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rauldc14 01-03-18 11:29 AM

Best Picture Hall of Fame
Best Picture Hall of Fame

Write Ups
Miss Vicky- LIST SENT
12 Years a Slave
Mutiny on the Bounty
Forrest Gump
The Godfather
Silence of the Lambs
All the King's Men
On the Waterfront
A Beautiful Mind
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

All the King's Men
The Godfather
Silence of the Lambs
Mutiny on the Bounty
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
On the Waterfront
Forrest Gump

CitizenRules-LIST SENT
12 Years a Slave
All the King's Men
A Beautiful Mind
Forrest Gump
Mutiny on the Bounty
Silence of the Lambs
On the Waterfront
The Godfather
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

Thursday Next- LIST SENT
All the King's Men
Forrest Gump
A Beautiful Mind
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
Mutiny on the Bounty
On the Waterfront
12 Years a Slave
Silence of the Lambs
The Godfather

12 Years a Slave
All the King's Men
Forrest Gump
Mutiny on the Bounty
The Godfather
Silence of the Lambs
A Beautiful Mind
On the Waterfront
One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest

Rauldc14- LIST SENT
The Godfather
Silence of the Lambs
Mutiny on the Bounty
12 Years a Slave
A Beautiful Mind
All the King's Men
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
Forrest Gump
On the Waterfront

Edarsenal- LIST SENT
A Beautiful Mind
Silence of the Lambs
The Godfather
On the Waterfront
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
Mutiny on the Bounty
12 Years a Slave
Forrest Gump
All the King's Men

Silence of the Lambs

On the Waterfront
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
The Godfather
A Beautiful Mind
All the King's Men
Mutiny on the Bounty

Forrest Gump
A Beautiful Mind
12 Years a Slave
All the King's Men
On the Waterfront
Mutiny on the Bounty
Silence of the Lambs
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest


SilentVamp- LIST SENT
All the King's Men
A Beautiful Mind
On the Waterfront
Forrest Gump
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
12 Years a Slave
Mutiny on the Bounty
The Godfather
Silence of the Lambs

One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest
Forrest Gump
All the King's Men
Silence of the Lambs
A Beautiful Mind
The Godfather
12 Years a Slave
Mutiny on the Bounty
On the Waterfront

Getting into the spirit with the upcoming awards season, I wanted to do an Oscar Best Picture Hall of Fame. For me, it will be cool to revisit films that have become legendary in film history. I am going to make every film eligible that has ever WON the best picture.

I'll take nominations now, and depending how far we progress, I'll unveil the noms afterwards. I would like to end it sometime around the actual Oscars as I think it would just be like, cool you know.

I also want this to be a bit less pressure, but please only join if you are interested in rewatching these with us. For a lot of us, we have obviously seen a good chunk but I don't think it will be as fun if people join with no intentions of rewatching most of the films.

Citizen Rules NOM SENT
Rauldc14 NOM SENT
Miss Vicky NOM SENT
Edarsenal NOM SENT
Thursday Next NOM SENT
Donniedarko NOM SENT
SilentVamp NOM SENT

Mutiny on the Bounty
1935, Frank Lloyd

All the King's Men
1949, Robert Rossen

On the Waterfront
1954, Elia Kazan

The Godfather
1972, Francis Ford Coppola

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
1975, Milos Forman

1976, John Avildsen

Silence of the Lambs
1991, Jonathan Demme

Forrest Gump
1994, Robert Zemeckis


2000, Ridley Scott

A Beautiful Mind
2001, Ron Howard

2012, Ben Affleck

12 Years a Slave
2013, Steve McQueen

2016, Barry Jenkins

seanc 01-03-18 11:37 AM

Re: Best Picture Hall of Fame
I am in

Citizen Rules 01-03-18 02:22 PM

I like this idea! I'll send my nom shortly:p

I am going to make every film eligible that has ever WON the best picture.
Does that include films that have previously already won an Hof?

6th Hof - All Quiet On The Western Front
9th Hof - The Best Years Of Our Lives
13th Hof - Dances With Wolves
Silent Era Hof - Wings
Live Musical Hof - West Side Story
Musical Artist Hof - Amadeus

I just linked your Hof to the 1st post in the HoF Archives thread. This should be fun!

rauldc14 01-03-18 02:25 PM

Re: Best Picture Hall of Fame
I'm ok with leaving them out, just for the sake of getting another winner.

That's what I would choose, but it's up to everyone else to decide.

Miss Vicky 01-03-18 02:54 PM

Re: Best Picture Hall of Fame
Ah, what the hell.

