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Ðèstîñy 07-10-15 04:24 AM

Hotseat! Grill a MoFo: matt72582
Do you think you're easy going?



What do the numbers in your username stand for?

What is your opinion on plastic surgery?

You seem to travel a lot. Where all would you still like to travel to?

Did you know that I have one of your top ten movies, on my top 25 of the 1960's list?

Did you know that I can't tell you which one, or Daniel will get mad at me?

Did you know that I took the time to make sure you had at least two movies in your top ten list from the 1960's, before I told you that I had one of them on my 1960's list, because I'm not that stupid. :p

Did you notice that it took me an extra night to get this thread done?

Do you prefer cooking, or eating at restaurants?

What is your sign?

Do you like astrology?

Do you consider yourself a romantic?

Do you believe in love at first site?

Have you ever been married, or at least engaged?

If not, do you ever want to get married?

Do you have any children?

Do you have any other hobbies besides movies?

If so, name them.

How do you feel about remakes?

Which decade has the best remakes? Like the 80's!

Name your top five favorite remakes, like The Thing!

Name your top five favorite directors, like John Carpenter!

Have you ever watched a silent movie?

Do you mind subtitles?

Name your top five favorite music genres.

Name your top five favorite movie genres.

Name the movie you hate the most, like anything Tom Cruise has been in!

Name the actor you hate the most, like Tom Cruise!

Do you prefer home theater, or movie theater?

Name your top five favorite movie decades.

What is your favorite movie for each genre . . .

Suspense Thriller?
Martial Arts?

matt72582 07-10-15 11:20 AM

[quote=Ðèstîñy;1348136]Do you think you're easy going?

I think I'm easy-going, whether it's with friends, or strangers.


Patience is not my virtue!

What do the numbers in your username stand for?
My birthday, July 25th, 1982.

What is your opinion on plastic surgery?
I would never have it done, I think it's a waste of money. I think there are better ways to spend that much money, but it's not my life..

You seem to travel a lot. Where all would you still like to travel to?
South America, Africa, though I constantly visit the same places as I think the people make the place. Sometimes I want familiarity. Though I have been to Europe 5 times, there are still plenty of countries I'd love to visit.

Did you know that I have one of your top ten movies, on my top 25 of the 1960's list?
I did not know that :) - I have 4 from the 60's, but I'm curious.

Did you know that I can't tell you which one, or Daniel will get mad at me?
That's ok, I wouldn't want Daniel to get mad at you :)

Did you know that I took the time to make sure you had at least two movies in your top ten list from the 1960's, before I told you that I had one of them on my 1960's list, because I'm not that stupid. :p

Did you notice that it took me an extra night to get this thread done?
I did notice. I appreciate all the hard work; these are very interesting. Besides the answers, the questions people ask are also very interesting.

Do you prefer cooking, or eating at restaurants?
Eating at restaurants.

What is your sign?

Do you like astrology?
No, I think it's vague. Sometimes I'll read other ones, and they apply just as much.

Do you consider yourself a romantic?

Do you believe in love at first site?
I believe the first sight can light sparks, which has led to loving someone after getting to know that person.

Have you ever been married, or at least engaged?
I have not.

If not, do you ever want to get married?
I don't really believe in institutions, especially marriage. But there might be one girl who could change my mind. Maybe not....

Do you have any children?
I don't.

Do you have any other hobbies besides movies?
Music, recording and listening to, as well as going to concerts (even though many of my favorite artists are dead, dying, or retiring).. I love to travel.. I'm also a big fan of standup-comedy. I love a great conversation too. I love to write. Thanks to the internet, I can read exactly what I'm looking for.

How do you feel about remakes?
I dislike them.. I liked "A Star Is Born" and "Mutiny on the Bounty" but I never saw the original ones.

Which decade has the best remakes? Like the 80's!
I have no idea... I looked at my Top 100+, couldn't find anything.

Name your top five favorite remakes, like The Thing!
I couldn't even name one. I would have to see the original first. "Marty" (made for TV) wasn't bad, but that's the only one I can think of.

Name your top five favorite directors, like John Carpenter!
Frank Capra, Elia Kazan, Stanley Kubrick, Akira Kurosawa, John Huston.

