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MovieMad16 03-19-21 05:59 PM

Connor Macgregor Reviews...Marvel Television
Yep....Another thread.

The Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) television series are American superhero television shows based on characters that appear in publications by Marvel Comics. They are set in, or inspired by, the shared universe of the MCU film franchise.

The MCU first expanded to television after the creation of Marvel Television in 2010, with that studio producing 12 series with ABC Studios and its production division ABC Signature Studios from September 2013 to October 2020. These premiered across broadcast, streaming, and cable respectively on ABC, Netflix and Hulu, and Freeform. The main ABC series were inspired by the films and featured film characters, and were referred to as the "Marvel Heroes" series. A connected group of series for Netflix were called the "Marvel Knights" series, and crossed over with each other. Young adult-focused series were produced for Freeform and Hulu, while the latter also had a group of series called "Adventure into Fear" planned before Marvel Television was shut down in December 2019.

Marvel Studios—the production studio behind the films—began producing their own series in 2018 for the streaming service Disney+, the first of which premiered in January 2021. At least twelve series and one special are in development from Marvel Studios. These are focused on supporting characters from the films, have much larger budgets than Marvel Television series, and interconnect with the films in a way that the Marvel Television series did not.

It is a better time than ever to start a thread for Marvel Television, what with the exploding success of WandaVision and now as of writing, the debut of The Falcon & Winter Soldier. So with that, I have set this up with the intention of reviewing every Marvel TV Series within the canon. So not just Disney+ shows, but also the ABC selection and Netflix also (and I guess the ones on other networks that count also.). Its a massive maze, but one I am going to enjoy watching.

gbgoodies 03-22-21 02:25 AM

Other than a few cartoons, I forgot that there were any Marvel TV shows before the Disney+ shows started recently. Are these shows all animated shows, or were there live action shows too?

MovieMad16 03-23-21 07:51 PM

Re: Connor Macgregor Reviews...Marvel Television
I mean, you have Agents Of Shield which is the big one, along with Agent Carter and a few others. Will be fun to look at them and see what they did as I only watched the first 2 or 3 episodes and tuned out.

Will make up my mind on the animated shows later on as they aren't in canon as much.

MovieMad16 03-23-21 08:16 PM

Connor Macgregor Reviews...WandaVision
Filmed Before A Live Studio Audience

INTRO: WandaVision is the first official TV series in Phase 4 of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and one of the first major Marvel shows on Disney+. So, time to settle back into MCU life and shennigins.

WARNING: "Summary" spoilers below
Newlywed couple Wanda and Vision move into the town of Westview in a black-and-white 1950s setting. They attempt to blend in despite Vision being an android and Wanda having telekinesis and reality-warping abilities. One day they notice a heart drawn on their calendar, but neither can remember what the occasion is. While Vision goes to his job at Computational Services Inc., Wanda decides that the heart represents their anniversary. Their neighbor Agnes introduces herself to Wanda and helps her prepare to celebrate that night. Vision amazes his co-workers with his speed but is unsure what his company actually does. He is reminded that the heart represents plans for him and Wanda to host his boss, Mr. Hart, and his wife for dinner. Wanda and Vision struggle to hide their abilities while making a last-minute dinner for the Harts. While interrogating Wanda and Vision, Mr. Hart chokes on his food, and Vision uses his abilities to save him. All of this takes place in the fictional sitcom WandaVision which someone is watching on a television.

THOUGHTS: WandaVision begins in the 1950s with Vision and Wanda arriving at their home in their wedding clothes. It cements the new life that Wanda & Vision seek to establish with WestView being established as neat, perfect, surburban and tranquil. There is also a lack of willingness to reveal their backstory with just a simple sitcom plot of cooking dinner for Vision's new boss. That being said there are little visual and dialogue nods to the past of the MCU. Regarding the plot with the boss, the story itself feels like a trope which unfortunately lacked excitement for me. The episode overall felt too short and I was eager for more time and worldbuilding and a longer runtime. That being said, a mystery has been established for the rest of the series and I am eager to explore on, what with the sitcom tributes and nostalgia nods to television overall.

RATING: 75% - B+

gbgoodies 03-24-21 03:04 AM

Originally Posted by MovieMad16 (Post 2189692)
I mean, you have Agents Of Shield which is the big one, along with Agent Carter and a few others. Will be fun to look at them and see what they did as I only watched the first 2 or 3 episodes and tuned out.

Will make up my mind on the animated shows later on as they aren't in canon as much.

I watched the complete series of "Agents Of Shield". I should have remembered that show. :facepalm:

MovieMad16 04-02-21 06:50 PM

Connor Macgregor Reviews...WandaVision
Don't Touch That Dial

INTRO: Time to enter the swining sixties as WandaVision continues to get more weird and fun to delve into.

WARNING: "Summary" spoilers below
In a 1960s setting, Wanda and Vision hear strange noises outside their house. They prepare their magic act for a neighborhood talent show. Wanda and Agnes spend the day with the show's planning committee, led by Dottie, and Vision attends a neighborhood watch meeting, where he accidentally swallows some chewing gum. Wanda befriends another neighbor, Geraldine, and notices more strange things: a yellow and red toy helicopter in their black-and-white world; a voice on the radio that seems to be speaking to her; and a red bloodstain. Thanks to the gum caught in his internal mechanisms, Vision appears to be intoxicated at the talent show and publicly reveals his abilities. Wanda uses her own abilities to make this look like simple magic tricks and fixes Vision by removing the gum. They return home, and Wanda becomes visibly pregnant. When they see a strange beekeeper emerging from a manhole on their street, Wanda resets their reality to before the figure appears. The setting changes to full color as it moves to the 1970s.

THOUGHTS: Episode two sees us move into the 1960s where the sitcom entered its first boom period. The animated open is good, and very sweet to the relationship. In here, there are two plots that combine very well, with the plot of the week going on with the talent show, as well as the underlings of the overall arc of the series. There is a great scene with Wanda and the other wives, in particular with the odd radio frequency which sets Wanda off. You have the character of Geraldine which is fun in this episode and will have more strong moments going forward. There is also a weird subplot with Vision getting drunk on chewing gum which whilst entertaining, is still slightly bizzare to watch. These plots culminate in a magic trick sequence which ends up going awry but in quite a fun way which does benefit them. With this episode, the mystery continues to build with further easter eggs and clues being planted.

RATING: 85% - A-

MovieMad16 04-13-21 09:00 AM

Connor Macgregor Reviews...WandaVision
Now In Colour

INTRO: Much like Dorothy, Wanda & Vision step into the world of colour and continue their TV adventure with the latest version of WandaVision.

WARNING: "Summary" spoilers below
In the 1970s setting, Dr. Nielson says Wanda is four months pregnant and everything is fine before leaving for an intended holiday with his wife. While Vision sees Nielson out, he sees his neighbor Herb unknowingly cut through their wall. Wanda and Vision paint a nursery while debating what to name their child before Wanda's pregnancy elevates to six months. When she begins contractions, her abilities begin to move things in the house and eventually shut down the entire town's power. Geraldine arrives and helps Wanda deliver twins Billy and Tommy. Vision catches Agnes and Herb gossiping outside. They talk about Geraldine, who has just arrived in town and does not have a home or family. Inside, Wanda interrogates Geraldine after the latter reveals that she knows Ultron killed Wanda's twin brother Pietro.[a] Wanda notices that Geraldine is wearing a pendant with a sword emblem on it. When Vision returns, Geraldine is gone. Outside of Westview, Geraldine is cast out from a wall of static and is surrounded by S.W.O.R.D. agents.

REVIEW: This episode sees Vision & Wanda in the 1970s in which Black and White yesteryear is swapped for funky colour which makes the episode more nice to watch. The Opening intro is more groovy than the others and absolutely again fits the tone of the episode's timeline once again. Wanda is pregnant this time, and it raises suspicion from throughout the neighbourhood especially from the character of Geraldine. The end result is twin babies after a whole load of shenanigans throughout the labour. We then get some reference to Wanda's past at the end which then descends into an explosive conclusion which opens up more of what is going on, with a real sense of mystery in the episode's ending and with a reluctance of who to trust anymore.

RATING: 86% - A-

MovieMad16 04-13-21 10:13 AM

Connor Macgregor Reviews...WandaVision
We Interrupt This Program

INTRO: Taking a pause on the TV tributes, WandaVision does some nessacarly MCU story work in order to establish new characters, and bridge the gap between this show and Avengers EndGame.

WARNING: "Summary" spoilers below
Captain Monica Rambeau, an agent of S.W.O.R.D., returns to life following the Blip to find her mother Maria has died of cancer. Three weeks later, Monica returns to work and is sent by Acting Director Tyler Hayward to help FBI agent Jimmy Woo with a missing persons case in Westview, New Jersey. They discover a hexagonal static CMBR field surrounding the town, which Monica is pulled into. Within 24 hours, S.W.O.R.D. establishes a base around the town and sends drones and an agent in to investigate. Dr. Darcy Lewis studies the phenomena and discovers broadcast signals for the sitcom WandaVision. They use these to observe events inside the town, learning that real residents have been "cast" in the sitcom and seeing Monica appear as "Geraldine". Darcy and Jimmy unsuccessfully attempt to use the radio to contact Wanda. When Monica mentions Ultron, Wanda casts her out of the town. Wanda then temporarily sees Vision appear as he did when he died, before settling back into her sitcom life with him.

REVIEW: Following the previous episode, the shows takes us back prior to the events of the series to give us the backstory of Monica, which shows us some of the aftermath of Endgame as well as the fate of a previous character in the MCU with Monica's mother Maria. We also see the return of Darcy Lewis from the Thor films, who as always brings her unique sarcastic wit and sass which is adorable to watch on screen again. All of what we see in this episode is build up to the first episode. The episode makes it clear on the absolute focus on the team, with Agent Woo also joining from the Ant Man films. Together, they watch the sitcoms to try and decifer what exactly is happening. The episode's ending ties into Episode Three's ending as well as revealing who is behind the TV version of the town, which then ultimately changes the stakes.

RATING: 87% - A-

MovieMad16 04-17-21 05:13 PM

Connor Macgregor Reviews...WandaVision
On A Very Special Episode

INTRO: We now move into the comedies of the 80s/90s with a lot more surprises and twists for Wanda & Vision as the mystery continues to unravel.

WARNING: "Summary" spoilers below
In a 1980s/early 1990s setting, Wanda and Vision struggle to stop Billy and Tommy from crying. Agnes offers to help look after the boys, but Vision questions her behavior. He and Wanda are interrupted when Billy and Tommy suddenly age-up to 5 years old. When a dog appears at their house, the boys ask to keep it and Agnes suggests the name Sparky. Wanda almost reveals her abilities to Agnes, concerning Vision, while the boys age-up again to 10 years old. At work, Vision reads an email from S.W.O.R.D. that reveals the situation in Westview. He breaks through to a real Westview resident and learns that Wanda is controlling the town. S.W.O.R.D. sends a drone from the 1980s into Westview which causes Sparky to run off. Hayward orders the drone be used to kill Wanda, but she emerges from the barrier with it and warns Hayward to leave her alone. Agnes finds Sparky dead. Vision confronts Wanda about her actions, but they are interrupted when "Pietro" arrives. Watching the broadcast, Darcy notes that Pietro has been "recast".

REVIEW: The boys have aged up for this episode, with the older additions looking rather charming on screen. The episode's plot centers around a dog entering the house and becoming a temporary pet to the family and at the end of the episode, sets upon an interesting saying that Wanda gives to her children. Elsewhere, Vision is slowly becoming more aware that something is amiss outside WestView via investigating. A confration occurs with Wanda at the ending regarding this, however it is interrupted by something unexpected. The twist at the end of the episode is a good one, and plays into prior knowledge of the Marvel world outside of Disney, as well as setting up what will be an intriguing next episode.

RATING: 86% - A-

MovieMad16 05-02-21 05:32 PM

Connor Macgregor Reviews...WandaVision
All New Halloween Spooktacular!

INTRO: Once again, the timeline accelerates forward into the 90s and 00s as Vision continues to dig further on the truth of Westview.

WARNING: "Summary" spoilers below
In a late 1990s/early 2000s setting, Wanda wants to spend Tommy and Billy's first Halloween together as a family, but Vision tells her that he is going to patrol the streets with the neighborhood watch. "Pietro" offers to step in as a father figure and takes the boys trick-or-treating, causing mischief with his super speed, which Tommy is revealed to have inherited. Meanwhile, Vision explores further away from their house and finds residents of Westview standing frozen in their positions, including Agnes. Vision speaks to Agnes' real self and she tells him that he is dead. Outside Westview, Hayward orders Monica, Darcy, and Jimmy to leave the base for disagreeing with his decision to attack Wanda, but they sneak inside and hack into his computer to discover that he has been tracking Vision's vibranium signature. Vision tries to push through the static wall, but he begins to disintegrate. Billy senses this and tells Wanda, who expands the hexagonal static wall. Vision, Darcy, and several S.W.O.R.D. agents are enveloped by the new boundary.

REVIEW: Quicksilver is back in Marvel, or is he? The show plays up a clever idea in how to bring him back, building upon knowledge from previous Marvel properties. Episode Six moves into the 1990s & 2000s decades in which the show moves into that tone and that sitcom style, with a fair amount of fourth wall breaking scattered throughout the episode. With that, Vision's subplot continues to bubble out as he uncovers more and more of Westview and the mysteries surrounding it. Outside the bubble, the trio of agents are discareded for their troubles, as they continue to uncover the truth further about the town. The conclusion of the episode is quite exciting with Wanda doing something very drastic and dangerous to keep Vision alive and from finding out the truth. It adds to a very thrilling development in the story.

RATING: 89% - A-

MovieMad16 05-02-21 06:07 PM

Connor Macgregor Reviews...WandaVision
Breaking The Fourth Wall

INTRO: Continuing from Episode Six, WandaVision begins to round up to its finale, by revealing huge twists and unveiling the secrets of WestView.

WARNING: "Summary" spoilers below
In a mid-to-late 2000s setting, Wanda decides to have a day to herself and Agnes agrees to babysit Tommy and Billy. Wanda sees various parts of her house constantly changing and is unable to control them. Vision wakes up to find the S.W.O.R.D. agents inside the boundary are now members of a circus. He releases Darcy from the spell and she tells Vision about his death and the events that led to the current situation. Outside of Westview, Monica and Jimmy meet with loyal S.W.O.R.D. personnel and obtain a vehicle designed to cross the barrier. When the tactic proves unsuccessful, Monica decides to enter herself. She passes through the static wall and emerges with seemingly heightened vision. Monica confronts Wanda, but Agnes tells Monica to leave and takes Wanda to her house. Wanda looks for the boys in the basement and discovers a strange lair. Agnes introduces herself as a witch named Agatha Harkness and reveals that she has been disrupting Wanda's life, including sending an imposter as "Pietro" and killing Sparky.

