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Doolallyfrank 01-09-20 09:12 AM

Curb Your Enthusiasm

New season starts Sunday 19th in the US, can't wait

Edit: turns out I have to wait, UK release is the 29th

Stirchley 10-27-21 07:20 PM

Re: Curb Your Enthusiasm
Season 11 has just released. Episode 1 was very funny. (Larry never seems to change.)

Excited that handsome Reid Scott from Veep is part of this season. Ditto Jon Hamm.

AKA23 10-27-21 08:55 PM

Re: Curb Your Enthusiasm
I like "Curbed." I actually prefer it to "Seinfeld," and you can see from the show that the real genius behind the success of "Seinfeld" was Larry David.

Stirchley 10-29-21 02:05 PM

Originally Posted by AKA23 (Post 2248969)
I like "Curbed." I actually prefer it to "Seinfeld," and you can see from the show that the real genius behind the success of "Seinfeld" was Larry David.
Never liked Seinfeld. Or Friends.

AgrippinaX 10-29-21 07:56 PM

Originally Posted by Stirchley (Post 2249375)
Never liked Seinfeld. Or Friends.
Neither. Ghastly stuff.

GulfportDoc 10-29-21 08:17 PM

Have just recently gone back to watch Seinfeld from its season 1, courtesy of Netflix. Very funny stuff, fresh and unique for 1989-98, "a show about nothing".

The banter and style is basically NYC Jewish, which, being funny in itself, makes the exaggerated minutia of the subjects even funnier.

The cast works perfectly together. My favorite? Cosmo Kramer.

Captain Steel 10-29-21 09:22 PM

Re: Curb Your Enthusiasm
I found it interesting how many situations, scenarios & gags (or near variations thereof) that Larry David recycled from Seinfeld to use on Curb Your Enthusiasm.

Not to mention how many Seinfeld alumni he gave jobs to on Curb.

(Not a criticism. The 2nd item is commendable in the same way that Seinfeld gave a lot of work to older comedians during the show's run.)

Gideon58 01-29-24 02:07 PM

Just started binging this show recently and am currently about halfway through season five. This half-hour HBO sitcom reinvented television comedy the same way David's Seinfeld did. This fictionalized look at David's life and career centers on possibly the most politically incorrect character on television ever. I've read for years that the character of George Costanza was inspired by Larry David and you can definitely see that in this show. This guy is such a social moron and totally unaware of it sometimes. Common courtesy and tolerance often goes out the window for this guy and sometimes you wanna do a Cher in Moonstruck: slap him across the face and say "Snap out of it!" Cheryl Hines displays flashes of brilliance as Larry's VERY patient wife. The casting of Jeff Garlin as Larry's best friend and manager, brings an element of squirm to the proceedings, considering the recent allegations that got him fired from The Goldbergs and sometimes Susie Essman is like nails on a chalkboard as his wife. I like the fact that some of the episodes are self-contained within the thirty minute format and there are also long-term storylines that stretch over several episodes, like Larry trying to open a restaurant with Ted Danson and Michael York, or his attempts to develop a new series for Jason Alexander, who he got into a fight with because Jason always wanted to meet at his office instead of at Larry's office. Instead of dropping the idea, he than takes it to Julia Louis Dreyfuss, but he screws that up too because he has made enemies at HBO and every other studio in town. I think my favorite story arc so far was when Mel Brooks decides to have Larry replace Nathan Lane in The Producers initially working with Ben Stiller, but after Larry pisses Ben off, David Schwimmer takes over. The show is also heaven for star-gazers and I love the fact that Larry has no problem casting long absent from the screen veterans in guest roles. I almost fell out of my chair when I realized that comedy legend Shelley Berman was playing Larry's father. As infuriating as Larry might be, this guy NEVER fails to make me laugh.

GulfportDoc 01-31-24 08:11 PM

I watched all the seasons, and I enjoyed most of the episodes although I got a little tired of the language. Also almost every bit devolves into a heated argument, which gets old. Still, I'll probably investigate his last season.

AKA23 02-01-24 10:32 PM

Re: Curb Your Enthusiasm
I think this is a truly great show. It's without a doubt my favorite current comedy and I'll be sad to see it go. I'd like it better if it didn't have so much sexualized humor, which I really don't resonate with or enjoy. But, the Larry character is wonderful and the situations he puts himself in, even when not laugh out loud funny, are consistently amusing. I actually feel like this show could go on for even longer, since it seems like a timeless premise, and I'm sure Larry David could continue to come up with social commentary that he could express through his character. I'm not sure why he's quitting, as I'm confident HBO would be interested in keeping it going. He is 76, so perhaps that's the reason why the show is ending.

Gideon58 02-07-24 01:48 PM

Wanted to pop back over because I am now three episodes into season 8 and was troubled by a couple of storyline arcs that I hadn't encountered during my last post. First of all, I found the story of Larry and Cheryl taking in the Black family who lost their home in a hurricane completely infuriating. The family was headed by brother and sister Leon and Loretta, played by JB Smoove and Vivica A Fox, respectively, their mother and Loretta's two kids. It was annoying the way this family wasn't the least bit appreciative of what the Davids were doing for them, complaining about absolutely everything. I knew we were in trouble when Larry asked Loretta not to smoke in the house and she ignored him and before they went to bed, Loretta's smoking caused a fire in Larry's house. It doesn't help that I have never been able to tolerate JB Smoove, I don't know how this guy keeps getting work, one of television's most annoying screen presences. Fox and the rest of the Black family have been written off, but for some unfathomable reason, Larry has chosen to keep Smoove on the show. Not happy at all about Larry and Cheryl separating, though I do understand Cheryl's side. Loved that scene on the airplane with Cheryl and tivo guy. Also loved the episode where Larry somehow ends up as the uber driver for John McEnroe. The story of Larry agreeing to oversee a Seinfeld reunion has been inspired because I've read for years that Jerry has never expressed interest in doing this, but I liked that he agreed to do it in a fictional context, but Larry hasn't made a single correct move in this story because he decided to use the show as a way to get Cheryl back by offering her the role of George's ex without discussing it with anyone. This was one story where Larry got everything he deserved. Also wanted to mention that I'm totally over the character of Marty Funkhauser, played by Bob Einstein, one of the most obnoxious TV characters I have ever seen, every time he appears onscreen, I want to punch him in the face.

