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Gideon58 12-05-18 12:24 PM

The Conners

I know there's a thread called "Roseanne Series Makes a Comeback" but this show has earned its own thread. After watching six episodes, I have to reiterate, and it still feels weird saying this, but the show is better without Roseanne. No matter what Roseanne or anyone else says, I really liked the way the character of Roseanne was written off, it made for some intense nervous drama at the beginning that totally worked. Watching Dan deal with his loss has been must-see TV, even if John Goodman looks like hell. Sara Gilbert has totally stepped up and become the anchor of this show that Roseanne was. It's a little disturbing the way the character of Becky has been turned into a hot mess of an alcoholic but it is making for a lot of laughs. Also enjoying the addition of Jay R Ferguson as Darlene's new boss/potential love interest. They even found a plausible role for faux Becky Sarah Chalke. I don't care what anyone says, this show is totally working.

lenslady 12-06-18 08:35 PM

I agree that the show is working @Gideon58; , and I think it's due to a superb writing and acting staff; keeping it funny and keeping me watching.
I also do like the guy playing Darlene's love interest, and enjoy seeing how that relationship is evolving. And I agree that Gilbert has become the mainstay ' mom' figure. Hilarious at the end of this week's show, when she and Becky were giving - or not giving - relationship advice. The blind

The show also has two very strong and gifted actors ( and characters) - in John Goodman and Laurie Metcalf. These talented veterans of stage and screen know how to interact in a way that is like musical band members jamming off each other's riffs- all the while keeping it well paced, witty and aurhentic.

We' ll see what happens with Becky, and the baby, but I was glad she decided not to wind up in a child care arrangement that looked like it would be laced with land mines.

I would part ways on one issue, by saying I still miss having Roseanne in the show. She still
( to me) was the essence of the show, and did get the show established on good footing. But fortunately for cast and audience, they are able to carry on without her- doesn't always happen with all shows.

The Conners is so far, one of the few 'reboots' that holds my interest and measures up to the quality of the original show. And it's certainly justified that you started this new thread

gbgoodies 12-11-18 01:14 AM

I'm enjoying "The Conners", and I think it's better without Roseanne Barr, but it's still not great.

I think if they focus most of the show on Jackie, Dan, and Darlene, and avoid most of the kids, it could become a great show. However I hate what they did to Becky. She was never that much of a mess.

I like Darlene's boss/love interest, (the guy from "Living Biblically"), but I just don't see them as a couple. I'd like to see them bring back David after "The Big Bang Theory" ends. I think he could liven up the show, even if he and Darlene don't get back together.

I thought Matthew Broderick was an odd choice for Jackie's guy. I haven't given up hope of him being a good edition to the show, but I just don't see him fitting in with the rest of the family.

Gideon58 12-11-18 10:55 AM

Originally Posted by gbgoodies (Post 1973787)
I'm enjoying "The Conners", and I think it's better without Roseanne Barr, but it's still not great.

I think if they focus most of the show on Jackie, Dan, and Darlene, and avoid most of the kids, it could become a great show. However I hate what they did to Becky. She was never that much of a mess.

I like Darlene's boss/love interest, (the guy from "Living Biblically"), but I just don't see them as a couple. I'd like to see them bring back David after "The Big Bang Theory" ends. I think he could liven up the show, even if he and Darlene don't get back together.

I thought Matthew Broderick was an odd choice for Jackie's guy. I haven't given up hope of him being a good edition to the show, but I just don't see him fitting in with the rest of the family.
I, too, am not thrilled with what they're doing to Becky. I understand she's still grieving Mark, but turning into an alcoholic bed-hopper is just a bit much.

Gideon58 12-12-18 11:54 AM

Ep 7 was hysterical....loving Sara Gilbert and Jay R Ferguson together...loving Matthew Broderick too.

gbgoodies 12-13-18 01:31 AM

Originally Posted by Gideon58 (Post 1974213)
Ep 7 was hysterical....loving Sara Gilbert and Jay R Ferguson together...loving Matthew Broderick too.

I agree with you about Sara Gilbert and Jay R Ferguson, but Matthew Broderick just feels out of place in this show.

lenslady 12-19-18 10:27 AM

Re: The Conners
Got home last night too late to watch the show. Anyone see it? If so, how was it?

Gideon58 12-19-18 11:41 AM

OK, I'm not sure which ep you're referring to but I just watched ep 8 which featured a guest appearance by Katey Sagal and it was excellent.

lenslady 12-20-18 12:21 AM

Thanx- I meant the ep this week
( last night) . Glad to hear you're still enjoying it @Gideon58

Omg what part did Katy Sagal play? Guess I'll catch up next week....oops, next week is Xmas, guess I'll catch up next year.

lenslady 01-15-19 09:48 PM

Just dropping by to say I am really enjoying this show. I like how the overall storyline is flowing, and it's still funny and real. John/ Dan is terrific - one of the most authentic characters on tv, and I get a kick out of sister Jackie. With two great actors like that, you can't go wrong.

The piano lesson with Darlene , son and bf just rings true as to how something like this would happen in a working class family, And the quick witted quips and repartee are just great ( like Dan using the popcorn timer to cut short Jackie's emotional, clingy hugs lmao) .

The situations and jokes all go by fast enough that I'd even watch the show in reruns. I' m happy and a little surprised to say that, for me, this is one of the few reboots that is able to capture the magic of the original show when it was at its best.

Gideon58 01-30-19 10:54 AM

Just watched the season finale...brilliant. Can't wait for the next season.

lenslady 06-18-19 11:12 PM

Did anyone realize the next season has started (lol) ? I missed the earlier ep ( or eps) b/c I was out but managed to catch this one.

It still is engaging, and the one liners, and back and forth wisecracks are as snappy and funny as the old Roseanne show,

The ditzy girlfriend Blue, for example, just makes for a goldmine of merry sarcasm. From Darla of course, , who has basically stepped up to take over the Rosanne role.

The only thing that bothered me a little is that these real life problems they face are getting a bit....weighty. I think someone here mentioned about being troubled by Becky's drinking- and I found it a bit glum to watch too. The repartee is great and Dan so terrific- still my favorite reason for tuning in the show. I think we've all known someone like Dan , I know I have- and you'd be missing out in life if you didn't. Just hope they keep the sense of buoyancy I remember from the first ( and the second) Rosanne,

I wonder if anyone else is watching and their opinion? As for me, it's worthwhile enough that I' m still going to follow the show.

gbgoodies 06-19-19 01:01 AM

Originally Posted by lenslady (Post 2018986)
Did anyone realize the next season has started (lol) ? I missed the earlier ep ( or eps) b/c I was out but managed to catch this one.

According to IMDB, season 2 hasn't started yet. It's not scheduled to start until September.

lenslady 06-19-19 01:09 AM

Re: The Conners
Really ? @gbgoodies ...Then what am I watching?

gbgoodies 06-19-19 01:18 AM

Originally Posted by lenslady (Post 2018997)
Really ? @gbgoodies ...Then what am I watching?

Maybe reruns of season 1? (My DVR automatically records the new episodes, but not the reruns, so I don't know what episodes aired recently.)

If you check IMDB, you can compare the synopsis of the episodes to what you watched to find out what episodes you saw.

lenslady 06-25-19 10:39 PM

Thanks @gbgoodies. I guess I missed a number of episodes from the first season, so I didn't realize these are reruns. Don't remember why I missed the eps, but glad to have the chance to watch and enjoy them now.

Just watched a funny one which involved a Halloween party. OMG Matthew Broderick was perfectly obnoxious as Jackie's d**k boyfriend. Loved Dan's reaction to him.

