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thebetrayedfan 03-17-19 07:27 AM

I'm done with Marvel
Marvel studios have been my HEROES for 10 years, sincerly, for a long time has been almost the only franchise I could follow and not only never been disappointed, but many many times being surprised for the better!

They did an incredible job over 10 years to make everything working at perfection and I would have never expected they to do so well

I would never ever have imagined coming to love Tony Stark, but in Iron Man movies, somehow they managed to make him a lovable character

I would have never thought I could stand over a whole Captain America movie, but somehow they managed to make out of Steve a character that I cared for

I wanted to stop watching Thor just 7 minutes into the movie, but somehow they were able to keep the good road and made me like the character, the story, the universe

Always loved the Hulk, btw, and always regreted he didn't have his own trilogy

They were incredible in making all surrounding characters very interesting too, even more surprising

Starting with Nick Fury, Coulson (I think my favourite character in absolute)*and all the minor agents of SHIELD that have been developed in a really impressive way... I ended up to care about anyone of them

I was devastated when Coulson died in Avengers and I was chanting with joy when I saw him back in Agents Of SHIELD

Black Widow was an amazing character, an amazing actress portraying a well developed character at perfection

They were even able to make interesting (and pretty bad-asses) minors like Hawk Eye and Falcon

I can't even* express how much I loved both Ant-Man movies, that was a precious work on the character too, I really loved him and I didn't know ANYTHING about that particular superhero from comics in the past

Doctor Strange in my opinion touched the ceiling of perfection, in a similar way as Tony Stark did, He became one of my favourite character in all movie history (not only marvel or superheros)

Certainly could never imagine to bear a movie on Black Panther, and instead, again, Marvel shut me up making it an amazingly enjoyable story, with interesting characters all around

Fell in Love even with Guardians of the Galaxy and even Thanos!

Vision just jumped in along with Wanda and I INSTANTLY fell in love with those 2 characters

Spiderman was instantly at my heart too, even popping out in sort of a mid-story, but that movie contrary to ALL my expectations again, was very good and I enjoyed it so much

The secret to allow me to love all those bad-ass rich, strong, good-looking, invulnerable, good at heart, spoiled, lucky, i-got-it-all characters have mainly been one: humbleness

They all have too much to not look at them like spoiled brats and just hate them for envy... but the point is that all (ALL) of them follow a path to humbleness in 3 movies and 10 years time

Those rich Tony Stark, Beautiful Thor, Invincible Hulk, Prince-Charmin Steve Rogers, egotist Steven Strange... in their personal history have to eat so much **** that you can't help loving them, they have to eat so much **** in their development that makes them humble and makes them grow as persons\deities\wizards...

And more of that, they very often face anemies much stronger than them

That makes a fight interesting, that makes it a challenge, that makes me care for the result...

Those were the secrets that Marvel held and, in 10 years, never betrayed us

It was really astonishing and I have been a huge fan, loyal and supportive at the top for 10 years

And that makes the fact that they ****ed up this whole 10 years work and my personal emotional rollercoaster with one single movie

ALL of those important stages are*NOT met about Captain Marvel

Thats a very hurtful betrayal from Marvel and MCU; they were the last stand, being able to keep political agendas out (mainly) of their franchaise, to the point that in many years I considered MCU almost the only watchable movies, because they have been very smart to keep the PC and all that **** to a MINIMUM, if not zero

And that was exactly what made it so good and made us fans*willing to reward them with loyalty and support

I never expected them to **** all up just before the really big hit

After Infinity wars they had THE WORLD in their hands, they just had to finish the story with Endgame without forcins in a ****ty movie about a politically imposed character that no one ever heard of in 10 years of storyline and that has nothing to do with the big narrative arc that now is probably gonna end

It's like if at the end of The Lord of the Rings, or Star Wars saga wh just had Super Mario showing up in the last 5 minutes at hte grand finale and save the day, putting an end to the story

That sucks, and more of anything sucks the MOTIVATION for that: (stupid) political pressure

They just climbed almost to the top tou jump right out a cliff, that is heartbraking for me

Really, it was so ****ing simple... wait to finish the story before bringing in any more (useles and poorly created) characters,*been a wonderfull happy ending for the franchise

And THEN after that start a new phase putting in all new stuff you eventually wanted to try out

EndGame could have been the GREATEST HIT movie EVER in all history of cinema

Now, I'm not even going to watch it at all

As far as I'm concerned, MCU ended with Infinity Wars

So I'm*very sad and angry, but, ultimately, resigned to farewell all this franchise that I followed so constantly for 10 years

On this betrayal I dont think they deserve it anymore and I'll just let them die by their own hands and gradually becominc DC's carpet

It was a wonderful honeymoon, but sadly, it's over, and certainly not for our fault

It's definitely a farewell for me then, it hurts to part ways after 10 year, but for me it's unstandable, so...

