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Ezikiel 10-18-03 10:23 PM

What are you doing at this very moment?
When you post a reply here, tell us what your doing at that very moment, you could be listening to music, or playing a video game, etc.

Right now I am playing a South Park Super Mario Bros. game, very addictive, been playing it for hours. :cool:

projectMayhem 10-18-03 10:47 PM

Reading this post, wait no now, I'm typing...

LordSlaytan 10-18-03 10:53 PM

I'm laughing at Mayhems post.

MyRobotSuit 10-18-03 11:11 PM

I'm trying to work out a solo part for a song.

That's it.

Sexy Celebrity 10-18-03 11:37 PM

Talking to someone.

LordSlaytan 10-18-03 11:38 PM

Originally Posted by Sexy Celebrity
Talking to someone.

Yoda 10-18-03 11:43 PM

Thinking about getting some food.

Sexy Celebrity 10-18-03 11:44 PM

Thinking about getting something to drink (I'm always thirsty!)

Ezikiel 10-19-03 12:11 AM

I'm eating a pizza , yum. :licklips:

LordSlaytan 10-19-03 12:12 AM


MyRobotSuit 10-19-03 12:16 AM

My bum is numb so I am about to shuffle.

Is it wrong to say what you are about to do when you should be stating what you are doing?

Ah well, just did it.

MyRobotSuit 10-19-03 01:12 AM

Now (1)

I'm about to go to bed. It's quarter past 5 in the morning and I think I'm getting a bit over tired.

Now (2)

A little bedtime story.

There was once a man who lived inside a dog. He was born that way. On day he came out of the dog as if by magic.

The end.

Now (3)


Ezikiel 10-19-03 05:52 AM

Well right now I'm drinking a Dr.Pepper and getting ready to go to bed.

nebbit 10-19-03 07:03 AM

Right now, eating, typing, watching Namibia playing Ireland in the World cup :D

Hondo333 10-19-03 07:42 AM

Having a 3 way chat with my mates disscussing why strippers have no body hair (Male That Is)

Pappa Bear 10-20-03 12:18 AM

sitting and thinking what i should do with this girl im having troble dealing with

nebbit 10-20-03 05:13 AM

Originally Posted by Hondo333
Having a 3 way chat with my mates disscussing why strippers have no body hair (Male That Is)
Haven't you heard of body waxing :rolleyes:

Hondo333 10-20-03 07:38 AM

No not how they get it off... Why they get it off,

nebbit 10-20-03 07:53 AM

Originally Posted by Hondo333
No not how they get it off... Why they get it off,
Social pressure, it isn't fashionable, hair is ugly, so they say :rolleyes:

Hondo333 10-20-03 08:07 AM

Yes we came to that conlsusion :rolleyes:

Monkeypunch 10-21-03 12:46 AM

Right now I'm thinking about going to bed, 'cause I have to go to work tomorrow morning, and I'm smiling because I just talked to my girl, whom I love more than anything else, and thanking god that she didn't break up with me for being so stupid yesterday. oh, and I'm scratching this nasty burn on my arm I got while cooking. It itches SO BAD!!!

Sidewinder 10-21-03 01:25 AM

Contemplating whether or not I should assist the poster that is slowly falling down corner by corner from my wait it fell.

blibblobblib 10-21-03 09:05 AM

Im sitting in my jimmy jams contemplting having a shower then trying to do some course work while wiggling my toes as theyre freezing....and man i need a poo as well.

Hondo333 10-21-03 09:19 AM

Sitting here waiting to be picked up to go to the movies...... they should have been here 2 hours ago.... i dont think there coming :(

nebbit 10-21-03 09:19 AM

Originally Posted by blibblobblib
man i need a poo as well.
Just a little more info than needed :laugh:

projectMayhem 10-21-03 10:39 AM

Blowing my nose.

7thson 10-21-03 05:40 PM

trying to get DVD shrink to shrink "The Stand" down to only 1 DVD-R" Man lowest I can get it is 15 GB.

Ezikiel 10-21-03 07:04 PM

Right now Im about to watch 'Raiders of The Lost Ark' :cool:

Revenant 10-21-03 07:09 PM


Problem with the gas supply so currently have none. No heating, nothing, nada, zippo.

Its bloomin' cold out, colder inside and I'm FREEZING. Chilled to the bone.