I think John Goodman is going to be on another TV comedy this fall too- even without knowing what it's about, I' m looking forward to it.

Gideon58 09-25-19 01:24 PM

As expected, the season 2 premiere was funny and smart...Harris Healy is definitely her mother's daughter. I was confused by something though...during the season 1 finale, we were informed that Ben (Jay R Ferguson) was moving to Chicago for a new Job and that Darlene was considering moving there with him. When we came back last night, Ben was still here, no mention of the new job and what happened with it, and Darlene is now having an affair with David? I kind of expected David to be written back into the show now that Big Bang Theory has ended. but I don't like the thought of Darlene hurting Ben, he's really sweet. Loved the fight that Darlene and Dan had over raising Darlene's children too...they both got some good shots in. This season premiere did not disappoint.

gbgoodies 09-27-19 12:09 AM

Originally Posted by Gideon58 (Post 2037786)
As expected, the season 2 premiere was funny and smart...Harris Healy is definitely her mother's daughter. I was confused by something though...during the season 1 finale, we were informed that Ben (Jay R Ferguson) was moving to Chicago for a new Job and that Darlene was considering moving there with him. When we came back last night, Ben was still here, no mention of the new job and what happened with it, and Darlene is now having an affair with David? I kind of expected David to be written back into the show now that Big Bang Theory has ended. but I don't like the thought of Darlene hurting Ben, he's really sweet. Loved the fight that Darlene and Dan had over raising Darlene's children too...they both got some good shots in. This season premiere did not disappoint.

I agree with you about Ben being sweet, but I have a feeling that Darlene will end up back with David. I thought Darlene and Ben weren't really right for each other anyway, so I won't be upset if they break up, but I'd like to see them find a way for him not to get too badly hurt if she goes back to David.

Gideon58 09-27-19 10:39 AM

I think she's going to end up back with David too. I'm pretty sure they only wrote him off originally because he was still committed to The Big Bang Theory, but since that show is over, I'm sure Johnny Galecki was approached immediately.

Gideon58 10-07-19 05:35 PM

Just finished ep 2...the Ben/Darlene/David triangle is heating up quite nicely and I'm seeing another curve being thrown into this story that I didn't see it just me, or does Jackie seem to be attracted to Ben? Yes, she's been encouraging Darlene to return to Ben but the way she talks about Ben keeps coming off as her fighting an attraction to him? Anybody else seeing this? Boy that would make for some explosive comedy and drama because you know the minute Jackie makes a move on Ben, Darlene will lose it, even if she is leaning toward David right now, because, even though she's in denial about it, Darlene is LOVING these two guys fighting over her. It was also great to see Meagan Fay return to the show as Austin's Grandma...for those who don't remember, Fey played Cathy Bowman on season 3 of Roseanne. I also have to reiterate my two basic problems with this reboot that have not changed...why has Becky been turned into a brainless bimbo for this reboot and when are they actually going to give Michael Fishman (DJ) something to do? Darlene and David's son, Mark is getting more screentime than Fishman and I'm bothered by that.

Gideon58 10-09-19 12:54 PM

Just wrapped ep 3 and am glad to see that Beverly Rose's father got to see her and is not completely out of the picture. How fun was it to see Dan Aykroyd as one of Dan's poker players, probably the first time they've shared the screen since Blues Brothers 2000. I'm glad they brought back Katey Sagal too and I actually got a little lump in the throat when Dan accidentally called her Roseanne...sweet moment superbly played by Goodman.

gbgoodies 10-10-19 11:06 PM

Originally Posted by Gideon58 (Post 2039900)
Just finished ep 2...the Ben/Darlene/David triangle is heating up quite nicely and I'm seeing another curve being thrown into this story that I didn't see it just me, or does Jackie seem to be attracted to be Ben? Yes, she's been encouraging Darlene to return to Ben but the way she talks about Ben keeps coming off as her fighting an attraction to him? Anybody else seeing this? Boy that would make for some explosive comedy and drama because you know the minute Jackie makes a move on Ben, Darlene will lose it, even if she is leaning toward David right now, because, even though she's in denial about it, Darlene is LOVING these two guys fighting over her. It was also great to see Meagan Fay return to the show as Austin's Grandma...for those who don't remember, Fey played Cathy Bowman on season 3 of Roseanne. I also have to reiterate my two basic problems with this reboot that have not changed...why has Becky been turned into a brainless bimbo for this reboot and when are they actually going to give Michael Fishman (DJ) something to do? Darlene and David's son, Mark is getting more screentime than Fishman and I'm bothered by that.

I haven't noticed what you're talking about with Jackie and Ben, but I'll watch for it in future episodes. It would certainly be an interesting plot twist if you're right.

I agree with you about Becky being made into a "brainless bimbo" for the reboot, and I have no idea why they're doing that. Her character wasn't like that in the original show.

But about Michael Fishman, I never thought he was a good actor when he was a kid, so maybe they're seeing it more now that he's an adult, and giving him less screentime because of it.

Gideon58 10-16-19 11:50 AM

This show just gets better with each episode...I was initially angry when it appeared that Darlene was going to be allowed to slide during the flat tire scene because I really didn't buy that neither Ben nor David caught on to what was going on, but I was wrong and frankly, Darlene got exactly what she deserved. It was great to see a TV character actually suffer consequences for their behavior. Jay R Ferguson was excellent in that final scene with Sara Gilbert, who actually exhibited the ability to fill her eyes with water, something I don't think ever saw from her in the nine seasons Roseanne was originally on the air. I loved seeing that flashback of David and Darlene too, which brings me to another thing...what was the point of bringing Johnny Galecki back for a few episodes only to have him leave again? I guess he'll be dropping in to see the kids, which would make him recurring instead of a regular again...guess he's hoping for a Big Bang Theory reboot. Big thumbs up to ep 4.

gbgoodies 10-16-19 10:56 PM

Originally Posted by Gideon58 (Post 2041831)
This show just gets better with each episode...I was initially angry when it appeared that Darlene was going to be allowed to slide during the flat tire scene because I really didn't buy that neither Ben nor David caught on to what was going on, but I was wrong and frankly, Darlene got exactly what she deserved. It was great to see a TV character actually suffer consequences for their behavior. Jay R Ferguson was excellent in that final scene with Sara Gilbert, who actually exhibited the ability to fill her eyes with water, something I don't think ever saw from her in the nine seasons Roseanne was originally on the air. I loved seeing that flashback of David and Darlene too, which brings me to another thing...what was the point of bringing Johnny Galecki back for a few episodes only to have him leave again? I guess he'll be dropping in to see the kids, which would make him recurring instead of a regular again...guess he's hoping for a Big Bang Theory reboot. Big thumbs up to ep 4.

I knew that both David and Ben would show up as soon as Darlene said that she "texted a bunch of people because she didn't know if they were going through". I'm glad that she got what she deserved, and I think that Ben deserves better than her, so I'm hoping that the show isn't keeping them working together so that they'll get back together again.

I hope they find a way to keep Johnny Galecki on the show as a regular. I'd prefer to see him in "The Big Bang Theory", but since that's not going to happen, hopefully he'll at least stay on this show.

Gideon58 10-17-19 10:36 AM

Well, he has promised to stay in Mark and Harris' lives, so at least he will be appearing from time to time to be with his kids.