I'm done with Marvel

Iroquois 03-17-19 07:51 AM

Re: I'm done with Marvel

RealHero 03-17-19 08:33 AM

Re: I'm done with Marvel
I made much longer comment, but then thought why I even bother so...

lol: the sequel.
At least You made me laugh, boi. Worth making account I guess.

btw, I'm done with Marvel, too. We are so similar. We could be great friends in real life.

Sunomis 03-17-19 08:46 AM

Re: I'm done with Marvel
LOL: the Return of the Snowflake

RealHero 03-17-19 08:52 AM

Re: I'm done with Marvel
Hey, have You seen LOL with Miley Cryrus? Worth abandoning Marvel.

Sunomis 03-17-19 09:07 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Originally Posted by RealHero (Post 1996938)
Hey, have You seen LOL with Miley Cryrus? Worth abandoning Marvel.
I've just watched the trailer, and I took a screenshot which I thought was very appropriate.

The Rodent 03-17-19 09:15 AM

Originally Posted by thebetrayedfan (Post 1996913)
... After Infinity wars they had THE WORLD in their hands ...
Originally Posted by thebetrayedfan (Post 1996913)
... As far as I'm concerned, MCU ended with Infinity Wars ...


jal90 03-17-19 09:26 AM

[LOLs in Spanish]

Iroquois 03-17-19 09:45 AM

Thing is I probably could break down these problems anyway

Originally Posted by thebetrayedfan (Post 1996913)
The secret to allow me to love all those bad-ass rich, strong, good-looking, invulnerable, good at heart, spoiled, lucky, i-got-it-all characters have mainly been one: humbleness

They all have too much to not look at them like spoiled brats and just hate them for envy... but the point is that all (ALL) of them follow a path to humbleness in 3 movies and 10 years time

Those rich Tony Stark, Beautiful Thor, Invincible Hulk, Prince-Charmin Steve Rogers, egotist Steven Strange... in their personal history have to eat so much **** that you can't help loving them, they have to eat so much **** in their development that makes them humble and makes them grow as persons\deities\wizards...
I could argue the same is true of Captain Marvel:

WARNING: "Captain Marvel" spoilers below
She's already cast as arrogant in the face of her mentor constantly telling her to control her emotions and powers, then fights against Skrulls because she's been told they're the enemy by her Kree bosses but halfway through realises that she's been on the wrong side the whole time, effectively being humbled by this realisation, and then is made to grow as she realises she is more than just a callous Kree soldier named "Vers" and embraces her true identity as an empathetic human being named Carol Danvers

And more of that, they very often face anemies much stronger than them

That makes a fight interesting, that makes it a challenge, that makes me care for the result...
You do remember that

WARNING: "Captain Marvel" spoilers below
she's not even operating at full power for most of the movie because of that thing on her neck?

Aside from that, she's effectively got a similar power level to dudes like Iron Man (hand cannons/laser hands) or Captain America (super strength) and there are still other stakes to each of the conflicts in the film that often involve having to protect weaker characters (which is what those dudes have had to do to keep the stakes high anyway).

Those were the secrets that Marvel held and, in 10 years, never betrayed us

It was really astonishing and I have been a huge fan, loyal and supportive at the top for 10 years

And that makes the fact that they ****ed up this whole 10 years work and my personal emotional rollercoaster with one single movie

ALL of those important stages are*NOT met about Captain Marvel
Nah, Captain Marvel definitely uses the same formula, but if you're only just taking issue with it now because of the "political" decision to put a woman in there then I don't know what to tell you.

