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Nostromo87 05-22-14 10:05 PM

Slash Vault, Bloody Adventures with MoFo Nostromo

first, a brief history and backstory:

it began in 1957 when a real-life wacko named Ed Gein was arrested in his hometown of Plainfield, Wisconsin for murdering locals, robbing graves, engaging in cannibalism, and other absurd depravities. Ed Gain wore a necklace made of human lips, along with mammary (yea, boobs) and face masks made of real skin. he had a Puritan mother, dead for some time, who was said to be domineering. sentenced to life imprisonment in a mental hospital, therapists studying Ed theorized he was trying to make a 'woman suit' so he could pretend to be his dead mother. little did this guy know he was immortalizing himself. bc a struggling writer named Robert Bloch heard about his shameless exploits and wrote a book about it called Psycho. little did Robert Bloch know, his story would become a best-seller and get made into a film by Alfred Hitchcock in 1960. we're all familiar with the movie, we voted to induct it into the MoFo Hall of Fame. the Grandfather of Slashers

the time's come that i explore more of this horror sub-genre, bc aside from the major half-dozen or so that everyone is familiar with, i haven't hunted down the others... yet

welcome to the Vault, where i will review slasher movies in rounds of three. i will apply a fairly loose definition of slashers, so i can explore some Italian giallos and other films that are said to have inspired the genre. there promises to be plenty of blood, sex and general sleeze

Slashers, sometimes referred to as bodycount films or dead teenager movies, hit their Golden Age in Hollywood from 1978 through 1983. it got so ridiculous, that in 1983 over 60% of total Hollywood Box Office intake came from slasher movies. i will track down and review some of the lesser known titles, as well as gradually dealing out reviews

if your stomach gets queasy or you are faint of heart, turn back now.
for the others, join me in the Slash Vault

the first trio of blood-soaked adventures commences... NOW !

Nostromo87 05-22-14 10:05 PM

1 Attachment(s)
(Charles E. Sellier Jr, 1984)

After his parents are murdered, a young tormented teenager
goes on a murderous rampage dressed as Santa,
due to his stay at an orphanage where he was abused by the Mother Superior

this movie is a legendary slasher for how much it pi$$ed off moms and their PTA meetings when it was released back in 1984. the image of Santa Claus as the stalking killer proclaiming 'Naughty!' to his victims strikes a deep chord of cynicism for those not prepared for it... and due to the uproar, the movie was banned before it could reach the west coast. it's a story that follows Billy, and his unfortunate experience with Santa Claus at the age of 5. then we move to an orphanage home, introducing us to the strict head-nun 'Mother Superior' and her subordinate, Sister Margaret, who i liked. then the story jumps to a grown up 18-year old Billy working as a stockboy in a toy store. Sister Margaret helped him get the job, which was a horrible idea. put a guy with traumatic christmas-related experiences in a toy store, and you're bound to get entertaining results

the version i saw was really raw and uncut. there were scenes included that didn't fit the whole as far as continuity of lighting and picture quality. however, this just added to the wacky experience

Conclusion: Don't show this movie to your wholesome grandparents. aside from that, it is a mixed bag of absurd hilarity and shameless exploitation. Could have covered more of what a horrible job 'Mother Superior' did in disciplining Billy when he was a kid. While that story thread isn't tied up, overall it is an absurd combination of slasher humor that hits the mark.
* worth a watch if you're a MoFo bastard *

Favorite Kill: Death By Bow-and-Arrow

7.0 / 10

and now, probably the best Christmas song ever -

Nostromo87 05-22-14 10:06 PM

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aka a million other titles (seriously)
(Mario Bava, 1971)

an elderly heiress is killed by her husband who wants control of her fortunes.
what ensues is an all-out murder spree
as relatives and friends attempt to reduce the inheritance playing field

a staple of drive-in theaters and grindhouses across the U.S in the 70's and 80's, a Bay of Blood is referred to as the prime example of a giallo film that inspired the dead teenager film craze. especially the Friday the 13th series, which straight up copied several scenes move-for-move. so next time you pop in Friday the 13th Pt II, you can get on your knees and thank this movie

anyhow, let's talk Giallo. Giallo is a genre of 20th century Italian literature and films, indicating crime fiction and mystery. and with this movie in 1971, Mario Bava went far beyond what he'd done before in the way of violence and gore. prior to this his films showed a greater level of restraint when it came to bloodshed, and then Bava released a Bay of Blood, and audiences were shocked. Christopher Lee, the legendary Dracula, was appalled when he was present at a screening. DISGUSTED!

but don't mind him, there's value here. this is probably the only movie of it's kind where every damm person in the movie is a killer. there's not just one masked murderer and a bunch of victims. everyone is a greedy bastard murderer trying to get their hands on the Countess' estate.

Conclusion: it's got a twist-ending, but it's not the killer coming back to life *gasp* ! it's easy to see how this movie was a direct inspiration to many of the slasher movies of the 80's, not just Friday the 13th. it focused on gore, death count, as well as frisky teenagers being hunted down and brutally disposed of. which is a little different to Psycho. Psycho wasn't big on death count and didn't really have some scantily-clad teenagers hanging around. still, despite all those endearing qualities, i'm not a huge fan of Bay of Blood despite respecting its influence. there's not quite the tension there is in other slasher films bc there's not really a victim to root for, but it's still entertaining

Favorite Kill: Double-spear kill mid-banging

+ 6.5 / 10

Nostromo87 05-22-14 10:07 PM

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(Tom McLoughlin, 1986)

Tommy Jarvis goes to the graveyard to get rid of Jason Voorhees' body,
but accidentally brings him back to life

after all the stuff i'd heard about Friday the 13th movies, i expected nothing but crap. instead, Jason Lives delivered as an amusing stand-alone movie. ya see, aside from Freddy vs Jason, this is the only Friday the 13th movie i've watched. had i seen the five that came before this, maybe i would've gotten burned out on Jason. not entirely sure, yet it had suspense, atmosphere, humor, and some characters i liked... mainly the sheriff's daughter Megan, she was a definite 80's hotty

Conclusion: of course, none of the acting is good in these movies, but i didn't care about that here. sometimes that makes it more fun. liked the main character Tommy Jarvis, played by Thom Matthews. i can understand if some folks who struggled through all the Friday the 13th installments weren't amused as i was. but i found it a fun addition to 80's slashers. it pokes fun at itself in a very Scream-like manner, 10 years before Scream existed. Jason Lives is the kind of movie i'd enjoy putting on at night when vacationing at the lake house

Favorite Kill: Everything that happens in the RV

+ 7.5 / 10

interested to see if i will remain as favorable about this one as i watch more Jason Voorhees flicks

Lucas 05-22-14 10:11 PM

Originally Posted by nostromo87 (Post 1093043)
there promises to plenty of blood, sex and general sleeze

Sounds awesome.....I'm in.

honeykid 05-22-14 10:25 PM

Re: Slash Vault, Bloody Adventures with MoFo Nostromo
Don't listen to the naysayers, Friday The 13th Part VI is great. Second only to Jason X and, maybe Part IV. It's top tier slashing, though.

BTW, do you need any recommendations?

Lucas 05-22-14 11:10 PM

Originally Posted by honeykid (Post 1093049)
Second only to Jason X and, maybe Part IV. It's top tier slashing, though.
Come on, let's all be perfectly honest here. Friday the 13th Part IV:The Final Chapter is the best of the series and you all know it. ;)

Swan 05-22-14 11:23 PM

Silent Night, Deadly Night is awesome.

Nostromo87 05-23-14 01:39 AM

what would you MoFos say is the movie that kickstarted the slasher craze, for discussion's sake ?

it seems to be up for debate, to a degree. what do you think ?

Deadite 05-23-14 02:32 AM

Re: Slash Vault, Bloody Adventures with MoFo Nostromo
Psycho pops into my head but I think there were a few earlier "semi-slashers"... I'm not sure how everyone might define the first true slasher film....

the samoan lawyer 05-23-14 04:57 AM

Re: Slash Vault, Bloody Adventures with MoFo Nostromo
Although i didnt really like it, Peeping Tom could maybe be included in the slasher sub-genre?