Gideon58 10-30-19 01:01 PM

Ep 5 had some fun stuff, even if the show didn't take as much care in the Halloween episode as the original show did. Glad to see Darlene having to work to get Ben back but the idea of Jackie and Becky re-opening the Lunchbox just seems recycled and lazy. How is Backy going to raise a child and co-manage a restaurant? Especially this Backy 2.0 for the reboot who has been turned into an idiot. That scene of Darlene's grand gesture to Ben blowing up in her face was brilliant.

gbgoodies 10-30-19 11:39 PM

Originally Posted by Gideon58 (Post 2044664)
Ep 5 had some fun stuff, even if the show didn't take as much care in the Halloween episode as the original show did. Glad to see Darlene having to work to get Ben back but the idea of Jackie and Becky re-opening the Lunchbox just seems recycled and lazy. How is Backy going to raise a child and co-manage a restaurant? Especially this Backy 2.0 for the reboot who has been turned into an idiot. That scene of Darlene's grand gesture to Ben blowing up in her face was brilliant.

I loved the parts with Darlene and Ben, but the rest of the episode was pretty dumb. Apparently Becky is planning to bring the baby to work with her at The Lunchbox. She made some stupid comment about the baby being the "greeter" at the front door because customers won't get mad at a baby if there's a long wait. :rolleyes:

Gideon58 11-13-19 07:47 PM

Ep 6 was a little odd...I don't understand why Darlene is stomping on Jackie and Becky's dream. If they want to fail, let them. I can't believe she would rather sacrifice her relationships with her sister and her aunt over the Lunchbox. Harris' friend Odessa was weird first glance, I thought we were going to learn that they were lovers. For me, this ep was the first real misstep of the season, not up to the quality I've gotten accustomed to from this show.

gbgoodies 11-13-19 11:25 PM

Originally Posted by Gideon58 (Post 2047348)
Ep 6 was a little odd...I don't understand why Darlene is stomping on Jackie and Becky's dream. If they want to fail, let them. I can't believe she would rather sacrifice her relationships with her sister and her aunt over the Lunchbox. Harris' friend Odessa was weird first glance, I thought we were going to learn that they were lovers. For me, this ep was the first real misstep of the season, not up to the quality I've gotten accustomed to from this show.

I think Darlene is doing the right thing with The Lunch Box. It's not just about Jackie and Becky's dream. It's also about the money. Neither of them has a good track record with money, or even just sticking with things they say they're going to do. They're likely to fail, and they're being unfair to put Darlene in that position. If Darlene is telling the truth about there being another offer from a "real" company, then the right thing for her to do it to take the safe route with the real offer. Jackie and Becky should just find a different location if they think they can successfully run a restaurant.

I hate the whole plotline with Harris' friend Odessa. It just seems like a rehash of the same storyline in the original series, when Becky and Mark took Dan's motorcycle out for a joyride without permission.

Gideon58 11-14-19 10:17 AM

Jackie and Becky didn't put Darlene in that position, Beverly did.

Gideon58 11-27-19 07:07 PM

Just watched the Thanksgiving episode which was nothing short of brilliant. Some of the best episodes of the original series were the Thanksgiving episodes and this one was a worthy follow-up. The confrontation between Jackie and Darlene was worth the price of admission alone. As usual, some really smart writing helped.

Gideon58 11-27-19 07:29 PM

Just finished a bittersweet ep 8. I loved that Jay R Ferguson came back and helped Mark with his project. LOVING the hate/hate relationship between Jackie and Louise (Katey Sagal). It's nice seeing Darlene getting some karma for some of the stuff she put Roseanne through. Loved when she was yelling at the window about Harris being on meth and I loved Dan's battle with the smoke alarms. Jackie's nightmare was also hysterical

matt72582 11-27-19 07:42 PM

Re: The Conners
I'm only watching for the hell of it, and it's only 15 minutes long, but the writing could have been done by a kid. I wasn't crazy about the first re-boot, but I'm curious how it would have ended up. I'm wondering if the networks are advertising the hell out of it for spite. Funny how they keep mentioning Roseanne.

Gideon58 12-11-19 07:20 PM

Loved the Xmas sucks that Darlene lost her job but I'm glad that she and Ben got back together...I don't know what it is about Sara and Jay, but they work really well together. Am also loving the relationship between Louise and Jackie. Laurie Metcalf is one of the most gifted actresses in the business. The final scene between Dan and Becky was very sweet...reminded me of that episode a million years ago when Roseanne forced Dan to spend time with Becky at the mall.

gbgoodies 12-12-19 11:06 PM

Originally Posted by Gideon58 (Post 2052105)
Loved the Xmas sucks that Darlene lost her job but I'm glad that she and Ben got back together...I don't know what it is about Sara and Jay, but they work really well together. Am also loving the relationship between Louise and Jackie. Laurie Metcalf is one of the most gifted actresses in the business. The final scene between Dan and Becky was very sweet...reminded me of that episode a million years ago when Roseanne forced Dan to spend time with Becky at the mall.

I'm not surprised that Darlene and Ben got back together because they have great chemistry together, but he deserves better than her. It's kind of a shame because it probably means that we won't be seeing much of Johnny Galecki as David anymore. :(

I always loved Laurie Metcalf as Jackie. She was the funniest character on the original show, and she's just as funny on this show. I think the tension between Jackie and Louise will continue for a while, but it will probably be toned back a bit so it doesn't drive Dan completely crazy.

Gideon58 01-14-20 02:02 PM

This show's not coming back to February 11th...OMG!

Gideon58 01-16-20 11:37 AM

It occurred to me that there are some other characters from the original series that I wouldn't mind seeing pop up here...what about Jackie's ex, Fred (Michael O'Keefe)? Or what about Jackie and Fred's son, Andy? Or Dan and Rosey's 4th child, Jerry, that they had in season 8? Or how about having Joan Collins pop up as Rosey's cousin Ronnie? I wouldn't even mind seeing Arnie (Tom Arnold) and Nancy (Sandra Bernhard) show up.

gbgoodies 01-17-20 12:45 AM

Originally Posted by Gideon58 (Post 2058923)
It occurred to me that there are some other characters from the original series that I wouldn't mind seeing pop up here...what about Jackie's ex, Fred (Michael O'Keefe)? Or what about Jackie and Fred's son, Andy? Or Dan and Rosey's 4th child, Jerry, that they had in season 7? Or how about having Joan Collins pop up as Rosey's cousin Ronnie? I wouldn't even mind seeing Arnie (Tom Arnold) and Nancy (Sandra Bernhard) show up.

It's been a long time since I watched the original show, but was Jackie still married to Fred when the series ended? I don't remember them breaking up, but I don't remember Fred being in the final season either? Did they explain what happened with Fred and their son?

matt72582 01-17-20 08:57 AM

Originally Posted by gbgoodies (Post 2059025)
It's been a long time since I watched the original show, but was Jackie still married to Fred when the series ended? I don't remember them breaking up, but I don't remember Fred being in the final season either? Did they explain what happened with Fred and their son?

Probably killed in one of our many wars.

Gideon58 01-17-20 10:24 AM

Originally Posted by gbgoodies (Post 2059025)
It's been a long time since I watched the original show, but was Jackie still married to Fred when the series ended? I don't remember them breaking up, but I don't remember Fred being in the final season either? Did they explain what happened with Fred and their son?
If memory serves, Jackie and Fred were definitely separated when the original show ended but I don't know if they were actually divorced. I do know that Jackie definitely had custody of Andy. She had Andy with her when the Conners won the lottery during the final season.

