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FallsAngel 07-24-04 06:07 PM

FAVORITE Stephen King Movie
Which one do you think is the best?

Tazz 07-24-04 06:45 PM

Green Mile, Secret Window, and The Shining

Garrett 07-24-04 07:01 PM

'Salem's Lot and Stanley Kubrick's The Shining are the only really good ones in my opinion.

jrs 07-24-04 07:04 PM

The Shining, Christine, Green Mile and The Dead Zone.

7thson 07-24-04 07:16 PM

Stand by me has always been a fav of mine.

that70sguy10 07-24-04 07:29 PM

Green Mile was awesome... But Secret Window is one of my all time favorite movies and it stars the Pimp Johnny Depp... Gotta go w/ it.

Tazz 07-24-04 07:38 PM

Secret Window was too short. I forgot to mention Shawshank Redemption also one of my favorites

jrs 07-24-04 07:44 PM

Originally Posted by 7thson
Stand by me has always been a fav of mine.

How can I forget that one :eek: .

AboveTheClouds 07-25-04 01:07 AM

Originally Posted by Garrett
'Salem's Lot and Stanley Kubrick's The Shining are the only really good ones in my opinion.
I agree on all accounts... Even if King didn't like Kubricks interpretation of the film..... I would also like to add "Stand by me" Cory Feldman's best role.

BrandnewCorporate 07-25-04 03:14 AM

i honestly can't really get into any of stephen kings movies...especially the shining..which is the one everyone praises.
i liked carrie the best i guess though

susan 07-25-04 07:59 AM

green mile
shawshank redemption
stand by me
the stand

Jabot 07-25-04 11:59 AM

Hmm, I have to say The Shining... because it's one of my all time favorite movies. Also, "It" was highly enjoyable but for different reasons. It's wasn't the quality, it's just that clowns scare the crap out of me!

Shaolin 07-25-04 01:34 PM

The Shining was the best, although none of them live up to the novels.

mack 07-25-04 05:52 PM

I generally like all of SK's stuff, so Ill rate the ones Ive seen and am willing to rate in this order:

15) Golden Years
14) Thinner
13) Night Flier
12) Misery
11) The Langoliers
10) Hearts in Atlantis
9) Rose Red
8) The Green Mile
7) Dreamcather
6) The Dead Zone
5) The Shining
4) The Stand
3) It
2) The Shawshank Redemption
1) Storm of the Century

led_zeppelin 07-25-04 06:13 PM

Originally Posted by Garrett
'Salem's Lot and Stanley Kubrick's The Shining are the only really good ones in my opinion.
Really, I always thought you liked Shawshank, the Green Mile and Stand By Me along with those two.

Top 5 in order. . .
1.the Green Mile
2.Pet Semetary
3.the Shining
4.Stand By Me
5.Needful Things

Garrett 07-25-04 06:54 PM

Originally Posted by led_zeppelin
Really, I always thought you liked Shawshank, the Green Mile and Stand By Me along with those two.

Top 5 in order. . .
1.the Green Mile
2.Pet Semetary
3.the Shining
4.Stand By Me
5.Needful Things
I've never seen Stand By Me or the Green Mile, and I never really thought of Shawshank though it is a good one.

AboveTheClouds 07-25-04 07:58 PM

OH I forgot Rose Red.... AWESOME movie......

Caitlyn 07-25-04 08:46 PM

The Shining - Stanley Kubrick's
Shawshank Redemption
Stand By Me
The Green Mile

And The Stand wasn't bad…

KittyJunkie 07-26-04 12:40 AM

Ack!! Too many!

But on the top of my list (also a few of my most loved movies of all time):
- The Stand
- The Dead Zone (I haven't seen the movie, but if it were anything like the book, it would most definitely kick butt)
- Misery
- The Langoliers
and The Green Mile (The only movie that I forked out an estimated S$26 to watch!)

nebbit 07-26-04 06:52 AM

Originally Posted by Zzat
Green Mile, Secret Window, and The Shining

led_zeppelin 07-26-04 05:10 PM

I forgot the Langoliers and the Stand! I love those movies.

mack 07-27-04 09:46 PM

Originally Posted by KittyJunkie
- The Dead Zone (I haven't seen the movie, but if it were anything like the book, it would most definitely kick butt)
I dont know if Ive got the right one, but there is a show out called the Dead Zone, and I saw the pilot. Excellent stuff! The show is great, and I do believe that it is based on the SK book. :) I havent read the book (yet), but Id say definitely give it a rent.