Siddon 01-03-18 03:15 PM

Whats your take on Sunrise? Some people include it as a BP some just go strictly with Wings.

rauldc14 01-03-18 03:17 PM

Re: Best Picture Hall of Fame
It's a winner in my book.

seanc 01-03-18 03:18 PM

Re: Best Picture Hall of Fame
I definitely say leave winners out

rauldc14 01-03-18 03:19 PM

Originally Posted by seanc (Post 1847701)
I definitely say leave winners out
There aren't too many of them anyways, so we will do this.

rauldc14 01-03-18 03:22 PM

Originally Posted by Camo (Post 1847703)
Pretty funny that Wings beat Sunrise in the Silent HoF. It's like you guys retroactively decided which should have been the one Best Picture winner that year.
Sunrise is so much better though. I think that's the HOF I was most disappointed in with it's result.

mark f 01-03-18 03:35 PM

Re: Best Picture Hall of Fame
Sunrise should be allowed in this HOF, even if the Academy doesn't acknowledge their own history.

cricket 01-03-18 04:31 PM

Originally Posted by Camo (Post 1847679)
I'm going to sit this out because i've seen 59/90 Best Picture Winners. That's too high of a percentage to not end up rewatching a bunch, i get that's the point but i have too much other stuff i want to watch right now.

Best of luck though. I'll be following as i should have seen a fair amount of the nominees and will be interested in everyones thoughts.
Same here, although I will watch anything I haven't seen.

edarsenal 01-03-18 09:21 PM

Re: Best Picture Hall of Fame
I'm in!!
Give me a bit to shoot over a nom
And THANKS @Citizen Rules for posting other HoF winners so that we can avoid them!

rauldc14 01-03-18 09:27 PM

Re: Best Picture Hall of Fame
Ed gives us 5.

Hopefully @Thursday Next and @SilentVamp can join too.

Citizen Rules 01-03-18 10:49 PM

Hopefully @gbgoodies decides to come out of retirement for this Hof:p

Miss Vicky 01-03-18 11:03 PM

Just had a look over the Oscars list - I've seen 41/90 Best Picture winners. Of those, I disliked or outright hated 18. :laugh:

This should be interesting.

gbgoodies 01-04-18 12:18 AM

Originally Posted by Citizen Rules (Post 1847954)
Hopefully @gbgoodies decides to come out of retirement for this Hof:p
I'm considering joining this HoF, but (with a few exceptions), most of the Best Picture winners that I haven't seen yet are movies that I don't have much interest in seeing. Plus most of the movies that I would want to nominate have either already been nominated in a HoF, (for example Kramer vs. Kramer and The Sting in the current HoFs), or they're musicals that most people here have no interest in seeing.

How long do I have to decide if I want to join?

rauldc14 01-04-18 12:26 AM

Originally Posted by gbgoodies (Post 1847998)
I'm considering joining this HoF, but (with a few exceptions), most of the Best Picture winners that I haven't seen yet are movies that I don't have much interest in seeing. Plus most of the movies that I would want to nominate have either already been nominated in a HoF, (for example Kramer vs. Kramer and The Sting in the current HoFs), or they're musicals that most people here have no interest in seeing.

How long do I have to decide if I want to join?
Probably at least until Sunday GBG. I hope you join as I would like to hear your input.

Such a difficult task of deciding what I want to nominate. The other 4 have sent theirs in.

gbgoodies 01-04-18 12:35 AM

Originally Posted by gbgoodies (Post 1847998)
How long do I have to decide if I want to join?
Originally Posted by rauldc14 (Post 1848002)
Probably at least until Sunday GBG. I hope you join as I would like to hear your input.
Thanks. I'll let you know by Sunday.

Originally Posted by rauldc14 (Post 1848002)
Such a difficult task of deciding what I want to nominate. The other 4 have sent theirs in.
I have a small list of possible noms, but several of them are musicals, and I know that some people here hate musicals, so I'll probably choose a different movie.

There is one movie that I haven't seen yet that I'm considering nominating as a "blind nomination", but I've never nominated a movie that I haven't seen before, so I might pass on that movie as well.

Miss Vicky 01-04-18 12:47 AM

Originally Posted by gbgoodies (Post 1848007)
I have a small list of possible noms, but several of them are musicals, and I know that some people here hate musicals, so I'll probably choose a different movie.
One of the Best Picture winners that I don't hate is a musical. I actually like it and even have it in my collection. Don't know if that's one you were considering though.

gbgoodies 01-04-18 12:52 AM

Originally Posted by Miss Vicky (Post 1848014)
One of the Best Picture winners that I don't hate is a musical. I actually like it and even have it in my collection. Don't know if that's one you were considering though.

