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Monkeypunch 11-14-04 08:20 PM

MoFo art gallery
2 Attachment(s)
Any artists on MoFo? I thought it would be cool if there was a thread where people could post their artwork, whether its photography, drawings, paintings, etc. (I searched and could NOT find a thread like this, so i made one. if there is one, i'm sorry.)

Anyways, let me start this off....(yeah, it's fan art, but i like how they came out)

r3port3r66 11-14-04 09:07 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Back when I was a reporter, I used to get into all kinds of situations. My Press pass allowed me access to all kinds of news stuff. Along with writing the news I also photograhed it, and maybe not art, perhaps you might appreciate some of my camera work:

Caitlyn 11-14-04 10:28 PM

Thanks for sharing you two… and I would love to see more... :)

SamsoniteDelilah 11-14-04 10:43 PM

Originally Posted by r3port3r66
Back when I was a reporter, I used to get into all kinds of situations. My Press pass allowed me access to all kinds of news stuff. Along with writing the news I also photograhed it, and maybe not art, perhaps you might appreciate some of my camera work:
Nice work. What's going on in that pic?

OG- 11-14-04 11:29 PM

2 Attachment(s)
Here's a pic I took that I like alot, though it is slightly out of focus. And a pic of the moon I find very peaceful:

SamsoniteDelilah 11-14-04 11:41 PM

OG-, those are both really cool. Did you shoot them on film or digital?
Monkeypunch, nice stuff. The first one totally reminds me of a girl I know. Great energy in the poses.

OG- 11-15-04 12:47 AM

Those were digital, here's some more from the city that raised me:

Yoda 11-15-04 01:16 AM

5 Attachment(s)
I'm not much of a photographer, but I've always been very interested in it, and appreciative of it. Here are a few that I've taken.

SamsoniteDelilah 11-15-04 01:50 AM

OG, those are great!
Yoda ,the tree is spectacular, and I really like all of them. The corn is really crisply focused and I like the way you framed the newpaper boxes and the crop on the kid.

SamsoniteDelilah 11-15-04 02:03 AM

I don't take pictures or paint, but I guess I do write a bit. This is a true story from my life, from a few years ago.

The Story About The Horses

My step-dad married my mom when I was 2. We did not hit it off. Our relationship was strained at best for most of my life. I used to dread Father's Day, because I'd have to go read all those cards... "thanks for being there for me, Dad", "thanks for all the times you..." and try to find one that just made a joke about some vague thing. I always felt so gypped. For four years in my 20's, we didn't speak at all.

After that, we kind of started over. We still had our issues, and my friend Robin and I had long talks about our crazy parents. She was working on a play about her relationship with her mom and we were planning to do a staged-reading at one of the theaters in Hollywood. The play was called "Lift" and one of the characters was a little girl who dealt with her abusive mother by retreating to her attic room and drawing horses on the walls. The little girl could never get the legs right though, and they always appeared unfinished. I thought this was a brilliant metaphor for that feeling of not being able to move on that can haunt you long after you leave an abusive situation.

In January of '01, my mom had been having serious health problems and finally was diagnosed as having had a fairly impressive heart attack. She was life-flighted from their home in Az to Phoenix for an emergency quadruple bypass. I dropped everything in LA and went to Phoenix. Even after all the crap years, I couldn't stand the thought of Dad sitting there alone while Mom was in surgery, or if something went wrong.

We stayed with 'internet friends' of mine in Phoenix, and had a lot of time to talk during the week after the surgery. One morning in the car, he asked me about my acting and was saying that I needed to get back to that. I told him that as a kid, I had really needed acting, because it was a way of getting approval from people, but that as an adult, I had outgrown some of that, and I just didn't feel the drive to do it anymore. At that point, he said something unlike anything he had ever said to me. He told me that he knew that I didn't get the approval that I probably wanted from him, but that he had always been proud of me. (I damn near wrecked the car from shock.) I told him about the play that I was in, and that Robin had been gracious enough to let me play 'her' in it. He liked the horse metaphor, too. He was glad to hear I was going to perform, and that 'approval' stuff.. what do you know? It's ok.

Mom got better, they went home, I came back to LA... and 8 weeks later, Dad was fixing the plumbing under their house and died of a ruptured anneurism. I again dropped everything and went back to Az to help my mom get her things together. I called Robin on my way out of town to give her a heads-up, because this was only 3 weeks before the show. She called me mid-week to see how things were and if I thought I'd still be able to do the show. I told her I thought it was the thing to do.

Going through a box of old stuff, I had found, among Dad's things, a painting of running horses, their legs obscured by the dust, looking unfinished.

