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Darth Pazuzu 03-03-23 05:04 PM

Darth Pazuzu's Movie Collection (a work in progress)
Okay, so the question obviously is: Why am I posting this? :p
And the answer is: I recently created an ongoing thread devoted to my Favorite Movies of All Time, but in order to properly evaluate my rankings, I have to actually create a complete list to draw upon. Once upon a time, I had actually posted such a list in the blog section of the CRF2 website (Classic Rock Forums 2), but that site has just gone completely defunct, so now I have to start from scratch! Come to think of it, here is probably a much better kind of site for such a list. 🙂 So anyway, in more or less chronological order, here is a list of all the films I've got on DVD, Blu-ray and 4K. And just remember, this is a work in progress...


Titles in green indicate what you might call inaugural films - or original films which end up spawning a series of sequels and prequels, which are listed in blue, or remakes, which are listed in purple. (NOTE: In the case of something like the first The Lord of the Rings trilogy or the Kill Bill duo, all the entries are conceived as being part of a greater whole, and are therefore all put in green.)

Titles in blue indicate sequels or prequels to an inaugural title, and they are listed directly after that title, resulting in a temporary break in chronology. (NOTE: In the case of the Star Trek series, the 2009-2016 titles might be thought of as remakes, in which case they would be listed separately in the "proper" chronology. But in this rather exceptional case, the presence of Leonard Nimoy as the older Spock from the "primary" timeline of the earlier films complicates the issue. In this case, I will put the year of release of the 2009 Star Trek entry in purple, as a way of denoting its re-inaugural status, but the title will be put in blue along with all the other sequels.)

Titles in purple indicate remakes to an inaugural film, but unlike the sequels and prequels, which are listed in blue, remakes are not listed immediately after the inaugural title, and thus do not break with chronology. Consider the remake a kind of re-inauguration, if you will. (NOTE: In the case of something like Red Dragon, which functions simultaneously as a remake of Manhunter and as a prequel to The Silence of the Lambs, the year of release is put in purple to denote its status as a remake of Manhunter, but the title is placed in blue to denote its status as a prequel to The Silence of the Lambs.)

Titles in red are those of films I've already put in my Favorite Movies of All Time list. That list is a work in progress, as is this one. As more movies make it onto my Favorite Films list, more items on this list will be put in red. (NOTE: If a red title happens to be an inaugural, a sequel or prequel, or remake, then the year of release will be colored accordingly.)

1922-09-18: Häxan (Witchcraft Through the Ages) (Benjamin Christensen)

1927-02-14: The Lodger: A Story of the London Fog (Alfred Hitchcock)
1927-05-24: Downhill (Alfred Hitchcock)
1927-08-20: Easy Virtue (Alfred Hitchcock)
1927-10-01: The Ring (Alfred Hitchcock)

1928-03-02: The Farmer's Wife (Alfred Hitchcock)
1928-08-20: Champagne (Alfred Hitchcock)

1929-01-21: The Manxman (Alfred Hitchcock)
1929-07-28: Blackmail (Alfred Hitchcock)
1929-12-30: Juno and the Paycock (Alfred Hitchcock)

1930-11-14: Morocco (Josef von Sternberg)

1931-02-26: The Skin Game (Alfred Hitchcock)
1931-03-05: Dishonored (Josef von Sternberg)
1931-12-10: Rich and Strange (Alfred Hitchcock)

1932-02-04: Shanghai Express (Josef von Sternberg)
1932-03-31: Scarface (Howard Hawks)
1932-07-18: Number Seventeen (Alfred Hitchcock)
1932-09-14: Blonde Venus (Josef von Sternberg)

1934-05-09: The Scarlet Empress (Josef von Sternberg)

1934-12-09: The Man Who Knew Too Much (Alfred Hitchcock)

1935-03-15: The Devil Is a Woman (Josef von Sternberg)
1935-06-06: The 39 Steps (Alfred Hitchcock)

1936-06-12: Secret Agent (Alfred Hitchcock)
1936-12-02: Sabotage (Alfred Hitchcock)

1937-11-00: Young and Innocent (Alfred Hitchcock)

1938-02-16: Bringing Up Baby (Howard Hawks)
1938-10-07: The Lady Vanishes (Alfred Hitchcock)

1939-02-02: Stagecoach (John Ford)
1939-05-12: Jamaica Inn (Alfred Hitchcock)
1939-08-10: The Wizard of Oz (Victor Fleming)
1939-11-30: Destry Rides Again (George Marshall)

1940-03-21: Rebecca (Alfred Hitchcock)
1940-06-25: Gaslight (Thorold Dickinson)
1940-08-16: Foreign Correspondent (Alfred Hitchcock)

1941-01-31: Mr. & Mrs. Smith (Alfred Hitchcock)
1941-05-01: Citizen Kane (Orson Welles)
1941-11-09: Suspicion (Alfred Hitchcock)

1942-04-22: Saboteur (Alfred Hitchcock)
1942-12-03: The Ox-Bow Incident (William A. Wellman)
1942-12-05: Cat People (Jacques Tourneur)

1943-01-12: Shadow of a Doubt (Alfred Hitchcock)

1944-01-11: Lifeboat (Alfred Hitchcock)

1944-05-04: Gaslight (George Cukor)

1945-03-01: The Picture of Dorian Gray (Albert Lewin)
1945-10-31: Spellbound (Alfred Hitchcock)

1946-02-25: Crisis (Ingmar Bergman)
1946-08-15: Notorious (Alfred Hitchcock)

1947-04-24: Black Narcissus (Michael Powell / Emeric Pressburger)

1947-09-22: A Ship to India (Ingmar Bergman)
1947-12-29: The Paradine Case (Alfred Hitchcock)

1948-01-07: The Treasure of the Sierra Madre (John Huston)
1948-07-22: The Red Shoes (Michael Powell / Emeric Pressburger)
1948-08-23: Rope (Alfred Hitchcock)

1948-09-02: La Terra Trema (Luchino Visconti)
1948-10-11: Port of Call (Ingmar Bergman)
1948-12-22: Yellow Sky (William A. Wellman)

1949-09-08: Under Capricorn (Alfred Hitchcock)
1949-10-17: Thirst (Ingmar Bergman)

1950-02-15: Stromboli (Roberto Rossellini)
1950-02-20: To Joy (Ingmar Bergman)
1950-02-23: Stage Fright (Alfred Hitchcock)
1950-05-26: The Gunfighter (Henry King)
1950-08-04: Sunset Boulevard (Billy Wilder)
1950-10-13: All About Eve (Joseph L. Mankiewicz)

1950-12-00: Variety Lights (Federico Fellini / Alberto Lattuada)

1951-04-01: The Tales of Hoffmann (Michael Powell / Emeric Pressburger)
1951-04-05: The Thing (From Another World) (Christian Nyby)
1951-07-27: Strangers on a Train (Alfred Hitchcock)
1951-10-01: Summer Interlude (Ingmar Bergman)
1951-12-27: Bellissima (Luchino Visconti)

1952-05-01: High Noon (Fred Zinnemann)
1952-08-18: Fear and Desire (Stanley Kubrick)
1952-09-06: The White Sheik (Federico Fellini)
1952-09-12: Europe '51 (Roberto Rossellini)
1952-11-03: Waiting Women (Ingmar Bergman)

1953-02-09: Summer with Monika (Ingmar Bergman)
1953-02-12: I Confess (Alfred Hitchcock)
1953-04-23: Shane (George Stevens)
1953-08-26: I Vitelloni (Federico Fellini)
1953-09-14: Sawdust and Tinsel (Ingmar Bergman)

1954-05-05: Johnny Guitar (Nicholas Ray)
1954-05-18: Dial M for Murder (Alfred Hitchcock)
1954-08-01: Rear Window (Alfred Hitchcock)
1954-09-02: Senso (Luchino Visconti)

1954-09-06: La Strada (Federico Fellini)
1954-09-07: Journey to Italy (Roberto Rossellini)
1954-10-04: A Lesson in Love (Ingmar Bergman)

1955-01-07: Bad Day at Black Rock (John Sturges)
1955-04-20: Kiss Me Deadly (Robert Aldrich)
1955-07-26: The Night of the Hunter (Charles Laughton)

1955-08-02: To Catch a Thief (Alfred Hitchcock)
1955-08-22: Dreams (Ingmar Bergman)
1955-09-09: Il Bidone (Federico Fellini)
1955-09-21: Killer's Kiss (Stanley Kubrick)
1955-09-30: The Trouble With Harry (Alfred Hitchcock)
1955-12-26: Smiles of a Summer Night (Ingmar Bergman)

1956-03-03: Forbidden Planet (Fred McLeod Wilcox)
1956-04-29: The Man Who Knew Too Much (Alfred Hitchcock)
1956-05-16: The Searchers (John Ford)
1956-05-19: The Killing (Stanley Kubrick)
1956-12-13: The Wrong Man (Alfred Hitchcock)

1957-02-16: The Seventh Seal (Ingmar Bergman)
1957-03-25: The Tall T (Budd Boetticher)
1957-05-10: Nights of Cabiria (Federico Fellini)
1957-09-06: Le Notti Bianche (White Nights) (Luchino Visconti)
1957-09-10: Forty Guns (Samuel Fuller)
1957-10-31: Decision At Sundown (Budd Boetticher)
1957-11-01: Paths of Glory (Stanley Kubrick)
1957-12-26: Wild Strawberries (Ingmar Bergman)

1958-03-31: Brink of Life (Ingmar Bergman)
1958-05-09: Vertigo (Alfred Hitchcock)
1958-07-01: A Night to Remember (Roy Ward Baker)
1958-07-16: The Fly (Kurt Neumann)
1959-07-22: Return of the Fly (Edward Bernds)
1965-03-31: Curse of the Fly (Don Sharp)

1958-08-06: Buchanan Rides Alone (Budd Boetticher)
1958-09-12: The Blob (Irvin S. Yeaworth Jr.)
1958-12-26: The Magician (Ingmar Bergman)

1959-02-01: Ride Lonesome (Budd Boetticher)
1959-03-18: Rio Bravo (Howard Hawks)
1959-03-19: Some Like It Hot (Billy Wilder)
1959-05-14: Day of the Outlaw (Andre de Toth)
1959-07-01: North by Northwest (Alfred Hitchcock)
1959-12-20: Suddenly, Last Summer (Joseph L. Mankiewicz)

1960-01-31: Comanche Station (Budd Boetticher)
1960-02-03: La Dolce Vita (Federico Fellini)
1960-02-08: The Virgin Spring (Ingmar Bergman)
1960-04-07: Peeping Tom (Michael Powell)

1960-06-16: Psycho (Alfred Hitchcock)
1983-06-03: Psycho II (Richard Franklin)
1986-05-00: Psycho III (Anthony Perkins)
1990-11-10: Psycho IV: The Beginning (Mick Garris)

1960-06-18: The Fall of the House of Usher (Roger Corman)
1960-10-06: Spartacus (Stanley Kubrick)
1960-10-12: The Magnificent Seven (John Sturges)
1960-10-17: The Devil's Eye (Ingmar Bergman)

1961-03-30: One-Eyed Jacks (Marlon Brando)
1961-06-06: The Deadly Companions (Sam Peckinpah)
1961-06-15: The Colossus of Rhodes (Sergio Leone)
1961-08-12: The Pit and the Pendulum (Roger Corman)
1961-10-16: Through a Glass Darkly (Ingmar Bergman)
1961-11-24: The Innocents (Jack Clayton)

1962-04-13: The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance (John Ford)
1962-04-26: Lonely Are the Brave (David Miller)
1962-05-09: Ride the High Country (Sam Peckinpah)
1962-06-13: Lolita (Stanley Kubrick)
1962-09-26: Carnival of Souls (Herk Harvey)
1962-10-12: What Ever Happened to Baby Jane? (Robert Aldrich)
1962-10-24: The Manchurian Candidate (John Frankenheimer)

1962-11-01: How the West Was Won (Henry Hathaway / John Ford / George Marshall)

1963-01-02: (Federico Fellini)
1963-01-02: The Leopard (Luchino Visconti)
1963-02-11: Winter Light (Ingmar Bergman)

1963-02-21: The Mind Benders (Basil Dearden)
1963-03-28: The Birds (Alfred Hitchcock)
1963-05-12: Lord of the Flies (Peter Brook)
1963-07-13: X: The Man with the X-Ray Eyes (Roger Corman)
1963-08-07: Dementia 13 (Francis Ford Coppola)
1963-08-15: Billy Liar (John Schlesinger)

1963-08-28: The Haunted Palace (Roger Corman)
1963-09-03: The Servant (Joseph Losey)
1963-09-23: The Silence (Ingmar Bergman)

1963-12-18: The Pink Panther (Blake Edwards)
1964-06-23: A Shot in the Dark (Blake Edwards)
1975-05-21: The Return of the Pink Panther (Blake Edwards)
1976-12-15: The Pink Panther Strikes Again (Blake Edwards)
1978-07-13: Revenge of the Pink Panther (Blake Edwards)
1982-12-02: Trail of the Pink Panther (Blake Edwards)

1964-01-29: Dr. Strangelove, or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (Stanley Kubrick)
1964-06-15: All These Women (Ingmar Bergman)
1964-06-24: The Masque of the Red Death (Roger Corman)
1964-07-06: A Hard Day's Night (The Beatles) (Richard Lester)
1964-07-09: Marnie (Alfred Hitchcock)

1964-09-12: A Fistful of Dollars (Sergio Leone)
1965-12-18: For a Few Dollars More (Sergio Leone)
1966-12-23: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (Sergio Leone)
1964-11-29: The Tomb of Ligeia (Roger Corman)

1965-03-15: Major Dundee (Sam Peckinpah)
1965-05-19: Repulsion (Roman Polanski)
1965-05-26: The Spy Who Came In from the Cold (Martin Ritt)
1965-10-16: Juliet of the Spirits (Federico Fellini)

1966-04-06: Django (Sergio Corbucci)
1966-05-16: Seconds (John Frankenheimer)
1966-06-21: Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (Mike Nichols)

1966-07-14: Torn Curtain (Alfred Hitchcock)
1966-08-10: Massacre Time (Lucio Fulci)
1966-08-28: Texas, Adios (Ferdinando Baldi)
1966-08-31: Persona (Ingmar Bergman)
1966-11-25: Navajo Joe (Sergio Corbucci)
1966-12-02: A Bullet for the General (Damiano Damiani)
1966-12-22: My Name Is Pecos (Maurizio Lucidi)

1967-02-02: The Hellbenders (Sergio Corbucci)
1967-02-09: Accident (Joseph Losey)
1967-02-11: Django Kill... If You Live, Shoot! (Giulio Questi)
1967-02-22: Marat/Sade (Peter Brook)
1967-03-03: $10,000 Blood Money (Romolo Guerrieri)
1967-03-04: The Big Gundown (Sergio Sollima)
1967-03-10: Requiescant (Carlo Lizzani)
1967-05-17: Bob Dylan: Don't Look Back (D.A. Pennebaker)
1967-08-04: Bonnie and Clyde (Arthur Penn)
1967-08-30: Point Blank (John Boorman)

1967-10-15: Bandidos (Massimo Dallamano)
1967-10-26: Wait Until Dark (Terence Young)
1967-11-16: Valley of the Dolls (Mark Robson)
1970-06-17: Beyond the Valley of the Dolls (Russ Meyer)
1967-11-30: Vengeance Is Mine (Giovanni Fago)
1967-12-29: Weekend (Jean-Luc Godard)

1968-02-19: Hour of the Wolf (Ingmar Bergman)
1968-04-02: 2001: A Space Odyssey (Stanley Kubrick)
1984-12-07: 2010: The Year We Make Contact (Peter Hyams)
1968-04-12: Hang 'Em High (Ted Post)
1968-05-01: Murder a la Mod (Brian De Palma)
1968-05-15: Witchfinder General (Michael Reeves)
1968-05-26: Boom! (Joseph Losey)
1968-06-00: Targets (Peter Bogdanovich)
1968-06-12: Rosemary's Baby (Roman Polanski)