Also loosing fingers from frostbite writing this.

snap! There goes another one. :rolleyes:

Gracie 10-21-03 07:18 PM

I'm currently wondering why Atkins bars have a bad aftertaste. Especiall the peanut butter ones. Oh, and admiring the tabby cat who's taking up half my mouse pad.

blibblobblib 10-21-03 07:23 PM

Im eating a macdonalds happy meal while playing with my Dorey toy. She speaks such a loser *Insert Incredibly uncool smiley here*

Caitlyn 10-21-03 07:49 PM

Right now I'm trying to decide what I want to eat…

MyRobotSuit 10-21-03 09:42 PM

Right now I'm throwing coconuts at the people trying to steal my island.

Sexy Celebrity 10-21-03 09:45 PM

Originally Posted by MinionTV
Right now I'm throwing coconuts at the people trying to steal my island.
*throws the coconuts back at you*

nebbit 10-21-03 11:08 PM

At Work playing on the computer between clients. :D

MyRobotSuit 10-21-03 11:23 PM

Don't you find it difficult working with clients between you?

Anyway, I'm working on my website again. Also trying to find something bigger to throw at SC.

nebbit 10-21-03 11:46 PM

Originally Posted by MinionTV
Don't you find it difficult working with clients between you?.
Yes they think That I am not listening to them, I have assured them that I can do more than one thing at a time.
1. Play on the computer
2. Pretend that I am listening
3. grunt at the appropriate time.
4. Take their money :D

7thson 10-22-03 12:29 AM

Im sulking because the Joe Scmoe show wasnt on tonight, Dangit

projectMayhem 10-22-03 12:50 AM

I'm rubbing my eyes in sleepiness...and now I'm going to bed...

n7of9 10-22-03 09:44 AM

watching Star Trek Nemesis

Nikki 10-22-03 09:49 AM

Eating .............TWISTIES..............ohhh yummm

nebbit 10-22-03 06:56 PM

Just got back from the 6am class at the gym, now having breakfast and coffee before going to work. :D

Caitlyn 10-22-03 09:32 PM

Working... well... whenever they look, I am... ;D

jrs 10-23-03 01:20 AM

just returned to MoFo, after a short break. i can't stand being away. :nope:

nebbit 10-23-03 10:58 PM

Sitting on my bed with my nephews baby who is sick, that's all he want's to do. :)

jrs 10-24-03 12:25 AM

Watching Roseanne

projectMayhem 10-24-03 01:03 AM

Cringing at the mention of Roseanne :sick:

Aniko 10-24-03 01:03 AM

Everyones asleep and I'm sipping a glass of white wine.

nebbit 10-24-03 03:47 AM

Tryind to send e mails it seem with the bigpond stuff up here I can receive but not give............oh I mean send. ;D

projectMayhem 10-24-03 01:56 PM

Worrying about a research project which I thought I had 2 months to finish, but just found out i have 4 days! :frustrated: :(

Ezikiel 10-24-03 06:47 PM

Been trying to find my old Jr High and High School yearbooks for 4 hours now, and still havn't got a clue where they are :(

nebbit 10-24-03 11:34 PM

Eating a yummy Mango :licklips:

projectMayhem 10-24-03 11:46 PM

playing Crimson Skies on X-box live. This game is amazingly beautiful.

jrs 10-25-03 12:28 AM

Trying to fix my printer

Hondo333 10-25-03 03:38 AM

Floating....... i had bad hayfeaver and the only thing in the house to take for it was Anit-Histamane you use for savere bee sting reactions....


Ezikiel 10-31-03 10:53 PM

Right now I am very bored so I'm just watching Raiders of the Lost Ark again. :indifferent:

n7of9 11-01-03 12:02 AM

watching queen of the damned

jrs 11-01-03 12:07 AM

On the computer

Ezikiel 11-01-03 12:12 AM

Watching Everybody Loves Raymond :D

projectMayhem 11-01-03 12:15 AM

Listening to the on going bs coming out of my friend's mouth. It never, ever stops! :rolleyes: :furious:

Spoon 11-01-03 01:00 AM

Listening to some Tenacious D, lamenting over my team's crappy football record... :(

projectMayhem 11-01-03 01:09 AM

Whose your team?

nebbit 11-01-03 01:21 AM

Playing on the laptop while my husband watches a Rugby world cup game :rolleyes:

Monkeypunch 11-01-03 01:26 AM

Right now, I'm sitting in my room, listening to Ghost of The Robot, partying inside my head 'cause I don't have to go away tomorrow, and considering going downstairs to steal some trick-or-treat candy... :D

Nikki 11-01-03 01:52 AM

I should be studying for an exam........ :(

Piddzilla 11-01-03 08:32 AM

Home being sick taking a break from watching Raging Bull.

