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MovieBuffering 12-07-18 01:43 AM

Kevin Hart dumped as Academy host
Sheesh. My head hurts. Social media mob wins again. 🤦

Gay jokes he tweet out 10 years ago that he already apologized for gets him dumped. I would not want to be a comedian in this climate.

I look forward to who they choose next elementary school's past jokes being vetted.

Iroquois 12-07-18 02:03 AM

Re: Kevin Hart dumped as Academy host
From what I can tell, it doesn't sound like he was "dumped" by any kind of Oscar authority so much as he actively decided to quit rather than continue to deal with the backlash. I mean, if he's genuinely remorseful about the jokes then surely he wouldn't have a problem apologising a second time (and that's assuming he had already apologised once - is there a source for that?), especially when he does that anyway during his announcement that he was quitting? People gave Kimmel sh*t for appearing on something as sexist as The Man Show and even cracking some questionable jokes during the 2017 ceremony but they let him host twice in a row anyway.

Cynema De Bergerac 12-07-18 05:44 AM

I'm going to play an 'accused devil's' advocate and just blatantly state that making fun of a hertrosexual father’s concerns of his son possibly being gay does not reinforce anything homophobic. Calling that stand-up routine homophobic, is like calling Borat racist. It makes fun of stereotypes and presumptions. I don't believe we should pro-take in a society where we have to walk on eggshells just so no one's feelings get hurt. I’m not one to believe anyone is above being the subject of comedy. For example, a simple joke about gay people, or using the word “f*ggot”, is not automatically homophobic. In my book, homophobia implies hatred and/or prestigious against homosexuals due to their inherent nature.

His routine is a simply a reflection of what some fathers actually go through, believe it or not. Not only does it take some getting use to, but It's hard when you realize when your son doesn’t have an ideal, “typical” male trait that you both share. It's sort of why fathers dislike when their son is doing something either males don't do, what females do, or not doing something a "typical" male would do (and why also liberal university professors screech about such false social concepts such as "toxic masculinity"). You won’t be able to talk about the crushes he has at school - or as you both grow older, the women you both find attractive. You won’t be seeing his future wife walk down the aisle, just as your father saw yours. You feel a sense of worry when you realize (or at least presume) your son won’t become a father, or have the life fulfilling joy of raising a family, which includes seeing what your grandson will look like.

It's not old or "conservative" social engineering to think about this stuff: its human nature. This is all perfectly normal. It doesn't mean you have to start hating or discriminating your own offspring - your literal flesh and blood - just because he has a different sexuality. Quite the contrary, and far away from the truth. It's just that as men, the majority of us all share a cohesive tribal identity. If Kevin Hart’s son actually came out as gay, I don’t think he would act any different towards him. He won't be trying to “""marginalize""” him with his “""aggressions""”. He’s not a homophobe.

Having said all that, his twitter posts are absolutely immature. It seems like something I’d do back when I was 14. Since social media is at play here (where something could be completely devoid of character and context), he should’ve known way better than to tweet unfunny jokes that are edgy for the sake of being edgy. It's a firm lesson when it comes to being careful what you do on the internet, for later it could bite you in the rear. It's sort of reminds me of what James Gunn did.

The only reasons he’s not apologizing, is because he’s a total hack who’s completely full of himself. He thinks he can away with everything. All had to do what explain himself, say he was sorry. And then we would all move on. But no.

doubledenim 12-07-18 08:56 AM

Re: Kevin Hart dumped as Academy host
Of different views he could have, my cynical side says he is the biggest money machine/ comedian/ crossover/ movie thing going right now. If he put up a resistance, he losses money. Everyone forgets this in a week and business as usual.

Kevin Hart is a great energy guy, but he doesn't really have any chops. He tells a story and makes a face or does a wiggle. Compare him to the guys from Kings of Comedy :facepalm:

He may be the hardest worker out there right now, but that is where the talent is. I never thought I would agree with CBD on anything, but he is a borderline hack. Reminds me of the Dane Cook phenomenon.

matt72582 12-07-18 10:14 AM

Re: Kevin Hart dumped as Academy host
I think he is a hack, but "we don't need no thoughts controlled" - even thoughts that are ridiculous. I think the whole anti-social media thing is pretty childish. It seems like the "PC" thing to do is to ignore the real social ills, and focus on the trend of the month, and an opportunity for an institution (or anyone else) to show how self-righteous they are. Or as I like to call them (and they aren't limited to one political party)

"trendy justice divas" (they aren't warriors)

mojofilter 12-07-18 10:42 AM

Re: Kevin Hart dumped as Academy host
Today's culture has become way too politically correct, soft, and overly sensitive. It's vomit-inducing if you ask me.

Iroquois 12-07-18 10:50 AM

Re: Kevin Hart dumped as Academy host
^lmao the contradiction between that post and signature really something

Matt, if pointing out unchecked homophobia is anti-social, what does that say about society? If anything, that's the exact "social ill" that the Hart episode has centred around and it's a simple situation that can be addressed with simple solutions without having to escalate it through any kind of stubbornness. If the whole point of him being Oscar host is effectively to tell jokes all evening, how bad is it to want some guarantee that his jokes won't be like that?

Saunch 12-07-18 10:51 AM

Re: Kevin Hart dumped as Academy host
Kevin Hart was gonna host the Oscars?

doubledenim 12-07-18 11:11 AM

Re: Kevin Hart dumped as Academy host
I can't wade too deep into these waters, because I will end up saying something that comes across different than what I mean.

A guy made a comment the other day that really crystallized things. "The left condescends to those that aren't intelligent. Anyone that isn't intelligent doesn't have an "in" to that group. The far right is often characterized by wealth. Anyone can dream of being rich one day, no matter how intelligent."