1968-06-15: I Want Him Dead (Paolo Bianchini)
1968-08-14: ...If You Meet Sartana Pray For Your Death (Gianfranco Parolini)
1969-11-20: I Am Sartana, Your Angel Of Death (Giuliano Carnimeo)
1970-08-07: Sartana's Here, Trade Your Pistol For A Coffin (Giuliano Carnimeo)
1970-10-08: Have A Good Funeral, My Friend... Sartana Will Pay (Giuliano Carnimeo)
1970-12-24: Light The Fuse... Sartana Is Coming (Giuliano Carnimeo)

1968-09-04: Teorema (Pier Paolo Pasolini)
1968-09-21: Find a Place to Die (Giuliano Carnimeo)
1968-09-29: Shame (Ingmar Bergman)
1968-10-01: Night of the Living Dead (George A. Romero)
1978-09-01: Dawn of the Dead (George A. Romero)
1985-06-30: Day of the Dead (George A. Romero)
2005-06-18: Land of the Dead (George A. Romero)
Diary of the Dead (George A. Romero)
2009-09-09: Survival of the Dead (George A. Romero)
1968-10-01: Head (The Monkees) (Bob Rafelson)
1968-10-17: Bullitt (Peter Yates)
1968-11-22: The Great Silence (Sergio Corbucci)
1968-12-15: Greetings (Brian De Palma)
1970-04-27: Hi, Mom! (Brian De Palma)
1968-12-18: Hell in the Pacific (John Boorman)
1968-12-19: If.... (Lindsay Anderson)
1968-12-20: The Mercenary (Sergio Corbucci)
1968-12-20: Once Upon a Time in the West (Sergio Leone)

1969-01-25: Cemetary Without Crosses (Robert Hossein)
1969-03-25: The Rite (Ingmar Bergman)
1969-04-09: The Wedding Party (Brian De Palma / Wilford Leach / Cynthia Munroe)
1969-05-01: The Wild Bunch (Sam Peckinpah)
1969-05-12: Easy Rider (Dennis Hopper)

1969-05-13: More (Barbet Schroeder)
1969-05-25: Midnight Cowboy (John Schlesinger)
1969-06-20: Stereo (David Cronenberg)
1969-09-03: Fellini Satyricon (Federico Fellini)
1969-09-23: Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (George Roy Hill)
1969-10-02: The Damned (Luchino Visconti)
1969-11-10: The Passion of Anna (Ingmar Bergman)
1969-11-13: Women in Love (Ken Russell)
1969-11-14: Beatrice Cenci (Lucio Fulci)
1969-11-26: The Specialists (Sergio Corbucci)
1969-12-23: El Puro (Edoardo Mulargia)
1969-12-17: Topaz (Alfred Hitchcock)

1970-01-01: Fårö Document (Ingmar Bergman)
1979-12-24: Fårö Document 1979 (Ingmar Bergman)
1970-01-30: Two Mules for Sister Sara (Don Siegel)
1970-02-05: And God Said to Cain... (Antonio Margheriti)
1970-03-00: Leo the Last (John Boorman)
1970-03-17: The Boys in the Band (William Friedkin)
1970-03-18: The Ballad of Cable Hogue (Sam Peckinpah)

1970-04-25: I Cannibali (The Year of the Cannibals) (Liliana Cavani)
1970-06-00: Crimes of the Future [1] (David Cronenberg)
1970-07-01: The Conformist (Bernardo Bertolucci)
1970-07-15: Joe (John G. Avildsen)
1970-08-03: Performance (Donald Cammell / Nicolas Roeg)

1970-08-12: Soldier Blue (Ralph Nelson)
1970-09-11: Five Easy Pieces (Bob Rafelson)
1970-09-00: Three Sisters (Laurence Olivier / John Sichel)
1970-10-22: Matalo! (Kill Him) (Cesare Canevari)
1970-12-04: Wrath of the Wind (Mario Camus)
1970-12-14: Little Big Man (Arthur Penn)
1970-12-16: Puzzle of a Downfall Child (Jerry Schatzberg)
1970-12-18: Compañeros (Sergio Corbucci)
1970-12-18: El Topo (Alejandro Jodorowsky)
1970-12-22: They Call Me Trinity (Enzo Barboni)
1971-10-21: Trinity Is Still My Name (Enzo Barboni)

1971-01-23: The Beguiled (Don Siegel)
1971-01-24: The Music Lovers (Ken Russell)

1971-02-11: The Cat o' Nine Tails (Dario Argento)
1971-02-17: A Lizard in a Woman's Skin (Lucio Fulci)
1971-03-01: Death in Venice (Luchino Visconti)
1971-03-08: The Emigrants (Jan Troell)
1972-02-26: The New Land (Jan Troell)

1971-03-11: THX 1138 (George Lucas)
1971-05-14: Johnny Got His Gun (Dalton Trumbo)

1971-05-18: The Abominable Dr. Phibes (Robert Fuest)
1971-05-24: Drive, He Said (Jack Nicholson)
1971-06-24: McCabe & Mrs. Miller (Robert Altman)
1971-06-26: The Touch (Ingmar Bergman)
1971-07-01: Sunday Bloody Sunday (John Schlesinger)
1971-07-16: The Hunting Party (Don Medford)
1971-07-16: The Devils (Ken Russell)
1971-08-27: Let's Scare Jessica to Death (John Hancock)

1971-09-28: And Now for Something Completely Different (Ian MacNaughton / Terry Gilliam)
1975-03-14: Monty Python and the Holy Grail (Terry Gilliam / Terry Jones)
1979-08-17: Monty Python's Life of Brian (Terry Jones)
1982-05-17: Monty Python Live at the Hollywood Bowl (Terry Hughes / Ian MacNaughton)
Monty Python's The Meaning of Life (Terry Jones / Terry Gilliam)
1971-10-02: The Last Picture Show (Peter Bogdanovich)
1971-10-07: The French Connection (William Friedkin)
1975-05-18: French Connection II (John Frankenheimer)
1971-10-15: A Safe Place (Henry Jaglom)
1971-10-29: Duck, You Sucker! (A Fistful of Dynamite) (Sergio Leone)
1971-11-13: Duel (Steven Spielberg)
1971-11-25: Straw Dogs (Sam Peckinpah)
1971-12-01: Macbeth (Roman Polanski)

1971-12-16: The Boy Friend (Ken Russell)
1971-12-19: A Clockwork Orange (Stanley Kubrick)
1971-12-21: Dirty Harry (Don Siegel)
1973-12-13: Magnum Force (Ted Post)
1976-12-16: The Enforcer (James Fargo)
Sudden Impact (Clint Eastwood)
1988-07-13: The Dead Pool (Buddy Van Horn)

1972-00-00: The Devil (Andrzej Żuławski)
1972-02-05: Solaris (Andrei Tarkovsky)
1972-02-11: There's Always Vanilla (George A. Romero)
1972-02-13: Cabaret (Bob Fosse)
1972-03-09: Roma (Federico Fellini)
1972-03-14: The Godfather (Francis Ford Coppola)
1974-12-12: The Godfather Part II (Francis Ford Coppola)
1990-12-20: The Godfather Part III (Coda: The Death of Michael Corleone) (Francis Ford Coppola)
1972-03-17: Buck and the Preacher (Sidney Poitier)
1972-05-09: Images (Robert Altman)
1972-05-19: Frenzy (Alfred Hitchcock)

1972-06-11: Junior Bonner (Sam Peckinpah)
1972-06-25: The Bitter Tears of Petra von Kant (Rainer Werner Fassbinder)
1972-06-28: Savage Messiah (Ken Russell)
1972-07-06: Asylum (Roy Ward Baker)
1972-07-11: The Valley (Obscured by Clouds) (Barbet Schroeder)
1972-07-19: Joe Kidd (John Sturges)
1972-07-30: Deliverance (John Boorman)
1972-08-02: The Last House on the Left (Wes Craven)
1972-10-12: The King of Marvin Gardens (Bob Rafelson)
1972-10-13: Death Line (Gary Sherman)
1972-10-14: Last Tango in Paris (Bernardo Bertolucci)
1972-11-16: The Triple Echo (Michael Apted)
1972-11-17: Silent Night, Bloody Night (Theodore Gershuny)
1972-11-18: Sisters (Brian De Palma)
1972-12-13: The Getaway (Sam Peckinpah)
1972-12-21: Cries and Whispers (Ingmar Bergman)

1972-12-27: Season of the Witch (George A. Romero)

1973-01-18: Ludwig (Luchino Visconti)
1973-03-16: The Crazies (George A. Romero)
1973-04-06: High Plains Drifter (Clint Eastwood)
1973-04-11: Scenes from a Marriage (Ingmar Bergman)
2003-12-01: Saraband (Ingmar Bergman)
1973-05-23: Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid (Sam Peckinpah)
1973-08-01: American Graffiti (George Lucas)
1973-10-02: Mean Streets (Martin Scorsese)
1973-10-11: Don't Look Now (Nicolas Roeg)
1973-10-13: Badlands (Terrence Malick)
1973-10-14: World on a Wire (Rainer Werner Fassbinder)
1973-10-26: The Bride (Last House on Massacre Street) (Jean-Marie Pélissié)
1973-10-29: The Iceman Cometh (John Frankenheimer)
1973-10-29: The Homecoming (Peter Hall)
1973-11-12: A Delicate Balance (Tony Richardson)
1973-12-05: Serpico (Sidney Lumet)
1973-12-06: The Wicker Man (Robin Hardy)
1973-12-13: My Name Is Nobody (Tonino Valerii)
1973-12-18: Amarcord (Federico Fellini)
1973-12-26: The Exorcist (William Friedkin)
1977-06-17: Exorcist II: The Heretic (John Boorman)
1990-08-17: The Exorcist III (William Peter Blatty)
2004-08-18: Exorcist: The Beginning (Renny Harlin)
2005-03-18: Dominion: Prequel to The Exorcist (Paul Schrader)

1974-01-21: Rhinoceros (Tom O'Horgan)
1974-01-21: Luther (Guy Green)
1974-01-21: Butley (Harold Pinter)
1974-02-06: Zardoz (John Boorman)
1974-02-07: Blazing Saddles (Mel Brooks)
1974-03-05: Ali: Fear Eats the Soul (Rainer Werner Fassbinder)
1974-04-03: The Night Porter (Liliana Cavani)
1974-04-04: Mahler (Ken Russell)

1974-04-08: Lost in the Stars (Daniel Mann)
1974-04-26: It's Alive (Larry Cohen)
1978-05-10: It Lives Again (Larry Cohen)
1987-05-27: It's Alive III: Island of the Alive (Larry Cohen)

1974-06-14: The Parallax View (Alan J. Pakula)
1974-06-19: Chinatown (Roman Polanski)
1990-08-10: The Two Jakes (Jack Nicholson)
1974-07-24: Death Wish (Michael Winner)
1982-02-11: Death Wish II (Michael Winner)
1974-08-07: Bring Me the Head of Alfredo Garcia (Sam Peckinpah)
1974-10-01: The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (Tobe Hooper)
1986-08-22: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre Part 2 (Tobe Hooper)
1990-01-12: Leatherface: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre III (Jeff Burr)
1995-03-12: Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Next Generation (Kim Henkel)

1974-10-31: Phantom of the Paradise (Brian De Palma)
1974-11-21: Beyond the Door (Ovidio G. Assonitis / Roberto D'Ettorre Piazzoli)
1974-12-10: Conversation Piece (Luchino Visconti)
1974-12-14: The Towering Inferno (John Guillermin / Irwin Allen)
1974-12-21: The Yakuza (Sydney Pollack)

1975-01-01: The Magic Flute (Ingmar Bergman)
1975-01-27: Galileo (Joseph Losey)
1975-01-27: Jacques Brel Is Alive and Well and Living in Paris (Denis Héroux)
1975-01-27: The Man in the Glass Booth (Arthur Hiller)
1975-03-07: Deep Red (Dario Argento)
1975-03-17: In Celebration (Lindsay Anderson)
1975-03-19: Tommy (Ken Russell)
1975-04-21: The Maids (Christopher Miles)
1975-05-07: The Day of the Locust (John Schlesinger)

1975-05-15: Fox and His Friends (Rainer Werner Fassbinder)
1975-05-31: Philadelphia, Here I Come! (John Quested)
1975-06-11: Nashville (Robert Altman)
1975-08-12: The Four of the Apocalypse (Lucio Fulci)
1975-08-14: The Rocky Horror Picture Show (Jim Sharman)
1981-08-20: Shock Treatment (Jim Sharman)
1975-09-26: Shivers (David Cronenberg)
1975-10-10: Lisztomania (Ken Russell)

1975-11-22: Salò, or the 120 Days of Sodom (Pier Paolo Pasolini)
1975-12-11: Barry Lyndon (Stanley Kubrick)
1975-12-17: The Killer Elite (Sam Peckinpah)
1975-12-17: The Naked Civil Servant (Jack Gold)
2009-02-07: An Englishman in New York (Richard Laxton)

1976-02-08: Taxi Driver (Martin Scorsese)
1976-03-02: Salon Kitty (Tinto Brass)
1976-03-18: The Man Who Fell to Earth (Nicolas Roeg)
1976-03-21: Family Plot (Alfred Hitchcock)
1976-04-04: All the President's Men (Alan J. Pakula)
1976-04-05: Face to Face (Ingmar Bergman)
1976-05-15: In the Realm of the Senses (Nagisa Ōshima)
1976-05-15: L'innocente (Luchino Visconti)
1976-05-24: The Tenant (Roman Polanski)
1976-05-25: Burnt Offerings (Dan Curtis)

1976-06-06: The Omen (Richard Donner)
1978-06-05: Damien: Omen II (Don Taylor)
1981-03-20: Omen III: The Final Conflict (Graham Baker)
1991-05-20: Omen IV: The Awakening (Jorge Montesi / Dominique Othenin-Girard)

1976-06-26: The Outlaw Josey Wales (Clint Eastwood)
1976-08-01: Obsession (Brian De Palma)

1976-08-13: Sebastiane (Derek Jarman)
1976-10-06: Marathon Man (John Schlesinger)
1976-10-20: The Song Remains the Same (Led Zeppelin) (Peter Clifton / Joe Massot)
1976-10-22: God Told Me To (Larry Cohen)
1976-11-03: Carrie (Brian De Palma)
1976-11-14: Network (Sidney Lumet)

1976-11-20: Rocky (John G. Avildsen)
1979-06-14: Rocky II (Sylvester Stallone)
1982-05-24: Rocky III (Sylvester Stallone)
1985-11-21: Rocky IV (Sylvester Stallone)
1990-11-13: Rocky V (John G. Avildsen)
2006-12-13: Rocky Balboa (Sylvester Stallone)

1977-01-07: The Sentinel (Michael Winner)
1977-01-28: Cross of Iron (Sam Peckinpah)

1977-02-01: Suspiria (Dario Argento)
1980-02-07: Inferno (Dario Argento)
2007-09-06: Mother of Tears (Dario Argento)
1977-03-19: Eraserhead (David Lynch)
1977-03-28: Jabberwocky (Terry Gilliam)
1977-04-08: Rabid (David Cronenberg)
1977-05-25: Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope (George Lucas)
1980-05-06: Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back (Irvin Kershner)
1983-05-23: Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi (Richard Marquand)
1999-05-16: Star Wars: Episode I: The Phantom Menace (George Lucas)
Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones (George Lucas)
2005-05-12: Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (George Lucas)
2008-08-10: Star Wars: The Clone Wars (Dave Filoni)
2015-12-14: Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens (J.J. Abrams)
2016-12-10: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (Gareth Edwards)
2017-12-09: Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi (Rian Johnson)
2018-05-10: Solo: A Star Wars Story (Ron Howard)
2019-12-16: Star Wars Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker (J.J. Abrams)

1977-06-15: The Hills Have Eyes (Wes Craven)
1977-06-24: Sorcerer (William Friedkin)