There's more than one musical that I'm considering, but I think I might know which one you like. It's a little different from the others.

rauldc14 01-04-18 03:17 AM

Re: Best Picture Hall of Fame
I like the most recent best picture that was a musical....oh wait Warren Beatty tricked me.

gbgoodies 01-04-18 03:20 AM

Originally Posted by rauldc14 (Post 1848047)
I like the most recent best picture that was a musical....oh wait Warren Beatty tricked me.

I still haven't seen La La Land yet, but I bought it on Blu-Ray on Black Friday, so hopefully I'll get around to it soon.

Thursday Next 01-04-18 10:37 AM

Re: Best Picture Hall of Fame
OK, since it looks like it won't be too big a hall of fame and most of the films should be easy enough to get hold of, I think I will join. Not sure what to nominate yet, unless I blind-nominate Moonlight just to annoy Raul...

Thursday Next 01-04-18 11:10 AM

Originally Posted by gbgoodies (Post 1848007)
Thanks. I'll let you know by Sunday.
I have a small list of possible noms, but several of them are musicals, and I know that some people here hate musicals, so I'll probably choose a different movie.
Well there's you, me and Citizen who all like musicals...

There is one movie that I haven't seen yet that I'm considering nominating as a "blind nomination", but I've never nominated a movie that I haven't seen before, so I might pass on that movie as well.
I've never blind nominated either but it might be an interesting way of expanding our films seen through this hall of fame... but if we all didn't like our own nominations it would make for a pretty weird hall of fame.

Citizen Rules 01-04-18 01:40 PM

Originally Posted by gbgoodies (Post 1848048)
I still haven't seen La La Land yet, but I bought it on Blu-Ray on Black Friday, so hopefully I'll get around to it soon.
La La Land was amazing! I loved it, and too bad it didn't win, then maybe someone would have nominated it and I could watch it again:) It's a movie that's very re-watchable.

Originally Posted by Thursday Next (Post 1848159)
Well there's you, me and Citizen who all like musicals...
Yup and Ed too. I think Raul and Miss Vicky would be OK with a good musical too.

Miss Vicky 01-04-18 01:51 PM

Originally Posted by Citizen Rules (Post 1848207)
Yup and Ed too. I think Raul and Miss Vicky would be OK with a good musical too.
I think you and I have very different definitions of what constitutes a "good" musical. :laugh:

edarsenal 01-04-18 01:53 PM

Originally Posted by Citizen Rules (Post 1848207)
La La Land was amazing! I loved it, and too bad it didn't win, then maybe someone would have nominated it and I could watch it again:) It's a movie that's very re-watchable.

Yup and Ed too. I think Raul and Miss Vicky would be OK with a good musical too.
I had a musical first in mind (that was neither a winner or nominated - that I'm aware of) as well, then I saw a blind grab of a period piece I've wanted to see, but I figured both were iffy, so I moved on.

D@mn curious to see what musical @Miss Vicky actually likes and has. Did you mention it in the Musical HoFs, Vicky?

edarsenal 01-04-18 01:55 PM

Originally Posted by Thursday Next (Post 1848159)
I've never blind nominated either but it might be an interesting way of expanding our films seen through this hall of fame... but if we all didn't like our own nominations it would make for a pretty weird hall of fame.
I think a large bit of my nominations HAVE been blind grabs. Including the very first HoF I was in. I'd have to check and see.

EDIT: Kind of surprised myself, I only did blind grabs in 3 of the HoFs including the present Women Directors. Actually thought there were more.
The Suspect in 40s HoF
La Grande Illusion in 14th HoF
and Orlando in Women Directors HoF

Miss Vicky 01-04-18 01:57 PM

Originally Posted by edarsenal (Post 1848222)
D@mn curious to see what musical @Miss Vicky actually likes and has. Did you mention it in the Musical HoFs, Vicky?
I don't remember if I mentioned it there or not. I didn't participate in the Live Action Musical HOF though. I just couldn't willingly subject myself to that kind of torture.

I should probably qualify my previous statement in saying that I still liked this particular Best Picture winning musical the last time I watched it, but it's been a few years since then so I might not feel the same the next time I see it. There's another on the BP list that I enjoyed the first couple of times I saw it and even bought the DVD, but then the last time I watched it I absolutely HATED it and gave the DVD away. :laugh:

edarsenal 01-04-18 02:00 PM

Originally Posted by Miss Vicky (Post 1848232)
I don't remember if I mentioned it there or not. I didn't participate in the Live Action Musical HOF though. I just couldn't willingly subject myself to that kind of torture.