AKA23 02-07-24 02:24 PM

Re: Curb Your Enthusiasm
Wow. You have gone through this series quite fast! Glad you are continuing to enjoy it. The Black family storyline didn't bother me, but I do agree with you on JB Smoove and Cheryl's separation from Larry. I don't like Smoove either (he remains in the show for the duration, by the way. He is in all the remaining seasons). I actually don't think the divorce seemed warranted either. It was definitely an insensitive thing to do on Larry's part, but to get a divorce over it didn't make sense to me. I understand it may have been building and "the last straw", but in the context of their relationship, when he does insensitive things all the time and she just "gets him" and loves him anyway, I don't think it was true to her character to separate. I think they did this to open up the storyline to more possibilities, like Larry dating and the like, since that brings with it more options for comedy, although I prefer the storylines when they are together than when they are not. I'm hoping they get back together in this final season.

Stirchley 02-07-24 02:59 PM

Re: Curb Your Enthusiasm
Much to my amazement, I am re-watching the entire 11 seasons prior to the latest season, which I am also watching. Didn’t plan this, it just happened. :)

GulfportDoc 02-07-24 07:56 PM

Despite the way overuse of language in the series, I think JB Smoove is very funny as a parody of a ghetto black. He can't say a sentence without the liberal use of Fs and MFs. The whole idea of Larry having him live in his home is funny in itself because it's so unlikely. I don't recall the reason that started in the story.

The continual use of language, frank sexual situations and breaking sexual taboos simply seem to me to be saying: "Look, this is HBO, we can be as rank as we want."

But David's writing is generally clever. Oh, I too quickly tired of Marty Funkhauser's use.

Gideon58 02-08-24 01:57 PM

Watched a couple of funny episodes last night. One involved a trip to New York for Larry, Jeff, and Sussie where, after an incident on the plane, they attended a performance of a play starring Ricky Gervais called Mr Symington which also involved a $300 bottle of wine, a loaf of very hard French bread, and a memorable subway ride. It began to look like an episode where, for once, Larry might come out on top, but they pulled the rug out from under our boy the final minute of the episode. The other episode involved Larry and Rosie O'Donnell competing for the attentions of the same woman (Amy Landecker) and again, it looked like Larry was going to be a winner until he decides to take some bad advice from Leon (JB Smoove). Can't stand that guy...the character or the actor.

Stirchley 02-09-24 01:01 PM

Re: Curb Your Enthusiasm
I’m on season 3, episode 4. These funny little episodes are going down very well.

It’s strange how they made Susie a weird “character” in clothes, makeup & hair. She was good-looking at the beginning of the show & gradually got very weird.

Gideon58 02-09-24 01:07 PM

Watched season 8, ep 8 this morning which had me on the floor. Larry, Jeff, and Sussie are still in New York and it involved Larry's new personal trainer (Cheyenne Jackson) and featured Aida Turturro as the wife of an inventor trying to get Larry and Jeff to invest $250,0000 in his latest invention. Grant Shaud and Lenny Venito were also featured in guest roles.
Funny stuff

Stirchley 02-09-24 01:18 PM

Originally Posted by Gideon58 (Post 2438016)
Watched season 8, ep 8 this morning which had me on the floor. Larry, Jeff, and Sussie are still in New York and it involved Larry's new personal trainer (Cheyenne Jackson) and featured Aida Turturro as the wife of an inventor trying to get Larry and Jeff to invest $250,0000 in his latest invention. Grant Shaud and Lenny were also featured in guest roles.
Funny stuff
I don’t think I’ve seen Aida in anything since The Sopranos. Can that be true?

Gideon58 02-09-24 01:20 PM

First thing I've seen her in since The Sopranos, which I am also binging right now.

Stirchley 02-09-24 01:29 PM

Originally Posted by Gideon58 (Post 2438032)
First thing I've seen her in since The Sopranos, which I am also binging right now.
The Sopranos is my fave show ever. Aida was brilliant in it.

AKA23 02-09-24 01:32 PM

Originally Posted by Gideon58 (Post 2438032)
First thing I've seen her in since The Sopranos, which I am also binging right now.
I watched a couple episodes of this and didn't really like it, but I know it's one of the most popular shows of all time, so I was surprised. Did I not give it enough of a chance? Is this the kind of show that starts off slow to take to but gets better as it progresses? Or, if I didn't like the first couple of episodes, was that pretty representative of the show and it may just not be for me?

Stirchley 02-09-24 01:36 PM

Re: Curb Your Enthusiasm
Are you referring to the Sopranos or to Curb? Confusing.

AKA23 02-09-24 09:19 PM

Re: Curb Your Enthusiasm
I am asking about the Sopranos.

Stirchley 02-12-24 12:52 PM

Originally Posted by AKA23 (Post 2438144)
I am asking about the Sopranos.
I was totally hooked by the opening credits & I loved everything about the show.

Huge fan so don’t know how to relate to someone who doesn’t feel the same way.

Sorry. :)

Gideon58 02-12-24 01:12 PM

I got through season 9, ep 8 over the weekend. This whole thing with Larry's Salmon Rushti musical was way over the top but still pretty funny. Loved the episode with Michael J Fox and the episode where Larry was torn a new one by his new girlfriend (Kathryn Hahn) and Susie for interpreting the fact that girlfriend's son was gay and giving him a sewing machine for a birthday present. Hahn's character was made clueless for this episode to work...she had no idea her son's favorite TV show was Project Runway and it just seemed to go right by her when her son told her he LOVED the sewing machine. The dinner party with Funkhauser's new girlfriend played by Elizabeth Perkins where she threw him out of her apartment for criticizing her tap water was pretty funny. Just watched Larry have another challenging relationship with a girlfriend's son. Why do all the single mothers that Larry dates hate him? And what's the deal with every time Larry goes the bathroom? Why is the bathroom always such an adventure for Larry? The hotel with the cookies and the tongs and the restaurant with the "disturbance" was funny too. You can so tell that David was the creative force behind Seinfeld because the plotting of the episodes is so similar to's silly and a lot of time hard to swallow, but it always brings the funny.

AKA23 02-13-24 11:39 AM

Re: Curb Your Enthusiasm
So far, I'm underwhelmed by this last season of the show after the first two episodes.