Have you ever watched a silent movie?
Yes, only a few though. I prefer "talkies" and to see the emotion when someone is saying something, especially if it's profound or very important to the film.

Do you mind subtitles?
Not at all. "Some of the best movies are foreign" - I just wish I knew the language so I could focus more on the facial expression.

Name your top five favorite music genres.
This is tough, because the song I'm listening to now has many genres in 5 minutes. There's also things I love playing that I don't like listening to, and vice-versa....
(The genres from the 60's and 70's)
1. Rock
2. Soul
3. Funk
4. Folk
5. Classical

Name your top five favorite movie genres.
Again, I think many great films have varying degrees of a lot of genres, but I'll try....
1. Drama
2. Film Noir
War (Anti-War)
4. Documentary
5. Adventure

Name the movie you hate the most, like anything Tom Cruise has been in!
Is this a leading question, lol? The Wolf of Wall Street

Name the actor you hate the most, like Tom Cruise!
I usually don't watch films with horrible actors, and I probably forgot the names of those who were horrible, but as a follow-up to the previous question, the fat actor, the 2nd lead I'm guessing. Actor I can't stand the most whose name I know - Nicolas Cage.

Do you prefer home theater, or movie theater?
Home, only because the last time I went to a movie theater, phones light the darkness almost as much as the film itself. People talking, phone rings, people walking in and out, or even my own interruptions (having to take a leak for example).

Name your top five favorite movie decades.
50s, 70s, 60s, 40s, 30s

What is your favorite movie for each genre . . .
Horror? The Shining
Sci-fi? A Clockwork Orange
Suspense Thriller? Mikey and Nicky
Comedy? One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest
Action? Battle of Algiers
Drama? Nashville
Musicals? A Star Is Born
Westerns? Shane
Martial Arts? Seven Samurai
Full Metal Jacket

Citizen Rules 07-11-15 05:49 PM

Who is Matt? (what kind of person are you)

What are your strengths? Your weaknesses?

Do you have a religious belief?

What traits do you admire in other people?

What do you hate most in other people?

What makes you feel dismal about today's society?

What scares the hell out of you in today's world?

What's your favorite part of MoFo?

Camo 07-11-15 05:58 PM

Re: Hotseat! Grill a MoFo: matt72582
Seven Samurai is not a Martial Arts film.

matt72582 07-11-15 08:19 PM

Originally Posted by Citizen Rules (Post 1348947)
Who is Matt? (what kind of person are you)

I think I'm a varying degree of many characteristics. (Feel free to follow up with specific questions).
I'm curious, a searcher, on a never-ending quest to learn about myself and others. The more I disagree with something, the more I want to know why. I like to bring attention to things that are dismissed. I guess in a way I am what I love - Music, film, comedy.. I love learning. I'm interested in influences, trends, history.. I try to understand people. I also like to influence others, at least by giving people something they didn't consider before, not just with information, but with arts. I love to burn people CDs, DVDs, recommend standup comedy. I love to talk, it's probably the biggest reason I keep traveling the world, finding great conversation and maybe even moments of romance. I'm hedonistic - I want pleasure and I want to avoid pain.

What are your strengths? Your weaknesses?
I don't know if it's a weakness, but I try to be humble, at the risk of leaving things out. Though I'm an open book, I'm still self-conscious. I always want to portray myself as accurately as possible, and will probably spend a lot of time on this, but love doing it. I think I'm a smart guy for my quest in life. I think I'm talented in the arts, creating music, writing, photography. I think impatience is a big weakness of mine. Irritability.

Do you have a religious belief?
None at all. I don't like groups, but if I had to consider myself "something" I would say I'm a secular humanist with anti-theistic ignostic tendencies.

What traits do you admire in other people?
Kindness, dependability, honesty, wit, humor, bravery, and taste.

What do you hate most in other people?
Besides the opposites of the traits I admire in people I hate hypocrisy and sadistic behavior. People who spread bad information and give a very inaccurate description, especially in mass media, and the messengers of that message. I don't like conformity - I think it's one trait that distinguishes us, since most of our DNA is the same, and we share traits like hedonism for example.

What makes you feel dismal about today's society?
Lack of knowledge and taste in the arts.. It starts with language. If you don't know what someone is talking about, you're already lost. The lack of humanity.. Obsession with technology at the risk of losing that humanity. Blind compulsive greed.