Gideon58 02-12-20 07:22 PM

Watched the live episode last night, and, honestly, if they hadn't announced that it was live, there was no way to tell. Same polished performances as always, no flubbed lines, no late entrances, as professional as ever. If they hadn't included a shot of the studio audience at the end, not to mention the absence of the opening credits, there was no way to tell that the show was performed live. It was nice to see Mark and Harris reconcile and I hope this wasn't the end of Dan and Louise (Katey Sagal), there's some real chemistry there.

Gideon58 02-18-20 09:35 PM

A month ago I posted here that this show should think about bringing back other characters from the original series that we haven't seen. Well, lo and behold a past character was introduced in ep 13 but it was one that I had forgotten about. The reunion between Dan and his half-brother, Little Ed (played by Noel Fisher of Shameless) was beautifully bittersweet, a reunion I should have seen coming when we learned that Dan's dad had died. Ironically, Ned Beatty, the actor who played Dan's father, is still alive. Really didn't see Ed's anger coming and my mouth fell open when he chastised Dan for having lived a life of leisure the past 20 . Dan handled it like the champ he is though. It was so cute seeing Ben dealing with kids, but I still have a feeling that having a child with Darlene could still end up being a dealbreaker for the pair. The Dwight having stage fright in the kitchen story was only saved by Laurie Metcalf's involvement because this Dwight character is a total snooze.

gbgoodies 02-20-20 11:14 PM

Originally Posted by Gideon58 (Post 2066915)
A month ago I posted here that this show should think about bringing back other characters from the original series that we haven't seen. Well, lo and behold a past character was introduced ep 13 but it was one that I had forgotten about. The reunion between Dan and his half-brother, Little Ed (played by Noel Fisher of Shameless) was beautifully bittersweet, a reunion I should have seen coming when we learned that Dan's dad had died. Ironically, Ned Beatty, the actor who played Dan's father, is still alive. Really didn't see Ed's anger coming and my mouth fell open when he chastised Dan for having lived a life of leisure the past 20 years ago. Dan handled it like the champ he is though. It was so cute seeing Ben dealing with kids, but I still have a feeling that having a child with Darlene could still end up being a dealbreaker for the pair. The Dwight having stage fright in the kitchen story was only saved by Laurie Metcalf's involvement because this Dwight character is a total snooze.

Didn't Dan's father marry Roseanne's friend Crystal, or am I remembering wrong? If I'm right, is Little Ed their child, and if so, do we know what happened to Crystal?


gbgoodies 02-20-20 11:15 PM

Originally Posted by Gideon58 (Post 2066915)
A month ago I posted here that this show should think about bringing back other characters from the original series that we haven't seen. Well, lo and behold a past character was introduced ep 13 but it was one that I had forgotten about. The reunion between Dan and his half-brother, Little Ed (played by Noel Fisher of Shameless) was beautifully bittersweet, a reunion I should have seen coming when we learned that Dan's dad had died. Ironically, Ned Beatty, the actor who played Dan's father, is still alive. Really didn't see Ed's anger coming and my mouth fell open when he chastised Dan for having lived a life of leisure the past 20 years ago. Dan handled it like the champ he is though. It was so cute seeing Ben dealing with kids, but I still have a feeling that having a child with Darlene could still end up being a dealbreaker for the pair. The Dwight having stage fright in the kitchen story was only saved by Laurie Metcalf's involvement because this Dwight character is a total snooze.

Another question: Didn't Dan have a friend named Dwight in the original show? Is this the same guy, or a different guy named Dwight?

Gideon58 02-20-20 11:49 PM

Yeah, he did but he was played by a different actor. I'm not sure if this is supposed to be the same character or not.

Gideon58 02-20-20 11:50 PM

Originally Posted by gbgoodies (Post 2067422)
Didn't Dan's father marry Roseanne's friend Crystal, or am I remembering wrong? If I'm right, is Little Ed their child, and if so, do we know what happened to Crystal?

Yes, Little Ed is the son of Dan's father and Crystal.

Gideon58 02-25-20 09:32 PM

Ep 14 had some fun moments. Loving the development of the relationship between Dan and Little Ed. That was so sweet when they threw in that flashback from season 4 at the end. The idea of Jackie being part of a "thruple" was fun, perfectly played by Laurie Metcalf. Also loved Darlene calming Mark's fears about her having a baby.

Gideon58 03-24-20 09:33 PM

Even though ep 16 wasn't centered around her at all, Laurie Metcalf provided the majority of the laughs in this episode. She was absolutely hysterical whether dealing with Becky's extended family or looking for validation from Darlene. Speaking of Darlene, it just seems out of character the way she was coddling Harris in this episode. The teenage Darlene that we met back in the 1990's never would have allowed Harris to just sit around the house all day feeling sorry for herself. And can we please bring Emilio back to take care of Becky and Beverly and to save Becky from his family?

Gideon58 04-08-20 04:30 PM

Ep 17 was a cruel reminder of why Beverly Harris made my most hated TV characters list. I can't stand the way she strutted in that house flaunting her money and playing puppet master with the family she supposedly cares about. On the other hand, I'm not sure Darlene had the right to demand that Beverly give Harris money too...don't understand Darlene's pampering and coddling and overprotecting of Harris at all, considering Harris treats her like dirt most of the time. It was great to see James Pickens Jr back at that poker table as Chuck and the Dan/Louise reunion was a heartbreaker...didn't see that coming.

gbgoodies 04-09-20 01:19 AM

Originally Posted by Gideon58 (Post 2081543)
Ep 17 was a cruel reminder of why Beverly Harris made my most hated TV characters list. I can't stand the way she strutted in that house flaunting her money and playing puppet master with the family she supposedly cares about. On the other hand, I'm not sure Darlene had the right to demand that Beverly give Harris money too...don't understand Darlene's pampering and coddling and overprotecting of Harris at all, considering Harris treats her like dirt most of the time. It was great to see James Pickens Jr back at that poker table as Chuck and the Dan/Louise reunion was a heartbreaker...didn't see that coming.

Darlene didn't demand the money for Harris. She asked about it, but when given the choice of only one child getting the money, she chose Harris because it was finally going to put her on the right track for her future. While I don't agree with Darlene's choice of taking the money away from Mark, I understand it.

Either way, Beverly was a b!tch for the way she played Darlene, and hurt both kids. :mad:

And I loved the way Dan just kicked Beverly out without even having to hear anything about the dispute between Darlene and Beverly. :lol:


Gideon58 04-09-20 11:53 AM

I guess my point is that Darlene didn't really have the right to say anything to Beverly. As nasty as Beverly was, it was her money and she had the right to do with as she pleased. I was even further repelled when Darlene actually was going to steal money from Beverly using her power of attorney. That really would have been crossing the line. On the other hand, this kind of questionable behavior has always been a staple with these characters.

Gideon58 04-15-20 02:26 PM

A master acting class in acting by John Goodman was definitely the highlight of ep 18. I especially loved his drunk scene with Zack the keyboard player. Goodman nailed the secret of playing a drunk scene...a drunk scene is most effective when the person is trying their hardest to appear sober. I also need to say that Ben is the best TV boyfriend since Smith on Sex and the City. I've never seen anyone in the history of these characters who knows exactly how to deal with Darlene at all times. The final scene with Goodman and Katey Sagal was a winner.