Captain Steel 02-13-24 04:08 PM

Originally Posted by AKA23 (Post 2438046)
I watched a couple episodes of this and didn't really like it, but I know it's one of the most popular shows of all time, so I was surprised. Did I not give it enough of a chance? Is this the kind of show that starts off slow to take to but gets better as it progresses? Or, if I didn't like the first couple of episodes, was that pretty representative of the show and it may just not be for me?
I had the same reaction - but then, I think the first episodes I caught were only bits & pieces airing on regular TV (which means they were chopped up virtually beyond making sense since all the cursing & violence had to be trimmed).

It does start slow as I think the producers were setting the players in place and stories don't start to get intricate until a few episodes in. So I think you do need to give it more of a chance - it's character driven so a viewer feels a bit disconnected until they start to learn who the characters are (and what motivates them).

However, if cursing & violence really turns you off no matter how good the story is, then maybe the Sopranos is not for your because cursing & violence is pretty consistent throughout.

Stirchley mentioned the opening theme. I personally couldn't stand it. So whenever I watched the Sopranos On Demand or on DVD, I'd fast forward past the opening credits.

Gideon58 02-14-24 01:06 PM

I have just completed the first ep of season 10. Thrilled that it looks like Larry and Cheryl are getting back together and LOVED their ventriloquist routine at Susie's party. The whole thing with Lin Manuel Miranda and the Fatwai musical was roll on the floor funny, especially the duel. Fell out of my chair when I realized that was Oscar winner F Murray Abraham playing he Ayatolla in Larry's musical. Really enjoyed the return of Mocha Joe (Saverio Guerra) too. I'm still finding JB Smoove as Leon and Bob Einstein as Marty Funkhauser beyond annoying and every time they appear onscreen the laughs come to a halt.

Gideon58 02-19-24 12:26 PM

Finished season 10 over the weekend, which was brilliantly anchored by the storyline arc of Mocha Joe (Saveo Guerra) Vs Latte Larry which spread into a lot of other funny stories. Loved Jon Hamm following Larry around because he had been offered a movie role based on Larry. The scene where he recreated thee scene where Larry complained to Mocha Joe about his cold coffee was hysterical. Richard Lewis playing the lead in "Flowers for Algernon" also had me on the floor, as well as Larry's former assistant suing him for sexual harassment, which was temporarily slowed by her getting knocked unconscious in the elevator parking lot. That whole story reminded me of George, Susan, and the poisoned envelopes on Seinfeld. Was also very amused by the story of Larry getting upset with the restaurant host (Nick Kroll) who he accused of only seating good looking people by the window in his restaurant. I wasn't happy about Larry and Joe's restaurants burning down because I'm pretty sure Joe is going to take Larry to the cleaners. Though I'm not sure how much he's going to get, because think about all the money that Larry has spent in the last decade to get out of various situations. He's probably gone through most of his Seinfeld money by now and why is it Larry is incapable of getting along with8 any of Richard Lewis' girlfriends?

Gideon58 02-20-24 01:19 PM

Watched the first two episodes of season 11 this morning and I agree with the previous poster who found the episodes underwhelming. Plots are starting to feel recycled and some recurring characters are becoming very tiresome, Susie Green and Leon Black in particular. When she jumped on that couch and spilled Larry's wine and then tried to blame him for it I wanted to punch her in the face. How Jeff hasn't murdered her in her sleep after 11 years is really stretching credibility. The whole Albert Brooks live funeral thing was dumb and who was this woman dating Leon to just leave her dog at his house and let the dog defecate all over his house and not even ask Larry if it's OK. And the guy with dementia using that as an excuse not to pay Larry the $6000 he owed him and everyone having his back? Yeah, this show's appeal is slowly starting to circle the drain.

Gideon58 02-21-24 12:16 PM

Watched eps 3 & 4 of season 11 last night and I can't believe I'm actually typing this, but there was absolutely nothing funny about either episode. On the positive side, ep 3 featured the first Susie dinner party that Larry didn't get thrown out. However, the whole "middle" thing was so not funny and neither was Larry taking a klansman robe to a dry cleaner. The mini bar story was stupid as was Woody Harrelson's silly cow-creamer story. Can't believe Harrelson agreed to even do that. I think the only thing that made me laugh was when the klansman told Larry that what they do was about tradition and Larry rolled off the lyrics to the song from Fiddler on the Roof. As always, everything involving Leon was stupid, especially the watermelons in the supermarket.

AKA23 02-21-24 05:26 PM

Re: Curb Your Enthusiasm
"Curb" is not a character or plot driven show. It's a formula based show. Larry says or does crazy things. Other people call him on it. He stands his ground and sometimes reacts in ways which are sometimes right, and sometimes wrong, but that are almost never socially acceptable, but Larry remains the same, consequences be damned. If you like the formula, it's good. If you don't like the formula, or grow tired of the formula being applied over and over again in slightly different scenarios, I can see it wearing thin over time.

Gideon58 02-21-24 05:34 PM

I understand all of that and I really enjoyed the show for almost 10 and a half seasons, but the last two episodes I watched were not funny to me, all shows run out of steam eventually, especially sitcoms, and this one is no difference. Not sure why you felt the need to jump in and defend the show, I enjoyed ten great seasons and that's saying a lot. I don't think I have ever enjoyed ten seasons of a sitcom before like I did this one.

AKA23 02-21-24 06:09 PM

Re: Curb Your Enthusiasm
Happy to clarify. I am not necessarily defending the show, just sharing my perspective of how I see the show, since I think this kind of show may not resonate with everyone for the reasons that I suggested. By you, I wasn't specifically referring to you in particular, but potential viewers in general. That may have been my error in not being clear about that. I remember liking last season, that you are watching, and not enjoying. I do, however, find this last season, so far, to be underwhelming. Like you, there have definitely been seasons I've enjoyed less than others and some of the stories seem to be very similar to ones that they did before. I did really hate the Maria Sofia character last season and did not find her funny. Not sure if that is an aspect of that season that you may also not enjoy, but if it is, you have an ally!

Gideon58 02-23-24 12:17 PM

Watched eps 5-8 of the final season last night. Julie Bowen was terrific as Larry's latest paramour and Vince Vaughn garnered big laughs after making the mistake of loaning Larry his favorite. Personally, I don't see why anyone would loan out their favorite shirt to someone but I guess then there would have been no story. I also knew the second that Larry gave the host his umbrella to hold that Larry would never lay hands on it again. I didn't know exactly how it was going to happen, I just knew, especially after ruining the shirt. Ep 6 with the tiny woman driver was absolutely hysterical, though it was kind of odd the way Larry and Vaughn were BFF's again like the previous episode never happened. Tracey Ullman should have received an Emmy nomination for her work as Irma Kostroski. which had me rolling on the floor. I also loved seeing Leon's house husband app fail big time, watching Leon pay some consequences for some of his stupid behavior was long overdue.