I do everything I can (being a flawed person) to be good to others. Mindful of what I say, *trying not to criticize* people, *trying not to judge* them, doing things for people you don't like. No institution or person is perfect, yet everything is so rigid in judgement.

I have always leaned left, but some of this stuff gets ridiculous. Down here Republicans (that I know of are) are basically aligned racist. It just gets so weird, like nothing applies to a regular joe.

matt72582 12-07-18 11:40 AM

Originally Posted by Iroquois (Post 1972971)
^lmao the contradiction between that post and signature really something

Matt, if pointing out unchecked homophobia is anti-social, what does that say about society? If anything, that's the exact "social ill" that the Hart episode has centred around and it's a simple situation that can be addressed with simple solutions without having to escalate it through any kind of stubbornness. If the whole point of him being Oscar host is effectively to tell jokes all evening, how bad is it to want some guarantee that his jokes won't be like that?

I call it "anti-social media" because I look at it from time to time, and the behavior is disgusting. Similar to using the term "Fakebook".

Meanwhile all the attention is on some silly awards show (our chat here is MUCH better), millions are dying in Yemen, supported by our tax dollars, in our name... And it gets ZERO attention in the media, because they are bought and sold, and yet it's the people who fight each other defending those financially biased institutions.


Citizen Rules 12-07-18 12:52 PM

Re: Kevin Hart dumped as Academy host
Kevin Hart a comedian was dumped as Academy host for some tasteless jokes he said a decade ago?
Well then the fix is to obviously hire Kevin Spacey to host in his place.

Iroquois 12-07-18 01:39 PM

Originally Posted by matt72582 (Post 1972982)
I call it "anti-social media" because I look at it from time to time, and the behavior is disgusting. Similar to using the term "Fakebook".

Meanwhile all the attention is on some silly awards show (our chat here is MUCH better), millions are dying in Yemen, supported by our tax dollars, in our name... And it gets ZERO attention in the media, because they are bought and sold, and yet it's the people who fight each other defending those financially biased institutions.

In fairness, this is a movie forum - that chat wouldn't exist without said awards show anyway (and it's not like this site's own attempts at giving its own awards end up being much better). Besides, we're all well aware of what happens on here when people get heavily engaged in discussing global politics - that being said, it is possible to care about more than one thing at a time but between these two issues which one is straight-up easier to get out of the way first?

Every time someone complains about social media on here it makes me wonder what makes this site any different to the average social media platform.

Citizen Rules 12-07-18 01:42 PM

Originally Posted by Iroquois (Post 1973002)
...Besides, we're all well aware of what happens on here when people get heavily engaged in discussing global politics...
What happens?

Iroquois 12-07-18 01:44 PM

Re: Kevin Hart dumped as Academy host
People argue and argue until threads get locked.

Stirchley 12-07-18 02:50 PM

Originally Posted by Saunch (Post 1972972)
Kevin Hart was gonna host the Oscars?
I read this on Wednesday - not that I even know who this guy is. (Something about him & Chris Rock?)

Now he’s not gonna host - that was a quick turnaround. :rolleyes:

Swan 12-07-18 03:40 PM

It would be weird for him to host and also win his shoe-in Oscar for Night School.

MovieBuffering 12-07-18 04:53 PM

Originally Posted by Swan (Post 1973074)
It would be weird for him to host and also win his shoe-in Oscar for Night School.
🤣 Lol #awkward

So which gay comedian/entertainer will get the nod now? Lol

ynwtf 12-08-18 11:18 AM

Re: Kevin Hart dumped as Academy host
Originally Posted by Iroquois (Post 1973002)
Every time someone complains about social media on here it makes me wonder what makes this site any different to the average social media platform.
For me, I guess the difference would be that this site is more of a community. I don't know you people personally, sure, but if we say something ugly to each other we still have to deal with that the next day in one way or another. Generally.

What I consider social media, is more like a public swimming pool. I can splash everyone in the face just to troll then, if I get into trouble, piss in the water on my way out because neither of us will see each other again.

There's less incentive to genuinely communicate there and hardly any social filters in place that most people accept as polite protocol in more formal communication.

I may get frustrated from time to time with users here. I may show my ass more than I should. Still, I think It works itself out over time with the incentive of community and the shared interests of movies and other topics.

Social media seems hit and run at best.

Just my two cents.

JoaoRodrigues 12-08-18 11:47 AM

People these days are so upset, even depressed without really knowing why, that they look for excuses to justify their sadness and pain. I believe the advertising industry is one of the major developers of those fears, they use the fears they create against you, they tell you what to believe, what is right & wrong, what to pursue to eliminate that sadness. I believe Kevin Hart did the right thing, don't be the target of a mass-circus created by the same industry to deviate attentions from what really matters. I wouldn't apologize either, comedy don't have limits for me, I joke about my insecurities all the time. Is harder everyday to say: **** it. I want you to go **** yourself with what you believe or don't believe because it only have the relevance some else wants to give it. And since you don't have relevance in my personal life your opinion shouldn't and will not hurt me personally. But the great thing is that more and more people are starting to do it, I love those people. Make the people around you have a better day and understand that what you believe or think is only a ****ing opinion and it worth a **** nothing. What I believe it really worths in this world is the effect you have on others, that's the best currency there is. People that know me don't take anything I say seriously, because I reached a certain status where they know I don't give two **** about it. Personally I don't have anything against anything else, homosexuals included, they can do whatever they please. One of the things that makes me mad are mother ****ers that think they have the power to make a point about how someone else should or shouldn't live based on religion or any other ****ing thing. You probably guessed that I love the word **** by now, I also love Kevin Hart joking about being short.

Iroquois 12-08-18 12:14 PM

Re: Kevin Hart dumped as Academy host
^where do I even start with this

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