I should probably qualify my previous statement in saying that I still liked this particular Best Picture winning musical the last time I watched it, but it's been a few years since then so I might not feel the same the next time I see it. There's another on the BP list that I enjoyed the first couple of times I saw it and even bought the DVD, but then the last time I watched it I absolutely HATED it and gave the DVD away. :laugh:
OK, now THAT makes more sense :laugh:

Citizen Rules 01-04-18 02:09 PM

Re: Best Picture Hall of Fame
I'm thinking Miss Vicky liked Sound of Music?

edarsenal 01-04-18 02:16 PM

Re: Best Picture Hall of Fame
I was thinking SoM or MFL as well.

edarsenal 01-04-18 03:12 PM

Re: Best Picture Hall of Fame
just thought of something, does @neiba know about this, yet?

Miss Vicky 01-04-18 03:31 PM

Originally Posted by Citizen Rules (Post 1848243)
I'm thinking Miss Vicky liked Sound of Music?
:laugh: :nope:

That's one of Funny Face's favorite movies though. :rolleyes:

edarsenal 01-04-18 03:37 PM

Originally Posted by Miss Vicky (Post 1848314)
:laugh: :nope:

That's one of Funny Face's favorite movies though. :rolleyes:
FF rocks!
Haven't seen that one since my early twenties Used to watch it every year on TV growing up. Wonder how I'd feel about it now. . .

I'm pretty sure you DON'T like Oliver! which is the one I considered, but it had a trifecta against it: 1) Musical 2) Period piece 3) around 3 hours long.

gbgoodies 01-04-18 04:40 PM

Originally Posted by Thursday Next (Post 1848159)
I've never blind nominated either but it might be an interesting way of expanding our films seen through this hall of fame... but if we all didn't like our own nominations it would make for a pretty weird hall of fame.

I have high hopes for the blind nomination that I'm considering because it's been on my watchlist pretty much since it was in the theaters, and I just haven't gotten around to watching it yet. It also has a great rating on IMDB.

Miss Vicky 01-04-18 04:59 PM

Re: Best Picture Hall of Fame
Originally Posted by edarsenal (Post 1848320)

I'm pretty sure you DON'T like Oliver! which is the one I considered, but it had a trifecta against it: 1) Musical 2) Period piece 3) around 3 hours long.
I haven't seen it. But a three hour musical sounds like cruel and unusual punishment.

neiba 01-04-18 09:00 PM

Originally Posted by edarsenal (Post 1848302)
just thought of something, does @neiba know about this, yet?
I didn't ed, thanks!!! :)

I'm in!

Citizen Rules 01-04-18 09:04 PM

Originally Posted by edarsenal (Post 1848302)
just thought of something, does @neiba know about this, yet?
What about @CosmicRunaway I was hoping she would pop in and join.

rauldc14 01-04-18 09:29 PM

Re: Best Picture Hall of Fame
I was hoping she would join too.

Neiba is in and I got his nomination

Miss Vicky 01-04-18 09:40 PM

Re: Best Picture Hall of Fame
I got rep from her on one of my posts, so she's definitely aware of it.

CosmicRunaway 01-05-18 01:36 PM

I've been reading the thread, but I'm on the fence about joining.

While I like the idea of this HoF, my taste doesn't usually line up with the Academy's. Out of the Best Picture winners I've seen, I could probably count on one hand the number that I really thoroughly enjoy. I didn't think the others were bad (except for maybe one or two that I actively dislike), but I don't really have any interest in seeing them again either.

I know I could be pleasantly surprised by something I haven't seen yet, but I've had a really rough week and don't know if I have the energy for a HoF right now. I was dying with an intense flu all weekend (fever, shivers, body aches so bad my skin hurt to touch, horrible cough) which I'm still not quite over, and then this week at work we had twice the product to deal with thanks to the ferry not being able to run at all last week. So we got last week's stock, plus this week's (which was of course still on time).

I've been really looking forward to just chilling without any expectations or commitments for awhile, and I don't want to fall behind right at the start. If I don't join, I might watch some of the films anyway, or at the very least comment on any that I have already seen.