REVIEW: I found the beginning of the episode very funny, and continues from what has occured in Episode Six. The thing is, with Vision, he remembers, and therefore begins working with Darcy to continue to uncover the mystery. They make a good pairing as a result, combined with good comic timing and juice. We also see a bit more of Monica and her new powers following a confrontation with Wanda which is a little intense to watch. Then there are The Twins, who disappear in this episode which invokes more mystery as a result. However, the final scene reveals the true culprit behind everything which is Agnes, revealing her real name of Agatha. This ends with a fun little outro theme, with a funny line at the end.

RATING: 87% - A-

MovieMad16 05-15-21 04:58 PM

Connor Macgregor Reviews...WandaVision
Previously On

INTRO: Wanda's past is finally unveiled in this episode of WandaVision, as the finale looms closer.

WARNING: "Summary" spoilers below
In Salem in 1693, a coven of witches led by Agatha's mother Evanora attempt to execute Agatha for practicing dark magic, but she drains their life forces. In the present, Agatha demands to know how Wanda is controlling Westview and forces her to relive key moments of her life. Agatha learns that Wanda has had magical abilities since she was a child, which were later amplified by the Mind Stone, and that she has always enjoyed watching various sitcoms. After the Blip, Wanda visited S.W.O.R.D. to recover Vision's body, but Hayward refused to let her bury him. Unable to feel any life in Vision, she drove to a lot in Westview that he had bought for her before his death so they could live there together. In a fit of grief, she manifested a house on the lot and a new version of Vision and extended the Hex across the entire town. Agatha concludes that Wanda possesses a legendary form of magic called chaos magic, and dubs her the "Scarlet Witch". In a mid-credits scene, Hayward reactivates "The Vision", the now all-white, reassembled original body.

REVIEW: What makes this episode so good and unique is the flashbacks, and how they build Wanda's history and backstory. Some of the shots are gorgeous and the camerawork really strong here. Agatha exposes herself as the villain here with such a delicious performance in this episode, with acting that could very well be award-worthy. This episode here is a softer episode to the previous seven, with more character building overall and having some big significant moments at the end for both Vision and Wanda, who is finally unveiled as The Scarlet Witch, which will set up a spectacular finale to follow.

RATING: 87% - A-

MovieMad16 07-03-21 10:13 AM

Connor Macgregor Reviews...WandaVision
The Series Finale

INTRO: We reach the Finale of WandaVision, even if it has been a few months since I last posted.

WARNING: "Spoilers" spoilers below
Agatha attempts to take Maximoff's chaos magic, but is interrupted by The Vision, who tries to kill Maximoff. Vision intervenes and fights The Vision throughout Westview. Agatha frees the town's residents from Maximoff's control, and they convince her to open the barrier. She stops when Vision and the twins begin to disintegrate, but not before Hayward and S.W.O.R.D. enter. Rambeau learns that "Pietro" is actually an actor named Ralph Bohner and frees him from Agatha's control, before helping the twins stop S.W.O.R.D. Vision restores The Vision's memories and causes him to flee. Maximoff places magical runes around the barrier, preventing Agatha from using her magic, and traps her in the "Agnes" persona. Maximoff says goodbye to Vision and the twins before collapsing the Hex and going into hiding. In a mid-credits scene, Hayward is arrested while Rambeau is informed by a Skrull that a friend of her mother's wants to meet. In a post-credits scene, Maximoff is studying the Darkhold in her astral form when she hears the twins cry for her help.

REVIEW: The finale continues right where the last episode left off, with Agatha holding Wanda's children hostage. From there a big battle emerges with the two witches going against each other in epic fashion. Vision all goes against White Vision which surpringsly ends in a stalemate which may also then provide a clue to the future of Vision's character. For Wanda, this episode and story overall is a decisive victory against Agatha and a further clue to her true identity. Taylor Hayward also meets an approriate end also in this series. There is also a poignant goodbye from Wanda & Vision which is a sweet and elegant scene and wonderfully performed. But with that, Wanda then goes on the run as a result of her actions in this series. The post credits scene is also interesting. One is very much a set up to Dr Strange 2, where as another will set up further story arcs outside of Earth which is also intriguing.

The series overall has been a fun one to watch, with some quirky and deep moments throughout, as well as key character development for Wanda & Vision respectively, as well as of course setting up major future stories whilst having a rich one themselves.

RATING: 89% - A-


MovieMad16 10-04-21 06:48 PM

Connor Macgregor Reviews...The Falcon and The Winter Soldier

Episode One

INTRO: Kicking off the next series in Phase 4 of the MCU, and we're heading back down to reality with the continuation of the stories of Captain America's sidekicks.

SUMMARY: Sam Wilson deals with life after returning from the Blip, while James "Bucky" Barnes deals with life for the first time after his battles are over. Meanwhile, an international militia calling themselves the Flag Smashers are trying to eliminate all national borders, and will do anything to accomplish their goals.

REVIEW: The story begins with life after the blip, focussing on the lives specifically on The Falcon and The Winter Soldier. Both Sam & Bucky are in very emotional places. Both are lost, and trying to find their own stake in this changed world. Sam Wilson is with his family, as we're introduced to his sister and nephews. Their relationship is typical siblingesque, with a lot of snappy back and forths, and tension sometimes popping up between them. There is a scene at a local bank which takes Sam back down to earth and shows the audience a great deal of how lost he is as a person. We then have Bucky, even more in turmoil, yet he does try to move on by securing a date with a bartender. It's a tad bit awkward yet cute at the same time as he tries to bond with someone his own age. Bucky is also attending therapy at the same time as he comes to terms with his past actions. There's also a friend that is in senior age that he befriends, which turns out to be a figure that triggers past trauma. The episode is itself a good setup, and clever and well done character development, with a significant end sequence that sets up the emotional conflict to come. The new Captain America is introduced after Sam rejects the signature shield, with the stage and conflict set to come through the rest of the story.

RATING: 84% - A-

MovieMad16 10-05-21 12:08 PM

Connor Macgregor Reviews...The Falcon and The Winter Soldier

Episode Two

INTRO: Sam and Bucky's story continues with a new Captain America in the mix.

SUMMARY: The new Captain America and his sidekick Battlestar cross paths with Falcon and Winter Soldier when they all track down a group of Flag Smashers that are transporting stolen vaccine from country to country. Meanwhile, Dr. Raynor involves Sam in her therapy sessions with Bucky

REVIEW: The episode begins by establishing John Walker. He comes across very likable, with a sweet wife that supports him, and a very charismatic and likable sidekick also. From there, we see Sam & Bucky reunite, with usual bickering carried from previous films. As much as the therapy scene had significant moments for their relationship, I felt comedically it was a little bit of a letdown and never made me howl as much as it wanted me to. There was also a cool fight scene along the motorway involving the freedom fighters, and that of Sam, Bucky, and Captain America. It's rare that the villains get a victory, but it allowed the stakes to be raised higher as a result, with the knowledge of more Super soldiers out in the world. Props also to the performance of Erin Kellyman who I really liked here in this episode, and happy to see her get more work following Solo and Les Miserables. There is also a great sequence with Sam and an older super soldier which really highlights the historic racism that America is still trying to come to terms with. There also followed a very eerie police scene which was very typical of what is going on in the US and the world today. I also really enjoyed the ending, with a good build into Episode Three.

RATING: 85% - A-

MovieMad16 11-01-21 08:15 PM

Connor Macgregor Reviews…The Falcon & The Winter Soldier

Episode Three

INTRO: Sharon Carter returns as does Baron Zemo as The Falcon & The Winter Soldier’s adventure continues.

WARNING: "Summary" spoilers below
Bucky Barnes and Sam Wilson travel to Berlin to talk to an imprisoned Helmut Zemo about the emergence of a terrorist group of Super Soldiers, the Flag Smashers. Behind Wilson's back, Barnes orchestrates a prison riot to help Zemo escape after the latter agrees to help the pair. Barnes, Zemo, and Wilson travel to Madripoor, a criminal sanctuary city-state run by the mysterious Power Broker. Zemo asks Barnes to act as the Winter Soldier while Wilson poses as a gangster who frequents Madripoor.

After Zemo uses Barnes to get the attention of high-ranking criminal Selby, the group meet with her and reveals that Hydra scientist Dr. Wilfred Nagel was hired by the Power Broker to recreate the Super Soldier Serum. Wilson's identity is exposed after his sister Sarah calls him in the middle of their meeting. In the ensuing firefight, Selby is killed and all of the bounty hunters in the city target the group. Sharon Carter, who has been living as a fugitive since the Sokovia Accords conflict,[a] saves them from the bounty hunters.

Carter uses her connections in Madripoor to find Nagel's lab and takes Wilson, Barnes, and Zemo there. Nagel explains that he recreated twenty doses of the serum and they were stolen by the Flag Smashers' leader Karli Morgenthau. Zemo unexpectedly kills Nagel, and the lab is destroyed when bounty hunters attack. Zemo finds a getaway vehicle, but Carter decides to stay behind in Madripoor and Wilson agrees to obtain a pardon for her so she can return to the U.S. Meanwhile, John Walker and Lemar Hoskins arrive in Berlin and deduce that Barnes and Wilson helped Zemo escape. The Flag Smashers raid a Global Repatriation Council (GRC) storage facility in Lithuania for supplies, and Morgenthau blows up the building with personnel inside to send a message.

Zemo, Barnes, and Wilson travel to Latvia in search of Morgenthau. Recognizing Wakandan tracking devices in the street, Barnes breaks off and confronts Ayo of the Dora Milaje, who demands that Barnes hand Zemo to her.

REVIEW: We see the return of Baron Zemo from Civil War, who immediately sets up his own escape from prison in an excellent little scene. From there, a reluctant alliance is formed between The Falcon, The Winter Soldier and Zemo. From there, we go to Mariboor, a fictional city within the MCU. It comes across as a very cool and edgy type of place, somewhere that is not entirely safe, a place where individuals will need to have their wits about them. And one of those is Sharon Carter, who comes across here as a much more cynical and cold character, something to watch out for in the rest of this series. From there, several action sequences manifest in the episode, one of which takes place within a port harbour which has a lot of death and a lot of explosions added. The stunt work involved is solid, very visceral, and hard. The episode culminates in Lithuania, with a cliffhanger which sees Wakanda getting involved. We also see more of the flag smashers, with Erin Kellyman giving more great performances here, and building her character up rather nicely.

RATING: 86% - A-

MovieMad16 11-03-21 12:51 PM

Connor Macgregor Reviews...The Falcon & The Winter Soldier

Episode Four

INTRO: Arguably the most thrilling and best episode in the series.

WARNING: "Summary" spoilers below
Bucky Barnes is confronted by Ayo of the Dora Milaje, who has come for Helmut Zemo, the terrorist that killed their king T'Chaka.[a] As Barnes broke Zemo out of prison to help him find the terrorist group, the Flag Smashers, Ayo gives Barnes eight hours to use Zemo before the Wakandans come for him. Barnes, Zemo, and Sam Wilson investigate a camp in Latvia where Flag Smasher sympathizers are housing and teaching people that were displaced when half of all life returned from the Blip.[b]

Zemo discovers where a memorial service is being held for Donya Madani, the adoptive mother of the Flag Smashers' leader Karli Morgenthau. He, Wilson, and Barnes are confronted by John Walker / Captain America and his partner Lemar Hoskins, who Wilson convinces to let him speak to Morgenthau alone. Wilson attempts to persuade her to change her violent methods, but is interrupted by an impatient Walker, leading to a fight. Zemo shoots Morgenthau, causing her to drop vials of Super Soldier Serum, which he begins to smash. Walker stops Zemo and retrieves a single remaining vial while Morgenthau escapes.

Ayo and the Dora Milaje come for Zemo, but Walker refuses to hand him over. In the ensuing fight, Walker is humiliated while Zemo escapes. Walker later discusses the Super Soldier Serum with Hoskins, who suggests that Walker will always make the right decision and would be able to save lives if he had taken it. Morgenthau plans to divide the group and threatens Wilson's sister Sarah and her family to lure him and Barnes to a meeting. Meanwhile, Walker and Hoskins attack other Flag Smashers. Wilson and Barnes rush to find them, leading to another fight wherein Wilson realizes that Walker has taken the serum.

Morgenthau follows Wilson and Barnes and joins the fight, accidentally killing Hoskins. Enraged by his friend's death, Walker chases one of the Flag Smashers, Nico, and uses Captain America's shield to kill him. With Nico's blood on the shield, Walker realizes that he is surrounded by horrified bystanders who have filmed his actions.

REVIEW: We are straight off the back of Episode three, with Wakanda soldiers now getting involved following the release of Baron Zemo. It leads to an intense fight scene between Wakanda soldiers, Baron Zemo, and The Falcon and Winter Soldier. Lithuania is still the central location for this episode, and with this The Falcon slightly takes highlight, with a great scene involving Karli. He attempts to use solace to have her end her chaos with the serum. It fails, and all the serums are destroyed with the exception of one. John Walker ultimately comes across it and seizes it to further his abilities going forward. Unfortunately, things go out of control and a death causes John Walker to lose control and take extreme action as a result. This in turn sets the tone for the rest of the story, and is by far the strongest episode of the series. A thrilling and intense episode, with an eagerness to see what is to come next.

RATING: 92% - A

MovieMad16 11-03-21 02:21 PM

Connor Macgregor Reviews...The Falcon and The Winter Soldier

Episode Five

INTRO: Following an intense episode four, episode five reacts, reflects and rebuilds.

WARNING: "Summary" spoilers below
After using Captain America's shield to kill one of the Flag Smashers in public, John Walker flees, but is pursued by Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes. Wilson demands that Walker hand over the shield, but he refuses. In the ensuing fight, Walker destroys Wilson's wingsuit, but Wilson and Barnes take the shield from him, breaking his arm in the process. Wilson then leaves his damaged wingsuit with Joaquin Torres and asks him to continue looking for the Flag Smashers.

Barnes finds Helmut Zemo at a memorial in Sokovia and hands him over to the Dora Milaje. While Ayo advises him not to return to Wakanda for some time, he asks her to forward a favor to the country. Meanwhile, Walker receives an other than honorable discharge and is stripped of his role as Captain America. Afterward, he is approached by Contessa Valentina Allegra de Fontaine, who tells him that taking the serum and killing the Flag Smasher was the right thing to do and says she will contact him in the future. Walker later visits his late partner, Lemar Hoskins', family and claims that the man he killed is the one who killed Hoskins.

Wilson returns to Baltimore to visit Isaiah Bradley, who discusses his past as a Black super soldier and how he was imprisoned after rescuing fellow soldiers who had also been experimented on before stating that a Black man would never be allowed to become Captain America nor should one want to. Wilson then returns home to Louisiana and helps his sister Sarah fix the family boat, with assistance from several locals as well as Barnes, who delivers a briefcase from the Wakandans to Wilson. Wilson and Barnes train with the shield and agree to move on from their pasts and work together.

Meanwhile, the Flag Smashers plan an attack on a Global Repatriation Council (GRC) conference in New York City. They are joined by Georges Batroc, who wants to kill Wilson and was released from prison by Sharon Carter. When Torres contacts Wilson and tells him the Flag Smashers have been detected in New York City, Wilson decides to intervene and opens the briefcase.

In a mid-credits scene, Walker builds a new shield from scrap metal and his Medal of Honor.