Nostromo87 05-23-14 09:50 AM

Originally Posted by Deadite (Post 1093095)
Psycho pops into my head but I think there were a few earlier "semi-slashers"... I'm not sure how everyone might define the first true slasher film....
maybe when i get through enough movies in this thread, i can make a convoluted family tree of slasher flicks

Daniel M 05-23-14 11:29 AM

Re: Slash Vault, Bloody Adventures with MoFo Nostromo
In Scream he asks that question on the phone, I think she gives the answer "Psycho" and he replies "False, Peeping Tom" ;)

Swan 05-23-14 11:40 AM

Originally Posted by nostromo87 (Post 1093086)
what would you MoFos say is the movie that kickstarted the slasher craze, for discussion's sake ?

it seems to be up for debate, to a degree. what do you think ?
Well the movie that kickstarted the craze was Halloween. But I don't consider it the first actual slasher. I think some slashers before it were:

Peeping Tom
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Alice Sweet Alice
Black Christmas

honeykid 05-23-14 12:38 PM

Originally Posted by Swan (Post 1093178)
Well the movie that kickstarted the craze was Halloween. But I don't consider it the first actual slasher. I think some slashers before it were:

Peeping Tom
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Alice Sweet Alice
Black Christmas
That's a good list, but I have to throw in Torso and Twitch Of The Death Nerve, which is, possibly, the most direct influence on the American slasher genre of the 70's and, maybe more so due to it's bodycount, blood and deaths, the 80's. But you can find influences in splatter films and Giallo films throughout the 60's

Nostromo87 05-31-14 10:50 PM

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Rd 2 resumes with three big hitter franchises in the Slash genre. will work in some lesser known entries in the coming weeks
(Chuck Russell, 1987)

Survivors of undead serial killer Freddy Krueger -
who stalks his victims in their dreams -
learn to take control of their own dreams in order to fight back

Wes Craven got more involved with the screenplay, & Freddy is back to haunt the children of Springwood. this time he terrorizes the teenage patients in the Elm Street psychiatric ward. we get Heather Langenkamp back as Nancy Thompson, who plays a psychiatrist specializing in dream therapy

Patricia Arquette was 19 years old when this was released in 1987 and was an 80's babe. she plays the character Kristen Parker. this was her first movie as a credited actress. Kristen has a unique ability to pull others into her dreams, which gives Nancy and the kids a chance to face Freddy together in the dream house

: when it comes to movie land and movie fandom, i'm an Elm Street kid. so while this movie doesn't match the original punch-for-punch, i like it anyways. we learn about Freddy's grim history, meet the spirit of his mother (creepy), and learn that Freddy is the bastard son of a thousand maniacs. some may be turned off bc parts of it are hokey when it comes to acting and dialogue, although that added to its charm for me. there seemed to be things that could've been done better, maybe if Craven had directed it instead of Chuck Russell. but i found this to be a fun 80's flick. look forward to watching Wes Craven's New Nightmare next, as it will complete the makeshift Elm Street Trilogy comprised along with the Original and Dream Warriors... as i am skipping the other sequels for now

Favorite Kill: tough call. Freddy is finding creatively sadistic new ways of butchering his victims. first, Freddy as the puppeteer sending Phillip to his demise using the dude's arm ligaments as puppet strings. brutal way to go. second, Jennifer Caulfield gets her big break in TV. third, Taryn OD's by way of syringe-glove Fred Krueger.
Welcome to PrimeTime, b!tch, is my winner

+ 7.5 / 10

Nostromo87 05-31-14 10:52 PM

1 Attachment(s)
(Rick Rosenthal, 1981)

Laurie Strode is rushed to the hospital,
while Sheriff Brackett and Dr. Loomis hunt the streets for Michael Myers,
who has found Laurie at the Haddonfield Hospital

we're back in Haddonfield on October 31st, 1978. picking up where we left off with Michael escaping Dr Loomis' grasp and wreaking havoc in the neighborhood. for those of us who love the original Halloween, there will be at least some level of curiosity as to where things go from there. at the same time, it feels like we're rehashing the same story too much

at first, the entire sheriff's department is in on the manhunt. later the US Marshall arrives to return Myers to Smith's Grove, the mental facility Michael escaped from in the original. Meanwhile Laurie's in the Haddonfield hospital and the staff is getting picked off one-by-one by the Shape. shoutout to Lance Guest playing Jimmy. he starred in the Last Starfighter (1984), he and Laurie got the hots for each other

Conclusion: there are a few things i like, and others i don't. it's got a Halloween-like atmosphere which is a plus, but don't like the twist with Laurie being Michael's long lost sis. too contrived. which John Carpenter admits when he wrote this sequel, boozed up on Budweiser, which he didn't really want to do. so he passed off the director's chair to Rick Rosenthal. it's not terribly exciting, but there is some decent suspense.

Favorite Kill: hammer claw to the head

6.0 / 10

Nostromo87 05-31-14 10:52 PM

(Wes Craven, 1997)

two years after the first series of murders,
a new psychopath dons the Ghostface costume
and a new string of killings begins

Gale Weathers' best selling book about the Woodsboro Murders has been made into a major motion picture entitled Stab, and we start off in a movie theater for Stab's opening night. the opening scene is really memorable and an adrenaline-pumping horror film opening, can't ask for much better. right away you know you're in for an experience. Sidney Prescott is in college, and Ghostface is back. while Sidney is no doubt still dealing with the traumatic events of the original story, there's no rehashing here. we end up with a thrilling ride of a movie inside a story inside a movie. that's Scream 2, and it's a great ride

filmed mostly in Atlanta, Ga, and finished up in Los Angeles, Scream 2 is Wes Craven's triumphant sequel to Scream (1996). this was a successful entry to the slash genre and got 90's horror fans enthused. it knows its purpose and delivers, it never strays.

Conclusion: it's got suspense, humor, and it is not a letdown of a sequel. one thing i like about this slasher movie is that it's not afraid to bring up ideas most horror movies would avoid. such as, do violent movies invoke violent actions? pretty gutsy and self-aware point to bring up considering the film has gory situations of its own. anyhow, it's a well-directed flick by Wes Craven. before i forget, we also get a cameo from Heather Graham in a shower sequence as a callback to Psycho. sounds good to me. it's got some nice inside jokes and horror-movie references for those who are into that sorta thing. give it a chance some time if you haven't yet

Favorite Kill: Cici Cooper (Sarah Michelle Gellar) sequence at the sorority house

8.0 / 10

Sexy Celebrity 05-31-14 10:52 PM

Re: Slash Vault, Bloody Adventures with MoFo Nostromo
I still want to do a commentary with you soon.

The Gunslinger45 05-31-14 10:53 PM

Re: Slash Vault, Bloody Adventures with MoFo Nostromo
Halloween 2 is still better then Halloween III.

honeykid 05-31-14 11:59 PM

Originally Posted by The Gunslinger45 (Post 1096534)
Halloween 2 is still better then Halloween III.
No, it isn't. :nope:

I think Halloween III is my favourite after the original.

Plus, it has this.

And that alone makes it better than the second film.

The Gunslinger45 06-01-14 12:18 AM

Re: Slash Vault, Bloody Adventures with MoFo Nostromo
Sorry HK, but no Michael Myers no dice for me.

honeykid 06-01-14 12:22 AM

Re: Slash Vault, Bloody Adventures with MoFo Nostromo
I can understand that. I've never cared for Michael Myers, though. Even less than Jason and I don't find the Halloween films to be particulary too slashers, so I've never cared much for the series. The original, though, is brilliant.

Sexy Celebrity 06-01-14 12:48 AM

Re: Slash Vault, Bloody Adventures with MoFo Nostromo
I really like Halloween 5: The Revenge of Michael Myers, even though it's not a perfect movie at all. I find it really dark and Michael is brutal in it. I do like Halloween II -- the problem is it's kind of boring at times. But Halloween, Halloween 5 and Halloween II are my top three favorites of the series.

Halloween 4 was the first one of those I ever saw. It would be a decade later before I would see the original. I liked 4 enough to the point where it made me go rent 5 back in 1993 (I remember this). And II used to play on TV a lot.

Come to think of it, I think I saw Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers before I even saw the original.

Swan 06-01-14 12:51 AM

I'm with honeykid, after the original my favorite is the third one.

Originally Posted by The Gunslinger45 (Post 1096571)
Sorry HK, but no Michael Myers no dice for me.
I really wish they stuck with the idea they had while making the third one, to have each new film be a different, unique story set on Halloween. The possibilities would be endless and we would probably still be seeing unique Halloween-themed entries every year or two. And it would be a great way for new writing and directing talent to get their break. You might have a dud every now and then, but you would also be getting some great horror movies. Just a massively wasted opportunity.

Sexy Celebrity 06-01-14 12:55 AM

Re: Slash Vault, Bloody Adventures with MoFo Nostromo
I'm glad they didn't go that direction because I hate nothing more than a bunch of... different anthology stories.