KittyJunkie 07-27-04 10:51 PM

Originally Posted by mack
I dont know if Ive got the right one, but there is a show out called the Dead Zone, and I saw the pilot. Excellent stuff! The show is great, and I do believe that it is based on the SK book. :) I havent read the book (yet), but Id say definitely give it a rent.
I know!!! I've been watching every ep. but have been a little disappointed. And I'll say why too... Anthony Michael Hall does not do a realistic Johnny Smith. First of all he is too stout (Johnny is often described as sickly, weak, and looks like his flesh is hanging to his bones), then he keeps forgetting that he's supposed to be dependent on his walking stick - instead he keeps using it as a pointer or something... And the magic of the story of the Dead Zone is how unknown Johnny Smith is, thus the almost 'default' name, but in the series they go and make him a famous media psychic. The television series is only faithful to the novel at several points ie. the pilot, bits and pieces in between, and I suppose right at the end. But I still catch every ep without fail 'cos of what a fan I am of the original novel. Definitely worth a read mack! You won't regret it.

mack 07-28-04 07:58 AM

Originally Posted by KittyJunkie
But I still catch every ep without fail 'cos of what a fan I am of the original novel. Definitely worth a read mack! You won't regret it.
Well, on your say so, I am probably going to do just that! :D Let me ask you this about the book v. film: is there an underpinning Apostle John type thingie going on here?? I manage to see an episode here or there, but have never been able to really follow the shows the way i want, but I did catch the episode where his therapy buddy goes into an alternate existence where he stayed on as a Preacher in his dad's church. It was sinister! Am I imagining the biblical linkage of "John" in that episode?

KittyJunkie 07-28-04 10:27 AM

Originally Posted by mack
Let me ask you this about the book v. film: is there an underpinning Apostle John type thingie going on here?? I manage to see an episode here or there, but have never been able to really follow the shows the way i want, but I did catch the episode where his therapy buddy goes into an alternate existence where he stayed on as a Preacher in his dad's church. It was sinister! Am I imagining the biblical linkage of "John" in that episode?
That ep that you saw, was not part of the novel. And I really don't know if there was an underpinning apostle John thing. It was a really weird ep, not one of my favs. And there was another weird one before this too, don't know if you've seen it - with some Al Qaeda references, and Johnny Smith working with other psychics in a secret government lab. Being psychics, they kinda added 'power' to each other - and that was really hard to swallow, not so enjoyable either. :( When you've read the novel, you'll know how far off they went.

undercoverlover 07-28-04 12:43 PM

for me its between green mile and stand by me...i love stand by me ive watched it a million times but green mile was just amazing

Urban Cowboy 07-28-04 01:48 PM

Stand by Me and The Shining

Knoxville 07-28-04 04:08 PM

The Shining

Nitzer 07-28-04 09:19 PM

secret widnow. dont know about you people but i hated the shining. so long, boring and pointless. not even a bit scary. well its just my opinion dont flame me.

mack 07-28-04 11:17 PM

I liked the movie The Shining with Jack Nicholson, but I have to say, the miniseries version with Rebecca DeMornay was really good.

Reservoir_Dog 08-05-04 03:15 PM

i love all Stephen King films, im a big fan of his books asweel and to see them on screen is really great.

Moviez&Dvdz4life 08-05-04 03:39 PM

My favorite Stephen King movie is of course.... DreamCatcher!

Escape 08-06-04 12:01 AM

Originally Posted by Moviez&Dvdz4life
My favorite Stephen King movie is of course.... DreamCatcher!
You know, I really wanted to like dreamcatcher. I went in there looking forward to an entertaining movie. I enjoyed it untill about the last half hour. It got kind of silly around then. And with that b movie alien at the end, that just put the final "nail in the coffin" for me.
As for my favorite stephen king movie based on his novel I would have to say Misery.