1977-07-30: House (Hausu) (Nobuhiko Obayashi)
1977-08-10: The Psychic (Lucio Fulci)
1977-08-12: Shock (Mario Bava)
1977-09-07: Valentino (Ken Russell)
1977-10-05: Beyond Good and Evil (Liliana Cavani)
1977-10-07: Rolling Thunder (John Flynn)
1977-10-14: Equus (Sidney Lumet)
1977-10-26: The Serpent's Egg (Ingmar Bergman)

1977-11-15: Close Encounters of the Third Kind (Steven Spielberg)
1977-12-00: The Private Files of J. Edgar Hoover (Larry Cohen)

1978-02-03: Jubilee (Derek Jarman)
1978-03-21: The Medusa Touch (Jack Gold)
1978-03-22: The Rutles: All You Need Is Cash (Eric Idle / Gary Weis)
1978-04-21: I Wanna Hold Your Hand (Robert Zemeckis)
1978-05-22: The Marriage of Maria Braun (Rainer Werner Fassbinder)
1978-06-10: Convoy (Sam Peckinpah)
1978-07-11: Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (Michael Schultz)
1978-07-14: The Swarm (Irwin Allen)
1978-07-28: Piranha (Joe Dante)
1978-08-02: Eyes of Laura Mars (Irvin Kershner)
1978-09-22: Paradise Alley (Sylvester Stallone)
1978-10-08: Autumn Sonata (Ingmar Bergman)
1978-10-20: La Cage aux Folles (Édouard Molinaro)
1978-10-25: Halloween (John Carpenter)
1981-10-30: Halloween II (Rick Rosenthal)
1988-10-21: Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers (Dwight H. Little)
1989-10-13: Halloween 5: The Revenge of Michael Myers (Dominique Othenin-Girard)

1978-11-16: Just a Gigolo (David Hemmings)
1978-12-08: The Deer Hunter (Michael Cimino)

1979-02-09: Hardcore (Paul Schrader)

1979-03-18: Fast Company (David Cronenberg)
1979-03-22: The Visitor (Giulio Paradisi)
1979-03-28: Phantasm (Don Coscarelli)
1979-05-19: Apocalypse Now (Francis Ford Coppola)
1979-05-23: Wise Blood (John Huston)

1979-05-25: Alien (Ridley Scott)
1986-07-14: Aliens (James Cameron)
1992-05-19: Alien³ (David Fincher)
1997-11-06: Alien Resurrection (Jean-Pierre Jeunet)
2012-04-11: Prometheus (Ridley Scott)
2015-05-04: Alien: Covenant (Ridley Scott)

1979-05-14: The Kids Are Alright (The Who) (Jeff Stein)
1979-05-14: Quadrophenia (Franc Roddam)
1979-05-25: The Brood (David Cronenberg)

1979-07-27: The Amityville Horror (Stuart Rosenberg)
1982-09-24: Amityville II: The Possession (Damiano Damiani)
1983-11-18: Amityville 3-D (Richard Fleischer)
1979-08-14: Caligula (Tinto Brass)
1979-08-25: Zombie (Lucio Fulci)
1979-08-25: The Tempest (Derek Jarman)
1979-08-29: Luna (Bernardo Bertolucci)
1979-08-31: Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars: The Motion Picture (David Bowie) (D.A. Pennebaker)
1979-11-17: Salem's Lot (Tobe Hooper)
1987-05-13: A Return to Salem's Lot (Larry Cohen)
1979-12-06: Star Trek: The Motion Picture (Robert Wise)
1982-06-04: Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (Nicholas Meyer)
1984-06-01: Star Trek III: The Search for Spock (Leonard Nimoy)
Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home (Leonard Nimoy)
1989-06-09: Star Trek V: The Final Frontier (William Shatner)
Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country (Nicholas Meyer)
1994-11-17: Star Trek Generations (David Carson)
1996-11-18: Star Trek: First Contact (Jonathan Frakes)
1998-12-10: Star Trek: Insurrection (Jonathan Frakes)
2002-12-09: Star Trek: Nemesis (Stuart Baird)

2009-04-06: Star Trek (J.J. Abrams)
2013-04-23: Star Trek Into Darkness (J.J. Abrams)
2016-07-07: Star Trek Beyond (Justin Lin)

1979-12-19: Being There (Hal Ashby)

1980-02-01: The Fog (John Carpenter)
1980-02-08: Cruising (William Friedkin)
1980-02-29: The Ninth Configuration (William Peter Blatty)
1980-03-26: The Stunt Man (Richard Rush)

1980-05-09: Friday the 13th (Sean S. Cunningham)
1981-05-01: Friday the 13th Part 2 (Steve Miner)
1982-08-13: Friday the 13th Part III (Steve Miner)
1984-04-13: Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter (Joseph Zito)
1985-03-22: Friday the 13th Part V: A New Beginning (Danny Steinmann)
Friday the 13th Part VI: Jason Lives (Tom McLoughlin)
1988-05-13: Friday the 13th Part VII: The New Blood (John Carl Buechler)
1989-07-28: Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan (Rob Hedden)
1993-08-13: Jason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday (Adam Marcus)
2001-07-24: Jason X (James Isaac)

1980-05-23: The Shining (Stanley Kubrick)
2019-10-21: Doctor Sleep (Mike Flanagan)
1980-07-25: Dressed to Kill (Brian De Palma)
1980-07-13: From the Life of the Marionettes (Ingmar Bergman)
1980-08-11: City of the Living Dead (Lucio Fulci)
1980-08-28: Berlin Alexanderplatz (Rainer Werner Fassbinder)
1980-09-06: Resurrection (Daniel Petrie)
1980-10-02: The Elephant Man (David Lynch)
1980-10-17: Times Square (Allan Moyle)
1980-11-05: The House on the Edge of the Park (Ruggero Deodato)
1980-11-13: Raging Bull (Martin Scorsese)
1980-11-18: Heaven's Gate (Michael Cimino)

1980-12-05: Flash Gordon (Mike Hodges)
1980-12-25: Altered States (David Lynch)

1981-01-14: Scanners (David Cronenberg)
1981-01-21: The Howling (Joe Dante)
1981-03-11: Diva (Jean-Jacques Beineix)
1981-04-10: Excalibur (John Boorman)
1981-04-10: Knightriders (George A. Romero)

1981-04-29: The Beyond (Lucio Fulci)
1981-05-20: Hell Night (Tom DeSimone)
1981-05-22: The Skin (Liliana Cavani)
1981-05-25: Possession (Andrzej Żuławski)
1981-07-01: The Decline of Western Civilization (Penelope Spheeris)
1988-06-03: The Decline of Western Civilization Part II: The Metal Years (Penelope Spheeris)
1998-04-20: The Decline of Western Civilization Part III (Penelope Spheeris)

1981-07-02: Time Bandits (Terry Gilliam)
1981-07-07: Blow Out (Brian De Palma)

1981-08-14: The House by the Cemetary (Lucio Fulci)
1981-08-20: Lola (Rainer Werner Fassbinder)
1981-08-21: An American Werewolf in London (John Landis)
1981-09-16: Mommie Dearest (Frank Perry)
1981-10-08: My Dinner with Andre (Louis Malle)

1981-10-15: The Evil Dead (Sam Raimi)
1987-03-13: Evil Dead 2: Dead by Dawn (Sam Raimi)
1992-10-09: Army of Darkness (Sam Raimi)

1982-02-12: The Beast Within (Philippe Mora)
1982-02-18: Veronika Voss (Rainer Werner Fassbinder)
1982-02-24: Incubus (John Hough)
1982-03-04: The New York Ripper (Lucio Fulci)
1982-03-16: Victor/Victoria (Blake Edwards)
1982-04-02: Cat People (Paul Schrader)
1982-05-16: Alone in the Dark (Jack Sholder)
1982-05-16: Creepshow (George A. Romero)
1982-05-21: Poltergeist (Tobe Hooper)
1986-05-23: Poltergeist II: The Other Side (Brian Gibson)
1988-06-10: Poltergeist III (Gary Sherman)

1982-05-23: Pink Floyd: The Wall (Alan Parker)
1982-05-26: E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial (Steven Spielberg)
1982-06-25: Blade Runner (Ridley Scott)
2017-10-03: Blade Runner 2049 (Denis Villeneuve)
1982-06-25: The Thing (John Carpenter)
2011-10-10: The Thing (Matthijs van Heijningen Jr.)
1982-08-12: Manhattan Baby (Lucio Fulci)
1982-09-05: Beyond Obsession (Liliana Cavani)
1982-10-27: Tenebrae (Dario Argento)
1982-12-01: Tootsie (Sydney Pollack)
1982-12-17: Fanny and Alexander (Ingmar Bergman)

1983-02-04: Videodrome (David Cronenberg)
1983-03-22: The Outsiders (Francis Ford Coppola)

1983-09-07: And the Ship Sails On (Federico Fellini)
1983-09-09: The Big Chill (Lawrence Kasdan)
1983-09-30: The Osterman Weekend (Sam Peckinpah)
1983-10-07: Rumble Fish (Francis Ford Coppola)
1983-10-21: The Dead Zone (David Cronenberg)

1983-12-01: Scarface (Brian De Palma)
1983-12-09: Christine (John Carpenter)

1984-02-26: Repo Man (Alex Cox)

1984-03-02: This Is Spinal Tap (Rob Reiner)
1984-04-09: After the Rehearsal (Ingmar Bergman)
1984-05-09: Firestarter (Mark L. Lester)
1984-05-20: Once Upon a Time in America (Sergio Leone)
1984-06-07: Ghostbusters (Ivan Reitman)
1989-06-15: Ghostbusters II (Ivan Reitman)
2016-07-09: Ghostbusters: Answer the Call (Paul Feig)

1984-06-08: Gremlins (Joe Dante)
1990-06-15: Gremlins 2: The New Batch (Joe Dante)
1984-07-06: Secret Honor (Robert Altman)
1984-07:27: Purple Rain (Albert Magnoli)
1990-11-02: Graffiti Bridge (Prince)
1984-08-17: Tightrope (Richard Tuggle)
1984-09-06: Amadeus (Miloš Forman)
1984-10-10: Nineteen Eighty-Four (Michael Radford)
1984-10-19: Crimes of Passion (Ken Russell)

1984-10-26: The Terminator (James Cameron)
1991-07-01: Terminator 2: Judgment Day (James Cameron)
2003-06-30: Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (Jonathan Mostow)
2009-05-14: Terminator Salvation (Joseph McGinty Nichol)
2015-06-21: Terminator Genisys (Alan Taylor)
2019-10-23: Terminator: Dark Fate (Tim Miller)

1984-10-28: Ghoulies (Luca Bercovici)
1987-07-31: Ghoulies II (Albert Band)
1984-11-09: A Nightmare on Elm Street (Wes Craven)
1985-11-01: A Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy's Revenge (Jack Sholder)
A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors (Chuck Russell)
1988-08-19: A Nightmare on Elm Street 4: The Dream Master (Renny Harlin)
1989-08-11: A Nightmare on Elm Street 5: The Dream Child (Stephen Hopkins)
1991-09-05: Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare (Rachel Talalay)
1994-09-09: Wes Craven's New Nightmare (Wes Craven)
2003-08-13: Freddy vs. Jason (Ronny Yu)

1984-12-03: Dune (David Lynch)

1985-01-31: Phenomena (Dario Argento)
1985-02-07: The Breakfast Club (John Hughes)
1985-02-20: Brazil (Terry Gilliam)

1985-02-28: The Angelic Conversation (Derek Jarman)
1985-04-18: The Return of the Living Dead (Dan O'Bannon)
1985-05-11: Re-Animator (Stuart Gordon)
1985-05-13: Kiss of the Spider Woman (Héctor Babenco)

1985-05-13: Pale Rider (Clint Eastwood)
1985-05-15: Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters (Paul Schrader)
1985-05-20: The Emerald Forest (John Boorman)
1985-06-07: The Goonies (Richard Donner)
1985-06-21: Lifeforce (Tobe Hooper)
1985-08-16: Year of the Dragon (Michael Cimino)

1985-10-04: Demons (Lamberto Bava)
1986-09-10: Demons 2: The Nightmare Returns (Lamberto Bava)
1985-10-31: To Live and Die in L.A. (William Friedkin)

1985-11-06: The Berlin Affair (Liliana Cavani)
1985-11-15: Runaway Train (Andrei Konchalovsky)
1985-12-25: Revolution (Hugh Hudson)

1986-02-00: Caravaggio (Derek Jarman)
1986-02-28: Salvador (Oliver Stone)
1986-03-14: Rawhead Rex (George Pavlou)
1986-04-11: Critters (Stephen Herek)
1988-04-29: Critters 2: The Main Course (Mick Garris)
1991-08-16: Critters 3 (Kristine Peterson)
1992-10-14: Critters 4 (Rupert Harvey)

1986-05-14: Sid and Nancy (Alex Cox)
1986-05-22: Cobra (George P. Cosmatos)
1986-06-27: Labyrinth (Jim Henson)
1986-07-02: Under the Cherry Moon (Prince)
1986-07-25: Maximum Overdrive (Stephen King)
1986-08-15: The Fly (David Cronenberg)
1989-02-10: The Fly II (Chris Walas)
1986-08-15: Manhunter (Michael Mann)
1986-08-30: Blue Velvet (David Lynch)
1986-10-24: From Beyond (Stuart Gordon)

1986-10-27: Dolls (Stuart Gordon)
1986-11-30: Gothic (Ken Russell)
1986-12-19: Platoon (Oliver Stone)

1987-03-06: Angel Heart (Alan Parker)
1987-03-06: Raising Arizona (Joel Coen / Ethan Coen)
1987-05-09: White of the Eye (Donald Cammell)

1987-05-18: Intervista (Federico Fellini)
1987-05-19: Aria (Nicolas Roeg / Charles Sturridge / Jean-Luc Godard / Julien Temple / Bruce Beresford / Robert Altman / Franc Roddam / Ken Russell / Derek Jarman / Bill Bryden)
1987-06-02: The Untouchables (Brian De Palma)
1987-06-17: Full Metal Jacket (Stanley Kubrick)

1987-07-17: RoboCop (Paul Verhoeven)
1990-06-22: RoboCop 2 (Irvin Kershner)
1987-07-27: The Lost Boys (Joel Schumacher)
1987-08-00: The Last of England (Derek Jarman)
1987-08-21: Hope and Glory (John Boorman)
1987-09-10: Hellraiser (Clive Barker)
1988-09-09: Hellbound: Hellraiser II (Tony Randel)
1992-08-15: Hellraiser III: Hell on Earth (Anthony Hickox)
1996-03-08: Hellraiser IV: Bloodline (Kevin Yagher / Joe Chappelle)
2000-10-03: Hellraiser: Inferno (Scott Derrickson)
2002-10-15: Hellraiser: Hellseeker (Rick Bota)
2005-07-07: Hellraiser: Deader (Rick Bota)
2005-09-06: Hellraiser: Hellworld (Rick Bota)

1987-09-16: Fatal Attraction (Adrian Lyne)
1987-09-18: Dudes (Penelope Spheeris)
1987-10-04: The Last Emperor (Bernardo Bertolucci)
1987-10-21: Prince of Darkness (John Carpenter)
1987-10-30: The Hidden (Jack Sholder)
1987-11-20: Flowers in the Attic (Jeffrey Bloom)

1987-12-04: Walker (Alex Cox)
1987-12-11: Bad Taste (Peter Jackson)
1987-12-11: Wall Street (Oliver Stone)
1987-12-19: Opera (Dario Argento)

1988-02-05: Cop (James B. Harris)

1988-03-29: Beetlejuice (Tim Burton)
1988-04-08: Bad Dreams (Andrew Fleming)
1988-04-22: The Unholy (Camilo Vila)
1988-05-06: Salome's Last Dance (Ken Russell)
1988-05-26: The Last Temptation of Christ (Martin Scorsese)
1988-06-21: Who Framed Roger Rabbit (Robert Zemeckis)
1988-07-07: A Fish Called Wanda (Charles Crichton)

1988-08-05: The Blob (Chuck Russell)
1988-08-10: Young Guns (Christopher Cain)
1990-07-30: Young Guns II (Geoff Murphy)
1988-08-29: The Lair of the White Worm (Ken Russell)
1988-09-08: Dead Ringers (David Cronenberg)
1988-10-24: Heathers (Michael Lehmann)
1988-11-04: They Live (John Carpenter)

