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ScarletLion 01-05-18 07:59 AM

'Dark' [Netflix]
Anybody watching this?

It's a German drama with elements of crime / the supernatural and mystery. Feels like a cross between Scandi-noir and Stranger Things.

I'm through 3 episodes and thoroughly enjoying it.

the samoan lawyer 01-05-18 08:18 AM

Re: 'Dark' [Netflix]
There so much these days to chose from in terms of series. This is on my watchlist but I've just started Black Mirror. I'll get to it asap. I think we have quite similar taste in most things so I'm glad you're enjoying it.

ScarletLion 01-10-18 10:50 AM

This really is very addictive, and possibly one of the most gorgeous looking tv shows I have ever seen.

Kissintel 01-10-18 11:17 AM

Originally Posted by ScarletLion (Post 1850887)
This really is very addictive, and possibly one of the most gorgeous looking tv shows I have ever seen.
Agreed. I absolutely relished my time with this series, and I am going to go back and re-watch it again sometime soon. Really glad that I had switched to the German version before I even started it.

ScarletLion 01-10-18 11:32 AM

Originally Posted by Kissintel (Post 1850892)
. Really glad that I had switched to the German version before I even started it.
Didn't even know there was another version. Thankfully I'm watching in German with Eng subtitles.

ynwtf 01-10-18 12:36 PM

Finished it last weekend after starting over the holiday break. I can't tell you how confused I was listening to English overdub, unaware that it was English overdub. We had to start over EP1 the next day thinking audio was out of sync ;) Of course it made more sense then.

I agree that it is gorgeously composed. I enjoyed the soundtrack as well. Tricky little story line that had only a few low points, but all in all I would give season 1

While I would have been happy for a semi-unfulfilled closer had this only been a 1-off season event, I am still looking forward to where they may take the story down the road. For context, I would have totally been OK had HBO left Westworld as it ended. The season was strong and odd enough throughout that I really did not need full closer. Same vibe here.

ScarletLion 01-10-18 01:45 PM

Originally Posted by ynwtf (Post 1850912)
Finished it last weekend after starting over the holiday break. I can't tell you how confused I was listening to English overdub, unaware that it was English overdub. We had to start over EP1 the next day thinking audio was out of sync ;) Of course it made more sense then.

I agree that it is gorgeously composed. I enjoyed the soundtrack as well. Tricky little story line that had only a few low points, but all in all I would give season 1

While I would have been happy for a semi-unfulfilled closer had this only been a 1-off season event, I am still looking forward to where they may take the story down the road. For context, I would have totally been OK had HBO left Westworld as it ended. The season was strong and odd enough throughout that I really did not need full closer. Same vibe here.
Good to know it continues at this level.

I wasn't a fan of Westworld Season 1 so not really bothered about seeing more of it.

ScarletLion 01-15-18 09:00 AM

Finished it over the weekend. One of the best tv shows of 2017. And probably the best looking Cinematography.

ScarletLion 01-17-18 11:12 AM

Re: 'Dark' [Netflix]
Spoilers are on this link but it's a good one. It's a character map of the 28 main characetrs


d_chatterley 02-05-18 03:28 AM

I watched it and liked it. A bit dreary at times but it was worthwhile. The ending was sort of :shifty:. I wish I had the character map above sooner. It was hard to keep track of all of the people.

DrJacoby 02-10-18 05:35 AM

Re: 'Dark' [Netflix]
I just started this tonight, it is indeed......Dark :D

So far, so good!

p.s. I like the wideshots

Yoda 03-30-18 06:09 PM

Re: 'Dark' [Netflix]
Finished this a week or two ago. Pretty good! But I have to say (spoilery, though not incredibly)...

...the voiceover early on was not only needless, but actively undercut a lot of the revelations that came later. One or two of the revelations, in particular, would've been much harder to guess, except the narration primes you to start thinking in those terms early on. And it seems to give away this surprise without any corresponding benefit. The show is pretty twisty and turny, so perhaps they figured it would help situate people better...but I don't think it did. To whatever degree it is difficult to follow, it's because of the sheer number of characters, not the concept itself, so telling people the general nature of what's coming doesn't help.