Citizen Rules 01-05-18 01:41 PM

Originally Posted by CosmicRunaway (Post 1848659)
...I was dying with an intense flu all weekend (fever, shivers, body aches so bad my skin hurt to touch, horrible cough) which I'm still not quite over,
Ugh! that flu sounds horrible, and you have to work too? that's tough! Hope you feel better and real soon:)

CosmicRunaway 01-05-18 02:01 PM

Originally Posted by Citizen Rules (Post 1848664)
Ugh! that flu sounds horrible, and you have to work too? that's tough!
Luckily it was a long weekend so I had Monday off. I had to leave early on Tuesday, but I managed to stay for my full shifts since then. I considered calling in sick today to give me some time to recover after a rough few days, but I knew we had even more to do today (since we can only leave so much stuff in receiving over the weekend), and we were already short staffed. It's a good thing I didn't call in, since someone who was obviously trying to fight off an illness yesterday did call in sick. I hope he doesn't have what I do.

Originally Posted by Citizen Rules (Post 1848664)
Hope you feel better and real soon:)
Thanks! I think the worst is behind me at least. I'm really looking forward to going to bed tonight, and not having to get up at 3am tomorrow. I have nowhere to be, and nothing to do, so I can stay in bed as long as I like. I don't plan to get up before the sun for once. :cool:

edarsenal 01-05-18 09:58 PM

Re: Best Picture Hall of Fame
sorry to hear about the flu, @CosmicRunaway, that sounded rough. We had some of that the week before New Years.
Completely understand the need to stay in bed -- ENJOY and take sweet care!!

SilentVamp 01-05-18 10:24 PM

I'll join this one. This should be an easy one for me, too, because I am assuming all of the nominations will be easily accessible.

I work so much. :sick: I didn't plan on the job (that I only started last week) being this hard. :rolleyes: So I think it will be good to get into this again with an easier (for lack of a better word) HoF.

I'll send my nomination in just a bit.

Citizen Rules 01-05-18 10:33 PM

Originally Posted by SilentVamp (Post 1848981)
I'll join this one. This should be an easy one for me, too, because I am assuming all of the nominations will be easily accessible.

I work so much. :sick: I didn't plan on the job (that I only started last week) being this hard. :rolleyes: So I think it will be good to get into this again with an easier (for lack of a better word) HoF.

I'll send my nomination in just a bit.

edarsenal 01-06-18 12:23 AM

Originally Posted by SilentVamp (Post 1848981)
I'll join this one. This should be an easy one for me, too, because I am assuming all of the nominations will be easily accessible.

I work so much. :sick: I didn't plan on the job (that I only started last week) being this hard. :rolleyes: So I think it will be good to get into this again with an easier (for lack of a better word) HoF.

I'll send my nomination in just a bit.

is it ironic I'm typing that word SO loudly? lol
sorry to hear the new job sucks. That -- well, it sucks :(

rauldc14 01-06-18 02:29 AM

Re: Best Picture Hall of Fame
Vamp and Siddon have both sent noms.

At this point I would like to conclude nominations, the invite is still open for Cosmic and GBGoodies to join by Sunday! :)

Would like to unveil Sunday Night if at all possible.

And yeah, I still haven't thought up what I want to pick. Luckily another member took one of my possible picks as well!

donniedarko 01-06-18 02:34 AM

Re: Best Picture Hall of Fame
Anyway I could get in on this @rauldc14

Haven’t done a HOF in a long while and this sounds like a good one

Thursday Next 01-06-18 06:08 AM

Re: Best Picture Hall of Fame
I'm still deciding what to pick but I will have my nom in soon, honest!

Deciding between a blind nom and an old favourite...may come down to a coin toss.

Yam12 01-06-18 08:00 AM

Re: Best Picture Hall of Fame
Damn I would really like to join this because I haven't seen that many best picture winners but am probably to busy at the moment to commit, although I'll be following this closely.

rauldc14 01-06-18 10:14 AM

Originally Posted by donniedarko (Post 1849090)
Anyway I could get in on this @rauldc14

Haven’t done a HOF in a long while and this sounds like a good one
I'm good with it if everyone else is.

Miss Vicky 01-06-18 11:06 AM

Re: Best Picture Hall of Fame
I'm cool with donnie joining.

Citizen Rules 01-06-18 11:35 AM

Re: Best Picture Hall of Fame
If Donnie joins is he going to finish? He dropped out of the last Hof he was in, my Film Noir Part 2. He said he didn't have time to finish, but he was still posting on a daily basis here.

SilentVamp 01-06-18 12:28 PM

Originally Posted by rauldc14 (Post 1849164)
I'm good with it if everyone else is.
Yeah, I would be OK with it.