Gideon58 04-28-20 09:30 PM

The Ben/Darlene dance was definitely the highlight of Ep 19. In reality, I think any other guy would have walked away from Darlene by now, but Ben is still in there swinging. Love that they're going to live together, but living at that house is going to do them more harm than good. It was kind of weird seeing Dan with that sleep machine...Dan has always been so energetic and had such a youthful spirit always made Dan seem young, even though he has definitely aged physically, but it was a realistic thing to address. And is it me or have TPTB not been able to figure out what to do with Little Ed? They've brought the character back to the show and he is being wasted the same way Michael Fishman is. Noel Fisher is a very talented actor who deserves better.

vizanimationpros 04-28-20 10:21 PM

Re: The Conners

gbgoodies 04-30-20 01:58 AM

Originally Posted by Gideon58 (Post 2086592)
The Ben/Darlene dance was definitely the highlight of Ep 19. In reality, I think any other guy would have walked away from Darlene by now, but Ben is still in there swinging. Love that they're going to live together, but living at that house is going to do them more harm than good. It was kind of weird seeing Dan with that sleep machine...Dan has always been so energetic and had such a youthful spirit always made Dan seem young, even though he has definitely aged physically, but it was a realistic thing to address. And is it me or have TPTB not been able to figure out what to do with Little Ed? They've brought the character back to the show and he is being wasted the same way Michael Fishman is. Noel Fisher is a very talented actor who deserves better.

As much as I liked the original show, I think Ben is my favorite character on the new show. I'm not sure why he stays with Darlene, but she doesn't deserve him.

I don't really like most of what they're doing with Dan. He used to be one of the strongest characters on the show, but he seems to be too much of a wimp now. It just doesn't feel like he's even the same person anymore.

I don't know what their plans are for Little Ed, but I hope they find something interesting for him to do. We don't need him to be one more of Dan's poker buddies.

Michael Fishman was a terrible actor as a child, so if he hasn't gotten any better over the years, that might be why he's being wasted on this show.

Gideon58 04-30-20 11:37 AM

Totally agree with you about Ben...he's awesome and it's amazing Darlene hasn't driven him away yet.

matt72582 04-30-20 11:53 AM

Originally Posted by gbgoodies (Post 2086995)
As much as I liked the original show, I think Ben is my favorite character on the new show. I'm not sure why he stays with Darlene, but she doesn't deserve him.

I don't really like most of what they're doing with Dan. He used to be one of the strongest characters on the show, but he seems to be too much of a wimp now. It just doesn't feel like he's even the same person anymore.

I don't know what their plans are for Little Ed, but I hope they find something interesting for him to do. We don't need him to be one more of Dan's poker buddies.

Michael Fishman was a terrible actor as a child, so if he hasn't gotten any better over the years, that might be why he's being wasted on this show.

Completely agree about Dan. It was always nice to see different points of view, different generations. To me, he's still the strongest character, and would like more emphasis on him.

Michael Fishman is awful, lol.. He was better as an 8-yr old.

Gideon58 05-07-20 11:56 AM

OK, just finished ep 20 and I'm a little confused...during the first show when the Conners won the lottery, wasn't there an episode where they paid off the mortgage? Roseanne put a little grill in the living room and gave Dan lighter fluid and a lighter so that they could burn the mortgage? Did I miss something somewhere? I'm absolutely loving Emilio...I actually got choked up when he saw his daughter for the first time, but he took a real risk leaving Mexico. I wouldn't mind he and Becky returning to Mexico because I've never really gotten into this airhead alcoholic that Becky has been turned into for this reboot. And they just can't have Dan lose that house...that would be so wrong on all kinds of levels...that house is like another character on this show, the show would not be the same with the Conners living somewhere else.

matt72582 05-07-20 12:22 PM

Originally Posted by Gideon58 (Post 2089209)
OK, just finished ep 20 and I'm a little confused...during the first show when the Conners won the lottery, wasn't there an episode where they paid off the mortgage? Roseanne put a little grill in the living room and gave Dan lighter fluid and a lighter so that they could burn the mortgage? Did I miss something somewhere? I'm absolutely loving Emilio...I actually got choked up when he saw his daughter for the first time, but he took a real risk leaving Mexico. I wouldn't mind he and Becky returning to Mexico because I've never really gotten into this airhead alcoholic that Becky has been turned into for this reboot. And they just can't have Dan lose that house...that would be so wrong on all kinds of levels...that house is like another character on this show, the show would not be the same with the Conners living somewhere else.
Yes, they did pay off the house, and Roseanne and Dan did do that little celebration, but I think they don't care about the inaccuracies, similarly to how Dan came back to life.

I also don't care for "airhead Becky", especially since she was the great student, and Darlene was the jock. Taking addiction seriously, and then moving on would be my preference as opposed to the constant alcoholic jokes which kind of minimizes the conflict it used to be.

I also think they'll keep the house, but I think it would be creative to see them trying to live as homeless people, because they are the most marginalized group in society, especially noticeable during this pandemic. Of course, with every conflict, they can have a few episodes of them getting back the house with a various amount of ways.

I wonder if Season 3 will be renewed.. I used to look at the ratings, especially after the Roseanne reboot did well, and was curious about the comparisons. Part of me wants to go back and watch the old episodes, but in the mid-2000's, I would watch episodes throughout the day, since it was on 4 channels (and it was very popular in Europe, also appearing on multiple channels).

Gideon58 05-07-20 12:24 PM

Thank you for confirming that the Conners paid off the mortgage during the first show...I thought I had imagined the whole thing for a minute.

Hubby 05-07-20 12:35 PM

Originally Posted by Gideon58 (Post 2089209)
OK, just finished ep 20 and I'm a little confused...during the first show when the Conners won the lottery, wasn't there an episode where they paid off the mortgage? Roseanne put a little grill in the living room and gave Dan lighter fluid and a lighter so that they could burn the mortgage? Did I miss something somewhere?
Originally Posted by matt72582 (Post 2089217)
Yes, they did pay off the house, and Roseanne and Dan did do that little celebration, but I think they don't care about the inaccuracies, similarly to how Dan came back to life.

In the final episode of the original season, we found out that the whole series was Roseanne writing her book, and some stuff, including them winning the lottery, never happened. So the house was not actually paid off in the original series. It was just something Roseanne wrote in her book.

However, they also said that Dan didn't really survive his heart attack in the original series, so there are some inconsistencies there as well. Many fans just choose to ignore the final season anyway because it wasn't good.

Gideon58 05-07-20 12:38 PM

Forgot that the whole original series was just Roseanne's book and now that you mention it, I do remember that Dan died in Roseanne's book, not to mention that Jackie was the one who was really gay, not Beverly. And yes, I HATED the final season of the original series.

gbgoodies 05-08-20 02:39 AM

Originally Posted by Gideon58 (Post 2089209)
OK, just finished ep 20 and I'm a little confused...during the first show when the Conners won the lottery, wasn't there an episode where they paid off the mortgage? Roseanne put a little grill in the living room and gave Dan lighter fluid and a lighter so that they could burn the mortgage? Did I miss something somewhere? I'm absolutely loving Emilio...I actually got choked up when he saw his daughter for the first time, but he took a real risk leaving Mexico. I wouldn't mind he and Becky returning to Mexico because I've never really gotten into this airhead alcoholic that Becky has been turned into for this reboot. And they just can't have Dan lose that house...that would be so wrong on all kinds of levels...that house is like another character on this show, the show would not be the same with the Conners living somewhere else.

I don't understand something about Becky's and Emilio's marriage. They kept calling it a "fake marriage", but since they have a baby together, wouldn't that make it a real marriage? Many people have gotten married just because they had a kid together, even if they didn't really love each other. Why would his immigration status change that?