Moreover, if they hadn't tipped their hand, the surprise would've been particularly delightful, because it would've been surprising without being unfair. That's the balancing act with any revelation: it has to surprise you and feel like something you should have figured out, or at least something that seems obvious once you know about it. In this case, it would've seemed more surprising than it was because the show "feels" like dramatic horror, and not sci-fi, even though there's nothing that says sci-fi can't be shot the way this is shot, or emphasize the kinds of character work this show emphasizes. It would've turned our preconceptions about the aesthetics of each genre against us, which is completely fair.

Anyway, good show, but definitely a bit missed opportunity there.

After a couple of episodes, my wife and I started to wonder how on earth something like this could continue past one season (if it is indeed renewed), but obviously it goes in some pretty bold places near the end that make that possibility a lot easier to imagine. Definitely hoping for a renewal.

doubledenim 04-21-18 08:03 AM

I fell into the hole yesterday. I have two episodes left, but I think it is great. There are some thin spots with the plot, but it doesn't deter from how much I enjoyed it. I still don't quite understand who the Stranger is, but I will inhale the wiki page when I finish it.

It does look great. I immediately said this doesn't look American and that's a great thing. I love the different "costumes" and "hairstyles" and the music. The music. Wow. What a great scene at the end of E3 with this music. Spellbound and hypnotized.

doubledenim 04-21-18 12:23 PM

Re: 'Dark' [Netflix]
One of the first things that struck me was that Ulrich could be Mads brother. The Real Mads.

Turns out he has a little brother on the show, named Mads.


doubledenim 04-21-18 01:56 PM

Re: 'Dark' [Netflix]
Finished the final 2 episodes...

WARNING: spoilers below
This jumped ahead of Stranger Things S2 and multiple seasons of Got, as far as anticipation for the next season goes. Why? You don't really get any answers. The black hole is nice, but that fell out of the air like a dead bird. I wasn't expecting it, so there was no build up to really appreciate it.

- who built / dug / magically-spiritually materialized the tunnels?
- Noah. Anything would be nice. Gives me a smell of a Brother Justin.
- Mikkel-Michael never met young Mikkel? Why not? What does he learn or know of to not interfere? Or is it just gonna get a no-explanation treatment?
- the welded door?
- the barrels?
- the cellar in the cabin. Is it the Wallpapered Room?
- Helge. Was he really d.e.d. and got revived or not? I'm guessing dead, but how did he re-animate?
-post apocalyptic rag people future...Really the only complaint that bothers me. I may not be fatigued of comic movies yet, but post apocalypto dirto no bueno, no mas.

These questions won't stop. I would love to hear others thoughts.

I realize after the fact they are playing the long game. I still would have liked a bit of a resolution to something.

doubledenim 06-30-18 05:06 AM

doubledenim 07-20-18 04:38 PM

Originally Posted by doubledenim (Post 1892142)
... What a great scene at the end of E3 with this music. Spellbound and hypnotized.

So, I'm trying to think of something to watch and all I wanna do is re-watch Dark. Started thinking about this song and listened to it for the umpteenth time :eek: . Internet discovery team deployed in hope of finding out who the male singer is...He isn't!

It's her voice using a bunch of technology!

ScarletLion 07-20-18 04:41 PM

Re: 'Dark' [Netflix]
I'm glad it's appreciated. Sch a great show. I may have to watch it again before the next season. Agnes Obel is also great.

ScarletLion 07-20-18 04:43 PM

Yoda 07-20-18 06:55 PM

Re: 'Dark' [Netflix]
She's amazing. I first heard her music in a trailer for a video game. It was this song:

doubledenim 07-20-18 08:26 PM

Re: 'Dark' [Netflix]
Originally Posted by ScarletLion (Post 1925419)
Wish she still had that 86' doo.

christine 12-30-18 08:07 AM

Re: 'Dark' [Netflix]
Watched the whole of Dark over a couple of days , absolutely loved it. I'm so glad I started, and continued watching without knowing or seeking any internet explanations. I thought it was just a murder mystery. Well recommended.

