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OG- 03-18-01 11:42 AM

Don't know how well this will work, but since people were complaining about not enough posts I thought about this. Might be interesting.

How about every time you see a movie, post the name of it here, just to see what movies everyone watches on an everyday basis. Well I thought of the idea yesterday, so I guess I'll start with what I watched yesterday:

Event Horizon
Blair Witch 2: Book of Shadows
The Phantom Planet(It was on MST3K)
Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels
um... I think that was about it.

Wart 03-18-01 03:21 PM

1st half of Waterworld. (Would have changed the channel after the first 20 minutes but I couldnt make myself get off the couch. Must have been reading Sun Tzu :D )
Dead Calm (Finally rented it. Wow. Nicole Kidman & Sam Neill. Who was that villain? He was freakin nuts!)

OG- 03-18-01 03:24 PM

Watched Mallrats earlier today with the commentary on, again.

OllieO 03-18-01 03:56 PM

Last night I watched Star Wars, American Pie, and the end of The Exorcist, and today I watched Judge Dredd. Busy yesterday because it was my first day back from uni and thus I had Sky Digital! :)

sunfrog 03-18-01 07:59 PM

Padre Padrone (Ok, so if this was supposed to be a true account of the life of a sheperd was that part with the sheep true??)
Faraway so Close (It's about humans & angels, pretty good)

Also finished reading a book. (Blindness)
I didn't do all this in one day (about 3) but I just now saw this post.

Rodney 03-18-01 08:15 PM

Yesterday I watched Murder By Death.

Today I watched It's A Mad Mad Mad Mad World.

ryanpaige 03-18-01 10:40 PM

I watched movst of Jaws 3 on TV this morning. What a horrible movie that was.

Pigsnie 03-19-01 03:36 AM

I saw one movie yesterday which starred Greg Kinnear. I don't know what the movie was about, but it had Greg Kinnear.

Zephyrus 03-19-01 07:14 AM

Gees, come to think of it I've seen a couple these last few the movies I saw Proof of Life (haven't had time to comment on it), Man on the Moon, Senseless, and a part of 13 Days...that's about it :)

Yoda 03-19-01 10:28 AM

Originally posted by Wart
1st half of Waterworld. (Would have changed the channel after the first 20 minutes but I couldnt make myself get off the couch. Must have been reading Sun Tzu :D )
Dead Calm (Finally rented it. Wow. Nicole Kidman & Sam Neill. Who was that villain? He was freakin nuts!)
I believe that would be Billy Zane - mean guy in "Titantic", hero in "The Phantom" - :)

As for me...well, I havn't been watching as many lately. The last movie theatre movie I saw was "The Mexican" - I guess the last one on video would be Deterrence.

Wart 03-19-01 11:24 PM

Oh, that's why that guy was SO FAMILIAR! From the Titanic!!! I kept thinking he was AMHOTEP (or something) from THE MUMMY . . . .

Yoda 03-19-01 11:55 PM

My brother thought the same thing - he looks a lot like him, but I'm nearly positive it's actually someone different. :)

Rodney 03-20-01 12:14 PM

Meet the Parents

Both are very funny movies.

OllieO 03-20-01 12:56 PM

Just watched Heartbreak Ridge this afternoon.


Rodney 03-21-01 04:21 PM

On the Waterfront

Pigsnie 03-22-01 05:22 PM

My brother came home from boarding school and made me watch BLAIR WITCH PROJECT. What a boring movie! This thing actually made money? Oy vey.

OllieO 03-22-01 05:45 PM

Enter the Dragon today.

Might go to the cinema tomorrow.

I liked BWP. I thought that the ending was awesome. At first I thought that it was a real cop-out, but it wasn't until the next day that I started to get the haunting image of...


... that guy standing against the wall. Freaky.

OG- 03-22-01 08:42 PM

I liked BWP, I saw it before it came out in theaters, before everyone knew it was fake, and I live in the woods so it scared the hell out of me. The end scene is pretty creepy.