Like, if you're going to do that, just make them individual films and don't even slap the Halloween title on them.

They made two films about Michael Myers. Halloween was about Michael Myers. The family theme was interesting. Halloween 4 and Halloween 5 were both fun with the creation of Michael Myers' niece. Halloween 6 is where it all unraveled, though.

Sexy Celebrity 06-01-14 01:06 AM

Originally Posted by Swan (Post 1096617)
I love anthology type stuff. You would need a consistent outlet, I think. A studio constantly making Halloween-themed films might as well make it part of an ongoing series. A series called Halloween.
It's too TV-show like for me. Which I hate. I like sequels that continue from where the story left off, provided the sequels always do something new and interesting, at least somewhat. I am not enchanted with franchises that keep giving out new characters and new situations and new tales. Make your own separate movie, I say.

I would watch Halloween 67 with Michael Myers still alive, if only they made the movies good. The problem with these sequels and reboots and things is how they change things -- how the tone changes a lot. I mean, like, in Halloween 5, I feel that there's a tone there that I liked. It's different from the original Halloween, yes, but something about it still works. The problem is time changes and you get different kinds of characters and actors and situations and the material can weaken and dilute and just doesn't have the same kind of intensity.

I DESPISE Halloween: Resurrection. It was all wrong.

These movies get into new people's hands and then they mess them up. These directors sit back and say they're making something good, but they're really just making crap. It would be great to see a franchise go on forever while being directed and written by the same people, but things just never work out for the best.

Sexy Celebrity 06-01-14 01:23 AM

Re: Slash Vault, Bloody Adventures with MoFo Nostromo
I never said the Halloween sequels were done right. But who's to say Halloween sequels without Michael would have been any good? There's a reason why Halloween continued with Michaels -- Halloween III wasn't critically favored. And the fans wanted Michael back.

And they still do. There's, like, TEN of those movies now, with the possibility of more coming.

Sexy Celebrity 06-01-14 01:34 AM

Originally Posted by Swan (Post 1096635)
There's a greater possibility that there would be good entries, I think. Just by the mere fact that you have a new story, with new talent behind the scenes, there's a lot of potential there.
But make them separate films. Don't go all anthology and slap the Halloween title on them. I hate that kind of stuff. Of course Honeykid would like it because he liked the old Friday the 13th series that had nothing to do with Jason.

If Halloween had dropped Michael Myers after Part II, everyone would just be wishing they had made more Michael Myers sequels.

Sexy Celebrity 06-01-14 01:47 AM

Re: Slash Vault, Bloody Adventures with MoFo Nostromo
I'm done. Endless conversation. Life did not work out this way, K? We got Michael Myers movies instead of the separate "movies dealing with Halloween." My side won. Thank God.


honeykid 06-01-14 01:48 AM

Originally Posted by Sexy Celebrity (Post 1096637)
But make them separate films. Don't go all anthology and slap the Halloween title on them.
But then you don't have a recognisable name brand. You can see the dilemma for the suits... Regardless of the Hollywood creative utopia that bouncingbrick thinks exists. :D

Of course Honeykid would like it because he liked the old Friday the 13th series that had nothing to do with Jason.
TBF, that series had nothing to do with the films at all. Not just Jason. It was about cursed objects.

honeykid 06-01-14 01:55 AM

Re: Slash Vault, Bloody Adventures with MoFo Nostromo
They didn't. They went back to the money. That's the point.

Nausicaä 06-01-14 05:52 PM

Re: Slash Vault, Bloody Adventures with MoFo Nostromo
Myers, no Myers, Myers, no Myers... Myerssssss.

Jack1 06-03-14 11:22 AM

Re: Slash Vault, Bloody Adventures with MoFo Nostromo
I think Halloween II is a great sequel to the original. Not as good, but a worthy follow-up.

Nostromo87 06-05-14 01:36 AM

1 Attachment(s)
(Mark Rosman, 1983)

After a seemingly innocent prank goes horribly wrong,
a group of sorority sisters are picked off one by one in their sorority house
while throwing a party to celebrate their graduation

bishes are crazy. especially when they're of the sorority sort. the House on Sorority Row is about a group of house girls who want to throw a big blowout party at the end of the semester, and end up clashing with the house mom... and she's got issues. perhaps a bit of the mother complex, which goes back to Ed Gein and the real-life horrors of the 1950's.

Vicki is played by Eileen Davidson, the sexiest of the sorostitutes, she's the ring leader. she doesn't put up with bullsh!t. she knows when there's a problem, and she puts an end to it. she's out to save her skin. completely unaffected by morality. in a different movie, she may have had a better fate

Conclusion: here we go. a slasher that's pretty dammed ridiculous. released in 1983, which was the apex of the slasher craze when these kind of films earned over 60% of total Hollywood box office intake. it's time this happened. despite the humor, this one just seems more dated to me than the others so far. even tho Kate McNeil does an admirable job as our leading lady

Favorite Kill: Vicki and her friend in the graveyard

+ 4.5 / 10

Nostromo87 06-05-14 01:37 AM

1 Attachment(s)

(Joseph Zito, 1984)

after being mortally wounded and taken to the morgue,
Jason Voorhees is resurrected and embarks on a killing spree
as he makes his way home to Crystal Lake

Crispin Glover is in this movie, the year before he was George McFly. his character's name is Jimmy. at the beginning, Jimmy and his friends are in the car on their way to the lake house. Jimmy's trying to figure out why his girlfriend dumped him. his friend Ted says maybe it's bc he's 'a dead f***,' a lousy lay, etc.. but what does Ted know?

you don't really get to see much of Jason until the end. the earlier kill scenes are fast and you don't really get a good look at the killer. maybe they were going for a 'show less of the killer' thing. which i always thought of as a technique for when the killer is a mystery. that's obviously not the case here, we all know it's Jason Voorhees. so we're spending most of the time with the characters. with Jimmy and Ted and the girls they're with. we also get to hang out with Tommy Jarvis (Corey Feldman), who seems to be really talented at making halloween masks

Conclusion: it's got fun effects, jokes, George McFly, buck naked girls, and it's fun to review. that doesn't necessarily add up to a masterpiece slash flick, but it's at least a fun one to watch.

Favorite Kill: wrapping spoilers here, as i wouldn't want to accidentally read this if i hadn't seen it yet:
WARNING: "the Final Chapter" spoilers below
there are several memorable kills. one of the better ones is when Jason takes down Crispin Glover, the apparent dead f***, fresh off his first successful lay. he goes downstairs to get his girl a bottle of whine, but then gets stabbed with the corkscrew and gets a knife to the face. well damm, Jimmy woulda been better off as a dead f****. the banana girl one is pretty good, as are a few of the axe kills. but none of them are better than when little Tommy disguises himself as young Jason Voorhees, then kills Jason with his machéte.
the Winner is Tommy Jarvis

+ 6.5 / 10

Nostromo87 06-05-14 01:39 AM

1 Attachment(s)
(James Wan, 2004)

with a dead body lying between them, two men wake up in the lair of a serial killer nicknamed "Jigsaw".
they must follow various rules and objectives
if they wish to survive and win the deadly game set for them

Saw is not a prototypical slasher, it's a bit darker stuff. yet it adheres to similar morality rules when it pertains to the killer and the victims, and is no doubt a sick bloody adventure. up til now all the entries have been child's play. while Freddy Krueger, Michael Myers, Jason, and the others are fun and have their scares, this one goes a bit deeper. if this thread is to achieve its objective, we're going here. as the bottom of the first post warned, if you get queasy, turn back. this is a sub-genre of slash, some call it splatter, others call it torture porn. not covering this to glorify the darker sides... but bc underneath all that, there may be something more there. a deeper truth

Saw was directed by James Wan and was shot in just 18 days. our killer is Jigsaw. he sets up games, and his victims are not chosen arbitrarily. they've done things of a highly questionable nature. does that deserve punishment? an interesting query. meet Dr Gordon, played by Cary Elwes, he's our lead character. he has a lifeless relationship with his family, he cheats on his wife. he's consumed with his work as a surgeon and doesn't appreciate what he has. he is being held captive in an abandoned restroom along with a photographer named Adam. if you can get through the ruthless nature of this film, there is something there, underneath. nobody's perfect if they're being honest with themselves in their personal lives. and Jigsaw knows it. he's a freaky intriguing character & a sick dude, he admits it. his twisted games get to the root of his victim's issues. and if they're legit enough to survive, they end up coming out saying he helped them. it's twisted stuff

Conclusion: are the darker sides of Saw redeemed by its message? the answer for many will be no. however there are complexities of life here. i saw this in theaters with a group of friends in 2004 when i was in high school, but it needed a rewatch before i could review it. won't exalt the brutal images and ideas we see, yet that doesn't mean there won't be something to get out of this. it's not mindless gore, but calculated and intricate plotlines... that twist. in some ways, this reminds me of the Exorcist. it disturbs, even tho its phenomenon is not built entirely on shock value. there's more... beneath the surface

Favorite Kill: the other entries before this can be treated in a light-hearted manner in this regard, but this film handles its bloodshed on a more visceral level. don't have a favorite kill here, not going there in this case

+ 6.5 / 10

the samoan lawyer 06-05-14 04:57 AM

Re: Slash Vault, Bloody Adventures with MoFo Nostromo
Good work Nostromo. Ive still not seen Sorority Row or The Final Chapter but i 'enjoyed' Saw.

honeykid 06-05-14 06:54 AM

I don't think I've seen Saw since it came out, but I liked it. I quite liked Saw II as well, but I've not seen any of the others and torture porn doesn't interest me.