Yoda 12-30-18 12:01 PM

Re: 'Dark' [Netflix]
Ah, yeah, stealth fantasy or sci-fi can be really awesome.

doubledenim 04-26-19 12:33 PM

Dark season two will be released on 21st June 2019

:flair: :flair: :flair:

:flair: :flair: :flair: :flair:

:flair: :flair: :flair: :flair: :flair:

:flair: :flair: :flair: :flair:

:flair: :flair: :flair:

Yoda 04-26-19 12:37 PM

Re: 'Dark' [Netflix]
Nice! The end of season 1 still feels so wild that it was almost as if they only wanted to make one season and threw something crazy in there (though not really explaining the Priest character suggests otherwise, of course). Be interesting to see where they go with this. Just an ever-widening loop?

doubledenim 04-26-19 12:43 PM

Interesting that it is so close to the release of S2 of ST. I need to know how much thought went into that :rolleyes: Good or bad, it is always compared to ST.

I'm with you on season 2. Was it lightning in a bottle, will this turn out like Lost, or did they have a plan from the beginning?

John-Connor 04-26-19 02:18 PM

Knowing 'ze germans' they have a well laid out plan..

ScarletLion 04-26-19 03:32 PM

Re: 'Dark' [Netflix]

I watched the director of Dark's feature film 'The Silence' (2010). It's a German mystery murder thriller. It has a couple of parallels with Dark that I won't spoil. It's a very good watch.

John-Connor 05-31-19 05:20 PM

doubledenim 06-01-19 04:11 AM


doubledenim 06-03-19 10:44 AM


WARNING: "S1 deet in relation to dates pertaining to announcement and release of S2" spoilers below

The *release* date is significant in terms of the series itself: 21st June 2019 is the date when 'Michael Kahnwald' committed suicide, leaving a message for his 'son' Jonas which started the whole series off (if you've watched the first season, you'll understand why we're being a bit cagey the names and family relations here).

Perhaps incidentally, perhaps deliberately, Netflix also chose to confirm the release date on the anniversary of the Chernobyl disaster (26th April). With the nuclear plant in Winden playing a significant role of the events of Dark, the timing seems telling.

doubledenim 06-18-19 10:27 AM


coming to an internet masheeen near you!

Yoda 06-19-19 10:35 AM

Re: 'Dark' [Netflix]
Gah, too soon. This really feels like a show I need to rewatch the previous season of to appreciate the next, but I also think it might drag a little a second time through. Hmm. Might just pick a few.

doubledenim 06-20-19 04:02 AM

Re: 'Dark' [Netflix]
I thought about it, but I just can't make the time. On the bright side, I will be running to the internet looking for answers anyways.

SFMZone 06-20-19 08:30 AM

Re: 'Dark' [Netflix]
I have no good reason why I kept scrolling past this series in the Netflix menu. I've been reading good word about it besides here. But I saw above a new season is around the corner, so I might way till it's released to binge the whole shibang.

doubledenim 06-20-19 08:26 PM

Austruck 06-28-19 04:50 PM

Re: 'Dark' [Netflix]
I'm four episodes into the second season. There is a 3-4 minute recap of season one in the beginning of the first episode that helped a lot. And still I was wishing for a chart of names/relationships/whether or not these people are friends or enemies with other people.

They're reeeeeeally mashing up the time travel stuff. Lots of head games. :D

Austruck 07-02-19 10:14 PM

Originally Posted by doubledenim (Post 2015482)


I just finished season 2, and my response to this post is: THERE'D BETTER BE! :D

doubledenim 07-03-19 03:38 AM

Re: 'Dark' [Netflix]
I will be there in a week. If I don't watch it this weekend, I've got a trip coming and I'm gonna dL all the eps to carry with me.

ScarletLion 07-12-19 06:27 AM

Re: 'Dark' [Netflix]
Just finished Season 2. This is without doubt one of the greatest television programmes ever made. It is also one of the best time travel tale's ever, and I'd include all movies in that too.

Utterly amazing television.