REVIEW: Straight into the aftermath from Episode 4, with consequences for John Walker by the US government as a result. The mantle of Captain America now lies in the open. And the mood of the episode feels more like a daze if anything. A fight scene in the beginning of the episode resumes from the fight sequence from the last episode, which continues the tension and horror from Episode 4. We return also to the subplot of the black super soldier who was extremely wronged by society then, and continues to now. It's a moving tale that he tells and one that affects Sam Wilson massively. It leaves him a little directionless going forward. Following that, Sam returns to his family and community, which shows us some great wholesome scenes as Sam reconnects with them as they help rebuild his boat. By the episode's end, Sam and Bucky have a good understanding of who they are, as well as a great montage of Sam training for the role that he is destined for. And with that, the episode, while a little down from previous in terms of quality, sets the stage for the finale to come.

RATING: 79% - B+

MovieMad16 11-03-21 04:43 PM

Connor Macgregor Reviews... The Falcon & The Winter Soldier

Episode Six

INTRO: The finale of a miniseries that transitions in a new Captain America, and sets forth a new road for his sidekick.

WARNING: "Summary" spoilers below
Wearing a new Captain America uniform and flight suit from the Wakandans, Sam Wilson flies to New York to save the Global Repatriation Council (GRC) from the Flag Smashers' attack, with the help of Bucky Barnes and Sharon Carter, who had secretly traveled to New York. While Wilson fights Georges Batroc, the Flag Smashers take several GRC representatives as hostages. Wilson pursues a group of hostages taken in a helicopter, while Barnes pursues and intercepts a group in trucks. Karli Morgenthau sets one of the vehicles on fire to keep Barnes busy and escape with the other, but John Walker arrives and intervenes. Barnes succeeds in freeing the hostages from the burning truck and joins Walker in battling the Flag Smashers but is knocked into the pit of a construction site. Walker is overcome as well, and Morgenthau drives the remaining truck into the site. Walker chooses to let Morgenthau go to stop the truck from falling. Morgenthau and the remaining Flag Smashers attack him, and they all fall to the ground, but Wilson, having saved the hostages in the helicopter, arrives and catches the truck. As the hostages are freed, Batroc arrives and uses smoke grenades to allow the Flag Smashers to flee into the tunnels around the construction site.

Carter separates Morgenthau from the others and confronts Morgenthau for betraying her, revealing her identity as the Power Broker. Batroc attempts to blackmail Carter, but she kills him. Wilson comes to reason with Morgenthau, but Morgenthau refuses to listen to Wilson's pleas and fights with him once more, but when Morgenthau is about to shoot Wilson, Carter shoots her. Before dying, a tearful Morgenthau apologizes to Wilson. After the attack, Wilson convinces the GRC to postpone the vote to force the relocation of the Blip-displaced people that Morgenthau died fighting for and instead make efforts to help them.

The remaining Super Soldier Serum-enhanced Flag Smashers are captured, but they are killed by Helmut Zemo's butler Oeznik via a vehicle explosion while en-route to the Raft. Contessa Valentina Allegra de Fontaine gives Walker a new suit and asks him to become a U.S. Agent for tasks where they cannot use Captain America. Wilson takes Isaiah Bradley and his grandson Eli to the Smithsonian's Captain America exhibit, where he had a memorial dedicated to Bradley installed. Barnes makes amends with his friend, Yori Nakajima, telling him that he killed his son while he was the Winter Soldier and crosses off every other name on his list of people who needed closure from him. Leaving New York for Louisiana, he then joins Wilson and his friends and family for a celebratory cookout.

In a mid-credits scene, Carter receives a pardon from the United States government and is reinstated to her former position in the CIA. She later makes a phone call, informing someone that the Power Broker now has full access to the government's secrets.

REVIEW: The finale for the miniseries arrives with a fair amount of anticipation building within the first minute. And very quickly, the new Captain America is unveiled with an awesome new outfit to suit Sam Wilson. The whole episode serves as a climax, with it igniting at the very start of the episode. From there, you have great set pieces littered all across the runtime, including a crucial scene with Captain America winning the crowd and authorities over with a impassioned monologue. This will no doubt become crucial to future installments going forward. We also get a proper confirmation of Sharon Carter's true deception that has taken place, which will no doubt be a fascinating arc going forward. Two shout outs regarding performances. First is Erin Kelleyman, who delivers a very emotional round off of her character. Then, of course, Anthony Mackie, who cements himself as the new Captain America in a brilliant performance also.

RATING: 88% - A-


MovieMad16 12-20-21 02:03 PM

Connor Macgregor Reviews...Loki

Episode One

INTRO: Tom Hiddleston finally takes the spotlight as Loki gets his own TV Series. Expect twists, turns and a story that plays around with time.

WARNING: "Summary" spoilers below
During the Battle of New York in 2012, Loki escapes with the Tesseract, creating a branched timeline. At the Gobi Desert, he is quickly arrested by officers of the Time Variance Authority (TVA) and brought to their headquarters, where he cannot use his magic. TVA mascot Miss Minutes tells Loki that a past multiversal war between timelines was ended by the Time-Keepers by establishing a singular timeline, and that to prevent another such war, the Time-Keepers created the TVA and its employees to maintain this timeline, the "Sacred Timeline". The TVA does this by "resetting" branched timelines and the "variants" who cause them.

Loki faces trial for "crimes against the Sacred Timeline", with Ravonna Renslayer as the judge. He initially does not take the proceedings seriously, before blaming the Avengers, whose own time traveling caused him to come into contact with the Tesseract. Renslayer dismisses these claims, explaining that the Avengers' actions followed the Sacred Timeline while Loki's did not. She finds him guilty and sentences him to be reset, but TVA agent Mobius M. Mobius intervenes as he thinks this variant Loki could be of use to them. In the Time Theater, Mobius questions Loki's past misdeeds and revisits moments from Loki's life, such as his defeat at the hands of the Avengers. Loki says he wants to rule so he can free his would-be subjects from the burden of making wrong choices. Mobius questions if Loki enjoys hurting others, but Loki rails against the TVA's control of the timeline and insists that he has the power to make his own choices. Mobius reveals that in Loki's intended future, he inadvertently causes the death of his adoptive mother Frigga.

Loki attempts to escape, but discovers that the TVA has amassed numerous Infinity Stones, which do not work at TVA headquarters. Overwhelmed by the TVA's power, he returns to the Time Theater and views the rest of his intended future, including his improved relationship with his adoptive brother Thor, the death of his adoptive father Odin,and his own death at the hands of Thanos. Loki realizes that he cannot return to his timeline, and agrees to help Mobius hunt the killer of several TVA officers, who has been stealing the technology they use to reset timelines. Mobius reveals that this fugitive is another variant of Loki.

REVIEW: The first episode begins just as the big scene in Avengers: Endgame ended. Loki grabbing the tessaract and teleporting to parts unknown. Immediately, Loki the show becomes a fish out of water story as we are introduced to the Time Variant Authority in rapid fashion. We are equally bewildered as Loki is as he goes through the process of entering the murky world of the TVA. Its a fun introduction though as we are introduced to characters like Miss Minutes, Mobius and Ravonna Renslayer. And both Owen Wilson and Gugu Mbatha-Raw are great, doing well with the first script given to them. Loki seeing his intended future is a great scene as a wave of emotion engulfs him, something he is then desperate to change. But despite all the good stuff in this premiere episode, there is a lacking in real suspense, as its all mainly world building in this episode. Yet it does present a preview of the mystery that is to come, even though it isn't much to go by but is none the less intriguing. I should also compliment the somewhat gloomy cinematography, as the world of the TVA is a very uncolourful and tired setting.

RATING: 71% - B+

MovieMad16 12-20-21 02:18 PM

Connor Macgregor Reviews...Loki

Episode Two

INTRO: The mystery continues to develop as Loki faces off with his variant.

WARNING: "Summary" spoilers below
Loki joins a Time Variance Authority (TVA) mission to the site of an attack by the fugitive variant of him in 1985 Oshkosh, Wisconsin. They find that TVA Hunter C-20 has been kidnapped, but Loki derails the mission by stalling and attempting to bargain his way into immediately meeting the Time-Keepers, who supposedly created the TVA and the Sacred Timeline. He also requests assurances that he will not be killed after the Variant is caught. TVA analyst Mobius M. Mobius realizes that Loki is lying about the Variant being nearby, so the TVA resets this branched timeline.

Back at TVA headquarters, TVA judge Ravonna Renslayer objects to Loki's involvement, but Mobius convinces her to give Loki another chance. After researching TVA files and learning of Asgard's Ragnarok,Loki theorizes that the Variant is hiding near apocalyptic events where they can go undetected by the TVA because nothing they do can change the timeline there. Loki and Mobius prove this possibility by visiting Pompeii in 79 AD, where Loki warns locals about the coming eruption of Mount Vesuvius without changing the timeline. Using a clue previously garnered from 1549 Aix-en-Provence following one of the Variant's attacks, Loki and Mobius deduce that the Variant is hiding during a hurricane in 2050 Alabama. At superstore Roxxcart's hurricane shelter, Loki, Mobius, and TVA agents are ambushed by the Variant, who uses enchantment to possess the bodies of Hunter B-15 and other locals.

While Loki engages the Variant, the other agents find a distressed C-20, who reveals she had disclosed the Time-Keepers' location. The Variant reveals themself as a female incarnation of Loki and rejects his offer to overthrow the Time-Keepers together. Instead, she activates and sends several stolen time reset charges to various locations and points along the Sacred Timeline, creating numerous new branched timelines and throwing the TVA into disarray. She teleports away, with Loki following her.

REVIEW: Episode Two begins at a renaissance fair in which events sprial out of control which call in the TVA, continuing to set up the mystery established in Episode One. Aside from that, the episode itself is pretty dull, with a lot of mundane talking scenes. That being said, the Variant out within time is laying out a big plan in motion, which attracts the TVA and Loki to arrive in apocalyptic 2050 to investigate. It is there that Loki comes face to face with his variant - A Woman! However the exchange she has with Loki makes her intentions more murky, so is she really evil? The episode ends on a cliffhanger and sets up wild shennigans to come.

RATING: 65% - B

MovieMad16 12-20-21 03:05 PM

Connor Macgregor Reviews...Loki

Episode Three

INTRO: Loki, meet Sylvie. Sylvie, meet Loki. There's an Apocalype on this planet. Get off. Together.

WARNING: "Summary" spoilers below
Before Loki and the Time Variance Authority (TVA) arrive in 2050 Alabama to apprehend her, the Variant, also known as Sylvie, projects an emulated memory into her captive TVA agent, Hunter C-20, to collect information about the location of the Time-Keepers, the TVA's supposed creators. Sylvie and Loki arrive at the TVA from Alabama. She attempts to visit the Time-Keepers while he tries to apprehend her. However, TVA Judge Ravonna Renslayer appears and attacks them both. Loki uses a TemPad to teleport himself and Sylvie away.

They arrive at 2077 Lamentis-1, a moon that is about to be crushed by a planet, but neither can escape due to the TemPad having run out of power. They agree to work together because Loki has magically hidden the TemPad while only Sylvie knows how to recharge it. The two surreptitiously travel on a train bound for the ark, an evacuation spaceship, intending to use it to recharge the TemPad. However, Loki gets drunk and draws attention to himself, leading to guards fighting him and Sylvie. She follows him when he is thrown off the train and both discover that the TemPad was broken as a result. The two change their plan, traveling on foot in hopes of commandeering the ark to escape.

During the journey, Sylvie tells Loki that the TVA employees are all variants. Loki realizes that the TVA employees do not know this, as he was previously told that they were creations of the Time-Keepers. Loki and Sylvie fight their way through guards while avoiding a meteor shower trying to board the ark, but it is destroyed by a meteor before they can board it, leaving them stranded.

REVIEW: Loki and Sylvie get acquainted during an apocalypse on another planet. Its wild. Very marvel. They bond as they try to find a way to escape and return somewhat to the TVA. They board a train and they end up learning about each other, both their positives and negatives. A fight scene between the two lokis and the train crew endures which sees them fall out of the train. So they attempt to board a rocket which sets up quite a nice tracking shot at the end, with a sudden anticlimax at the end. It's another somewhat weak episode for me, as I'm still not feeling the premise and a concept I'm still struggling to engage with.

RATING: 68% - B

MovieMad16 12-20-21 06:59 PM

Connor Macgregor Reviews...Loki

Episode Four

INTRO: The episode takes a significant new direction as Loki & Sylvie return to the TVA.

WARNING: "Summary" spoilers below
Many years earlier, Hunter Ravonna Renslayer of the Time Variance Authority (TVA) arrests a young Sylvie for "crimes against the Sacred Timeline" and erases her timeline from existence, but Sylvie steals Renslayer's TemPad during her trial and escapes into the timeline.

In the present, TVA agent Mobius M. Mobius asks Renslayer to see Hunter C-20, but Renslayer claims C-20 died from a mental breakdown caused by Sylvie's enchantment. In 2077, amidst the destruction of the moon Lamentis-1, a stranded Sylvie and Loki form a romantic connection, creating a unique branched timeline, a "Nexus Event" perpendicular to the Sacred Timeline, alerting the TVA, who come to rescue and arrest the pair.

Returning to headquarters, Mobius has Loki imprisoned in a time loop of a moment from his past on Asgard with Sif, wherein she attacks him and says he will always be alone. Mobius pulls Loki out to interrogate him about how the Nexus Event occurred, then mocks Loki's narcissism and falling in love with Sylvie. After Loki reveals that the TVA employees are time variants, Mobius sends him back into the time loop. Mobius later steals Renslayer's TemPad, on which he finds a recording of her interviewing a mentally sound C-20, who confirms Loki's statement. Meanwhile, a distraught Hunter B-15 brings Sylvie to 2050 Alabama and asks the latter to show her memories of her past life, having glimpsed them when Sylvie previously enchanted her, learning her own true variant nature in the process.

Mobius frees Loki, but they are confronted by Renslayer and TVA troopers. Mobius acknowledges his betrayal and variant status, leading to Renslayer ordering him to be "pruned", seemingly killing him. Renslayer takes Loki and Sylvie to the Time-Keepers, during which Sylvie asks Renslayer why she was first arrested, though Renslayer claims not to remember. The Time-Keepers order Loki and Sylvie to be deleted, but B-15 frees the pair of their restraints. Loki and Sylvie team up to fight and defeat Renslayer and the Time-Keepers' guards, though B-15 is knocked unconscious. Sylvie beheads a Time-Keeper, only to learn they are all androids. As Loki attempts to tell Sylvie about his feelings, Renslayer recovers and prunes him. Angered, Sylvie overpowers her and demands the truth about the TVA.

In a mid-credits scene, Loki awakens in another dimension and meets four other Loki variants, who ask him to join them in order to survive.

