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PimpDaShizzle 09-28-04 04:27 AM

Theater etiquette and stories
You want some advice? Um, don't pay. Go to theaters with side doors, pay a little and one friend goes in, buys their little ticket, you watch to see what side of the theater they go to, you meet them at the exit doors, everyone enters - box office discussion

Do I even have to go over how to get food in the theater? Pockets + Candy (please no chip bags or the like cause it's loud sh*t when you're down to the bottom and you got to crunch it to get the last bit of trash food) = cheaper food. Don't support their candy, I once saw a bottle of water, more like a thimble, for more than 3 bucks? Who do they think I am?

Um.. Don't film in the theaters, it's bad enough when you've got some nerd wearing a dorky vest coming in with a little flashlight - ruining my free mood.

Don't try to smoke in theaters, everything I've recommended SO FAR wont get anyone fired or piss off other customers/suckers. Smoking will make you out to be a punkass and you might feel tough until the big guy with the mustache feels like impressing his date by impressing your head into his knuckles.

If you're going to consume alcohol, do it like a champ. Don't drink and drive (It's important cause your night, or day if you're hardcore, will go from good to "This is stupid" real fast). Anyways, once you've found a way to get to the theaters (cab, bus, non-drunk friend) drink a lot before you go. Don't go with the loud guy that likes to talk trash when he's drunk or you'll end up in a fight you can't win cause everyone you're with is drunk. If you still aren't satisfied and must drink in the theaters, try to get the alcohol with limited stench. It'll make people angry, even if you're being nice cause they'll probably be jealous and wish they had though of it. I wouldn't recommend, but if you're gonna, Vodka works well. Sometimes the movie ends up better than it should have been, unless it's The Punisher, then no amount of alcohol is gonna save it.

By all means, if you've only got the friends that think it's funny to hear themselves laugh and fuel eachother with unseen mind force, tell them to shut up. It's better than the mustache saying "You must think you're pretty funny down there, wait till I flex my muslces around your head." Then shutup wont work.

Movie hoping - Do it. What's the worse that could happen? You'll get kicked out. It's a cheap and entertaining way to stick it to the man. I personalyl like to stick it to the man by going to an all you can eat buffet and eating till they kick me out, during which I make them feel foolish for hanging the sign "all you can eat."

This might be illegal - it's not recommended. So don't do it. But if you're gonna, I think these words of advice will make those around you more tolerant.

I didn't know there were more faces; :drevil:

Anyone have good theater stories? Some guy got stabbed in the lobby when I was buying a ticket one time.

nebbit 09-28-04 08:23 AM

Originally Posted by PimpDaShizzle
Anyone have good theater stories? Some guy got stabbed in the lobby when I was buying a ticket one time.
Thats a good story :rolleyes:

PimpDaShizzle 09-28-04 05:10 PM

Originally Posted by nebbit
Thats a good story :rolleyes:
I thought it was - not for the guy who was shanked, but just pretty entertaining in general.

You should be more straight foreward too. Something like; that wasn't a story, or, and?, or, that's no story, etc, etc.

Anonymous Last 09-28-04 05:28 PM

I forget the film, perhaps, in a way, the film is irrelevant, but I clearly remember the soothing words drifting into my East Coast -addled brain. Like manna from heathen, these 11 simple words cut through the socio-political-conspicuous-consumer-driven morass I had unwittingly mired myself in, and to he/she/it/they, the creators of this...credo? mantra? proverb? I am eternally grateful:

Thank_you_for_coming to Loews, sit back - enjoy - the_show!

Now I'm not here to tell you my entire life changed after that fateful and sublime moment, but I am here to tell ya this, there's something else, the afterworld. A world of never ending buckets of popcorn, you can never wipe away the "butter", day or when you pour out that drink at the megaloplex in Beverly Hills, you know the one - Magic Johnson makes it alright - instead of asking them how much Junior Mints sell for, ask 'em how much they'll give for your mind, baby...and if the pimple-faced usher tries to bring ya down, go crazy - take an aisle seat!

Be careful, cause I stab people in the ticket lines... if I have a crazed feeling that they will not be polite & quiet during the show!!! Knife goes in- guts come out!

ya better recognize...

PimpDaShizzle 09-28-04 05:41 PM

Originally Posted by Anonymous Last
Thank_you_for_coming to Loews, sit back - enjoy - the_show!

ya better recognize...
Is Loews the name of a theater? We've got somthing like that but you buy walls and toilets, not popcorn.

I recognize for my dead homey's when I'm out representin' the two-of-the-one-and-the-three with my heaters in my trunk and beef in my grill for the women ladys that want my cheddar. I recognized.

Anonymous Last 09-28-04 05:48 PM

Originally Posted by PimpDaShizzle
I recognize for my dead homey's when I'm out representin' the two-of-the-one-and-the-three with my heaters in my trunk and beef in my grill for the women ladys that want my cheddar. I recognized.