Larry 07-13-19 04:00 AM

Re: 'Dark' [Netflix]
Originally Posted by ScarletLion (Post 2023132)
Just finished Season 2. This is without doubt one of the greatest television programmes ever made. It is also one of the best time travel tale's ever, and I'd include all movies in that too.

Utterly amazing television.
How does it compare to stranger things season 1 and 2. I’ve heard they are comparable....which is good as I enjoyed ST season 1 and 2.

ScarletLion 07-13-19 05:59 AM

Originally Posted by Larry (Post 2023363)
How does it compare to stranger things season 1 and 2. I’ve heard they are comparable....which is good as I enjoyed ST season 1 and 2.
It's all about personal taste - but I much prefer Dark. Stranger Things is way more accessible. Dark takes more brainpower.

Larry 07-13-19 06:38 AM

Originally Posted by ScarletLion (Post 2023368)
It's all about personal taste - but I much prefer Dark. Stranger Things is way more accessible. Dark takes more brainpower.
I’ll give it a go, I don’t have much brain power in abundance though.

doubledenim 07-14-19 02:12 PM

Re: 'Dark' [Netflix]
It's worth it.

I watched the first couple episodes of S2 on de plane and I'm gonna have to start S2 over.

The only thing I got out of it was a guy that looks like Pizza tha Hut.

John-Connor 07-18-19 07:16 AM

Skipped through the entire first season again to refresh my memory, glad I did. The second season would've been hard to follow hadn't I done that.
Just finished S2, have to agree with Scarlet this is one of the best time travel related projects ever, that's in tv and movieland.
Besides that everything else; the drama, acting casting, cinematography, story, soundtrack and wardrobe are all amazing!
This series definitely became one of my favorites ever after season 2.

ScarletLion 07-18-19 07:28 AM

Originally Posted by John-Connor (Post 2024288)
Skipped through the entire first season again to refresh my memory, glad I did. The second season would've been hard to follow hadn't I done that.
Just finished S2, have to agree with Scarlet this is one of the best time travel related projects ever, that's in tv and movieland.
Besides that everything else; the drama, acting casting, cinematography, story, soundtrack and wardrobe are all amazing!
This series definitely became one of my favorites ever after season 2.
The casting is impeccable. The older versions really do look like their younger selves.

John-Connor 07-18-19 07:43 AM

Originally Posted by ScarletLion (Post 2024290)
The casting is impeccable. The older versions really do look like their younger selves.
Indeed, must have been a hell of a casting search for exactly the right characteristic features for every role x 3, older Ulrich very impressive too.. except for maybe middle-aged Jonas..

ScarletLion 07-18-19 07:56 AM

So theories?

WARNING: "Huge dark" spoilers below
-Is Adam really Jonas? I have a feeling it might turn out to be Bartosz. Or maybe it's the missing character - the detective's murdered brother? If it is Bartosz, he could have shot Martha out of jealousy that she chose Jonas instead of him

-Does elisabeth now go back in time to fool around with Noah? Does she take charlotte with her as they seem to connect through the wormhole and touch hands?

-Is the new Martha actually the same Martha? Perhaps she is not related to jonas in her dimension thus giving legitemacy to their love?

- Is Boris Niewald (real name of the new nuclear plant boss) named Niewald because it's a concoction of the names Nielsen and Kahnwald???? Could it be that he is the son of Hannah and Ulrich? Or even Jonas and Martha?

headaches all round. Unbelievable show

John-Connor 07-18-19 08:41 AM

WARNING: "spoilers" spoilers below
Originally Posted by ScarletLion (Post 2024293)
-Is Adam really Jonas? I have a feeling it might turn out to be Bartosz. Or maybe it's the missing character - the detective's murdered brother? If it is Bartosz, he could have shot Martha out of jealousy that she chose Jonas instead of him
Good theory hadn't thought of that, with the introduction of alternate dimensions it could also be a "Jonas 2" who only cares about his dimension Martha and not the one he shot..
-Does elisabeth now go back in time to fool around with Noah? Does she take charlotte with her as they seem to connect through the wormhole and touch hands?
This storyline confuses me most and doesn't add up to me sci-fi science wise lol..
-Is the new Martha actually the same Martha? Perhaps she is not related to jonas in her dimension thus giving legitemacy to their love?
Nah I really think a Martha2 because of the similar but still very different travel gadget..
- Is Boris Niewald (real name of the new nuclear plant boss) named Niewald because it's a concoction of the names Nielsen and Kahnwald???? Could it be that he is the son of Hannah and Ulrich? Or even Jonas and Martha?
Hannah and Egon '54?
headaches all round. Unbelievable show
Headaches indeed, will be watching S2 again, right before S3!