I will say I think there's a difference between torture porn and a splatter film, though. I know they seem to be squished together now (and maybe it's just that I knew of splatter films before the torture porn stuff started) by I think that there's a meaness about torture porn, whereas splatter has a sense of fun, though they're both firmly in the exploitation genre.

If you're including splatter films, then I'd like to put forward Blood Feast and Two Thousand Maniacs, from the father of the Splatter, Herschell Gordon Lewis. Maybe Color Me Red, as well, if only to finish the 'trilogy'.

honeykid 06-05-14 11:38 AM

Re: Slash Vault, Bloody Adventures with MoFo Nostromo
You should watch Blood Feast, though. Simply because it's on my 100. :D

cricket 06-05-14 11:03 PM

I never really gave the Saw movies much of a shot, probably because I had other hobbies when they came out. I will at some point as I do like nasty horror movies like Hostel, Wolf Creek, etc.

Captain Spaulding 06-06-14 07:14 AM

I'm a big fan of the whole "torture porn" sub-genre. Unfortunately, that trend has already disappeared, but I wish it'd come back, since it produced several of my favorite horror movies: House of 1000 Corpses, The Devil's Rejects, The Hills Have Eyes remake, Hostel, Wolf Creek, The Descent, etc. I was never a big fan of the Saw franchise. The first one was decent, but they quickly got much, much worse. Not surprisingly, of course, given the public's questionable track record, the Saw franchise was the most successful from a financial standpoint and spawned the most sequels. However, I've always thought that the Saw movies were more similar to slashers than torture porn.

Torture porn was much maligned and labeled all sorts of nasty things, but I find slasher films to be much more morally questionable. In a typical slasher, the audience is rooting for the killer. We watch the systematic destruction of a group of annoying, half-dressed teens and we laugh and/or applaud when their eventual murder arrives in all its bloody predictability.

Torture porn, on the other hand, typically portrays the true ugliness of such acts. Audiences don't react positively and joke about what they're seeing on the screen, because torture porn aims to shock and disturb and make the audience feel as if they're unwilling accomplices in a horrible crime. Like Honeykid said, there's a meanness to it, as there should be, in my opinion. An effective horror film should burrow under the audience's skin. People should gasp and look away and feel a sense of disgust and revulsion, instead of laughing and clapping and joking about the killings as they do for slasher films. I'm down for an occasional horror comedy, but if I'm going to watch a true horror film, I want it to be horrifying. Torture porn films were. Slashers, not so much.

Sexy Celebrity 06-06-14 08:13 AM

Re: Slash Vault, Bloody Adventures with MoFo Nostromo
At least you like HOSTEL, Captain Spaulding. I like it, too. The first one and the second one.

honeykid 06-06-14 08:25 AM

Originally Posted by Captain Spaulding (Post 1099362)
Torture porn was much maligned and labeled all sorts of nasty things, but I find slasher films to be much more morally questionable. In a typical slasher, the audience is rooting for the killer. We watch the systematic destruction of a group of annoying, half-dressed teens and we laugh and/or applaud when their eventual murder arrives in all its bloody predictability.
Well, we did until they went all PG-13, :(

cricket 06-06-14 09:29 AM

I don't like the term torture porn; it sounds silly to me. I find it hard to label a lot of different movies anyway. I look at movies like The Devil's Rejects, the original Last House on the Left, and Henry, more like crime films. It's just a different way of looking at things. HK is right; PG-13 has ruined many horror films. I think that rating has really made a separation between kid friendly and nasty. There seems to be no in between anymore.

Captain- You might like Train

honeykid 06-06-14 01:35 PM

It's not the rating, it's the producers. Without wishing to provoke bouncingbrick into another thread about cynicism, PG-13 horror exists because, as we all know, kids want to be cool. It's also why many/most of the remakes are PG-13. For the producters, they're tried and tested films which have not only found an audience before, but are still remembered, making them a less risky investment. The second part is important, because it feeds into the other reason I think they're made. Those films have a reputation. A reputation that younger kids know about/find out about/are told about due to the remake and, therefore, want to see. The rating greatly increases the audience by allowing mum and dad to happily wave them off, save in the knowledge their not going to see the version they don't want them to see. Obviously, they don't see the film that made the reputation, but that's not the point.

It doesn't even have to be horror or old films. The best example I can think of is Taken 2. The first, I'm told, had a big reputation for its violence. The sequel came out, but with a lower rating, allowing them to take advantage of the younger demographic who wanted to see it due to the reputation/their love of the first.

cricket 06-06-14 08:22 PM

I think the new RoboCop is a good example of that.

Nostromo87 06-16-14 09:22 PM

1 Attachment(s)
(Robert Hiltzik, 1983)

angela baker is sent away to summer camp with her cousin

1983. when these kind of flicks were selling like hotcakes

Sleepaway Camp begins with a melodramatic boating accident which kills little Angela's father and brother. flash forward 8 years, Angela now lives with Aunt Martha and a cousin, Ricky. Ricky is the cocky and sociable type, whereas Angela is shy and different. Aunt Martha sends the two young teenage cousins to Camp Arawak for the summer. and for the record, i have no reservations in saying the aunt is creepier than Mrs Bates in Psycho

once Angela and Ricky get to camp, we meet an array of characters. counselers, campers, a creepy cook, and the owner of the camp, Mel. the campers begin to make fun of Angela. Judy and Meg are the ringleaders and are pretty brutal to our main character. it's kids being kids in a summer camp setting. bad things start to happen. while many slasher flicks have a heavy revenge theme, i'd say this one is a bit more focused on bizarre sexual subtext throughout. the cast is full of amateur unknowns, which adds a fun and unique vibe to the story

Conclusion: this is a movie that would be really easy to spoil. i was lucky enough to not know its twist beforehand, which is pretty freaky. if i go further in depth it will spoil the movie for anyone who hasn't seen it yet. i found it to have its own strange and messed-up charm, and thought it a hidden classic of 80's slashers... as i hadn't heard of this movie until i began searching through titles to watch for this thread. Sleepaway Camp has an ending that is pretty scary and memorable... and adds a whole other layer to everything we think we just watched. would probably make for an interesting commentary movie

Favorite Kill: Mel getting an arrow through the neck may the be only kill where you actually see what happens. a lot of the kill scenes are a bit hokey in the sense that the kill is implied rather than shown. although, if i am interpreting this other one right, Judy is served her dose of karma by way of a burning hot hair curler inserted into her, well, nether regions. that seems to be what happened

+ 6.5 / 10

Nostromo87 06-16-14 09:23 PM

1 Attachment(s)
(George Mihalka, 1981)

a decades old folk tale about a masked murderer
killing those who celebrate Valentine's Day

the tale is set in a small Canadian mining town called Valentines Bluff. every year the town holds a Valentines Day dance. that is, until the Curse of Harry Warden came about. what the hell is 'the Curse of Harry Warden?' you ask. well apparently he's the last survivor of a Valentine's Day mining disaster from 20 years ago. the supervisors were so eager to get to the Valentine's Day dance that they didn't bother to check the levels of methane gas in the mine. a massive explosion ensued and five workers were trapped inside. the only survivor was Harry Warden.