Gideon58 10-26-20 09:52 PM

Just watched the season 3 premiere and first of all, the show definitely deserves kudos for being the first returning-to-the-air series that is actually addressing the pandemic. The few shows that have resume production since the virus are all pretending there's no such thing as the virus, but I haven't checked out everything yet. I have to admit that I was a little confused that Dan received an eviction notice that said they had to be out in five days, but Becky and Darlene said they are going to start paying rent, but it will be a couple of weeks late. Loved when Ben (Jay R Ferguson) told Darlene that her mask hides her general contempt of humanity. It was nice to see Emilio, I hope he and Becky can work all their stuff out, Emilio is really sweet and he adores Beverly Rose. And though this show did actually address the pandemic, I found it a little hard to believe that Wellman's Plastics would be reopening amidst all this and hiring 200 employees. Also loved Becky and Darlene's wink to Laverne and Shirley and when Jackie was reminiscing about Booker and told the family he looked just like George Clooney.

gbgoodies 10-27-20 01:42 AM

Originally Posted by Gideon58 (Post 2135220)
Just watched the season 3 premiere and first of all, the show definitely deserves kudos for being the first returning-to-the-air series that is actually addressing the pandemic. The few shows that have resume production since the virus are all pretending there's no such thing as the virus, but I haven't checked out everything yet. I have to admit that I was a little confused that Dan received an eviction notice that said they had to be out in five days, but Becky and Darlene said they are going to start paying rent, but it will be a couple of weeks late. Loved when Ben (Jay R Ferguson) told Darlene that her mask hides her general contempt of humanity. It was nice to see Emilio, I hope he and Becky can work all their stuff out, Emilio is really sweet and he adores Beverly Rose. And though this show did actually address the pandemic, I found it a little hard to believe that Wellman's Plastics would be reopening amidst all this and hiring 200 employees. Also loved Becky and Darlene's wink to Laverne and Shirley and when Jackie was reminiscing about Booker and told the family he looked just like George Clooney.

I liked that they didn't avoid the pandemic, but they still have to remember that they're a sitcom. The family being evicted from their home isn't funny. It should have been a background issue in the episode, not the main theme.

xSookieStackhouse 10-27-20 03:52 AM

Re: The Conners
gosh i miss watching roseanne use to watch the show during the 90s

Gideon58 10-27-20 03:17 PM

Originally Posted by gbgoodies (Post 2135281)
I liked that they didn't avoid the pandemic, but they still have to remember that they're a sitcom. The family being evicted from their home isn't funny. It should have been a background issue in the episode, not the main theme.
This show has never backed away from situations that weren't exactly funny. Dan losing his bike shop leading to Becky eloping with Mark led to some very squirm-worthy television. A family being evicted from their home is a reality, something this show has always been known for. Remember when their electricity was cut off because they couldn't pay their many other sitcom families went through something like that? This show has always been a flawless blend of comedy and reality.

gbgoodies 10-28-20 11:22 AM

Originally Posted by Gideon58 (Post 2135456)
This show has never backed away from situations that weren't exactly funny. Dan losing his bike shop leading to Becky eloping with Mark led to some very squirm-worthy television. A family being evicted from their home is a reality, something this show has always been known for. Remember when their electricity was cut off because they couldn't pay their many other sitcom families went through something like that? This show has always been a flawless blend of comedy and reality.

Yes, but those situations weren't something that literally everyone was going through at the time. I don't know about everyone else, but one of the reasons that I watch sitcoms is to get away from the harsh realities of life at times, and them bringing it front and center of the episode just took away from the humor of the show.

It's like watching an episode of a sitcom where a main character is killed off. There's a right way and a wrong way to do it, and if the drama of the death overshadows the comedy of the show, then it loses something, and makes the show less enjoyable.

I expect most of the TV dramas, (especially the medical shows), to focus on the pandemic in upcoming episodes, but I would prefer that the comedies keep it more of a sideline story, not the focus of the episode.

Gideon58 10-28-20 10:27 PM

Just wrapped ep 2...some of the strongest episodes of the original series were the Halloween episodes and this one provided some laughs, mostly courtesy of Laurie Metcalf. It was good to see DJ and Mary back. I get the feeling TPTB haven't decided whether or not they want Michael Fishman on the show full time and he's no Laurence Olivier, but he's an original cast member and as far as I'm concerned, there's a little hole in the show that will always be empty. It also seemed odd that there was no mention of them being evicted from the house during this episode since most of the premiere was centered around that.

Gideon58 11-04-20 10:26 PM

Ep 3 was fun...I'm really loving where Dan and Louise's relationship is right now. I hope they don't rush into anything permanent. I like that Louise wants to keep her own place. I wish Harris would lighten up...she's turning into the nastiest TV kid since Violet Plunkett on Mom. Liked Mark's little therapy session with Darlene. Wasn't real thrilled with the appearance of Anna Maria Horsford as one of Becky and Darlene's co-workers...not one of my favorite actresses. It was nice to actually see Michael Fishman in a second consecutive episode. And what happened to Little Ed (Noel Fisher)? Did they fire the actor?

Gideon58 11-24-20 09:48 PM

Ep 4 was excellent, had me laughing and fighting tears throughout. I hate that Darlene can't have any children, but this plot twist did allow Jay R Ferguson chance to prove what a terrific actor he is. That final scene in the kitchen with him and Sara Gilbert was a heartbreaker. And can I just say I love, love, love, love, love Emilio? I love how much he loves Beverly Rose and refuses to let Becky shut him out of her life. Emilio is adorable. I'm rooting for Jackie and her new possible interest (Nat Faxon), cause Jackie really needs to get laid. I was also very pleased to see that Jay R Ferguson has made it to the opening credits.

gbgoodies 11-25-20 12:18 AM

Originally Posted by Gideon58 (Post 2144001)
Ep 4 was excellent, had me laughing and fighting tears throughout. I hate that Darlene can't have any children, but this plot twist did allow Jay R Ferguson chance to prove what a terrific actor. That final scene in the kitchen with him and Sara Gilbert was a heartbreaker.
As much of a heartbreaker as that scene was, it's probably all for the best. They barely have enough money for themselves. They can't afford to have a child right now.

Originally Posted by Gideon58 (Post 2144001)
And can I just say I love, love, love, love, love Emilio? I love how much he loves Beverly Rose and refuses to let Becky shut him out of her life. Emilio is adorable.
I like Emilio, but Dan was right. If Emilio gets caught, he'll never see Beverly Rose again. Emilio needs to just go home, wait the two years, and then come back legally.

Gideon58 11-25-20 03:17 PM

Originally Posted by gbgoodies (Post 2144049)
As much of a heartbreaker as that scene was, it's probably all for the best. They barely have enough money for themselves. They can't afford to have a child right now.

I like Emilio, but Dan was right. If Emilio gets caught, he'll never see Beverly Rose again. Emilio needs to just go home, wait the two years, and then come back legally.
I agree with you Dan is right and Emilio should go home, but I certainly know where Emilio is coming from...he missed Becky's pregnancy and the birth and he wants to be near his daughter. He's blind to the danger right now, all he's thinking about is being with Beverly Rose. You're also right that Ben and Darlene really can't afford a child right now. And what happened to the eviction issue addressed in the season premiere? It hasn't been mentioned in the last three episodes.

gbgoodies 11-26-20 02:14 AM

Originally Posted by Gideon58 (Post 2144206)
And what happened to the eviction issue addressed in the season premiere? It hasn't been mentioned in the last three episodes.

I think they avoided being evicted when Darlene and Becky both got jobs at Wellman Plastics.

matt72582 12-03-20 07:49 AM

Re: The Conners
Good working-class episode. Something about strikes, etc., that get me emotionally.

