I have no delusions that he's a viable candidate (for the aforementioned reason). I like his foreign policy, his stand on taxes and the IRS, his stance on border security and pretty much everything else the man says. IMNSHO Dr. Paul is the best candidate to set America right again.
I think it's an odd turn of events when Ron Paul, whose only real "sin" with the GOP base is his isolationism, is tossed out in the cold over Mike Huckabee who is only a strong conservative on the social issues (the man wants a National Smoking Ban! We all know what Barry Goldwater would have said to that...) BeAuH2o's son, Barry Jr., BTW is supporting Paul, but I think that Goldwater would have strongly disagreed with Paul on foreign policy.

More later.

Memnon 01-09-08 01:45 PM

Re: Vote 2008. Presidential Race
Originally Posted by allthatglitters (Post 404260)
I don't think people switched from Hillary to Obama because the media hype around his win in Iowa--I think that Hillary is losing her inevitability. She only won by 3% in NH, hardly a victory, and it was, as they say, touch and go there for a minute. This is a weird twist on populist thinking that discounts American voting minds to some extent. People base their voting decisions on some weird stuff, some of it they pick up from the media, but I think it's a little cynical (and even paranoid) to say the media is pulling all the strings here and telling people who to vote for. Yesterday, there was a lot of dancing around (on both sides) in the blogosphere and pundit class that Hillary could be finished. Obviously she's not dead yet (mostly dead, Miracle Max might say.)
First off, I'm very glad to have my thoughts that people were just being lemmings proven at least somewhat wrong...

However, you say she "only" won by 3% and that makes it hardly a victory. I think you are wrong there. The fact that she won at all makes it a big victory, especially after all the crap with the polls after Iowa, and so many people, including, and especially a pretty large portion of the media saying that her ship is sinking, or whatever term you want to use.
I do have to make something clear here.. I never said the media is pulling all the strings in the election. They are a major influence, yes, but I don't see them as some sort of shadow conspiracy or something. If someone were to say to me that the influence the media has is negligible, I would strongly disagree.
I normally don't take too kindly to jabs at me, especially when they are coming from an argument that is twisting what I said, attempting to make my comments appear to be something they aren't... but then again... maybe I am somewhat cynical about the election process that we use in this country, and how backwards it is nowadays (most specifically about how the absolute popular vote really doesn't mean anything), and it filters over to all parts of the elections...

Originally Posted by allthatglitters (Post 404260)
No, you're not wrong. But listen, she may know the game, but she didn't really play it until her Senate career. As First Lady she didn't hold top security clearance, she didn't sit in on meetings, and the health care reform that makes up such a big part of resume didn't go through.
If you think she wasn't a major role player in what was done and not done in a lot of things while her husband was president, and that she just sat on the sidelines, I think you are being a bit naive, and so what if the health care reform didn't go through... Do you think that everything she went through in trying to get that pushed through doesn't count as real world DC politics experience? Just because something you do isn't successful, doesn't mean you come away with no experience from doing that thing.

Originally Posted by allthatglitters (Post 404260)
I think that's a misinterpretation of what separation of church and state should mean. I think it's perfectly acceptable for somebody of deep faith to be president. I think that it is alright that they allow this deep faith to inform their views. Romney's "Religion" speech illustrated the balance needed perfectly I think.
I'm not going to get into the separation of church and state discussion all over again. That happened once before with me in this forum, and it just didn't go in very good directions (mostly because things got off topic, but still, I have no desire to start it up again). I would like to say though, that I do feel that someone being vocal about how their religion, or whatever aspects thereof, play an important part in how they would run this country as president, is creating a link between church and state that shouldn't be allowed.

Sir Toose 01-09-08 04:47 PM

Re: Vote 2008. Presidential Race
Originally Posted by allthatglitters (Post 404260)
I think it's an odd turn of events when Ron Paul, whose only real "sin" with the GOP base is his isolationism, is tossed out in the cold over Mike Huckabee who is only a strong conservative on the social issues (the man wants a National Smoking Ban! We all know what Barry Goldwater would have said to that...) BeAuH2o's son, Barry Jr., BTW is supporting Paul, but I think that Goldwater would have strongly disagreed with Paul on foreign policy.
More later.

You went and grew up on us didn't you? Your posts in this thread are impressive, kudos to you!

Yeah, I do hate seeing Dr. Paul getting so little traction in the media. For my own personal belief system he's the guy and he'll be getting my vote. I would think that some conservative fatcats are less than enthused with his ideas RE: reverting to the gold standard and shutting down the IRS. Not a real 'sin' to them but it would actually make them practice what they preach.

7thson 01-09-08 06:16 PM

Re: Vote 2008. Presidential Race
Originally Posted by iluv2viddyfilms (Post 403965)
And no it doesn't sound rough, it sounds ignorant and naive. Not everyone is educated on these things like you or I and has the iniative.