What did I say? What did I say?

jrs 09-28-04 06:30 PM

[quote=PimpDaShizzle]You want some advice? Um, don't pay. Go to theaters with side doors, pay a little and one friend goes in, buys their little ticket, you watch to see what side of the theater they go to, you meet them at the exit doors, everyone enters - box office discussion

Do I even have to go over how to get food in the theater? Pockets + Candy (please no chip bags or the like cause it's loud sh*t when you're down to the bottom and you got to crunch it to get the last bit of trash food) = cheaper food. Don't support their candy, I once saw a bottle of water, more like a thimble, for more than 3 bucks? Who do they think I am?

Um.. Don't film in the theaters, it's bad enough when you've got some nerd wearing a dorky vest coming in with a little flashlight - ruining my free mood.

Don't try to smoke in theaters, everything I've recommended SO FAR wont get anyone fired or piss off other customers/suckers. Smoking will make you out to be a punkass and you might feel tough until the big guy with the mustache feels like impressing his date by impressing your head into his knuckles.

If you're going to consume alcohol, do it like a champ. Don't drink and drive (It's important cause your night, or day if you're hardcore, will go from good to "This is stupid" real fast). Anyways, once you've found a way to get to the theaters (cab, bus, non-drunk friend) drink a lot before you go. Don't go with the loud guy that likes to talk trash when he's drunk or you'll end up in a fight you can't win cause everyone you're with is drunk. If you still aren't satisfied and must drink in the theaters, try to get the alcohol with limited stench. It'll make people angry, even if you're being nice cause they'll probably be jealous and wish they had though of it. I wouldn't recommend, but if you're gonna, Vodka works well. Sometimes the movie ends up better than it should have been, unless it's The Punisher, then no amount of alcohol is gonna save it.

By all means, if you've only got the friends that think it's funny to hear themselves laugh and fuel eachother with unseen mind force, tell them to shut up. It's better than the mustache saying "You must think you're pretty funny down there, wait till I flex my muslces around your head." Then shutup wont work.

Originally Posted by PimpDaShizzle
What's the worse that could happen? You'll get kicked out.

Well, PimpDaShizzle, yes you will be be caught and kicked out (FOR GOOD) at the theater.
You're ideas of fun, which I hope you were just joking around, will get someone in serious major trouble.

Especially if I catch 'em !

Originally Posted by PimpDaShizzle
Anyone have good theater stories? Some guy got stabbed in the lobby when I was buying a ticket one time.

Working at a theater for 5 years I have witnessed a whole lot.

One major event that sticks out happened sometime after 9/11.
It was in the afternoon when an employee found a briefcase right in the middle of the lobby, just sitting there. The manager was told about it I presume because out of the blue while working, the alarm went off.
All the employees ran to the lobby concerned and the manager stated if we all can please execute the building....for he told us there was some sort of a 'bomb' in the briefcase. I was about to sh*t in my pants. Some employees had to go theater to theater to get the customers and bring them outside somehow without making them too nervous. ("GULP").

Thank God it wasn't real.

Miles 09-28-04 11:59 PM

a dude got shot at our theater. he pulled a gun on a police officer...and bam! he didnt die though. now security at the theaters is insane. don't even try to sneak in at the theater i go to.

Escape 09-29-04 05:36 AM

Originally Posted by Miles
a dude got shot at our theater. he pulled a gun on a police officer...and bam! he didnt die though. now security at the theaters is insane. don't even try to sneak in at the theater i go to.
You mean to say that an altercation took place prior to the incident in which an off duty police officer who was carrying a gun, tried to intervene, thereby igniting a sequence of events that led up to the shooting?

PimpDaShizzle 09-29-04 06:47 AM

Originally Posted by Escape
You mean to say that an altercation took place prior to the incident in which an off duty police officer who was carrying a gun, tried to intervene, thereby igniting a sequence of events that led up to the shooting?
Please tell me you're trying to blame this on the cop. I like it when people try to weed out statements to support Bullsh*t ideas about people, especially cops. If I'm completely off, I'm sorry. It's 2:46am and I'm tired.

OG- 09-29-04 11:39 AM

If you're going to consume alcohol, do it like a champ. Don't drink and drive (It's important cause your night, or day if you're hardcore, will go from good to "This is stupid" real fast). Anyways, once you've found a way to get to the theaters (cab, bus, non-drunk friend) drink a lot before you go. Don't go with the loud guy that likes to talk trash when he's drunk or you'll end up in a fight you can't win cause everyone you're with is drunk. If you still aren't satisfied and must drink in the theaters, try to get the alcohol with limited stench. It'll make people angry, even if you're being nice cause they'll probably be jealous and wish they had though of it. I wouldn't recommend, but if you're gonna, Vodka works well. Sometimes the movie ends up better than it should have been, unless it's The Punisher, then no amount of alcohol is gonna save it.
I agree with you on that. I've gone to the movies with some friends where they've just sat in the parking lot before the movie and got pretty trashed before going in. Not only does it smell, but god it is annoying when they just shout at each other in the lobby. Luckily we were all sitting in a row with a gap infront of it so they didn't have to bump into people every five minutes when they got up to go take a piss. I don't get going to the movies drunk...what the **** is the point?