Exactly one year later on Feb 14th he returned and murdered the two who were responsible for the tragic mishap. He cut out their hearts, stuck them in candy boxes and sent them to the authorities. but Harry was caught and put into the Eastfield Asylum for the insane. but Warden swore, if Valentines Bluff ever holds another Valentines Day dance he will return and continue the murder spree. you can begin to see patterns of a Halloween-clone film developing

Fast-forward 20 years. Memories of Warden's murders have passed and the town is preparing to throw the first Valentines Dance since the tragedies. we're hanging out with a group of young adults who are looking forward to the festivities. but the night before the event, the town mayor receives a bloody heart in a candy box with a warning. Harry Warden is back !

meanwhile, there's a love triangle with Axel and TJ vying for Sarah, played by Lori Hallier, who i found to be quite easy on the eyes. she begins to get fed up with these two guys always pushing the envelope for her affection

Conclusion: there might have been a good movie hidden somewhere in this concept. there are elements of it i liked, although it feels a little disjointed. i think it'd be fun to get a crack at a re-write of this story. i'd like to re-arrange a few pieces of the jig-saw puzzle, maybe this could have been better than it was. nonetheless it had some cool images that helped make the viewing enjoyable, despite what i thought a middling execution of the narrative. a somewhat decent 80's slasher

Favorite Kill: there are a number of deaths by pickaxe. although Hollis' demise by getting shot in the head with a nail gun was pretty memorable

+ 5.5 / 10

Nostromo87 06-16-14 09:23 PM

1 Attachment(s)
(Dwight H. Little, 1988)

ten years after his original massacre,
the invalid Michael Myers awakens and returns to Haddonfield

it's the 10 year anniversary of Michael Myers' first attack on Haddonfield. one of the opening lines of the film: 'this is where society dumps its worst nightmares.' found that a fitting quote - in the slash vault ! Myers has been in a coma ever since his killing spree was stopped by Dr Loomis and Laurie Strode, and is being transferred from Ridgemont Federal Sanitarium to Smith's Grove. Michael awakens when he hears that Laurie Strode is deceased, but her daughter, Jamie Lloyd is alive and well in Haddonfield. He kills the ambulance crew and escapes. Dr Loomis, burned face and all, is on the trail of his cursed ex-patient, the Father of modern horror

we meet little Jamie, i'm not sure exactly what her age is supposed to be, but my guess is she is 6 years old just like Michael was at the start of Halloween (1978). she was adopted by the Carruthers family and is babysitted by their daughter Rachel on Halloween night 1988. this throws off Rachel's plans, as she was supposed to have a date with a boy named Brady. tough luck, bc Brady goes and hooks up with the sheriff's daughter who is pretty much a smoke show. what a bastard

Conclusion: found it a decently satisfying sequel. i liked Act 1 and Act 2 quite a bit. it's pretty strong on atmosphere. the 3rd act is full of tension, but i'm not sure what i think about the ending
WARNING: "Halloween IV" spoilers below
when Jamie pulls a Michael at the end
. maybe went a little off the deep end there. i did like this more than Halloween II (1981) even tho the only time we see Laurie Strode in this one is in a photograph. it leans more on suspense and atmosphere than gore. this may end up being my favorite sequel in the Halloween series. i'm not sure it has too much competition

Favorite Kill: Kelly pinned to the wall via stabbing with the barrel of a shotgun. that can't be possible. the most memorable one is the spoiler above, tho

7.0 / 10

Swan 06-16-14 09:27 PM

Re: Slash Vault, Bloody Adventures with MoFo Nostromo
I have Sleepaway Camp ready to watch. I've seen My Bloody Valentine, good but not great as I remember it. The fourth Halloween aint bad, but that's when his mask started looking wrong.

Nostromo87 06-16-14 09:42 PM

starting to get a bit of a foundation. it's been fun having a frame of reference with each new entry

my current rankings for the movies i've covered so far in The Vault:

1. Scream 2 (1997)
2. Jason Lives: Friday the 13th Part VI (1986)
3. a Nightmare on Elm Street III: Dream Warriors (1987)
4. Sleepaway Camp (1983)
5. a Bay of Blood (1971)
6. Saw (2004)
7. Silent Night, Deadly Night (1984)
8. Halloween IV: The Return of Michael Myers (1988)
9. Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter (1984)
10. My Bloody Valentine (1981)
11. Halloween II (1981)
12. The House on Sorority Row (1983)

Scream 2 is the King, for now

interested to know if anyone has a favorite, from what i've covered so far

Swan 06-16-14 09:44 PM

Re: Slash Vault, Bloody Adventures with MoFo Nostromo
Saw being higher than Silent Night, Deadly Night? :tsk:

I did get The House on Sorority Row for my dad yesterday. We'll see how that is.

honeykid 06-16-14 09:46 PM

Re: Slash Vault, Bloody Adventures with MoFo Nostromo
Sleepaway Camp and My Bloody Valentine were films I was thinking about doing a group commentary for.

Swan 06-16-14 09:47 PM

Originally Posted by nostromo87 (Post 1096531)
but don't like the twist with Laurie being Michael's long lost sis. too contrived. which John Carpenter admits when he wrote this sequel, boozed up on Budweiser, which he didn't really want to do. so he passed off the director's chair to Rick Rosenthal.
Can you explain this a bit? Do you mean Carpenter didn't like making Laurie Michael's sister? If so, why did he put that in the script?

Nostromo87 06-16-14 09:50 PM

Originally Posted by Swan (Post 1105326)
Saw being higher than Silent Night, Deadly Night? :tsk:

I did get The House on Sorority Row for my dad yesterday. We'll see how that is.
they are pretty different, really. i may need to revisit my rating for Silent Night, Deadly Night, as that was my first viewing for the thread and i had no frame of reference

Nostromo87 06-16-14 09:54 PM

Originally Posted by Swan (Post 1105330)
but don't like the twist with Laurie being Michael's long lost sis. too contrived. which John Carpenter admits when he wrote this sequel, boozed up on Budweiser, which he didn't really want to do. so he passed off the director's chair to Rick Rosenthal.
Can you explain this a bit? Do you mean Carpenter didn't like making Laurie Michael's sister? If so, why did he put that in the script?
i remember hearing that he forced the script through and admitted he didn't really like what he wrote

i think maybe the studio had put it in his contract with Halloween (1978) that he had to at least write the sequel

somebody else may be able to clarify, as i don't have a link. if my memory's accurate i heard it straight from John Carpenter on one of his behind-the-scenes featurettes

Swan 06-16-14 09:55 PM

Re: Slash Vault, Bloody Adventures with MoFo Nostromo
Hmm. I saw the series when I was young, so him being her brother just felt like canon to me and I didn't question it... when you think you it though, it is pretty stupid.

Swan 06-16-14 10:00 PM

Re: Slash Vault, Bloody Adventures with MoFo Nostromo
I already know the twist, so is it okay if I still join? :)

Sexy Celebrity 06-16-14 10:02 PM

Originally Posted by Swan (Post 1105326)
I did get The House on Sorority Row for my dad yesterday. We'll see how that is.
I turned it off halfway through (I tried watching it recently) but watched some of the ending. It seemed just so-so to me.

Swan 06-16-14 10:05 PM

Re: Slash Vault, Bloody Adventures with MoFo Nostromo
My dad is so easy when it comes to horror, it shouldn't be a problem.

cricket 06-16-14 10:55 PM

I really like Sleepaway Camp and thought My Bloody Valentine was ok. Halloween is like Friday the 13th for me; there's been so many that I've mixed most of them up.

Nostromo87 06-20-14 06:20 PM

1 Attachment(s)
(Tom Holland, 1988)

a single mother gives her son a beloved doll for his birthday,
only to discover that it is possessed

voodoo, Chris Sarandon, Catherine Hicks, & a Chucky doll. equal parts comical, ridiculous, and creepy. it begins when criminal Charles Lee Ray, a maniac serial killer, is chased by cop Mike Norris (Sarandon) into a toy store. needing an escape, Charles chants mystical incantations, 1980's lightning clouds form in the sky, and Charles passes his soul into a 'good guy doll.' this is real life

flash to the apartment home of single mom Karen Barclay and her son, Andy. it's his birthday, and he gets a good guy doll as a gift... only after his mother has to purchase one from a bum peddler in a dark alleyway. the freakiest parts happen early on, when the only person who knows Chucky is alive is 6-year-old Andy. this probably could have been even darker than it was... had they chosen to make the doll be unresponsive when it knew a murder case was under way and 6-year-old Andy was the only suspect

: the scariest part may be how invested everyone is in the story... actors, director,
special-effects technicians... everyone mindbogglingly plays it straight. picture being in the same room as these people act out the scenes and interact this real with a little toy doll. not sure if that would be really funny or just really creepy. the legend of Chucky is born

Favorite Kill: could go with Maggie's death, the lady who babysits Andy and his toy. she gets hit in the head with a toy hammer and crashes through a high apartment window to her doom. but not sure that's as momentous as none other than Chucky's getting burned in the fireplace... then having his arms, legs, & head blown off ... and still coming back to life. or maybe it's the voodoo guy having his arms and legs broken and chest knifed by way of voodoo doll courtesy of Chucky.