ScarletLion 07-18-19 08:56 AM

Originally Posted by John-Connor (Post 2024297)
Don't forget though that Katherina has just opened up the new dimension, so it would be easy for Martha1 to take the existing time travel gadgets into the new dimension and improve upon them and introduce them to other versions of herself.

Yeah Hannah stayed in 1954 didn't she so that's possible but Egon is a Tiedemann not a Kahnwald.

John-Connor 06-24-20 07:38 AM

Dark Season 3 | Official Trailer

doubledenim 06-24-20 07:44 AM

Re: 'Dark' [Netflix]
Guess that starts the clock on somebody watching S2, finally. I swear I've watched those first 2 episodes a couple times...

pahaK 07-06-20 02:27 AM

Re: 'Dark' [Netflix]
I just finished my marathon of all seasons (the first two were rewatches). I'm not calling the third season bad, but it was a considerable disappointment. It spends way too much time repeating the events of the first two seasons in a world with a slightly shuffled character pool, and the ending is very poor. There are good moments too, but the overall feel of the season is both rushed and repetitive.

Season 1

Season 2

Season 3
still pending (lowered this by .5 - the more I think how they resolved things in the end the more pissed off I get)

ynwtf 07-06-20 02:47 AM

I still haven't started s2 and 3 is out??? I'm kinda scared to get back into it. Pretty sure have to go back to s1 at this point and I'm not sure I have the endurance.

pahaK 07-06-20 02:54 AM

Originally Posted by ynwtf (Post 2105820)
I still haven't started s2 and 3 is out??? I'm kinda scared to get back into it. Pretty sure have to go back to s1 at this point and I'm not sure I have the endurance.
Heh. I made the mistake of watching S2 without rewatching S1. It was really confusing for the first couple of episodes. That's when I decided to watch the whole series again when S3 comes.

doubledenim 07-06-20 02:20 PM

Originally Posted by ynwtf (Post 2105820)
I still haven't started s2 and 3 is out??? I'm kinda scared to get back into it. Pretty sure have to go back to s1 at this point and I'm not sure I have the endurance.
You mean to tell me there’s a 3rd season of G.L.O.W.? 🤩

doubledenim 07-10-20 02:14 PM

I started s2 last night and was quickly reminded why I probably didn’t sooner. My inability to follow the family trees is severe.

There was a moment where someone was told “he is your grandson” and I literally had to stop for 5 minutes.

doubledenim 07-11-20 05:24 PM

Re: 'Dark' [Netflix]
I think I made it through s2e4 so far, where we get led into the inner sanctum and have that big reveal.

Probably not the best that I watch these when I'm winding down, dozing, trying to read subtitles. Even better is finding how many different adjectives they can use for the music. It may have been lightning in the bottle in season 1, but there hasn't been a "WTF/WOWOWOW" moment. Even that big reveal was like, yeah, awesome... But I'm not trying to introduce the world to Agnes Obel afterwards.

doubledenim 07-14-20 03:59 PM

Finished s2 this morning. Phew. I thought it was hard to keep the first season straight 😅.

WARNING: spoilers below

1. Noah being killed was a head scratcher, only to see him appear in the s3. Are we to believe he didn’t know how to work a gun or that it wasn’t his fate to kill Adam and that’s why it didn’t work. I don’t really buy this guy not knowing how to work a safety.

2. Martha being killed immediately made me think, well when is alternate timeline Martha showing up.

3. Hannah. What a c___ . If Jonas really is Adam, I blame it all on his mom.

4. They touched on Michael seeing Mikkel and his parents, but it played like the first time it happened. You would have thought he would have already freaked out and gotten over it. Needless to say, he would have known the day he was born and all that jazz.