Gideon58 12-03-20 06:44 PM

Just watched ep 5. It was fun seeing Becky and Darlene square off against each other, though I really don't buy that the supervisor would actually let Darlene make the decision about Becky's work ethic and even so, why would she deliberately set up the conflict between Becky and Darlene which I'm sure she had to know what she was doing would cause. I'm still scratching my head trying to figure out why Jackie keeps pushing this perfectly nice guy (Nat Faxon) away. And is Becky and Darlene's new supervisor transgender? Anybody else sense this? If so, I would love to see it addressed directly.

Gideon58 12-03-20 09:37 PM

Just finished ep 6...glad they confirmed my suspicions about Robin and did it without writing the character off the show. I am so over Harris...that spoiled little brat really needs a reality check and I'm glad Dan almost gave her one. John Goodman totally nailed that scene aand I also loved Darlene trying to have a conversation with a stoned Ban.

Gideon58 01-14-21 11:11 AM

Candice Bergen was a lot of fun in ep 7 playing Ben's mother. How crappy was her asking Darlene to tell Ben that his dad wasn't his real dad? Jackie's comparison to Bev was on the money...that was such a Bev thing to do...remember when it slipped one Thanksgiving that Roseanne was conceived before her parents were married and if it weren't for the pregnancy, Bev never would have married Al? I hate what's happening between Becky and Emilio...Emilio might be the sweetest guy on prime time right now and Becky just keeps pushing him away.

gbgoodies 01-15-21 12:47 AM

Originally Posted by Gideon58 (Post 2166242)
Candice Bergen was a lot of fun in ep 7 playing Ben's mother. How crappy was her asking Darlene to tell Ben that his dad wasn't his real dad? Jackie's comparison to Bev was on the money...that was such a Bev thing to do...remember when it slipped one Thanksgiving that Roseanne was conceived before her parents were married and if it weren't for the pregnancy, Bev never would have married Al?
I thought when Ben's mother told Darlene about Ben's father, that she was testing Darlene to see if she would keep it a secret from Ben or tell him about it, and that it was going to be a lie, but I guess I was wrong. But it was even worse when Ben's mother just left a note basically telling Ben to ask Darlene about it. Then she came back and told him anyway, and made Darlene look bad for lying to him. She might be even worse than Bev.

Originally Posted by Gideon58 (Post 2166242)
I hate what's happening between Becky and Emilio...Emilio might be the sweetest guy on prime time right now and Becky just keeps pushing him away.
I don't know why, but they seem to be trying to make Becky one of the worst characters on the show. She was never that bad (or that dumb) in the original show. I have no idea why they're going in that direction with her character.

matt72582 01-15-21 09:16 AM

Originally Posted by gbgoodies (Post 2166564)

I don't know why, but they seem to be trying to make Becky one of the worst characters on the show. She was never that bad (or that dumb) in the original show. I have no idea why they're going in that direction with her character.

Becky was always the smarter sister, and Darlene was the problem child in the original show... BUT, Sarah Gilbert is a producer (investor) so this is becoming her show.. I notice John Goodman only getting a few lines, which is too bad, as I think he holds the show together, the most interesting character, and the de-factor leader of the family since Roseanne "died".

I still have some hope that someday in the future, when "The Conners" gets canceled due to low ratings, that we usher in an era of forgiveness, and re-start "Roseanne", despite the re-boot not being as good as the original show, which was SO much better.. Last episode was alright, and since I've seen every episode, I'm going to keep watching, as its only 15 minutes long with DVR. I guess it's my soap opera, along with the NBA.

Gideon58 02-04-21 08:38 PM

I can't believe they gave Harris a boyfriend in ep 8. Harris just continues to be floating through life with no responsibilities while the rest of the family seems to be working so hard to keep the family together. And a rich boyfriend to boot! I hope Darlene is right about the guy because it was a little tone o hard to read him in this episode. That scene with Becky ad Ben was interesting...not only was there an air of sexual tension between them, but Becky seemed to actually have been given back her brain for the first time since this show started.

gbgoodies 02-05-21 01:51 AM

Originally Posted by Gideon58 (Post 2175399)
I can't believe they gave Harris a boyfriend in ep 8. Harris just continues to be floating through life with no responsibilities while the rest of the family seems to be working so hard to keep the family together. And a rich boyfriend to boot! I hope Darlene is right about the guy because it was a little too hard to read him in this episode. That scene with Becky and Ben was interesting...not only was there an air of sexual tension between them, but Becky seemed to actually have been given back her brain for the first time since this show started.

I think this post kind of sums up the things that I don't like about this show's reboot.

The kids are all boring and/or unlikable, especially Harris.

They turned Becky into an idiot, which is nothing like her character in the original show.

And the only likable character on the show is Ben, who isn't even a member of the Conner family.

If this show wasn't a reboot of "Roseanne", I probably would have stopped watching it already. :(

Gideon58 02-05-21 09:51 PM

Ep 9 featured some strong work from Jay R Ferguson as Ben started to drown his self-pity in alcohol. Thrilled that Darlene got a's about time something good happened to her. Sadly, everything with Jackie and her new boyfriend (Nat Faxon) was stupid. This show is really starting to waste Laurie Metcalf. She's better than what she's getting here.

Gideon58 02-08-21 07:40 PM

Just watched Ep 10...I was a little thrown by this fight between Dan and Chuck. I understand Dan's economic struggles, but it's out of character for Dan to be jealous of Chuck in that way. I would also like to say that I'm very happy that James Pickens is finding time to play Chuck while still playing Richard on Grey's Anatomy. The make up scene with Pickens and Goodman was excellent. Loved the little shout out to the late Alex Trebek. I should also say I LOVE the idea of Jackie going on Jeopardy and I hope they play this all the way out. Jackie would be hysterical on Jeopardy, even funnier than Cliff on Cheers was when he went on. The story of Darlene and her crazy secretary provided a chuckle or two, but should have been funnier than it was. Though it could be kind of funny that Darlene had a new secretary every episode a la Murphy Brown.

Gideon58 03-03-21 09:03 PM

Just watched ep 11 which featured some of the strongest writing I've seen this season. Loved everything that happened between Ben and Dan. It was a little sad watching Dan sort of facing his own mortality as a contracting God. And is Fred Savage being tested as a possible new romantic interest for Sara Gilbert? Their scene together exuded mad chemistry. Can't wait for Jackie to go on JEOPARDY.

Gideon58 03-15-21 04:10 PM

Ep 12 had its moments. but definitely one of the weaker episodes this season. The idea of Mark being scared into thinking he had the virus was a little disturbing. It seems we're supposed to feel bad for Harris because Josh dumped her, but I don't because Harris is so unlikable, the most unlikable TV kid since Violet on Mom. That gravestone thing was kind of hard to swallow but Patton Oswalt was very funny as the funeral director. And I also felt about 115 years old when it was revealed that Harris had never heard of Fatal Attraction.

Gideon58 04-01-21 07:26 PM

Ep 13 was a real heartbreaker. I hated everything that happened between Dan and Ben, but I understood both sides. I understand Ben wanting to live up to his father's trust, but the business would have gone under already if it weren't for Dan. It was also heartbreaking watching Becky relapse. She was doing so well. I understood her desire to gloss over the pain her life to her date, but the guy seemed sweet and smart and I don't think he would have thought less of her if she had been truthful about being an alcoholic. And after all the precautions the family has taken regarding covid, why give it to Louise now?

gbgoodies 04-02-21 02:42 AM

Originally Posted by Gideon58 (Post 2191990)
Ep 13 was a real heartbreaker. I hated everything that happened between Dan and Ben, but I understood both sides. I understand Ben wanting to live up to his father's trust, but the business would have gone under already if it weren't for Dan.
I thought Dan was totally out of line asking for a percentage of the business. Regardless of how much business he's bringing in, he's only been working there a few months. He's not entitled to a piece of the business.