I remember going to see the remake of Dawn of the Dead and this punk ass kid was sitting towards the front, all by himself, and was just ****ing chatting his head off on his cell phone. Didn't care whatsoever. He just sat there with his legs propped up, calling people and talking at a completely normal level about some nonsense. People can get shot for good reasons.

PimpDaShizzle 09-29-04 02:57 PM

You should have yelled at him. I'm willing to bet they was atleast one sexy lady that would have fonud it brave. You could have kicked his ass, got the lady, and had some sex.

OG- 09-29-04 04:33 PM

I didn't care that much, didn't ruin the movie any for me, I was just embarassed for them.

Escape 10-01-04 06:18 AM

Originally Posted by PimpDaShizzle
Please tell me you're trying to blame this on the cop. I like it when people try to weed out statements to support Bullsh*t ideas about people, especially cops. If I'm completely off, I'm sorry. It's 2:46am and I'm tired.
Looks like your ass is banned but i'll answer you anyways. What i am wondering is what the police is doing there in the first place. Did this guy already start something prior to getting shot that brought the arrival of the cop. If not, then is the presence of a police officer mandatory in that neighborhood's movie theatre. Or was he an off duty cop who was at the right place at the right time. :confused:

Anonymous Last 10-01-04 01:18 PM

Originally Posted by Escape
Looks like your ass is banned but i'll answer you anyways. What i am wondering is what the police is doing there in the first place. Did this guy already start something prior to getting shot that brought the arrival of the cop. If not, then is the presence of a police officer mandatory in that neighborhood's movie theatre. Or was he an off duty cop who was at the right place at the right time. :confused:
Just start your response with, Hey Fast&DAShizzle...

Escape 10-01-04 02:13 PM

Originally Posted by Anonymous Last
Just start your response with, Hey Fast&DAShizzle...
Yeah, i noticed he changed his name but didnt he also say he would willingly stop posting here anymore even with the new name?

Anonymous Last 10-01-04 02:23 PM

Originally Posted by Escape
Yeah, i noticed he changed his name but didnt he also say he would willingly stop posting here anymore even with the new name?

Anything is possible as long as Caitlyn ~or~ Yoda allow his new name to have a get out of jail free card & to pass GO! and collect the $200.00.

HellboyUnleashed 10-01-04 11:05 PM

the worst that has ever happened at a theater when i was there was this crazy guy came in and started yelling a load of BS but it was pretty funny. the place where u see really funny stuff is at baseball games in Houston, now that is funny as hell

Zeiken 10-02-04 04:40 AM

I was staying at my grandma's for a few days, in albequerque. And for those of you that know the town, you know what i mean when i say that theres golf, and malls. Thats about it. Luckily, some of these malls have theaters.
It was back in 97, so i was.....carry the 1.......eleven. My grandma decides to take me to pocohantas. Yay! After about 3 minutes i bailed, and wandered into another theater, showing some shoot-em-up flick, R-rated. About 10 minutes go by, and by then im mildly entertained, when a red-vested flashlight-weilding popcorn jockey comes right up next to me, and says, "you supposed to be in here, son? Wheres your parents?"
Being the brash, young sack of caffine that i was, i ran, down the steps, out of that theater and into the one across from it. I was fast enough that he didnt see where i went. I plunk myself down in the middle of the theater, inbetween two older guys, and i slouch down so as not to be seen. I wipe the sweat off my forehead, and look to the screen just in time to see that beautiful crawling text at the beginning of StarWars: A new Hope. I had never really seen the whole thing before, and in fear of being caught, i stayed put. I had always remembered the star wars movies being pretty boring, but it wasnt 5 minutes before i was glued to the screen like a neglegence lawyer to a speeding ambulance. And after that, well, you can fill it in. And here i am.

It was either that- or the story about the drunken teenage orgy in the back row during the screening of Toy Story. But no one wants to hear that.

MovieMaker5087 10-02-04 04:05 PM

Originally Posted by Zeiken
Being the brash, young sack of caffine that i was, i ran, down the steps, out of that theater and into the one across from it. I was fast enough that he didnt see where i went. I plunk myself down in the middle of the theater, inbetween two older guys, and i slouch down so as not to be seen. I wipe the sweat off my forehead, and look to the screen just in time to see that beautiful crawling text at the beginning of StarWars: A new Hope. I had never really seen the whole thing before, and in fear of being caught, i stayed put. I had always remembered the star wars movies being pretty boring, but it wasnt 5 minutes before i was glued to the screen like a neglegence lawyer to a speeding ambulance. And after that, well, you can fill it in. And here i am.

It was either that- or the story about the drunken teenage orgy in the back row during the screening of Toy Story. But no one wants to hear that.
Did you watch all of Star Wars or just like 5 minutes of it until the coast was clear? And as for the teenage orgy... dear God, please don't tell me that that actually happened...

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