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Freddy4lifenjb 01-10-04 05:05 AM

Freddy VS Jason 2
Im new and Im sure this is been posted before but I was wondering, When do they plan on shooting this, and when should we expect a realse date? Anyone know? I heard they are gunna put Michael Myers in this movie why I have no clue... I would honestly hate that ideal, I just want it to be FREDDY VS JASON... The first was juss awesome saw it 4 times at the movies...

Freddy4lifenjb 01-10-04 07:06 AM

Actually heres what I think will go down..PLEASE READ

Since the way the first movie ended, it makes since that the new movie will introduce a new horror franchise.. I know for a fact that new line has got the okay to introduce Michael Myers, and they offered to help with the story and have already came up with a working title.. Friday the 13th: A Halloween Nightmare!!!!! (If you haven't seen the first it contains SPOLIERS) There is already a working story that when jason walk's up from the lake with freddys head jason puts it somewhere and when time goes by freddys name is almost forgotten, Jason is the new deal, killing people from camp crystal lake to freddys backyard Elm St. Well they are leaning towards the same idea by having freddy come into Michaels deams trying to convince him its jasons fault that he was locked down all his life and that he brought pain into his life, So michael desides to pay jason a visit, And when he finds him the have a huge brawl, and after a long bloody fight Michael has jason where he wants him but freddy gets both of them and lures them into his dreamworld and tricked Michael this whole time because he wants both of them dead and he didn't want Michael to kill jason because he wanted the joy of doing it himself, Then freddy goes after michael putting him down thinking hes dead then turns hes focus on michaels massacre on jason trying to finish him, but jason is faking and goes on the attack for freddy but freddy starts getting the upper hand, mean while michael is back up and they start double teaming freddy but jason then starts batltling michael, and all the battle , now after this I have no clue what they'll do.. It the movie plays out as good as it sounds, I'll see it for sure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

rjmcfc86 01-10-04 09:36 AM

Don't get me wrong, I loved Halloween, A Nightmare on Elm Street and even Friday the 13th. Hell, I even sat through most of the sequels they all coughed up even though they were all crap, I didn't mind watching them as I do like horror films. But it's getting despreate now, Freddy vs Jason was miles better then Jason X but wasn't anything above average for a horror film, and nothing above poor in films altogether, but if they make a film like anything you have described, it'll have nothing but massive speculation by horror fans but will deleiver very little.

Instead of making all these sequels which make no sense at all, why not come up with a new idea? The new horror ideas which have been Cabin Fever etc, are crap. Freddy vs Jason vs Michael vs Chucky vs the X-Men should be hitting your screens by 2007 the way things are going.

Redookie19 01-13-04 09:48 PM

What I heard
Well, I dont think this will happen but I have read rumors circulating about Freddy vs. Jason vs. Ash! this would be good because they could add a lot of comedy to a sequel and not just all that slashing and getting back up (which is ok but gets tiring) and we all know that Ash would prevail because Ash is the greatest super hero ever! SHOP SMART! SHOP S-MART!

for those of you that dont know ash is from the Evil Dead movie "trilogy"
(Evil Dead, Evil Dead 2, and Army of Darkness)

Probability of this happening is low but I can always dream cant I?

Then Freddy will get me and Ash will save the day! so this will come true......possibly. ;)

Richard Hell 01-13-04 10:31 PM

Originally Posted by Redookie19
Well, I dont think this will happen but I have read rumors circulating about Freddy vs. Jason vs. Ash! this would be good because they could add a lot of comedy to a sequel and not just all that slashing and getting back up (which is ok but gets tiring) and we all know that Ash would prevail because Ash is the greatest super hero ever! SHOP SMART! SHOP S-MART!

for those of you that dont know ash is from the Evil Dead movie "trilogy"
(Evil Dead, Evil Dead 2, and Army of Darkness)

Probability of this happening is low but I can always dream cant I?