REVIEW: When sharing a romantic connection, Loki & Sylvie accidentally save themselves and end up back in the TVA. It is there that Loki tries to convince Morbius the truth of what is going on with the TVA, which does work, albeit sets upon a chain of distrust that spirals throughout the entire episode. It also somewhat confirms whether Ramona is evil or not, though not completely. Whilst the episode is slow, it does build upon the information and thus it's more engaging. There are good performances throughout, especially from Owen Wilson and Wunmi Mosaku. The final sequence is also good, with fun fights and a significant amount of character development. There's also a somewhat surprising twist ending, but a good juicy cliffhanger which makes it the best episode thus far.

RATING: 81% - A-

MovieMad16 12-22-21 07:31 PM

Connor Macgregor Reviews...Loki

Episode Five

INTRO: The story of Loki gets thrown upside down when Loki meets other versions of...well...Loki!

WARNING: "Summary" spoilers below
Time Variance Authority (TVA) Judge Ravonna Renslayer tells Sylvie that she does not know who created the TVA and that Loki was teleported to the Void, a dimension at the end of Time where everything the TVA prunes is dumped into and from which nothing has returned. They also deduce that the TVA's creator is hiding in the timeline beyond the Void, where they cannot be detected. TVA mascot Miss Minutes and Renslayer stall for time until TVA Minutemen arrive. Facing capture, Sylvie prunes herself. After interrogating an imprisoned Hunter B-15, Renslayer instructs Miss Minutes to help her find the TVA's creator.

Meanwhile, Loki learns from four time variants of himself – Alligator Loki, Boastful Loki, Classic Loki, and Kid Loki – that Alioth, a massive cloud-like creature, hunts and kills all life in the Void. Upon arriving, Sylvie briefly enchants Alioth before receiving help from former TVA member Mobius M. Mobius in escaping the creature.

Intending to rule, Boastful Loki betrays the other Lokis for a second Loki group led by President Loki. However, the Lokis betray each other, sparking a fight. Classic Loki helps Alligator Loki, Kid Loki, and Loki escape and eventually find Sylvie and Mobius. Using a TemPad Sylvie stole from Renslayer, Mobius chooses to return to the TVA and reveal the truth about the organization to its employees. He asks the Loki variants to come with him, but they stay behind.

After the variants escape, Loki attempts to distract Alioth so Sylvie can enchant it, but both fail until Classic Loki returns and creates a life size illusion of Asgard to distract Alioth, saving Sylvie and sacrificing himself in the process. Working together, Sylvie and Loki enchant Alioth, revealing a citadel beyond the Void, which they walk towards.

REVIEW: Loki is in another realm, one that exists at the end of the timeline. It really throws the series into a left field, which makes it all the more surprising. Whilst Sylvie and Ramona square off in the TVA as Sylvie presses for information on where Loki is. Sylvie then goes to formulate a plan and follows where Loki has gone. It is there that Sylvie reunites with Mobius and together they team up to find Loki. Then there are all the Loki variants. My favourites are President Loki and Alligator Loki if you're curious. Both are just so great. Then the finale of the episode deals with Alioth with Sylvie and Loki both planning to fight it. As a result, the sequence is good fun with the result seeing Sylvie open up a portal to what Alioth is protecting, which sets the stage for the final battle in the finale episode.

RATING: 83% - A-

MovieMad16 12-23-21 08:33 AM

Connor Macgregor Reviews...Loki

Episode Six

INTRO: The finale of Loki puts characters to the test, and sets up a chain of mishaps that spill out into the rest of Phase Four.

WARNING: "Summary" spoilers below
Loki and Sylvie enter the Citadel at the End of Time where they are greeted by Miss Minutes. She relays an offer from her master, "He Who Remains", to return them to the Sacred Timeline, while offering him sovereignty and her happiness. However, the duo reject the offer. At the Time Variance Authority (TVA) headquarters, Judge Ravonna Renslayer receives information sent by He Who Remains via Miss Minutes. Mobius M. Mobius confronts Renslayer and both accuse each other of betrayal. Renslayer leaves to search for "free will" after overcoming Mobius' attempt at pruning her. In 2018 Fremont, Ohio, Hunter B-15 is pursued by other TVA Minutemen until she reveals a variant of Renslayer, a school vice-principal, to prove that the TVA employees are variants.

Meanwhile, He Who Remains greets Loki and Sylvie, who are both surprised that he is "just a man". Using a TemPad to avoid Sylvie's attacks, He Who Remains reveals he can anticipate their actions because he has foreseen the past, present, and future and that he guided them to him. He also reveals that he created the TVA after several variants of himself discovered alternative universes and contacted each other in the 31st century. Several of them tried to conquer other universes, leading to a multiversal war. He Who Remains harnessed the creature Alioth to end it, isolate his timeline, and create the TVA to prevent further branches. As he has grown weary, he offers Loki and Sylvie a choice — kill him, end the singular timeline, and risk another multiversal war sparked by his variants, or succeed him in leading the TVA and managing the timeline.

As the timeline begins to diverge, He Who Remains finds he can no longer anticipate the future and Sylvie tries to kill him. Loki fights her, fearing He Who Remains might be right and pleading that he wants to keep her safe. They kiss, but Sylvie uses the TemPad to send Loki back to the TVA headquarters and kills a surrendering He Who Remains, unleashing a multiverse with timelines that cannot be pruned. Loki tries to warn B-15 and Mobius about He Who Remains' variants, but they do not recognize him. Loki then discovers that a statue of one of the variants has replaced those of the Time-Keepers.

REVIEW: We met He Who Remains, a variant of an upcoming MCU villain: Kang The Conqueror. I'm sure we will see more of him soon, but right now this is our introduction to Johnathan Majors, potraying a hell of a lot of variants. This episode sadly is mostly exposition throughout the entire episode in which Loki & Sylvie's loyalty to one another is tested. A fight scene ensures with Sylvie winning, sending Loki through a timelne and killing He Who Remains, leaving her story on a cliffhanger. The cliffhanger of the series sees Loki back in TVA, but with no one having any memory of who he is, with a final shot paying homage somewhat to Planet Of The Apes. I'd overall say that the series has been somewhat of a mixed bag for me. Good, but not great as have been the other MCU shows with some episodes falling low on standards. The second half serves better, but ultimately, I would call this the weakest of the MCU shows I have seen thus far.

RATING: 73% - B+


MovieMad16 12-27-21 02:02 PM

Connor Macgregor Reviews...Hawkeye

Episode One

INTRO: One last MCU series for Disney+ coming from 2021 and this time, Jeremy Renner takes the stage to introduce a new archer for the MCU. Enter: Kate Bishop.

WARNING: "Summary" spoilers below
In 2012, during the Battle of New York,[a] a young Kate Bishop witnesses Clint Barton battling the Chitauri and aspires to become a hero like him after he inadvertently saves her life. In the present, Barton spends time with his children in New York for Christmas. Meanwhile, Bishop attends a charity auction gala with her mother Eleanor and learns that her mother is engaged to Jack Duquesne. Underneath the gala, Bishop stumbles onto a black market auction featuring items recovered from the remains of the Avengers Compound,[b] finding Duquesne and his uncle Armand III among the attendees. The auction is interrupted by the Tracksuit Mafia, a Russian street gang, who attempt to recover a watch among the items. As Duquesne steals Barton's Ronin sword, Bishop recovers Barton's Ronin suit and defeats the mafia members while wearing it. After rescuing a stray dog she later names "Lucky", she escapes to her apartment before tracking down Armand to investigate further, but discovers that Armand has been murdered in his home and is cornered by the Tracksuit Mafia after fleeing the crime scene. Barton, who saw a news report of the Ronin's return, rescues Bishop from the gangsters.

REVIEW: The show begins with life after Endgame for Clint Barton. Still recovering both physically and emotionally from what he went through in the last Avengers game. Jeremy Renner captures this very well. Despite surviving and still being with her family, you can tell the struggle to really shake it off despite going to New York with her children and trying to really embrace the Christmas spirit. Then, on the other side, you have Kate Bishop, a fresh new character for the MCU. The opening of this episode shows a young version for the character witness the 2012 attack of New York from her penthouse apartment. A fun, bubbly, mischievous character who at the start of the story is slightly aimless and kicked out of school following an incident with a church bell and an arrow. Both these stories in the first episode begin to slowly intertwine by the end, culminating in an excellent final shot between the two. We follow Kate Bishop as she comes across some hidden secrets regarding Ronin, as well as her mother and her business dealings. Kate investigates and with twists and turns, leads Kate Bishop to don the Ronin suit almost by accident. Hailee Steinfeld is very good in this episode, and instantly comes off very likable and fun to watch. I also found the Christmas setting great too, especially with New York. It definitely feels festive and almost perfect for the time. The only thing I wasn’t fond of was the dog. Early days yet but not won over, especially with the one eye. But for a first episode, It’s solid and definitely left me eager for the rest of the story to come.

RATING: 88% - A-

MovieMad16 12-27-21 03:01 PM

Connor Macgregor Reviews...Hawkeye

Episode Two

INTRO: Clint Barton & Kate Bishop meet at long last and form the team-up we've all been waiting for.

WARNING: "Summary" spoilers below
Bishop takes Barton back to her apartment, but they are attacked by the Tracksuit Mafia and forced to evacuate, leaving the Ronin suit behind. After relocating to the apartment of Bishop's vacationing aunt, Barton sends his children back home, promising to rejoin them by Christmas Day. He escorts Bishop to her workplace, then recovers the Ronin suit from a FDNY Grills at a LARP event. Later, Bishop fails to convince Eleanor of Duquesne's involvement in Armand's death. After challenging Duquesne to a fencing duel, she tries to contact Barton, not knowing that he has allowed himself to be captured by the Tracksuit Mafia. She tracks down Barton's location, but ends up being captured herself, and the gang informs their boss, Maya Lopez of what happened.

REVIEW: So, Clint & Katie now meet and are now forced to team up to solve this issue regarding the Ronin suit. Clint is just eager to get this done and get home with her children, whilst Kate is just relishing the situation of working with Hawkeye. Returning to their flat, a fire ends up engulfing the entire place, leading them to retreat and leave the suit behind. They head to a new apartment where Kate’s aunt lives, and in the situation, Clint is forced to send the kids home on their own for Christmas. Following that, Clint ends up tracking the suit to a LARP event, which results in some funny fight scenes with another LARP performer called Grills, who will pop up again in the series later. Kate Bishop returns to her penthouse and ends up having a stagey swordfight with her mother’s partner Jack, which is quite fun to watch, with Jack twirling his mustache in a very ‘he’s-trying-to-be-evil-but-it’s-clearly-a-false-flag’ kind of way. The episode’s end sees both Clint & Katie caught by The Tracksuit Mafia, with the final shot being the debut of Echo. This episode is better and well-paced. A really fun one where the rhythm of the story is clicking into place, and you just feel like this is the MCU at its best.

RATING: 91% - A

MovieMad16 01-01-22 07:01 PM

Connor Macgregor Reviews...Hawkeye

Episode Three

INTRO: Moving along the story with new characters and more character development for Hawkeye.

WARNING: "Summary" spoilers below
Lopez interrogates Barton and Bishop about Ronin, who killed her father years prior. Barton manages to free himself and fend off the Tracksuit Mafia, though Lopez breaks his hearing aid in the process. After Bishop is freed, the pair escape using Barton's trick arrows and get his hearing aid fixed. While moving to another location, Lopez's lieutenant Kazi advises her not to get into trouble with her "uncle". Intending to learn more about the Tracksuit Mafia as well as Duquesne, Bishop convinces Barton to infiltrate Eleanor's penthouse and use her company account to access Bishop Security's criminal database. However, Bishop is locked out of the system while attempting to bypass security while Barton encounters Duquesne, who threatens him with Ronin's sword.

REVIEW: In this episode, Echo is introduced, with a strong backstory at the start of the episode, which leaves the viewer sympathetic as well as eager for a further spin off to explore her character further. But back in the present, Clint & Kate eventually escape in a fun action scene, which then has with it a fun car chase. In that chase sequence, we see a vast variety of arrows being displayed with a lot of fun powers attached and a fun climatic end on the bridge. There is also a tease of who Echo may beb working for, as well as the establishment of a higher chain involved in the story. Regarding Clint, the focus goes back on his hearing and its struggle that he grapples with regarding the situation he's in. It's also interesting to see how he doesn't view himself as a role model, as well as his strong desire to return to his children for Christmas. There's also a possible mentorship explored that Clint suggests for Kate, showcasing their developed relationship. The episode ends with Clint & Kate returning to her penthouse, only for Jack, Eleanor's fiance, to hold Clint hostage with a sword to his throat. I liked this episode a lot. Whilst it's not as spectacular or fun as the last episode, but does indeed move the story along quite well.

RATING: 83% - A-

MovieMad16 01-02-22 09:09 AM

Connor Macgregor Reviews...Hawkeye

Episode Four

INTRO: Clint & Kate come across an overflow of villains, as well as the return of another fresh marvel name that may soon make waves.

WARNING: "Summary" spoilers below
Barton defuses the situation after Eleanor and Duquesne recognize him as an Avenger. Eleanor asks him to keep Bishop out of his investigation and later contacts an unknown person to inform them of the situation. With the help of his wife Laura, Barton secretly recovers his sword and discovers that Duquesne is the CEO of Sloan Limited, a shell corporation that launders money for the Tracksuit Mafia, while Bishop deduces that Barton was Ronin. Barton locates Kazi and asks him to talk Lopez out of her vendetta against Ronin while Bishop enlists a group of LARPers in retrieving Barton's trick arrows. Afterwards, Laura informs Barton that the watch the Tracksuit Mafia stole is sending out tracking signals from an apartment building. Barton and Bishop go to retrieve it, but find it in Lopez's apartment, where she also keeps notes on Barton and his family. Lopez attacks Bishop while Barton is ambushed by a masked assassin. A fight ensues between the four combatants, with Bishop injuring Lopez, forcing her to retreat, while Barton unmasks his assailant, Yelena Belova, who also escapes. Barton decides that he cannot keep putting Bishop in danger and breaks off their partnership.

REVIEW: The episode begins with a really fun conversation between Clint, Kate, Eleanor & Jack. It has that cute awkward vibe to it, but still good and a lot of fun to watch. It is here that Clint swipes the Ronin sword for himself. I found this episode to be more character based for Clint than other episodes, as he shares his regrets and overall sadness Post-Endgame. It is here also that Kate discovers that he was Ronin all along. We also see the LARPS return in a fun way as we learn more about them, and tease a potential role in the run's end. There is a terrific action sequence at the end of the episode which sees Kate fight off against Echo, as well as a masked figure square off against Clint. It is there that it's revealed to be Yelena, Natasha Romanoff's sister from Black Widow. Realising how serious this is, Clint breaks off his partnership with Kate as a result. This is another strong episode, with more fun character moments attached, though isn't as roundly solid as the last three episodes.

RATING: 81% - A-

MovieMad16 01-02-22 09:33 AM

Connor Macgregor Reviews...Hawkeye

Episode Five

INTRO: Yelena enters Hawkeye & Kate Bishop's aura, Echo begins questioning things, and we finally find out who the big bad of this series is.