Only thing I wanted to get across here was if a person wants to vote and just does not because they do not know how then they are more lazy, than ignorant. It just seems that the division in the country is almost 50/50 on a lot of issues so votes count more than ever in recent history. If anyone of you out there really wants to vote then do it, if you do not want to vote then don't. I just wish more people would understand the wonderful rights we have as Americans and how lucky we are.

allthatglitters 01-09-08 06:32 PM

Re: Vote 2008. Presidential Race
Originally Posted by Memnon
I do have to make something clear here.. I never said the media is pulling all the strings in the election. They are a major influence, yes, but I don't see them as some sort of shadow conspiracy or something. If someone were to say to me that the influence the media has is negligible, I would strongly disagree.
I normally don't take too kindly to jabs at me, especially when they are coming from an argument that is twisting what I said, attempting to make my comments appear to be something they aren't... but then again... maybe I am somewhat cynical about the election process that we use in this country, and how backwards it is nowadays (most specifically about how the absolute popular vote really doesn't mean anything), and it filters over to all parts of the elections...
I wasn't going to use the word "paranoid," but I went ahead with it when I should of devoted a sentence or two to explain what I meant. It wasn't intended as a jab, and I wasn't exercising good judgement in word choice when I replied.

I generally react strongly against the instinct to label Americans as lemmings (it's what keeps me from being a cultural declinist, almost). I definitely think that the media has a wide influence with American people, in fact see my half-way defense of the horserace affect above. I also understand that you don't think that Americans aren't capable of making responsible choices in voting (at least I hope that's what you think).

Here's where I am: In high school, a lot of my friends made extra credit videos for AP U.S History and AP U.S Gov. that involved them going to the mall and asking random strangers about political figures and celebrities, sort of like Letterman. The most common version was asking people to identify U.S Senators Barbara Boxer and Dianne Feinstein, the SecDef, the SecState, the VP, and then POTUS. They then asked them to identify celebrities Britney Spears, George Clooney, and Mariah Carey (a poor sample of celebrity except Clooney). Everybody in class was laughing at these videos, and calling these people total idiots when they got things like SecDef wrong. Some answers were very funny, but there was a type of intellectual elitism hidden in the laughter that I disliked.

First, the "test" was superficial. Asking people to identify by picture political figures, that are normally not as highly visualised in the media, doesn't say much. Most of the people knew who the picture was of, but they didn't recognize their face. I've spent the past two years reading the news daily, nightly, and ever so rightly, and I don't always immediately recognize Robert Gates. However, celebrities survive by their image, literally and figuratively.

So my friends were immediately discounting these people as lemmings and idiots for not recognizing the faces of political officials (Bush and Cheney were recognized 100% of the time), even though most of them knew who Barbara Boxer and Dianne Feinstein were. They lamented the state of the nation's voters. And I thought, "So what? So they don't watch CNN or FOX every night. This says little about their capacity to make wise judgements about candidates and isn't an apt description of their grasp on the system of American Democracy. Even if this guy isn't as active a participant in the system as I am, does that make me better somehow? He probably works hard, providing for his family. Doesn't that amount to something?"

The test didn't look for these people's knowledge of the American concept, or American ideals, things that I believe are more accurate indicators of voting conscience and of responsible citizens.

I think that elitism can be a proper and good thing. It should be encouraged even, but not this intellectual elitism that discounts more than half of America based on their response to superficial questions. Sometimes the intellectuals and the pundits never leave the world of academia and opinion, and they get frustrated with the outside for not behaving in the way they see fit.

I care deeply about America, and I have a great interest in politics. I used to easily lose my temper in the face of what I determined to be ignorance. My father brings me back to earth a lot. He says, "I know you think that what's on C-span right now is of upmost importance, but I would rather have you do the job I need you to do right now. I would rather have you read your Bible or talk with your mother than care so much, and try to force other people to care as you do, about things that are trivial and tiny in the comparison to everything else."

The focus should be on values, not the game.

I believe that we need to be responsible citizens. Condescension and disregard is not the way to encourage good citizenship though. I believe we do need to know more about our country's history and her ideals. A lot of these ideals are found in hard work, and the family. These are ideals familiar to everyday Americans, and they help make the foundations of American opinion.

I agree that the media doesn't do the best job in making it easier for the American public to view candidates in issues in ways that best use our traditions and values as a formula for opinion. I could go on, but that was a lot, and I don't want to pull the thread off course.

Originally Posted by Memnon
If you think she wasn't a major role player in what was done and not done in a lot of things while her husband was president, and that she just sat on the sidelines, I think you are being a bit naive, and so what if the health care reform didn't go through... Do you think that everything she went through in trying to get that pushed through doesn't count as real world DC politics experience? Just because something you do isn't successful, doesn't mean you come away with no experience from doing that thing.

I think that she is the most competent politician on the Democratic side. Obama is obviously the most naturally talented politcian, but Hillary does have the inside knowledge on how things work. She understands the mechanics of the game very well, but that doesn't guarantee success. A lot of her campaign has been about her experience as First Lady. She gained a lot of diplomatic experience, yes. But as far as the type of decision-making experience that she claims to have, I don't think she can claim to have it. She can claim to have watched decisons being made, but she wasn't the one making them always, especially in issues of National Security.