Stirchley 02-23-24 01:23 PM

Originally Posted by Gideon58 (Post 2440971)
Watched eps 5-8 of the final season last night.
I’m confused. I have only 3 episodes of the final season to stream right now on Max.

AKA23 02-23-24 01:25 PM

Re: Curb Your Enthusiasm
She's talking about Season 11, not the most recent season, Season 12.

Stirchley 02-23-24 01:30 PM

Originally Posted by AKA23 (Post 2440995)
She's talking about Season 11, not the most recent season, Season 12.
She is a he & he says quite clearly he’s discussing the final season.

Gideon58 02-23-24 01:33 PM

Wait a minute...there's a 12th season?

Stirchley 02-23-24 01:36 PM

Originally Posted by Gideon58 (Post 2441004)
Wait a minute...there's a 12th season?
Yes, it’s airing right now. It will be the final season. As I said, we’re 3 episodes in.

AKA23 02-23-24 01:44 PM

Re: Curb Your Enthusiasm
Yes, Gideon. The final season is airing now!

AKA23 02-23-24 01:46 PM

Are you perhaps watching this from outside of the United States, Gideon and may not have access to the one airing now? That would explain why you may not be seeing the 12th season as the last one.

Stirchley 02-23-24 01:49 PM

Originally Posted by AKA23 (Post 2441012)
Are you perhaps watching this from outside of the United States, Gideon and may not have access to the one airing now? That would explain why you may not be seeing the 12th season as the last one.
Nope, he’s American. It appears he thought season 11 was the final season.

Gideon58 02-24-24 01:08 PM

Confirmed that I do have access to season 12 after I finished the final two episodes of season 11. I nearly fell off my chair laughing at the opening of ep 9 when Larry referenced the fake movie from Seinfeld, Rochelle, Rochelle. Bill Hader was nothing short of brilliant in his triple role as an antique dealer, a concierge, and restaurant owner who denied being related to each other and gave Larry the runaround regarding a vase and some really bad goulash. It was no surprise that Larry ended up breaking two vases. Once again, I correctly predicted that when Larry put his sweater around that injured biker that he would never see it again. I think they could have come up with something stronger than the nurse's lame excuse for not letting Larry have his sweater. The season finale provided major laughs as Larry's stereotyped views regarding Mormons got him in a lot of trouble with Irma, brilliantly played by Tracey Ullman, who I still think should have gotten an Emmy nomination for this character. I did think it was odd that Susie didn't seem to hold any grudge against Leon for ruining her kitchen, while blaming Larry for every little thing. But it was nice to see Leon finally pay some consequences when Mary Ferguson flew to Spain with someone else. Was a little confused as to whether or not the Maria Sophia thing has been resolved, but I guess we'll find out in season 12. But this whole Maria Sophia thing has made me think that Larry should have just built that damn fence. Did enjoy during Larry's fantasy retribution when Maria Sophia's father got dragged out of his chair and Maria Sophia was fired.

AKA23 02-24-24 06:49 PM

Re: Curb Your Enthusiasm
Happy to hear that you are enjoying this again!! Hope the hilarity continues for you into this currently airing last season. I'm really interested to see how he ends this.

Gideon58 02-24-24 11:35 PM

And is it just me or has Cheryl Hines had a little surgical refreshment around the eyes? Was also devastated to learn that Richard Lewis has been diagnosed with Parkinson’s so I guess we won’t see him in the final season. The last episode in which he appeared he looked out of it.

AKA23 02-25-24 01:55 PM

Originally Posted by Stirchley (Post 2440999)
She is a he & he says quite clearly he’s discussing the final season.
My apologies. I made a guess and it turned out to be wrong!

AKA23 02-25-24 02:00 PM

Originally Posted by Gideon58 (Post 2441337)
And is it just me or has Cheryl Hines had a little surgical refreshment around the eyes? Was also devastated to learn that Richard Lewis has been diagnosed with Parkinson’s so I guess we won’t see him in the final season.
I have good news for you! Richard Lewis is in the final season.

Gideon58 02-26-24 12:25 PM

Watched the first two episodes of season 12 last night. OK, Maria Sophia is the runaway star of Young Larry and actually won an Emmy? Seriously? I'm sorry, but her irritation factor is right up there with Leon and Susie. It looked like Larry might have the cosmos turning in his favor as he almost became an Atlanta folk hero thanks to a bottle of water, but I should have known better. The return of Auntie Rae was nothing to write home about, but Larry's pursuit of a lawn jockey was very funny. It was a bit convenient that he finally found a lawn jockey store and they only had white ones, but a pretty funny hour for the most part.

Stirchley 02-26-24 12:53 PM

Disappointed that Tracey Ullmann is, once again, in the show. Dreadful character & not funny in the least. Ugh.

Cheryl Hines has had quite substantial face work. Did she really need this? Her figure & hair are lovely.

Amazing how Leon & Larry both look only slightly older than they did 23 years ago.

Maria Sophia character is very funny. Nice to see a woman with not the greatest figure succeed in the entertainment world. She does make up for it with a lovely face & hair.

Gideon58 02-26-24 01:04 PM

We have to agree to disagree regarding Tracy Ullman and Maria Sophia.

AKA23 02-26-24 01:09 PM

Re: Curb Your Enthusiasm
I think Maria Sofia is cringe worthy and hope we don't have to see her again in the final season! I thought Tracy Ullman was funnier last season than she's been this season.

Stirchley 02-26-24 01:14 PM

Originally Posted by Gideon58 (Post 2441568)
We have to agree to disagree regarding Tracy Ullman and Maria Sophia.
That’s ok.

Originally Posted by AKA23 (Post 2441573)
I think Maria Sofia is cringe worthy and hope we don't have to see her again in the final season! I thought Tracy Ullman was funnier last season than she's been this season.
Nope, MS is in season 12. Too comedic to let her go.