+ 6.5 / 10

Nostromo87 06-20-14 06:20 PM

1 Attachment(s)
(Tony Maylam, 1981)

a former summer camp caretaker, horribly burned from a prank gone wrong,
lurks around an upstate New York summer camp
bent on killing the teenagers responsible for his disfigurement

before i get into the review, i'd like to take a look at the producer of this movie. as that's not often something i see us talking about. a man with 289 producer credits. they say, in a survey examining the speeches of Academy Award winners over the last twenty years, it was determined that 7 Oscar winners thanked God in their acceptance speeches. 30 Oscar winners thanked Harvey Weinstein. well, i say all that, bc this is where Harvey Weinstein began. this was his first producer credit. original story created & produced by Harvey Weinstein. screenplay writing credit to his brother, Bob Weinstein. Bob's got 277 producer credits. i found that pretty compelling for the Burning once i saw their names in the opening credits and did a little research

the story begins at Camp Blackfoot. campers play a prank on the caretaker named Cropsy, and it goes horribly wrong. Cropsy is burned beyond recognition. fast-forward 15 years, skin grafts were unable to correct the disfigurements, & Cropsy is finally released from the hospital. naturally, the first thing he does is try his luck with a hooker, but she gets freaked by his disfigurements. and swiftly meets her doom. Cropsy says f* this and returns to haunt the area where he was burned so many years ago

next we jump back to a summer camp to meet the main characters. Glazer the dumb jock, Alfred the outcast geek he picks on, some hot ladies, and Todd - one of the main camp counselors. i like Todd. he's a good guy. he's understanding, genuine, and just an altogether cool dude. after some shenanigans, the group heads off for a canoeing trip. they're in for an adventure. it's good fun, bc there's a host of entertaining characters

hey, it's George Costanza on the left. Todd on the right, played by Brian Matthews

: you can do much worse if you're looking for a fun slash film. there's character development, tension-building, and good ole 80's atmosphere. Rick Wakeman delivers a pretty cool electronic score. make-up effects by gore-king Tom Savini. another awesome dude in his own right. i like this movie. there's interesting characters and fun situations that fit together well. there's a hokey scene or two, but that's how it goes. enjoyed the dynamic between Alfred and Todd. Alfred is the guy who hates being at camp, everyone makes fun of him and he is pretty strange. but Todd looks out for him. i think that's cool

Favorite Kill: Glazer meets his end. garden sheers pinned to a tree

8.0 / 10

Nostromo87 06-20-14 06:21 PM

1 Attachment(s)
(Wes Craven, 2011)

ten years have passed, and Sidney Prescott returns to Woodsboro

STABBED again by Wes Craven's power-trio of Neve Campbell, David Arquette, & Courtney Cox !
Neve Campbell reprises her role as Sidney Prescott, as her character returns to Woodsboro for the last stop of her Out of Darkness book tour. Dewey is now the town sheriff, married to Gale Weathers... who is depressed and experiencing writer's block. but Sidney returning may be just what she needs to get back to what she loves doing best: being on the frontline solving Ghostface murders

there's a good line towards the beginning, 'one generation's nightmare becomes the next generation's joke' or something to that effect. Scream 4 could've become a joke, but it didn't. thanks to Wes Craven and the Cambpell-Arquette-Cox trio, as well as introducing some new entertaining characters. especially Hayden Panettiere as Kirby and Emma Roberts as Sidney's niece, Jill. there are also cameos from many familiar TV faces

gotta mention someone here. Marley Shelton, she plays a cop named Judy. she was Wendy Peffercorn in The Sandlot (1993). that was a movie i loved in my childhood. Wendy Peffercorn was HOT, and still is. even tho her character here is sort of bland.
but she does have a moment where she relays creepy precise details of an old old high school play of peter pan, where judy was a lost boy and sid played tiger lily

: they could have easily made this like some of the other recent horror franchise remakes. put a lesser director at the helm and just had it star Hayden Panettiere, Emma Roberts, & the other young kids. but they didn't, they brought back Wes Craven and the original trio and crafted a fun story around all these pieces. they struck a good balance between horror elements and humor. it's just fun.

*WARNING* venturing into spoiler territory below:
some have complained about the ending, that it goes on too long, saying it should have ended with Jill on the stretcher after staging herself as the victim, all the people around her, carted onto the ambulence... a paramedic would come out of the house and announce they found one alive, a woman. Sidney. then it would show Jill in a brief moment of confusion and panic, then the credits would roll

i admit, that would have been a good cliffhanger ending. although i'd like to submit why i actually liked the ending ~
i like it when movies can stand on their own. if they had ended it with Jill in the ambulence and the hint that Sidney is alive, we'd KNOW going into Scream 5 that at some point... Jill will get exposed by Sidney. it could be fun to see, but it would be pretty predictable and might suck drama out of the next installment. the way this happened, we get another conclusion.
you forgot the first rule of remakes, jill. don't f* with the original
i like the ending. the newsreels will have a clusterf* on their hands the way they reported Jill as a 'hero right out of the movies,' when they fell for her whole victim-gag. oops


Favorite Kill: could go with the opening, with a movie inside a movie inside a movie inside a movie. can't even remember how many dimensions we breached. but, gonna go with, and it's not a kill... Jill staging herself as the victim... stabs herself in the shoulder, runs into a wall, throws herself on a shattering glass table, and all kinds of lunatic stuff. easily the most memorable bloody scene in the movie. not a kill, but the actual kills don't jump out to me as much

+ 7.5 / 10

Fun Trivia: Robert Rodriguez directs the scenes from the 'Stab' movies

honeykid 06-20-14 08:08 PM

I've never really cared for the Child's Play films, though Bride and Seed are better, IMO.

I really like The Burning and it's one of the few examples, for me anyway, where the imitator is better than the original (the original being Friday The 13th, of course). It gets a bit of flak for taking so long and, with one exception, not really having a great deal going on with the deaths, but then, I really like The Toolbox Murders, in which the first 25 minutes are among the best in the history of horror/exploitation cinema IMO, followed by a different film for an hour. I also agree with you about the best kill, which isn't the bit I was talking about earlier, for those yet to see the film.

Sadly, I found The Burning did suffer from being such a good print. :D The nth generation videotape I watched back in the 80's meant that you couldn't really see Cropsy too clearly, meaning your imagination filled in the blanks. That, and all the dark stuff in the woods was really, really black.

I liked Scream 4, it fit well into the canon and I might watch it tomorrow with some friends. But I didn't care for the end too much. Not that I wanted the ending you spoke about above, I just didn't buy the fight with her injuries or how they came to know who the killer was. However, I'm always with you on Jill being the best kill, despite that fact that she doesn't die. :D Of the ones who did die, though, I'm going with the letterbox kill because it made me :laugh:

cricket 06-20-14 08:29 PM

I like all of the Child's Play movies I've seen as guilty pleasures, although I can't tell one from the other.

I think I saw The Burning, but I don't remember it. Sounds like something I should see soon.

I had a problem during the first Scream and it kind of killed my interest in any of the sequels.

Swan 06-20-14 08:53 PM

Re: Slash Vault, Bloody Adventures with MoFo Nostromo
Love Scream 4! Saw Child's Play when I was maybe 12, don't remember exactly how I felt about it though.

Sexy Celebrity 06-20-14 10:42 PM

Originally Posted by honeykid (Post 1107611)
However, I'm always with you on Jill being the best kill, despite that fact that she doesn't die. :D
Well, more than likely, Jill is dead. I really don't think we'll see a sequel with Emma Roberts coming back as Jill. I really don't think we'll see a Scream 5 now. But, they didn't shoot her in the head, and that's suspicious to me and makes me think they did that in case they want to bring Jill back for another movie. Stu was supposed to return and be a killer in Scream 3 at one point, masterminding high school aged killers from jail. It could have been the same thing with Jill. All of her moaning about being "stuck in her cell" (her room) in Scream 4 could have been meant to foreshadow Jill being stuck in an actual jail cell in a sequel.

Sexy Celebrity 06-20-14 11:00 PM

Re: Slash Vault, Bloody Adventures with MoFo Nostromo
Well, supposedly, this year, there's supposed to be a Scream TV show with a pilot directed by Wes Craven. Details about the plot have already emerged -- new characters, no connection to the movies, a female character is bisexual, etc. etc.