WARNING: "Summary" spoilers below
In 2018, Belova and fellow Black Widow Sonya, who have been helping deprogrammed Black Widows, reunite with another former Widow, Ana, and Belova becomes a victim of the Blip. In the present, Bishop returns to Eleanor's house and tells her about Duquesne's shell corporation, leading Eleanor to call the NYPD and have him arrested. Bishop returns to her apartment, where she finds Belova waiting for her before the latter reveals her past and mission to kill Barton.[c] Meanwhile, after recovering at Grills' apartment, Barton dons the Ronin suit and confronts Lopez at the auto shop where he killed her father. During the fight, he unmasks himself and attempts to convince her to let go of her vendetta and leave his family alone. He reveals that an informant working for Lopez's boss wanted her father dead, but Lopez initially disbelieves him. Bishop arrives to help Barton escape, while Lopez becomes suspicious of Kazi, who was absent on the night of her father's death. The next day, Belova texts Bishop, revealing that she was hired by Eleanor to kill Barton and that Eleanor is working with Lopez's "uncle", whom Barton identifies as Kingpin.

REVIEW: We get an update on Yelena following Black Widow, with a fun little new take on the snap. Because of this, Yelena now feels very lost and directionless. Flash back to present day New York, and Kate is still in denial over Clint ending the partnership. She is still very eager to fight, and decides to go out and be resourceful. We get another fight between Clint & Maya, with Maya soon after beginning to question things and where her true loyalty is and who was really involved in her father's death. Kate & Yelena also have a fun exchange, and the performances of both Hailee Steinfeld and Florence Pugh are solid, with very good chemistry as well as building the idea that Yelena is a very serious threat. At the end of the episode, we get the reveal of who the true villains are in this story: Eleanor Bishop and Kingpin, which makes for a very interesting and good cliffhanger.

RATING: 80% - B+

MovieMad16 01-02-22 09:57 AM

Connor Macgregor Reviews...Hawkeye

Episode Six

INTRO: The big finale of Hawkeye with fights, set ups and a new peace for Clint Barton.

WARNING: "Summary" spoilers below
As Eleanor meets with Kingpin to break off their partnership, Barton and Bishop watch a recording of them and learn that Eleanor killed Armand and framed Duquesne. On Christmas Eve, Barton and Bishop attend Eleanor's holiday party, where Bishop confronts her mother and learns her father owed money to Kingpin, leading to Eleanor working with him. Kazi attempts to assassinate Eleanor on Kingpin's orders, but targets Barton instead. Barton enlists help from Grills, the LARPers, and Duquesne to evacuate the party before rejoining Bishop to defeat the Tracksuit Mafia. After Lopez incapacitates Kazi, Bishop attempts to look for Eleanor while Barton is confronted by Belova, who demands the truth of Natasha Romanoff's death. They fight, but he reminds her of his friendship with Romanoff and her sacrifice to save the universe.[b] Belova spares him and leaves. Kingpin tries to stop Eleanor from escaping, but Bishop arrives and incapacitates him with Barton's trick arrows. Afterwards, Eleanor is arrested by the police for Armand's murder. Kingpin escapes, but is confronted by Lopez as a gunshot is heard. The next day, Barton returns to his family with Bishop and Lucky, returns the watch to Laura, and burns the Ronin suit.

REVIEW: Most of the finale is just one big battle in Rockafeller centre. All sides are ready and prepared and you feel the tension building very quickly. We establish Kingpin as the main villain here, and he comes off very intimidating but still at times cartoony with his outfits. The party sequence is also good, with all the LARPers pretending to be waiters which was quite clever. You get more fun scenes between Yelena and Kate and their chemistry continues to shine in this series. You then get three battles intercutting with one another: Kate & Kingpin battling in a toyshop, Yelena & Clint on the icerink, and Maya & Kazi above in the walking area. All of these are great fun to watch and make the finale spectacular to watch. You also have Jack reveal to be an ally and assist with Kate against The Tracksuit Mafia. He may be a key character to watch in the future. We also get a bigger tease with Echo, as she ends up shooting Kingpin, but it is not known whether Kingpin is dead or not. By the end of the episode, Clint & Kate are established partners with Clint bringing Kate back for Christmas. The final scene sees the end of Ronin, the suit burning at the Barton household as Kate Bishop begins her journey as Hawkeye's apprentice.

RATING: 93% - A


MovieMad16 05-20-22 10:46 AM

Connor Macgregor Reviews...Moon Knight

Episode 1 - The Goldfish Problem

INTRO: The Marvel Cinematic Universe enters the realm of the supernatural and egyptian gods. Welcome to Moon Knight.

SUMMARY: Steven Grant works at the British Museum in London where he hopes to become a tour guide using his knowledge of Ancient Egypt. After going to sleep one night, he wakes up in the Austrian Alps and witnesses a cult meeting led by Arthur Harrow, who demands a scarab Grant unknowingly has in his possession. As he attempts to escape, he has several blackouts and hears a mysterious voice in his head before waking up in his home. Grant realizes that two days have passed since he went to sleep. He finds a hidden phone and keycard in his apartment and receives a call from the most frequent number in the phone's call log, a woman named Layla who addresses him as Marc. The next day at work, Grant is confronted by Harrow who reveals that he is a servant of the Egyptian goddess Ammit. Grant escapes from Harrow but is forced to remain at work that night on his own to make up for being late. Harrow summons a jackal-like creature to attack Grant, but his "reflection" asks to take control of their body. Grant agrees, transforming into a cloaked warrior who kills the jackal.

REVIEW: The episode gives us a great introduction to Steven Grant, a bumbling and geeky man who works in a museum, with the sense that nothing has been going right in his life. The Split Personality angle isn’t properly realised until the end of the episode, but teased throughout with blackouts which cause chaos in his wake. The villain is Arthur Harrow, running a secret cult within London with links around the world. He quickly takes an interest in Steven and pursues him back to London. It’s also teased with recurring voices in Steven’s head, which maybe due to something more, perhaps supernatural, backed up by frequent time jumps which Steven does not react well too. The episode then shifts to night time in its final act, in which Steven is hunted by a Jackal through the museum after closing. But then there comes the reveal of Marc Spector and therefore Moon Knight, which in itself is a cool reveal which sets up the next episode. Overall, it’s a good opener, which plays really well with perspective, as well as being mysterious and exciting with a good tease that what could come next is bound to be good.

RATING: 83% - A-

MovieMad16 06-04-22 08:08 AM

Connor Macgregor Reviews...Moon Knight

Episode 2 - Summon The Suit

INTRO: We continue to explore the complex situation of Marc Spector and his alter egos with this intriguing MCU series.

SUMMARY: Grant is blamed for the damage caused by the jackal creature, due to it not appearing on the museum's security cameras, and is fired. He uses the keycard to access a storage locker where he finds the scarab. He speaks with his "reflection", another identity in Grant's body that introduces himself as American mercenary Marc Spector, the current avatar of the Egyptian moon god Khonshu. Grant is confronted by Layla, Spector's wife, who is unaware of Grant's existence, before being arrested by police officers working for Harrow. Harrow reveals that he was Khonshu's previous avatar until he chose instead to follow Ammit. He explains that he wants to use the scarab to find Ammit's tomb and resurrect her so she can purge humanity of evil by wiping out everyone who has or will commit evil deeds. Layla rescues Grant, but Harrow summons another jackal creature. Grant manages to summon a suit of his own to fight the jackal, but is overpowered and allows Spector to take control. Spector kills the jackal but loses the scarab to Harrow. Khonshu threatens to claim Layla as his next avatar if Spector fails to stop Harrow.

REVIEW: Overall, it’s a weaker episode than the first, with a lot of the mystery beginning to fade away now that Marc Spector has been revealed. As the episode begins, Steven Grant assumes it is all a dream and gets on with his life. However, when arriving to work, CCTV confirm that its not the case and he is sacked as a result. However, he is given a storage key that he takes to a storage unit finding all of Marc Spector’s belongings. Steven then speaks to Marc through a mirror and they do not click with one another. Khonsu then intervenes providing quite a scary chase sequence. We then next meet Leila who is revealed to be Marc’s wife. Leila and Steven mingle in the flat where Leila reveals that they are in the process of divorcing. All that however is thrown out of the window when Cult members of Arthur Harrow posing as police arrive to arrest him, taking him to Arthur himself. It is there in Arthur’s lair that he tries to manipulate Steven into handing over the scarab, but to no avail as Steven escapes, becoming Mr Knight in the process and defeating The Jackal. Finally, reverting back to Marc, he becomes Moon Knight again to kill The Jackal completely. Whilst all that happens, Arthur seizes the scarab for himself and sets off to Egypt. Again, good episode, but lacking from Episode One, yet still has an interesting premise and theme to it that distinguishes it from the rest of the MCU.

RATING: 78% - B+

MovieMad16 06-04-22 11:17 AM

Connor Macgregor Reviews...Moon Knight

Episode 3 - The Friendly Type

INTRO: We move the location to Egypt and Moon Knight faces off against more adversaries.

SUMMARY: Harrow and his followers discover the location of Ammit's tomb in the Egyptian desert. In Cairo, Spector and Grant both experience blackouts while tracking a lead to Harrow's location. After failing to gain information, Khonshu calls a council between his fellow Egyptian gods and their avatars to warn them of Harrow's plans, but Harrow successfully denies the accusation. Hathor's avatar, Yatzil, tells Spector to find the sarcophagus of a medjay who knew of the location of Ammit's tomb. Layla finds Spector and takes him to meet with Anton Mogart, an acquaintance who owns the sarcophagus. Harrow arrives and destroys it, forcing Spector, Grant, and Layla to fight off Mogart's men and escape into the desert. Grant assembles some of the sarcophagus fragments into a star map, but it is two thousand years out of date. Khonshu uses his powers to briefly turn back the night sky to the correct night, allowing Grant and Layla to find Ammit's tomb. The other gods imprison Khonshu in an ushabti for this, leaving Grant and Spector's body without Khonshu's powers.

REVIEW: Harrow in Egypt comes across the Tomb he’s been searching for. Yet Marc is also in Egypt and not far behind him. Marc attempts to speak with the avatars regarding Arthur Harrow, but it fails when Harrow arrives to manipulate the situation in which all but one of the avatars turn on Marc. Given the tip off by another avatar, Marc sets off to try and unravel Arthur Harrow’s plan. He reunites with Layla and together they meet with the collector in his quite niche house in Egypt. A battle ultimately ensures when Arthur Harrow arrives, and Moon Knight is again unleashed in which the battle ends quickly with Moon Knight victorious over the security guards in what is a fun sequence. Finding a map at the mansion, both Marc & Layla decode it to be a map that leads them into the desert and to confront Khonsu head on. He agrees to use his powers to help find the coordinates, but at a cost. Khonsu is then imprisoned by the other avatars and Marc drained of his powers as Moon Knight. Another good episode here, with strong acting and the slow makings of Arthur Harrow being a great MCU villain as well as Oscar Isaac being a great lead as Moon Knight.

RATING: 79% - B+

MovieMad16 06-18-22 07:24 AM

Connor Macgregor Reviews...Moon Knight

Episode Four - The Tomb

INTRO: The stakes are raised higher as Steven Grant and Marc Spector are thrown into dangerous territory.

SUMMARY: Grant and Layla find a deserted campsite at the location of Ammit's tomb, which is a maze in the shape of the Eye of Horus. They discover that some of Harrow's men have been killed by undead Egyptian priests, who then attack Grant and Layla. Layla defeats the priests but encounters Harrow, who claims that Spector was one of the mercenaries who murdered her archaeologist father, Abdallah El-Faouly. Grant finds the tomb and discovers that Ammit's last avatar was Alexander the Great; he retrieves Ammit's ushabti from inside Alexander's body. Layla angrily confronts Spector, who reveals that his partner killed Layla's father and Spector himself before Khonshu revived Spector as his avatar. Harrow arrives and shoots Spector, who wakes up in a psychiatric hospital populated by people from his life. After escaping from Harrow, who appears as a therapist at the hospital, Spector finds Grant in a separate body trapped in a sarcophagus. They also see a second sarcophagus with someone else trapped inside before being greeted by a female hippopotamus-headed figure.

REVIEW: Khonsu is imprisoned and Steven is isolated in the desert. However, Layla manages to save him in time and together, they both plan to intercept Harrow’s plan before it creates disaster around the world. This involves raiding a tomb before Harrow’s team get there first. Whilst there, both Layla & Steven encounter monsters and several battles take place in order for Steven & Layla to survive and get to the end. They’re fun and at times scary particularly with Layla’s encounter. It is then that a significant twist comes that affects Layla & Steven’s relationship: The reveal of Marc killing Layla’s dad. A confrontation is had, and Harrow ends up shooting Steven dead. However, the episode’s end sees Marc in a mental hospital, run seemingly by Harrow. Reality? A Dream? A mirage? All of it seems very unusual and suspicious, and the episodes end only invites more questions. This episode is good, strong in moments and providing new exciting twists to the series. Layla stands out very well in this episode, as well as Arthur Harrow slowly becoming a really good villain, with his twisty manipulative style really coming into effect. My excitement for the next two episodes is high.

RATING: 81% - A-

MovieMad16 06-18-22 09:07 AM

Connor Macgregor Reviews...Moon Knight

Episode 5 - The Aslyum

INTRO: We move onto arguably the best episode of Moon Knight with the most development, depth and danger.

SUMMARY: The hippopotamus-headed woman is the Egyptian goddess Taweret, who explains that Spector and Grant are dead and the "psychiatric hospital" is a boat sailing through the Duat, the Egyptian afterlife. She weighs their hearts on the Scales of Justice to determine whether they can enter the Field of Reeds, but the hearts are imbalanced by hidden memories that she suggests they explore together. Grant sees a memory of Spector's younger brother Randall drowning and Spector's mother blaming him for it, while Spector shows Grant how he became Khonshu's avatar while on a mission with his partner Bushman, who murdered Layla's father. Spector and Grant convince Taweret to help them return to the living world so they can stop Harrow, and she steers the boat towards the Gates of Osiris. Spector reluctantly explains that he unknowingly created Grant as a result of their mother's abuse. Grant and Spector reconcile with each other, but their scales fail to balance and hostile spirits attack them, dragging Grant into the Duat where he turns to sand. The scales balance and Spector finds himself in the Field of Reeds.

REVIEW: There is a blur with this episode between realities. One is set in a mental facility, with Arthur Harrow taking on the role as a therapist and manipulating Marc in his reality. Whilst Marc swaps realities to travel with Steven as a separate entity through his memories over the years. It is here that we learn of Marc’s family as a child, and the discovery of the trauma of his younger brother’s death. This turns Marc’s mother into a mentally deranged abusive woman, which ultimately creates the personality of Steven Grant. We also get a flashback to how Khonsu finds a dying Marc and gives him the powers of Moon Knight. A sequence from the afterlife sees both Marc & Steven make a race to return to reality. This involves having all of the previous victims return to life to fight him. Ultimately, it is Steven’s sacrifice that enables Marc to return, but he is plagued with a choice of returning to save Steven or go on and kill him forever.

Never the less, this episode is great. The best of the series. You have Oscar Isaac delivering a fantastic performance which is worthy of Emmy recognition. Ethan Hawke is brilliant also, and good be in contention too. It provides a very good set up for the finale.