Rodney 03-22-01 11:23 PM

Today I watched Goldfinger. One of the best Bond movies I've seen.

ryanpaige 03-22-01 11:52 PM

I watched Get Shorty, again, for about the 100th time.

I also finally watched Arlington Road. I taped it off HBO a long time ago (probably over a year ago, but I don't remember specifically) but had never watched it. While the ending would've been kind of interesting had I not already known what happens ahead of time (One of the previous times I tried to watch the movie, I fell asleep and woke up right as the film was ending), I found the movie to not be all that great overall. (Which is too bad because I like both Jeff Bridges and Tim Robbins).

OllieO 03-23-01 04:27 AM

Goldfinger is definitely a classic.

I love the bit when Bond works out to incredible accuracy for how long the gold will be contaminated... and they GF corrects him!


Rodney 03-24-01 12:05 AM

Today I finally went to see O Brother Where Art Thou.

Zephyrus 03-24-01 08:40 AM

I saw two good movies today, and I was surprised...

The first one was Jacob The Liar with Robin Williams, has anyone seen it? I think it's a great movie, and I was really surprised to see it on pay tv, as I'm pretty sure it missed out in the cinema here two years ago...does anyone know if it went well in the box office and with critics??

The other one was the Thirteenth Floor, it's very much like the Matrix, but a slightly different concept...still liked it though :))

OllieO 03-24-01 02:38 PM

X-Men today.

A love that film. Shame they didn't make Rogue as fit and foxy as she is in the cartoon... :(

But Jean Gray will do... for now ;).

ryanpaige 03-24-01 04:30 PM

Originally posted by Zephyrus
I saw two good movies today, and I was surprised...

The first one was Jacob The Liar with Robin Williams, has anyone seen it? I think it's a great movie, and I was really surprised to see it on pay tv, as I'm pretty sure it missed out in the cinema here two years ago...does anyone know if it went well in the box office and with critics??
Jakob The Liar did poorly at the box office and was panned in all the reviews I read. I didn't see it, though.

OG- 03-25-01 06:19 PM

This weekend I watched: Alien Resurrection, Renissance Man, Strret Fighter, and Starship Troopers.

ryanpaige 03-25-01 08:43 PM

I just got back from seeing Heartbreakers.

Zephyrus 03-26-01 11:09 PM

That's very surprising about Jacob the Liar...has anyone else seen it?!

OG- 03-27-01 10:28 PM

Just watched American History X on DVD.

ryanpaige 03-27-01 11:00 PM

I got Meet the Parents on DVD yesterday and watched it (I saw it in the theaters, so it wasn't new to me or anything).

I'm planning on seeing Momento this weekend in Austin.

Pigsnie 03-29-01 10:45 PM

Shakespeare In Love. Noted with especial interest that Ms. Paltrow's little breasts are pointed, rather like the swelling prow of a Viking ship. I wonder that Joseph Fiennes didn't get puncture wounds. The "stage acting" was also a little too naturalistic for the age; acting then was mostly declaiming one's lines to the worm-eaten rafters. And what the dickens was Ben Affleck doing in here? I suppose he wanted the word "Shakespeare" somewhere in his credits, because he certainly can't act.

Otherwise, a very good movie -- I know a lot of people don't like Ms. Paltrow, but I like her here very much. And in EMMA with Jeremy Northam.

Zephyrus 03-30-01 05:48 AM

Saw Mobsters today (the one with Christian Slater as Lucky Luciano)...of course, it doesn't even begin to compare to the Godfather, but I still liked it anyway! I'm a huge fan of gangster movies ;D

Rodney 03-30-01 06:39 PM

I watched "What About Bob?" the other day. A good comedy with Bill Murray and Richard Dreyfus.

Yoda 03-30-01 06:50 PM

I just saw "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" for the third time in the theatres, and I'll see it again if I get the chance.

Wart 03-31-01 03:17 PM

Last of the Mohicans with Daniel Day Lewis. Better than THE PATRIOT.

OG- 03-31-01 05:27 PM

Just watched The 6th Day with my friends.