1988-11-09: Child's Play (Tom Holland)
1990-11-09: Child's Play 2 (Jon Lafia)
1991-08-30: Child's Play 3 (Jack Bender)
1998-10-15: Bride of Chucky (Ronny Yu)
2004-11-11: Seed of Chucky (Don Mancini)
2013-08-02: Curse of Chucky (Don Mancini)
2017-08-24: Cult of Chucky (Don Mancini)

1988-12-21: Talk Radio (Oliver Stone)

1989-01-06: War Requiem (Derek Jarman)

1989-02-17: Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure (Stephen Herek)
1991-07-19: Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey (Pete Hewitt)
2020-08-27: Bill & Ted Face the Music (Dean Parisot)

1989-03-22: Francesco (Liliana Cavani)
1989-04-14: Edge of Sanity (Gérard Kikoïne)
1989-04-21: Pet Sematary (Mary Lambert)
1992-08-28: Pet Sematary Two (Mary Lambert)
1989-05-19: Do the Right Thing (Spike Lee)
1989-06-19: Batman (Tim Burton)
1992-06-16: Batman Returns (Tim Burton)
1995-06-09: Batman Forever (Joel Schumacher)
1997-06-12: Batman & Robin (Joel Schumacher)

1989-07-26: Last Exit to Brooklyn (Uli Edel)
1989-09-04: The Cook, the Thief, His Wife & Her Lover (Peter Greenaway)

1989-09-12: Johnny Handsome (Walter Hill)
1989-12-20: Born on the Fourth of July (Oliver Stone)
1989-12-22: Tango & Cash (Andrei Konchalovsky)

1990-02-16: Nightbreed (Clive Barker)

1990-03-16: Nuns on the Run (Jonathan Lynn)
1990-04-27: The Guardian (William Friedkin)
1990-05-19: Wild at Heart (David Lynch)

1990-05-21: The Comfort of Strangers (Paul Schrader)
1990-05-31: Total Recall (Paul Verhoeven)
1990-08-10: Flatliners (Joel Schumacher)
1990-09-09: GoodFellas (Martin Scorsese)

1990-09-12: Reversal of Fortune (Barbet Schroeder)
1990-09-21: Miller's Crossing (Joel Coen / Ethan Coen)
1990-10-19: Dances With Wolves (Kevin Costner)
1990-10-29: Jacob's Ladder (Adrian Lyne)
1990-11-18: Stephen King's IT (Tommy Lee Wallace)

The Silence of the Lambs (Jonathan Demme)
2001-02-09: Hannibal (Ridley Scott)
2002-09-30: Red Dragon (Brett Ratner)
1991-02-23: The Doors (Oliver Stone)
1991-07-10: Point Break (Kathryn Bigelow)
1991-09-06: The Rapture (Michael Tolkin)
1991-09-09: Edward II (Derek Jarman)
1991-12-12: Naked Lunch (David Cronenberg)
1991-12-19: JFK (Oliver Stone)

1992-01-21: Reservoir Dogs (Quentin Tarantino)
1992-03-18: Basic Instinct (Paul Verhoeven)
1992-05-16: Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me (David Lynch)
1992-08-03: Unforgiven (Clint Eastwood)
1992-09-01: Orlando (Sally Potter)
1992-09-02: The Crying Game (Neil Jordan)
1992-09-11: Candyman (Bernard Rose)

1993-02-16: Wittgenstein (Derek Jarman)
1993-08-20: The Ballad of Little Jo (Maggie Greenwald)
1993-09-08: True Romance (Tony Scott)
1993-09-09: M. Butterfly (David Cronenberg)
1993-09-13: Blue (Derek Jarman)
1993-12-25: Heaven & Earth (Oliver Stone)
1993-12-25: Tombstone (George P. Cosmatos)

1994-02-04: The Crow (Alex Proyas)
1994-05-08: Stephen King's The Stand (Mick Garris)
1994-05-21: Pulp Fiction (Quentin Tarantino)

1994-06-24: Wyatt Earp (Lawrence Kasdan)
1994-07-08: Heavenly Creatures (Peter Jackson)
1994-08-10: In the Mouth of Madness (John Carpenter)
1994-08-26: Natural Born Killers (Oliver Stone)

1994-09-10: Vanya on 42nd Street (Louis Malle)
1994-11-09: Interview with the Vampire (Neil Jordan)

1995-01-25: Safe (Todd Haynes)

1995-05-26: Dead Man (Jim Jarmusch)
1995-08-25: Lord of Illusions (Clive Barker)
1995-09-15: Se7en (David Fincher)

1995-09-16: Four Rooms (Allison Anders / Alexandre Rockwell / Robert Rodriguez / Quentin Tarantino)
1995-09-21: Showgirls (Paul Verhoeven)
1995-11-14: Casino (Martin Scorsese)
1995-12-08: 12 Monkeys (Terry Gilliam)
1995-12-20: Nixon (Oliver Stone)

1996-01-19: From Dusk Till Dawn (Robert Rodriguez)
1996-01-20: I Shot Andy Warhol (Mary Harron)
1996-01-26: The Stendhal Syndrome (Dario Argento)
1996-05-17: Crash (David Cronenberg)
1996-08-31: Bound (Lana Wachowski / Lilly Wachowski)

1997-01-15: Lost Highway (David Lynch)

1997-04-27: Stephen King's The Shining (Mick Garris)
1997-05-00: Bent (Sean Mathias)
1997-08-15: Event Horizon (Paul W.S. Anderson)
1997-08-27: U Turn (Oliver Stone)
1997-09-01: Wilde (Brian Gilbert)
1997-09-03: The Game (David Fincher)
1997-09-09: Cube (Vincenzo Natali)
1997-12-08: Jackie Brown (Quentin Tarantino)

1998-01-19: Pi (Darren Aronofsky)
1998-01-21: Gods and Monsters (Bill Condon)
1998-01-31: Ringu (Hideo Nakata)
1998-01-31: Rasen (Spiral) (Jôji Iida)
1999-01-23: Ringu 2 (Hideo Nakata)
2000-01-22: Ringu 0: Birthday (Norio Tsuruta)

1998-02-25: Dark City (Alex Proyas)
1998-05-19: The General (John Boorman)
1998-05-22: Velvet Goldmine (Todd Haynes)
1998-07-01: American History X (Tony Kaye)
1998-11-30: Meeting People Is Easy (Radiohead) (Grant Gee)
1998-12-04: Psycho (Gus Van Sant)

1999-02-16: eXistenZ (David Cronenberg)
1999-02-19: 8MM (Joel Schumacher)
1999-03-24: The Matrix (Lana Wachowski / Lilly Wachowski)
2003-04-17: The Animatrix (Peter Chung / Andrew R. Jones / Yoshiaki Kawajiri / Takeshi Koike / Mahiro Mahaeda / Kôji Morimoto / Shin'ichirô Watanabe)
The Matrix Reloaded (Lana Wachowski / Lilly Wachowski)
2003-10-27: The Matrix Revolutions (Lana Wachowski / Lilly Wachowski)
2021-12-16: The Matrix Resurrections (Lana Wachowski)

1999-05-20: Summer of Sam (Spike Lee)
1999-05-21: The Straight Story (David Lynch)
1999-07-13: Eyes Wide Shut (Stanley Kubrick)
1999-09-10: Stigmata (Rupert Wainwright)
1999-09-21: Fight Club (David Fincher)
1999-09-28: Alien Blood (Jon Sorensen)
1999-10-02: Audition (Takashi Miike)
1999-10-22: Bringing Out the Dead (Martin Scorsese)
1999-11-17: Sleepy Hollow (Tim Burton)
1999-12-08: Girl, Interrupted (James Mangold)
1999-12-12: The Talented Mr. Ripley (Anthony Minghella)
2002-09-02: Ripley's Game (Liliana Cavani)
1999-12-16: Any Given Sunday (Oliver Stone)
1999-12-24: Titus (Julie Taymor)

2000-01-21: American Psycho (Mary Harron)
2000-05-14: Requiem for a Dream (Darren Aronofsky)

2000-05-17: Dancer in the Dark (Lars von Trier)
2000-08-17: The Cell (Tarsem Singh)
2000-09-05: Memento (Christopher Nolan)

2001-01-19: Donnie Darko (Richard Kelly)
2001-01-19: Hedwig and the Angry Inch (John Cameron Mitchell)
2001-05-16: Mulholland Drive (David Lynch)

2001-12-10: The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (Peter Jackson)
2002-12-05: The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (Peter Jackson)
2003-12-01: The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (Peter Jackson)
2012-11-28: The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (Peter Jackson)
2013-12-02: The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug (Peter Jackson)
2014-12-01: The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies (Peter Jackson)

2002-02-03: The Fall of the Louse of Usher (A Gothic Tale for the 21st Century) (Ken Russell)
2002-03-18: Panic Room (David Fincher)
2002-04-29: Spider-Man (Sam Raimi)
2002-04-30: Femme Fatale (Brian De Palma)
2002-05-21: Spider (David Cronenberg)
2002-06-09: Bubba Ho-Tep (Don Coscarelli)

2002-09-14: Cabin Fever (Eli Roth)
2002-11-01: 28 Days Later (Danny Boyle)

2003-01-22: Masked and Anonymous (Larry Charles)
2003-03-13: House of 1000 Corpses (Rob Zombie)
2005-07-22: The Devil's Rejects (Rob Zombie)
2019-09-15: 3 From Hell (Rob Zombie)
2003-05-19: Dogville (Lars von Trier)
2003-09-29: Kill Bill: Volume 1 (Quentin Tarantino)
2004-04-08: Kill Bill: Volume 2 (Quentin Tarantino)
2003-10-15: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (Marcus Nispel)
2003-12-07: Angels in America (Mike Nichols)

2004-01-18: The Machinist (Brad Anderson)

2004-01-19: Saw (James Wan)
2005-10-28: Saw II (Darren Lynn Bousman)
2006-10-26: Saw III (Darren Lynn Bousman)
2007-10-25: Saw IV (Darren Lynn Bousman)
2008-10-23: Saw V (David Hackl)
2009-10-22: Saw VI (Kevin Greutert)
2010-10-22: Saw 3D (The Final Chapter) (Kevin Greutert)
2017-10-25: Jigsaw (Peter Spierig / Michael Spierig)
2021-05-12: Spiral (From the Book of Saw) (Darren Lynn Bousman)

2004-02-25: The Passion of the Christ (Mel Gibson)
2004-03-10: Dawn of the Dead (Zack Snyder)
2004-03-29: Shaun of the Dead (Edgar Wright)
2004-06-02: Salem's Lot (Mikael Salomon)
2004-07-26: The Village (M. Night Shyamalan)
2004-11-16: Alexander (Oliver Stone)

2005-01-00: New York Doll (Greg Whiteley)
2005-02-07: Constantine (Francis Lawrence)
2005-03-28: Sin City (Frank Miller / Robert Rodriguez / Quentin Tarantino)
2005-05-16: A History of Violence (David Cronenberg)

2005-05-31: Batman Begins (Christopher Nolan)
2008-07-14: The Dark Knight (Christopher Nolan)
2012-07-16: The Dark Knight Rises (Christopher Nolan)
2005-09-03: Breakfast on Pluto (Neil Jordan)
2005-09-03: Hubert Selby Jr: It/ll Be Better Tomorrow (Michael W. Dean / Kenneth Shiffrin)
2005-09-03: No Direction Home: Bob Dylan (Martin Scorsese)
2005-09-14: Metal: A Headbanger's Journey (Sam Dunn / Scot McFadyen / Jessica Joy Wise)
2005-09-17: Hostel (Eli Roth)
2007-06-07: Hostel: Part II (Eli Roth)
2011-12-22: Hostel: Part III (Scott Spiegel)
2005-12-11: V for Vendetta (James McTeigue)

2006-05-19: Bug (William Friedkin)

2006-05-20: Shortbus (John Cameron Mitchell)
2006-05-27: Pan's Labyrinth (Guillermo del Toro)
2006-06-06: The Omen (John Moore)
2006-08-09: World Trade Center (Oliver Stone)
2006-08-17: Snakes on a Plane (David R. Ellis)
2006-09-01: Black Book (Paul Verhoeven)
2006-09-04: The Fountain (Darren Aronofsky)
2006-09-06: Inland Empire (David Lynch)
2006-09-26: The Departed (Martin Scorsese)
2006-10-31: Scott Walker: 30 Century Man (Stephen Kijak)

2007-02-13: Hot Fuzz (Edgar Wright)
2007-02-28: Zodiac (David Fincher)
2007-03-23: Sunshine (Danny Boyle)
2007-04-06: Grindhouse: Planet Terror (Robert Rodriguez)
2007-04-06: Grindhouse: Death Proof (Quentin Tarantino)

2007-05-09: The Mist (Frank Darabont)
2007-05-17: Control (Anton Corbijn)
2007-05-19: No Country for Old Men (Joel Coen / Ethan Coen)

2007-06-12: 1408 (Mikael Håfström)
2007-07-07: When Nietzsche Wept (Pinchas Perry)
2007-09-01: Into the Wild (Sean Penn)
2007-09-03: I'm Not There (Todd Haynes)
2007-09-07: Joy Division (Grant Gee)
2007-09-08: Eastern Promises (David Cronenberg)
2007-09-14: Amazing Journey: The Story of The Who (Murray Lerner / Paul Crowder)
2007-09-27: There Will Be Blood (Paul Thomas Anderson)
2007-10-19: American Gangster (Ridley Scott)
2007-12-03: Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street (Tim Burton)

2008-01-19: Derek (Isaac Julien)
2008-01-20: Patti Smith: Dream of Life (Steven Sebring)
2008-04-26: Speed Racer (Lana Wachowski / Lilly Wachowski)
2008-05-20: Changeling (Clint Eastwood)
2008-10-31: Until the Light Takes Us (Aaron Aites / Audrey Ewell)
2008-12-25: The Spirit (Frank Miller)

2009-02-09: Friday the 13th (Marcus Nispel)
2009-02-23: Watchmen (Zack Snyder)
2009-03-13: The Last House on the Left (Dennis Iliadis)
2009-03-15: Drag Me to Hell (Sam Raimi)
2009-05-18: Antichrist (Lars von Trier)
2009-05-20: Inglourious Basterds (Quentin Tarantino)

2010-01-24: The Runaways (Floria Sigismondi)
2010-02-13: Shutter Island (Martin Scorsese)
2010-04-27: A Nightmare on Elm Street (Samuel Bayer)
2010-09-01: Black Swan (Darren Aronofsky)
2010-09-11: The Tempest (Julie Taymor)

2010-09-16: The Ballad of Mott the Hoople (Mike Kerry / Chris Hall)

2011-02-15: The Turin Horse (Béla Tarr)
2011-05-29: Queen: Days of Our Lives (Matt O'Casey)
2011-09-02: A Dangerous Method (David Cronenberg)
2011-09-08: Killer Joe (William Friedkin)

2012-03-29: Jobriath A.D. (Kieran Turner)
2012-05-25: Cosmopolis (David Cronenberg)
2012-09-08: Cloud Atlas (Lana Wachowski / Tom Tykwer / Lilly Wachowski)

2012-09-10: The Lords of Salem (Rob Zombie)
2012-12-11: Django Unchained (Quentin Tarantino)

2013-03-08: Evil Dead (Fede Álvarez)
2023-03-15: Evil Dead Rise (Lee Cronin)
2013-07-10: The World's End (Edgar Wright)
2013-09-07: Dallas Buyers Club (Jean-Marc Vallée)
2013-11-11: A Master Builder (Jonathan Demme)
2013-12-09: The Wolf of Wall Street (Martin Scorsese)

2014-05-09: We Are Twisted F***ing Sister! (Andrew Horn)
2014-05-19: Maps to the Stars (David Cronenberg)
2014-09-05: Nightcrawler (Dan Gilroy)
2014-09-19: John Wick (Chad Stahelski)
2017-01-30: John Wick: Chapter 2 (Chad Stahelski)
2019-05-09: John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum (Chad Stahelski)