Originally Posted by Memnon
However, you say she "only" won by 3% and that makes it hardly a victory. I think you are wrong there. The fact that she won at all makes it a big victory, especially after all the crap with the polls after Iowa, and so many people, including, and especially a pretty large portion of the media saying that her ship is sinking, or whatever term you want to use.

It's only a victory if she wins in South Carolina, if she loses to Obama, she gains nothing by winning NH (she breaks even). I have to eat some humble pie here, I thought she was going to lose. She's not out of the woods yet though, and much of this victory-hype is going to be spent on a grand return. I don't think the media or the pundits had enough time to ignore her and that's why she won, but a lot of time was spent celebrating her demise (along with the Clinton Dynasty.) It was close, and I'll deliver some better analysis after I look more closely at the break down of voters. It was a very close race though, and while Hillary's spinning this as a big victory, I think that there's still some panic. Also, you could hypothesize that this looks more like a victory because the media was so sure she would lose. I mean, a lot of people were shocked. I don't think the media has been shocked by a Clinton victory since the early nineties.

Originally Posted by Memnon
I'm not going to get into the separation of church and state discussion all over again. That happened once before with me in this forum, and it just didn't go in very good directions (mostly because things got off topic, but still, I have no desire to start it up again). I would like to say though, that I do feel that someone being vocal about how their religion, or whatever aspects thereof, play an important part in how they would run this country as president, is creating a link between church and state that shouldn't be allowed.

I can respect that. I do think we need to recognize our Judeo-Christian roots though and their influence on our government and laws.

I think this exlains my view of the religious persons role in government (italics mine):
Originally Posted by Jose Idler writing for NRO, January 2, 2008
Although Christians are called to serve in the world, including politics, they are not sanctioned to use the political sword of the magistrate for spiritual purposes. Since Christ and politics are separate, the Christian calling is not to become a politically religious activist, but rather to serve in the public square in a God-honoring way without imposing explicit Christian principles on others.

The American version of the Presbyterian Westminster Confession of Faith puts the point this way: “It is the duty of civil magistrates [including Christian ones] to protect the person and good name of all their people, in such an effectual manner as that no person be suffered, either upon pretence of religion or of infidelity, to offer any indignity, violence, abuse, or injury to any other person whatsoever…” The political leader, although Christian he or she may be, is not a “Christian” leader as such, but a leader for all peoples.

Originally Posted by SirToose
You went and grew up on us didn't you? Your posts in this thread are impressive, kudos to you!

Yeah, I do hate seeing Dr. Paul getting so little traction in the media. For my own personal belief system he's the guy and he'll be getting my vote. I would think that some conservative fatcats are less than enthused with his ideas RE: reverting to the gold standard and shutting down the IRS. Not a real 'sin' to them but it would actually make them practice what they preach.

Yeah. I've seen the most opposition to his foreign policy (and of course his electability.) I think that the GOP is going to need some sort of tonic for the big-G small Government brought on by compassionate conservatism (to a certain extent), and practiced by Huckabee. Unfortunately, I don't think that tonic is going to be in Ron Paul.

7thson, I completely agree.

undercoverlover 01-09-08 09:04 PM

Re: Vote 2008. Presidential Race
i have a pretty standard knowledge of the current race so forgive if there are gaping potholes in my judgements

Clinton - started out so solidly but has somehow slipped and i think will continue to. Her 'victory' in NH is meaningless and shes not coming on strong enough in tough areas. However she is a game player, shes had an inside look at the process and she's no fool. But i don't think she'll win the vote. Plus i cant look at her without seeing Emma Thompson.

Barack Obama - I like the look of his immigration policies, not much to say about him at this point

John Edwards - slick isnt the word - slippery. I heard talk about how much Edwards earns and how it conflict with his ability to relate to 'real' people. So what if he's rich - he's not going be supplying the country's budget so it what does it matter? That said I agree with a lot of his views but only on paper - vigorous promises like his tend to fall through the hardest

Give this a try - see if your political views actually match up with your chosen candidate

ImNotGibson 01-09-08 09:13 PM

Re: Vote 2008. Presidential Race
Hey ALT all those quotes in your last post weren't mine. Just wanted to let you know. But I totally agree with you about Clinton and Obama.

allthatglitters 01-09-08 09:16 PM

Re: Vote 2008. Presidential Race
Originally Posted by ImNotGibson (Post 404472)
Hey ALT all those quotes in your last post weren't mine. Just wanted to let you know.
Ackk, you're right. I apologize for the misquote to both parties involved.

ImNotGibson 01-09-08 09:23 PM

Re: Vote 2008. Presidential Race
Do any of you buy into what some news stories are saying about Hillary faking that mini-breakdown on the eve of the New Hampshire primary?

Here's a link for those who haven't seen it:
For you consideration

I personally don't have a conclusive opinion about that. It might've helped score her some more of the female vote (she got 47% or something like that right?) but I honestly doubt she'd stoop that low and she seems very genuine during it.

Strike that non-conclusive bit actually. I think she was being real.

And I got my voter info in the mail today! :D

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