Anonymous Last 08-11-04 11:53 PM

The Stand/ Rose Red

SamsoniteDelilah 08-13-04 01:00 AM

Stand By Me
The Green Mile

I didn't like The Shining, either. The book scared the hell outta me, but the movie was overshadowed by the lead actor.

gummo 08-18-04 03:58 PM

1)The Green Mile
2)Shawshank Redemption
3)Hearts in Atlantis
4)Dalores Claiborne
5)Apt Pupil
5)The Shining (the mini series was better in the sense that it was more like the book, but Kubrick's version was good...gotta love Nicholson)
7)The Stand
9)Pet Sematary
10)Stand By Me
11)Children of The Corn...all of them
12)Secret Window (i luv Johnny Depp)

The Dead Zone was a good book...horrible movie
Rose Red was good, the prequal is better
Misery...(luv Kathy Bates)
Sometimes They Come Back,...again,...for more...(good)
Maximum Overdrive ...good
Dreamcatcher...again better book
The Langoliers...was okay
Cujo...scared the hell out of me...when i was a kid

These are the movies that I have seen . Stephen King is one of my fav. writers

Dazed&Confused 08-18-04 04:21 PM

Stephen King's IT

mack 08-19-04 01:08 AM

Originally Posted by gummo
Rose Red was good, the prequal is better
:confused: Prequel?? Where? When? tell!! :D

Anonymous Last 08-19-04 01:17 AM

"The Diary of Ellen Rimbauer"
Description-The haunting prequel to Stephen King's "Rose Red", "The Diary of Ellen Rimbauer" reveals the twisted marriage of a naïve matriarch to a promiscuous industrialist and how their Seattle mansion took on a sinister life of its own.

mack 08-19-04 01:23 AM

Aha! I have seen that movie--but SK wasnt affiliated with it in any way, was he? Additionally, I thought it was semi-documentary......sort of....:confused:

Project -X 08-20-04 07:04 PM

Yeah I wondered if Stephen King had anything to do with THE DIARY OF ELLEN RIMBAUER, which I didn't think was that great anyway.

I'm a huge Stephen King fan, these are my faves:

Kubrick's The Shining - My all-time fave. Just a perfect film IMO.

King's The Shining miniseries - Also didn't think it was too bad.

IT - Awesome. Tim Curry rocks!

Rose Red - Love the house, so twisted!

Carrie - Excellent performance by Sissy Spacek

The Stand - I like the first half of it.

Children of the Corn - I like all of them.

Misery - Gotta love Kathy Bates

Dolores Claiborne - Another great performance by Kathy Bates.

The_Rage888 08-21-04 01:29 PM

My favorite Stephen King movie would probably have to be either The Shining, Secret Window, or It.

calistoga 08-22-04 03:55 PM

I like them all, but Shawshank Redemption, Green Mile, and the Dead Zone are probably my favorites.

undercoverlover 08-22-04 04:15 PM

didn't think much of Dreamcatcher

Lennon 02-12-08 03:13 PM

Re: FAVORITE Stephen King Movie
Shawshank Redemption,

Chaiwriter 02-12-08 03:55 PM

Re: FAVORITE Stephen King Movie
I really liked the Green Mile and Shawshank. Stand By Me was great too. Hell of a short story collection (Different Seasons) with Shawshank, Stand my Me, and Apt Pupil in them.

I also really got into The Stand and Storm of the Century.

I thought DreamCatcher was disappointing - both the book and the movie.

kcurrin 02-13-08 06:33 PM

Re: FAVORITE Stephen King Movie
The Shawshank Redemption
The Green Mile
The Shining
Children of the Corn

Silas 02-14-08 03:51 PM

Re: FAVORITE Stephen King Movie
Shawshank Redemption and The Green Mile

Cbreezy 02-15-08 10:25 PM

Re: FAVORITE Stephen King Movie
As a film student its sometimes embarassing for me that I could never enjoy Kubrick's vision for the Shining. I read the book at a very young age and when I finally saw the movie it wasn't much like the book and it made me angry. Now I appreciate what Kubrick did but I can never enjoy the plot anymore because of that.

But my Favriotes are probably Shawshank Redemption, Stand by Me and The Mist Which suprised me how good it was.

Caitlyn 02-15-08 10:33 PM

Re: FAVORITE Stephen King Movie
Originally Posted by glmmovies (Post 414580)
I avoid Stephen Kind movie like the plague. They just don't do it for me...
Which ones have you seen?

Caitlyn 02-15-08 10:48 PM

Re: FAVORITE Stephen King Movie
Originally Posted by glmmovies (Post 414583)
I saw a bit of the shining. I'm not a horror buff, or anything so that might be part of it. I saw a bit of the mist when I snuck in with some friends (I hate breaking the law T.T) and thats about it. Generally I don't like horror movies made from books since they have a tendency to be bad. Evil Dead is really the only horror type movie for me.

