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Kahiri 05-11-02 06:55 PM

Favorite Scenes
What are your favorite movie scenes? The few seconds that just make you realize how cool the movie really is? I'm sure there are lots, but the few that I can think of off the top of my head are:

The scene in Fellowship of the Ring at Amon Hen right after Aragorn tells Frodo to run, and then turns to face the orcs.

The last scene in Fight Club where everything is falling apart.

In and Out, the part where Kevin Kline is listening to his "how to be masculine" tapes.

The first scene in Nosferatu where what's-his-name (I can't believe I can't remember it...) first gets to the castle and Dracula tells him that while he is welcome to eat, he "won't partake at this hour" (or something to that extent). That one shot of him is creepy.

The Princess Bride, right after Vizzini drinks the poison and falls over sideways mid-laugh.

Anyone else?

Vetinari 05-11-02 07:16 PM

Just from the top of my head:

The scene in The Big Lebowski when they are first trying to hand over the money to the germans, especially the last line in the scene: "F*ck it Dude, lets go bowling"

The killing-of-enemies scenes that occurs at the end of each Godfather movie

The "well at least I didn't sleep with Lumberg" scene in Office Space

Ozma 05-11-02 07:28 PM

Wow :) Something just popped into my head a few minutes ago, after I read this and I was surfing the net.

The scene in When Harry Met Sally
Harry: Repeat after me. Pepper.
Sally: Pepper.
Harry: Pepper.
Sally: Pepper.
Harry Burns: Waiter, there is too much pepper on my paprikash.
Sally Albright: Waiter, there is too much pepper on my paprikash.
Harry Burns: But I would be happy to partake of your pecan pie.

The scene where Vizzini falls over mid :laugh: is classic.

Another scene I can think of off the top of my head is when Enid and Rebecca of Ghost World first encounter the most fake of all fake 50's diners, Wowsville!
Rebecca: Who could forget this awesome hit from the fifties, huh?
Enid: I feel as though I have stepped into a time warp.
Rebecca: Hey, check out the awesome fifties hairdo on our waiter.

Marcellus 05-11-02 07:42 PM

Fight Club - the lesson on how to make soap, involving Narrator's hand :D

Samuel L's Bible speech in Pulp Fiction

Eyes Wide Shut - the orgy sequence

Holden Pike 05-11-02 08:15 PM

The first seven that sprang to mind...
  • the "Danny Boy" assassination attempt on Leo (Albert Finney) in The Coen Bros.' Miller's Crossing (1990). "The Old Man's still an artist with the Thompson."
  • the end complete flashback of Harmonica's (Chuck Bronson) link to Frank (Henry Fonda) in Leone's Once Upon A Time in the West (1969): the camera pulling back to reveal Monument Valley in all its glory, storm brewing in the sunny distance, Morricone's music swelling. "Keep your lovin' brother happy."
  • the impromptu march at the end of Peckinpah's The Wild Bunch (1969), as four grizzled men who have outlived their guns choose to go out in a blaze of glory. "It ain't like it used to be, but it'll do."
  • Daniel Dravot's (Sean Connery) defiant song as the bridge is cut out from under his bleeding high and bleeding mighty feet in John Huston's The Man Who Would Be King (1975). "I'm heartfully ashamed for getting you killed instead of going home rich as you deserve."
  • in a hilarious parody of The Bride of Frankenstein, The Monster (Peter Boyle) wanders into the home of a lonely blind hermit (Gene Hackman), who proceeds to show him the hospitality of hot soup and good cigars in Mel Brooks' Young Frankenstein. "Wait, don't go...I was going to make Espresso."
  • the perfectly executed truck chase in Spielberg's Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981), punctuated by John Williams' best bit of scoring ever. "Truck? What truck?"
  • Robert Cole (Albert Brooks) wandering around his apartment in a bathrobe, depressed and absolutely bombed on two ludes in Brooks' own Modern Romance (1981). "Petey, Ellen...."
Of course I have about three-thousand more, an ever-expanding list.

The Silver Bullet 05-11-02 08:50 PM

  • The scene in Lawrence of Arabia where Lawrence informs his supiriors that he has taken Aquba while ordering a glass of lemonade.
  • The final scene in Pulp Fiction where Jules faces off with Ringo, explaining himself and redeeming himself.
  • The scene where Dave shuts down H.A.L in 2001: A Space Oddyssey.
  • The final scene of Casablanca.
  • The Spectacular, Spectacular scene in Moulin Rouge.
  • The first scene in which Gen. Jack Ripper brings up the communist infiltration of our precious bodily fluids in [i]Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb

Mary Loquacious 05-11-02 09:34 PM

I agree with a lot of the ones that have been posted so far. A few more:

The final stalking of Laurie Strode in the first Halloween, specifically the part just after she's stabbed him and he sits straight up.

The incredible boxing scene in Raging Bull, with De Niro just standing there being pummelled. Every time I see that, it makes my hair stand on end. Whew. "I never went down, Ray!"

The entire opening of Raising Arizona. Perfection.

The final scene of Memento. "You can be my John G."

There are more, I know it, but I can't think of any at the moment.

Yoda 05-11-02 09:46 PM


These are a few of my favorite scenes...
  • Forrest Gump: the scene that ends with Forrest and Jenny embracing in front of the Washington Monument. Beautiful.
  • Dial "M" For Murder: the scene in which Wendice explains everything to Swann early in the film. He POLITELY blackmails the guy. Offers him a drink and everything. I love it.
  • The Apostle: the scene where Billy Bob Thornton's character comes to knock down his church, and Duvall's character cries with him.
  • The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring: the scene near the end, where Sam and Frodo embrace in the boat. It gets me every time.
  • The Shawshank Redemption: "those two Italian ladies."
More to come, most likely.