2014-09-26: Gone Girl (David Fincher)

2015-01-27: Jupiter Ascending (Lana Wachowski / Lilly Wachowski)
2015-09-04: Black Mass (Scott Cooper)
2015-09-05: The Childhood of a Leader (Brady Corbet)
2015-09-05: The Danish Girl (Tom Hooper)
2015-09-13: High-Rise (Ben Wheatley)
2015-09-25: Crimson Peak (Guillermo del Toro)
2015-12-07: The Hateful Eight (Quentin Tarantino)

2016-05-20: The Neon Demon (Nicolas Winding Refn)
2016-06-30: Lou Andreas-Salomé, The Audacity to Be Free (Cordula Kablitz-Post)
2016-09-15: The Beatles: Eight Days a Week - The Touring Years (Ron Howard)
2016-11-11: L7: Pretend We're Dead (Sarah Price)

2017-01-23: Get Out (Jordan Peele)
2017-09-05: It Chapter One (Andy Muschietti)
2019-08-26: It Chapter Two (Andy Muschietti)

2017-09-05: mother! (Darren Aronofsky)

2018-01-23: Lords of Chaos (Jonas Åkerlund)

2018-05-14: BlacKkKlansman (Spike Lee)
2018-05-15: Searching for Ingmar Bergman (Margarethe von Trotta / Bettina Böhler / Felix Moeller)
2018-08-31: A Star Is Born (Bradley Cooper)
2018-09-01: Suspiria (Luca Guadagnino)
2018-09-04: Vox Lux (Brady Corbet)
2018-10-12: What We Left Behind - Looking Back at Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (Ira Steven Behr / David Zappone)
2018-10-23: Bohemian Rhapsody (Bryan Singer)

2019-03-08: Us (Jordan Peele)
2019-03-16: Pet Sematary (Kevin Kölsch / Dennis Widmyer)
2019-05-16: Rocketman (Dexter Fletcher)
2019-05-21: Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (Quentin Tarantino)
2019-08-30: Motherless Brooklyn (Edward Norton)
2019-08-31: Joker (Todd Phillips)
2019-09-07: Knives Out (Rian Johnson)

2019-09-27: The Irishman (Martin Scorsese)

2020-12-16: The Stand (Josh Boone / Tucker Gates / Danielle Krudy / Bridget Savage Cole / Chris Fisher / Vincenzo Natali)

2021-07-07: The Velvet Underground (Todd Haynes)
2021-07-09: Benedetta (Paul Verhoeven)
2021-07-12: JFK Revisited: Through the Looking Glass (Oliver Stone / 2021)
2021-10-20: JFK: Destiny Betrayed (Oliver Stone / 2021)

2021-09-03: Dune (Denis Villeneuve)
2021-09-04: Last Night in Soho (Edgar Wright)
2021-09-22: The Many Saints of Newark (A Sopranos Story) (Alan Taylor)
2021-11-25: The Beatles: Get Back (Peter Jackson)

2022-05-23: Crimes of the Future [2] (David Cronenberg)
2022-05-23: Moonage Daydream (David Bowie) (Brett Morgen)
2022-09-01: Tár (Todd Field)

Darth Pazuzu 03-03-23 05:16 PM

Re: Darth Pazuzu's Movie Collection (a work in progress)
This post reserved for future use (#2)

I honestly have no idea how many posts I'm going to need in order to complete my list of films on DVD and Blu-ray, so just to be on the safe side I'm reserving a block of ten. ;) I figure if somebody else wants to post a comment, that's fine, but I just don't want them interrupting and cutting into the list.:D

Darth Pazuzu 03-03-23 05:16 PM

Re: Darth Pazuzu's Movie Collection (a work in progress)
This post reserved for future use (#3)

Darth Pazuzu 03-03-23 05:17 PM

Re: Darth Pazuzu's Movie Collection (a work in progress)
This post reserved for future use (#4)

Darth Pazuzu 03-03-23 05:17 PM

Re: Darth Pazuzu's Movie Collection (a work in progress)
This post reserved for future use (#5)

Darth Pazuzu 03-03-23 05:17 PM

Re: Darth Pazuzu's Movie Collection (a work in progress)
This post reserved for future use (#6)

Darth Pazuzu 03-03-23 05:17 PM

Re: Darth Pazuzu's Movie Collection (a work in progress)
This post reserved for future use (#7)

Darth Pazuzu 03-03-23 05:18 PM

Re: Darth Pazuzu's Movie Collection (a work in progress)
This post reserved for future use (#8)

Darth Pazuzu 03-03-23 05:18 PM

Re: Darth Pazuzu's Movie Collection (a work in progress)
This post reserved for future use (#9)

Darth Pazuzu 03-03-23 05:18 PM

Re: Darth Pazuzu's Movie Collection (a work in progress)
This post reserved for future use (#10)

gbgoodies 03-03-23 11:40 PM

Originally Posted by Darth Pazuzu (Post 2375917)
So anyway, in more or less chronological order, here is a list of all the films I've got on DVD, Blu-ray and 4K. And just remember, this is a work in progress...

That's a nice DVD collection. I've been trying to organize my DVD collection by sorting them alphabetically and by genres. I never thought about sorting them in chronological order, but I'm not sure that that would be any easier.

Do you use a database to organize them, or do you just catalog them manually?

Darth Pazuzu 03-04-23 12:10 AM

Originally Posted by gbgoodies (Post 2375992)
That's a nice DVD collection. I've been trying to organize my DVD collection by sorting them alphabetically and by genres. I never thought about sorting them in chronological order, but I'm not sure that that would be any easier.

Do you use a database to organize them, or do you just catalog them manually?
I write all the titles down with pen and paper, the old-fashioned way, and right now I'm working from that. 🙂 And believe me, that's pretty tough when everything is stacked in different places all over the apartment in no particular order! I've just spent the last couple of days writing everything down on tablet paper, squeezing in two titles per line. And it took two sheets, using both sides (and part of a third)! With that in mind, you can probably understand why I decided to reserve a total of ten posts for the job! :lol: I don't really have any sort of database system as such, although perhaps I really should look into that...

Also, bear in mind that I've only just scratched the surface. I haven't even finished the front half of the first page yet! If you're still interested, keep checking on my progress regularly for the near future.

gbgoodies 03-04-23 12:20 AM

Originally Posted by Darth Pazuzu (Post 2375995)
I write all the titles down with pen and paper, the old-fashioned way, and right now I'm working from that. 🙂 And believe me, that's pretty tough when everything is stacked in different places all over the apartment in no particular order! I've just spent the last couple of days writing everything down on tablet paper, squeezing in two titles per line. And it took two sheets, using both sides (and part of a third)! With that in mind, you can probably understand why I decided to reserve a total of ten posts for the job! :lol: I don't really have any sort of database system as such, although perhaps I really should look into that...

Also, bear in mind that I've only just scratched the surface. I haven't even finished the front half of the first page yet! If you're still interested, keep checking on my progress regularly for the near future.

Your apartment sounds a lot like mine. I've have DVD racks and bookcases filled with DVDs in every room except the kitchen and the bathroom, and many of the DVDs are in no order. (Actually they're in the order that I bought them, but since I buy most of my DVDs at garage sales and flea markets, that's basically the same thing as no order at all.)

When I first started buying DVDs, I was pretty good about separating them by genre and alphabetizing them within the genres, but as my collection grew, I just started putting the new DVDs wherever I could find room for them.

I've been trying to sort them a little bit at a time, (as I can find the time to do it), but I have a lot of DVDs to sort.

I recently started using an app called DVD Library that catalogs them by scanning the barcode. It's not perfect, but it's making the job a little bit easier.

Darth Pazuzu 03-07-23 08:38 PM

Re: Darth Pazuzu's Movie Collection (a work in progress)

In my listing above, I have just finished listing the contents of my Ingmar Bergman and Federico Fellini box sets from Criterion Collection, as well as virtually everything I have by Alfred Hitchcock, the six-film Marlene Dietrich / Josef von Sternberg collection from Criterion, a trio of Ingrid Bergman / Roberto Rossellini films from Criterion, as well as the complete 14-film American Film Theatre box set from 1973-1975 (with two dating from 1970). And as the Who's Pete Townshend once wrote: "There's more at the door / There's more at the door / There's more at the door / There's more at the door / There's more!" :lol:

P.S. Color me impressed with how much content a single post can hold on this website! :D

Darth Pazuzu 03-08-23 10:54 PM

Re: Darth Pazuzu's Movie Collection (a work in progress)

Just made further modifications to the color code. See above for full details, but here's the short version:

Original or inaugural titles which spawn sequels, prequels, remakes, and/or franchises
Sequels and prequels
Remakes of older films
Personal favorites (work in progress)

And I just added a whole slew of new titles since the last time! ;)

Darth Pazuzu 03-15-23 11:33 PM

Re: Darth Pazuzu's Movie Collection (a work in progress)

I eventually decided that I wanted to put the full release dates of each film on the list, meaning 4-digit year, 2-digit month, and 2-digit day. My primary motivation was to make it easier for me to chronologically slot each film into its appropriate place, without always having to consult Wikipedia and IMDb and re-check the release dates of each film released within a particular year all over again just to make sure! But ironically, however, it's actually making my job that much harder, because now I've got to append the month and day to each entry, which means I am consulting Wikipedia and IMDb all over again! :lol:

Oh well, no regrets. :D

Recently added entries include the Rocky series with Sylvester Stallone (which I got in a 6-disc Blu-ray set from Best Buy for a rather impressive bargain), as well as Penelope Spheeris' The Decline of Western Civilization punk rock and heavy metal doc trilogy.

And believe it or not, I'm not through yet... :eek:

Darth Pazuzu 03-22-23 11:25 PM

Re: Darth Pazuzu's Movie Collection (a work in progress)
FINISHED! (Well... more or less!)

I think it's safe to say that as of right now, I have posted the titles of every movie in my DVD / Blu-ray / 4K collection in chronological order. And it turns out that I didn't really need all those nine additional posts! I've got to say, I'm seriously impressed with the amount of information that can be contained within one single post.

But bear in mind, as of 03/22/2023, I have yet to add the month and day to every year of release. I'm still working on that. Also, I buy new movies regularly and that will expand the list.

I don't know if all this information I've shared really, truly does anything for anybody else, but it's going to come in very handy for consultation purposes when I'm building my ongoing Favorite Movies of All Time list. At least, you've got a very good idea what my tastes in cinema are. ;)

Darth Pazuzu 04-04-23 07:08 PM

Re: Darth Pazuzu's Movie Collection (a work in progress)

Darth Pazuzu 04-12-23 09:21 PM

Re: Darth Pazuzu's Movie Collection (a work in progress)
YET ANOTHER SLEW OF PURCHASES (Don't you just love tax refund time? :D)

crumbsroom 04-12-23 10:31 PM

All of those are good!

Darth Pazuzu 04-20-23 05:30 PM

Originally Posted by crumbsroom (Post 2382530)
All of those are good!
How about these? (My latest acquisitions...) :D

crumbsroom 04-20-23 06:39 PM

That's a mixed bag. Bullitt is of course great. I've wanted to see The Yakuza for awhile, but haven't. Have only heard terrible things about Lords of Chaos (and honestly, I wasn't that big on the book either). Have been slowly warming up to Hardcore over the years, but it's not a favorite. Desperately want to see Tar and desperately don't want to see Titus.

Darth Pazuzu 04-23-23 12:42 PM

Originally Posted by crumbsroom (Post 2383469)
That's a mixed bag. Bullitt is of course great. I've wanted to see The Yakuza for awhile, but haven't. Have only heard terrible things about Lords of Chaos (and honestly, I wasn't that big on the book either). Have been slowly warming up to Hardcore over the years, but it's not a favorite. Desperately want to see Tar and desperately don't want to see Titus.
Just one more received through the mail just this last Friday...

Pity your comment regarding Titus, because I seriously enjoy director Julie Taymor's take on William Shakespeare. That one and The Tempest would make a terrific double bill at some Shakespeare cinema festival or something. I don't really know or understand the specific nature of your (implied) objection, but I know that some people might be put off by Taymor's use of anachronistic imagery and her blending of different periods and fashions. Personally, I think her approach is highly inventive and inspired. Granted, not many filmmakers have the skills to do this effectively. Two other directors that immediately come to mind who are good with blending periods and using anachronistic imagery are Ken Russell and Derek Jarman (the latter who of course did his own version of The Tempest in 1979). Granted, those two were British guys and Taymor is an American gal, so there's as much a difference in sensibilty with her as there is between Russell and Jarman.

crumbsroom 04-23-23 02:31 PM

Originally Posted by Darth Pazuzu (Post 2383826)
Just one more received through the mail just this last Friday...

Pity your comment regarding Titus, because I seriously enjoy director Julie Taymor's take on William Shakespeare. That one and The Tempest would make a terrific double bill at some Shakespeare cinema festival or something. I don't really know or understand the specific nature of your (implied) objection, but I know that some people might be put off by Taymor's use of anachronistic imagery and her blending of different periods and fashions. Personally, I think her approach is highly inventive and inspired. Granted, not many filmmakers have the skills to do this effectively. Two other directors that immediately come to mind who are good with blending periods and using anachronistic imagery are Ken Russell and Derek Jarman (the latter who of course did his own version of The Tempest in 1979). Granted, those two were British guys and Taymor is an American gal, so there's as much a difference in sensibilty with her as there is between Russell and Jarman.

My issue with Taymore is Across the Universe. Her horrid literal interpretations of Beatles songs nearly killed me. I can't unsee it. I can't forgive her.

I generally am fine with anachronistic imagery and love Ken Russell and (sort of) Derek Jarman. Her approach is way too precious for me though.

I've no doubt Titus is considerably better than Across the Universe....but then I remember Taymor was also responsible for a U2 and Spiderman broadway play and the bile in me begins to rise again.

Darth Pazuzu 04-24-23 05:50 PM

Originally Posted by crumbsroom (Post 2383833)
My issue with Taymore is Across the Universe. Her horrid literal interpretations of Beatles songs nearly killed me. I can't unsee it. I can't forgive her.

I generally am fine with anachronistic imagery and love Ken Russell and (sort of) Derek Jarman. Her approach is way too precious for me though.

I've no doubt Titus is considerably better than Across the Universe....but then I remember Taymor was also responsible for a U2 and Spiderman broadway play and the bile in me begins to rise again.
I guess I sort of agree with you regarding Across the Universe, because I'm generally not a fan of jukebox musicals, period. It's sort of a proprietary thing, because I feel like I have my own connection with the music of the Beatles - and with other bands, for that matter. I only saw Moulin Rouge once, and I don't plan on viewing it again any time soon! :p

I guess I was fortunate enough not to have seen the whole U2/Spiderman musical, although I had definitely heard about it. But knowing how easy to get bad reputations nowadays, and knowing how flaws and imperfections get blown out of proportion in the media, I'm guessing it's probably nowhere near as bad as people have said it is! :lol:

But regarding Julie Taymor's Shakespeare work, I have to unreservedly count myself as a fan.

Darth Pazuzu 05-01-23 06:24 PM

Re: Darth Pazuzu's Movie Collection (a work in progress)
Some more recent purchases...

Actually, that's only partially true. I haven't actually received my copy of Tightrope (1984) yet. But if the good people at the USPS come through, it should arrive tomorrow! And besides, this will spare me from having to make another announcement post...

I was always interested in The Getaway (1972) ever since I heard the commentary track for From Dusk Till Dawn (1996), where Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez discuss the final chapter of the original Jim Thompson novel, in which our main characters arrive at a sanctuary town in Mexico called El Ray. (This is also supposed to be the place where the Gecko Brothers are headed in Rodriguez's film.) Apparently, if you're a criminal on the run and you're trying to find sanctuary in El Ray, that place ends up being much, much worse than whatever it is you're trying to get away from - I mean, like, Dante-circle-of-Hell bad! Unfortunately, neither screen adaptation of The Getaway - the 1972 Peckinpah with McQueen and MacGraw or the 1994 Alec Baldwin / Kim Basinger remake - deals with El Ray at all, and both movies end before the El Rey chapter. But from what Tarantino has said - on the FDTD commentary and in his more recent Cinema Speculations book - it rather sounds like that little town of El Rey would be worthy of a movie in its own right!