Thats a very hurtful betrayal from Marvel and MCU; they were the last stand, being able to keep political agendas out (mainly) of their franchaise, to the point that in many years I considered MCU almost the only watchable movies, because they have been very smart to keep the PC and all that **** to a MINIMUM, if not zero
All these movies have had political agendas, this just happens to be the first time you found it overly objectionable. The very first installment of this franchise involves the hero being kidnapped by Middle Eastern terrorists who are being bankrolled by his corrupt business partner, for example. Besides, if the numbers on this and Black Panther are any indication then it's actually the smart decision (from a business perspective, at least) to keep doing this so-called "PC pandering".

And that was exactly what made it so good and made us fans*willing to reward them with loyalty and support

I never expected them to **** all up just before the really big hit
They got like half a billion in "reward" already. Makes you wonder who the real fans are anymore - or whether or not there's any point caring about who counts as a "real" fan.

After Infinity wars they had THE WORLD in their hands, they just had to finish the story with Endgame without forcins in a ****ty movie about a politically imposed character that no one ever heard of in 10 years of storyline and that has nothing to do with the big narrative arc that now is probably gonna end

It's like if at the end of The Lord of the Rings, or Star Wars saga wh just had Super Mario showing up in the last 5 minutes at hte grand finale and save the day, putting an end to the story
Half the heroes are dead. The survivors need all the help they can get.

That sucks, and more of anything sucks the MOTIVATION for that: (stupid) political pressure

They just climbed almost to the top tou jump right out a cliff, that is heartbraking for me

Really, it was so ****ing simple... wait to finish the story before bringing in any more (useles and poorly created) characters,*been a wonderfull happy ending for the franchise

And THEN after that start a new phase putting in all new stuff you eventually wanted to try out
Imagine thinking this franchise is going to end.

EndGame could have been the GREATEST HIT movie EVER in all history of cinema

Now, I'm not even going to watch it at all
Honestly, it's going to be a hit with or without you watching it.

As far as I'm concerned, MCU ended with Infinity Wars

So I'm*very sad and angry, but, ultimately, resigned to farewell all this franchise that I followed so constantly for 10 years

On this betrayal I dont think they deserve it anymore and I'll just let them die by their own hands and gradually becominc DC's carpet

It was a wonderful honeymoon, but sadly, it's over, and certainly not for our fault

It's definitely a farewell for me then, it hurts to part ways after 10 year, but for me it's unstandable, so...

I'm done with Marvel
An interesting contrast with the claim to enjoy MCU heroes because of how humble they are.

HashtagBrownies 03-17-19 09:54 AM

Re: I'm done with Marvel
Abandoning a franchise because of ONE bad film is incredibly dumb.

Yam12 03-17-19 10:38 AM

Re: I'm done with Marvel
Marvel's been lowest cmmon denominator garbage since the beginning so I don't how you noticed just now.

Yoda 03-17-19 11:14 AM

Re: I'm done with Marvel
I read most of this and I kept expecting to get to the part where you explain why this horrible thing is so horrible and it seems like it kinda never happens.

Seems like 95% of this post is either trying to buttress why people should listen to your opinion (which seems to come down to "I liked Marvel a lot"), or just reinforcing how strongly you feel about that opinion.

I tend to think well-founded opinions and well-formulated arguments speak for themselves, and don't need all that kind of extra insistence and self-hype beforehand to have an effect.

ynwtf 03-17-19 11:41 AM

Re: I'm done with Marvel
I read it as a scripted A.I. bomb.

Iroquois 03-17-19 11:43 AM

Re: I'm done with Marvel
Don't worry, the other 5% of the post is recycling the exact same complaints people have been having about this movie since it was announced.

MijaFrost 03-17-19 12:18 PM

Originally Posted by HashtagBrownies (Post 1996952)
Abandoning a franchise because of ONE bad film is incredibly dumb.
^ Yeah. If you like the other movies so much, why stop now?

Most of them I rated
, which means I thought they were alright, fun to watch, but rather mediocre. I won't see Captain Marvel in the cinema because of the issues I have with it, but once it's available I'll watch it at home for kicks.

I don't mind superhero movies now and then, even if I keep hoping to see a new approach without the typical clichés (Logan was a good example, loved it).

Tugg 03-17-19 12:26 PM

Re: I'm done with Marvel
I'm not going to watch "Captain Marvel" in cinema, but I'm surely going to catch up with it after I've watched "Avengers: Endgame" in cinema. Can't wait for the later.

Guaporense 03-17-19 04:00 PM

Re: I'm done with Marvel
Captain Marvel is my favorite Marvel movie.

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