Yoda 03-31-01 05:54 PM

Just watched North by Northwest (first time ever, it cut off right at the end, though! I guess the last few minutes were taped over), and then "Dial 'M' For Murder", for maybe the fifth time.

Rodney 04-01-01 09:39 PM

The other day I watched Dumb and Dumber, and Tommy Boy.

Right now I am watching Almost Heros.

OG- 04-03-01 08:44 PM

Through the course of Sunday night I watched The Faculty, Road Trip, Blade, Princess Mononokoe, and Full Metal Jacket twice.

Yoda 04-03-01 09:15 PM

I watched "The Legend of Bagger Vance" earlier today.

Pigsnie 04-03-01 09:54 PM

Dunno how you can watch so many movies in a day, OG. If I rent a video, it would take me perhaps 6 hours to view it all -- I get interrupted a lot by all sorts of things. Did manage to pop in a video a friend sent me: an HBO cancer drama starring Emma THompson called WIT. Ms. Thompson plays a stricken literature professor. It was very moving towards the end, although I did wonder if english lit professors talk this much even when they know they're dying.

We should start a thread here sometime called, What Would You Like Your Dying Words to Be?

PS. Did you like BAGGER VANCE, Commish? I did not. And it certainly didn't help my golf game.

Yoda 04-03-01 10:18 PM

It was okay - better than I expected, at least. It didn't win the game, but it beat the spread. :)

OG- 04-04-01 04:02 PM

I was at a friends house with a bunch of other people, doing stuff on computers, and my friend had a 72 inch plasma screen tv, and a satalite and a huge DVD collection, so I was always watching a movie in the background while playing games or something.

Rodney 04-04-01 05:47 PM

City Lights

Rodney 04-07-01 10:29 PM

Yesterday I watched Wag the Dog

Today I watched Dumb and Dumber

OG- 04-07-01 10:42 PM

I watched Office Space today.

Yoda 04-07-01 10:46 PM

Office Space is great - I love his neighbor. "Don't worry bud, I won't tell anyone!" Funny guy. I watched some various parts of "The Matrix" today, but that's about it.

Aditya 04-08-01 02:31 AM

Interesting flicks you guys watched.I gotta watch CTHD sometime soon.

I rented 3 DVD's namely Cry in the Dark,A Few Good Men,and 10 things I hate about you.

I finished 10 things and it was pretty good and funny.

I have yet to watch the other two.


Pigsnie 04-10-01 03:49 AM

THE SILVER CHALICE with Paul Newman in his first major role, I believe. Awful movie (Newman is as wooden as Noah's Ark), but it is somewhat religious, and I try to watch religious movies on Holy Week. Tomorrow, I am going to watch my home videos of Filipinos being crucified (REALLY! the nails go right through their palms!) on Good Friday. Filipinos do this every year, and tourists from all over the world (including me) visit the Philippines just to watch this amazing spectacle.

Yoda 04-10-01 09:16 AM

People are crucified? They agree to this?

Pigsnie 04-10-01 11:31 AM

They agree to be crucified as a penance for some great sin they committed. Many of the "crucified" are ex-convicts. Some might also have promised to do this because God granted them a special favor, like curing their sick parents. I believe even women have agreed to be crucified recently. This is all of their own free will, of course, as the ultimate expression of their piety.

As for the crucifixion itself, the nails are driven through the fleshy part of the hands, away from any major arteries. There is not much bleeding, I am told, if it is done properly. The feet are usually untouched. And they are only crucified for about half an hour. However, there are some Filipinos who go through the whole Passion: the Scourging at the Pillar, the Crown of Thorns (ouch!), the Long Walk to Calvary, etc. They get MAJOR TV COVERAGE, even in Europe.

