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jordo 07-10-04 09:02 AM

Best super hero movie.
The best super hero movie? Nearly all of them are great. they never seem to fail. My favourites include:

Batman Returns.
Superman 1 2 3 and 4.
Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles 2 (Does that count ha?)

I didnt enjoy X Men as much but I'm sure that Spiderman 2 will be good. My favourite though has to be the first BATMAN movie. It had the best villian in, the joker. It was great. What do you think is the best as I am aa big fan of superhero films.

susan 07-10-04 09:09 AM

spiderman 1 and 2
super mario brothers
superman 1 and 2
batman 1 and 2
mystery men

undercoverlover 07-10-04 09:26 AM

im not a fan of the ninja turtles (the most random idea for a cartoon ever)

Superman 1
Batman VS Catwoman
Spiderman 1
X-men 2

The Taxi Driver 07-10-04 09:44 AM

1) X2: x-men united
2) Spiderman 2
3) Spiderman
4) X-men
5) batman
6) batman returns

Sleezy 07-10-04 12:16 PM

My pick has to Unbreakable, because it really gets down to the fundamentals of what makes up a superhero, and I love that. But The Hulk needs to be mentioned as well, because it's amazing.

D'yer Mak'er 07-10-04 12:43 PM

Tim Burtons Batman.
The Crow
Teenage Mutanat NINJA (Hero??damn you Englanders!!!) Turtles
Is Neo a superheroe?

James_Bond 07-10-04 03:24 PM

My Top 3 are....

1) Spider-man 2
2) X2
3) Spider-man

jrs 07-10-04 03:52 PM

Top 5 favorites are:

1. Spiderman 2
2. Spiderman
3. Batman (1989)
4. Superman
5. X-Men

Tazz 07-10-04 03:56 PM

Spider-Man 2
Batman Returns
The Crow
Donnie Darko(Donnie Darko could be a superhero he did save the world after all???) :)

Sinny McGuffins 07-10-04 06:15 PM

Hey, if you guys are into super heroes you might want to know that the cast and director for the upcoming Fantastic Four movie has been announced HERE.

Stiffler 07-11-04 02:36 PM

It has to be

reservoirdogs 07-11-04 04:22 PM

1.Spiderman 2
3.nothing else that was good enough comes to mind

KittyJunkie 07-12-04 07:03 AM

Best Superhero Movies
In this sequence (1 = the best)...

1. Spider-Man 2
2. Spider-Man
3. The Mask of Zorro
4. Rulyard Kibling's The Jungle Book (not the cartoon)
5. Batman
6. Batman Returns
7. X-Men 2
8. X-men

D'yer Mak'er 07-12-04 10:20 AM

Originally Posted by Zzat
Donnie Darko(Donnie Darko could be a superhero he did save the world after all???) :)
booooooooo. If he can be a superhero then half of every Will Smith movie is a superhero flick.(he does save the world on multiple occasions afterall)
same with Austin Powers, Bond and most Schwarzaneggar movies

Sedai 07-12-04 10:55 AM

Originally Posted by D'yer Mak'er
booooooooo. If he can be a superhero then half of every Will Smith movie is a superhero flick.(he does save the world on multiple occasions afterall)
same with Austin Powers, Bond and most Schwarzaneggar movies
Donnie is a super hero, they say so in the film, and they say so in the commentary. Clearly, a person who can imbed an axe into a solid bronze statue 15 feet off the ground has some extraordinary abilities. Will Smith did not. Still not much of a super hero film per se.

My favs in order....

Spiderman 2

I loved Donnie Darko, but I put it in a class all it's own.....

SamsoniteDelilah 07-12-04 02:36 PM

Spiderman 2
Donnie Darko
The Crow
Once Upon a Time in Mexico (silly, but I liked it)

invicta62 07-12-04 05:08 PM

Spiderman 2
I think Spiderman 2 is the best so far. I just saw it. AMAZING. I really didn't expect it to be as good as it was.

EDITED: To remove SPAM

Shaolin 07-12-04 05:35 PM

Donnie Darko
Batman 1 and 2
The Crow

Tolstoy 07-12-04 07:56 PM

Originally Posted by Parky
Hey, if you guys are into super heroes you might want to know that the cast and director for the upcoming Fantastic Four movie has been announced HERE.
This is just another example of Hollywood redoing a classic that has already been made :)

I prefer the Blade movies to the SPidermans and less so to the Xmen movies. The Crow is prolly my fav comic-film superhero.

Shaolin 07-12-04 08:04 PM

Your definition of classic must differ from mine.

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