AKA23 02-26-24 01:16 PM

Re: Curb Your Enthusiasm
Yes, I know. She's already been in Season 12, but I was hoping that we were done and she wouldn't be in the rest of the season. But, perhaps, for you, you'd like to see more, so at least one of us will be happy with whatever ends up happening :)

Stirchley 02-26-24 01:19 PM

Originally Posted by AKA23 (Post 2441586)
Yes, I know. She's already been in Season 12, but I was hoping that we were done and she wouldn't be in the rest of the season. But, perhaps, for you, you'd like to see more, so at least one of us will be happy with whatever ends up happening :)
I’m fine either way. She’s very amusing as an “influencer” & she plays the rôle very well. If she doesn’t appear again I’m ok with that too.

Gideon58 02-28-24 12:47 PM

Watched eps 3 & 4 of season 12 this morning and I have decided to go with the idea that David loves to abandon realism in favor of the laugh. The whole thing with the eggs at the restaurant. There is no way in hell a real restaurant would tolerate that. Thought the actress playing the waitress was absolutely brilliant. And once again, show business has shown their ignorance regarding addiction and AA. First of all, Irma mentioned that she had a sponsor named Ian. In real AA, men only sponsor men and women only sponsor women.
And the idea that couples counseling would help Irma with her sobriety was stupid. The golfing incident with Oscar winner Troy Katsur reminded me of an episode of Will & Grace where Grace was trying to steal a personal workout at the gym. LOVED everything that happened between Larry and Willie Giest...loved the way this guy kind came off as sort of an alternate Larry and was always one step ahead of him on everything. Loved the wink to Spartacus on the golf course, but could have done without the whole thing of Larry, Leon, and their open shorts. And please add Mr. Takahashi to the list of characters who have worn out their welcome. Richard Lewis looked terrible, it was just heartbreaking to watch him. And are the wardrobe people who dress Leon and Susie on crack?

Stirchley 02-28-24 12:59 PM

Originally Posted by Gideon58 (Post 2442061)
Watched eps 3 & 4 of season 12 this morning and I have decided to go with the idea that David loves to abandon realism in favor of the laugh. The whole thing with the eggs at the restaurant. There is no way in hell a real restaurant would tolerate that. Thought the actress playing the waitress was absolutely brilliant. And once again, show business has shown their ignorance regarding addiction and AA. First of all, Irma mentioned that she had a sponsor named Ian. In real AA, men only sponsor men and women only sponsor women.
And the idea that couples counseling would help Irma with her sobriety was stupid. The golfing incident with Oscar winner Troy Katsur reminded me of an episode of Will & Grace where Grace was trying to steal a personal workout at the gym. LOVED everything that happened between Larry and Willie Giest...loved the way this guy kind came off as sort of an alternate Larry and was always one step ahead of him on everything. Loved the wink to Spartacus on the golf course, but could have done without the whole thing of Larry, Leon, and their open shorts. And please add Mr. Takahashi to the list of characters who have worn out their welcome. Richard Lewis looked terrible, it was just heartbreaking to watch him. And are the wardrobe people who dress Leon and Susie on crack?
I posted elsewhere that Susie quickly became a caricature in the show. Her outfits, head pieces, shoes, jewelry, etc. are absurd. Nobody dresses like that. Don’t get me started with her “hairdos”.

Stirchley 02-28-24 01:02 PM

Re: Curb Your Enthusiasm
What happened to the plot point of Susie being pregnant again? Completely disappeared.

And Larry’s coffee bar going up in flames & being told it looks like arson. That plot point went up in flames too.

Quite a few instances like this.

Gideon58 02-28-24 05:08 PM

I believe they did sort of a "yada yada yada" with the coffee shop storyline. A few episodes later they showed Larry at home being disturbed by a wild party next door and when he walked over there, he discovered Mocha Joe had purchased the house with the money he won for suing Larry, so they kind of glossed over it.

Stirchley 02-28-24 05:28 PM

Originally Posted by Gideon58 (Post 2442061)
Richard Lewis looked terrible, it was just heartbreaking to watch him.
You probably know he’s passed.

RIP Richard Lewis.

Gideon58 03-04-24 01:05 PM

OK, just watched ep 5 this morning and, no surprise, the episode was dedicated to Richard Lewis. Unfortunately, watching Lewis in the two scenes he had in this episode was absolutely heartbreaking. He looked pale and drawn and his eyes were bugging out, like he was struggling to stay awake. He looked like Marty Feldman in Young Frankenstein. He also appeared to be having trouble remembering the few lines he had and seemed incapable of laughing or smiling. It was the saddest thing I have ever seen. I applaud his bravery in wanting to soldier on, but I really don't want to remember him like that. As for the rest of the episode, loved Sean Hayes and Daniel Levy as the gay couple whose relationship Larry destroyed, once again sticking his nose into something that was none of his business. The story of Funkhauser and the Disney Store girl and the story of the dead fish were both kind of stupid. It was nice to see Larry finally be rid of Irma, but now that she learned he was lying, will she return to him?

Stirchley 03-04-24 01:11 PM

Originally Posted by Gideon58 (Post 2443179)
OK, just watched ep 5 this morning and, no surprise, the episode was dedicated to Richard Lewis. Unfortunately, watching Lewis in the two scenes he had in this episode was absolutely heartbreaking. He looked pale and drawn and his eyes were bugging out, like he was struggling to stay awake. He looked like Marty Feldman in Young Frankenstein. He also appeared to be having trouble remembering the few lines he had and seemed incapable of laughing or smiling. It was the saddest thing I have ever seen. I applaud his bravery in wanting to soldier on, but I really don't want to remember him like that. As for the rest of the episode, loved Sean Hayes and Daniel Levy as the gay couple whose relationship Larry destroyed, once again sticking his nose into something that was none of his business. The story of Funkhauser and the Disney Store girl and the story of the dead fish were both kind of stupid. It was nice to see Larry finally be rid of Irma, but now that she learned he was lying, will she return to him?
And will Leon ever get his own place?

Gideon58 03-04-24 01:13 PM


Gideon58 03-11-24 01:53 PM

Watched ep 6 last night and everything that happened with Susie's billboard was worth the price of admission all by itself. After all the crap she has put Larry through over the years it was nice to see kharma bite Susie in the ass for once. The whole Gettysburg address thing was kind of dumb and I had mixed feeling about the Lori Loughlin thing. It seemed like a weird thing to making fun of, but that's just me. Really didn't get Sienna Miller and the fruit either, but like I said, Susie's billboard made the episode for me.