MyRobotSuit 11-01-03 08:42 AM

Listening to Led Zep's Physical Grafitti and sorting out my music collection while drinking alot of tea.

Hondo333 11-01-03 09:21 AM

Eating Apple Pie, a very Lege Slice of Apple Pie

Caitlyn 11-01-03 10:32 AM

Drinking coffee and trying to wake up… :yawn:

birdygyrl 11-01-03 10:48 AM

Drinking coffee and doing a crossword puzzle before I go to work.

Ezikiel 11-01-03 01:06 PM

Watching Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back and laughing at Jay. :)

jrs 11-01-03 01:06 PM

All dressed for work, relaxing on MoFo.

Spoon 11-01-03 02:50 PM

projectMayhem, I play on my HS team here in the Land of Corn... and we just finished the season goin' 2-7. However, our varseity is goin' to the play-offs, so that makes life a little better.... :o

Now, however, I'm watching Iowa kick some ass against Illinois, and eating left-over halloween candy.

Monkeypunch 11-01-03 02:58 PM

I am feeling depressed and wondering should I even go on....

projectMayhem 11-01-03 02:59 PM

Originally Posted by Monkeypunch
I am feeling depressed and wondering should I even go on....
Tht's just not funny at all. Don't talk like that, I've been too close to too many people who've been down that road. Its not cool.

Monkeypunch 11-01-03 03:08 PM

Originally Posted by projectMayhem
Tht's just not funny at all. Don't talk like that, I've been too close to too many people who've been down that road. Its not cool.
Not trying to be funny. I'm just really depressed. I am really in love with a girl from my work, we started going out, it's gotten really intense, but its like so doomed. She can't tell her friends or family 'cause they wouldn't be cool with it (we have a sizeable age difference) and we can't ever find the time to see each other EVER. I'm starting to crack, only I can't tell her that 'cause it's not fair to expect her to blow off all the things she has to do for me. but I'm so depressed 'cause I love her so much, and I need to be with her but I can't. everyday just hurts more and more.

Sexy Celebrity 11-01-03 03:12 PM

Oh, that's not so doomed. What is the age difference? Ten years? Twenty? Thirty? One hundred?

projectMayhem 11-01-03 03:16 PM

yeah, if you guys truly loved each other than the age issue wouldn't be an issue at all. And what could her family and friends really do to stop you? unless she really needs their blessing. Just don't give up. Hang in there.

Monkeypunch 11-01-03 03:18 PM

Originally Posted by Sexy Celebrity
Oh, that's not so doomed. What is the age difference? Ten years? Twenty? Thirty? One hundred?
ten. She's afraid to tell anyone so we have to sneak around, and work is always getting in the way, and I have to deal with not seeing her for insanely long periods of time, and it just HURTS. I can't call her house, I have to make do with E-Mails and IM instead of seeing her a lot of the time, She has classes every day and I work every night....I can't take it.

Monkeypunch 11-01-03 03:20 PM

Originally Posted by projectMayhem
yeah, if you guys truly loved each other than the age issue wouldn't be an issue at all. And what could her family and friends really do to stop you? unless she really needs their blessing. Just don't give up. Hang in there.

It's not an issue with us, its with everyone else. I just want to see her more than maybe twice a month and that can't ever seem to happen. I'm going crazy.

projectMayhem 11-01-03 03:29 PM

Ten years isn't so bad. My parents are 10 years apart and as long as both of you are of age their shouldn't be a major problem. Even if the relationship isn't working out right now I think if you're both truly serious about each other then you'll find a way to make it work. I've been there so I know how it feels.

nebbit 11-01-03 10:07 PM

Originally Posted by Monkeypunch
ten. She's afraid to tell anyone so we have to sneak around, and work is always getting in the way, and I have to deal with not seeing her for insanely long periods of time, and it just HURTS. I can't call her house, I have to make do with E-Mails and IM instead of seeing her a lot of the time, She has classes every day and I work every night....I can't take it.
i know how she feels but if you hang in there it will work out ok people will see that you are a great couple and the age won't matter.

I am 8 yrs older than my man and we have been together 17yrs, married 13.

My best friend is also 8yrs older than her man and they have been together 20yrs this month.