Then Freddy will get me and Ash will save the day! so this will come true......possibly. ;)
i dont think that will happen. No affence ash is realy bad ass and i have seen all of the evil dead movies. But hed get his ass wooped when going up against jason. Maybe he kan take on freddy but i doubt jason. The only one with the balls to take on jason, is michael but even he would get kicked 2 so i dont know what other possible choices there.
wait i got one Jason Saves Christmas just joking

Freddy4lifenjb 01-14-04 03:01 AM

Does anybody own Freddy VS Jason... On the commentary with ronny yu robert and ken, at the very end when the credits start, robert talks about hes heard stuff about feddy vs ash vs jason but he says that probably will not happen, But he said he knows 4sure that Michael Myers people are talking to New line about a new movie with the three... OH HELL YA everybody should check it out good stuff...

s-mart ash 01-17-04 09:06 PM

they're definitely making some type of dude vs. dude spinoff sequel. the perfect one would be jason vs. myers...vs ash...vs army of darkness!

pink_puff_ball 01-20-04 06:51 AM

my thoughts
Ok well im new, and I have been up all night watching freddy vs. jason and looking around the internet at all the forum post here and some other sites and I have a conclusion on what might happen if that certain character would be in freddy vs. jason 2

HellRaiser- Personally ive never seen any of the movies but from what i have heard this guy is a badass beyound the point of the real worl horror like we know it. freddy and jason for the most part stick within certain boundries we can comprehend. I think Hellraiser goes beyound them and would pummel these to so badly if they used him it would be a useless movie because he seems to powerful. Then again IM not sure so dont quote me.

Ash- now same as before i havent seen the movies of his but i heard he fought zombies and what not also i heard he was getting quite old. Now the commentary from Robert englund in the credits he says that ash fighting freddy and jason to get rid of the evil would be to much like a Ghostbusters type of movie. Hell if you wanted to do that then you might as well bring in the professionals with some ghostbuster trainies and have them fight freddy and jason because at least then you kill 2 birds with one stone. A sequel to freddy vs. jason and a good 3rd ghosbusters movie to come back and end on. (if you cant already tell im a huge Ghostbuster fan) Now all of that seems unlikely so to the next option.

Chuckie- This wont take long trust me. Chuckie would do nothing to help freddy and jason re-strike a fight because he's a freaken doll. He was useless character that any moron with a shotgun could beat. The only horror person i would have chuckie fight is that damn lepricon dude and let the midget bastards go at each other. :p

Micheal Myers- Last and probablly the best choice. I say this becuase he plays within the boundries of reality much like freddy and jason but also is more human than etheir of them wish they could be. I say this because freddy and jason both die and come back but mike just goes crazy as a little kid and never actually dies just kind of goes into long term commas after being shot a few times, maybe stabbed or something. So when you think about it there are so many ways you could bring micheal into the story that is already set up. One could be how Freddy4lifenjb said it in his last post. There are other ways of bringing him into the story and im sure I could think of one just not now it's to early in the morning.

wether they even make a sequel or not is unsure but in my honest opinion the only person who even is similar to the mass murderer undead guys who has a good series running and mainstream pablisity would be micheal myers. Then again I am a stupid stoner who has a lot of time on his hands and would waist it typing all this out for maybe a few more 1-2 lines responses but oh well it was fun :D

theshape82 01-20-04 10:42 PM

while my loyalty to the halloween movies is unquestionable i have to say that if a sequal were made with freddy jason AND michael then jason would win...i mean let's face it...jason went to hell and came back
the only person that could give jason a run for his money is pinhead...and that's because he's the unquestionable leader of hell

let's face it....the only reason freddy had half a chance in hell is because they dulled down jason for the match off
any true fan of the series knows that

Bodom 01-24-04 09:35 PM

Originally Posted by Freddy4lifenjb
Actually heres what I think will go down..PLEASE READ