AKA23 03-11-24 04:13 PM

I thought this was one of the worst episodes of the show that I have seen. I really didn’t find anything funny in it and found the billboard stuff to be pretty disgusting. On a personal level, I liked that Larry appeared to want to help out Lori by giving her a role on curbed, on a human level, it is a nice thing to do. But I kind of found the content of her appearance offensive since she seemed to be making light of what she did, and it made me feel like maybe she wasn’t that sorry and didn’t take her conduct seriously. For those that don’t know, she pled guilty to bribing school officials to get her daughter into a prestigious school and part of the scheme included lying on her daughters application and fabricating details that would give her a better chance of admission.

Stirchley 03-15-24 01:07 PM

Originally Posted by AKA23 (Post 2445161)
I thought this was one of the worst episodes of the show that I have seen. I really didn’t find anything funny in it and found the billboard stuff to be pretty disgusting. On a personal level, I liked that Larry appeared to want to help out Lori by giving her a role on curbed, on a human level, it is a nice thing to do. But I kind of found the content of her appearance offensive since she seemed to be making light of what she did, and it made me feel like maybe she wasn’t that sorry and didn’t take her conduct seriously. For those that don’t know, she pled guilty to bribing school officials to get her daughter into a prestigious school and part of the scheme included lying on her daughters application and fabricating details that would give her a better chance of admission.
I was ok with the Lori thing. She did a bad thing & we’ve moved on. I found her quite amusing playing a very tacky person, which is what a lot of people thought she was anyway.

All in all, I enjoyed the finale.

Gideon58 03-18-24 04:12 PM

Ep 7 was a mixed bag. Everything with the maid who wouldn't work after seeing Larry and Renee was just stupid. I know this show overlooks logic for laughs, but sometimes I find it hard to overlook stupid. In any other situation on the planet, the second that maid said she wouldn't work because of the trauma would have been fired immediately. On the other hand. I have to go with the waiter regarding the terrible keyline pie...they ate half of it, expecting it to be taken off their bill was absurd. But everything with the dream scheme was very funny, especially when Frankie (Vince Vaughn) did it at the hospital.

Gideon58 03-25-24 02:34 PM

Watch ep 8 last night and you could have knocked me over with a feather when the late Richard Lewis had two scenes. He looked like a zombie and he appeared to have trouble turning his head. Both scenes found him behind the wheel of a vehicle and I got this feeling that he was no longer ambulatory when these scenes were shot, but I suspect Lewis told Larry he wanted to work as long as he possible could. The rest of the episode was silly, typical curb stuff, I'm beginning to see now that all the episodes pretty much have the same format...Larry offends somebody or somebody offends hi, he looks to Jeff for assistance or advice, who only will help Larry as long as it doesn't affect him, Susie then finds out and kick Larry out of the house. Larry attempts to solve said issue, only making it worse and finding his only solution is to throw money at the problem. I can't imagine what that car probably cost him. Loved Steve Buscemi though and Conan O'Brien's scenes made him look like a total d*ck.

AKA23 03-28-24 04:12 PM

Re: Curb Your Enthusiasm
I think this was one of the better episodes of this season. It was amusing, at the very least. Two more episodes to go. They don't appear to really be making any effort so far to wrap up storylines or conclude character arcs. This feels very much like any other season of the show to me, so I'm very interested in how they choose to conclude this story in the next episode and the series finale.

Gideon58 03-28-24 04:31 PM

It's funny that you mentioned wrapping up story arcs because the way this show is formatted, I just don't see that being an issue. I don't see how to wrap up anything here.

AKA23 03-28-24 05:00 PM

Re: Curb Your Enthusiasm
I know! I think you are right. They may not be planning to conclude any character arcs given the nature of the show, but I think it would be disappointing to me, and a lot of other fans, if the last episode felt like just another episode of the show, and I think that is what this is shaping up to be. I was really hoping at the very least that by the end of the show Larry and Cheryl would get back together! There are still two episodes left, so there may be some surprises in store for the characters that aren't apparent now. Based on the story so far, the only wrap up story that I see is that Larry might go to jail, which would parallel the end of "Seinfeld". The "Seinfeld" finale was quite poorly received though, so not sure why he would want to go in that direction again with his follow up show.

Stirchley 03-29-24 01:02 PM

Originally Posted by AKA23 (Post 2449981)
I know! I think you are right. They may not be planning to conclude any character arcs given the nature of the show, but I think it would be disappointing to me, and a lot of other fans, if the last episode felt like just another episode of the show, and I think that is what this is shaping up to be. I was really hoping at the very least that by the end of the show Larry and Cheryl would get back together! There are still two episodes left, so there may be some surprises in store for the characters that aren't apparent now. Based on the story so far, the only wrap up story that I see is that Larry might go to jail, which would parallel the end of "Seinfeld". The "Seinfeld" finale was quite poorly received though, so not sure why he would want to go in that direction again with his follow up show.
In my mind, the show ended & that was that. There’s nothing to analyze.

One last time: the show overall was pretty, pretty, pretty good. :)

Gideon58 04-01-24 01:18 PM

Ep 9 was, as always, a mixed bag. First of all, how totally awesome was it to see Bruce Springsteen as a guest star? He was fantastic and looked amazing. As for his assistant Ken/Kendra, that was a clever reveal having Ken be a former Larry employee who is now a man, but they took it way too far. It was way too squirm worthy having this guy pawing Larry and making it clear to everyone present that the female version of himself had sex with Larry. A cute idea that went way too far, even giving Susie yet another excuse to throw Larry out of her house. I also didn't understand why, if Larry was so upset about that restaurant owner changing his rating, why go back to the restaurant at all? Seemed pointless to me. Also everything with the Leon and the masseuse was stupid. While I'm here, I would like to talk about this:

Has anybody else seen this? I watched this after ep 9 thinking it was going to be a behind the scenes peek at the show but that wasn't what it was at all. This appeared to be filmed before the 12 seasons of the show and featured Larry and Jeff Greene (Jeff Garlin) arriving at HBO to pitch the idea of Larry hitting the road as a standup again, climaxing with Larry doing a standup concert at a large venue in either New York or Los Angeles. My first thought was that this was the actual pilot for Curb, but was confused when it featured interviews with Jerry Seinfeld, Jason Alexander, Larry Charles, Richard Lewis, and Carol Leifer. I realize now that this was some sort of "mockumentary" in the form of This is Spinal Tap, which led to the creation of Curb. It had some funny stuff, but surprisingly, the footage of Larry actually doin standup was the least funny element of the show. Just looked it up on the imdb and my suspicious were correct, it was filmed in 1999. Has anyone else seen this?

