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undercoverlover 05-10-08 08:35 PM

Undercoverlovers 100
Is there any room left on this bandwagon...ah well ill just pile on top.

100. The Prime Of Miss Jean Brodie
Maggie Smith blows me away with pretty much everything she does but she is outstanding as the dangerous Miss Brodie

99. Steel Magnolias
Beautiful study of friendship and family plus Sally Field, damn that woman can make me cry. Plus im a huge Dolly Parton fan.

98. Magnolia
Long film but totally worth it. Fell in love with John C Reilly in this movie as the sweet natured cop Jim. Julianne Moore is also awesome.

97. Ewoks: Battle for Endor
Childhood favourite, watched it all the time and i totally love ewoks and i dont care what you say.

96. Saved!
I'll always remember how hard I laughed at this movie the first time I saw it. Mandy Moore as the hilariously over the top Christian Hillary Faye and Eva Amurri as the rebel Jew Cassandra. 'I crashed my van into Jesus!'

95. Jurassic Park
'Spared no expense.' Still gets me, the effects still looks amazing over ten years later.

Swedish Chef 05-10-08 10:41 PM

Re: Undercoverlovers 100
:up: Way to be on that Ewoks pick. Those two flicks were a big time favorite of mine, too.

Looking forward to the top 94.

Tacitus 05-11-08 06:57 AM

Re: Undercoverlovers 100
Originally Posted by undercoverlover (Post 433854)

100. The Prime Of Miss Jean Brodie

Back of the net! :D

Edit - Quite why I keep thinking of the phrase "Anyone fancy a cuppa?" when looking at your new user pic is a mystery to me. :confused:

undercoverlover 05-11-08 07:48 AM

Re: Undercoverlovers 100
lol, i feel a closer connection with spiderman now, well you do once you've cupped someone. It gives me warm feelings.

BTW this is gonna be a more personal list featuring some potentially cringeworthy choices but i care not, you all secretly love ewoks anyway!

Powdered Water 05-11-08 11:24 AM

Re: Undercoverlovers 100
I do so love these lists, they are supposed to be personal and I can tell right away that this is going to be very interesting to read. Thanks for doing it.

nebbit 05-11-08 07:26 PM

Re: Undercoverlovers 100
Good start lover :yup: I just watched Saved this week and loved it :yup:

7thson 05-11-08 08:04 PM

Re: Undercoverlovers 100
Nice list thus far. I loved the two Magnolias on it.

undercoverlover 05-11-08 09:52 PM

Re: Undercoverlovers 100
Here's some more, glad you guys are liking it. Plus i thought this was gonna be so easy to do, it's hard!

94. This Boy's Life
If you ever doubted Leonardo DiCaprio's talent (guilty) then check this out, it is an outstanding piece of work. The fabulous Ellen Barkin is fantastic as is Robert Di Nero as the loathsome Dwight.

93. The Science Of Sleep
Beautiful, dreamlike and not a million miles away from the sweetness and surreality of Amelie. Truly beautiful.

92. Freaks
I've never been one for horror films, especially modern ones, but this classic body horror by Tod Browning is truly scary. Fantastic stuff.

91. Wit
Mike Nichols and Emma Thompson. I could scarcely ask for a better combination. 2 people whose work i admire greatly, fabulous monologue heavy dialogue and heartbreaking ending.

90. 187
Samuel L Jackson as the teacher who wasn't afraid to play rough. This is Dangerous Minds but with kids who are actually dangerous. It's a gripping drama that takes it's time and isn't afraid to go a little darker than you expect.

89. Monty Python's Life of Brian
High-larious. Honorable mention - Holy Grail; good but not as good as Brian

88. Dogma
Most films that challenge religion interest me but this takes the biscuit. It's funny, insightful and stupid.

87. Cleo 5 de a 7 (Cleo 5 to 7)
Beautiful french new wave film by Agnes Varda. Had to watch it for film studies class. I prefer this one film over everything Godard did.

86. Gangs of New York
I put off seeing this for a long time and i can't remember why. It's truly astounding, the scale of it and the intense detail is overwhelming. Scorsese is a genius and Daniel Day Lewis is of course amazing.

85. Empire Strikes Back
Had to throw a star wars in here somewhere and this one is my fave. Everything about it is awesome - nothing beats rubber puppet Yoda!

84. Little Mermaid
First but not the last of disney you'll see in this list. One of my favourite villains Ursula, a prince that actually had decent dialogue and great songs. Plus I had an Ariel dolly.

83. Mary Poppins
Oh here's a bit more disney. What can I say, it's friggin Mary Poppins you gots to love it.

82. Oliver!
I love musicals and i love this film. Oliver Reed as Bill Sykes was just great. Nuff said.

81. Stepmom
Makes me cry every time, damn you susan sarandon. Plus showcasing the young and talented Jena Malone.

80. Gentlemen Prefer Blondes
Still makes me giggle. Marylin Monroe gets stick for being a sexy blonde, and she was but she also had great comedic instincts. And Jane Russel was so quick witted and such a knockout.
'...I mean business.'
'Oh yeah then why did you wear that hat?'