Scream 4 was supposed to be immediately followed up with Scream 5 and Scream 6 if Scream 4 had done well at the box office (it didn't) and if Kevin Williamson came back to write it (he got in an argument and left the project). We would have had Scream 5 already (and maybe even Scream 6) if fate had just been kinder to the Scream series, but of course, it isn't.

Swan 06-20-14 11:02 PM

Re: Slash Vault, Bloody Adventures with MoFo Nostromo
I wish they went the interesting route and had Jill live on for a sequel... so much you could do with that. What if her plan worked, and in the sequel she's pretending to be the new Sidney, but then a killer appears and she actually becomes the new Sidney? But wait, she's already a killer! Some interesting stuff you could do with that.

Sexy Celebrity 06-20-14 11:21 PM

Originally Posted by Swan (Post 1107658)
I wish they went the interesting route and had Jill live on for a sequel... so much you could do with that. What if her plan worked, and in the sequel she's pretending to be the new Sidney, but then a killer appears and she actually becomes the new Sidney? But wait, she's already a killer! Some interesting stuff you could do with that.
I wouldn't like that because there's no reason to root for Jill if a new killer appears and tries to threaten her life. If someone actually took on the Ghostface identity and tried to kill her, let 'em kill her! She deserves it.

I think it would have been great to actually see Jill in action. I imagine a scenario where she tries to finish off Sidney, Gale and Dewey and other people as they all connect the dots and realize Jill's been faking her innocence. Gale, being the big investigative reporter she is, would probably figure it out. Maybe Sidney starts to remember or always remembers what Jill did, but nobody will believe her and listen to her, except Gale. Gale because in Scream she was the only one who believed in Cotton's innocence, which turned out to be true.

I mean, there's only so many times you can do the twist ending where the killer is a surprise and it's someone you least suspected. Eventually you've done it all or everyone knows what to expect and it's no longer surprising. I think that having Scream go in a new direction where we know from the beginning who the killer is (Jill -- and who knows? Maybe she even has other partners set up for her future murder sprees.) is smart. You don't have to have a murder mystery storyline to be a horror film. Films like Nightmare on Elm Street, Friday the 13th, Halloween -- you always know who the killer is. Scream could have went down that road for a change.

Or, it could have been like Saw. In the first Saw, we learned who the killer was -- Jigsaw. But in Saw II, we saw Jigsaw through the whole movie and knew he was up to no good, but, SURPRISE -- there was another partner of Jigsaw's revealed (Amanda). Scream 5 could have done that -- showed us Jill, and then surprised us by introducing at the end another partner of hers.

Swan 06-20-14 11:33 PM

Re: Slash Vault, Bloody Adventures with MoFo Nostromo
I was really just trying to make a point that keeping Jill alive leaves the door open for many interesting possibilities, as you've just proven.

jiraffejustin 07-31-14 08:18 PM

Re: Slash Vault, Bloody Adventures with MoFo Nostromo
Hayden Panettiere in Scream 4 :blush::blush::cage:

Have you seen The Prowler a.k.a. Rosemary's Killer, Nostromo?

Nostromo87 02-27-15 11:25 PM

(Michael Powell, 1960)

A young man uses a movie camera to film women's dying expressions of terror

Psychological thriller aimed at voyeurism. A curious redhead named Helen becomes infatuated with Mark, a young cameraman. Mark wants to be a director very soon, and now he's got a girl who can't wait to see his pictures. Our cameraman, trained by his father, is fixated with the art of reactions. In some ways (perhaps not all) Peeping Tom is better crafted than the other films in here. Something unsettling about a character like Mark Lewis, and yet in a distorted tangled up way we can identify with him. What gives us the urge to gaze, can it be corrected...
You're a puzzle and a half

Featured Kill: Vivian the film extra gets it at the studio. Weapon of choice- camera-stand

8.0 / 10

Captain Spaulding 02-28-15 01:38 AM

Re: Slash Vault, Bloody Adventures with MoFo Nostromo
I'm pleased to see that you liked Peeping Tom. It's one of my new favorites.

I always enjoyed this thread, so it's good to see it temporarily resurrected from the dead. The forum needs more Slash.

Captain Spaulding 02-28-15 03:29 AM

Originally Posted by Swan (Post 1105343)
My dad is so easy when it comes to horror, it shouldn't be a problem.
I've heard your mom is pretty easy too. :p:laugh:;)

jiraffejustin 02-28-15 03:30 AM

Re: Slash Vault, Bloody Adventures with MoFo Nostromo
Mom jokes? Come on, Cap'n, you can do better than that. :p

jiraffejustin 02-28-15 03:34 AM

Re: Slash Vault, Bloody Adventures with MoFo Nostromo
On topic: Peeping Tom is fantastic. Absolutely fantastic.
at least.

Captain Spaulding 02-28-15 03:50 AM

Originally Posted by jiraffejustin (Post 1262514)
Mom jokes? Come on, Cap'n, you can do better than that. :p
No joke is beneath me. If I could fart on the forum I would.

Swan 02-28-15 03:55 AM

Originally Posted by Captain Spaulding (Post 1262512)
I've heard your mom is pretty easy too. :p:laugh:;)

honeykid 02-28-15 11:45 AM

Originally Posted by Captain Spaulding (Post 1262519)
No joke is beneath me. If I could fart on the forum I would.
Your posts stink up the forum enough, Captain.:D:p

Captain Spaulding 02-28-15 03:15 PM

Originally Posted by honeykid (Post 1262589)
Your posts stink up the forum enough, Captain.:D:p
Pull my finger.

The Gunslinger45 02-28-15 03:26 PM

Re: Slash Vault, Bloody Adventures with MoFo Nostromo
Peeping Tom was a brilliant film. Well done Nostromo!

Nostromo87 02-28-15 06:45 PM

1 Attachment(s)
(covered so far)

1. Scream 2 -----------
8.0 / 10
2. The Burning -------
8.0 / 10
Scream 4 ---------
+ 7.5 / 10

4. A Bay of Blood ----
7.0 / 10

5. Jason Lives -------
7.0 / 10

There's a fun factor about Scream 2 and The Burning that do it for me. Scream 2 remains king of the vault :king: for now

6. A Nightmare on Elm St 3: Dream Warriors --
+ 7.5 / 10
7. Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers ---
7.0 / 10
Silent Night, Deadly Night ------------------------
+ 6.5 / 10

9. Saw ----------------------------------------------------
+ 6.5 / 10

10. Child's Play -------------------------------------------
+ 6.5 / 10

Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers has grown on me since the viewing, as has A Bay of Blood aka Twitch of the Death Nerve.

Sleepaway Camp --------------------------
+ 6.5 / 10

12. Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter ---
+ 6.5 / 10

13. Peeping Tom ----------------------------
+ 6.5 / 10

14. Halloween 2 -----------------------------------
6.0 / 10

My Bloody Valentine ---------------------
+ 5.5 / 10

16. The House on Sorority Row ------------
+ 4.5 / 10

Nostromo87 03-02-15 12:55 AM

Round 6 continues

(Tobe Hooper, 1981)

Four teenage friends stay the night at a carnival,
and are stalked by a deformed carny in a Frankenstein mask

We start at Amy's house, a girl who looks about twelve years old but was apparently nineteen when this was released. We see her get in the shower bare-breasted and all, in the first scene of the movie. That wily Tobe Hooper. She gets pranked by her shrimp little brother. Who is basically the worst twerp little brother ever as the story unfolds. Anyways, Amy seems to be into cool horror stuff because she has spooky masks hanging all over her walls along with a Frankenstein poster. She's getting ready to go to the carnival for a double date, even though she's not really allowed to go and lies that she's going to the movies instead.

I like when movies are set at carnivals. There should be more movies set at carnivals. I think Amy's friend Liz is jealous of Amy's date. His name is Buzz and Liz says 'He is a hunk and an absolute pistol! If you play your cards right you might not have to spend the rest of your life a virgin'

that's right ladies, i'm a pistol. -Buzz

While Liz's date is obnoxious and geeky. Some might say the first 45+ minutes of this movie is slow, i actually liked that about it because it gave us time to get to know the four main characters as they go around the carnival. We meet Madame Xena the Fortune Teller, Vlad the Impaler, the beautiful Mona- she wiggles and dances,

freaky carnies, and a creepy dude asking *Who is mad enough to enter that world of darkness? ... There is no release from the funhouse* ... And so, we enter the main event. The funhouse, which starts out intriguing. And then starts to unravel. Our killer is a deformed carny wearing a Frankenstein mask. Then when that mask comes off we see the *horrifying* deformed carny OH NO! Which is really just a different obvious whacked-out looking mask. We reach new levels of hilarity when Amy's face is frozen in the same 'terrified' expression for the last 15 minutes or so of the movie

Watch it if you like carnivals and Tobe Hooper

+ 5.5 / 10

Favorite Kill: Deformed Carny guy electrocuted and grindhoused

cricket 03-02-15 11:01 AM

I liked The Funhouse back in the 80's, although it wasn't as good as the poster had me hoping. It could've used more gore IMO.