Stirchley 04-01-24 02:41 PM

Originally Posted by Gideon58 (Post 2451107)
Ep 9 was, as always, a mixed bag. First of all, how totally awesome was it to see Bruce Springsteen as a guest star? He was fantastic and looked amazing. As for his assistant Ken/Kendra, that was a clever reveal having Ken be a former Larry employee who is now a man, but they took it way too far. It was way too squirm worthy having this guy pawing Larry and making it clear to everyone present that the female version of himself had sex with Larry. A cute idea that went way too far, even giving Susie yet another excuse to throw Larry out of her house. I also didn't understand why, if Larry was so upset about that restaurant owner changing his rating, why go back to the restaurant at all? Seemed pointless to me. Also everything with the Leon and the masseuse was stupid. While I'm here, I would like to talk about this:

Has anybody else seen this? I watched this after ep 9 thinking it was going to be a behind the scenes peek at the show but that wasn't what it was at all. This appeared to be filmed before the 12 seasons of the show and featured Larry and Jeff Greene (Jeff Garlin) arriving at HBO to pitch the idea of Larry hitting the road as a standup again, climaxing with Larry doing a standup concert at a large venue in either New York or Los Angeles. My first thought was that this was the actual pilot for Curb, but was confused when it featured interviews with Jerry Seinfeld, Jason Alexander, Larry Charles, Richard Lewis, and Carol Leifer. I realize now that this was some sort of "mockumentary" in the form of This is Spinal Tap, which led to the creation of Curb. It had some funny stuff, but surprisingly, the footage of Larry actually doin standup was the least funny element of the show. Just looked it up on the imdb and my suspicious were correct, it was filmed in 1999. Has anyone else seen this?
I have no memory of Springsteen in the show. How could I miss this! Which season, which episode?

Holden Pike 04-01-24 02:42 PM

Re: Curb Your Enthusiasm
The newest episode that premiered on HBO in America last night. The second-to-last of the entire series.

Gideon58 04-01-24 02:42 PM

Springsteen was in the new episode broadcast last night, season 12, ep 9.

AKA23 04-01-24 07:22 PM

Re: Curb Your Enthusiasm
Stirchley, serious question. Do you actually read the posts in this thread or just skim them? You continue to be under the impression the show has ended, but we've repeatedly shared the last season of the show is still airing, while you continue to make comments that it's over. It's quite confusing.

The last episode of the show, the series finale, is next week. There is one more episode to go, and then you will finally be right!

Stirchley 04-03-24 01:41 PM

Originally Posted by AKA23 (Post 2451244)
Stirchley, serious question. Do you actually read the posts in this thread or just skim them? You continue to be under the impression the show has ended, but we've repeatedly shared the last season of the show is still airing, while you continue to make comments that it's over. It's quite confusing.

The last episode of the show, the series finale, is next week. There is one more episode to go, and then you will finally be right!
I made 2 posts that suggested I was confused about the actual date of the finale. Apparently, I ended the season before it had ended. Unfortunately, now I need to renew Max to actually finish it. I have a lot going on & I admit I was confused.

And, yes, I actually do read all the new posts in every thread I subscribe to. Happy now? :rolleyes:

AKA23 04-03-24 03:07 PM

Re: Curb Your Enthusiasm
Thanks Stirchley. I am very much a problem solver, so I've been trying to figure out how this could have occurred and appreciate the helpful explanation.

Stirchley 04-05-24 12:18 PM

Originally Posted by Gideon58 (Post 2451107)
Ep 9 was, as always, a mixed bag. First of all, how totally awesome was it to see Bruce Springsteen as a guest star? He was fantastic and looked amazing.
Bruce trash-talking Don Henley was hilarious. I hope Don thinks so too. :p

Stirchley 04-05-24 12:20 PM

Re: Curb Your Enthusiasm
Sad to see Jeff is going bald slightly. For so long he had a beautiful head of dark hair, then he went grey & is now going bald. Such is life.

Stirchley 04-08-24 04:35 PM

Re: Curb Your Enthusiasm
Larry looked so good in a suit in the penultimate episode. Tie, shirt, shoes, jacket, pants all perfect.

AKA23 04-08-24 09:13 PM

Saw the finale. I liked everything up until the trial and then hated it. Why Larry David decided to repeat everything that people strongly disliked about the Seinfeld finale again, with one relatively minor change at a the end that I won’t spoil here, I will never understand. It was also very predictable, as anyone who followed Seinfeld likely figured out early in this last season that this is exactly how Curb would end.

Gideon58 04-22-24 01:28 PM

Finally watched the finale this morning and I hate to admit it, Larry knocked it out of the park. Loved the fact that it ended the same way Seinfeld did with a trial summarizing Larry's past sins. Larry pretty much picked the right recurring characters to return to testify against him, though I have to admit I was kind of looking forward to the return of Tracy Ullmann's character or the obnoxious overweight actress who became a star on Larry's new show. I was kind of upset when Jeff was able to con Anna Rae out of her dressing receipe because the last thing i wanted to see in the finale was Susie getting what she wanted. I was really hoping to see something awful happen to Susie to make up for the crappy way she treated Larry for 12 seasons. I was also a little disappointed that none of the Funkhauser family showed up as witnesses. The whole thing with Allison Janney was pointless as was Leon's critiques of Seinfeld. Very pleased to see Jerry show up and the way he got Larry out of jail was brilliant and I fell out of my chair when Larry told Jerry that's what they should have done for the Seinfeld. A rock solid series finale for a show that brought me a lot of questionable laughs, but I enjoyed the ride for the most part and the finale rocked.