Originally Posted by Gideon58 (Post 2191990)
It was also heartbreaking watching Becky relapse. She was doing so well. I understood her desire to gloss over the pain her life to her date, but the guy seemed sweet and smart and I don't think he would have thought less of her if she had been truthful about being an alcoholic.
Becky should have just been honest about her life. She didn't have to make it sound as bad as it is, but she shouldn't have made it sound like she was rich. And she definitely shouldn't have had a glass of wine. She could have said that she was on some type of meds, or she thinks that she might be pregnant, or any other excuse. Drinking the wine was a mistake.

Originally Posted by Gideon58 (Post 2191990)
And after all the precautions the family has taken regarding covid, why give it to Louise now?
I could be wrong, but I think they might have given Louise Covid because they might be killing her off. The actress, (Katey Sagal), has a new show that's starting in a few days, ("Rebel"), so she's probably leaving the show.

Gideon58 04-02-21 05:48 PM

That's right, Katey Sagal does have a new show, I forgot. I understand her taking a starring role in an hour long series, but she and John Goodman were really growing on me as a couple.

Gideon58 04-03-21 06:13 PM

Just read an internet article that Sagal will continue to play Louise on The Conners while doing least until the end of the season.

Gideon58 04-09-21 09:57 PM

Just finished watching the REAL EP 13 we learned that Louise got covid. I loved when Dan was sitting outside her apartment asking for television updates. Loved Neville putting on the pants in his relationship with Jackie and it was nice to see Ben and Darlene clear a little bit of the air clogging up their relationship.

Gideon58 04-14-21 10:27 PM

The return of Candice Bergen in Ep 14 was unexpected but she sure seems to liven things up on this canvas, I wonder if she's going to be a regular. The new guy at Wellman's is funny and hot...he seems to be another candidate for a new Sara Gilbert love interest since her relationship with Ben seems to be falling apart, which I'm not happy about at all. Though it seems like Darlene is not feeling Ben the way she used to. Very disappointed that Becky left rehab but loved Jackie's speech about her dad.

gbgoodies 04-16-21 01:26 AM

Originally Posted by Gideon58 (Post 2195445)
The return of Candice Bergen in Ep 14 was unexpected but she sure seems to liven things up on this canvas, I wonder if she's going to be a regular. The new guy at Wellman's is funny and hot...he seems to be another candidate for a new Sara Gilbert love interest since her relationship with Ben seems to be falling apart, which I'm not happy about at all. Though it seems like Darlene is not feeling Ben the way she used to. Very disappointed that Becky left rehab but loved Jackie's speech about her dad.

I hope Ben isn't leaving the show. He's one of my favorite characters. (He's probably the only person on the show who's a normal person. :lol:)

Was the new guy at Wellman's played by someone from "Beverly Hills 90210"? I didn't look him up, but I thought he might be Brian Austin Green.

Gideon58 04-16-21 05:31 PM

Not sure who he is, but it's not Brian Austin Green

Gideon58 04-22-21 09:31 PM

John Goodman and Lecy Goranson were so wonderful in those scenes at the rehab. I loved the way these scenes reached way back into the show's history and reminded us so beautifully how Dan never got over his resentment towards Mark for eloping with Becky at the end of season 4 of Roseanne. it's too bad they had to invent history for Jackie and Darlene to talk about during an earlier scene when there is so much history for the current writers to pull from. Loved when Darlene told off that teacher too.

Gideon58 05-17-21 03:59 PM

My apologies to GBG as i think the new guy at Wellman's is Brian Austin Green.

Gideon58 05-17-21 04:23 PM

Just finished ep 19 and despite the initial big laughs provided by Becky's return from rehab, she was displaying a lot of incorrect behavior for a recovering alcoholic, but the writers legitimized it near the end of the show with the family's intervention. I was a little disappointed with the screen time to devoted to Jackie on Jeopardy, but I hope they really are bringing her back. The whole thing with Darlene, Ben, and Brian Austin Green was a little minute she's asking Brian to go to Hawaii and the next she's telling Ben she sold the tickets...did I Miss something?

gbgoodies 05-19-21 02:38 AM

Originally Posted by Gideon58 (Post 2204902)
My apologies to GBG as i think the new guy at Wellman's is Brian Austin Green.
I wasn't sure because I haven't seen him in much since 90210, but he has a pretty distinctive voice.

Originally Posted by Gideon58 (Post 2204915)
Just finished ep 19 and despite the initial big laughs provided by Becky's return from rehab, she was displaying a lot of incorrect behavior for a recovering alcoholic, but the writers legitimized it near the end of the show with the family's intervention. I was a little disappointed with the screen time to devoted to Jackie on Jeopardy, but I hope they really are bringing her back.
I don't think Jackie is going back on Jeopardy. She admitted later in the episode that she was lying about that.

Originally Posted by Gideon58 (Post 2204915)
The whole thing with Darlene, Ben, and Brian Austin Green was a little minute she's asking Brian to go to Hawaii and the next she's telling Ben she sold the tickets...did I Miss something?
Ben's mother had a talk with Darlene, and convinced her that she should sell the tickets and use the money for Dan's bills, so she can move out of her father's house. Darlene realized that she was right, and sold the tickets to help pay Dan's mortgage, so she and Ben can start their life together.

Gideon58 05-20-21 03:33 PM

Just watched ep 20, which felt like the season finale. The scene of Darlene proposing to Ben was brilliantly written and performed. I guess we were supposed to feel bad for Darlene, but I didn't because everything Ben said was true. Why should Darlene just expect Ben to forget the wringer she put him through the past year and just happily skip down the aisle with her? Impressed that the writers didn't discount everything that happened between these two this year and have Ben accept Darlene's proposal. Nigel investing in The Lunchbox has disaster written all over it, but I'm thrilled for Dan and Louise. I'm glad DJ's family is reunited but it sure felt like we're not going to see much of them anymore. Excellent season finale.

Gideon58 09-23-21 12:12 PM

There were some interesting things happening in the live fourth season premiere. Loved that Sara Gilbert informed us right at the beginning that the show was being done live in front of a fully vaccinated studio audience. I'm guessing Katey Sagal's show Rebel wasn't renewed because she was front and center during this episode, though I'm wondering if their wedding is ever going to happen because Dan seems to be feeling guilt about having a big splashy wedding with someone other than Roseanne. The writers seem to be turning Jackie into the new Bev, which is not a good thing. The character just seems to be nagging everybody about everything they're doing, making one of the show's best characters really squirm-worthy. The whole thing of Mark skyping with other real people all over the country with the last name Conner totally fell flat and was a waste of screentime. Can't believe they're pulling Ben and Darlene further and further, but I did like the idea of Darlene considering her lack of spirituality as a reason her relationships don't work. Solid work from Sara Gilbert last night. I was thinking that the actress who played the psychic looked and sounded just like an actress named Yvette Nicole Brown and sure enough as the credits rolled, her surname was revealed to be Brown. I was a little troubled that Becky was completely absent. The explanation that she was still in rehab doesn't wash because most rehab stays are 90 days or less. I hope Lecy doesn't start bounding back and forth like she did the last couple of seasons of the original show. I wouldn't be surprised if when she does come back, Sarah Chalke is playing her.

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