PimpDaShizzle V2.0 11-15-04 04:38 AM

I doodle things with one line. Then I color them in. It's better if I doodle it with a pen then scan it, but you know, schmit happens. Anyways, I liked the way this one was framed and the dimensions are kind of on their marks, and the color implies depth too. High five for me. Oh yeah, if I wasn't clear I did it with one line in MS Paint. MS Paint does suck, who asked?

Eyes 11-15-04 06:37 PM

i'm taking basic art in my school next quarter, so i hope to develop some level of skill

Monkeypunch 11-15-04 06:43 PM

Originally Posted by Yoda
I'm not much of a photographer, but I've always been very interested in it, and appreciative of it. Here are a few that I've taken.
I love the one with all the newspaper boxes. It is so cool. I love finding art in really mundane objects we see every day! definitely post more!

PimpDaShizzle V2.0 11-15-04 07:02 PM

Same deal, I found this one I did. The color on the drop is off, it should have been dark on the left, again - schmidt happens.

Yoda 11-15-04 09:52 PM

5 Attachment(s)
Thanks guys. :)

Originally Posted by Monkeypunch
I love the one with all the newspaper boxes. It is so cool. I love finding art in really mundane objects we see every day! definitely post more!
Here's a few more, though they're not quite as good. I took all but the first one on the same day, wandering around downtown Pittsburgh.

Yoda 11-15-04 09:56 PM

Originally Posted by SamsoniteDelilah
I don't take pictures or paint, but I guess I do write a bit. This is a true story from my life, from a few years ago.

The Story About The Horses

My step-dad married my mom when I was 2. We did not hit it off. Our relationship was strained at best for most of my life. I used to dread Father's Day, because I'd have to go read all those cards... "thanks for being there for me, Dad", "thanks for all the times you..." and try to find one that just made a joke about some vague thing. I always felt so gypped. For four years in my 20's, we didn't speak at all.

After that, we kind of started over. We still had our issues, and my friend Robin and I had long talks about our crazy parents. She was working on a play about her relationship with her mom and we were planning to do a staged-reading at one of the theaters in Hollywood. The play was called "Lift" and one of the characters was a little girl who dealt with her abusive mother by retreating to her attic room and drawing horses on the walls. The little girl could never get the legs right though, and they always appeared unfinished. I thought this was a brilliant metaphor for that feeling of not being able to move on that can haunt you long after you leave an abusive situation.

In January of '01, my mom had been having serious health problems and finally was diagnosed as having had a fairly impressive heart attack. She was life-flighted from their home in Az to Phoenix for an emergency quadruple bypass. I dropped everything in LA and went to Phoenix. Even after all the crap years, I couldn't stand the thought of Dad sitting there alone while Mom was in surgery, or if something went wrong.

We stayed with 'internet friends' of mine in Phoenix, and had a lot of time to talk during the week after the surgery. One morning in the car, he asked me about my acting and was saying that I needed to get back to that. I told him that as a kid, I had really needed acting, because it was a way of getting approval from people, but that as an adult, I had outgrown some of that, and I just didn't feel the drive to do it anymore. At that point, he said something unlike anything he had ever said to me. He told me that he knew that I didn't get the approval that I probably wanted from him, but that he had always been proud of me. (I damn near wrecked the car from shock.) I told him about the play that I was in, and that Robin had been gracious enough to let me play 'her' in it. He liked the horse metaphor, too. He was glad to hear I was going to perform, and that 'approval' stuff.. what do you know? It's ok.

Mom got better, they went home, I came back to LA... and 8 weeks later, Dad was fixing the plumbing under their house and died of a ruptured anneurism. I again dropped everything and went back to Az to help my mom get her things together. I called Robin on my way out of town to give her a heads-up, because this was only 3 weeks before the show. She called me mid-week to see how things were and if I thought I'd still be able to do the show. I told her I thought it was the thing to do.

Going through a box of old stuff, I had found, among Dad's things, a painting of running horses, their legs obscured by the dust, looking unfinished.
That's unreal. Like something out of a movie. It's amazing how often I hear that people's biggest regrets involve not saying what they thought or felt until it was too late; or, if not too late, later than it should've been.

You're a good writer, by the way. :)

PimpDaShizzle V2.0 11-15-04 10:19 PM

YODA - The one of the door with bricks around it is da' bomb. I like the lighting. The onyl thing I would have done differently would be making it straight on and level. Good eye.

r3port3r66 11-16-04 12:10 AM

I am loving this thread! More, more everyone!

Caitlyn 11-16-04 11:56 AM

Originally Posted by r3port3r66
I am loving this thread! More, more everyone!

I definitely agree... :yup:

2wrongs 11-16-04 12:25 PM

Yods, I love the pic with the door and those pipes. I like the angle; the shadows.

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