Mrs. Darcy 05-11-08 10:21 PM

Re: Undercoverlovers 100
Lots of films I like on here...keep it up!

nebbit 05-11-08 10:29 PM

Re: Undercoverlovers 100
Originally Posted by undercoverlover (Post 434098)

80. Gentlemen Prefer Blondes
Still makes me giggle. Marylin Monroe gets stick for being a sexy blonde, and she was but she also had great comedic instincts. And Jane Russel was so quick witted and such a knockout.
'...I mean business.'
'Oh yeah then why did you wear that hat?'
I have lost count of how many times I have seen this :yup: also lost count of how many times I have used the line "Oh yeah then why did you wear that hat?" :laugh:

undercoverlover 05-19-08 11:10 PM

Re: Undercoverlovers 100
OK its taken me a while but here we go with some more

79. Crash
i was actually rooting for this to win the oscar, loved it, Michael Pena - Oh My God.

78. The Godfather+The Godafther III (thats right i said 3)
nuff said

77. Clueless
my generational film really, kinda grew up with a word from clueless in every sentence.

76. Juno
what can i say. 'Fingernails!'

75. Blades of Glory
love a bit of will ferrel comedy but will arnett and amy poehler steal the show for me. funny stuff and has become a student fave at my flat

74. Willy Wonkas Chocolate Factory
love this film to bits ore than the newer one. The moment they open the door to the chocolate room, still hold my breath like i did when i was a kid

73. Inherit the wind
fabulous, best courtroom drama ever, spencer tracy truly outdoes himself. Gripping stuff

72. American History X
incredible film, edward norton astounds here. Chilling portrait of something we all have a sneaking suspicion could be near at hand.

71. 40 year old virgin tied with knocked up
introduced me to the delights of Seth Rogen and Jane Lynch, both hilarious improvisational actors. I avoided this movie for a long time and when i finally watched it i thought it was the funniest thing id ever seen.

70. Face/Off
I love the idea that the two leads both get the chance to play the bad guy and they do it brilliantly.
'It's like looking in a mirror, only not.'

nebbit 05-20-08 05:15 AM

Re: Undercoverlovers 100
Originally Posted by undercoverlover (Post 435847)

75. Blades of Glory
love a bit of will ferrel comedy but will arnett and amy poehler steal the show for me. funny stuff and has become a student fave at my flat
I am so glad someone else likes this movie :yup: I was telling some friends (who hated it) that I saw it at the movies and I was the only one in the theatre who was laughing :blush: :laugh:

undercoverlover 05-20-08 10:23 PM

Re: Undercoverlovers 100
some more

69. Van Helsing
guilty pleasure but i totally love it. the graphics are a little iffy sometimes but i love the inclusion of all the gothic Universal monsters.

68. Who Framed Roger Rabbit?
Loved it as a kid and still do, the animation with live action still holds up today.

67. Finding Neverland
Beautiful, absolutely beautiful. I cry every time - Freddie Highmore is such a gem and Kate Winslet is the perfect English rose.

66. Moulin Rouge
Stunning and I love the reworking of the music. I originally wasn't so sure about the lead couple but they are fabulous, the chemistry is great and i challenge anyone to not cry in the final sequence.

65. Brief Encounter
Heartbreaking British drama, a true classic.

64. Drop Dead Gorgeous
Hilarious mockumentary, great cast, generally well made film.

63. Wedding Singer
Best Adam Sandler film yet. Very funny but also actually quite touching. Drew Barrymore is cute as a button.

62. A League of Their Own
I adore this film, and even Madonna wasn't that bad, but with the gorgeous Geena Davis and Tom Hanks in the lead it could hardly go wrong.

61. Miss Congeniality
Totally girly, totally hilarious and totally quotable.
'I haven't seen a walk like that since Jurassic Park.'

60. A Walk To Remember
Based on a book but for the first time i don't care that it's different because this is so good. Looks a little cheap sometimes but it's all good. Shane West and Mandy Moore are great together and it has a fantastic soundtrack mostly done by Switchfoot.

59. Sweeney Todd
Wonderful. Slightly distracted by Helena's rather apparent clevage though.

58. Erin Brockovich
Long film but worth it. Well told story, one of my favourite julia roberts films and the awesome Albert Finney.

57. Bride of Frankenstein
I actually saw this before i saw Frankenstein and i think this is a lil better even though the bride isnt shown for very long.

56. Clash of the Titans
Love it, such a classic. Harryhausen effects are fun and of course Maggie Smith as the vengeful godess Thetis.

55. Practical Magic
must have seen this a million times, i adore it, maybe because it reminds me of me and my sister - we're the only full blood siblings each other has and she is olive skinned with dark hair and im a pale redhead, no joke.