Since the way the first movie ended, it makes since that the new movie will introduce a new horror franchise.. I know for a fact that new line has got the okay to introduce Michael Myers, and they offered to help with the story and have already came up with a working title.. Friday the 13th: A Halloween Nightmare!!!!! (If you haven't seen the first it contains SPOLIERS) There is already a working story that when jason walk's up from the lake with freddys head jason puts it somewhere and when time goes by freddys name is almost forgotten, Jason is the new deal, killing people from camp crystal lake to freddys backyard Elm St. Well they are leaning towards the same idea by having freddy come into Michaels deams trying to convince him its jasons fault that he was locked down all his life and that he brought pain into his life, So michael desides to pay jason a visit, And when he finds him the have a huge brawl, and after a long bloody fight Michael has jason where he wants him but freddy gets both of them and lures them into his dreamworld and tricked Michael this whole time because he wants both of them dead and he didn't want Michael to kill jason because he wanted the joy of doing it himself, Then freddy goes after michael putting him down thinking hes dead then turns hes focus on michaels massacre on jason trying to finish him, but jason is faking and goes on the attack for freddy but freddy starts getting the upper hand, mean while michael is back up and they start double teaming freddy but jason then starts batltling michael, and all the battle , now after this I have no clue what they'll do.. It the movie plays out as good as it sounds, I'll see it for sure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sounds pretty good to me!

Pyro Tramp 01-27-04 05:02 PM

Ash rocks
I just heard about the Freddy vs. Jason vs. Evil Dead sequel and im doin my own for Film Studies C/W, odd
Anyway maybe you dont remember that in the original Elm Street and Friday 13th Joe Nobody beat Freddy and Jason. Ash whooped an army of zombies, of course he can take 'em, he has a chainsaw for a hand and his BOOMstick

s-mart ash 01-27-04 05:28 PM

boomstick! :)

Richard Hell 01-30-04 09:40 PM

2 Attachment(s)
i repeat i repeat ash would get hhis ass wooped faster then i can woop up some easy mac and cheese. He is human. wHICH Means he can die more easily. I love the evil dead series as old as it is. But you got to face facts he would die. Freddy is the only one that would be a fare match for him. I would think that the vs franchises would concetrate more on michael vs jason. Jason cant die and well nether can michael myers and michael has back up if i rember in holloween 5 well i dont know its been a while. the one where he chases his niece. anways when they take him to jail theres this guy named nail i think. dressed in a similer mask and leather trench coat but unlike michael he caries a gun. He killed all of the police and set mike free. I wonder if they would have like a 2 on 2 match.heres my take on it
right after fredy vs. jason. jason takes fredy head. But freddy is stil alive in dream world. Because the two kids didnt forget about him nor did he realy die. So fredy forms a plan where he again enters jason mind and tells him that a man is the reason he ened up drowning and went through all of the pain in his life. Thus man ends up being son of lorie strode. So jason is off to kill him. Mean while fredy go to another mind Michael myers. He tells mike wher lories strodes son is at and that another is planing to kill him. well mikes atitude is like hell he will. So they meet up and have a brutal brawl while the son is in the middle of it all. So for a minute or 2 jason gets the upper hand is about to deliver the final blow and all of the sudden michael is saved by nail. Nail lets him full of holes But jason destroys his guns. While then jason retreats and is then walking when fredy is taunting him to let him free from his closet. Final fredy lets him out. Mean while nail and michael are chasing after strodes son. Where jason and fredy confronts them and they have final brawl. From there i can say ther is no clear victor which is why i give the people the votes i guess. Nail,Freddy,jason,or mike. or a combination of your own . :D

FreddyisaIcon 02-02-04 03:02 AM

lets get this straight
#1 Killer Freddy You fall asleep you dead... 4 RAZOR SHARP 10in. blades..

#2 Jason Very strong and always comes back for more..