What scares the hell out of you in today's world?
Those in power, and how people are distracted by gossip. How many people seem to have a stockbroker mentality when it comes to ethics. Apathy, and those who can contribute, sometimes don't. It seems like the people are always behind fighting battles that aren't as important as others, usually because it's something widely acceptable.

It scares me that virtue has been replaced in arts.. Music is manufactured, fake.. I can say the same about film and other methods of expression. It scares me that people just want to be current with film, etc,.

What's your favorite part of MoFo?
Seeing passion for great films, and able to discuss films, dissect them, and finding recommendations. I also really love "grilling mofos" - reading them, and now doing them... I hope I get many, many questions.

matt72582 07-12-15 09:31 AM

Originally Posted by Camo (Post 1348949)
Seven Samurai is not a Martial Arts film.
It isn't? :)

I disagree, but I guess"that's just like your opinion, man"

I don't love this movie, but would you consider "The Karate Kid" a martial arts film? I liked it a lot as a kid, and probably still like it. I would take advantage of the film afterwards when I'd ask my brother to have a karate match. I'd wear my robe like the karate master I was and we'd play with the same rules....

Camo 07-12-15 11:44 AM

Originally Posted by matt72582 (Post 1349394)
It isn't? :)

I disagree, but I guess"that's just like your opinion, man"

I don't love this movie, but would you consider "The Karate Kid" a martial arts film? I liked it a lot as a kid, and probably still like it. I would take advantage of the film afterwards when I'd ask my brother to have a karate match. I'd wear my robe like the karate master I was and we'd play with the same rules....
It is not my opinion. There is nothing in Seven Samurai that would make it a Martial Arts film. It can be classified as an Action, Adventure or Drama but not Martial Arts :).

Yes Karate Kid is a Martial Arts film since Karate is a Martial Art :).

seanc 07-21-15 06:57 PM

If you could sit and talk to anyone in the world, someone born in this or last century, for 2 hours just to talk, who would your Top 5 be?

matt72582 07-22-15 11:21 AM

Originally Posted by seanc (Post 1356189)
If you could sit and talk to anyone in the world, someone born in this or last century, for 2 hours just to talk, who would your Top 5 be?
1. Bill Hicks
2. John Lennon
3. Mort Sahl (Who I've met and talked with)
4. Jim Morrison
5. Roger Waters

Citizen Rules 07-25-15 03:43 PM

Re: Hotseat! Grill a MoFo: matt72582
Did you have a good birthday?
Did you get anything cool?
What did you do on your birthday?
How old are you now?
Can you blow out all the candles?
If you could really have your cake and eat it too, would you?

neiba 07-25-15 04:14 PM

Re: Hotseat! Grill a MoFo: matt72582
What would you wish on your birthday?

matt72582 07-25-15 08:42 PM

Originally Posted by Citizen Rules (Post 1358207)
Did you have a good birthday?

Did you get anything cool?
Yes. Concert ticket yesterday, and today, some "dabs"

What did you do on your birthday?
Yesterday we went and saw the Eagles in concert! Hung around Downtown Detroit. Today I hung out with a friend. Loved the birthday wishes, probably the best part of a birthday for me.

How old are you now?

Can you blow out all the candles?
I have no idea!

If you could really have your cake and eat it too, would you?

Thank you for the Birthday/Grill posts, CR!

Friendly Mushroom! 07-25-15 08:46 PM

Re: Hotseat! Grill a MoFo: matt72582
Can you join the 8th HoF?
Besides Star Wars 7, what unreleased 2015 movies are you looking forward to if there are any?

matt72582 07-25-15 08:48 PM

Originally Posted by neiba (Post 1358223)
What would you wish on your birthday?
But wouldn't it not come true then? ;D

There has to be boundaries. But until that happens, if I can get whatever I want, that would be my wish!

Unlimited amount of money to invest in artistic projects, travel, influential investments, paying people to gauge things that interest me. The ability to be a dictator when I want to, to move the world towards progress, not regression. I could write a book about this!

Or, having a girl from my past re-enter my life so we can love each other until I celebrate my 113th birthday.

matt72582 07-25-15 10:04 PM

Re: Hotseat! Grill a MoFo: matt72582
Technically, my birthday isn't over. My sister called, we talked over an hour. Some about the "system" - the US and the world, but then we talked about film, so I wanted to include this.