Also, in Stephen King's non-fiction book Danse Macabre, he addressed a rumor about the end of X: The Man with the X-Ray Eyes (1963). Apparently, Ray Milland's last words were originally supposed to be "I can still see!", but apparently that was rejected as being too horrible! I just received the Blu-ray today in the mail, so I'll find out if the commentary track(s) address the issue...

Darth Pazuzu 05-11-23 06:43 PM

Re: Darth Pazuzu's Movie Collection (a work in progress)
Here's the last one I bought that I hadn't seen before. Once again, Tarantino's recent Cinema Speculations book led me to this one. In fact, he devoted an entire chapter to it! Sylvester Stallone certainly made a very confident and assured directorial debut.

BTW, my copy of Tightrope eventually did come in. (See my last post.) It was every bit as good a film as I remember it being when I saw it a good number of years ago.

And now here's a couple of purchases within the past few months that aren't really new to me, but for which I double-dipped in order to get the 4K or Blu-ray editions:

beelzebubble 05-11-23 07:56 PM

Re: Darth Pazuzu's Movie Collection (a work in progress)
Tar is excellent. I have not seen Bubba Ho-Tep yet which I can't believe. I must have walked past it in Blockbusters a milllion times. I will defiinitely have to check out the Julie Taymor Shakespeare films as I am a big fan of both Ken Russell and Derek Jarman.

Darth Pazuzu 05-15-23 06:20 PM

Re: Darth Pazuzu's Movie Collection (a work in progress)
A couple other recent 4K Ultra HD upgrades, although they're not new viewing experiences for me...

Four from Stanley Kubrick...

And one from Tobe Hooper...

Believe me, all of these have never looked better, especially 2001: A Space Odyssey!

Darth Pazuzu 05-20-23 01:42 PM

Re: Darth Pazuzu's Movie Collection (a work in progress)
Here's a new one for my collection! Joe is the 1970 directorial debut of John G. Avildsen, who would eventually make the first Rocky (1976) as well as The Karate Kid (1984) and Lean on Me (1989), among many others. And once again, I was primarily motivated by Quentin Tarantino's comments in his recent book Cinema Speculations. I mean, I had read and known about this movie for many years, but it's only now that I've finally seen it. Peter Boyle is alternately unnerving and funny in his performance as the title character, and Susan Sarandon is quite impressive in her screen debut. I'm not the kind to give spoilers, but the ending is a serious punch to the gut, so newcomers be prepared!

Also, I got the 2019 Final Cut edition of Francis Ford Coppola's Apocalypse Now as part of the 6-disc 4K Ultra HD / Blu-ray set. And let me tell you, I'm impressed! This is right up there with the 4K version of 2001: A Space Odyssey, and it's never looked better! (But for the record, I still favor the full-length 2001 Redux edition.)

Darth Pazuzu 05-29-23 06:03 PM

Re: Darth Pazuzu's Movie Collection (a work in progress)
Yet another one for my collection. Read about Targets (1968) many years ago in movie guides and books about horror cinema, but I've only just seen it now, having gotten the newly released Criterion Collection edition on Blu-ray. And I am very impressed! The young Peter Bogdanovich makes his directorial debut here, and in terms of subject matter and social commentary he was way, way, waaaaaaayyy ahead of the curve with this one...

Darth Pazuzu 06-19-23 09:14 PM

Re: Darth Pazuzu's Movie Collection (a work in progress)

Here's my latest batch of purchases, and as you can see I'm in kind of a weird cinematic mood these days. Perhaps I'm just desensitized, and I need a dose of ultraviolent, unreconstructed, bloody, sordid, slap-in-your-face reality. (Or perhaps a kind of hyper-reality!) And I've kind of been on two parallel tracks here. Although it would be stretching things just a tad to suggest any overt parallel between the bloody Texas Chainsaw universe of eccentric cannibal clans created by Tobe Hooper and Sam Peckinpah's violently elegiac world of faded outlaws, mercenaries, losers and battered soldiers, I think there is a thematic overlap, insofar as they both deal with the clinging to some past world that's long gone, and the inability to deal with progress (technological and otherwise) and the gradual encroachment of civilization upon the old world - that is, progress and civilization as defined by politicians and big corporations. Or at least, the inability to deal with it in any kind of healthy manner!

Maybe it's because I've just turned 50, and I'm beginning to feel like a relic or fossil from some bygone era myself! I certainly can't relate to most of the music that kids these days listen to. I don't know about anyone else, but I need the sound of real drums, not these electronic clickety-clack beats that most pop music seems to be set to these days. And don't get me started on autotune! Also, I firmly remain a supporter of physical media. I've never streamed a movie, and I've never streamed an album. I like to hold the physical item in my hand. While I'm not into collecting vinyl, I do still collect CD's. And while I do like to rip them to WAV files and play them on a Hi-Res Sony MP3 Walkman, I still believe in owning the actual physical item! The same thing goes with movies. Yes, I love the advancements of 4K UHD, but once again I like to be able to hold a disc in my hand!

And like everybody else my age, I tend to be more than just a little concerned about politics! On the one hand, I would certainly define myself overall as a liberal who believes in progressive causes such as civil rights, the rights of labor unions, the reproductive rights of women, and the rights of people to love who they want to love regardless of gender, etc., etc. But I would have to define myself as an "old-school" liberal, in the sense that I unconditionally support the First Amendment and freedom of speech... regardless of whoever takes offense at someone's free speech!

Oh well, I digress! I could quite easily get into some kind of "get-off-my-lawn" rant about any old thing, but I insist on being optimistic and upbeat. As we all know, history tends to be cyclical, and social and political trends that alarm and upset people in one era tend to be made irrelevant by a compensatory (and over-compensatory) swing of the pendulum in the next era. Granted, one doesn't wish to become complacent. And sure, it seems like excess countering excess much of the time. But I think there's certainly more productive things people can do with their time than getting into shootouts in Mexico or carving up people with power tools!

(See what I did there? :lol:)

Darth Pazuzu 06-21-23 06:37 PM

Re: Darth Pazuzu's Movie Collection (a work in progress)
As you may or may not gather, the above post was meant to be a (half-improvised) blend of irreverent humor and sincerity - albeit perhaps not a seamless blend. Whatever sentiments you find disagreeable, just take with a pinch of salt.

Moving on...

I just got these two Blu-ray's today. The first one I got from Barnes & Noble this morning (only just released yesterday), and the second one I received in the mail via USPS from Amazon:

Mind you, I already had Joseph Losey's The Servant (1963) as part of a 3-DVD Dirk Bogarde box set from Anchor Bay, which also had Basil Dearden's The Mind Benders (1963) and Losey's Accident (1967). (And I had long been curious about Accident ever since Jack Sholder cited it on a commentary track as an influence on the opening credit sequence of his 1987 sci-fi thriller The Hidden, but I digress...) But I'm really looking forward to seeing the Criterion edition's 4K digital restoration.

And 1970's The Ballad of Cable Hogue, starring Jason Robards, Stella Stevens and David Warner, was Sam Peckinpah's follow-up to his 1969 success The Wild Bunch. Not being what people expected of Peckinpah, I gather the film got a rather cool reception at the time of release. But I do believe Sam once described it as his personal favorite of all his films. I look forward to seeing it...

Darth Pazuzu 06-30-23 03:16 PM

Re: Darth Pazuzu's Movie Collection (a work in progress)

It pains me to say this, but I've got to say that as a long-time fan of the Evil Dead series, the premise is becoming just a bit worn and threadbare. I guess you could say it's beginning to figuratively wear through the scalp to a far greater extent than literally tearing through it. (Couldn't resist. Sorry!) And director Lee Cronin's solution to the problem of how to make things different - transferring the action from a cabin in the woods to a crumbling urban high-rise - only ironically underscores how repetitive things are starting to become. The fact that this time the plot involves a family - a divorced mother, her three children and their aunt who is the heroine - should theoretically make the proceedings far more emotionally involving and shocking, but I don't think Cronin's quite good enough as a writer of character to pull it off. But although Cronin fails to make his story darker, the movie itself is far more drenched in actual darkness than it really needed to be. I'm telling you, I could barely see a thing! I know at one point there's a blackout at a crucial point in the story, and so it's supposed to look dark, but for much of the time I was seriously straining my eyes. I don't know if the movie was filmed digitally or on film - honestly I can't tell anymore - but in any case the cinematography left much to be desired. I think that there's a certain level of invention and creativity, a certain aesthetic sensibility, that's been gradually disappearing in movies over time. Having said all this, I did watch the 4K version first, and haven't watched the Blu-ray yet. And I find the 4K UHD versions of most movies to be certainly less bright than the Blu-ray versions. (Although I admittedly have a relatively inexpensive Vizio TV set and have yet to upgrade.)

(Side note: Does anybody else find it slightly amusing that the director's real name is exactly the same as the anagrammatic pseudonym used by ace writer Gene L. Coon for the episodes he penned for the original Star Trek's third season in 1968-69? Or is that just me? Hey, apropos of nothing, just thought I'd mention it...)

Yes, I'll always be a huge fan of the original Evil Dead trilogy with Bruce Campbell. Heck, I even have a soft spot for Fede Álvarez's 2013 remake, which is a reasonably successful variation on Sam Raimi's classic original. (And I think the additional dramatic element of its lead female character being a recovering drug addict was far more effective than the weakly pedestrian family drama of the new Cronin film.) The Ash vs. Evil Dead series was rollicking good fun, as well (up to a point, anyway). But I think we're starting to see signs of creative fatigue setting in and there are only so many things that filmmakers can do to squeeze any more creative juice out of a premise once it's played out. And speaking of remakes...

As you can see in my above posts, I've also started to get into the Texas Chainsaw Massacre films, having recently purchased the recent 4K release of Tobe Hooper's classic 1974 original, as well as the Vinegar Syndrome 3-disc 4K/Blu-ray release of Hooper's brilliantly OTT 1986 sequel (with Dennis Hopper). I also got the Warner Archives Blu-ray edition of Jeff Burr's Leatherface: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre III (featuring an early performance from Viggo Mortsensen). That one's okay, mind you, nothing as horrific or as blackly humorous as the Hooper films, although stylistically it's kind of a missing-link bridge between the Texas Chainsaw world of Hooper and Rob Zombie's later House of 1000 Corpses and The Devil's Rejects in the 2000's. And original co-creator Kim Henkel later got in on the action with Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Next Generation in 1995, which I got the Scream! Factory Collectors Edition Blu-ray of. Now, that movie is weird and screwy in ways that I'm still shaking my head in wonder at. I suppose its main selling point these days is the fact that its two leads, Renée Zellweger and Matthew McConaughey, went on to become famous Hollywood superstars. I'm not sure I even really like that movie, but it's weirdly compelling and strange and I know I'll probably come back to it again later.

And just recently... I finally caught up to Marcus Nispel's 2003 remake. About what you'd expect from a competent remake, not great but not awful either. Well-acted and well-directed, to be sure, but it still can't hope to equal the Hooper original. What finally brought me around to finally watching the remake was when I found out that the cinematographer was none other than Daniel Pearl, who did a wonderful job on the original, as well as the fact that the screenwriter was Scott Kosar, later responsible for writing Brad Anderson's The Machinist from 2004, which starred Christian Bale and Jennifer Jason Leigh. And I did kind of like R. Lee Ermey as the sheriff, who is roughly the equivalent of Jim Siedow's Cook in Hooper's films. He's pretty intimidating and scary, particularly in that scene in the van when he's forcing Jonathan Tucker's character to re-enact exactly how the female hitchhiker committed suicide earlier. The only problem - but not necessarily a big one, mind you - is that, when Ermey is playing a threating authority figure, he can't help but bring in some of the baggage from his Sergeant Hartman in 1987's Full Metal Jacket. (He even bellows "Get on your faces!" at one point.)

I haven't watched any of the later remakes, sequels and prequels (of which I believe there have been four more, or five if you count Kim Henkel's related 2012 Butcher Boys). I'm kind of leaning against watching any more, because as per my above-stated disappointment in Evil Dead Rise, I'm not really sure how else the premise can be expanded or built on in any productive way. I don't know, maybe I'm wrong...

And yet another three from the great Sam Peckinpah! I particularly liked the Western Ride the High Country (1962), which stars Joel McCrea and Randolph Scott in the leads, as well as Mariette Hartley and later Peckinpah regulars such as Warren Oates, R.G. Armstrong and L.Q. Jones. Junior Bonner (1972) wasn't really my cup of tea, not being into the subject of rodeo riding myself. But I thought Steve McQueen was good in the lead, and Robert Preston and Ida Lupino were both wonderful as his parents. And it's also got what is probably the wittiest bar fight sequence ever. (BTW, I had to settle for the Kino Lorber DVD, as its Blu-Ray counterpart was out of print!) And I only just watched the restored 136-minute version of Major Dundee (1965) the night before, and I've got to say it's rather impressive! Not quite on par with later triumphs like The Wild Bunch (1969) and Straw Dogs (1971), it's a rather gritty Civil War epic with Charlton Heston as the tough and implacable title character, and Richard Harris as Captain Tyreen, Dundee's former friend now turned Confederate nemesis. Heston and Harris have a wonderfully hostile onscreen chemistry, capturing emotions ranging from guarded admiration to smoldering hatred. Austrian actress Senta Berger portrays the love interest, an immigrant nurse named Teresa Santiago. Interestingly enough, she would later play an equivalent character in Peckinpah's 1977 World War II epic Cross of Iron, as the woman who takes a romantic interest in the lead character, binding and tending his physical and psychic wounds, only to ultimately lose her man as he once again feels himself drawn toward the call of battle. (Also, I got Arrow Video's 2-disc edition on Blu-ray, which features both the 136-minute Expanded Version with a completely different film score, and the original 123-minute theatrical version, with its rather cheesy original score which includes a hilariously inappropriate if rousing theme song from Mitch Miller! :lol:)

Darth Pazuzu 07-13-23 08:41 PM

Re: Darth Pazuzu's Movie Collection (a work in progress)

Two new recent purchases:

Ever since hearing about the recent controversy surrounding the streaming version of The French Connection (1971) put out by Disney, which censored Popeye Doyle (Gene Hackman)'s use of a certain racial epithet, I immediately ordered the most recent physical Blu-ray edition, for fear it might go out of print one of these days! :eek:

It's not my favorite William Friedkin thriller, being rather more partial to 1980's Cruising or 1985's To Live and Die in L.A. (the new 4K UHD version of which I'll definitely get once it drops on 07/18/2023), as well as the classic The Exorcist (1973). (And let's not forget 1977's underrated Sorcerer!) But The French Connection is still a brutally kick-ass and gritty '70s action drama nonetheless. That chase scene still holds up like nobody's business. I love the drug chemist's flat, laconically delivered analysis of the shipment: "Blastoff: 180... 200: Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval... 210: U.S. Government certified... 220: Lunar trajectory, junk of the month club, sirloin steak... 230: Grade-A poison. Absolute dynamite. 89% pure junk. Best I've ever seen." And I get a kick out of Doyle (Hackman) and Buddy Russo (Roy Scheider) listening in on the wiretaps while playing cards and not being able to contain their amusement. When Sal Boca's wife Angie nags him about ordering a pizza - "And don't forget the anchovies!" - they burst into laughter, scattering their playing cards. Absolutely rock-solid entertainment.

And has anyone out there seen Noon Wine? It's definitely one of the more obscure items in Sam Peckinpah's filmography. Starring Jason Robards and Olivia de Havilland, it's a short little 51-minute TV film that Sam made for ABC Stage 67 in 1966, based on a 1937 novella by Katherine Ann Porter. And it's essential viewing for Peckinpah fans, because it's a real heartbreaker. Robards stars as a farmer with a wife and two sons, who hires a Swedish immigrant to work on his farm, and when a bounty hunter arrives to take the Swede into custody claiming that he's an escaped mental patient, the farmer kills the bounty hunter in order to protect his worker. Things only go downhill from there, culminating in a very sad ending. I won't give spoilers. Heartily recommended, and not just to fans of Peckinpah and Robards.