Originally Posted by Thursday Next (Post 1849135)
Deciding between a blind nom and an old favourite...may come down to a coin toss.
Mine is actually a half blind nomination (more like a 1/4 nomination, actually). I started to watch it but I couldn't finish it because the DVD was so bad. I returned it to the library and told them about it. They ended up putting it back on the shelf. :rolleyes: I think they have 2 copies at this particular library. I hope I get the one that isn't damaged this time! Otherwise I will have to not be so lazy and just go to a different library to pick it up.

Anyway, I know a few people have seen this (yeah, I was checking out people's lists :)), but I only know the opinion of one person. So we shall soon find out what the rest of you guys thought who have seen it. :)

I know the story - I know what happens (I won't say why just yet). But I really want to watch the movie and this gives me a push to do so (and there still are the members who haven't seen it, too). I just decided that this should be what I nominate.

donniedarko 01-06-18 01:05 PM

Originally Posted by Citizen Rules (Post 1849192)
If Donnie joins is he going to finish? He dropped out of the last Hof he was in, my Film Noir Part 2. He said he didn't have time to finish, but he was still posting on a daily basis here.
I'll finish this one, and rewatch those I've seen, have more time for movies now and don't mind paying to rent them through services like amazon. I believe the film noir HOF was finishing around finals while this time I should have time to watch all the films before my classes even start :cool:

edarsenal 01-06-18 01:10 PM

Re: Best Picture Hall of Fame
Having Donnie joins works for me as well

Citizen Rules 01-06-18 02:07 PM

Originally Posted by SilentVamp (Post 1849224)
Yeah, I would be OK with it.

Mine is actually a half blind nomination (more like a 1/4 nomination, actually). I started to watch it but I couldn't finish it because the DVD was so bad...

Anyway, I know a few people have seen this (yeah, I was checking out people's lists :)), but I only know the opinion of one person. So we shall soon find out what the rest of you guys thought who have seen it. :)
Have I seen it?

I think blind nominations in this Hof are OK. I went with one that I had seen, but I could see going with a Best Picture winner that I hadn't seen. I do hope I get to see some movies I've never seen.

SilentVamp 01-06-18 02:41 PM

Originally Posted by Citizen Rules (Post 1849271)
Have I seen it?
Most definitely. :) Now your guessing game can begin as to which one it is, but I think you might be able to figure it out. If you can remember our conversation about it a long time ago, of course. :)

Miss Vicky 01-06-18 02:53 PM

Re: Best Picture Hall of Fame
I'm betting my nom will be a rewatch for just about everybody. I could be wrong though.

ETA: Just had a look and all but one of the participants has it checked off their list.

Citizen Rules 01-06-18 03:52 PM

Originally Posted by SilentVamp (Post 1849281)
Most definitely. :) Now your guessing game can begin as to which one it is, but I think you might be able to figure it out. If you can remember our conversation about it a long time ago, of course. :)
I can't even remember what I did yesterday:p We've talked about a lot of movies so nope don't remember that. I might be able to guess though. Maybe after the noms are all in, but before Raul reveals them we can take a guess at what we think others nominated, sounds fun to me:)

Originally Posted by Miss Vicky (Post 1849287)
I'm betting my nom will be a rewatch for just about everybody. I could be wrong though.

ETA: Just had a look and all but one of the participants has it checked off their list.
Shakespeare in Love? nah I doubt we'll be seeing that one:p I probably could guess, and if I'm right I'd be real happy to see that one again.

Miss Vicky 01-06-18 04:20 PM

Originally Posted by Citizen Rules (Post 1849302)
Shakespeare in Love?

CosmicRunaway 01-06-18 04:39 PM

When I mentioned that there were one or two Best Picture Oscar films that I actively dislike, Shakespeare in Love was one that I was thinking of. :lol:

cricket 01-06-18 04:47 PM

They showed a clip of Shakespeare in Live on tv the other day and my wife remarked how terrible it was. I didn't like it either of course.

Clazor 01-06-18 04:53 PM

Re: Best Picture Hall of Fame
Too last minute for another to join in?

Citizen Rules 01-06-18 05:31 PM

Originally Posted by cricket (Post 1849319)
They showed a clip of Shakespeare in Live on tv the other day and my wife remarked how terrible it was. I didn't like it either of course.
I actually like Shakespeare in Love:cool:, thought I do think either Saving Private Ryan or The Thin Red Line should have won.

cricket 01-06-18 06:04 PM

Originally Posted by Citizen Rules (Post 1849339)
I actually like Shakespeare in Love:cool:, thought I do think either Saving Private Ryan or The Thin Red Line should have won.
I didn't think much of those either:shrug:

Miss Vicky 01-06-18 06:11 PM

Re: Best Picture Hall of Fame
I'm okay with Clazor joining if raul's okay with it.

donniedarko 01-06-18 06:19 PM

Originally Posted by Miss Vicky (Post 1849287)
I'm betting my nom will be a rewatch for just about everybody. I could be wrong though.