My sister was in theater, and is now taking acting classes, and says how all my favorite movies are on the lists. My sister hasn't watched many films, and though I let her borrow many, she has no time. She's going to try to ask if I can sit in. I would love to just talk with the guy. I'm also making a movie, though I don't think it's going to happen. People drop the second they find a better situation, even though they committed. I've been spending the day trying to be contact, edit script, constantly changing it with less actors, different actors. I don't have equipment, money, trying to give everyone an equal percentage of the film, based on the % of hours you worked. I wasn't able to raise a dollar online, and I don't like asking anyway. If the cameraman doesn't show up, maybe just not record it.... I just wanna do something, as opposed to nothing, wasting precious time wishing, browsing the net for fun.. It would be a great exercise, practice even if half the crew doesn't show up. But I don't want to spend my entire days working for something that doesn't happen.

Citizen Rules 02-24-17 12:06 AM


What is it that you want from a movie? Are you looking to get an emotional feeling? If so what type of emotion?

Are you watching for intellectual reasons? If so can you elaborate?

Do films help you to escape? or connect?

Ðèstîñy 02-24-17 12:38 AM

Re: Hotseat! Grill a MoFo: matt72582
Describe your dream girl.

Have you changed your mind any about marriage?

Do you want children?

If so, how many?

Do you own a home, and if not, do you ever want to?

What type jobs have you worked in your past?

As far as a career is concerned, are you doing what you truly want?

If not, what career do you wish to have?

matt72582 02-24-17 10:23 AM

Originally Posted by Citizen Rules (Post 1655090)

What is it that you want from a movie? Are you looking to get an emotional feeling? If so what type of emotion?

Are you watching for intellectual reasons? If so can you elaborate?

Do films help you to escape? or connect?
--What is it that you want from a movie? Are you looking to get an emotional feeling? If so what type of emotion?
I love to feel most of all, heart and head. I like a good theme, great writing, and actors who I can believe.

--Are you watching for intellectual reasons? If so can you elaborate?
Not necessarily, but when I see clever stuff, I do feel stimulated. As Bukowski said, "An intellectual makes simple things difficult and an artist makes intellectual things simple."

--Do films help you to escape? or connect?
Both. Then again, it usually depends on the movie, but I tend to watch things that are universal. I escape because sometimes I can put myself in a situation or setting, or how I'd be different from a certain character. It connects me because I evaluate my life, and to think constantly.

matt72582 02-24-17 10:36 AM

Originally Posted by Ðèstîñy (Post 1655097)
Describe your dream girl.
Beautiful face, especially the eyes and smile. I love long hair - the longer the better. Full-figured. A girl shorter than me... Someone compassionate and tender. I'd love someone who is bright, someone who I can talk movies with, a two-way street, making each other better or smarter people. I've always dreamed of a musical partnership, but then again, I dream too much, but not on this subject.

Have you changed your mind any about marriage?
I don't want to get married.

Do you want children?
I don't. But I do love having a niece. I was just looking at some pictures and can't help but smile when I see her smile.

If so, how many?

Do you own a home, and if not, do you ever want to?
I rent, I did own my own house a dozen years ago (when the housing market was at it's best) and I loved it, but I didn't get to enjoy it as much when I worked 7 days a week. I would like to in the future, but I don't see it happening because of financial reasons.

What type jobs have you worked in your past?
Besides the music, writing, photography stuff, I started working at my parent's store as a kid, worked at my uncle's restaurant, worked at Krogers, telemarketing. I worked in the cell phone business quite a bit, having my own business with a high school friend a few times. I've tutored, I worked on a farm in Australia, also busked there, and all over Europe. I worked at a moving company in Australia too.

As far as a career is concerned, are you doing what you truly want?
It is, but I can't force people to buy my stuff. There's a lot of years of work for very little money. It's not even about the money, I'd play for I think I might love what I do more if I had more incentive.... The one thing I haven't done is make a full-feature movie.

If not, what career do you wish to have?
Movie writer/director. I've always wanted to do research, surveying, but most importantly, influencing people when it comes to music, movies, and stand-up comedy -- something I wish I had the chops for, because I admire it so much. There is nothing greater than laughter, and I try to do it as much as possible!

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