Darth Pazuzu 07-31-23 05:19 PM

Re: Darth Pazuzu's Movie Collection (a work in progress)
Three recent purchases:

This one is something I've seen before, but never actually owned...

And these two I've just double-dipped for, having upgraded from DVD. (BTW, the 4K edition of To Live and Die in L.A. just came out July 18th. I've been eagerly awaiting this one ever since the Shout! Factory edition went out of print!)

Darth Pazuzu 08-07-23 06:27 PM

Re: Darth Pazuzu's Movie Collection (a work in progress)
Quite a few orders of mine came in recently! Oh happy day... :)

And now my Sam Peckinpah movie collection is complete! :D
As you can see, I just had to pick up the few stragglers left over. I had already seen The Osterman Weekend on a previous occasion, and I've got to say that it's very underrated. Eccentric, quirky, and intelligent, it's certainly not your run-of-the-mill spy thriller. As far as cinematic swan songs go, I'd definitely rank this alongside Hitchcock's Family Plot and Kubrick's Eyes Wide Shut. The Killer Elite sort of left me cold (notwithstanding the presence of James Caan and Robert Duvall, reunited from The Godfather), and big-screen debut The Deadly Companions definitely showed promise of greatness to come, but I think it still fell slightly short. But God help me, I actually found Convoy extremely entertaining! :p Just about as silly as you would expect a fight-the-power trucking epic based on a '70s novelty song to be, but hardly less fun for all that. It certainly holds up a lot better than it has any right to, given its messy production history.;maxWidth=550

I already had The Man Who Fell to Earth on DVD, the Criterion Collection DVD packaged in a set with Walter Tevis' original novel. But when I saw this newfangled 4K UHD/Blu-ray combo on the rack at Best Buy last Friday, I just had to double-dip! Now you've just got to love that slipcase, with the Aladdin Sane-style lightning bolt over the false eye, concealing the real yellow one underneath!

I already have all the Star Trek movies on Blu-ray. I made my umpteenth dip (after several VHS and DVD editions over the years) for the Movie Collection with the Original Series cast (1979-1991) on 4K UHD/Blu-ray just last year, and it was worth it for the fact that it's got the Director's Cuts of Robert Wise's I and Nicholas Meyer's II and VI. But alas, there are no such comparable upgrades on the new Next Generation Movie Collection. Still, the new 4K's look great!

The new 4K UHD/Blu-ray combo edition of Poltergeist also looks pretty good. And it's also got a vintage Making-Of featurette filmed during the making of the movie. But aside from that, there really isn't anything new in terms of special features. There are a couple of featurettes about the supernatural and hauntings that have been carried over from earlier editions, but that's about it. I always felt that Tobe Hooper got short shrift in terms of appreciation for his work on the movie, while Steven Spielberg got the majority of credit for the film overall. (Not that I resent Steve for that.) You'd think there would be some new interviews or a new documentary or something which would set the record straight once and for all! Alas, for the time being, it's not to be... :(

I had seen Raising Arizona a while back, and I thought it was just awesome! Took a while for me to get around to getting the Blu-ray, though. Oh well, all good things...

I only have a couple other Coen Brothers films in my collection (Miller's Crossing and No Country for Old Men). I have seen Blood Simple and Fargo, but haven't yet purchased the Blu-ray's. Oversight! :eek: To be rectified at a later date...

Darth Pazuzu 08-14-23 06:44 PM

Re: Darth Pazuzu's Movie Collection (a work in progress)
And just a few more...!

A real eclectic mix this time! An epic Italian-style Western... a gender-bending musical comedy... and a wonderfully weird and twisted take on H.P. Lovecraft! My idea of fun, you bet... ;)

(I had the restored 2007 DVD version of Stuart Gordon's From Beyond for many years, but I hadn't gotten the 2013 Shout! Factory Blu-ray edition before it went out of print. But this big 4K/Blu-ray package from Vinegar Syndrome renders that one virtually redundant.)

Darth Pazuzu 08-16-23 09:13 PM

Re: Darth Pazuzu's Movie Collection (a work in progress)
And now I can add yet another three Sergio Leone's to my collection with this Blu-ray 3-pack!

Believe it or not, I hadn't even seen this classic Eastwood / Leone trilogy until recently, when I borrowed it through inter-library loan. I really like all three a lot, but my favorite is The Good, the Bad and the Ugly. Frankly, I like that one better than Once Upon a Time in the West (although that one's also great).

And as great as Clint was in that third movie, Eli Wallach absolutely steals the show as the wily Tuco Ramírez. I love how he demonstrates first-hand the perils of what the late critic Roger Ebert once referred to as "The Fallacy of the Talking Killer": "When you have to shoot, shoot. Don't talk!" :lol: As much of a weasel as this guy as, and as much as you resent the ordeal he puts Eastwood's character through, you actually kind of root for the guy!

StuSmallz 08-17-23 02:40 AM

Originally Posted by Darth Pazuzu (Post 2406112)
And now I can add yet another three Sergio Leone's to my collection with this Blu-ray 3-pack!

Believe it or not, I hadn't even seen this classic Eastwood / Leone trilogy until recently, when I borrowed it through inter-library loan. I really like all three a lot, but my favorite is The Good, the Bad and the Ugly. Frankly, I like that one better than Once Upon a Time in the West (although that one's also great).

And as great as Clint was in that third movie, Eli Wallach absolutely steals the show as the wily Tuco Ramírez. I love how he demonstrates first-hand the perils of what the late critic Roger Ebert once referred to as "The Fallacy of the Talking Killer": "When you have to shoot, shoot. Don't talk!" :lol: As much of a weasel as this guy as, and as much as you resent the ordeal he puts Eastwood's character through, you actually kind of root for the guy!
Yup, TGTB&TU has always been one of my favorites ( ), and I agree with you that it's better than Once Upon A Time In The West as well (even though it's great as well); glad you liked it, Darth!

Darth Pazuzu 08-23-23 07:48 PM

Re: Darth Pazuzu's Movie Collection (a work in progress)
One more from Sergio Leone...

I've already seen the 229-minute version on DVD, but this two-disc Blu-ray edition has the 251-minute Extended Director's Cut as well as the earlier one. Having only just gotten this in the mail from Amazon today, I haven't seen the longer edition yet, but I'm going to start in on it tonight! :D

Darth Pazuzu 08-28-23 06:52 PM

Re: Darth Pazuzu's Movie Collection (a work in progress)

The 2017 Shout! Factory edition.

I don't know... It's definitely worth viewing at least once. What really makes Gus Van Sant's 1998 remake really stand out from the glut of reboots and retreads is the fact that it's based on the exact same screenplay by Joseph Stefano that Alfred Hitchcock's original Psycho from 1960 was based on. This actually does something which is really quite standard practice in theatre - namely, it uses the exact same text that other people have used for stage performances in ages past. As a cinematic practice, however... it kind of feels like a form of filmed cosplay with different costumes - or perhaps a Rocky Horror Picture Show shadow cast divorced or separated from the film it's emulating. Anne Heche is OK in the role of Marion Crane, but she doesn't really have the depth to make the character really interesting or her situation involving. Vince Vaughn is really quite good in the role of Norman Bates, and he doesn't necessarily make one think of Anthony Perkins - half the battle right there, I'd say. Everyone else in the cast acquits themselves admirably, and Viggo Mortensen and Julianne Moore play the roles in such a significantly different way than John Gavin and Vera Miles that they create a whole different dynamic and (deliberately awkward) chemistry.

Like I said, not great, but it is a unique cinematic experience. Worth viewing at least once, as an exercise in comparison and contrast with the original version.

Darth Pazuzu 09-07-23 09:40 PM

Re: Darth Pazuzu's Movie Collection (a work in progress)
And now I've just completed my Sergio Leone collection! (Granted, the third of these is officially credited to Tonino Valerii, but Leone was apparently involved in filming some scenes.)

These three just arrived in the mail today, so I have yet to put these in my player, and I have not actually seen them yet! So I guess my weekend is pretty much set. Here's to new cinematic experiences... :D

Darth Pazuzu 10-17-23 07:38 PM

Re: Darth Pazuzu's Movie Collection (a work in progress)
And now... after having completed my collection of Sergio Leone (or do you think I ought to get The Last Days of Pompeii just for the sake of completism? :D), I have now every Clint Eastwood Western! As you can see, I just got the The Man With No Name Trilogy on Blu-ray, as well as each individual Leone / Eastwood film on 4K from Kino Lorber. And I've had Unforgiven on Blu-ray for quite some time now...

But now, I've just completed the collection with three films from what you might call a "transitional" period between the Eastwood / Leone trilogy (working with Ted Post, Don Siegel and John Sturges) and his later triumphs, and then the remaining three in which Eastwood's Western style is truly formed, as an actor / director within the genre:

Note that there are arguably at least four other films within the Eastwood oeuvre which might at a stretch qualify as Westerns. But Coogan's Bluff (which I haven't seen) is a fish-out-of-water action thriller about an Arizona deputy sheriff attempting to extradite an escaped killer in New York City, Paint Your Wagon is a musical about gold prospectors during the California Gold Rush, The Beguiled (which I do have and positively love) is a Southern Gothic drama set during the American Civil War, and Bronco Billy (which I haven't seen yet but really look forward to) is a drama about a stuntman working as a cowboy in a modern-day Wild West Show. So that just leaves a nice round ten, doesn't it? You've got Sergio Leone's The Man With No Name Trilogy, Clint's own quartet of influential films which revitalized the genre for future generations... and then in between a trio of slightly lesser works in which the Italian Spaghetti Western style and Eastwood's Man With No Name persona are fitfully assimilated into the American Hollywood style. (Interestingly enough, Two Mules for Sister Sara is the only other Eastwood Western besides Leone's to feature a score by Ennio Morricone. And a really good one, too!)

I particularly love High Plains Drifter, which I got in a beautiful 4K version from Kino Lorber. It's quite a dark and twisted tale, with a weirdly beautiful setting next to Mono Lake in California. I would venture to say that this film is probably the greatest American Spaghetti Western of all time... if that makes any sort of sense! Pale Rider is also kind of a throwback to the Leone style, but the film of Leone's which it bears the most resemblance to is not any of the "Dollars" films but Once Upon a Time in the West, strangely enough. Richard Dysart's mining baron Coy LaHood is not dissimilar to Gabriele Ferzetti as the ailing railroad tycoon Morton (albeit more robust and healthier), and in the Henry Fonda role of attack dog and "obstacle-clearer" we have John Russell as Marshal Stockburn, the object of the Eastwood character's vendetta just as Fonda's Frank was the primary target of Charles Bronson's Harmonica. Add to that the fact Stockburn's men all wear those famous leather duster coats made famous in the Leone film!

I don't know what it is, but I've really started getting into Westerns lately. I never was a fan of the genre to any kind of exceptional degree, although I've always had a soft spot for certain films such as Unforgiven, Michael Cimino's (woefully underrated) Heaven's Gate and Robert Altman's snowy McCabe & Mrs. Miller. (Note that in the past I've had a slight bias toward the "New Hollywood" type of revisionist Western.) As a Quentin Tarantino fan, I have of course been a long-time fan of Django Unchained and The Hateful Eight, both of which incorporate elements of the Italian Spaghetti Western style. And of course, just before my getting into Leone, I had gotten heavily into the Sam Peckinpah filmography. I had gotten into Straw Dogs mainly because of its controversial reputation and because I'm also into horror films and thrillers. (It is of course a contemporary of other such controversial '70s films such as A Clockwork Orange, Deliverance and Last House on the Left.) Eventually I got into the rest of Peckinpah's work, starting with The Wild Bunch and working from there. (His other Westerns of course include Ride the High Country, The Ballad of Cable Hogue and Pat Garrett & Billy the Kid, while elements of the genre also figure into Straw Dogs, Junior Bonner, The Getaway, Bring Me the Head of Alfredo Garcia.) Pretty soon, I think I'm going to explore other works in the Spaghetti Western sub-genre, starting with the work of Sergio Corbucci. I'm also curious about the comedic Trinity films with Terence Hill and Bud Spencer, already having seen the Leone-produced My Name is Nobody, which pairs Hill with Henry Fonda. I'm also really interested in seeing Lucio Fulci's Four of the Apocalypse, having already seen and enjoyed a good chunk of his work in the horror genre. Would anyone like to make any further recommendations in the Western genre (American, Italian or otherwise)? :)

I think maybe it's just because I've recently turned fifty. I guess the Western is a genre that some people just have to sort of "age into" a love and appreciation for. The thing which strikes me about Westerns is that they seem to be suspended in a kind of burnished, mythical version of that period of historical transition when the Old World gradually and inevitably makes way for the New - and that's not specifically an American thing, which is why the genre is so beloved and has such resonance to people all around the world. The old-fashioned honorable lawmen and the ruthless outlaws whom they do battle with inevitably get phased out by the coming of the railroad and modern civilization. The land becomes "tamed" and the old-school gunfighters gradually become superfluous. There is little for them to do aside from settle their old scores in duels within some threshing circle, or to go out in an honorable, quasi-suicidal blaze of glory in some massacre down in Mexico.

As a fifty-year-old fan of a certain kind of music and movies, that which I grew up with in the '70s and '80s and '90s, I'm starting to see time beginning to take its toll. We're losing more and more people from that generation all the time. I really started to feel it in 2016, when David Bowie and Prince and Lemmy Kilmister and Glenn Frey passed away. These people were unique, one of a kind, and there will be no one to replace them. The same applies to great actors and filmmakers. There will never be another like them. One thing's for sure, when Clint inevitably rides into that setting sun, it will be a truly sad day. America will mourn, and so will the world.

But I'm sure that people of every generation feel that way about the artists and performers they grew up with. You know of the word Götterdämmerung, right? In German it means "Twilight of the Gods." And you know that famous expression "It's five o'clock somewhere"? Well, every day... It's Götterdämmerung for somebody, somewhere! :lol:

Darth Pazuzu 10-30-23 10:17 PM

Re: Darth Pazuzu's Movie Collection (a work in progress)

Massacre Time (Lucio Fulci / 1966)
My Name Is Pecos (Maurizio Lucidi / 1966)
Bandidos (Massimo Dallamano / 1967)
And God Said to Cain... (Antonio Margheriti / 1970)
$10,000 Blood Money (Romolo Guerrieri / 1967)
Vengeance Is Mine (Giovanni Fago / 1967)
Find a Place to Die (Giuliano Carnimeo / (1968)
Matalo! (Kill Him) (Cesare Canevari / 1970)

Last weekend was a Spaghetti Western marathon! I just recently ordered these two box sets through Amazon, both of them released by Arrow Video. Some of these films I like more than others, in particular the classicist Bandidos and the Gothic Western revenge tale And God Said to Cain... with Klaus Kinski. But also noteworthy are future horror maestro Lucio Fulci's Massacre Time, My Name Is Pecos with Robert Woods, and the frankly uncategorizable "acid Western" Matalo!. Well worth the considerable amount of money I shelled out... :D

Darth Pazuzu 11-15-23 06:41 PM

Re: Darth Pazuzu's Movie Collection (a work in progress)

Django (Sergio Corbucci / 1966)
The Great Silence (Sergio Corbucci / 1968)

My voyage into the great, wide and wild Italian West of the '60s and '70s continues apace. Having finished collecting the Sergio Leone filmography, I'm moving on now to "the other Sergio" (Corbucci)!