5. Ol’ Mads and Frankie turn heel? No thank you.

6. If the show ends by explaining Woller’s eye sitch, I’ll be happy.

TONGO 07-14-20 05:39 PM

I saw the first episode. It seems dark.

doubledenim 07-15-20 02:30 PM

I stopped somewhere in ep. 6 this morning.

I enjoy the characters, the visual, the score. It’s past the point of saturation as far making any sense though. It feels like it is intentionally being made overwhelming just for the sake of.

I forgot how things like this are better in the beginning, before you start getting answers (?) to things. That and the time traveling were nobody remembers meeting anyone.

doubledenim 07-18-20 03:41 PM

Woller’s eye is not a joke! Also, it never dawned on me that Yoe-nas’s yellow coat is a Goonies nod.

WARNING: spoilers below
I liked the ending. The last season as a whole seemed to tread water, but the resolution was good. I would have really like to see more on the Yoe-nas to Adam transformation. Physical and emotional. Kinda hard to see him going from sweet to ruthless in what they show. I guess Claudia’s heterochromia is some nod to the light and dark and how she would be the one to truly understand how they work together.

I’m lost on Charlotte. Is the Tannahaus Charlotte the same as Noah’s Charlotte after the accident is averted. Plus, it seems like they just threw in the Tannahaus being the root cause at the end. With all the manipulating and moving pieces, how he never came up before that is weird.

This will be a show where I really miss hanging out with thus characters, despite how sad everything is. Plus, Hannah being all, “Hold my beer” at the end 😁

pahaK 07-18-20 04:41 PM

Originally Posted by doubledenim (Post 2109981)
WARNING: spoilers below
I would have really like to see more on the Yoe-nas to Adam transformation. Physical and emotional. Kinda hard to see him going from sweet to ruthless in what they show.
WARNING: spoilers below
How exactly is it hard to see when he literally destroys two worlds in the end as Jonas? In my opinion, he was pretty much Adam in the end. He destroyed both worlds to get rid of the circle of pain - exactly Adam's plan.

I personally hated the end. After two seasons I was expecting the actual puzzle to mean something. Now nothing that had happened, all the manipulation of the cycles, had no meaning and instead of an answer, the end erases the questions. I felt the end was a cheap and easy way to avoid the need to actually explain why and how.

doubledenim 07-18-20 05:41 PM


We all perceive things differently. I didn’t feel like the arc was made from naive, rosey cheeked young man to murderous mastermind. It might be there, but it didn’t feel like it. I get that this show is full of ambiguity, so maybe that was left for the viewer to suss out.

The fact that the final revelation was never realized, after 60+ years of working at it... That and the hospitality worker in a camper sure looks like somebody’s son :]

ynwtf 07-19-20 02:27 PM

Originally Posted by TONGO (Post 2108840)
I saw the first episode. It seems dark.

DrJacoby 08-28-20 12:38 AM

Re: 'Dark' [Netflix]
I started on Dark yesterday, so far I'm up to S1E8.

doubledenim 08-28-20 12:03 PM

DrJacoby 08-28-20 07:38 PM

Re: 'Dark' [Netflix]
I'm currently at S2E6 now.

Damn, imagine being the villain you're hunting :eek:

DrJacoby 08-29-20 01:15 AM

Re: 'Dark' [Netflix]
Season two finale now, damn what a season :D

DrJacoby 08-29-20 02:03 AM

Re: 'Dark' [Netflix]
Season 2 finale. Wait so if Martha is killed, then how is Jonas born? wtf?

DrJacoby 08-29-20 03:33 AM

Re: 'Dark' [Netflix]
Onto S3E2 now. My mind was just ****ed by the last episode with the parallel universe :p

DrJacoby 08-30-20 06:02 AM

Re: 'Dark' [Netflix]
I've made it a long way, season three finale now :eek:

DrJacoby 08-30-20 08:06 AM

Re: 'Dark' [Netflix]
Finished Dark, awesome show, gonna love rewatching it :D

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