Captain Spaulding 03-02-15 11:50 PM

Re: Slash Vault, Bloody Adventures with MoFo Nostromo
As much as I love The Texas Chain Saw Massacre and Poltergeist, I really should check out more of Hooper's filmography. It's just that I never hear positive things about any of his other films. Even though your rating for The Funhouse doesn't inspire confidence, your write-up makes it sounds pretty entertaining, albeit in a "so bad it's good" kinda way.

Camo 03-03-15 12:41 AM

Re: Slash Vault, Bloody Adventures with MoFo Nostromo
Not sure how I missed this thread before. Silent Night, Deadly Night has always been a guilty pleasure of mine and I rank it slightly higher than you. Not seen Jason Lives, the only Jason movies I've seen are part 1 and 2, as well as one that was set on a boat. Dream Warriors is my second fav Freddy after the original.

Not the biggest fan of Halloween 2 but Scream 2 was an enjoyable sequel. Halloween 4 is my favourite after the original. Child's Play was a lot of fun, though I haven't seen it in years. Still haven't watched Scream 4, but I want to. Haven't watched the rest.

Great thread so far :up:

honeykid 03-03-15 08:41 AM

Re: Slash Vault, Bloody Adventures with MoFo Nostromo
I remember seeing Funhouse back when I was a kid, at least, I think it was Funhouse. Anyway, it's something I should look at again and I think I have a copy of it somewhere.

Nostromo87 03-07-15 01:10 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Rd 6 Wrap-up

(Dario Argento, 1980)

A college student in Rome and his sister in New York investigate a series of killings
in both locations where their addresses are the domain of two covens of witches

Bring some Italian class to the Slash Vault. A tale about the Three Mothers- Mother of Tears, Mother of Sighs, & Mother of Darkness. A chill in the air, decor in the water, wet boobs, a corpse, & a key. Argento's marriage of sound, color, and vision. Books written by Latin alchemists, poetry, welcome my friends, driven from the Bava school of storytelling. Music students in Rome explore the myth of the three mothers, and their locations, Germany, Rome, and New York. Houses of the damned. First 35-40 minutes are strong and wrap you in, let it wash over you. Lighting, colors, & picture on-point. Argento storyelling meets poetry, other-worldly, dream-like perception, and hints at more than he gives.

7.0 / 10

honeykid 03-07-15 08:31 AM

Re: Slash Vault, Bloody Adventures with MoFo Nostromo
I don't think I've seen Inferno. Some of it looks familiar, but it's probably clips from documentaries or something.

Nostromo87 03-10-15 05:53 PM

aka Communion
aka Holy Terror
(Alfred Sole, 1976)

There's a dreadful murder of a little girl during church,
and her odd older sister becomes the main suspect

A story of jealousy between two little sisters, Karen and Alice, takes a turn for the grotesque as we enter a murder mystery of little Karen, who got all the attention. Alice is the remaining daughter of a divorced couple, strictly forbidden in the Catholic religion. The whole film takes place in a Catholic-type community and this just adds to the ominous vibe of the story. The story centers on a little girl Alice, who is schizoid, rather violent, and perhaps not as little and undeveloped as she appears. Everyone, even Alice's aunt, thinks Alice killed her little sister out of jealousy... well, except for her divorced mother and father.

Found this film pretty disturbing and more sinister than Saw (2004) or The Exorcist (1973). While Saw has torture elements and Exorcist features demonic possession, both are films with a bit of an undercurrent for good. While Jigsaw's games are twisted and messed up, at least his victims come away with a new appreciation for their life (if they survive). Father Karras represents an admirable father figure and force for good in protecting Regan and facing the demon in The Exorcist. Alice, Sweet Alice is darker and doesn't really have any light to speak of

There is some ambiguity to the conclusion. The main killer turns out to be a crazy old Catholic lady out to punish the sins of Alice's parents. Not only that, the crazy old woman kills the priest in church as they try and arrest her. Yikes. Alice ends up with the killer's knife and bag of bloody relics as we fade to black.

+ 5.5 / 10

Those who like their pure-dark horror without light & without turning back may really go for this

Nostromo87 03-10-15 05:53 PM

1 Attachment(s)
(Sean S. Cunningham, 1980)

Camp counselors are stalked and murdered by an unknown assailant
while trying to reopen a summer camp

Walked out to my workshed and grabbed an axe to watch this one, never know when Pam Voorhees might pop out! Strip monopoly, Kevin Bacon getting laid in a cabin on a dark and stormy night with a corpse in the bunk above, and the crazy mother complex. Often times we do tie back to that whacko Ed Gein in the 1950s. Things are getting interesting back at the strip monopoly table as Bill goes to get more beer for Alice and Brenda. I like Brenda

Meanwhile Kevin Bacon gets a spear through the neck while his girl's out peeing in the woods. Who then gets an axe to the face.
You're going to Camp Blood, ain't ya?
You'll never come back again
It's got a death curse

Ch-ch-ch! Ah-ah-ah!

+ 6.5 / 10

Swan 03-10-15 06:02 PM

Re: Slash Vault, Bloody Adventures with MoFo Nostromo
Alice, Sweet Alice is so good.

honeykid 03-10-15 08:43 PM

Re: Slash Vault, Bloody Adventures with MoFo Nostromo
I agree. You guys know I'm always recommending that whenever giallo comes around. That and What Have You Done To Solange? Those are my two go to standards for it.

I haven't seen Friday The 13th for ages. I should watch it again.

the samoan lawyer 03-11-15 10:08 AM

Re: Slash Vault, Bloody Adventures with MoFo Nostromo
I think HK introduced me to Alice. I really liked it. Friday The 13th is great but not one of my favourites, I only saw it for the first time a few years ago so maybe that was why I didn't like it more.

Camo 03-11-15 10:12 AM

Re: Slash Vault, Bloody Adventures with MoFo Nostromo
I liked Alice quite a bit. All I remember about Friday the 13th is how Mrs.Voorhees dies, and the famous lake scare scene.

Nostromo87 04-24-15 11:38 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Charles Pierce, 1976

Who's up for a pre-Halloween slasher? We're in Texarkana on the border on Sunday, March 3rd, 1946, beginning of a reign of terror. This is a true story folks. The Texarkana murders, look em up. We've got our strange hooded man who likes to attack young couples straying off in their cars for some alone time in the evening. Likes to tie girls to trees. I recognize the sheriff, Ramsey, he's McQueen in a John Wayne film called Chisum. My grandpa and dad love that one, i saw it many times growing up. There are minor similarities to Black Christmas (1974), such as a worthless male police secretary, this one's called Patrolman AC Benson, 'some folks call me Sparkplug.'

Cold fear sweeps across the city. All gun supply had sold out. The people wonder, 'am i, or someone i know, next?' US Marshall Captain JD Morales comes in to take charge. Well dayum, that's Sergeant Pepper, another guy from my pop and grandpop's old John Wayne film. Capt JD Morales rolls in to take charge. He doesn't want any newspapers or reporters hanging around. No Gale Weathers here. None of that riff-raff. 'If the people need to know something, i'll inform the press.'

There i thought the slash vault had stalled, then the slash gods laid a gift in my lap. When the sun went down, a ghostly vibe crept over. Ole Sparkplug, bless-his-soul, not grasping what's at stake, volunteers to be a decoy... dressed in drag. Ya see, there's a high school dance, and patrols are to be intensified at 1am near Lover's Lane road. The dance is an honorable event, this is a conservative province of the illustrious South in America in the 1940s. Prayers are said, respectable dances are had...

But wait! There's beautiful young maidens. The hooded madman watches, and waits. Biding his time for the right time to strike
I'm not gonna tie it all up for ya nice and neat. Give it a look
'Moonlight's so bright tonight he may not wanna try it'

+ 7.5 / 10

Fabulous 04-24-15 11:43 PM

Re: Slash Vault, Bloody Adventures with MoFo Nostromo
I'm liking your new avatar.

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