Which version of The Shining did you see? I'm not a big horror buff either but I like Kubrick's The Shining (didn't care for the one King did for TV though). You should really check out Stand By Me and Misery though... they're not horror...

truedudesreviews 02-16-08 10:46 PM

Re: FAVORITE Stephen King Movie
hello..... stand by me

Revenant 02-17-08 01:54 PM

Re: FAVORITE Stephen King Movie
The good
Stand By Me
The Shawshank Redemption
The Green Mile
The Shining
The Dead Zone
The Bad
Lawnmower Man
The Langoliers
The Night Flyer
The Tommyknockers
The Ugly
The Running Man

Caitlyn 02-17-08 03:59 PM

Re: FAVORITE Stephen King Movie
Originally Posted by Revenant (Post 414897)
The good
Stand By Me
The Shawshank Redemption
The Green Mile
The Shining
The Dead Zone
The Bad
Lawnmower Man
The Langoliers
The Night Flyer
The Tommyknockers
The Ugly
The Running Man

Hi Rev!!!!

Nice to see you finally decided to come home... :)

Oh, and in keeping with the topic... have you seen Secret Window? And if so, would you rank it good, bad, or ugly? I have the DVD but haven't watched it yet....

eMilee 02-17-08 04:03 PM

Re: FAVORITE Stephen King Movie
Originally Posted by kcurrin (Post 414025)
The Shawshank Redemption
The Green Mile
The Shining
Children of the Corn
all of these are my faves execpt IT..still gives me the creeps!!! but i also love stand by me as well!!

Revenant 02-17-08 05:45 PM

Re: FAVORITE Stephen King Movie
Originally Posted by Caitlyn (Post 414911)
Hi Rev!!!!

Nice to see you finally decided to come home... :)

Oh, and in keeping with the topic... have you seen Secret Window? And if so, would you rank it good, bad, or ugly? I have the DVD but haven't watched it yet....
I was feeling home sick.

Yeah I have seen Secret Window and for me it would have to fit into a forth category. The So-so one. I watched it not all that long ago and already I can barely remember it.
It wasn't bad per se but is one I am not likely to come back to.

r3port3r66 02-17-08 08:52 PM

Re: FAVORITE Stephen King Movie
REV! Yeah!
Now, The Night Flyer wasn't all that bad, Really.

jrs 02-17-08 09:37 PM

Re: FAVORITE Stephen King Movie
Originally Posted by Revenant (Post 414897)
Lawnmower Man
Even though I personally loved it, it technically is not a Stephen King movie.

By taking his short story The Lawnmower Man' (taken from his #1 bestseller Nightshift) and altering it completely with the burning of a priest and sex/violence in cyberspace, causing major repurcussions.

New Line's The Lawnmower Man had to be overhauled following a federal court ruling in New York that prohibed the movie's producer and distributor from using author Stephen King's name in association with the film. King's name was removed on all posters and advertising materials.

jamaine12 02-18-08 05:29 AM

Re: FAVORITE Stephen King Movie
It, The Shining, Carrie and Children of the Corn..I'm little bit confuse if Children of the Corn is Stephen King's creation.:rolleyes:

Memnon 02-18-08 05:48 PM

Re: FAVORITE Stephen King Movie
Shawshank and Kubrick's The Shining stand out for me...

The Mist impressed me as well, but I don't think it was as good as the other 2 mentioned. I would include a number of others in this group as well i guess; Carrie, Misery, The Green Mile, The Dead Zone... aww hell... I keep thinking of more I'd put in the really good, but not quite great, category, but since this was supposed to be about favorites, I guess I'll leave it at that...

chet seven 02-18-08 06:11 PM

Re: FAVORITE Stephen King Movie

Cygnus X-2112 02-23-08 06:16 PM

Re: FAVORITE Stephen King Movie
Green Mile, Shawshank Redemption, The Shining, and 1408 (yes i liked 1408) are the only ones i really like.

diamondgeeza 02-23-08 07:16 PM

Re: FAVORITE Stephen King Movie
Too many to list, I have nearly all of his films on dvd!

Cygnus X-2112 02-24-08 12:00 PM

Re: FAVORITE Stephen King Movie
Originally Posted by diamondgeeza (Post 416127)
Too many to list, I have nearly all of his films on dvd!
I've read nearly all his books :P

kcurrin 02-25-08 05:00 PM

Re: FAVORITE Stephen King Movie
I watched Misery last night on TV. I still cringe when the "hobbling" takes place.

mikeython1 12-16-08 02:46 AM

Re: FAVORITE Stephen King Movie
Pet Sematary

Gage has got to be the creepiest little kid ever!!