The Philippines also has hordes of flagellants wandering the village streets at this time of year. These penitents remove their shirts and beat their backs with knotted ropes which leave painful welts. Before long, their backs are truly bloody. After that, they roll on the ground (to get their wounds dirty) and then they jump into the sea (the salt water makes their backs agonizingly painful.) But if I am truly lucky, some of these flagellants will lie in front of the church door and we (the church-goers) will not be able to enter the building, unless we actually walk on those bloodied backs. (Priest recommends that one removes one's shoes first.)

Yoda 04-10-01 11:49 AM

Do not take this comment the wrong way, but I find that to be a bit stupid. I am a Christian, but do not believe such incredible pain and self-mutilation are necessary. They'd do a lot better to donate to charity, help a poor family, or something else of the sort.

I admire their dedication, but it sounds awfully extreme.

Pigsnie 04-10-01 12:09 PM

These people are VERY POOR, Commish, and they find that this is the only adequate way they can express their piety. "Stupid" is the wrong word. I am a Catholic too, you know, and while I wish they would discontinue this practice, I understand why they do it. You must have heard the preaching, "Suffering is necessary for Salvation?" And the Philippines is the only Christian country in Asia.
[Edited by Pigsnie on 04-10-2001]

Yoda 04-10-01 05:37 PM

I definintely understand it, but I do believe it hints of foolishness. I am not saying they ARE fools, though, as we all do foolish things.

I cannot say for certain whether such things please God, but I would be mildly surprised if I learned that God was truly pleased by it, in the sense that he is GLAD they did it. While it is obviously an impressive display of dedication to God, I doubt that it is an optimal way of repentence.

My apologies if my original words were too harsh.

Yoda 04-10-01 06:14 PM

Saw "Along Came a Spider" today.

OG- 04-11-01 05:53 PM

Monday at my friends: X-Men, The Frighteners, and Army of Darkness, oh and Mortal Kombat

Weds: Meet the Parents

OG- 04-12-01 05:06 PM

Just watched Raiders of the Lost Ark on USA.

Zephyrus 04-13-01 04:22 AM

Office Space was a great movie! :D Brings back a smile just thinking about it!

Pigsnie 04-13-01 05:09 AM

It is GOOD FRIDAY. Friday the 13th. The day I do laundry. The one Friday night of the year whence I stay home and watch McDonald cheeseburger commercials with longing. (Lent still, you know. No meat allowed, unless Pierce Brosnan breaks into your home and stuffs some veal down your throat.) Eh, what the heck, will go watch BRIDGET JONES with my lady friend.

OG- 04-13-01 01:02 PM

Originally posted by Zephyrus
Office Space was a great movie! :D Brings back a smile just thinking about it!
Yep! Got it in DivX the other day. :D

Zephyrus 04-15-01 12:56 PM

Ahh, I see it's catching on pretty quickly!! :D

OG- 04-15-01 03:16 PM

Eh, I've been down with DivX for maybe over a year now. I was hip to DivX before the internet was on computers!:D

Oh I watched Romeo Must Die Saturday night.

Rodney 04-15-01 07:28 PM

Watched Awakenings with Robin Williams and Robert Deniro today.

OG- 04-15-01 10:35 PM

Indian Jones and the Temple of Doom

Yoda 04-15-01 11:38 PM

On USA, right? :) I just saw "Office Space" again today. Funny.

ryanpaige 04-16-01 03:56 AM

Well, I rented some movies yesterday and watched them. I saw:

The Muppet Movie (A Classic)
The Tao of Steve (I enjoyed it. Was pretty funny)
Wonder Boys (Enjoyed it, though it deviated from the book a good deal)
The Contender (Got bored and turned it off before it was over)

OG- 04-16-01 06:03 PM

Originally posted by TWTCommish
On USA, right? :)
Yep. :D

Zephyrus 04-18-01 11:10 AM

Well, at least you're not one of those people who fall for the huge hype about nothing! ;D

Aditya 04-18-01 02:52 PM

Saw American Beauty

It was pretty average from my point of view.

Zephyrus 04-19-01 08:34 AM

I saw three movies today, The Blair Witch Project, Whatever it Takes and the Shawshank Redemption...