#3 Chucky or Pinhead

About Micheal Myers.. to human... Ages... To weak to take on any killer except he could take SCREAM TRILOGY Killers cause Micheal did take some shot gun rounds in 2 or 3? with the little girl that turns pshyco at the end..

and whats is this Ash vs freddy are you kidden me HELLO Freddy enters dreams and from what i saw in the dream world freddys got it won he throws jason around like a f*ckin rag doll and jason gets helped by the humans.. thats why but I loved Freddy vs. Jason espically @ the end Freddy's eyes open when jason has his head... Even though Freddy had it won by K.O. still a great fight

SweetNocturna 02-02-04 07:38 PM

Aye, No More.... The whole freddy/jason plots are already pretty water-thin from the movies just by themselves. I saw Freddy Vs Jason. The soundtrack was good but, I'm not really anxious to see this one. I'll wait till it's 2 bucks at the video store. teehee! :rolleyes:

spiderchan 02-02-04 09:27 PM

I know this
Originally Posted by Frank Castle
i dont think that will happen. No affence ash is realy bad ass and i have seen all of the evil dead movies. But hed get his ass wooped when going up against jason. Maybe he kan take on freddy but i doubt jason. The only one with the balls to take on jason, is michael but even he would get kicked 2 so i dont know what other possible choices there.
wait i got one Jason Saves Christmas just joking

Jason is terrible. He's a slow dumb brute. Freddy is for sure the predecessor of that clown. Lets think Freddy had to wake Jason up because he was to stupid to realize he wsa killing in a dream world. Real smart. Freddy vs. Jason(clown) vs. Venom. Theres a fight for the century, but Venom prevails.

Soul_man_uk20 02-03-04 09:11 AM

release date
despite what people say they havent got hardly any ideas what they are gonna do and i can guarantee you it will be something different, the expected release date what i can find is june 2005

Pyro Tramp 02-03-04 12:57 PM

Originally Posted by Frank Castle
i repeat i repeat ash would get hhis ass wooped faster then i can woop up some easy mac and cheese. He is human. wHICH Means he can die more easily. I love the evil dead series as old as it is. But you got to face facts he would die. Freddy is the only one that would be a fare match for him. I would think that the vs franchises would concetrate more on michael vs jason. Jason cant die and well nether can michael myers and michael has back up if i rember in holloween 5 well i dont know its been a while. the one where he chases his niece. anways when they take him to jail theres this guy named nail i think. dressed in a similer mask and leather trench coat but unlike michael he caries a gun. He killed all of the police and set mike free. I wonder if they would have like a 2 on 2 match.heres my take on it
right after fredy vs. jason. jason takes fredy head. But freddy is stil alive in dream world. Because the two kids didnt forget about him nor did he realy die. So fredy forms a plan where he again enters jason mind and tells him that a man is the reason he ened up drowning and went through all of the pain in his life. Thus man ends up being son of lorie strode. So jason is off to kill him. Mean while fredy go to another mind Michael myers. He tells mike wher lories strodes son is at and that another is planing to kill him. well mikes atitude is like hell he will. So they meet up and have a brutal brawl while the son is in the middle of it all. So for a minute or 2 jason gets the upper hand is about to deliver the final blow and all of the sudden michael is saved by nail. Nail lets him full of holes But jason destroys his guns. While then jason retreats and is then walking when fredy is taunting him to let him free from his closet. Final fredy lets him out. Mean while nail and michael are chasing after strodes son. Where jason and fredy confronts them and they have final brawl. From there i can say ther is no clear victor which is why i give the people the votes i guess. Nail,Freddy,jason,or mike. or a combination of your own . :D
There is no reason why Ash wouldn't win, humans 'kill' Jason in Friday the 13th and Freddy in A Nightmare On Elm Street and Ash has more advantages than an annoying screaming girl, go and watch the originals

CujoLink 02-05-04 12:21 PM

They need to bring in Uber Jason from Jason X.

Do you guys want to kill me now?

Bodom 02-05-04 04:49 PM

hmm well as for micheal, I beleive he would put up a good fight. Who cares if he's human or not.

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