The Silver Bullet 05-11-02 10:48 PM

Kline dancing gayly,
Mob killings of bad-guys,
Bowling and pepper and orgies in Eyes Wide
ting down H.A.L, stalking in Halloween,
These are a few of MoFo's favorite scenes...

Forest and Jenny embrace at the rally,
Four grizzled men who are blazing with glory,
Lemonade, communists, Leonard's John G,
These are a few of MoFo's favorite scenes..

When the hobbits, hug each other,
Expect Commish to cry,
When these scenes are played, everybody just gasps,
They're so f*cking good, I died.

[Not really.]

Mary Loquacious 05-12-02 04:09 AM


That's beautiful, Silver! How long did it take to write that?

The Silver Bullet 05-12-02 04:50 AM

Five minutes tops.
Thankyou, thankyou.

Add more scenes peoples, I'll add more verses.

Mary Loquacious 05-12-02 04:59 AM

I gots a couple more...

Magnolia: the opening "coincidences" scene, and the rain o' frogs.

Another Forrest Gump scene: in Vietnam, when the rain stops and the battle begins. That scene always gives me a start--even though I know it's coming, the change is so d*mn sudden.

Shrek: the dragon battle.
"He talks?"
"Yeah, it's gettin' him to shut up that's the trick!"

Buffalo '66: the opener, with Vincent Gallo getting out of jail and desperately searching for a place to pee.

The Howling: the transformation scene. Great, great, great. The best werewolf movie ever, barring only An American Werewolf in London (not the pansy-a*s sequel with the skinny French chickie)

There's more... and more... but that's enough for now. :)

Kahiri 05-20-02 08:58 PM

Ooh, I thought of one more.

The scene in Empire of the Sun where Jim is singing as the Japanese pilots do their ritual at sunrise.

bigvalbowski 05-21-02 04:12 PM

Last Picture Show I love the emptiness in the street and the sheer "Twas only a dumb kid" nonchalance of the locals after one of them runs down Billy.

Casablanca "I'm shocked! Shocked to find gambling going on here..."

City Slickers Mitch, Ed and Phil bring in the herd and look! Mitch has found his smile.

Way Out West Stan and Ollie's soft-shoe dance to "At the Ball, that's All". This is my favourite scene of all time.

Goodfellas Near the end when Ray Liotta gets off the witness stand and talks directly to the camera. Comes out of nowhere.

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest The Basketball game.

The Court Jester "The pellet with the poison's in the vessel with the pestle; the chalice from the palace has the brew that is true! Right?"

If... The Whipping Scene.

Doctor Strangelove Riding the Atom Bomb

Life is Beautiful Through the letter box (Josue's eyes), we see Guido make fun of the Nazis for the last time. And then he winks at his boy who's still unaware of the tragedy that's going on around him.

A Short Film About Killing The first death scene (the longest one in film history I'm told) is horrible to watch but truly memorable.

Breaking the Waves The bells...

The Elephant Man John Merrick gets to sleep like a normal man.

Dead Man Walking The entire wretched execution.

Kes The football match.

sadesdrk 05-21-02 05:45 PM

A Few Good Men
when Jack rips on Tom with that "******y white uniform" bit. Also,"I eat my lunch such and such yards away from snipers trained to kill me; you think a couple questions are going to make me nervous?" That whole "meeting" was so cool.

The Silence of the Lambs
When Clairice first meets Dr. Lector and the scene when he probes her to tell him about the screaming lambs...classic.

I think I already listed a whole bunch, either that or I'm having de ja vu. :dizzy:

Fez Wizardo 05-21-02 06:38 PM

Mulholldand Drive Fat man looking for Andrew Kesher with that funky music... can't be beaten was in absolute hysterics :) Or with the hitman and the hoover :D

The Faculty When Clea Duvall is coming out the pool and the alien pulls her back... head...floor...crunch...class :D

Apocalypse Npw The helicopter attack scene thingy blob.

Chopper "Bit early for kung-fu ain't it Jimmy?" (can't describe anymore without it becoming a spoiler :D)

The Big Lebowski ****loads of cool scenes here, but the one where he seals the door off with the chair the wrong way round.. :D

Nikita The make-up scene :yup: transformation from unsightly cow to wow! :)

Goodfellas "if you touch her again I'll f*cking kill ya" just know then...

Mary Loquacious 05-21-02 10:04 PM

The "prospective bride quiz" scene in Diner

The final scenes of M. Butterfly--Jeremy Irons painting himself up...

The funeral dream sequence in Heathers
"We'll never forget Sherwood's little Eskimo..."

sadesdrk 05-21-02 11:26 PM

All scenes with Joan Cusak. She lights up the screen with her quirky little ways and that funky lisp.

High Fidelity
"That is shhocking."
(double "h" for the cute way she slurrs her words.) ;)

Raziel1 05-26-02 06:49 PM

The opening scenes of Full Metal Jacket and Apocalypse Now. Gotta know within the first 10 mins. if a movie is going to be the stuff.

Yoda 05-26-02 08:20 PM

Some more...
  • The final scene of Casablanca. Wow.
  • A certain lightsaber duel in Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones.
  • The scene in An Affair to Remember where Nickie Ferrante (Cary Grant) and Terry McKay (Deborah Kerr) are constantly bumping into each other, and later, trying to make it appear as if they're not really speaking.
  • The big, long voiceover/scene at the start of Casino.
I could go on forever, but these stand out in my mind just now.

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