Being the first time that I've ever seen the Blair Witch, I found it pretty scary! Just one question, was the footage real or was it re-shot according to the original? I find that it would be pretty hard to act something like that convincingly!!

Yoda 04-19-01 08:44 AM

Originally posted by Zephyrus
I saw three movies today, The Blair Witch Project, Whatever it Takes and the Shawshank Redemption...

Being the first time that I've ever seen the Blair Witch, I found it pretty scary! Just one question, was the footage real or was it re-shot according to the original? I find that it would be pretty hard to act something like that convincingly!!
I'm not sure I totally understand the question, but here's what happened:

The three actors knew what was going on in the broader sense of things, but they did not know about many of the details. For example: they were told to be at certain places in the woods on certain days, but that was about it.

The directors would throw rocks in the distance and run up to their tent and ruffle it to mess around with them: things like that. So all in all, it is semi-real. I'm sure they became a bit burned out, and didn't know what to expect next, but they also knew it wasn't real.

Rodney 04-19-01 05:47 PM

The other day I watched Back To The Future.

Pigsnie 04-21-01 05:15 AM

The Legend of 1900. A small interesting picture about a great piano player (Tim Roth) who was born on a ship and chose never to leave it.

Jozie 04-21-01 07:21 PM

Hey, you see a lot of flicks. I thought I saw a lot, but you guys see more! I like high-toned snooty movies, and science fiction and funny stuff and exciting stuff but not much on chickflicks. This month (can't come up to scratch on this everyday stuff, sorry,) I saw Angels and insects on TV (again again, loved it again again) saw Hannibal & hated it - tho I love tony hopkins, saw O Brother Where Are thou and thought it was a BLAST, saw Blow & hated it. all my picks are in my sisterinlaw's e-zine at come read my stuff & see if you agree. okay? And if not, thats ok too. Good Luck. Didn't you love Crouching Tiger & if not why not!
Love to all

Pigsnie 04-21-01 09:20 PM

Fell asleep through Angels & Insectisides, don't know why really -- I like period pictures. And what do you mean by snooty, high-toned pictures, Josie? Merchant Ivory stuff?

CURRENT FILMS I LIKE: HANNIBAL, BRIDGET JONES' DIARY, ENEMY AT THE GATES, CROUCHING TIGER. Haven't been out to see much else, although I just saw an er, unauthorized video of FREDDY GOT FINGERED. What a shockingly bad movie (and I couldn't finish it) -- this thing should enter the lists as THE WORST MOVIE SINCE ELI WHITNEY INVENTED THE COTTON GIN.

Jozie 04-22-01 09:19 PM

Hi Pigsnie, Thanks for your note. What are snooty movies? Hmm, depends on where you live. (Just moved to Florida and it seems like here snooty is anything that's not bubble gum. Missing Denver movies just now) But I like foreign flicks -- "King of Masks" is out on tape now. "Vincent and Theo" had bad tape quality, but otherwise, it was very touching. Saw "Gods and Monsters" a year or so back and liked that one, creepy though it was. Dunno -- my buds just keep telling me I only like snooty movies. What can I say?

Recently I've seen "Hannibal" (do yourself a fave and miss that one!) and 'Pollack" (really interesting. honestly tried to show what it was like to be an artist -- I mean other than the booze&babes aspect we've come to expect.) Saw "Blow" (Johnny Depp is really cute, but the flick was just wasted time). Liked "O Brother Where art thou."

Love to all,


OG- 04-22-01 10:04 PM

I watched A Perfect World when I woke up from my 26 hour nap this morning. :D

ryanpaige 04-23-01 02:05 AM

I watch Bowfinger last night. Still a very funny movie, in my opinion (even after three or four viewings).

OG- 04-28-01 09:47 PM

Ok through the course of Friday night to today I watched:
Pitch Black
Sleepy Hollow
The Frighteners
Starship Troopers
And today I saw One Night at McCools.

Yoda 04-28-01 10:01 PM

Saw Spy Kids today, and over half of The Odd Couple last night -- which was pretty funny.