RATING: 92% - A

MovieMad16 06-18-22 11:40 AM

Connor Macgregor Reviews...Moon Knight

Episode 6 - Gods & Monsters

INTRO: The finale of Moon Knight sadly is a let down from the spectacular brilliant episode. Though, not a complete dud.

SUMMARY: arrow kills the avatars of the other Egyptian gods and frees Ammit. Layla finds Khonshu's ushabti and releases him. Spector refuses to stay in the Field of Reeds and returns to the Duat to rescue Grant. With Taweret's help, they escape through the Gates of Osiris and awaken in their body. Khonshu re-bonds with them, restoring their powers. Layla discovers that Ammit can be re-bound by multiple avatars and agrees to become the temporary avatar of Taweret. They join Spector, Grant, and Khonshu in fighting Harrow and Ammit. Harrow overpowers Spector and Grant, but they experience a blackout during which time they somehow defeat Harrow. Spector and Layla seal Ammit in Harrow's body, imprisoning her, and Khonshu urges Spector to execute Harrow and Ammit. Spector refuses and orders Khonshu to release him and Grant from their service. The pair find themselves in the "hospital", where they reject the vision and choose to continue their new life protecting the world. In a mid-credits scene, Harrow (and by extension, Ammit) is killed by Jake Lockley, Spector's third alter, who is still working with Khonshu.

REVIEW: Sadly, this is an underwhelming finale. Very rushed and honestly it lacked the real awe and wonder that the rest of the series built very well, particularly the brilliant previous episode. Picking up from Episode 5, Marc decides to save Steven and they end up both returning to reality. In our reality, Layla has reluctantly token up the avatar from another god to battle Harrow, who summons a crocodile god of sorts onto Earth. What commences for the majority of the episode is a battle with these gods. You see that Marc & Layla both embrace their avatars and their powers respectively. They win the battle, even if the fight itself is slightly anticlimactic as Marc has another mystery blackout. Arthur Harrow is caught, closing the chapter of a great MCU villain. I found the ending of the episode rushed, with no real time to close off relationships set up. The end scene however is great as it debuts the third personality which is Jake Lockley, arguably a darker deadlier persona than the other two. It leaves open for more stories as a result. Moon Knight is overall a good solid MCU series that sets up the supernatural wing of the universe, and I hopefully get plenty more from Marc Spector to look forward to.

RATING: 80% - B+


MovieMad16 06-24-22 10:45 AM

Connor Macgregor Reviews...Ms Marvel

1x01 - Generation Why

INTRO: A show that I have been eagerly awaiting for some time now, and finalyl it explodes onto screens. And boy, what an incredible startt.

SUMMARY: Kamala Khan is a 16-year-old high schooler and fangirl of the Avengers, particularly Captain Marvel. After failing another driving test and meeting with school counselor Gabe Wilson, Kamala and her best friend Bruno Carrelli finish her Captain Marvel cosplay for "AvengerCon" while avoiding her strict parents, Yusuf and Muneeba. Kamala receives a package of items from her grandmother Sana, including a golden bangle, but Muneeba sees it as junk. After failing to convince her parents to let her go to AvengerCon, Kamala sneaks out with Bruno to attend anyway, taking the bangle as part of her cosplay. After getting there and dressing up, she puts it on, but it causes her to project constructs of cosmic energy that inadvertently cause havoc. Amidst the chaos, Kamala uses her powers to save her classmate Zoe Zimmer. Bruno rushes Kamala home, where a distraught Muneeba pleads with her to focus on her own story. In a mid-credits scene, Department of Damage Control (DODC) agents P. Cleary and Sadie Deever watch a video of Kamala's incident at AvengerCon and head to New Jersey to find and detain her.

REVIEW: The opening of this episode is golden. A voiceover by Kamala with animations of her love for all things Marvel. It’s absolutely bubbling with personality, as we get a first look into the world and perspective of Kamala Khan. It’s very stylized, very trippy, with a style of cinematography that is unique and fancy to the eye. We’re introduced to this episode to Kamala’s inner conflicts, battling the pressures of high school, her family and religion. But all of that can be escaped by her sheer love for The Avengers which is showcased wonderfully throughout this episode. Bruno, her IT best friend is fun to watch, as together they conduct a plan to sneak out to go to AvengerCon. The dreamed up sequence is in some way a tribute to Edgar Wright and his style of editing: fast rapid cuts that are yet humorous and quirky. Kamala manages to make the convention, in which a family heirloom in the form of a bracelet unlocks secret super powers for Kamala and creates havoc.

For me, this is such a unique series for the MCU, with a lot of colour and whimsical feeling attached, as well as a lot of personality. Iman Valani is absolutely fantastic, with her real life personality shining through on screen with a character that is very much the spitting image of her. The series is well written, with crafty dialogue and a healthy representation of Islamic culture and community which comes across as normal to the average viewer. It does borrow very much from Bollywood culture, but is a very very strong opening episode to this beautiful wonderful show.

RATING: 98% - A

MovieMad16 07-04-22 07:42 AM

Connor Macgregor Reviews...Ms Marvel

1x02 - Crushed

INTRO: Ms Marvel continues to excel above all othr MCU shows right now. The buzz immense, the cast strong and the celebration of islam community wonderful to watch.

SUMMARY: Kamala begins training to control her powers with Bruno, who deduces that the bangle activated her own superpowers. Kamala, Bruno, and Nakia Bahadir attend a party organized by Zimmer, where they meet new senior Kamran. Kamala befriends Kamran, but Bruno becomes frustrated when she chooses to spend time with Kamran instead of training. After seeing a vision of a mysterious woman, Kamala asks Sana and Muneeba about her great-grandmother Aisha, the bangle's original owner, but both dismiss her. Yusuf says young Sana lost her way during the partition of India, but was mysteriously able to find her father again. After questioning Zimmer about her savior at AvengerCon, Cleary and Deever order a sweep of the tri-state area, targeting South Asian communities. At an Eid celebration, a young boy slips from a mosque balcony and almost falls before Kamala saves him with her powers. Kamala is chased by DODC agents led by Deever but is saved by Kamran, who introduces her to his mother Najma, the woman from Kamala's vision.

REVIEW: This episode builds from the strong streak on the first episode and goes further. And like before, the personality of islam culture shines wonderfully through the show, with Kamala Khan beginning the episode doing that cool walk through school like most people do after getting laid, except she got super powers which is very much an MCU equivilant so to speak. A training montage with Bruno follows which is cute and fun, as Kamala keeps investigating the bracelet as well as the brewing family mystery behind the amulet. We're also introduced to Kamran who Kamala has a crush on, and becomes hillarious to watch as she tries to grapple with him. There's a brilliant Be My Baby scene when she returns home which is both adorable and well executed. I also really loved the mosque sequence as it was a nice eye opening experience to all the little things with what goes in a mosque. It's very relatable and fun to watch. You also get introduced to all the little antedotes and side stories such as Nakia trying to get onto the board to make progressive change within the community, whilst tying to win the support of all the different cliques within the islam community. The climax is great too, with Kamala in costume using her new powers to save a boy from falling to his death. But that and her previous experience at Avenger-Con has alerted the Department Of Damage Control, who much like in No Way Home, manipulates Zoe into giving away more information than she should. They chase Kamala through the alleyway, but in a final twist in the episode, Kamran saves her and drives her away to safety, where a mysterious woman greets Kamala, promising to reveal the truth to her soon. This here is a fantastic second episode, full of life and energy, with Iman Vellani still being brilliant as ever. You also have Bruno developing his own little arc also which is interesting. With the strongest of strong starts, it makes me very eager for the story still to come.

RATING: 100% - A+

MovieMad16 07-06-22 05:48 PM

Connor Macgregor Reviews...Ms Marvel

1x03 - Destined

INTRO: Ms Marvel mingles with The Clandestines and ends up causing problems with her family.

SUMMARY: Najma explains that she and Kamran are part of a group of five enhanced beings known as Clandestines or Djinn who were exiled from the Noor dimension, and that Aisha was also one of them. She also reveals that the bangle might be able to help them return, and asks for Kamala's help. Kamala agrees, but Bruno warns her that interdimensional travel could be dangerous, so she asks Kamran for more time to ensure that they can do it safely. Kamran assents, but an impatient Najma decides to force Kamala to help them. Kamala's brother Aamir marries his fiancée Tyesha, but Kamran crashes the wedding to warn Kamala before the other Clandestines arrive. Kamala, Bruno, and Kamran are overpowered by the Clandestines while Najma tries to use the bangle, which triggers a vision of a train. The DODC agents arrive and capture the Clandestines, including Kamran. As Kamala and Bruno escape, Nakia sees Kamala using her powers. Sana contacts Kamala, revealing that she also saw the vision of the train and insisting that Kamala and Muneeba must visit her in Karachi.

REVIEW: We still have a strong narrative running through this series with another high-quality episode, with Islamic culture being fleshed out more as well as being normalised and sociable and relaxed. In this episode, Kamala meets the Clandestines, and is lured into their group via their supposed trust. Discussing with Bruno, he comes to the conclusion that interdimensional travel is dangerous which in itself creates a dividing line between Kamala & The Clandestines over this issue. There follows a wedding sequence which is adorable considering the colourful and warm atmosphere attached. A dancing sequence takes place and its terrific, all a lot of fun, until The Clandestine clan arrive for an ambush. The fight sequence that follows is good, which results in Kamala holding her own and best friend Nakia discovering her powers. In fact, Nakia is in a lot of this episode, as she prevails in winning a seat on the board, though she is hurt when she discovers Kamala’s secrets. The end of the episode sees Kamala asked to come to Karachi by her grandmother. All in all, it’s a good episode, a still strong story being held up by fascinating characters and plot. The Department Of Damage Control’s intentions are still unsure for me, yet I’m still enjoying the ride.

RATING: 97% - A

MovieMad16 07-10-22 05:18 PM

Connor Macgregor Reviews...Ms Marvel

1x04 - Seeing Red

INTRO: We take a trip to Pakistan as Kamala continues to unearth her past and how the amulet is connected to it.

SUMMARY: Kamala and Muneeba travel to Karachi and reunite with Sana, who later reveals to Kamala that the bangle is trying to convey a message through the vision of the train. The next day, a masked Kamala goes to the train station to investigate, but is attacked by Kareem, a member of the Red Daggers vigilante group, who initially mistakes her for one of the Clandestines. Kareem takes Kamala to the Red Daggers' hideout, where Kamala learns from their leader Waleed that the Clandestines are trying to break the Veil of Noor, which separates the Djinns' dimension from the human world, in order to expand and take over. The Clandestines escape the DODC's supermax prison, but Najma abandons Kamran for his betrayal. Kamala begins training with the Red Daggers to master her powers, but they are interrupted by the Clandestines. A chase ensues, during which Waleed kills one of the Clandestines before Najma kills him in turn. As Kamala and Kareem fend off the Clandestines, Kareem kills one of them and Najma accidentally stabs the bangle, sending Kamala back in time to the partition.

REVIEW: We arrive in Pakistan, which immediately strikes as a much more beautiful and somewhat mystical setting compared to New York. In many ways, it feels like a vacation episode in many ways as we begin to learn more about Kamala’s extended family. Kamala goes into investigation mode, as she tracks down the train station in her visions and it is there that she encounters Red Dagger as well as a new mentor Waleed, who proceeds to teach Kamala about the origins of her powers and how to best harness them. What follows is a training montage which in itself is quite fun. We also see a scene where Kamala’s mother and grandmother share over their problems over the years, and why Kamala’s mother left for America in the first place. A nice scene, even if it can be slightly uncomfortable. Things go up a notch when The Clandestines arrive which then kicks off a chase sequence through the streets of Karachi which is fun to watch as always with Marvel action scenes. A battle takes place which sees Waleed sadly killed quickly which is disappointing as I would’ve liked more out of him. The fight sequence does end in anticlimactic fashion with Kamala suddenly flashing back in time, realising that she has entered a period in Pakistani history, ending on a cliffhanger. Again, another strong episode with a lot of fun in Pakistan as a setting. I’m still really loving Kamala as a lead as well as her family, and with two episodes to go, I’m very eager to watch more as it unfolds.

RATING: 98% - A

MovieMad16 07-10-22 05:27 PM

Connor Macgregor Reviews...Ms Marvel

1x05 - Time & Again

INTRO: We continue with Kamala in Pakistan as she uncovers more secrets about her family's past.

SUMMARY: In India, 1942, Aisha takes refuge in a village, where Hasan, an Indian independence activist, offers her food and shelter. They fall in love and have a child, Sana. Five years later, Najma finds Aisha and orders her to retrieve the bangle. Aisha leaves it with Sana and attempts to flee to the new nation of Pakistan with her family, but Najma finds and stabs her. Hasan and Sana are separated in the chaos. Kamala is able to interact with Aisha, who asks her to guide Sana before dying. Conjuring a projection of stars to lead Sana to her father, Kamala realizes she was destined to reunite them. Returning to the present, she finds that Najma's strike had opened the Veil of Noor, but it vaporizes anyone who interacts with it. Najma transfers her power to Kamran before sacrificing herself to close the Veil. Sana and Muneeba find Kamala and the latter accepts her daughter's powers. Meanwhile, Kamran seeks refuge with Bruno. After being attacked by a DODC drone, Kamran destroys it, but the ensuing explosion obliterates the store below them.

REVIEW: A good chunk of the first half of this episode is a flashback, a flashback centred around Aisha, how she obtained the powers of the amulet, her falling in love and raising a family, as well as the sad end of her life via The Clandestines. I won’t lie and say that this flashback brings a sense of discomfort to those in the UK. It gives a real insight into the brutality and cruelty that British imperialism gave to countries it didn’t understand and merely just conquered. But what was touching was the role Kamala played in seeing Sama escape unscathed and reuniting with her father. Then there’s the present day where the veil to the Clandestine’s realm is opened up, killing the Clandestines in the process, with the power being transferred in the last second to Kamran all the way back in New York. Kamala manages to reunite with her family, with perhaps them knowing about her powers. After a farewell with Red Dagger, Kamala and her family return to New Jersey. During which, Kamran seeks out the help of Bruno, Kamala’s friend, but before they could act, an explosion erupts leaving the episode on a cliffhanger. Again, another good episode but short in running time, therefore making it quite anticlimactic and the weakest so far. We’re also at the end of the Pakistan arc which was a good part of the story, even if the history lesson was slightly uncomfortable to watch.

RATING: 89% - A-

MovieMad16 07-15-22 05:10 PM

Connor Macgregor Reviews...Ms. Marvel

1x06 - No Normal

INTRO: The finale of Ms Marvel sees Kamala Khan step up to be the hero she's always wanted to be.