Stirchley 04-22-24 01:30 PM

Originally Posted by Gideon58 (Post 2456329)
Finally watched the finale this morning and I hate to admit it, Larry knocked it out of the park. Loved the fact that it ended the same way Seinfeld did with a trial summarizing Larry's past sins. Larry pretty much picked the right recurring characters to return to testify against him, though I have to admit I was kind of looking forward to the return of Tracy Ullmann's character or the obnoxious overweight actress who became a star on Larry's new show. I was kind of upset when Jeff was able to con Anna Rae out of her dressing receipe because the last thing i wanted to see in the finale was Susie getting what she wanted. I was really hoping to see something awful happen to Susie to make up for the crappy way she treated Larry for 12 seasons. I was also a little disappointed that none of the Funkhauser family showed up as witnesses. The whole thing with Allison Janney was pointless as was Leon's critiques of Seinfeld. Very pleased to see Jerry show up and the way he got Larry out of jail was brilliant and I fell out of my chair when Larry told Jerry that's what they should have done for the Seinfeld. A rock solid series finale for a show that brought me a lot of questionable laughs, but I enjoyed the ride for the most part and the finale rocked.
I was sorry the young overweight “influencer” didn’t make the finale. She was vacuous incarnate.

AKA23 04-23-24 11:05 AM

Re: Curb Your Enthusiasm
Gideon, happy to hear you liked the finale! I really don't understand why it's been so well received though. This finale, once the trial begins, with the exception of the very end, is structurally exactly the same as the "Seinfeld" finale, which was reviled. Both finales involve the central story being either Larry on trial or the Seinfeld gang being on trial, and a lot of people from their past testifying against them. So, why was the "Seinfeld" finale hated, which was the same story, while this one was loved? I just don't get it. Would the "Seinfeld" finale have been perceived as successful had
WARNING: spoilers below
Jerry, Elaine, George and Kramer
been released based on a technicality, which was the only substantive change between this finale and the earlier one?

I'd be very happy to hear an explanation from anyone who has seen both finales.

Holden Pike 04-23-24 11:10 AM

Re: Curb Your Enthusiasm
I have always liked "The Seinfeld" finale, so I can't help ya there.

seanc 04-23-24 11:23 AM

Originally Posted by AKA23 (Post 2456568)
Gideon, happy to hear you liked the finale! I really don't understand why it's been so well received though. This finale, once the trial begins, with the exception of the very end, is structurally exactly the same as the "Seinfeld" finale, which was reviled. Both finales involve the central story being either Larry on trial or the Seinfeld gang being on trial, and a lot of people from their past testifying against them. So, why was the "Seinfeld" finale hated, which was the same story, while this one was loved? I just don't get it. Would the "Seinfeld" finale have been perceived as successful had
WARNING: spoilers below
Jerry, Elaine, George and Kramer
been released based on a technicality, which was the only substantive change between this finale and the earlier one?

I'd be very happy to hear an explanation from anyone who has seen both finales.
I never hated the Seinfeld finale, and don’t think either are particularly good or bad. The shows were never going to be about their ending anyway. They just aren’t structured that way.

I think the meta element is probably what people are responding to though. Audiences eat that kind of thing up, see Newhart finale for example. I didn’t see the end result coming, because I didn’t really care. You could see what he was going for pretty early though, and you knew that would be subverted somehow.

Gideon58 04-23-24 01:28 PM

I saw both finales and there's no denying the formatting of both shows were pretty much identical and I had no problem with that. A lot of people I know were troubled by the Seinfeld finale but I thought it was perfect because Jerry, George, Elaine, and Kramer were four of the most thoughtless, insensitive, and self-absorbed television characters ever and did a lot of crappy things to people in their orbit over nine seasons and, for me, they had it coming and I don't know how anyone can honestly think Larry didn't deserve similar treatment.

Gideon58 05-01-24 03:02 PM

Had to come back here for a minute because I rewatched the finale and noticed I made a big mistake in my post about the finale. I mentioned being sad that Tracy Ullman's character wasn't included, but she was! Somehow I missed her the first time I watched it. BTW, I also watched the first two parts of this for the first time:

For the uninitiated, this is a video of a podcast where Jeff Garlin and Susie Essman talk about the history of the show, from the primetime special I watched about a month ago through season 12 and apparently they are going to be talking about ALL twelve seasons. I watched two parts and turned it off because I got sick of the sound of Jeff Garlin's voice. In the two episodes I watched, he barely let Susie Essman get a word in edgewise. I was actually finding Essman to be quite charming, nothing like her character on the show, but it wasn't easy because Garlin never stops talking. So unless you're madly in love with Jeff Garlin, I'd give this a hard pass.

Stirchley 05-01-24 03:55 PM

Originally Posted by Gideon58 (Post 2458652)
Had to come back here for a minute because I rewatched the finale and noticed I made a big mistake in my post about the finale. I mentioned being sad that Tracy Ullman's character wasn't included, but she was! Somehow I missed her the first time I watched it. BTW, I also watched the first two parts of this for the first time:

For the uninitiated, this is a video of a podcast where Jeff Garlin and Susie Essman talk about the history of the show, from the primetime special I watched about a month ago through season 12 and apparently they are going to be talking about ALL twelve seasons. I watched two parts and turned it off because I got sick of the sound of Jeff Garlin's voice. In the two episodes I watched, he barely let Susie Essman get a word in edgewise. I was actually finding Essman to be quite charming, nothing like her character on the show, but it wasn't easy because Garlin never stops talking. So unless you're madly in love with Jeff Garlin, I'd give this a hard pass.
Sounds like they do a reverse in real life. Susie is charming & Jeff dominates the convo. Amusing.

AKA23 05-01-24 04:34 PM

Re: Curb Your Enthusiasm
It sounds like we don't really have many people who saw both finales and didn't like the "Seinfeld" finale, but did like this one, so it's still not clear to me why the reception of this has been so different. The structure and plot line of both, with the exception of the end, are very similar. I do think the meta nature of it, calling back the "Newhart" finale, is the best explanation that I've heard, and I do think that's part of the reason for the difference in reception. I've always thought that the "Seinfeld" finale was one of the worst of all time and hated by the vast majority of fans, so I was surprised that we had some fans of it here! I remember watching it and not liking it, so I think I'm closer to the consensus view, but find it intriguing that that was apparently not shared by some, since culturally, we've been made to think everyone hated it.

Gideon58 05-06-24 01:48 PM

I watched a couple more episodes of the history podcast with Jeff and Susie, and, on the grave of my mother, somebody talked to Jeff Garlin and told him he was talking too much because the next couple of episodes, Susie was actually allowed to speak. The difference was like night and day. Someone had to have said something to Garlin.

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