I've borrowed a number of books through inter-library loan, including Once Upon a Time in the Italian West: The Filmgoers' Guide to Spaghetti Westerns by Howard Hughes, 10,000 Ways to Die: A Director's Take on the Spaghetti Western by Alex Cox (the director of Repo Man and Sid and Nancy), All About Sergio Leone: The Definitive Anthology (Movies, Anecdotes, Curiosities, Stories, Scripts and Interviews of the Legendary Film Director) by Oreste De Fornari and Giuseppe Tornatore; as well as several titles from Sir Christopher Frayling, including Spaghetti Westerns: Cowboys and Europeans from Karl May to Sergio Leone, Once Upon a Time in Italy: The Westerns of Sergio Leone, and the biography Sergio Leone: Something to Do with Death. Once I started in with Leone's "Dollars Trilogy" and completely fell in love with the genre, I did as much reading and research into the subject of the Italian Western as I could. Quite daunting territory to explore, especially considering that there were literally hundreds of Westerns pouring out of Italy and Europe in the '60s and '70s, but I could definitely count on Cox, Frayling and Hughes to be my guides to what was the most interesting and worthwhile!

You know, it's a very interesting experience watching the two Corbucci films back-to-back with both of Quentin Tarantino's Westerns, Django Unchained (2012) and The Hateful Eight (2015), as part of an all-day viewing marathon. (First the two Corbucci films, and then the two Tarantinos.) It's a bit like visiting two parallel universes, to be quite honest! Alongside Alex Cox, Tarantino is probably the most famous Corbucci disciple. Both filmmakers' work is definitely informed by the Italian Western, and certainly by the work of Leone, but I think that they're both more strongly influenced by the transgressive and often surreal nature of Corbucci's best work in the genre.

What's truly amazing about the original Django is the really weird look of the film. It was filmed on a Western town set in Italy during the cold winter months. The town set had existed for a while but was beginning to look really run-down and dilapidated. However, that was no problem whatsoever for Corbucci because that's exactly the vibe he was looking for, and in fact he had his crew make it look even grimier and muddier and even more distressed! Quite honestly, it kind of feels like some sort of strange alien planet set from a Star Trek episode, like the wild West of some parallel Earth in some other solar system. (That famous third-season episode of the Original Series Spectre of the Gun certainly comes to mind!) But that's probably only because most Western sets from classic Hollywood movies - and even beyond the classic era - just look far too neat and tidy, when many towns probably did start to feel as depressingly run-down once the gold or whatever had run out and most everybody else moved on to more prosperous parts!

Darth Pazuzu 11-29-23 02:04 PM

Re: Darth Pazuzu's Movie Collection (a work in progress)

Mean Streets (Martin Scorsese / 1973)

I've seen this once or twice over the years, having either rented it or borrowed it through inter-library loan. But this is the first time I've ever actually owned Martin Scorsese's landmark film in any format! :) (Specifically, it's Criterion's 4K/Blu-ray 2-disc package.)

Darth Pazuzu 12-04-23 07:41 PM

Re: Darth Pazuzu's Movie Collection (a work in progress)

Dirty Harry (Don Siegel / 1971)
Magnum Force (Ted Post / 1973)
The Enforcer (James Fargo / 1976)
Sudden Impact (Clint Eastwood / 1983)
The Dead Pool (Buddy Van Horn / 1988)

Believe it or not, I'd never actually owned any of these on disc before. I mean, yeah, I'd caught them on cable or rented them on occasion, and I've always liked the classic original. But now I actually own the entire set!

Don Siegel's original Dirty Harry is, of course, an oft-imitated but never-duplicated classic. Featuring a genuinely unnerving performance from the great Andrew J. Robinson as the Scorpio Killer, the original Dirty Harry is actually a lot more morally gray and unsettling than many people might give it credit for. Sudden Impact is probably the best of the sequels, brilliantly directed by Clint Eastwood himself. It's perhaps a bit shaky in getting the balance right between the action hi-jinks with Harry on one hand, and the gravity and seriousness of the Sondra Locke rape / revenge storyline on the other, but for the most part it never really steps wrong. Magnum Force, although not as good as the original or Sudden Impact, is just as crucial and essential. If Siegel's original introduces the character of Harry Callahan and shows us who he is, then Magnum Force demonstrates once and for all what Harry is not, pitting himself against a quasi-fascist group of vigilante motorcycle cops who end up getting seriously disappointed when their would-be hero refuses to join up and embrace their philosophy.

As far as the other two are concerned... The Enforcer is kind of fun with its quintessentially '70s pseudo-Symbionese Liberation Army terrorist hi-jinks, but its feminist concerns come off as a bit clunky, with Tyne Daly as Harry's latest partner, hilariously tottering after him in heels. And as far as The Dead Pool is concerned... Well, it's got a young Jim Carrey lip-synching to Guns N' Roses and an absolutely adorable little model car armed with explosives engaging in a car chase with Harry! I mean, hey! What more do you want? :D

Darth Pazuzu 12-07-23 09:25 PM

Re: Darth Pazuzu's Movie Collection (a work in progress)

Django Kill... If You Live, Shoot! (Giulio Questi / 1967)

I had read about this one in my research on Italian Westerns, and heard that it was pretty weird! Well... I don't know if it's the weirdest or the bloodiest Italian Western ever made, but it's certainly quite engagingly eccentric! A worthy addition to my collection, I think... :)

Oh, and this has absolutely nothing to do with Sergio Corbucci's original 1966 Django, by the way. It's just one of the many opportunistic retitling jobs of God only knows how many films, because anything with the name Django plastered onto it was perceived as being a surefire moneymaker back in the day. Heck, even a modern-day Franco Nero cop thriller was re-branded as Django the Cop or something like that in Germany! :lol: But retitling and rebranding aside, Questi's Django Kill... If You Live Shoot! is an entertainingly idiosyncratic entry in the annals of the Italian West!

Darth Pazuzu 01-01-24 05:21 PM

Re: Darth Pazuzu's Movie Collection (a work in progress)

I Want Him Dead (Paolo Bianchini / 1968)
El Puro (Edoardo Mulargia / 1969)
Wrath of the Wind (Mario Camus / 1970)
The Four of the Apocalypse (Lucio Fulci / 1975)

The Specialists (Sergio Corbucci / 1969)

The Day of the Locust (John Schlesinger / 1975)

JFK (Oliver Stone / 1991)
JFK Revisited: Through the Looking Glass (Oliver Stone / 2021)
JFK: Destiny Betrayed (Oliver Stone / 2021)

I got myself some presents for Christmas! :D

First of all, I got Savage Guns, the third volume in Arrow Video's series of Italian Western box sets (the first two being Vengeance Trails and Blood Money). The third one is probably the most eclectic of the three sets, focusing on some of the later films to be released during the late '60s/early '70s heyday of the Italian Western. I had been especially eager for the release of this particular set because it's got Lucio Fulci's The Four of the Apocalypse on Blu-ray for the first time! (That one definitely ranks among my favorite Italian Westerns, coming after Leone's "Dollars Trilogy" and Once Upon a Time in the West and Sergio Corbucci's The Great Silence.)

I also got Sergio Corbucci's The Specialists, the third entry in what is often described as Corbucci's "Mud and Blood Trilogy", the first two of course being Django and The Great Silence. Mind you, it's far from being one of Corbucci's best films, but it's definitely got one of the most protractedly weird and insanely OTT climaxes of any Western film ever made! I'd go so far as to call it The Day of the Locust of the Euro-Western genre. And speaking of which, Arrow Video also just put out a really cool Blu-ray release of John Schlesinger's The Day of the Locust! It's packed with extras and the image and sound quality are truly excellent. Truly one of my all-time favorite films, and I'm glad it's finally out on Blu-ray. (The Paramount DVD was alright, but it was very much the definition of "bare-bones.")

And kudos to Shout Factory! for putting out Oliver Stone's chilling epic historical drama JFK on 4K UHD! I have to say that it's high time. And for good measure, I also got Stone's recent documentary JFK Revisited: The Complete Collection on Blu-ray, also from the good folks at Shout! Factory. It contains both the two-hour feature-length documentary JFK Revisited: Through the Looking Glass as well as the expanded mini-series edition entitled JFK: Destiny Betrayed. I haven't even gotten halfway through the latter version yet!

BTW, purely as a side note...

Try watching both Sergio Corbucci's The Great Silence and Lucio Fulci's The Four of the Apocalypse back-to-back, as I just did this weekend! They make for a perfect double bill. For one thing, they happen to be two of the most bleak and melancholy Euro-Westerns of all time. Also, The Great Silence ends with a brutal massacre in Snow Hill, Utah, while The Four of the Apocalypse begins with a massacre in Salt Flat... also in Utah! So the second one kind of picks up where the first one left off. Also, as brilliant as The Great Silence is, some people might find the ending a bit of a downer, while The Four of the Apocalypse, for all its brutality and bleakness, is leavened somewhat with a bit of hopeful sentiment, so they balance each other out rather nicely.

Darth Pazuzu 01-03-24 06:27 PM

Re: Darth Pazuzu's Movie Collection (a work in progress)

They Call Me Trinity (Enzo Barboni / 1970)
Trinity Is Still My Name (Enzo Barboni / 1970)

I was always sort of interested in what these Italian Western comedies starring Terence Hill and Bud Spencer would be like, having read good things about them and also having seen the Tonino Valerii / Sergio Leone film My Name Is Nobody from 1973, which teamed up Terence Hill with Henry Fonda. I actually really liked My Name Is Nobody a lot, so I was kind of looking forward to seeing the two Trinity films, bundled together in this nice little 2-disc Blu-ray package from Hen's Tooth Video.

And the verdict? Well... They're alright, I guess. There was a good deal of amusing slapstick violence and humor, but I wasn't exactly bowled over by it. I was kind of hoping they'd be funnier than I found them to be. But maybe it's just that I'm on the wrong wavelength or something. I've never ever seen Mel Brooks' Blazing Saddles (1974) before, but I'm willing to bet that I'd laugh a lot more at that than I did at the Trinity films.

In short: I liked it, but didn't love it. Oh well, you can't win 'em all, I guess. And so my sojourn into the wilds of the Italian West continues apace...

Darth Pazuzu 01-15-24 06:28 PM

Re: Darth Pazuzu's Movie Collection (a work in progress)

Navajo Joe (Sergio Corbucci / 1966)
The Mercenary (Sergio Corbucci / 1968)
The Hunting Party (Don Medford / 1971)

Darth Pazuzu 01-29-24 05:45 PM

Re: Darth Pazuzu's Movie Collection (a work in progress)

Compañeros (Sergio Corbucci / 1970)

Darth Pazuzu 02-12-24 05:27 PM

Re: Darth Pazuzu's Movie Collection (a work in progress)

The Hellbenders (Sergio Corbucci / 1967)
Soldier Blue (Ralph Nelson / 1970)

Darth Pazuzu 02-24-24 01:52 PM

Re: Darth Pazuzu's Movie Collection (a work in progress)

Requiescant (Carlo Lizzani / 1967)

Darth Pazuzu 03-01-24 06:07 PM

Re: Darth Pazuzu's Movie Collection (a work in progress)

Cemetary Without Crosses (Robert Hossein / 1969)

Darth Pazuzu 03-18-24 06:22 PM

Re: Darth Pazuzu's Movie Collection (a work in progress)

The Tall T (Budd Boetticher / 1957)
Decision At Sundown (Budd Boetticher / 1957)
Buchanan Rides Alone (Budd Boetticher / 1958)
Ride Lonesome (Budd Boetticher / 1959)
Comanche Station (Budd Boetticher / 1960)

...If You Meet Sartana Pray For Your Death (Gianfranco Parolini / 1968)
I Am Sartana, Your Angel Of Death (Giuliano Carnimeo / 1969)
Sartana's Here... Trade Your Pistol For A Coffin (Giuliano Carnimeo / 1970)
Have A Good Funeral, My Friend... Sartana Will Pay (Giuliano Carnimeo / 1970)
Light The Fuse... Sartana Is Coming (Giuliano Carnimeo / 1970)

Tombstone (George P. Cosmatos / 1993)

Darth Pazuzu 03-25-24 01:48 PM

Re: Darth Pazuzu's Movie Collection (a work in progress)

The Treasure of the Sierra Madre (John Huston / 1948)
Johnny Guitar (Nicholas Ray / 1954)
The Searchers (John Ford / 1956)
Little Big Man (Arthur Penn / 1970)
Wyatt Earp (Lawrence Kasdan / 1994)

Darth Pazuzu 03-27-24 06:56 PM

Re: Darth Pazuzu's Movie Collection (a work in progress)

Stagecoach (John Ford / 1939)
Walker (Alex Cox / 1987)
Dead Man (Jim Jarmusch / 1995)

crumbsroom 03-27-24 07:56 PM

That Renown Western collection was probably the biggest surprise for me in recent years in how I'd never heard of any of them when I started watching them all, and they were all good to great.

Darth Pazuzu 04-01-24 06:11 PM

Re: Darth Pazuzu's Movie Collection (a work in progress)

A Bullet for the General (Damiano Damiani / 1966)
The Big Gundown (Sergio Sollima / 1967)

Darth Pazuzu 04-17-24 04:36 PM

Re: Darth Pazuzu's Movie Collection (a work in progress)

Destry Rides Again (George Marshall / 1939)
One-Eyed Jacks (Marlon Brando / 1961)
Texas, Adios (Ferdinando Baldi / 1966)
El Topo (Alejandro Jodorowsky / 1970)

Darth Pazuzu 04-25-24 06:07 PM

Re: Darth Pazuzu's Movie Collection (a work in progress)

Shane (George Stevens / 1953)
The Ballad of Little Jo (Maggie Greenwald / 1993)

Darth Pazuzu 04-29-24 08:42 PM

Re: Darth Pazuzu's Movie Collection (a work in progress)

Rio Bravo (Howard Hawks / 1959)
The Magnificent Seven (John Sturges / 1960)
The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance (John Ford / 1962)
How the West Was Won (Henry Hathaway - John Ford - George Marshall / 1962)
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (George Roy Hill / 1969)
Dances With Wolves (Kevin Costner / 1990)

Darth Pazuzu 05-13-24 07:14 PM

Re: Darth Pazuzu's Movie Collection (a work in progress)

The Gunfighter (Henry King / 1950)
High Noon (Fred Zinnemann / 1952)
Forty Guns (Samuel Fuller / 1957)
Lonely Are the Brave (David Miller / 1962)
Buck and the Preacher (Sidney Poitier / 1972)

I borrowed all of these through the inter-library loan system a number of months back and loved all of them. I eventually bought them and they're all part of my collection now.

Darth Pazuzu 05-20-24 05:55 PM

Re: Darth Pazuzu's Movie Collection (a work in progress)

Bad Day at Black Rock (John Sturges / 1955)

Yet another one I've previously borrowed through inter-library loan, and which I now own.

Jeff 05-20-24 06:04 PM

Re: Darth Pazuzu's Movie Collection (a work in progress)
This is a great thread idea, i'd like to do something similar, how do you make multiple images side up like that?

Darth Pazuzu 05-22-24 07:47 PM

Originally Posted by Jeff (Post 2462022)
This is a great thread idea, i'd like to do something similar, how do you make multiple images side up like that?
I just copy the DVD/Blu-ray/4K UHD box images from Amazon, using "Copy image link," and line them up like:

[img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img]

And if I've got five or more images, and I'm sure that they're not all going to fit on the same line, I'll just go half-and-half and put them on the line below, like:

[img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img]
[img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img]

Nothing more complicated than that. I hope it helps. ;)

BTW, I copy the images from the "Results" page instead of the individual entry page because they're smaller and take up less space.

Darth Pazuzu 05-27-24 07:47 PM

Re: Darth Pazuzu's Movie Collection (a work in progress)

Young Guns (Christopher Cain / 1988)

Darth Pazuzu 05-30-24 07:23 PM

Re: Darth Pazuzu's Movie Collection (a work in progress)

The Ox-Bow Incident (William A. Wellman / 1943)
Yellow Sky (William A. Wellman / 1948)
Blazing Saddles (Mel Brooks / 1974)
Young Guns II (Geoff Murphy / 1990)

I shall comment on these films in the Rate The Last Movie You Saw thread at a later date. Time's pressing right now, and I've gotta go get something to eat! ;)

Darth Pazuzu 06-06-24 05:51 PM

Re: Darth Pazuzu's Movie Collection (a work in progress)

Day of the Outlaw (Andre de Toth / 1959)

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