SUMMARY: While Bruno and Kamran are on the run, Deever orders a city-wide lockdown to find the latter. Kamala crafts a disguise using a gift from her mother and Kareem's cloth before reuniting with the boys. With help from Nakia, Aamir, and Zimmer, the group stall the DODC agents. Cleary orders a retreat, but Deever ignores him, leads a detachment of agents in storming the school where Kamala and her friends are hiding, and arrests everyone except for Kamala and Kamran, who confronts Deever. She attacks him, but Kamala fights off the agents, allowing all of her friends to escape. Deever flees and is later relieved of her duty by Cleary. Kamala becomes a beloved figure in her community and takes the superhero name "Ms. Marvel" from her father, while Kamran flees to Pakistan and meets Kareem, as arranged by Kamala. Bruno later tells Kamala that she possesses mutated genes, which the rest of her family lacks.[a] In a mid-credits scene, the bangle emits a glow that teleports Kamala out of her bedroom. Danvers suddenly appears in her place.

REVIEW: Kamala and her family return to New Jersey and successfully finds Bruno & Kamran. With Zoe, Nakia & Amran joining Kamala, they devise a plan to get Kamran out of the city and to safety in Pakistan. With that, Kamala devises a plan with homage to Edgar Wright editing once again, creating a fun distraction plan to get Kamran to safety. The sequence is cute, but it does drag on a little, to the point where I found it quite comical at how gullible Damage Control were in the whole situation. If anything, it didn’t seem very threatening overall and seemed lacking in danger. Yet, when all is said and done, a lovely sequence featuring Kamala’s Muslim community come out to support her in force, which helps Kamran escape at the end. As a result, the damage control lady is seemingly fired, perhaps the Thunderbolts will recruit her. Kamala in this episode finally adapts to a superhero lifestyle, as well as being teased as being a mutant, forecasting the X Men at the end. It’s a nice positive ending to the series, leaving open for more stories down the line. We also get a fun post credits cameo at the end from Carol Danvers, teasing The Marvels which will be coming next year. Overall, Ms Marvel is an overall good series. It started off strong yet slightly declined near the end quality wise, yet it presents a positive reflection of Muslim culture, with a fun vibrant and colourful cast and community showcased.

RATING: 90% - A-


MovieMad16 07-24-22 05:29 PM

Connor Macgregor Reviews...What If...

1x01 - ...Captain Carter Was The First Avenger?

INTRO: The premiere episode sees Captain America out the way, and in her place a version of Captain Britain.

WARNING: "Summary" spoilers below
During World War II, Steve Rogers is chosen to become the world's first super-soldier by receiving the Super Soldier Serum developed by Dr. Abraham Erskine. When Erskine asks if Strategic Scientific Reserve (SSR) Agent Peggy Carter wants to watch the procedure from a safe distance, she chooses to stay in the room.[a]

As Erskine and inventor Howard Stark prepare to put Rogers through the procedure, Heinz Kruger—a spy from the Nazis' science division Hydra—becomes nervous due to Carter's prescence and attacks the lab before the transfusion can begin and attempts to steal the serum. He kills both Erskine and SSR leader Chester Phillips and shoots Rogers before Carter kills Kruger. With limited time to complete the procedure, Carter volunteers to take the serum. She is successfully enhanced, but new SSR leader John Flynn refuses to allow her to join the war because she is a woman.

Revealing in a flashback sequence, in Norway, Hydra's leader Johann Schmidt / Red Skull obtains the Tesseract, a powerful artifact that can manipulate space, with which he plans to win the war. Flynn refuses to send anyone to stop Schmidt, but Stark secretly gives Carter a costume and a shield made of vibranium, which she uses to attack a Hydra convoy and successfully retrieve both the Tesseract and Hydra scientist Arnim Zola. After this success, Flynn promotes Carter to a combat role and she becomes "Captain Carter".

Carter and Rogers rescue Rogers' friend Bucky Barnes when he is captured by Hydra forces, with Rogers piloting a weaponized and armored "Hydra Stomper" suit that Stark built with the Tesseract. Carter and Rogers go on to fight in numerous battles with Barnes and the Howling Commandos until Rogers goes missing, presumed dead, during an attack on a Hydra train.

Carter and her allies infiltrate Schmidt's castle after she obtains its location from Zola, and find Rogers alive. Schmidt, intending for Hydra to continue in Nazi Germany's place after its collapse, uses the Tesseract to open a portal and summon an interdimensional creature, which quickly kills him. Carter and Rogers battle the creature until the Hydra Stomper runs out of power. As Stark closes the portal, Carter sacrifices herself by entering it while pushing the creature back into it.

Almost 70 years later, the Tesseract opens another portal which Carter emerges from, meeting Nick Fury and Clint Barton.

REVIEW: In this reality, Steve Rogers does not become Captain America, and as a result Peggy Carter steps forth to take the mantle of Captain Britain. Yet she faces throughout the episode instant misogyny from the suits and various soldiers throughout. So for the entire episode, she’s always battling verbally with everyone to prove herself that she’s completely worth the equal to everyone else. We then get the full exposure of Captain Carter, which is a fun variation of Captain America & Captain Britain. The plot follows very much a similar line to the first Captain America film, yet with little differences there and there, though it lacks the same depth due to of course the running time. Yet the episode itself is still a very fun idea, and the relationship with Steve & Peggy still plays out in a very similar method. In particular, the ending is parallel also to the first Captain America film, with cameo appearances which are quite fun to see. So overall, it’s a good start to the series, and I’m eager to see where this goes next.

RATING: 77% - B+

MovieMad16 07-24-22 05:35 PM

Connor Macgregor Reviews...What If

1x02 - ...T'Challa Became A Star Lord

INTRO: The late Chadwick Bosman gives a memorable final performance as T'Challa.

WARNING: "Summary" spoilers below
In 1988, the Ravagers are hired by Ego, a Celestial, to retrieve his son Peter Quill from Earth. Ravager leader Yondu Udonta assigns this task to his underlings Kraglin Obfonteri and Taserface,[a] who mistakenly abduct a young T'Challa from Wakanda.

20 years later, T'Challa is a famous galactic pirate and hero known as Star-Lord. He has reformed the Ravagers, who are now inspired by the Earth hero Robin Hood, and has persuaded Thanos to abandon his plan of eliminating half of all life in the universe and become a member of the Ravagers. He also believes that Yondu attempted to return him to Wakanda as a child, but it had been destroyed. While obtaining an orb containing the Power Stone from the planet Morag, T'Challa recruits Korath the Pursuer to join the Ravagers.

The Ravagers are approached by Nebula, who proposes a heist to steal one of Taneleer Tivan / The Collector's artifacts: the Embers of Genesis, cosmic dust capable of terraforming ecosystems and eradicating galactic hunger. At Tivan's headquarters on Knowhere, the Ravagers distract his Black Order henchmen while Nebula and Yondu offer him the orb, which allows T'Challa to infiltrate Tivan's vast collection of artifacts. He finds a Wakandan spacecraft that was sent in search of him and realizes that Yondu lied about Wakanda. The Ravagers are all captured when Nebula seemingly betrays them to Tivan.

T'Challa decries Tivan's practice of imprisoning others in his collection, which inspires Tivan's assistant, Carina, to shoot Ebony Maw and free T'Challa. Nebula shoots Corvus Glaive and rescues the rest of the Ravagers, revealing that she and T'Challa planned a triple cross which enabled her to acquire the Embers. Nebula and Thanos defeat Cull Obsidian and Proxima Midnight while T'Challa and Yondu defeat Tivan. Carina frees Tivan's numerous captives, leaving Tivan at their mercy.

T'Challa forgives Yondu for his deception, and they return to Earth so T'Challa can reunite with his family in Wakanda. Elsewhere on Earth, an older Quill is now working as a Dairy Queen janitor when he is approached by Ego.

REVIEW: Instead of Peter Quill being whisked off to the stars, we have T’Challa taking his place, developing a stronger reputation across the galaxy than Quill did, which makes for a very funny alternative first scene from Guardians 1. A new story is then told, which expands the cosmic side of Marvel, with the hunter from the opening scene of Guardians 1 now a massive fanboy of Star Lord, eventually joining the team which is hilarious. Even more hilarious is Thanos being a hero in this episode, as Star Lord and co assemble a heist situation on The Collector. Nebula is also in this episode, with a fun blond wig which makes her glamorous and gorgeous on screen. The episode has full of twists and turns, with a good battle scene between T’Challa & The Collector, as well as Thanos fighting The Black Order. The episode ends with T’Challa calling back home and returning to Wakanda with a funny final scene of the people of Wakanda and Cosmic space interacting. It is overall a good episode, better than the first one even, as its more fun and funny, and leaving me eager for more episodes.

RATING: 85% - A-

MovieMad16 01-12-23 05:42 PM

Connor Macgregor Reviews...What If

1x03 - ...Earth lost Its Mightest Heroes

INTRO: The horrific thought of all the avengers dying becomes the centre point of this twisted episode.

WARNING: "Spoilers" spoilers below
Over the course of a week, S.H.I.E.L.D. director Nick Fury attempts to recruit heroes for the Avengers Initiative, starting with Tony Stark. Agent Natasha Romanoff gives Stark an injection to alleviate his palladium poisoning, but it proves fatal. S.H.I.E.L.D. detains Romanoff, but Fury helps her escape so she can find the killer. Meanwhile, Thor arrives on Earth and attempts to retrieve his hammer Mjolnir, but is accidentally shot and killed by Agent Clint Barton, who later dies in S.H.I.E.L.D. custody.

To analyze what killed Stark, Romanoff approaches Dr. Betty Ross, who finds that a microscopic projectile was injected into Stark. Fury deduces that the killer is targeting his list of Avengers Initiative recruits, leaving Romanoff and Bruce Banner as the remaining targets. Romanoff discovers that Ross is hiding Banner just as Ross's father, General Thaddeus Ross, arrives to arrest them. Banner is shot and transforms into the Hulk, attacking General Ross's men before exploding.

Loki arrives on Earth with Asgard's army to avenge his brother's death, but Fury negotiates a temporary truce so that he can identify the killer. Romanoff discovers that someone used a deceased agent's profile to access S.H.I.E.L.D.'s network. She is subsequently murdered, though she manages to send a message to Fury revealing that the deaths are related to "hope". Fury realizes that Romanoff was referring to Hope van Dyne, who had died on a mission after Fury recruited her into S.H.I.E.L.D.

Fury proposes an alliance with Loki to catch the killer, and they confront Hope's father Hank Pym, who built a "Yellowjacket" shrinking suit to commit the murders as a means of getting revenge against Fury. Loki defeats Pym, who is taken into Asgardian custody. Loki decides to stay on Earth and subjugate humanity, quickly becoming its ruler. Fury begins assembling more heroes, finding Steve Rogers frozen in ice and summoning Carol Danvers to Earth.

REVIEW: Nick Fury recruits Tony Stark as part of the ‘Avenger Initiative’. And then, he dies mysteriously, throwing this whole narrative in turmoil. As a result, Black Widow is taken into custody as the prime suspect. Thor and Clint Barton are then killed next and the whole episode suddenly becomes a mystery. Bruce Banner is then recruited, but then he ends up dying in quite a surprising and gory method. Sooner or later, Black Widow is then killed in the shadows, fighting something seemingly invisible. All of this amplifies when Loki arrives wishing vengeance on those that killed his brother Thor. Eventually Fury uncovers the truth which is a revenge driven Hank Pym gone psycho in the yellowjacket outfit. A fight between both Pym & Fury ensures with Pym losing after its revealed that Fury is in fact Loki in disguised. However, in a final twist, Loki double crosses Fury and seemingly takes over Earth for itself which that in itself is hilarious. The end episode sees Fury start his initiative again by finding Captain America in the snow and sending a signal to Captain Marvel.

The episode overall is good and enjoyable with a fun little mystery scattered throughout the episode to figure out. There are excellent voice doubles for both Tony Stark and Black Widow which go unnoticed if you don’t look at the voice cast. It’s overall a nice episode.

RATING: 86% - A-

MovieMad16 01-12-23 05:54 PM

Connor Macgregor Reviews...What If

1x04 - ...Doctor Strange Lost His Heart Instead of His Hands?

INTRO: A truly terrific story where the dark side of Doctor Strange is unleashed, creating chaos among his world.

WARNING: "Spoilers" spoilers below
After successfully completing a rare hemispherectomy, surgeon Dr. Stephen Strange and his girlfriend Dr. Christine Palmer drive to a celebration party in his honor. However, they get into a car crash that kills Palmer. A grieving Strange seeks out answers in Kamar-Taj, where he becomes a Master of the Mystic Arts. While studying the Eye of Agamotto, Strange learns that it can manipulate time, but is warned by the Ancient One and Wong not to do so as it could damage the fabric of reality.

Two years after Palmer's death, Strange returns to that night using the Eye, but is unable to save her no matter how he alters events. The Ancient One explains that averting Palmer's death would mean he never became a sorcerer, creating a universe-destroying paradox as the event is an "absolute point" in time. Strange refuses to listen and uses the Eye to escape to the Lost Library of Cagliostro, where he meets librarian O'Bengh and learns that he can amass enough power to break an absolute point by absorbing magical beings.

After centuries of absorbing magical beings, Strange is told by a dying O'Bengh that he is still not powerful enough because he is only half of himself: when Strange escaped from the Ancient One, she used the power of the Dark Dimension to split him into two alternate versions, with one Strange studying the books of Cagliostro to become an evil version dubbed "Strange Supreme" and a good version accepting Palmer's death. The Ancient One believes the latter Strange can defeat Strange Supreme.

After a battle between the two, Strange Supreme overpowers the good Strange and absorbs him. Strange Supreme uses his enhanced powers to reverse Palmer's death, but she is repulsed by his monstrous appearance. As the paradox begins tearing reality apart and his surroundings collapse, Strange Supreme begs the Watcher for help. The latter refuses to interfere and the universe is destroyed. While Strange preserves a small pocket of it, Palmer disintegrates, leaving a regretful Strange Supreme to grieve alone.

REVIEW: Doctor Strange loses Christine and tries to rectify it. Yet over and over again, the same end result occurs, and Christine is dead. Strange seeks to reverse this despite it being a fixed point in time and thus ultimately is a bad idea overall. The Ancient One tries to stop him but this ultimately splits him in two igniting a Good Strange vs Bad Strange. The battle itself is very entertaining and wonderful to watch with colour and dread and horror. There are twists and turns throughout the story and in the end, Evil Strange prevails and thus tries to resurrect Christine with his power but ultimately fails. As a result, The Watcher destroys his universe completely leaving the episode with a sad downer ending.

It's a good episode. The strongest so far throughout the series. It truly shows how powerful Strange is as a superhero and the damage he could do to the planet and beyond. It’s also a very morally grey episode and very much the darkest episode of the run so far.

RATING: 90% - A-

MovieMad16 01-28-23 09:06 AM

Connor Macgregor Reviews...What If?

1x05 - ....Zombies?!

INTRO: Time now for an episode which has been long sought after by fans. Zombies! in the MCU!

WARNING: "SUMMARY" spoilers below
Hank Pym enters the Quantum Realm to retrieve his long-lost wife Janet van Dyne, but she has been infected with a quantum virus that has turned her into a zombie. She infects Pym before both return to his lab, attacking Scott Lang while their daughter, Hope van Dyne, escapes. Within 24 hours, the virus spreads across the Northwestern United States. The Avengers respond but are infected themselves and turn the virus into a worldwide zombie apocalypse.