In May i went to a Wedding, or should i say a surprise wedding as they invited people over for a dinner party and they got married. they have been together 20yrs and she is 11yrs older than him, they are a great couple.

The thing that i have found interesting is that over the years the gap in age is not noticeable at all, now if you see these couples they look very similar in age, and in the case of my best friend she looks younger than her man.

Don't be desperate because love can conquer all, even the times away from each other, there is no need to rush, just enjoy the times you have together.


Monkeypunch 11-01-03 11:09 PM

Originally Posted by nebbit

Don't be desperate because love can conquer all, even the times away from each other, there is no need to rush, just enjoy the times you have together.

I just wanna thank everyone for their outpouring of concern for me, epecially Sexy Celebrity, who helped me put a lot of this in perspective.

I had a talk with her today, which is what I shoulda done in the first f*cking place, and I do feel better about it. Yeah, there are gonna be times where I'm gonna miss the hell out of her, but the times together make up for that. I am just in constant shock over how much I love her, I've never really been in love before, and it's quite an overwhelming experience. I'm sure some of ya'll can relate. I am going to do my best to make this work, and eventually, I think, people will learn to accept it. My friends already have, because they can see in my eyes how serious I am.

SC, Project Mayhem, Nebbit, your positive rep points are so on the way. :D

LordSlaytan 11-01-03 11:20 PM

Is she a teen while you're not? Is that the issue?

Monkeypunch 11-02-03 12:01 AM

Originally Posted by LordSlaytan
Is she a teen while you're not? Is that the issue?
No, its more like I have to really struggle to find the time to see her.

Ezikiel 11-19-03 01:29 AM

Right now I'm watching Late Night with Conan O' Brien, just love Conan's comedy.

blibblobblib 11-19-03 07:50 PM

Originally Posted by Ezikiel
Right now I'm watching Late Night with Conan O' Brien, just love Conan's comedy.
Oh i'd love to watch that...Dont you live in the UK Ezikiel? I thought you did but i may be oh very wrong. If you do.....tell me how coz i wanna watch Conan too!

Ezikiel 11-19-03 08:12 PM

Originally Posted by blibblobblib
Oh i'd love to watch that...Dont you live in the UK Ezikiel? I thought you did but i may be oh very wrong. If you do.....tell me how coz i wanna watch Conan too!
No sorry I live in the US, you dont get conan in the UK?

blibblobblib 11-19-03 08:45 PM

Originally Posted by Ezikiel
No sorry I live in the US, you dont get conan in the UK?
No we dont. Its so annoying. we get letterman and Leno but there on so late i have to record them. it relly bugs because there are so many shows i wish we got over here. it called Th Andy Glick show? Its a chacter that Martin Short plays. i saw it a few times in the US on the Comedy Channel. d love to see more of that show. :yup:

Ezikiel 11-20-03 10:20 PM

At this very moment I am putting Disc 1 of The Ultimate Ric Flair Collection in my DVD player and am getting ready to see 10.5 hours of Flair Flair Flair! WHOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

jrs 11-21-03 12:54 AM

Getting ready to go to sleep

john connor 11-21-03 06:24 PM

watching the end of Terminator 2. :D

nebbit 11-22-03 04:21 AM

Watching the world Rugby cup :D

birdygyrl 11-22-03 09:02 AM

Having a cup of coffee and getting ready to go to the chiropractor.

Aniko 11-22-03 10:51 AM

Just finished taking some medicine and trying not to stress out (hoping a little MoFo would calm my nerves with a little down time)....getting the house ready for company and at the same time trying to finish a job for someone.

Monkeypunch 11-22-03 11:15 AM

I am thinking about how I am the dumbest man alive sometimes, but also the luckiest, which i am too dumb too see.... :)

Mark 11-22-03 05:14 PM

I'm putting off hanging the Christmas lights. My wife thought this would be the perfect weekend for me to install them. She left, and I'm stalling. She's probably going to be pissed when she gets home, and I haven't even started yet. Oh,'s cold outside!

Sexy Celebrity 11-22-03 05:52 PM

I'm sitting here thinking about how much I'd like to get out and do something today, or just move away, which I'm hoping to do next month around December 20th.

Ezikiel 11-22-03 08:34 PM

Watching the Return of the King trailer like for the 100th time, I just cant wait to see this movie...:D

LordSlaytan 11-23-03 12:04 AM

Chatting with a monkey.

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