TheDOMINATOR 12-16-08 03:16 AM

Re: FAVORITE Stephen King Movie
The Shawshank Redemption.

Swan 12-16-08 03:18 AM

Re: FAVORITE Stephen King Movie
The Shawshank Redemption for me, as well.

But I don't feel right not giving an honorable mention to Misery.

The Shining is up there for me, as well.

re93animator 12-16-08 08:15 AM

Re: FAVORITE Stephen King Movie
I am an avid reader of Stephen King. While most of the film adaptions don't live up to the books, there are a few that do. King's stories have been adapted for film so many times that there are more than a few good films made from his work. Some I do consider better than the books. While some people say that most King adaptions are terrible, I say that there are some that rank up with the greatest films of all time.

My top 5:
1. The Shining will always be my favorite King adaption. It strays a lot from the novel, but in my opinion for the better.
2. The Mist - There is no doubt that Frank Darabont is the best when it comes to King adaptions. The Mist actually exceeded my expectations which were pretty high to begin with. Made like a classic horror film.
3. The Shawshank Redemption - Probably the best prison movie ever made.
4. Misery - On a par with the novel IMO, and that is really saying something since Misery is one of the best King novels out there. Aided by fantastic performances by Caan and Bates.
5. Apt Pupil - I may be alone on liking this as much as I do. It's a very well made disturbing psychological drama about a boy that finds out a deadly secret about his neighbor.

From what I remember of other King movies and TV series I also enjoyed The Green Mile, Dreamcatcher, 1408, The Night Flier, Maximum Overdrive, Carrie, The Stand, Silver Bullet, and Creepshow. Biggest disappointment would either be The Mangler or Thinner.

bonhamstuart 12-16-08 10:27 AM

Re: FAVORITE Stephen King Movie
Stand by Me is surely the best because of it's emotional storyline?

BadaBing 12-16-08 11:49 AM

Re: FAVORITE Stephen King Movie
The Shining is my favorite, with Secret Window coming in close second.

n3wt 12-16-08 12:03 PM

Re: FAVORITE Stephen King Movie
The Shining, Rose Red, Dreamcatcher and Secret Window

Swan 12-16-08 08:16 PM

Re: FAVORITE Stephen King Movie
Oh yes, I agree with Secret Window. Great film.

honeykid 12-16-08 10:02 PM

Re: FAVORITE Stephen King Movie
The Shawshank Redemption, Salem's Lot and Dolores Clairborne.

TheMightyCelestial 12-16-08 10:05 PM

Re: FAVORITE Stephen King Movie
I'm sure I posted my list of top 5 SK flix before, but here it is again:

5. Stand By Me
You guys wanna see a dead body?

4. Carrie

I don't know what Carrie's big hang-up was with the pig's blood an' all.
I mean, at least she had a date for the prom.

3. Misery
Whether she's starring in this movie or not, Cathy Bates always frightens me.

2. Dolores Clairborne
I pretty much ignored this film when it was first released. I watched on it's first airing
on TV and I literally couldn't believe at how good it was. So I went out & rented it, & yep, I was right. It's that good.
The story is just perfect from beginning to end. And Kathy Bates, IMO, turns in an even better performance than she did in Misery. The plot may tend to come off as a bit complicated, but the movie does a great job of walking the viewer thru the intermingling flashbacks & varoius plot points that show the main character's journey to save her daughter from the father's "parental indulgences" & how that struggle can lead us to find strength in the most unlikely of places.

1. Shawshank Redemption
Not since Brian's Song has there been a flick that truly encapsulated the feeling of amorous friendship between two straight men.
Interracial hetero man-love at it's finest.

igor_is_fugly 12-16-08 11:30 PM

Re: FAVORITE Stephen King Movie
Oh, so many! I literally can not choose one.
Salem's Lot
The Shining
Children of the Corn
Cat's Eye
Stand By Me
The Running Man
Tales from the Dark Side: The Movie
The Green Mile
Hearts in Atlantis
Rose Red
The Dead Zone
Secret Window
Riding the Bullet
The Mist
I accept they may not all be technically great movies(although I think Hearts of Atlantis is a really underrated film), but I love them all equally.
The Stand and Dolores Clairborne were my favorite books(actually no, I can't decide, but those are definitely up there) and for some reason I still haven't gotten around to seeing the movies.
And I don't understand how I still haven't legitimately seen Shawshank Redemption, I've been trying to watch it like my whole life!