Pigsnie 04-28-01 10:05 PM

How was One Night at McCools? Looks tacky. Michael Douglas worse.

OG- 04-28-01 10:06 PM

Oh yea, throw Mortal Kombat into the mix, watched that too.

OG- 04-28-01 10:13 PM

Originally posted by Pigsnie
How was One Night at McCools? Looks tacky. Michael Douglas worse.
It was greattt!! A very, very entertaining movie. Loved the way everything flowed. Check it out, you'd probably like it. Michael Douglas was hilarious in this movie!!

Steve 04-28-01 11:49 PM

bought a couple of dvds tonight...Leaving Las Vegas, Fargo, and the Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie. Just updating the collection a little on the classics, you know.

OG- 04-28-01 11:51 PM

Hey Steve, where do you buy your DVDs around here?

Steve 04-28-01 11:56 PM

for the common stuff, ie Fargo, American Beauty, etc at either Best Buy or Circuit City. For the not-so-common stuff, foreign flicks, wherever i can find them. Usually Borders, but basically anywhere that has them.

Just started my collection at Christmas...trying to make it larger.

Where do you buy yours?

OG- 04-29-01 12:00 AM

I usually buy mine at Borders after a movie or sometimes I'll head over to Suncoast in the mall to get some.

I only have like a dozen or so DVD's. Pretty weak collection. It's growing though.:)

Jozie 04-29-01 05:44 PM

Hi from Jozie:

My sis-in-law and I went to the flicks last night -- very depressed -- and saw "One Night at McCools" wierd, slightly horrible and FUNNY movie! (Of course, you have to have a slightly perverted sense of what's funny.) But I laughed like a maniac all the way through it. Really great, horrible, funny conclusion! (The S-in-L liked it too. For more on this film, see what she says in The Flick Chick at

We gave the Warren Beatty film a pass. He bores me! Maybe all that sniggering is fun for the sniggerers but what a yawn for the rest of us!

Love to all,


Jozie 04-29-01 05:47 PM

Hello -- Jozie again. Forgot to say that I forgive Michael Douglas all his dopey previous pix. He was really great! And altho I usually don't like John Goodman he was ditto. And Paul Reiter, and of course, the Cutie, too!

Pigsnie 04-29-01 09:58 PM

McCools aint being shown in the UK yet, but I had hopes when I saw the lovely Miss Tyler in the previews cleaning the car with her squeegee self. Oh well, maybe later. For now, the girlfriend is still in BRIDGET mode -- we have just seen the movie for the 3rd TIME !!!!

OG- 04-29-01 10:48 PM

Geez you guys are slow. We'll once it gets there, check it out. Great movie!

Rodney 04-30-01 06:17 PM

Wayne's World

Yoda 04-30-01 06:26 PM


loki 04-30-01 10:23 PM



Deckard 05-01-01 02:30 AM

In the last 24 hours I have watched:

PERDITA DURANGO (8.5/10)- hardcore comic book action

ONE DAY IN SEPTEMBER (9/10)- great documentary/thriller

LORD OF THE FLIES (remake) (8/10)- classic study of the male ego & male social interaction...depressingly real(better book)

MISERY (6.5/10)- as a lover of the book I found this film weak....not the worse King adaption though.

Jozie 05-01-01 12:28 PM

Hi from Jozie --

"the lovely Miss Tyler in the previews cleaning the car with her squeegee self." Honestly! Guys! When you see the flick you'll blush for that!

Love to all,


OG- 05-01-01 05:51 PM

We'll blush? I saw it and didn't blush it all. Thought it was rather nice actually.

Pigsnie 05-01-01 06:21 PM

Real men do not blush. They cringe and their ears may turn a little red, but they do not blush.

OG- 05-01-01 06:30 PM


Pigsnie 05-01-01 06:51 PM

Want to see how certain Englishmen defend their manhood? Watch the fight scene between Firth & Grant in BRIDGET JONES. This is the over-educated Brit's idea of a barroom brawl. They even pull hair & kick.

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