Two weeks later, Bruce Banner is sent to Earth to warn humanity of the threat of Thanos. Thanos' lieutenants Ebony Maw and Cull Obsidian arrive, only to be turned into zombies by Tony Stark, Stephen Strange, and Wong, who were all infected. Hope and the Cloak of Levitation kill the zombies, saving Banner. Another survivor, Peter Parker, brings Banner to meet the rest of the survivor group—Bucky Barnes, Okoye, Sharon Carter, Kurt, and Happy Hogan. The group travels to Camp Lehigh in New Jersey, where they believe a cure for the virus is being developed. On the way there, they are attacked by zombies, including Steve Rogers, Clint Barton, and Sam Wilson, who kill Carter and Hogan before the survivors kill the zombies in turn.

Hope is infected during the attack and sacrifices herself to bring the other survivors to the camp. They meet Vision, whose Mind Stone can reverse the virus's effects, exemplified by Lang's cured head being kept alive in a jar. However, the group also learns that Vision has been keeping a zombified Wanda Maximoff captive due to her resisting the Mind Stone and has been feeding other survivors to her, including pieces of T'Challa. Maximoff breaks free and kills Kurt, Okoye, and Barnes. Unwilling to live without Maximoff, Vision sacrifices himself to give up the Mind Stone so the others can cure the world with it.

While Parker, Lang, T'Challa, and the Cloak escape in a quadjet, Banner stays behind and turns into the Hulk to battle Maximoff and an oncoming zombie horde. In the hopes of broadcasting the Mind Stone's energy around the world, the four survivors head to Wakanda, unaware that the country has been conquered by a zombified Thanos wielding a nearly-complete Infinity Gauntlet.

REVIEW: The episode is set just at the start of Infinity War, at the point where The Hulk crashes back to Earth, ready to tell all about Thanos. Instead, he is greeted with a zombie apocalypse amongst the world. He is managed to be saved by The Wasp, and joins a band of survivors on earth looking to survive the apocalypse. They approach Grand Central in a bid to steal a train to get out of the city and into safer territory. Whilst on the train, a battle ensures where The Winter Soldier encounters a Zombie Captain America and does a duel with him on the train. Surviving that encounter, the survivors arrive at Vision’s base where its discovered that Scott Lang is a head in a jar, and more sinisterly, he is feeding fresh meat to a zombified Wanda. However, he soon changes his ways and saves the survivors before its too late. Escaping the compound, a new battle ensures between Wanda and The Hulk ensures. Despite all the carnage of the world, the episode ends with a new Avengers team being formed with Spiderman, Black Panther and Ant Man. Though that is short lived due to the oncoming threat of Thanos, leading to a very bleak ending.

It's a good episode this one, though weaker than the previous one and often quite rushed for a thirty minute episode. That being said, Paul Rudd playing a head of his MCU character Ant Man is hilarious. Definitely a fun episode of What If.

RATING: 68% - B

MovieMad16 01-28-23 09:49 AM

Connor Macgregor Reviews...What If

1x06 - ...….Killmonger Rescued Tony Stark?

INTRO: Tony Stark encounters an unlikely ally that turns the MCU upside down.

WARNING: "Spoilers" spoilers below
In Afghanistan, Tony Stark's military convoy is ambushed by the Ten Rings, but he is saved by Erik "Killmonger" Stevens. Returning to Stark Industries, Stark hires Killmonger and pledges to build better weapons. Killmonger exposes Obadiah Stane's involvement in the ambush, having infiltrated the Ten Rings, and subsequently replaces Stane. Stark offers his expertise to build drone robots designed by Killmonger and succeeds at building one with Killmonger's vibranium ring as a power source.

Needing more vibranium to create a drone army, they arrange for James "Rhodey" Rhodes to buy stolen vibranium from Ulysses Klaue. Klaue leaks word of the transaction to Wakanda, luring in T'Challa / Black Panther, who attacks the meeting to reclaim the vibranium. Killmonger kills T'Challa and Rhodes, making it look like they killed each other. Stark confronts Killmonger and attempts to avenge Rhodes by ordering the drone to kill Killmonger. Still, Killmonger defeats the drone and kills Stark with a Dora Milaje spear, staging it as a Wakandan attack. Shortly after, Killmonger creates an army of drones with the stolen vibranium.

The United States and Wakanda enter a conflict over the deaths of T'Challa, Rhodes, and Stark. The American military, led by General Thaddeus Ross, assumes control of Stark Industries and uses the drone army to invade Wakanda. Meanwhile, Killmonger kills Klaue to prove his allegiance to Wakanda and reunites with Wakanda's rulers and his estranged uncle T'Chaka and aunt Ramonda. Killmonger cuts off Ross' command of the drones, then secretly reactivates their combat capabilities so that he can lead the Wakandan army in defeating them.

After the battle, T'Chaka bestows the Black Panther mantle to Killmonger. In the astral plane, Killmonger meets with T'Challa, who warns him that he will be defeated one day. As the American military plans to eradicate Wakanda, T'Challa's sister Shuri meets with Stark's assistant Pepper Potts, proposing that they expose the truth of Killmonger's deceit.

REVIEW: Another bonkers twist sees Killmonger save Tony Stark at the start of Iron Man 1, at the very start of the MCU canon. This in turn changes the entire MCU to a degree as Killmonger infiltrates his way into Stark’s world, being very manipulative and grey like he was in Black Panther. Stark is immediately sucked in as Killmonger worms his way up the ranks, and in the shadows, murdering the likes of Black Panther and Rhodey, before finally murdering Tony Stark suddenly. This leads him to activate drones across the world, bringing war to the surface of Wakanda. Deceiving both sides, Killmonger plays Palpatine as he deceives both Wakanda and the outside world. However Potts is suspicious, and joins forces with Shuri to unearth his true intentions, leading to an epic and ferocious battle in the end.

It’s a good episode, perhaps the best one so far. Michael B Jordan does a great job here, with a more malicious and deceptive portrayal of Killmonger throughout. The battle scenes were wonderful to watch, really epic and depicted beautifully through animation. It’s a very strong episode.

RATING: 81% - A-

MovieMad16 01-28-23 10:23 AM

Connor Macgregor Reviews...What If?

1x07 - …Thor were an only child?

INTRO: Chris Hemsworth delivers more comedy goods with a new alternative take on Thor.

WARNING: "Spoilers" spoilers below
Towards the end of the Asgard—Jotunheim war, Odin finds the Frost Giant baby Loki and takes him back to his father Laufey, forming a truce with the Frost Giants.

Centuries later, when Odin goes into the Odinsleep, his wife Frigga instructs their son Thor to study while she visits her sister. Thor instead travels to Las Vegas to start a party, inviting humans, Asgardians, and aliens alike. Astrophysicist Jane Foster warns the government, but upon meeting Thor, she grows close to him. S.H.I.E.L.D. director Nick Fury tries to stop Thor but is accidentally knocked out by Korg.

The next day, acting S.H.I.E.L.D. director Maria Hill confronts Foster due to her warning. As more aliens arrive, including the now-adult Prince Loki and several other Frost Giants, and Thor starts throwing destructive parties worldwide, Hill calls in Carol Danvers to persuade Thor to leave. He refuses, and they fight, with Thor eventually defeating her when she avoids using her full power out of fear of causing casualties. Following this, Foster's intern, Darcy Lewis, suggests that Danvers attack Thor in less populated areas instead.

Seeking a more peaceful solution, Foster contacts Heimdall, who helps her meet Frigga and explain the situation. As Danvers duels Thor in Siberia, Hill authorizes a nuclear strike on Thor, but both it and the fight are called off when Frigga contacts Thor and tells him that she will be returning soon. Frightened, Thor ends the parties and convinces the party-goers to help him clean up. Frigga arrives, finding Thor studying with his retinue, but sees evidence of the partying.

Before returning to Asgard, Thor visits Foster to forgive her and thank her for contacting Frigga. Thor asks Foster out for a date but is suddenly confronted by an alternate reality version of Ultron in Vision's body, who wields all six Infinity Stones.

REVIEW: Thor arrives on Earth and within minutes, decides to turn Planet Earth into a giant global party for the galaxy. This follows with loads of cheeky cameos all across, with SHIELD trying desperately to fight it but all in complete vain overall. Luckily, Captain Marvel arrives on the scene in a bid to put the party to a rest, and ends up doing battle with Thor across several continents. The overwhelmness of the party continues to build, with a Frost Giant Loki showing up for some fun. Cameos also occur for The Guardians Of The Galaxy. The episode as a whole is just a very funny idea, with the simple resolution coming upon the idea of Thor’s mother getting involved, reducing Thor to an absolute mummy’s boy man child. It’s another fun episode, with a lot more comedy and just a creative dilemma for the earth to handle. Argueably for me, my most enjoyable episode so far.

RATING: 84% - A-

MovieMad16 02-11-23 08:26 AM

Connor Macgregor Reviews...What If?

1x08 - ...Ultron Won?

INTRO: The finale of What If begins when one creation, much like before, goes beyond its means.

WARNING: "Spoilers" spoilers below
Tony Stark creates the "Ultron" global defense program to keep the Earth safe and create world peace. However, Ultron goes rogue and concludes that rather than peace, the Earth needs an evolution, leading him to have the body of Vision created for himself and transfer his programming into Vision. With a new body, Ultron proceeds to kill Stark and most of the Avengers before launching nuclear missiles around the Earth, eradicating most of humanity.

Shortly after, Thanos arrives, seeking the Mind Stone to complete the Infinity Gauntlet, but Ultron bisects him and takes the Infinity Stones for himself, becoming aware of the more expansive universe. Using the Stones, Ultron builds an army of Ultron Sentries and a teleporting spaceship before destroying several planets and killing most of the universe's remaining life. With his mission complete, Ultron is left without a purpose until he hears the Watcher's narration and becomes aware of the Multiverse's existence.

Meanwhile, surviving Avengers Natasha Romanoff and Clint Barton fight to survive Ultron's forces. However, Barton is losing the will to live. Arriving in Moscow, they search KGB files in the hopes of defeating Ultron, finding one for Arnim Zola, a Hydra scientist whose consciousness was uploaded into a computer after his death.

Romanoff and Barton travel to a Siberian Hydra laboratory and coerce Zola into helping them, intending to upload him into Ultron's programming to delete Ultron. They lure in a group of Ultron's Sentries and upload Zola's consciousness into one. However, Zola cannot upload himself into Ultron as Ultron has left their universe. Barton sacrifices himself so that Romanoff and Zola can escape.

Upon locating the Watcher, Ultron fights him across multiple realities and emerges victorious, but the former flees before he can be killed. Ultron assumes control of the Watcher's observatory, now having countless universes to attack. With no other options, the Watcher meets with Doctor Strange Supreme, whom he had previously left to his fate, and requests his help in stopping Ultron.

REVIEW: It's a post apocalyptic world where Ultron won, gained the infinity stones, and has destroyed all known life in the universe. Black Widow & Hawkeye are the final survivors of this earth, bubbling up a cunning plan to destroy Ultron. However, Ultron manages to see through the prism, and does battle with The Watcher himself through many universes. The battle sees Ultron now on the cusp of complete power in the multiverse, which leads to a terrific cliffhanger which sees The Watcher resort to desperate help.

The episode overall is compelling and fun, though unlike others there isn’t as much easter egg or fan service in here, rather the telling of an excellent story for its finale. The cameos of the shows occur from Dr Strange and Captain Marvel at the end of the episode. The stakes ultimately are raised here as the episode readies itself for a juicy finale.

RATING: 86% - A-

MovieMad16 02-11-23 08:57 AM

Connor Macgregor Reviews...What If?

1x09 - ...The Watcher Broke His Oath?

INTRO: The finale of What If brings together characters from previous episodes and teams them up for an extraordinary and gripping battle.

WARNING: "Spoilers" spoilers below
In Captain Peggy Carter's universe, she duels Georges Batroc but is interrupted by the Watcher, who has chosen her for his team. In Star-Lord T'Challa's universe, T'Challa helps Peter Quill in defeating Ego before the Watcher recruits him. After recruiting Carter and T'Challa, the Watcher recruits Erik "Killmonger" Stevens, Thor, and a Gamora who battled on Sakaar alongside Tony Stark and killed her version of Thanos from their respective universes. Together, they form the Guardians of the Multiverse alongside Dr. Stephen Strange Supreme to fight against Ultron, who plans to destroy the Multiverse.

The team prepares for battle in a universe lacking intelligent life, but Thor accidentally draws Ultron's attention. A battle ensues, which ends with T'Challa stealing the Soul Stone and Strange teleporting a horde of zombies, including a zombified Wanda Maximoff onto Ultron, before escaping to Ultron's home universe. There, they meet that universe's Natasha Romanoff before they are interrupted by a returning Ultron, who had defeated the zombies. The team manages to subdue Ultron, and Gamora uses the Infinity Crusher in an attempt to destroy the Infinity Stones. This fails as the Crusher and the Stones are from different universes.

Ultron re-engages the team and begins to overpower them. Romanoff, with Carter's help, shoots Ultron with Clint Barton's arrow that contains Arnim Zola's artificial intelligence.[e] Zola's AI destroys Ultron's mind, but Killmonger steals Ultron's armor and the Infinity Stones, telling the Guardians that the power may be able to "fix their worlds," but they refuse. Zola reactivates Ultron's Vision body and begins to fight Killmonger for the Stones. Strange and the Watcher freeze them in time and seal them inside a pocket dimension, which Strange agrees to watch over.

The Watcher returns Carter, T'Challa, Thor, and Gamora to their home universes, with Romanoff (who refuses to return to her own dead universe) being brought to the universe where most of the Avengers (including that universe's Romanoff) were assassinated by Yellowjacket as she saves Nick Fury from Loki. The Watcher continues to watch over the Multiverse, which he now vows to protect.

In a mid-credits scene after returning to her universe, Carter and her universe's Romanoff defeat Batroc before discovering the Hydra Stomper armor with someone contained inside.

REVIEW: The Watcher is at desperate lengths, and scowls the universe for heroes to defend potentially the entire multiverse and beyond, forming an avengers like team with the plan to destroy Ultron for good. The battle sequence itself is epic and lasts the majority of the episode, with twists and turns throughout. Ultron here comes off as an extraordinary powerful villain, very much a Dragon Ball Z villain in the making. Strange Supreme is at his wits end throughout the fight yet manages to win with a smart calculating move involving the two women on the team. Ultron is ultimately destroyed yet Killmonger tries to gain the stones for himself, though Strange’s strategy forces to pin himself and Killmonger in a pocket universe. The heroes end up returning to their own worlds, with the exception of Black Widow who transfers to a world where Black Widow died, filling her spot. The episode was a great finale, with a final battle to die for, and an epic and apocalyptic feeling that makes the episode thrilling and fiery throughout.

What If overall is a solid series and one I enjoyed immensely. Many of the MCU regulars came back to voice, adding to the authenticity of the series and making it feel included in the MCU canon. I enjoyed the animation style, the stories they told, and looking forward to what’s coming forward.

RATING: 87% - A-


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