LTIZZY 12-16-08 11:57 PM

Re: FAVORITE Stephen King Movie
I loved the Shining, IT, Green Mile, Pet Cemetery.

LTIZZY 12-16-08 11:57 PM

Re: FAVORITE Stephen King Movie
Oh and children of the corn and misery also.

Kasady 12-16-08 11:59 PM

Re: FAVORITE Stephen King Movie
stand by me & shawshank redemption

The Godfather 12-17-08 01:17 AM

Re: FAVORITE Stephen King Movie
Originally Posted by Kasady (Post 483769)
stand by me & shawshank redemption
damnit, you stole my two...good call!

Harry Lime 12-17-08 03:55 AM

Re: FAVORITE Stephen King Movie
The Shawshank Redemption, no contest.

Annkis 12-18-08 05:12 AM

Re: FAVORITE Stephen King Movie
stand by me
the most favorite one!

Fugitive 12-18-08 09:48 PM

Re: FAVORITE Stephen King Movie
Shawshank Redemption & Misery

Caddyshack2 12-23-08 03:39 PM

Re: FAVORITE Stephen King Movie
There have been some great ones. My favorites are The Shining, It, Stand by Me and Misery.

MaryPoppins 12-23-08 08:56 PM

Re: FAVORITE Stephen King Movie
the shining has become a classic.

garp 06-05-09 05:54 PM

Re: FAVORITE Stephen King Movie
The Shining, hands down

Devils Angel 06-05-09 05:56 PM

Re: FAVORITE Stephen King Movie
Shawshank and The Shining

MovieMan8877445 06-05-09 06:13 PM

Re: FAVORITE Stephen King Movie

The Mist
Frank Darabont, 2007

The Shawshank Redemption
Frank Darabont, 1994

TheDOMINATOR 06-05-09 06:27 PM

Re: FAVORITE Stephen King Movie
My favorite Stephen King adaption, the only of his within my Top 10, is:

The Shawshank Redemption.

Christine and The Mist would then comprise of my three favorite King movies.

downthesun 06-05-09 07:16 PM

Re: FAVORITE Stephen King Movie
Shawshank without a doubt

ballstouweboll24 06-09-09 11:10 AM

Storm of The Century I saw it on t.v a few months ago it was in two parts, pretty creepy,

Green Mile

The Stand

Brother Blue 06-09-09 11:17 AM

Re: FAVORITE Stephen King Movie
Top 3.

1. The Shining

2. The Mist

3. Misery

I wouldnt say I was a fan of King's written work. But when movies based upon his writing is done well they are great. But as we all know 9 times out of 10 films based of Stephen Kings works are terrible.

Sedai 06-09-09 11:26 AM

Re: FAVORITE Stephen King Movie
The Shining (Kubrick, 1980)

Hands down the best flick King has ever been associated with. None of King's other adaptations come close, IMO. All the performances are fantastic, and the direction is superb.

Lillyvonolla 06-09-09 11:55 AM

Re: FAVORITE Stephen King Movie
Arugh - hard call.

1. Shawshank
2. Misery
3. Green Mile (that was a King book right?)
4. Stand By Me
5. Pet Semetary

The Mist just annoyed me on too many levels. Yep, three posts and going against the grain already - sorry!

ballstouweboll24 06-10-09 10:51 AM

A little off topic but has King ever considered The Dark Tower series to be made into movies, just thought he'd maybe be interested seeing the success of Lord of The Rings

spudracer 06-10-09 11:20 AM

Re: FAVORITE Stephen King Movie
The Shawshank Redemption
The Green Mile
Pet Cemetary

I'm hesitant to lump The Mist in with those, but I will say that I need to see it again, very soon.

robertleone 06-11-09 06:04 PM

Re: FAVORITE Stephen King Movie
the secret window awsome movie

robertleone 06-11-09 06:04 PM

Re: FAVORITE Stephen King Movie
The shining as well

Fryzie_Film_Lover 06-15-09 12:46 PM

Re: FAVORITE Stephen King Movie
The Mist
The Shawshank Redemption
The Shining
The Green Mile

regnif 06-20-09 10:32 PM

Re: FAVORITE Stephen King Movie
The Shining (although different in certain parts from the book)
THe Shawshank Redemption
The Green Mile

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