ETA: Just had a look and all but one of the participants has it checked off their list.
Bet it was me, a bunch of classics I haven't seen

SilentVamp 01-06-18 06:54 PM

Originally Posted by Citizen Rules (Post 1849302)
I can't even remember what I did yesterday:p We've talked about a lot of movies so nope don't remember that. I might be able to guess though. Maybe after the noms are all in, but before Raul reveals them we can take a guess at what we think others nominated, sounds fun to me:)
That is why I said If you can remember our conversation about it a long time ago, of course. :D I know how your mind works. :p But I think that once it is revealed (and assuming that it isn't revealed who nominated what), you will definitely know which is mine. At least I think so. :)

Originally Posted by Citizen Rules (Post 1849339)
I actually like [i]Shakespeare in Love:cool:
I actually like Shakespeare in Love, too. I am not big on Gwyneth Paltrow. I didn't think she was anything spectacular in there, but I love the supporting cast and I just adore Joseph Fiennes as Shakespeare (kind of thought he was robbed considering the less deserving Gwyneth won).

edarsenal 01-06-18 06:55 PM

Originally Posted by Clazor (Post 1849320)
Too last minute for another to join in?
I do know Raul was looking for Sunday to reveal, so you be under the wire. Shoot him a PM with a nom and see what happens. Be cool to have ya!

Sarge 01-06-18 07:04 PM


rauldc14 01-06-18 07:19 PM

Re: Best Picture Hall of Fame
We have 10 noms already. I didn't want this to get too huge in case it makes people feel stressed about watching too much plus we are awaiting GBG who got an invite earlier and should certainly be able to join. Unless there are no objections but after Clazor and Sarge and GBG I would say we stop.

Citizen Rules 01-06-18 07:41 PM

Originally Posted by rauldc14 (Post 1849400)
We have 10 noms already. I didn't want this to get too huge in case it makes people feel stressed about watching too much plus we are awaiting GBG who got an invite earlier and should certainly be able to join. Unless there are no objections but after Clazor and Sarge and GBG I would say we stop.
Your call raul:p

Citizen Rules 01-06-18 07:46 PM

Originally Posted by CosmicRunaway (Post 1849314)
When I mentioned that there were one or two Best Picture Oscar films that I actively dislike, Shakespeare in Love was one that I was thinking of. :lol:
Just out of curiosity what was the other one?

Originally Posted by cricket (Post 1849354)
I didn't think much of those either:shrug:
I would have guessed you to be a fan of The Thin Red Line. You're probably not a fan of Elizabeth from that year either? Actually I would be shocked if you liked that one. Though I liked it quite a bit.

Originally Posted by SilentVamp (Post 1849382)
That is why I said If you can remember our conversation about it a long time ago, of course. :D I know how your mind works. :p But I think that once it is revealed (and assuming that it isn't revealed who nominated what), you will definitely know which is mine. At least I think so. :)
I looked over the list of Best Pics and not really sure what yours might be, I'm guessing it's something newer that you weren't really too interested in. My guess is Argo? Well you can't tell me now of course.

cricket 01-06-18 07:54 PM

Originally Posted by Citizen Rules (Post 1849422)
You're probably not a fan of Elizabeth from that year either? Actually I would be shocked if you liked that one. Though I liked it quite a bit.
Believe it or not I have the DVD as my wife and I both love it. Cate Blanchett can do no wrong.

Citizen Rules 01-06-18 07:58 PM

Originally Posted by cricket (Post 1849428)
Believe it or not I have the DVD as my wife and I both love it. Cate Blanchett can do no wrong.
Oh jesus! I would have never have guessed that...but cool that you like it.

cricket 01-06-18 08:18 PM

Originally Posted by Citizen Rules (Post 1849431)
Oh jesus! I would have never have guessed that...but cool that you like it.
There's not many costume/historical type movies I really like; that, Braveheart, The Patriot, Quills, Rob Roy, Barry Lyndon. I can't think of any others right now.