Lennon 05-20-08 11:47 PM

Re: Undercoverlovers 100
Originally Posted by undercoverlover (Post 436047)
64. Drop Dead Gorgeous
Hilarious mockumentary, great cast, generally well made film.
:up: :up: :up:

nebbit 05-21-08 01:29 AM

Re: Undercoverlovers 100
Very interesting lover :yup:

undercoverlover 05-23-08 05:46 PM

Re: Undercoverlovers 100
and here we go some more

54. Lions for Lambs
Not many people seemed to like this one but I thought it was great, well crafter story with Tom Cruise perfect at a potentially dangerous politician trying to manipulate the truth under the guise of truth.

53. Leon
fantastic, totally mesmerizing

52. Wonder Boys
love the sort hippy, literary kooky feel of this movie.

51. Starship Troopers

50. Pirates of the Caribbean
Great before it got all crap and convoluted.

49. Cinema Paradiso
Beautiful, long but totally worth it

48. Rounders
dark, noirish poker drama - fab

47. Underworld
love this modern take on vampires, its pretty cool , love the visuals and the effects are awesome

46. The Graduate
kinda long but the last ten minutes makes it worth it.

45. Runaway Jury
so good to see Gene Hackman and Dustin Hoffman onscreen together in this intense courtroom drama.

44. Horse Whisperer
beautiful, slow paced, heartbreaking drama. Robert Redford is a good director that doesn't get enough credit.

43. Princess Diaries 2
I know I know but i can't help myself. I love Gary Marshall and I love girly feelgood films - plus Chris Pine, not the worst thing to look at in the world, definitely gave the film a boost.

42. Babe
love love love it. James Cromwell is awesome and he has about 5 lines in this. Also love the little mice who at one point sing 'Blue Moon'.

41. Grease
I can actually say that I fell in love with John Travolta as a result of the above shot in the movie. It led to several crushes on men who looked similar e.g. Dean Cain from the Superman show.

40. Demolition Man
Awesome trashy sci fi, and not totally overloaded with 'hilarious' misunderstandings as a result of someone from the 20th Century being in the future.

nebbit 05-23-08 06:31 PM

Re: Undercoverlovers 100
Originally Posted by undercoverlover (Post 436522)
42. Babe
love love love it. James Cromwell is awesome and he has about 5 lines in this. Also love the little mice who at one point sing 'Blue Moon'.
I love it too

40. Demolition Man
Awesome trashy sci fi, and not totally overloaded with 'hilarious' misunderstandings as a result of someone from the 20th Century being in the future.
Couldn't stop laughing the first time I saw it :laugh:

Caitlyn 05-23-08 07:59 PM

Re: Undercoverlovers 100
Love your list UC... :up: and am looking forward to the rest... :)

Powdered Water 05-23-08 08:35 PM

Re: Undercoverlovers 100
This is a great list. Keep em coming you pale faced red head you... :D

undercoverlover 06-17-08 09:15 PM

Re: Undercoverlovers 100
39. Beetlejuice
fantastic, burton at his funniest

38. The Fifth Element

37. Garden State
Even though im a hetero girl I defy anyone to not fall in love with Natalie Portman in this movie.

36. Young Frankenstein
totally awesome, funniest thing ever. 'Elevate me.'

35. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
The most beautiful score i think i've ever heard in my life. Breathtaking cinematography and fight scenes

34. Secretary
sexy, funny and original

33. Edward Scissorhands
heartbreaking and extremely touching and with the beautiful Vincent Prince in such a small part.

32. Waitress
this picture doesn't even tell you how pretty this movie is, Adrienne Shelly RIP made a beautiful movie with charm by the bucket load

31. Primary Colours
mike nichols you are my god

30. Ace Ventura - When Nature Calls
just hilarious, utterly quotable and jim carrey is epic as Ace

29. Lion King
So epically beautiful - watch the scene near the beginning when the rains come, this is what hand drawn Disney is all about. I also still cry about Mufasa.

28. Get Shorty
well crafted story, fabulous travolta and great supporting cast. the sequel was absolutely dire.

27. Addams Family
Brilliant, dark and funny and i always wondered what it would have been like if Tim Burton had done it

26. Little Women
cant explain why i love this film so much but again has a beautiful score

25. Muppet Christmas Carol
just awesomeness, friggin love muppets

24. Harry Potter and The Order Of The Pheonix
best of the series, finally a director who knows what he's doing. And Helena Bonham Carter as Bellatrix - brilliant decision.

23. Hook
totally obsessed with peter pan, but dustin hoffman is uber cool as hook

22. Sister Act
you know you wanna sing the songs

21. I, Robot
Brilliant, im a fan of Asimov so it was gd to see it handled so well.

20. Ocean's 11 (remake)
gorgeous george, gorgeous brad, gorg....well its one good lookin cast. slick and stylish without shoving it in your face. Uber cool.

19. Annie
Carol Burnett - nuff said

18. Dangerous Minds
just love the emotion from the teenagers in this and wouldnt it be nice if every teacher cared as much as Lou Ann.

17. Fight Club
Fantastic. Awesomely dark and violent but beautiful. Makes you wanna go out and punch a dog.

16. The Matrix
This used to be my favourite film just because it made me question everything. I do still love it, the fight scenes are still amazing and its still a great story.

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