CosmicRunaway 01-06-18 08:20 PM

Originally Posted by Citizen Rules (Post 1849422)
Just out of curiosity what was the other one?

donniedarko 01-06-18 09:40 PM

Re: Best Picture Hall of Fame
We should have an Oscar Speech HOF

edarsenal 01-06-18 11:28 PM

Originally Posted by cricket (Post 1849428)
Believe it or not I have the DVD as my wife and I both love it. Cate Blanchett can do no wrong.
AMEN to that

gbgoodies 01-07-18 01:35 AM

Originally Posted by rauldc14 (Post 1849400)
We have 10 noms already. I didn't want this to get too huge in case it makes people feel stressed about watching too much plus we are awaiting GBG who got an invite earlier and should certainly be able to join. Unless there are no objections but after Clazor and Sarge and GBG I would say we stop.

I PMed my nom to Raul. I included a second choice just in case someone beat me to my first choice.

I decided to nominate the blind nom I was considering instead of a musical.

Sarge 01-07-18 09:40 AM

I PM'd my nom last night too, but if it takes the size past the tipping point then I am happy to sit it out.

rauldc14 01-07-18 10:05 AM

Re: Best Picture Hall of Fame
We are good Sarge, GB, and Clazor.. I am going to end the nomination process now and we will have our nominees posted tonight.

seanc 01-07-18 10:08 AM

Originally Posted by rauldc14 (Post 1849606)
We are good Sarge, GB, and Clazor.. I am going to end the nomination process now and we will have our nominees posted tonight.
Can't wait to see what I nominated

rauldc14 01-07-18 10:14 AM

Originally Posted by seanc (Post 1849608)
Can't wait to see what I nominated
You don't remember what you nominated!? Oh, now I know what you mean!

Sarge 01-07-18 11:12 AM

Originally Posted by rauldc14 (Post 1849606)
We are good Sarge, GB, and Clazor.. I am going to end the nomination process now and we will have our nominees posted tonight.
Great! Did you get my Nom? I was sure I sent it but there is nothing in my sent folder.

rauldc14 01-07-18 11:26 AM

Re: Best Picture Hall of Fame
I got it!

SilentVamp 01-07-18 11:56 AM


About what time do you think you will do the reveal? I am only asking because if it isn't too late I will come back online to check them out, see where I can obtain them (if I don't happen to own any) and plan out from there. Otherwise, I won't be back online until at least Wednesday or Thursday night. And that is OK if I don't find out until then, too. I am just curious.

rauldc14 01-07-18 12:16 PM

Originally Posted by SilentVamp (Post 1849624)

About what time do you think you will do the reveal? I am only asking because if it isn't too late I will come back online to check them out, see where I can obtain them (if I don't happen to own any) and plan out from there. Otherwise, I won't be back online until at least Wednesday or Thursday night. And that is OK if I don't find out until then, too. I am just curious.
Probably in about 3-4 hours. I'll list all the nominees then we can do the usual guessing of who nominated what since that's usually been fun lately.

rauldc14 01-07-18 12:20 PM

Re: Best Picture Hall of Fame
Mini teaser factoid:

Only 2 decades look like they won't have a nomination.

edarsenal 01-07-18 01:50 PM

Originally Posted by rauldc14 (Post 1849634)
Mini teaser factoid:

Only 2 decades look like they won't have a nomination.
Wow, that is a VERY nice spread. VERY cool!!

edarsenal 01-07-18 01:51 PM

Originally Posted by seanc (Post 1849608)
Can't wait to see what I nominated
Originally Posted by rauldc14 (Post 1849609)
You don't remember what you nominated!? Oh, now I know what you mean!
hmmm, curiouser and curiouser. . . now I can't wait to see what ya nominated, sean :)

rauldc14 01-07-18 04:46 PM

Re: Best Picture Hall of Fame
Our first 3

Mutiny on the Bounty
1935, Frank Lloyd

All the King's Men
1949, Robert Rossen

On the Waterfront
1954, Elia Kazan

Miss Vicky 01-07-18 04:47 PM

Re: Best Picture Hall of Fame
I've seen On the Waterfront. It was good, but didn't love it. Will rewatch.

rauldc14 01-07-18 04:52 PM

Re: Best Picture Hall of Fame
The Godfather
1972, Francis Ford Coppola

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
1975, Milos Forman

1976, John Avildsen

Miss Vicky 01-07-18 04:54 PM

Re: Best Picture Hall of Fame
****. I was afraid that would happen.

I've seen all three of these. Love Cuckoo's Nest. HATE the other two. Will rewatch them anyway.

seanc 01-07-18 04:54 PM

Re: Best Picture Hall of Fame
That second set is gorgeous

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